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AP World History
9​ Grade Review Project

● Each Class will be divided into 5 groups.
● Each group will be responsible for answering their given set of questions.
● (1-24; 25-45; 46-67; 68-87; 88-110)
● Using your iPads you will create a presentation of your answers. ​(google
slides is probably best)
● The presentation should be mainly images, photographs, and maps that will
help answer your questions. (Text should be limited as you will be giving an
oral presentation to the class)
● You will complete ALL of the questions in your packet as you watch the

1. On what continent did the first humans appear?



2. Who was Mary Leakey and what did she believe?



3. Define the following terms: Archaeologist, Artifact, and Anthropologist.




4. State two facts about a traditional economy.


5. Define nomad. Why were early humans nomadic?


6. Define culture and identify specific characteristics of culture.



7. What was the Neolithic Revolution?



8. What were the effects of the Neolithic Revolution?



9. Define civilization and identify specific characteristics of civilization.


___________________________________________________________ _

10. Identify the four early river valley civilizations.



11. What was Mesopotamia?


12. List two significant facts about the Sumerians.



13. Define cuneiform and define ziggurat.



14. What was the Code of Hammurabi? Prove the following statement: The Code of Hammurabi was harsh

and had class divisions.



15. Think Ancient Egypt and define pharaoh and hieroglyphics.



16. Describe urban planning in the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro of the Indus River Valley

Civilization (Harappan civilization).



17. Where did China’s earliest civilization develop?



18. Who invaded the Indian subcontinent around 1500 B.C.E.?



19. Where did the Persian Empire stretch at its height?



20. State three significant facts about Athens.



21. State three significant facts about Sparta.


22. Describe Athenian democracy (Who voted and who could not vote).



23. List three accomplishments of the ancient Greek Golden Age (Include one architectural accomplishment

and one philosophical accomplishment).



24. Who was Alexander the Great and what did he spread?



25. Describe the Roman republic.



26. Identify the Twelve Tables of Roman law.



27. How did Rome change as it became an empire?



28. What was the Pax Romana?



29. Who was Emperor Constantine and why was he significant?


30. State two causes of the fall of Rome.



31. State three facts about the Mauryan king Asoka.



32. What were the Pillars of Asoka?



33. What happened during the Gupta Empire (Include specific accomplishments)?



34. What was the Mandate of Heaven?



35. State facts about the Qin dynasty of China.



36. List the similarities of the Han dynasty of China and the Roman Empire.



37. What was the Silk Road and provide examples of cultural diffusion on the Silk Road?


38. List three Chinese inventions.



39. Define animism.



40. Explain the following terms associated with Judaism: Monotheism and the Torah.



41. Explain the following terms associated with Hinduism: Caste System, Reincarnation, Karma, Dharma,

Brahma, and Moksha.






42. Explain the following terms associated with Buddhism: The Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and





43. Explain the following terms associated with Confucianism: The Five Relationships, Inferiors and

Superiors, Filial Piety, and the Examination System.




44. Explain one belief of Daoism.



45. Explain two Christian beliefs regarding Jesus Christ.



46. Identify and describe three significant facts about the Mayas, a pre-Columbian group that flourished in

the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans.




47. What happened to the Eastern Roman Empire after the collapse of the western half of the Roman

Empire in the 5​th​ century?



48. What was the Code of Justinian?



49. What form of Christianity was practiced in the Byzantine Empire?



50. What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire and why did it have a great location for trade?


51. List two accomplishments of the Byzantine Empire.



52. How did the Byzantines influence Russia (Consider cultural diffusion)?



53. Who was Muhammad and how did he change world history?



54. What happened to Muhammad in 622? What is the name of this event?



55. List the Five Pillars of Faith that Muslims follow.




56. What is the Qu’ran (Koran)?



57. Why did Islam quickly spread?



58. List two accomplishments of the Islamic Golden Age.


59. Describe life in the early Middle Ages or Medieval period.



60. Define feudalism and explain why feudalism existed in the European Middle Ages.



61. Define the following terms associated with the European Medieval Period: Manor, Serf, and Lord.



62. Why is the Middle Ages often referred to as the Age of Faith?



63. What did the Roman Catholic Church provide during the Middle Ages?



64. What were the Crusades?



65. The Crusades are sometimes referred to as “Successful Failures” for the Europeans. Why?



66. List several accomplishments from China’s Golden Age (the T’ang and Song Dynasties).



67. Explain to beliefs associated with the Shinto religion of Japan (Include a belief associated with the



68. Describe the Trans-Saharan trade.



69. Identify the three West African Kingdoms that controlled the Trans-Saharan trade.



70. Who was Mansa Musa and why did he take a famous pilgrimage to Mecca?



71. What was Timbuktu and why was it significant?



72. Identify and describe three significant facts about the Aztecs, a pre-Columbian group that flourished

before the arrival of the Europeans.




73. Identify and describe three significant facts about the Incas, a pre-Columbian group that flourished

before the arrival of the Europeans.

74. Who was Chinggis (Genghis) Khan and how did he change world history?


75. State two facts about Kublai Khan and the Yuan Dynasty of China.



76. Who was Marco Polo and what did he do?



77. Describe the extent of the Mongol Empire (What lands did the Mongols conquer?).



78. Explain the following terms associated with feudalism in Japan: Shogun, Daimyo, Samurai, and




79. Describe the role of the Japanese emperor during the Japanese feudal period.



80. How did the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) enter Western Europe?



81. What were the effects of the Bubonic Plague on Western Europe (Consider direct and indirect effects)?



82. What was the Renaissance?


83. Identify several artists, one philosopher, and one scientist of the Renaissance.



84. Define secularism.


85. Define humanism.



86. Who was Copernicus and what was the heliocentric model of the universe?



87. What happened in 1453 (Consider Constantinople)?



88. What was an indulgence?



89. Who was Martin Luther and why did he challenge the Roman Catholic Church?



90. What were the Ninety-Five Theses?



91. Why did some German princes protect Martin Luther?


92. Who was John Calvin?



93. What did Johann Gutenberg invent and how and why did his invention help spread ideas?



94. What was the Counter-Reformation?



95. What happened at the Council of Trent?


96. What was the Inquisition?



97. Who were the Jesuits?


98. Provide one fact about each of the following explorers of the European Age of Exploration: Christopher

Columbus, Vasco Da Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan.




99. What was the Columbian Exchange and how did it change world history?


100. Why was Hernán Cortés able to conquer the Aztecs?



101. Why was Francisco Pizarro able to conquer the Incas?



102. Explain the impact of European diseases on the Native American Indians, the indigenous peoples of

the Americas.



103. Describe the class hierarchy or ranking system in colonial Latin America.



104. Define the following terms associated with the class hierarchy of Latin America: Peninsulares,

Creoles, and Mestizos.



105. How did a dying Native American Indian population impact Africans?



106. Explain three facts about the tragic Atlantic Slave Trade.



107. Define mercantilism.


108. Define capitalism.



109. What was the Commercial Revolution?



110. Explain Divine Right Theory.



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