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Name: .............................................. Mark: ..............


1 Match the words in A to their opposites in B. (3 points)
1 big ..... a short
2 young ..... b thin
3 light ..... c narrow
4 fat ..... d old
5 long ..... e small
6 wide ..... f dark

2 Choose the correct answer. (3 points)

4 I sometimes … from the Internet.
1 After school, I … and do homework.
a download songs
a go home
b have a shower
b get up
c do sport
c go to bed
5 Some students … at school and some eat
2 Jane’s hair isn’t straight. It’s … . at home.
a wide a play the guitar
b young b do homework
c curly c have lunch
3 Do you usually … to the park? 6 I often … on my phone.
a go to school a walk the dog
b ride a bike b meet friends
c chat online c send messages

3 Choose the correct answer. (4 points)

1 I want to go shopping / go to school / go to the cinema to see the new action film.
2 Most basketball players are wide / tall / narrow.
3 I often get dressed / study with friends / go home before a test.
4 I want to watch TV / tidy my room / ride a bike today. There’s a football game at 9.00 pm.

4 Choose the correct answer. (2 points)

1 I is / am / has got / have got short hair.
2 Emma is / are / has got / have got dark eyes.
3 The boys isn’t / aren’t / hasn’t got / haven’t got at school.
4 Daniel is / are / has got / have got very tall.

5 Choose the correct answers to complete the text. (8 points)

I 1. ..... 14 years old and I live in Iceland. Iceland 2. ..... long dark winters. I 3. ..... the winters are fun.
I like summer because it 4. ..... dark – even at night! But Mum 5. ..... home from work until late, so
my sister and I 6. ..... jobs to do. My sister 7. ..... the house. What 8. ..... ? I make dinner.
1 a is b are c am
2 a have got b is c has got
3 a doesn’t think b don’t think c thinks
4 a aren’t b am not c isn’t
5 a don’t arrive b doesn’t arrive c arrive
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6 a have got b has got c are
7 a tidy b tidies c don’t tidy
8 a do I do b I do c have I got


1 03 Listen to the conversation between Chad and Sue. Then choose the correct answer. (5 points)
1 Sue and Chad have got a … test tomorrow.
a music b geography c history
2 Chad usually … when he studies with friends.
a talks b listens to music c makes a snack
3 When Chad studies, he reads the information … .
a once b twice c three times
4 Andrés Segovia … .
a does sport b plays the guitar c helps people study
5 Sue studies for about … hours the day before a test.
a three b eight c ten

2 03 Listen again and choose the correct answer. (5 points)

1 Chad answers questions in his diary / notebook / board.
2 According to Chad, sport / food / music helps people study.
3 Sue usually eats popcorn / potatoes / salad the day before a test.
4 Sue studies until half past twelve / half past eleven / twelve o’clock.
5 Chad get dressed / go to bed / have dinner at about 10 o’clock before a test.


1 Read three adverts from a local magazine about New York City. Then
tick (✓) the correct column or columns in the chart below. (10 points)
AFQ Look Time
Gaming Good 4 Rock
1 You can only do this at weekends.
2 You feel like you’re in a different world.
3 Bring something to use.
4 It’s only for teens.
5 It’s in your own home.

“I’m quite short and I’m not thin.

What clothes are good for me?” Emily
Some incredible things are happening in
Manhattan. People are climbing Mount Everest or
travelling in space. But how?
They are at AFQ Gaming, playing virtual reality computer Listen to celebrity stylists answer this question and many
games. They feel like they’re in a science-fiction film. There are more – in your own Manhattan living room. Organise a two-day
hundreds of 3D games to play. You can choose your favourite. party for your friends to learn how to look beautiful!
Weekends only
Ages 14+ Open 24 hours Address: 124 E 54th Street Contact us on +1-888-532-1584
Phone: +1-888-453-0122 E-mail: [email protected]

Network ESO 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books 2


Come to Brooklyn every weekend. Play the guitar.

Learn songwriting with famous musicians, meet
friends and form bands. Bring your smartphone to
download songs and make cool music videos.
Ages: 12-16 Location: 260 Franklin Street
Phone: +1-888-784-2600 E-mail: [email protected]

2 Choose the correct answer. (10 points)

1 AFQ Gaming and Look Good are in Manhattan / Brooklyn / Madrid.
2 At AFQ Gaming, there are many films to watch / 3D games to play / books to read.
3 At Look Good and Time 4 Rock, the teachers are poor / unknown / famous people.
4 At Look Good, they teach you what clothes are good / bad / short for you.
5 Teens learn how to write poems / comics / songs at Time 4 Rock.


Task 1: An E-mail
establish social contact • write about habitual activities

You’ve got a new e-pal. Write an e-mail introducing yourself. Write around 40 words.
Include the following:
a where you live
b your daily routine
c the activities you do
d how often you do the activities

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