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RCBA 3on3 Spring League Rules

1. Team must have a coach/manager on the bench at the start of the game
2. Game Rosters – before each game begins, the coach must print the player’s names on each
score sheet. All teams must have a minimum of three players present at the sign in to begin the
game, maximum of 6 players per score sheet. Teams must ensure that the time/division/team
name/coach name is filled out correctly.
3. Each team must provide a person to volunteer at the scorer’s table
4. Jerseys – all players are required to wear the RCBA uniform provided to them at the beginning
of the season.
5. Free Throw – a free throw (by any roster player on any team) will determine which team has
initial possession. If both players miss their free throw or both players make their free throw
possession will be awarded to the home team (identified as the first team listed on the

Game Format
1. Scoring Format – The team with the high score after 22 minutes is declared the winner. All
shots made from behind the arc are worth 2 points, dunks are also worth 2 points, all other
shots on the court count as one point. There will be no overtime. If at the end of 22 minutes
the game is tied it will remain a tie.
2. 5 minute forfeit – each team has 5 minutes to arrive on the court before forfeiture is declared.
A five minute countdown is started at the time of the official game start. Games may be started
with 2 players if team with 3 agrees. A score of 10- 0 will be recorded for a defaulted game.
3. Clock – running time will be in use until the final 2 minutes (with the exception of timeouts), at
which point the clock will also be stopped for foul shots.
4. Change of Possession – the ball will alternate possession after made baskets. (except after free
throws under the 12th foul rule)
5. Dead Ball – with every dead ball situation, the offensive player must start completely behind the
2 pt line. The ball must be checked to an opposing player, and the ball MUST be passed to a
teammate before a shot attempt is made. Not doing so will result in a loss of possession.
6. Taking it Back – with a transition change of possession (ie defensive rebound, steal etc) the
transitioning teams ball handler must have both feet and the ball cleared behind the arc. Failure
to do this will result in a loss of possession and any points scored in said possession will be lost.
The ball does not have to be passed to initiate play. If the original offensive team steals the ball
back before the transitioning team clears the arc, the original team does not have to clear
7. Jump Ball –jumps balls goes to the defense (exception: on all double fouls, the ball remain with
the offensive team)
8. Inbounding the Ball from an out of bounds call – will take place from the arc nearest the spot
the ball went out of bounds.
9. Foul Shots – are always a deadball situation, so players do not need to line up
10. Substitutions – are unlimited, can only be done during deadball situations
The Court
1. The top, sides and bottom of backboards are in play, any structural pieces are out of bounds
2. Out of bounds will be explained by referee at the beginning of each game

1. Calling/Recording – The referee will call all fouls and will be recorded on the score sheet. All
fouls are team fouls, there are no personal fouls
2. First 6 Foul Rule – the first 6 team fouls the ball will be taken back to the arc by the team that
was fouled (except shooting fouls, 1 foul shot will be taken and then ball be given to the other
3. Seventh Foul Rule – beginning with the 7 th team foul, the player fouled will be awarded 1 free
throw (or two while attempting a 2 pt shot). After free throw(s), the ball changes possession
whether the shots was made or not.
4. 12th Foul Rule – beginning with the 12 th team foul, the player fouled will shoot 1 free throw (2 if
fouled while taking a 2 pt shot). The team shooting the free throw(s) RETAINS possession
regardless if the free throw is made or not.
5. If a player is fouled in the act of shooting, and they miss the shot attempt, free throws will be
awarded. If a player is fouled on a shot attempt, and makes the shot, the basket counts, and the
foul is recorded, however no additional free throws will be given.

Technical Fouls
1. What Constitutes a Technical Foul – referees can assess technical fouls – without warning – for
language, taunting, excessive arguing or unsportsmanlike conduct
2. Flagrant/Intentional Fouls – there is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for flagrant fouls or continuous
misconduct. At the discretion of the referee or event staff member, these types of behaviors
will result in team forfeiture of the game in questions, and the team and/or individual be put
under probation for the duration of the program. Further offenses will lead to the team and/or
individual dismissal from the program.
3. Possession – if a player received a technical foul, the opposing team will shoot 1 free throw and
retain possession of the ball. In a double technical foul situation, no free throws will be awarded
and the ball goes back to the team that had possession before the technicals were called. All
officials and event staff have the right to dismiss a person from the game or program for bad

RCBA and the RCBA 3 on 3 program staff have the right to disqualify any team for infraction of the
following policies:

Unnecessary Vulgarity or Abusive Conduct

Good sportsmanship is expected. RCBA 3 on 3 program staff may step in at any time, including
officiating games, immediately implementing the shooting of the free throws, termination of games,
and/or escorting a player or team from the premises. Please remember that this program will take place
in a family first environment and such behavior will not be tolerated
Important Rules and Reminders
1. Team Captain – the team captain is the sole representative on the court for their team. The
captain has the right to speak with the referee for an explanation of any rules. There will be no
protests permitted. Once play resumes or once the game is completed after a disagreement the
problem is considered a dead issue. Time on the clock continues to run except for the last 2
minutes of the game.
2. Program Schedule – please read your schedule carefully to determine game time and court
number, BE ON TIME!
3. Event Staff – The program staff shall have the power to make decisions on any points not
specifically covered in the rules. All decisions made by the program staff are final.
4. Schedule Adjustments – the program staff shall have the right to shorten any games in case of
time constraints and/or unforeseen circumstances
5. Protests - As per RCBA rules, there are NO game protests. Rulings on situations not addressed
within the package will be made at the discretion of the program staff
6. Timeouts – each team is permitted two 45 second timeouts per game.
7. Post Game – the captain/coach of the winning team MUST obtain the score sheet from the
referee and deliver to the gym supervisor.

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