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FMP Getting Started Guide

About the Guide

Welcome to IFMA's Facility Management Professional (FMP) Credential Program. This getting started
guide contains a suggested study approach, instructions and helpful tips that will support you as you
undertake each section of the program’s four components comprising the FMP. Whether you take the
instructor-led or eLearning courses, each course contains the tools you need to assess your initial
knowledge, study key competency areas, evaluate real-world scenarios and utilize your knowledge to
pass the FMP final assessments.
The 4 competency courses that make up the FMP are:
• IFMA‘s Leadership and Strategy Course
• IFMA’s Finance and Business Course
• IFMA’s Operations and Maintenance Course
• IFMA’s Project Management Course

Sections in this Guide

• Understanding the Training Dashboard
• Understanding the Credential Tab
• How to take a Course
• Understanding Course Steps
• Apply for the FMP
• Online Help Desk
• System Requirements (Browser Recommendations)

Understanding the Training Dashboard

Courses you have enrolled in or purchased are located on your Training Dashboard. The Training
Dashboard consists of several tabs: Current, Completed, Submissions, Credentials and Essentials. Let us
learn about each Training Dashboard component.

Created 10.01.2020
Training Dashboard Components:
1. Current Tab. This area contains Not Started or In Progress courses. Once you are enrolled in or
purchase a course, this is the area where you can launch or resume courses.
2. Completed Tab.
o Contains all courses you have completed.
o Download your certificate of completion
o View the course if you need to get to course information.
o If a course expires without completing, it will be located here.
3. Submissions Tab. This area contains all your test scores for courses and any completed
Instructor-led Training.
4. Credentials Tab. If you are taking a Credential course or bundle, this is where you can keep
track of the progress of the required courses including when to apply for the Credential. Learn
more in the Credentials Tab section below.
5. Essentials Tab. If you are taking the Essentials of FM modules, this is where you can keep track
of all the modules to completion. Also, to print the certificate of completion for all 10 modules.
6. Invitations. Invitations to enroll in a course or Credential Path are generated from a License
Pool created for a Corporate, Group or Organizational client. When a user is invited to the
License Pool group, an invitation will be sent by email and an enrollment message for a course

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or Credential will appear in the Invitation area. Click the Enroll button and your course or
Credential will appear in Current and the Credentials Tab.
7. Featured News. Important alerts or events from IFMA.
8. Messages. Any messages that the system sends out to your email address, will also place them
in the messages widget. (not seen in above picture)
9. Widget. The widget is at the bottom of the Training Dashboard. This feature is important for
Credentials. If you click on the widget picture, you have the option to select a widget such as
the Credential Program Progress and add it to your Training Dashboard.

Understanding the Credentials Tab

The Credentials Tab is designed to track your progress as you complete the requirements to earn your
credential. When you first click into the Credentials Tab, it will show you a list of Credentials you have
enrolled in. Let us focus on the FMP. In the Credentials Tab, you will need to understand these points:

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o If you are enrolled or purchased the FMP Full Bundle, the Credentials Tab will
automatically populate your Credential Path. The Credential Path provides a way for you
to monitor your progress toward earning a credential.
o If you are enrolled or purchased an individual course, and you want to add the course to
your Credential Path, you will need to do the following:
 click on the Widget then select Credential Program Progress to add the
course to your Training Dashboard.
 You must click on the Enroll button from the Credential Progress Widget
to populate the Credential Path in the Credentials Tab (see information
about Widgets in Training Dashboard Components).
 PLEASE NOTE: If you do not add individual courses to the Credential Path
and you complete all the requirements to earn the credential. The
application will not automatically populate.
Credentials Tab
The picture below shows that you have enrolled in the FMP from the FMP Credential Progress Widget.
To get to the Credential Path, click on Continue on the FMP Credential.

Credentials Path
Credential Path Progress, Content and Prerequisites Tabs

The picture below shows the top of Credential Path, which shows the progress bar of the Path and two
tabs – Contents and Prerequisites. The Prerequisite Tab contains the FM Introduction video.

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Required Courses of the Credential Path

The pictures below show the 4 required courses for the FMP Credential Path. The Path will track the progress of
each of the courses. When you click on Launch, the course will automatically populate in the Current Tab. When
you pass the final assessment requirements, it will note a Completed status.

Submit Application

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The picture below shows that you have completed all 4 courses. The status will change from ineligible to a
completed status and to Proceed to Application. You will need to check the box Confirm Application Completion
then click on Submit Your Application. You will also receive a separate email to Apply for the FMP.

How to Take a Course

1. From the Training Dashboard, select the course you have been enrolled in or purchased and click on

2. The course player will appear. We recommend clicking on the yellow Question Mark. This is a tutorial
for the course player. To begin your course, just click Next or expand the top folder to open all the
learning activities for the course to click and take.

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Understanding Course Steps
In the contents window in the course player, open the main folder. This will extend the folder to see all
the activities for a course. All FMP required courses have the same activities as shown below in the
picture. Let us go over each activity.

Assess Your Current Knowledge

1. Whether you are taking the course as instructor-led or as independent eLearning, we
recommend taking the Pre-Test first to help identify your current knowledge.
2. Click on Access Your Current Knowledge.

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3. Click on the Pre-Test and begin.
4. After you complete the Pre-test, you will be able to view your score on the last page of the test.
5 . You can also find your scores in the activity Analyze Your Progress. Review the Progress Report.
This report will always have your scores from your last attempt for the Pre-Test and Final
Assessment. The chapter quizzes detail your highest scores for all attempts.
Study to Succeed
1. Now the real work begins. Studying!
2. Understand your study options - instructor-led or eLearning.
a. If you chose to take the course as instructor-led, you will receive a printed participant
manual as well as having access online to all the eLearning modules, assessments,
flashcards and case studies. You are required to: 1. Pass the final assessment to
complete the course and, 2. Record your feedback on the evaluation in order to make
the certificate of completion appear for print or download.
b. If you selected taking the course through eLearning, you will have access online to all
the eLearning modules, assessments, flashcards and case studies. You are required to:
1. Review all eLearning modules, 2. Pass the final assessment to complete the course
and, 3. Record your feedback on the evaluation in order to make the certificate of
completion appear to print or download.
3. Enhance your knowledge by engaging in the course activities online.
a. Course Content. Either from the instructor-led class or the eLearning modules, read the
chapters, use the course activities and resources to apply your knowledge.
b. Chapter Quizzes. Assess your retention and comprehension so you can pinpoint any
knowledge gaps immediately.
c. Case Study. Check your ability to apply course concepts with the online case study. This
exercise provides a real-world application of selected course content.
d. Flashcards. Reinforce your memory of key concepts and terminology. The flashcards are
available online and may be printed for offline review.
e. Master Glossary. Extend your learning by reviewing FM terms and definitions.

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Analyze Your Progress
1. Let’s say you’ve taken the pre-test a couple of times, completed all the chapter quizzes and you
want to see what chapters/topics you could use some extra time studying to maximize your
performance on the final assessment.
a. Click on the activity Analyze Your Progress on the course then click on Progress Report
at the bottom of the course player.
b. Review all your scores for the pre-test and chapter quizzes. If you have any scores lower
than 50% of the number of questions correct for a chapter topic, we highly recommend
additional study time in those areas.
2. We also suggest reviewing your Progress Report before taking the Final Assessment. It’s
important to note that you are limited to three (3) attempts on the Final Assessment. If you fail
all three attempts, you will be locked out of the Final Assessment for 30 days to allow you
additional study time to prepare for your next attempt. This process repeats until the expiration
date of the course or until you pass.

Pass Your Test

1. When you have studied the course content enough to feel confident of your understanding and
skills, take the Final Assessment.
2. Final Assessment passing scores (or amount of questions to be answered correctly) and times
to take the assessment vary by course. Please review the table below carefully.

Amount of
Total Amount of Time Limit on
Questions to Answer
Course Title Questions in the Final
Correctly to Pass the
Final Assessment Assessment
Final Assessment
Finance and Business 24 31 80 minutes
Leadership and Strategy 22 28 70 minutes
Operations and
30 39 100 minutes
Project Management 37 48 120 minutes

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3. To access the test, click on Pass Your Test on the course.
4. Click on Final Assessment and begin. Remember that Final Assessments are time limited.
5. Review all the instructions for the Final Assessment. The Final Assessment is different from the
Pre-Test and Chapter Quizzes in several ways:
a. Final Assessment questions are unique and not found in any other test or quiz.
b. The Final Assessment is a timed test.
c. There is no rationale or feedback provided.
d. You will not see right or wrong answers.
e. You must take the test in one sitting. There is no way to pause a test administration.
f. All questions are randomized and not grouped by chapter topic on each attempt.
g. The distractors are randomized on each attempt.
6. Try your best on each attempt of the Final Assessment. You only get three attempts to pass
the Final Assessment. If you fail all three attempts, you will be locked out of the Final
Assessment for 30 days. The process repeats until the expiration date of the course.
7. After the test: If you passed, Congratulations! Only a couple more steps to go!
8 . If, on your third attempt, you did not pass don’t worry. You have 30 days to study. Start with
pulling your Progress Report to review all your scores to see where you need to study.

Evaluate the Experience

Additionally, we need your valuable feedback regarding the FMP courses. After you pass your Final
Assessment, please take the course evaluation in Evaluate the Experience. We use your feedback to
work on improving the course and making sure we can meet all learners’ needs.

Certificate of Completion
Print proof of your completion from your Training Dashboard in the Completed Tab. Your certificate
will become available to print after you pass the Final Assessment and complete your course

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Apply for the FMP
1. Congratulations! You’ve just been sent an email on how to apply for the FMP credential. Now
that you have successfully passed all four final assessments, it’s time for the final step.
2. Your final step in the process is to submit your FMP application with payment through IFMA's
Credential Application and Maintenance Program (CAMP). The non-refundable application fee
is US $140 for Professional/Associate Members, US $115 for Young Professional Members and
US $250 for Nonmembers. Tiered pricing will be reflected in CAMP upon completion of the
3. Please allow 3-4 business days before accessing your application to make certain that your
assessment results have been updated in CAMP. If the courses have not transferred into your
record, the application will not be visible. Choose the “CAMP” button on the Manage My
Credentials page to move to the login page. For assistance with Applying for the FMP, please
contact [email protected] or call IFMA’s Credentials Department at +1-713-623-4362.

Online Help Desk

Our Online Help Desk is way to answer any questions you have during your training and to let us
know about any technical or content issues. Your comments are very important to us in making
quality content. Online Help Desk is located at the top of your screen and on the left navigation

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Contact IFMA
We recommend you visit Online Help Desk, for any general questions about course
materials, expiration dates including returns and exchanges.

For questions on IFMA’s FMP, SFP, CFM credentials contact: [email protected]

For questions on logging into FM.Training and questions related to your online
account, please click on the Online Help Desk.

If we can be of further assistance, please contact our member services team at:
Telephone: +1-713-623-4362 (USA/Canada), +1-800-963-6900 (worldwide) Fax: +1-713-623-6124

System Requirements(Browser Recommendations)

IFMA’s FMP courses and study components are delivered through FM.Training and for the best results
we recommend you have:

1. A computer or mobile device to view all learning modules and activities.

2. A strong internet connection

Internet Browser Versions

FM.Training will operate using the browsers listed below, but typically runs best in the latest
versions. Chrome or Firefox are the preferred browsers.

• Chrome
• Firefox
• Microsoft Edge
• Chrome for Mac/Apple Devices

Internet Explorer and Safari are very buggy. We recommend not using these internet browsers.

You may find it helpful to have more than one browser installed on your computer. If you run into
problems using one browser, moving to another browser may resolve your issues.

Required Browser Settings

The following browser settings should be selected:

• Enable Cookies
• Enable JavaScript
• Do not block pop-up windows

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Note: In some browsers, you can make an exception for FM.Training if you don't want to use these
settings for all websites.

Instructions for personalizing your browser settings are available via the following links:

• Firefox help
• Chrome help
• Microsoft Edge help

Recommended Browser Add-ons

The following add-ons may need to be installed if your browser is not already configured with them:

• Java may need to be installed and enabled in your browser for features used by some Moodle
courses. You will typically see a warning if you need to install or upgrade Java. Download/Check
• Adobe PDF Reader and PDF browser plugin will let you view PDFs in a browser window without
opening a separate program. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader. The download includes the
browser plugin. To install this plugin, just follow prompts.


I cannot click on my activities on the page, what do I do?

Please review the browser recommendations first. If you are taking your course at work, sometimes
firewall issues may prevent you from viewing our courses. Please consult with your company system
administrator or IT for assistance. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, please move to another computer
with the recommended browser settings or try using a different browser on the same computer.
I’m using my apple iPad device, but I can’t click though all my activities, what do I do?
More than likely you are using the Safari browser. Safari is known to have issues with FM.Training.
Please switch to Chrome to view the courses.
In the middle of my final assessment, my computer blinks and errors out, what do I do?
More than likely your internet connection is not very strong. We recommend that when you are ready
to take the final assessment that you are in a place with the best possible internet connection.
Remember you only get 3 attempts to pass on your final assessment before you go into a 30-day hold.
Make each try count.
I have technical issues, who do I contact?
If you continue to have technical issues, please contact the Online Help Desk.

Created 10.01.2020

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