Sacare - Module 3 - EDUC 224

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Lesson 1: Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders


1. Based on your understanding, explain how the person’s

socialization experiences in the following sociocultural
environments influence personality development: (at least 3

A. Home and the nuclear family

Personality development first develop in home. This is the
fundamental aspect as in home, they build their characteristics,
traits, attitude and value as individual and on how are they act in
front of other people . Having a nuclear family, a child could explore
on the different kind of approaches and traits from other member of
the family that for them applicable and relevant to their personality.

B. Members of the extended family

Identical to home and nuclear family,the member of the
extended family’s contribution or influence to a child is to nourish and
expound the understanding of the child about the society’s action
which later on influence their personality development.

C. School Administrators, Teachers and Peers

School is considered as the second home of the child where they
can learn academically and boost their personality. The classmates,
friends and teacher will help the child to give more understanding on
the appropriate moral values and etiquette that an individual must

D. Church, religious beliefs and practices

Religion also have a huge impact of a child personality
development. While building the relationship with the Supreme being,
an individual also follows the doctrines of the beliefs together with the
rules of do’s and don's which help them build their personality of
doing what is right and avoid doing wrong.

E. Neighborhood and community

The influence of community and neighborhood to person’s
personality development are socialization as they will interact with
different kinds of individual and try to learn from them; cultural
values where an individual will be now introduced to the culture and
tradition of the society or community, and exposure to diversity.

2. According to the reports, half of the juvenile delinquents are

repeat offenders who go in and out of jail. What do you think is
the most effective way to help these young individuals change for
the better? Explain.
The Philippine law states in the Republic act No. 9344
that children under 15 years of age cannot be held criminally liable,
while children between 15 and 18 need to undergo intervention and
rehabilitation after committing a crime. This law means that a child
can’t be jailed as long as he/she is not in the legal age. In my humble
opinion, to help these young individuals to change for their betterment
since we can’t imprison them, the government must strengthen the
rehabilitation facility’s programs that will help open their minds on
the morality. Helping the young individuals change their attitudes and
perspective about how hard life is I think the most effective way to
help them live better in this world.

Lesson 2: Students who are Blind or Have Low Vision


1. What are the differences between blindness and low vision?

The difference between blindness and low vision is blindness is
an impairment where indicates the total or complete ability to see or
complete loss of vision while the low vision refers to the ability to see
some degree of remaining vision that can be used to perform many
daily activities.

2. What can go wrong with the process of vision? Name some of

the types and causes of visual problems.
There are 4 different types and causes of visual problems. It is
Errors of Refraction, Imbalance of the Eye Muscles, Diseases of the
Eye and Trauma or Accidents.

3. When a blind student or student with low vision is

mainstreamed in your class, what are some ways to help meet
his/her special needs?
There are various ways to help those students with special
needs specifically those who is blind or low vision. This includes
providing materials that is intended and accessible to this kind of
students; communicate and interact to them effectively so that even
they can’t see the materials clearly, they can still learn trough
hearing; and instruct other students to communicate and interact
with the students with special need to make them feel they are
accepted and belong to the group and to boost their confidence.
Lesson 3: Students with Hearing Impairment


1. Enumerate at least five (5) characteristics of a student with

hearing impairment.
Some characteristics of hearing impairments includes difficulty
hearing, delayed language development, difficulty following verbal
instructions, social isolation, and potential frustration or behavioral
issues. Students with hearing impairments may need assistive
devices, such as hearing aids, and may require support from teachers
and caregivers to help them communicate effectively and participate in
social activities.

2. What major areas of development are affected by hearing

impairments? Briefly discuss each.
One of the major areas that will be affected by hearing
impairments are the area of speech and language development. Once
an individual have hearing impairment since birth, he/she cannot be
able to hear sounds and voices which hindrance him/her to learn and
understand it.

3. Why is early identification of a hearing loss important?

Early identification of hearing loss is important because it
allows for prompt intervention and treatment, which can improve
language development, educational outcomes, socialization, treatment
options, and overall quality of life for affected individuals. Hearing loss
can have a significant impact on an individual's ability to
communicate, learn, and socialize, and early intervention can help
minimize this impact and improve outcomes.


1. Explain the advantages of having intact sensory modalities

especially vision and audition? And how do you preserve and take
care of your vision and audition?
Having intact sensory modalities, such as vision and audition,
provides advantages such as improved communication, safety, and
independence. To preserve and take care of vision and audition,
individuals should maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid doing things that
can destroy our senses , and limit exposure to loud noises. These
steps can help maintain healthy eyes and ears and promote overall
health and well-being.

2. Express your own interpretation of Helen Keller’s quote:

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quietness.Only

through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be
strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”
For me, this quote speaks to the importance of resilience,
perseverance, and personal growth. Challenges and struggles are a
natural part of life, and it is through these experiences that
individuals can learn and grow the most. The quote suggests that
success is not simply handed to us but rather earned through hard
work, determination, and a willingness to face and overcome

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