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NCC Education
Qualification Unit Specification
Modification History

Version Revision Description

V1.10 Update entry requirements

V1.11 Updated Ofqual link in Section 1.1

V1.12 Corrections to DELS and AELS syllabus Aug 2020

V1.13 March 2021 – updated ITB and ITAE syllabus tables, LO/AC
tables, grade descriptors, assessment type tables and
assessment method in Section 3.2
V1.14 July 2023 - updated wording of entry requirements

© NCC Education Limited, 2023

All Rights Reserved
The copyright in this document is vested in NCC Education Limited. The document must not
be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, or used for manufacturing purposes,
except with the prior written permission of NCC Education Limited and then only on condition
that this notice is included in any such reproduction.
Published by: NCC Education Limited, The Towers, Towers Business Park, Wilmslow
Road, Didsbury, Manchester M20 2EZ UK
Tel: +44 (0) 161 438 6200 Fax: +44 (0) 161 438 6240 Email: [email protected]

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1. About NCC Education..................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Why choose this qualification?................................................................................ 4
2. Structure of the L3IFDHES Qualification...................................................................... 5
3. Assessment for the qualification .................................................................................. 6
3.1 Assessment objectives............................................................................................ 6
3.2 Overview of Qualification Unit Assessment ............................................................ 6
4. Administration ................................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Assessment Cycles ................................................................................................. 7
4.2 Language of Assessment ....................................................................................... 7
4.3 Candidates .............................................................................................................. 7
4.4 Qualification and Unit Entry Requirements ............................................................. 7
4.5 Eligibility Period ....................................................................................................... 7
4.6 Resits....................................................................................................................... 7
5. Syllabus ............................................................................................................................ 8
5.1 Developing English Language Skills....................................................................... 8
5.2 English for Academic Purposes ............................................................................ 13
5.3 Advanced English Language Skills....................................................................... 16
5.4 Study and Communication Skills .......................................................................... 19
5.5 Culture Studies ...................................................................................................... 22
5.6 Foundation Mathematics ....................................................................................... 24
5.7 Introduction to Computer Science ........................................................................ 27
5.8 Introduction to Programming................................................................................. 33
5.9 Introduction to Business........................................................................................ 36
5.10 Introduction to Accounting and Economics .......................................................... 39
5.11. Further Mathematics ............................................................................................. 42
5.12 Physics .................................................................................................................. 48
5.13 Chemistry .............................................................................................................. 54
5.14 Biology ................................................................................................................... 63
6. Results and Certificates ............................................................................................... 67
7 Further Information ....................................................................................................... 68
8. Appendix 1 Grade Descriptors .................................................................................... 69

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1. About NCC Education
NCC Education is a UK awarding body, active in the UK and internationally. Originally part of
the UK National Computing Centre, NCC Education started offering IT qualifications in 1976
and from 1997 developed its Higher Education portfolio to include Business qualifications, IT
qualifications for school children and a range of Foundation qualifications.

With Centres in over forty countries, four international offices and academic managers
worldwide, NCC Education strives to employ the latest technologies for learning, assessment
and support. NCC Education is regulated and quality assured by Ofqual (the Office of
Qualifications and Examinations Regulation, see, the English
qualifications, examinations and assessments regulator.

1.1 Why choose this qualification?

NCC Education’s Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies
(L3IFDHES) is designed for speakers of English as a foreign language who are seeking to
gain entry to Higher Education qualifications taught and assessed in English.

NCC Education’s Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies is:

• Regulated by Ofqual under the Regulated Qualifications Framework.

For more information see:

• Quality assured and well established in the UK and worldwide.

• A valuable university preparation qualification which allows candidates to

demonstrate their English language skills (both general and academic) together with
key transferrable study skills, cultural knowledge and mathematical understanding, as
well as an understanding of the essential concepts of business and economics
(Business electives), the essential concepts of computing and programming
(Computing electives) or the essential mathematical and physics concepts required
for undergraduate study in Engineering (Engineering electives).

The Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies syllabus
and assessment is suitable for students aged 16-19 as well as adult learners.

• Recognised and valued by many universities, both in the UK and in other countries.
There are over fifty university progression routes to UK and overseas universities.
For more details of the universities that successful L3IFDHES candidates can
progress to, see

• A pathway to NCC Education’s Level 4 Diploma qualifications and greater

employment opportunities

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2. Structure of the L3IFDHES Qualification
Qualification Title, Credits, Units

NCC Education Level 3 International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies, 120
Total Qualification Time: 1,200 hours

Guided Learning Hours: 670

Candidates must pass all core Units and two elective Units to be awarded the Level 3
International Foundation Diploma for Higher Education Studies certificate.

Core Units
English for Study and
Developing English Advanced English
Academic Purposes Communication
Language Skills Language Skills
(TQT: 100 hours / Skills
(TQT: 300 hours/ (TQT: 200 hours /
10 credits) (TQT: 200 hours/
30 credits) 20 credits)
20 credits)
Culture Studies
(TQT: 100 hours /
(TQT: 100 hours /
10 credits)
10 credits)

Elective Units
Business Units Computing Units

Introduction to
Introduction to Introduction to Introduction to
Accounting and
Business Computer Science Programming
(TQT: 100 hours / (TQT: 100 hours / (TQT: 100 hours /
(TQT: 100 hours /
10 credits) 10 credits) 10 credits)
10 credits)
Engineering Units Health Sciences Units

Further Chemistry Biology

(TQT: 100 hours / (TQT: 100 hours / (TQT: 100 hours /
(TQT: 100 hours / 10 credits) 10 credits)
10 credits)
10 credits)
Chemical Engineering Units Higher Finance Units

Introduction to
Further Further
Chemistry Accounting and
Mathematics Mathematics
(TQT: 100 hours / Economics
(TQT: 100 hours / (TQT: 100 hours /
10 credits) (TQT: 100 hours /
10 credits 10 credits)
10 credits)

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3. Assessment for the qualification
3.1 Assessment objectives

All assessment for the qualification is intended to allow candidates to demonstrate they have
met the relevant Learning Outcomes. Moreover, NCC Education’s assessment is appropriate
to the assessment criteria as stated in this specification and is regularly reviewed to ensure it
remains consistent with the specification.

3.2 Overview of Qualification Unit Assessment

Assessment Methods
Local Global Global
Unit Examination Assignment Examination

Developing English Language Skills 100%

Advanced English Language Skills 100%
English for Academic Purposes 100%
Study and Communication Skills 100%
Culture Studies 100%
Foundation Mathematics 100%
Introduction to Computer Science 100%
Introduction to Programming 100%
Introduction to Business 100%
Introduction to Accounting and 100%
Further Mathematics 100%
Physics 100%
Chemistry 100%
Biology 100%

An examination is a time-constrained assessment that will take place on a specified date and
usually in an NCC Education Centre. An assignment requires candidates to produce a written
response to a set of one or more tasks, meeting a deadline imposed by the Centre. Local
Examinations and Global Assignments are marked by the centre.

The overall unit mark is computed from the weighted mean of its components. The pass mark
for a unit is 40%.

NCC Education Centres can provide candidates with a specimen assessment paper as well
as a limited number of past examination and assignment papers.

Past examination and assignment papers may be made available only following results release
for the corresponding assessment cycle. Results release dates and past examination and
assignment release dates can be found in the Activity Schedules area of Connect, NCC
Education’s student registration system.

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4. Administration
4.1 Assessment Cycles

1. Four assessment cycles are offered throughout the year during Spring, Summer,
Autumn and Winter.

Examination dates and assignment submission deadlines are published in the NCC Education
Activity Schedule, which is provided to Centres by Centre Support. It is also available on
Connect, NCC Education’s student registration system.

The Activity Schedule also gives the key dates for registering candidates for assessment
cycles, the dates when Centres can expect the assessment documentation and, ultimately, the
assessment results from NCC Education.

4.2 Language of Assessment

All assessment is conducted in English.

4.3 Candidates

NCC Education’s qualifications are available to those Centre candidates who satisfy the entry
requirements as stated in this specification.

4.4 Qualification and Unit Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements
Students must meet the following entry requirements:

• Completed their GCSE/IGCSE ‘O’ Levels or an equivalent* qualification in their

own country and passed 5 subjects with minimum grades of ‘C’, ‘4’ or
equivalent* in each. These should include Mathematics and English.
• Have a valid score of 4.5 or above in the International English Language
Testing System (IELTS) examination or equivalent for students whose first
language is not English. Alternatively, students can take the free NCC
Education Standard English Placement Test which is administered by our
Accredited Partner Centres.

* Centres need to provide evidence to justify any equivalency decision (both

qualification equivalency and grade equivalency) they make pertaining to any
enrolments via non-GCSE or non-standard routes.

4.5 Eligibility Period

The maximum period of time that NCC Education allows for the completion of your
programme is three years. Please contact your Accredited Partner Centre if you have any
queries relating to this.

4.6 Resits
If a candidate fails an assessment, they will be provided with opportunities to resit during the
eligibility period.

Candidates may only seek reassessment in a previously failed Unit.

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5. Syllabus
5.1 Developing English Language Skills

Title Developing English Language Skills

Unit reference number L/615/0156
Credits 30
Level 3

Guided Total
Learning 180 hours Qualification 300 hours
Hours Time

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Be able to communicate 1.1 Demonstrate confident and accurate use of a range of tenses and
fluently, accurately and grammatical structures
effectively, speaking on a 1.2 Participate in discussion of familiar issues, giving relevant and
range of topics, with meaningful contributions appropriate to the conversation and
appropriate control of participants
grammar, vocabulary and 1.3 Demonstrate use of natural stress and intonation
register 1.4 Demonstrate, when participating in discussion, being understood
without any recurring or major difficulty on the part of the listener
1.5 Prepare and present simple information to others confidently and
2. Be able to read with 2.1 Readily grasp the essential meaning of general English texts
independence and 2.2 Locate relevant details in a long text
comprehend the main 2.3 Demonstrate the ability to understand stances, viewpoints and
content and overall conclusions made in a range of general English texts
meaning of a range of 2.4 Understand clearly written and straightforward instructions
general texts in English

3. Be able to write factual, 3.1 Demonstrate the ability to write a summary of information given or
descriptive and explanatory researched
texts, accurately using a 3.2 Demonstrate the ability to write in a range of different styles
range of linguistic structures appropriate to tasks
and vocabulary, to complete 3.3 Demonstrate the ability to accurately use different linguistic
clearly defined tasks structures to complete written tasks on a range of familiar topics
3.4 Demonstrate the ability to organise, develop and link points together
for a range of clearly defined writing tasks
4. Be able to apply a range 4.1 Demonstrate the ability to pick out key information when listening to
of listening strategies in a range of speakers
order to understand spoken 4.2 Understand the main points of a linguistically complex lecture or talk
language on familiar and 4.3 Demonstrate the ability to predict the content of a conversation or
some unfamiliar topics speech on a general topic, based on listening to a brief introduction or
4.4 Demonstrate the ability to utilise their listening skills in order to
participate meaningfully in discussion of familiar issues

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Unit No Title Proportion Content
Intermediate Level
1 Introductions 1/24 • Present continuous and present
6 hours of class simple
time • Forming questions
5 hours of private • Everyday activities
study • Letter writing
2 Memory 1/24 • Past simple and past continuous
6 hours of class tenses
time • Used to
5 hours of private • Writing about a memorable event
study • Discussing past events
3 Food and Family 1/24 • Understanding opinions
6 hours of class • Future forms
time • Eating in and eating out
5 hours of private • Adjectives of personality
study • Writing about a person
4 Money and 1/24 • Present perfect and past simple
Charity 6 hours of class tenses
time • For and since
5 hours of private • Vocabulary related to money
study • Strong adjectives
Review Review 1 1 hour of class • Review the language learned in
time Topics 1 – 4
1 hour of private • Formative progress test
5 Transport and 1/24 • Comparatives and superlatives
Places 6 hours of class • Linking
time • Agreeing and disagreeing
5 hours of private • Vocabulary related to transport
study • Presentations about cities
• Articles
• Designing a race around a city
6 Rules for Success 1/24 • Modal verbs
7 hours of class • Relative pronouns
time • -ed –ing adjectives
6 hours of private • Phone language
study • Sentence stress
7 Sport 1/24 • Past tenses
7 hours of class • Usually and used to
time • Vocabulary related to sport
6 hours of private • Pronouncing the letter ‘s’
study • Finding the meaning of key words
8 Appearing on 1/24 • Passives
Film 7 hours of class • Modals of deduction
time • Vocabulary related to film, TV and

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6 hours of private • Film reviews
Review Review 2 1 hour of class • Review the language learned in
time Topics 5 – 8
1 hour of private • Formative progress test
9 At Home and at 1/24 • Conditional sentences
School 6 hours of class • Future time clauses
time • Vocabulary related to home and
6 hours of private school
study • Comprehension questions
• Sentence stress
10 Working and 1/24 • Reported speech
Shopping 7 hours of class • Gerunds and infinitives
time • Letters of Complaint
6 hours of private • Expressing an opinion
study • Agreeing and disagreeing with an
11 The Modern 1/24 • Quantifiers
World 7 hours of class • Word forms
time • Phrasal verbs
6 hours of private • Hypothetical sentences with if
study • For and against arguments
• Linking words
• Planning, organising and writing an
• Analysing a writer’s opinion
• Summarising a text
12 Fame and Infamy 1/24 • Relative clauses
6 hours of class • Question tags
time • Vocabulary about crime
6 hours of private • Writing about a famous person
study • Skimming a text for key information
• Crime reports

Review Review 3 1 hour of class • Review the language learned in

time Topics 9 – 12
1 hour of private • Formative progress test
Upper-intermediate Level
13 Past, Present and 1/24 • Past tenses
Future 8 hours of class • Auxiliary verbs
time • Time phrases
4 hours of private • The verb get
study • Collocations

14 Questions and 1/24 • Question formation

Answers 8 hours of class • Word formation
time • Compound adjectives

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4 hours of private • Working out meaning from context
study • Use of dictionaries
15 Varieties of 1/24 • Narrative tenses
Writing 8 hours of class • Adverbs
time • Word stress and intonation
4 hours of private • Writing about an exciting event in
study the past
• Introduction to IELTS writing

16 Sickness and 1/24 • Present perfect simple and

Health 8 hours of class continuous
time • Adjectives
3 hours of private • Vocabulary about illness
study • Introduction to IELTS listening
Review Review 4 1 hour of class • Review the language learned in
time Topics 13 – 16
1 hour of private • Formative progress test
17 Travel and Places 1/24 • Past perfect and past perfect
8 hours of class continuous
time • Irregular past tenses
4 hours of private • Adverbial phrases
study • Note taking
• Presentations
• Introduction to IELTS reading
18 The Environment 1/24 • Future perfect and future continuous
8 hours of class • Future time clauses
time • Vocabulary about the environment
4 hours of private and weather
study • Introduction to IELTS speaking
19 Feelings and 1/24 • Unreal conditionals
Emotions 8 hours of class • Structures after wish
time • -ed –ing adjectives
4 hours of private • Vocabulary in context
study • Regrets
20 Music 1/24 • Gerunds and infinitives
8 hours of class • used to
time • Vocabulary about music
4 hours of private • Borrowed words
study • Sentence stress and linking
• Summarising a text
Review Review 5 1 hour of class • Review the language learned in
time Topics 17 – 20
1 hour of private • Formative progress test
21 Making an 1/24 • Past modals
Argument 8 hours of class • Writing a balanced essay
time • Verbs of the senses

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4 hours of private • Vocabulary about the body
study • Making arguments
• IELTS speaking practice
22 Reporting Stories 1/24 • The passive
8 hours of class • Reporting verbs
time • Vocabulary about crime and the
4 hours of private media
study • Formal and informal letters
• Word formation
• IELTS reading practice
23 The Urban World 1/24 • Contrast and purpose
8 hours of class • Uncountable and plural nouns
time • Prefixes and suffixes
4 hours of private • Listening for gist and details
study • Presenting information about a city
• Writing travel reviews
• IELTS reading practice
24 Science 1/24 • Quantifiers
9 hours of class • Articles
time • Vocabulary about science
4 hours of private • Collocations
study • Describing data
• Giving presentations

Review Review 6 1 hour of class • Review the language learned in

time Topics 21 – 24
1 hour of private • Formative progress test

Assessment Type
Local Examination (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.2 English for Academic Purposes

Title English for Academic Purposes

Unit reference number Y/615/0158
Credits 10
Level 3

Guided Learning Hours 60 hours Qualification 100 hours

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Be able to utilise different ‘pre’, ‘while’ 1.1 Predict the content of various academic
and post reading strategies to texts prior to reading them fully
understand academic texts 1.2 Identify the overall function of an academic
1.3 Identify the specific function of sentences,
paragraphs and sections in academic texts
1.4 Demonstrate comprehension of a range of
academic texts
2. Be able to demonstrate an appropriate 2.1 Identify subject specific vocabulary in a
academic vocabulary range of academic texts
2.2 Demonstrate active use of a range of
subject specific vocabulary
2.3 Use subject specific vocabulary accurately
3. Be able to structure sentences, 3.1 Demonstrate an understanding of what is
paragraphs and full texts to suit required in a range of academic writing
academic requirements tasks at this level
3.2 Demonstrate the ability to use the structure
and linguistic conventions of well written
academic sentences
3.3 Demonstrate the ability to use the structure
and linguistic conventions of well written
academic paragraphs
3.4 Demonstrate the ability to link sentences,
paragraphs and sections together to
produce overall cohesion in academic
3.5 Follow a step by step process to produce a
final draft piece of academic writing
4. Be able to utilise ‘pre’, ‘while’ and post 4.1 Demonstrate the ability to recognise
listening strategies to understand linguistic signposts and reference markers
different speakers and academic topic when listening to different speakers and to
information different delivery styles
4.2 Demonstrate the ability to utilise notes made
whilst listening to a range of different
4.3 Identify key information when listening to a
range of speakers and delivery styles

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Unit Title Proportion Content

Intermediate Level
1 Entertainment 1/5 Students focus on the initial processes and
12 hours of class strategies involved when approaching
time academic writing, reading and listening tasks:
7 hours and 30 • Examining structures of academic written
minutes of private
study texts
• Considering simple, compound and complex
• Considering the basic elements of a
• Using the passive voice in academic writing
• Considering pre-listening strategies
• Listening for gist and for specific information
• Understanding academic word lists
• Understanding the process of reading
• Using prediction strategies as a pre-reading
2 The 1/5 Students focus on detailed processes and
Environment 13 hours of class strategies for beginning to tackle academic
time writing, reading and listening tasks:
7 hours and 30 • Using word transformations in academic
minutes of private
study writing
• Using signposting in academic writing
• Practising cohesion within paragraphs •
Considering the use of punctuation in
academic writing
• Recognising signposts in a lecture •
Examining solutions to spelling difficulties
• Examining strategies for exploiting Activities
in a lecture
• Exploiting the use of visual aids in lectures
• Considering the use of dictionaries
• Understanding how affixes and roots show
word meanings
• Practising skimming skills to extract the main
idea from a text
• Practising scanning skills to search for
specific information in a text
3 Travel and 1/5 Students focus on some of the methods
Transport 12 hours of class involved in exploiting academic writing, reading
time and listening materials:
• Examining paraphrasing and summarising
other writers’ work

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7 hours and 30 • Understanding the issue of plagiarism and
minutes of private how to reference a source
study • Considering thesis statements
• Considering how to respond to questions and
instructions in academic writing
• Understanding the paralinguistic features of a
• Examining the use of inference in lectures
• Understanding attitude and opinion in lectures
• Understanding how to deal with less-frequent
• Understanding how to use the contents and
index pages of a text
• Making inferences from written work
4 Achievements 1/5 Students focus on polishing their skills in
11 hours of class academic writing, reading and listening:
time • Organising details and examples in a written
7 hours and 30 text
minutes of private
study • Providing feedback on a piece of writing
• Considering paragraph divisions within a text
• Examining how referencing is used by
• Considering the structure of academic
• Working out the meaning of unknown
• Practising intensive reading
• Considering the use of linking words in a text
• Practising note-taking techniques
5 Technology 1/5 Students focus on techniques for enhancing
12 hours of class their skills in academic writing, reading, and
time listening:
8 hours of private
• Examining techniques for adding and hiding
opinion in writing
• Considering the importance of proof reading
• Correcting written work based on criteria
• Developing a system of abbreviations for
• Discovering how best to record new
• Finding further reading material on a subject
• Examining connotations and opinions in
Assessment Type
Global Assignment (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.3 Advanced English Language Skills

Title Advanced English Language Skills

Unit reference number R/615/0157
Credits 20
Level 3

Guided Total
Learning 120 hours Qualification 200 hours
Hours Time

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Be able to communicate fluently, 1.1 Demonstrate confident and accurate use of the full
accurately and effectively, speaking range of tenses and grammatical structures
on a range of familiar and unfamiliar 1.2 Participate in discussion of a broad range of issues,
topics, with appropriate control of giving relevant and meaningful contributions appropriate to
grammar, vocabulary and register the conversation and participants
1.3 Demonstrate good use of natural stress and intonation
1.4 Participate in discussion, and be understood without
difficulty on the part of the listener
1.5 Prepare and present detailed information to others
confidently and clearly
2. Be able to read with independence 2.1 Readily grasp the essential meaning of a range of
and comprehend the main content general English texts
and overall meaning of a range of 2.2 Locate specific details and key information in a long and
general and more unfamiliar texts in complex text
English 2.3 Demonstrate the ability to understand stances,
viewpoints and conclusions made in a range of complex
English texts
2.4 Demonstrate the ability to understand the inferences
made in a range of general and more unfamiliar English

3. Be able to write structured, factual, 3.1 Demonstrate the ability to write a clear and concise
descriptive and explanatory texts, summary of information given or researched
accurately using complex linguistic 3.2 Demonstrate the ability to write in a range of different
structures and vocabulary styles appropriate to tasks
3.3 Demonstrate the ability to accurately use a wide range
of linguistic structures to produce pieces of writing on a
range of familiar and some unfamiliar topics
3.4 Demonstrate the ability to organise, develop and link
points effectively in a range of written pieces of work

4. Be able to apply a range of listening 4.1 Demonstrate the ability to pick out specific details and
strategies in order to understand key information when listening to a range of speakers
lengthy predicable discussions, 4.2 Understand the main points and key details of a
factual presentations and more linguistically complex lecture or talk
abstract conversations 4.3 Demonstrate the ability to predict the content of a
conversation or speech, based on listening to a brief

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introduction or extract
4.4 Demonstrate the ability to utilise their listening skills in
order to participate meaningfully in discussion of a broad
range of issues

Unit No Title Proportion Content
Intermediate Level
1 Globalisation 1/12 • Note taking
10 hours of class • Vocabulary related to globalisation
time 6 hours 25 and the environment
minutes of private • Posters and leaflets
study • Debating
• Giving and understanding opinions
2 Personality 1/12 • have as auxiliary and main verb
10 hours of class • Discourse markers
time 6 hours 25 • Using a dictionary
minutes of private
3 Learning 1/12 • Narrative tenses
10 hours of class • Education systems
time 6 hours 25 • Word building: abstract nouns
minutes of private • Understanding accents
study • Reading exam practice
4 History in the 1/12 • Borrowed words
Making 10 hours of class • Adverbial expressions
time 6 hours 25 • Historical films
minutes of private • Reading for detail
study • Interviews and questionnaires
5 Sound and Print 1/12 • Speculation and deduction
10 hours of class • Adding emphasis
time 6 hours 25 • Inversion
minutes of private • Book and film reviews
study • Giving a presentation

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6 Time and Money 1/12 • Distancing and hedging
10 hours of class • Unreal past tenses
time 6 hours 25 • Vocabulary about time and money
minutes of private • Cohesive devices
study • Recognising accents • Designing a
race around a city
7 Changes 1/12 • Conditional sentences
10 hours of class • Compound adjectives
time 6 hours 25 • Giving a speech
minutes of private • Evaluating research
study • Writing a balanced essay
8 Interesting Ideas 1/12 • Permission, obligation and
10 hours of class necessity
time 6 hours 25 • Verbs of the senses
minutes of private • Writing a report
study • A letter of complaint
• IELTS writing
9 Mind and body 1/12 • Gerunds and infinitives
10 hours of class • Future plans
time 6 hours 25 • Vocabulary in context
minutes of private • Homophones
study • Writing a discursive essay
• IELTS speaking
10 Food 1/12 • Ellipsis
10 hours of class • Compound and possessive nouns
time 6 hours 25 • Vocabulary about food
minutes of private • Writing questions
study • An authentic lecture
11 Home and 1/12 • Adding emphasis
Hobbies 10 hours of class • Cleft sentences
time 6 hours 25 • Commonly confused words
minutes of private • Word building
study • Intonation
12 The 21st Century 1/12 • Future changes and technology
10 hours of class • Biographies
time 6 hours 25 • Vocabulary in context
minutes of private • Presentations
study • IELTS speaking

Assessment Type
Local Examination (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.4 Study and Communication Skills

Title Study and Communication Skills

Unit reference number A/504/1424
Credits 20
Level 3

Guided Learning
75 hours Qualification 200 hours

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Be able to take effective notes from a 1.1 Identify key information from a range of
variety of sources different texts
1.2 Record key points when listening to
information being given
1.3 Critically review their own notes
1.4 Use their own notes to accurately
summarise information given
1.5 Use their own notes to present a summary
to others
1.6 Demonstrate using a range of sources to
gather information
2. Understand how to work out the 2.1 Identify unfamiliar content
meaning of unfamiliar content 2.2 Identify a number of different strategies for
working out the meaning of unfamiliar
2.3 Demonstrate the ability to find the meaning
of unfamiliar content
2.4 Demonstrate the application of own
understanding to an unfamiliar content
3. Understand common steps in 3.1 Describe the common steps in producing
producing academic work academic work
3.2 Define plagiarism
3.3 Explain correct referencing in an academic

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4. Be able to produce a piece of 4.1 Create a timetabled plan to meet the
academic work suitable for this level, requirements of an academic assignment
following a drafting process 4.2 Check own work for errors
4.3 Evaluate own work against
criteria/requirements given
4.4 Develop sections of an assignment
towards a final draft
4.5 Demonstrate the correct use of academic
4.6 Present a completed piece of academic
work to others
5. Understand different learning styles 5.1 Explain the idea of multiple intelligences
5.2 Describe a range of learning styles
5.3 Identify own preferred learning style
5.4 Identify own study strengthes and

Syllabus Content
Topic Course coverage
Learning to • Learner styles and multiple intelligences
Learn • Self study methodology
• Time management
• Goal setting
• Self analysis and critical reflection
• Keeping a learner diary
Reading • Reading a textbook & note taking skills
Textbooks and • Using notes to write summaries
Note Taking
• Public Speaking skills & Peer assessment
• Learner diaries and study skills self-assessment
Note Taking in • Note taking in lectures
Lectures • Recognising key points
• Guessing meaning
• Editing and reviewing notes
• Planning a speech
• Public speaking practice and assessment
Library • Accessing the library and reading strategies
Research and • Note taking from books
Writing an
Essay • Essay planning and organising notes
• Public speaking practice and assessment

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Journal-based • Journals and articles
Research for • Critical reading and analysing data
Essay Writing
• Describing data in an essay
• Academic Style
• Editing and proof reading
• Public speaking practice and assessment
Internet • Using the internet for research
Research for • Bibliographies and referencing
Essay Writing
• Plagiarism and paraphrasing
• Editing and checking work against criteria
• Including sufficient detail
• Public speaking practice and assessment
Writing a • Approaching a task and making an assignment strategy
Research • Understanding requirements and using criteria
• Integrating evidence into a report
• Editing and proofreading
• Public speaking practice and assessment
Examinations • Writing summaries and reviewing notes
and • Preparing for exams
• Time Management
• Stress and anxiety management

Assessment Type
Global Assignment (100%)
The assignment is broken into three sections:
• Learner Portfolio
• Note-taking and summary writing assignment
• Research project
See also Section 3 above

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5.5 Culture Studies

Title Culture Studies

Unit reference number J/615/0155
Credits 10
Level 3

Guided Learning Hours 45 hours Total Qualification Time 100 hours

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Understand the concept of 1.1 Explain the terms ‘culture’ and ‘subculture’
culture, cultural values and how 1.2 Identify a range of cultural practices and
different cultures can be defined values and their unique aspects
1.3 Explain what is meant by a ‘stereotype’
2. Understand how the political and 2.1 Explain the general organisational structure
education system of a foreign of the education and political systems of a
country differs from their own particular city or country
2.2 Demonstrate understanding of the application
and enrolment process for studying abroad
3. Understand how the business 3.1 Identify variances in work culture and
culture of a foreign country differs management stuctures
from their own 3.2 Describe the benefits of cultural diversity for an
3.3 Assess how cultural factors impact on
communication and effective working practices
4. Understand the relationship 4.1 Understand how life online has impacted how
between digital technologies, people communicate
communication and culture 4.2 Explain the impact of social media, online retail
and online news on culture
4.3 Understand aspects of digital culture.
4.4 Explain the ways in which digital technologies
have impacted on the individual and society.

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Syllabus Content
Topic Course coverage
What is • Definition of culture
Culture? • Aspects of culture
• Personal Cultural Identity
• Cultural Practice and unique aspects
Learning Outcome: 1
Subcultures • Definition of subculture
• Aspects of subcultures
• Comparisons between different cultural aspects
• Stereotypes
Learning Outcome: 1,3
Government • Basic types of political system
• Police and Crime
Learning Outcome: 1,3
Values • Personal, familial and societal values
• Common etiquette in different countries
• Common pastimes and the values associated with these
Learning Outcome: 1, 3, 4
Education • Different stages of education systems at home and abroad
Systems • Identifying universities in different places
Learning Outcome: 1, 2
Application to • Courses, subjects and methods of assessment at chosen universities
Higher • The university application process
• Personal statements
Learning Outcome: 2
Work • Understanding different attitudes to work
• Work culture; organisational and management structures
• Cultural differences in international business
• Benefits of cultural diversity to an organisation
Learning Outcome: 1,3
Digital • Understanding social media, online retail and online news and its
Culture impact on culture
• Digital culture and disparity in access
• Positives/ negatives of life online on the individual
• Positives/ negatives of life online on society
Learning Outcome: 1, 4

Assessment Type
• Global Assignment (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.6 Foundation Mathematics

Title Foundation Mathematics

Unit reference number F/615/0154
Credits 10
Level 3

Guided Learning Hours 50 hours Qualification 100 hours

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Be able to perform a range of 1.1 Simplify a range of algebraic
algebraic calculations expressions involving powers
1.2 Simplify algebraic expressions by
multiplying and dividing expressions
1.3 Factorise algebraic expressions using
a range of techniques
1.4 Simplify and solve Algebraic Fractions
2. Be able to solve a range of basic 2.1 Transpose formulae
Calculations equations 2.2 Solve linear and quadratic equations
2.3 Solve simultaneous equations
2.4 Perform statistical calculations relating
to central tendency
3. Be able to present data in graphical 3.1 Present data using tables, pie charts
form and bar charts
3.2 Construct frequency distributions
3.3 Present data as histograms, ogives
and time series graphs
3.4 Present linear and quadratic equations
in graphical form
3.5 Provide graphical solutions to
simultaneous equations
4. Understand the fundamentals of 4.1 Explain the rate of change of one
Differential Calculus variable in respect of another
4.2 Calculate the gradient of a curve using
4.3 Plot maximum and minimum turning
points using graphs
4.4 Identify the maximum and minimum
turning points using differentiation

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5. Understand the fundamentals of 5.1 Recognise integration as the inverse of
Integral Calculus differentiation
5.2 Recognise the constant of integration
5.3 Evaluate the constant of integration
5.4 Evaluate the definite integral
5.5 Calculate of the area under a curve
6. Understand Measures of Dispersion 6.1 Calculate the range, quartiles and
6.2 Calculate the mean deviation
6.3 Calculate the variance
6.4 Calculate the standard deviation
7. Understand the fundamentals of 7.1 Calculate probability using the addition
Probability and multiplication rules
7.2 Calculate the probability of compound
7.3 Use tree diagrams to determine
7.4 Calculate probabilities of permutations
and combinations

Syllabus Content
Topic Course coverage
Introduction to • Simplification of a range of algebraic expressions including those
Algebra involving powers
• Simplifying a range of algebraic expressions by multiplying and
dividing expressions
• Factorising algebraic expressions by using a range of techniques
• Simplify and solve a range of Algebraic Fractions
Learning Outcome: 1
Using Algebraic • Transposing formulae
Equations • Solving simple linear equations
• Solving simple quadratic equations
• Solving simultaneous equations
Learning Outcome: 2
Solving • Presenting a range of linear equations in graphical form
algebraic • Presenting a range of quadratic equations in graphical form
equations • Solving simultaneous equations using graphical forms
Using Graphs
Learning Outcome: 3

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Introduction to • Using the principles of calculus to explain the rate of change of one
Differential variable in respect of another
Calculus • Calculation of the gradient of a curve using differentiation
• Plotting maximum and minimum turning points using graphical
• Identification of the maximum and minimum turning points using
Learning Outcome: 4
Introduction to • Recognising the process of integration as the inverse of
Integral differentiation
Calculus • Recognition of the role played by the constant of integration
• Evaluation of the constant of integration
• Evaluation of the definite integral
• Calculation of the area under a curve
Learning Outcome: 5
Presentation of • Present data using tables, pie charts and bar charts
Data • Construct Frequency distributions
• Present data as histograms, ogives and time series graphs
Learning Outcome: 3
Beginning • Calculation of the arithmetic mean for a range of data samples
Statistics • Calculation of the arithmetic mean for a range of frequency
• Calculation of the arithmetic mean for grouped data
• Calculation of the modal value of data sets
• Calculation of the median value of data sets
Learning Outcomes: 2
Understanding • Calculation of the range, quartiles and quantiles
Dispersion • Calculation the mean deviation
• Calculation of the variance
• Calculation of the standard deviation
Learning Outcome: 6

Assessment Type
• Global Examination (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.7 Introduction to Computer Science

Title Introduction to Computer Science

Unit reference number F/504/0727
Credits 10
Level 3

Guided Learning Hours 56 hours Qualification 100 hours

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Understand fundamental 1.1 Describe the functions of a computer system
concepts relating to hardware 1.2 Describe a range of computer systems or justify
and software the use of a type of computer system for a
particular purpose
1.3 Define the term ‘hardware’
1.4 Describe the purpose or characteristics of
computer hardware
1.5 Define the term ‘software’
1.6 Identify categories of software
1.7 Describe types of application software or justify
the use of application software for a particular
1.8 Describe types of system software or justify the
use of system software for a particular purpose
1.9 Describe types of utility software or justify the
use of utility software for a particular purpose

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2. Understand the 2.1 Describe internal components of computer
characteristics of hardware hardware
components 2.2 Describe the components of a central processing
unit (CPU)
2.3 Describe the functions of a CPU
2.4 Explain the function of the fetch-decode-execute
2.5 Describe how hardware components
communicate with each other
2.6 Identify units of measurements of computer
2.7 Describe a range of computer storage media or
justify the use of a type of storage media for a
particular purpose
2.8 Describe a range of input devices or justify the
use of a type of input device for a particular
2.9 Describe a range of output devices or justify the
use of an output device for a particular purpose
3. Understand how data is 3.1 Describe how data is represented by binary
represented in a computer 3.2 Describe how data is represented by ASCII
system 3.3 Describe how data is represented by Unicode
3.4 Explain how encryption can be used to represent
3.5 Explain how compression can facilitate the
storage and transmission of data
3.6 Explain the purpose of number systems
3.7 Explain the binary number system
3.8 Demonstrate addition or subtraction of binary
3.9 Demonstrate an understanding of two’s
3.10 Explain the hexadecimal number system
3.11 Demonstrate conversion between decimal,
binary or hexadecimal numbers
3.12 Describe how images are represented in a
computer system
3.13 Describe how sound is represented in a
computer system
3.14 Explain how compression can facilitate storage
and transmission of images or sound
3.15 Define the term ‘digital logic’
3.16 Explain the purpose and operation of logic gates

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4. Understand the fundamental 4.1 Explain the purpose of a computer network
concepts of computer 4.2 Describe types of computer network or explain
networks the criteria for selecting a particular type of
4.3 Describe the hardware used in a computer
4.4 Describe the software used in a computer
4.5 Describe the transmission media used in a
computer network
4.6 Describe types of network transmission
4.7 Describe types of computer network topology or
justify the use of a topology for a particular
4.8 Describe Internet and World Wide Web
4.9 Discuss computer network issues
5. Understand cultural, ethical 5.1 Explain what a cultural issue is
and legal issues relating to 5.2 Describe a range of cultural issues
computing 5.3 Explain how cultural issues can be addressed
5.4 Explain what an ethical issue is
5.5 Describe a range of ethical issues
5.6 Explain how ethical issues can be addressed
5.7 Identify laws and guidelines that relate to
5.8 Describe situations where laws and guidelines
have been used to deal with people using
computers to commit crimes or cause offence

Syllabus Content
Topic Course coverage
Introduction to • Definition of computer system
Computer • Functions of a computer system
Systems and • Data and information
• An overview of a typical computer system
• Types of computer systems
• Big data
• The Internet of Things
• Definition of hardware
• The role of computer hardware
• Types of computer hardware
• Accessibility
Learning Outcome: 1

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Introduction to • Definition of software
Application • Categories of software
Software and • Software compatibility
• Types and uses of application software
• How to obtain software
• Software licences
• Criteria to consider when selecting application software
• System software
- operating system software
- utility software
- driver software
• Criteria to consider when selecting system software
Learning Outcome: 1
Internal • Internal components:
Components of Motherboard, chips, central processing unit (CPU), clock, memory,
Computer chipset, expansion slots and cards, power supply, fan, buses,
Hardware connectors
• How components communicate with each other
• How components communicate with external devices
Learning Outcomes: 2
Computer • The role of a computer processor
Processors • Types of processor
• Components of a CPU
• The functions of a CPU
• How components of a CPU communicate with each other
• The fetch-execute-decode cycle
Learning Outcome: 2
Storage • Computer storage
Devices and • Units of measurement of computer storage
Input and • Computer storage media
Output Devices
• Storage locations
• Criteria to consider when selecting computer storage
• Input devices
• Criteria to consider when selecting input devices
• Output devices:
• Criteria to consider when selecting output devices
Learning Outcome: 2

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Data • Binary representation of data
Representation • ASCII representation of data
• Unicode representation of data
• Hexadecimal representation of data
• Definitions of encryption and decryption
• Examples of encryption
• Definition of compression
• Compression of data
Learning Outcome: 3
Number • Number systems
Representation • Decimal number system
• Binary number system
• Why consider number systems?
• Addition of binary numbers
• Subtraction of binary numbers
• Two’s complement
• Hexadecimal number system
• Converting decimal, binary and hexadecimal numbers
Learning Outcome: 3
Image and • Image representation
Sound • Image file formats
• Compression of images
• Sound representation
• Sound file formats
• Compression of sound
Learning Outcome: 3
Digital Logic • Digital logic
• Truth Tables
• Logic gates
- OR
Learning Outcome: 3

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Computer • Definition of a computer network
Networks • Types of network
• Criteria for selecting a network
• Network hardware
• Network transmission media
• Network transmission protocols
• Network software
Learning Outcome: 4
Network • Define a network topology
Topologies and
• Types of topology
the Internet
• Criteria for selecting a topology
• Definition of the Internet
• Definition of the World Wide Web (WWW)
• World Wide Web technologies
• Computer network issues
Learning Outcome: 4
Cultural, Ethical • Definition of cultural issues
and Legal • Examples of cultural issues
Issues Relating • Addressing cultural issues
to Computing • Definition of ethical issues
• Examples of ethical issues
• Addressing ethical issues
• UK laws and guidelines
- Data Protection Act (1998)
- Computer Misuse Act (1990)
- Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act (1988)
• Global laws and computers
• Examples of situations where the law has been applied
Learning Outcome: 5

Assessment Type
• Global Examination (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.8 Introduction to Programming

Title Introduction to Programming

Unit reference number A/504/0967
Credits 10
Level 3

Guided Learning Hours 50 hours Qualification 100 hours

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Create project 1.1 Understand why the design, implementation and testing of
documentation. a program should be supported by appropriate
1.2 Create and complete a Project Control Object Definition
2. Implement a program 2.1 Write a working program which accepts and stores user
that uses data capture input
and validation. 2.2 Write a working program which validates user input and
only accepts expected values
3. Implement a program 3.1 Write a working program that uses sequential programming
that uses sequential 3.2 Write a working program which makes use of at least two
programming with different data types
different data types.
4. Implement a program 4.1 Write a working program that uses a for loop construct.
that uses iteration and 4.2 Write a working program that uses an if – else construct
selection constructs.
4.3 Identify and document appropriate testing of loops and
selection statements
5. Implement a program 5.1 Write code that demonstrates how to output data to an
that uses file i/o. external file.
5.2 Write code that demonstrates how to read in and store data
from an external file.
5.3 Identify and document appropriate testing of file input/
6. Implement a program 6.1 Write code that demonstrates how to declare an array
that uses arrays 6.2 Write code that demonstrates how to manipulate an array
6.3 Write code that demonstrates how to sort an array
6.4 Identify and document appropriate testing of arrays

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Syllabus Content
Topic Course coverage
Introduction to the IDE, VB • Introduction to Visual Studio Community 2015 IDE
Properties and creating a GUI
• Introduction to GUI objects and properties
• Introduction to creating a GUI
Learning Outcome: 2
Introduction to data types and • Introduction to programming
sequential programming
• Introduction to objects
• Introduction to variables
• Assignment statements
• Introduction to data types
• Arithmetic operations
Learning Outcome: 3
Introduction to the programming • Introduction to iteration
construct of iteration and fixed
• Flow of execution
• For loop structure
• Variables and loops
• Nested loops
Learning Outcome: 4
Introduction to the programming • If statement structure
construct of selection
• Comparison operators
• If-Else structure
• If – Else – If structure
• Compound conditionals
• Switch statements
Learning Outcomes: 2, 4
Introduction to conditional loops • Importance of data validation
and data validation
• Checking for specific values
• Checking for a range of values
• String comparisons
• While loop structure
• Logical comparisons
• Multiple conditions
• Do - While loops
Learning Outcomes: 2, 4

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Project Definition and Design • Specification, design, implementation, test cycle
• Project Brief to Specification
• Object Definition Sheets
• Debugging and testing
Learning Outcome: 1
Case Study: Creating a GUI • Consolidation of learning from topics 1 – 6
program that uses sequence,
• Student mid-course assignment
selection and iteration
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4
Introduction to Arrays • Benefits of arrays
• Declaring arrays
• Initialising and filling arrays
• Accessing and changing values in arrays
• Manipulating arrays using for loops
• Sorting arrays
Learning Outcomes: 4, 6
Introduction to Methods • Different method types in VB (Subs and Functions)
and scope
• Parameter passing
• Return statements
• Method overloading
Learning Outcomes: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Introduction to File I/O • Files and data storage
• Writing to files
• Reading from files
• Exception handling for file I/O
Learning Outcome: 5
Case Study: Creating a GUI • Consolidation of learning from topics 1 – 10
program that uses arrays,
• Student end of course exam
procedures and file I/O
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Assessment Type
Global Assignment (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.9 Introduction to Business

Title Introduction to Business

Unit reference number T/504/0966
Credits 10
Level 3

Guided Learning Hours 50 hours Total Qualification Time 100 hours

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1.Understand the purpose of businesses; 1.1 Identify different types of business
their different forms, and the business 1.2 Explain why businesses exist e.g., profit, growth,
environment survival, cash flow, social and ethical objectives
1.3 Assess what type of business would be suitable
for what type of output
1.4 Identify the various stakeholders involved with a
1.5 Understand how stakeholders can affect
business activity
1.6 Review and assess an organisation’s business
1.7 Understand corporate social responsibility
1.8 Analyse the perceived negatives and benefits of
socially responsible business behaviour
2. Understand people, processes, 2.1 Identify different business department and their
structures and change management functions
2.2 Understand the structure of business and how
that influences productivity and effectiveness
2.3 Understand why organisations develop layers of
2.4 Identify a range of leadership styles and select
the most appropriate for change management
2.5 Explain change management tools and how they
are used to manage change
2.6 Assess the importance of communication in a
2.7 Use methods of communication to outline how to
introduce change in a business
2.8 Describe a range of elements that can influence
business culture and understand the role of culture
during periods of change

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3. Understand basic marketing principles 3.1 Use basic marketing principles
in business 3.2 Define and assess ‘needs’ and ‘wants’
3.3 Create a SWOT analysis for an organisation
3.4 Review a range of market segment categories
3.5 Explain and use market research and the
marketing mix
3.6 Review available marketing channels and select
the most appropriate for a product
3.7 Assess and devise appropriate marketing goals
for a product
3.8 Assess a range of marketing tactics and propose
the most appropriate for a product
4. Understand production and the role of 4.1 Define ‘production’
quality in business 4.2 Understand the steps necessary in a range of
production processes
4.3 Compare and contrast different production
4.4 Demonstrate the ability to select the most
suitable production method for a particular product
4.5 Explain why quality is important in business
4.6 Explain the Kaizen method for quality control
4.7 Analyse a production process and define how
quality control can be implemented
5. Understand and analyse the business 5.1 Analyse the macro business environment using
environment business tools such as PESTLE
5.2 Determine activities that an organisation should
pursue in light of analysis of its environment
5.3 Analyse the risk arising from the business
5.4 Understand how competition functions
5.5 Understand the basics of market structure
5.6 Understand common barriers to entry

Syllabus Content
Topic Course Coverage
Concepts of Business • What Businesses are
• What Businesses do
The Business Environment • The Business Environment
• Micro and Macro Environments
• PESTLE analysis
Competition and Market • Competition
Structure • Market Structures
Business Ethics and Corporate • What are Business Ethics?
Social Responsibility • What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

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Production and Quality – • Product
Production and Assembly Lines • Assembly Lines and Layouts
• Operations Management
Production and Quality – • What is quality?
Quality and Kaizen • Why is quality important?
• Quality inspection and quality assurance
• Methods for managing quality e.g., TQM, Kaizen
People and Processes – • Management
Management and Leadership • Managers and Leaders
• Leadership Styles
People and Processes – • Organisation Structure and Design
Organisational Structure and
People and Processes – • What is Culture?
Culture and Change • What is Change?
• Managing, Leading, and Communicating Change
Marketing – Marketing and • Marketing
Market Segments • Market Segments
Marketing – Market Research • Market Research
• Primary
• Secondary
Marketing – Marketing Mix and • The Marketing Mix
SWOT • SWOT Analysis
• Marketing tactics
• Marketing planning

Assessment Type
• Global Assignment (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.10 Introduction to Accounting and Economics

Title Introduction to Accounting and Economics

Unit reference number M/504/0965
Credits 10
Level 3

Total Qualification
Guided Learning Hours 36 hours 100 hours

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria

The Learner will be able to: The Learner can:
1. Understand the purpose of 1.1 Understand how businesses use accounting for
accounting and its decision making
importance to a business for 1.2 Understand the principles and purpose of accounting
sustainability and decision
1.3 Understand business sustainability
1.4 Use the analysis of financial performance and
economic environment to propose business strategy
1.5 Understand how to develop business strategies that
promote business sustainability

2. Understand core concepts 2.1 Understand the main economic principles

of economics and their 2.2 Understand the difference between microeconomics
application for businesses in and macroeconomics
the real-world
2.3 Apply economic thinking to business decision making
2.4 Understand and use the concept of opportunity cost to
propose business strategy
2.5 Understand the principle of the invisible hand
2.6 Apply and create supply and demand diagrams
2.7 Analyse the factors that influence supply and demand
2.8 Understand how much influence a business has on the
price of its products
3. Analyse the financial health 3.1 Interpret financial statements
and performance of a 3.2 Understand ratio analysis
business using information
3.3 Understand the importance of profit margins
from financial statements
and data 3.4 Understand the importance of cash to a business
3.5 Analyse financial statements to establish the relative
health of a business

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Syllabus Content
Topic Course Coverage
• How accounting is used in record keeping.
How does accounting help in
business? • How accounting is used in decision-making.
• How accounting is useful in maintaining business
• Concept of profit.
• Relevance of economics to business.
Why is economics important
for business? • Four core concepts of economics.
• Differences between microeconomics and
• Applying economic thinking to business decision
• Factors that influence supply and demand.
Deciding what a business
should produce • Creation and application of supply and demand
• Principle of the invisible hand.
• The use of the concept of opportunity cost to propose
business strategy.
• How economic systems influence timeliness.
Deciding when to produce
products • How to analyse the economic environment.
• The role of government in the economic system and
• Developing strategy concerning business decisions
to produce a product.
• How economic systems influence how and where to
Deciding how and where to produce a product
produce the product
• How to analyse the economics environment
• Analyse the factors that influence supply.
• Apply economic thinking to business decision
• How the economic environment impacts sales.
Deciding where to sell the
product • How factors that influence supply and demand
impact on sales.
• How much influence a business has on the price of
its products.
• Developing strategy concerning business decisions
to sell a product.
• Types of business and their suitability for their
Deciding on the type of purpose
• Limited liability and how it relates to business
ownership and control
• The importance of share capital and business
• The profit motive

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• Assets, liabilities and capital
Understanding the business
financially • Income, expenses and appropriations
• The content and presentation of a Statement of
Financial Position
• The content and presentation of an Income
• The importance of cash to a business
Business Survival and
Growth • The relationship between cash and profit
• The role of credit in business
• Business liquidity
• The importance of solvency, insolvency and going
• What is growth? and how to develop a growth
• The measurement of profit
Importance of profit
• Understanding investor needs
• Understanding profit planning
• Understanding how profits are divided between
interested parties
• Interpreting a financial statement
Analysis of business
performance • Understanding financial analysis
• Understanding and analysing profit margins,
liquidity, solvency, and business activity
• Analysing financial statements to establish the
relative health of a business
• Understanding how companies use accounting and
Establishing business health economic information for decision making
and growth
• Analysing financial statements to establish the
relative health of a business
• Analysing business performance from information in
annual accounts
• Understanding the analysis of financial performance
and economic environment to propose business

Assessment Type
• Global Assignment (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.11. Further Mathematics

Title Further Mathematics

Unit reference number H/615/2415
Credits 10
Level 3

Total Qualification
Guided Learning Hours 60 hours 100 hours

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Understand different techniques to 1.1 Find the quotient of a cubic equation
solve cubic equations and write when divided by a linear factor, using
expressions in terms of their partial algebraic long division
fractions 1.2 Use the factor theorem to find roots of
cubic equations
1.3 Convert rational functions into their
partial fractions
1.4 Express improper fractions as partial
2. Be able to work with complex 2.1 Solve simple quadratic equations with
numbers, perform arithmetic complex roots by completing the
calculations using complex numbers, square or using the quadratic formula
solve higher order polynomials with 2.2 Represent complex numbers on an
complex roots and sketch regions in Argand diagram
the complex plane
2.3 Add, subtract, multiply and divide
complex numbers
2.4 Calculate the modulus and argument
of a complex number
2.5 Solve polynomial equations with real
coefficients and complex roots,
appreciating that such roots occur in
conjugate pairs
2.6 Identify regions on Argand diagrams
showing the area that represents
solutions to inequalities involving
complex numbers

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3. Be able to perform arithmetic 3.1 Add and subtract matrices of the same
operations using matrices, dimension
understand basic transformations 3.2 Perform matrix multiplication,
using matrices and, in addition, demonstrating an understanding of
understand which matrices represent non-commutativity and associativity
linear transformations and calculate
3.3 Find the image of points in the x-y
the inverse of a matrix
plane under given matrix
3.4 State whether a given transformation is
a linear transformation and describe a
transformation in terms of its effect on
a column vector in two dimensions
3.5 Find the 2x2 matrix which represents a
given linear transformation or find the
linear transformation represented by a
given matrix
3.6 Use matrix products to find matrices
that represent combinations of two
3.7 Calculate the determinant of a 2x2
matrix and find the inverse if it exists
4. Understand the properties of rational 4.1 Sketch the basic shape of quadratics,
functions and understand conic cubics, quartics, trigonometric
sections functions and reciprocals, and
understand the effect transformations
have on the equations
4.2 Sketch rational functions with a linear
numerator and denominator, finding
asymptotes and points of intersections
with coordinate axes
4.3 Sketch rational functions with two
distinct linear factors in the
denominator and repeated factors in
the denominator
4.4 Find stationary points on the graphs of
rational functions
4.5 Recognise the standard equations of
parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolas in
both Cartesian and parametric form
and sketch the given equations,
understanding the effects of
transformations on the given equations
4.6 Find the Cartesian equations of
parabolas, given their focus and
4.7 Find the coordinates of the focus and
an equation for the directrix of a

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5. Understand how to use sigma 5.1 Use the sigma notation, ∑ , to calculate
notation to calculate the sum of the sum of simple finite series
simple finite series, and appreciate 5.2 Use the formula for the sum of the first
the relationship between the roots of n natural numbers, and the sum of the
polynomials and their coefficients squares and cubes of the first n natural
5.3 Use the method of differences to find
the sum of a series
5.4 Find the sum and product of the roots
of a quadratic equation, and derive a
quadratic equation given information
about its roots
6. Understand further techniques in 6.1 Use the chain rule, product rule or
calculus to differentiate combinations quotient rule to differentiate functions
of functions, how to use these 6.2 Covert parametric equations into
techniques to solve problems Cartesian form
involving functions given
6.3 Differentiate a curve whose equation is
parametrically and how to derive
given parametrically
Maclaurin and Taylor series
6.4 Find the equations of tangents and
normals of curves whose equations are
given parametrically
6.5 Use the chain and product rule to find
second, third and higher order
6.6 Derive and find the Maclaurin
expansion of a given function in
ascending powers of x
6.7 Derive and use Taylor’s series to
expand a given function in ascending
powers of x
7. Understand further trigonometry and 7.1 Solve problems involving trigonometric
hyperbolic functions identities
7.2 Understand and use compound angle
7.3 Understand and use the double angle
7.4 Write down the definitions of the
hyperbolic functions, including the
reciprocal hyperbolic functions
7.5 Sketch the graphs of the main
hyperbolic functions, including the
reciprocal hyperbolic functions
7.6 Solve equations using hyperbolic

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8. Understand Euler’s relation and De 8.1 Calculate the product and quotient of
Moivre’s theorem and derive relations two complex numbers in polar
between trigonometric functions and coordinate form
hyperbolic functions 8.2 Derive Euler’s relation and write
complex numbers in exponential form
8.3 Derive de Moivre’s theorem and obtain
formulae for sinnθ and cosnθ in terms
of sinθ and cosθ
8.4 Use the exponential form of a complex
number to derive relations between
trigonometric functions and hyperbolic

Syllabus Content
Topic Course coverage
Cubic • Products of polynomials and equating coefficients
Polynomials & • Algebraic long division
Partial • Factor theorem
• Factorising cubic polynomials
• Expressing rational functions in terms of their partial fractions, given:
(a) Two linear factors in the denominator
(b) A repeated root
• How to express improper algebraic fractions in terms of their partial
Learning Outcome: 1
Complex • Completing the square of quadratic trinomials
Numbers I • An introduction to complex numbers
• Solving quadratic equations with complex roots
• Representing complex numbers on an Argand diagram
Learning Outcome: 2
Complex • The modulus-argument form of a complex number
Numbers II • Solve further problems involving complex numbers
• Solve polynomial equations with real coefficients
• Loci in the complex plane
• Inequalities with complex numbers
Learning Outcome: 2
Matrices • An introduction to matrices including performing basic operations on
• Properties of matrix multiplication including non-commutativity and
• Finding and using the inverse of a matrix when it exists
• Linear transformations
Learning Outcome: 3

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Graphs of • Sketching the basic shape of quadratics, cubics, trigonometric
Rational functions and reciprocals, understanding the effects of
Functions transformations of these graphs
• Sketching rational functions with linear numerators and
denominators, calculating any asymptotes
• Finding any turning points on graphs of rational functions without
using calculus
Learning Outcome: 4
Series • Calculating basic arithmetic series
• Use of sigma notation to calculate the sum of given series
• Use of the formula for the sum of the first n natural numbers
(including squares and cubes)
• Method of differences
Learning Outcome: 5
Further • Further techniques in differentiation of more complex rational
Calculus functions
Techniques I • Use of the chain rule, the product rule and quotient rule
• An introduction to trigonometric identities and techniques to
differentiate the trigonometric functions and their reciprocals
Learning Outcome: 6
Further • Binomial series expansion for (1 + 𝑥)𝑛
Calculus • Use of the chain and product rule to find second, third and higher
Techniques II & order derivatives
Maclaurin and • Maclaurin series expansion of a given function in ascending powers
Taylor Series of 𝑥
• Taylor’s series to expand a given function in ascending powers of 𝑥
Learning Outcome: 6
Trigonometric • Solving trigonometric equations including solving problems using
Identities & trigonometric identities
Hyperbolic • Definitions of hyperbolic functions and their graphs
Functions • Osborn’s rule
• Differentiating hyperbolic functions
• Solving equations involving hyperbolic functions
Learning Outcome: 7
Euler’s Relation • Compound angle identities
and De • Products and quotients of complex numbers in polar form
Moivre’s • Exponential form of complex numbers and Euler’s formula
• De Moivre’s theorem
• Relationships between trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
Learning Outcome: 8

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Parametric • Drawing equations given parametrically by plotting points on the
Equations graph
• Converting functions between their Cartesian form and parametric
• Differentiating curves given in parametric form
• Tangents and normals to curves given parametrically
• The second derivative
Learning Outcomes: 6
Coordinate • An introduction to conic sections
Systems • The parabola and its transformations, including finding the equation
of the parabola given its focus and directrix
• The ellipse and its transformations
• The hyperbola and its transformations
Learning Outcome: 4

Assessment Type
• Global Examination (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.12 Physics

Title Physics
Unit reference number K/615/2416
Credits 10
Level 3

Total Qualification
Guided Learning Hours 43 hours 100 hours

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Understand the mechanics of motion 1.1 Define and explain the relationships of
displacement, velocity and acceleration
1.2 Calculate average and instantaneous
velocity and acceleration
1.3 Solve problems involving equations of
1.4 Demonstrate the use of motion
equations for non-constant
1.5 Describe the motion of objects in free
fall and calculate their position and
1.6 Explain the importance of circular
2. Understand the mechanics of forces 2.1 Explain the concept of force and how it
causes change in motion
2.2 State and apply Newton’s three laws of
2.3 Apply Newton’s laws in one-
dimensional and circular motion
2.4 Describe the conditions and calculate
the forces necessary for equilibrium
3. Understand the mechanics of energy 3.1 Explain the meaning of work and find
out the work done by constant forces
3.2 Evaluate the work done by variable
forces with position
3.3 Define the concept of kinetic energy
and state its relation to work
3.4 Find out the relation between energy
and power
3.5 Define potential energy and calculate it
dependent on conservative force as a
function of position

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4. Understand the mechanics of 4.1 Explain the principle of momentum and
momentum conservation of momentum
4.2 Describe the difference between
inelastic and elastic collisions
4.3 Find out the centre of mass for
individual particles
4.4 Calculate rotational kinetic energy
5. Understand the mechanics of periodic 5.1 Explain the simple harmonic oscillator
motion 5.2 Determine the maximum speed of an
oscillator system
5.3 Measure the acceleration of a simple
pendulum due to gravity
6. Understand the basic principles of 6.1 Explain the meaning of temperature
thermal physics and heat
6.2 Describe the three phases of matter
and find out the energies for phase
6.3 Calculate thermal expansion effects in
solids, liquids and gases
6.4 State the first law of thermodynamics
and explain how thermal energy is
involved in the conservation of energy
6.5 Describe the effects of thermodynamic
6.6 Define the specific heat of an ideal gas
6.7 Explain the second law of
thermodynamics and its limitations
6.8 Calculate the efficiencies of heat
engines and refrigerators
6.9 Explain the meaning of, or calculate,

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7. Understand the fundamentals of 7.1 Examine the behaviour of electric
electrostatics charge using Coulomb’s law
7.2 Explain the meaning of, or calculate,
an electric field
7.3 Explain Gauss’s law for electric fields
7.4 Explain the concept of electric potential
7.5 Calculate the potential difference
between two points in a simple electric
7.6 Calculate the electric potential for a
point in the electric field of a point
7.7 Describe charge distribution on
7.8 Explain the concept of capacitance
7.9 Find out the capacitance of a parallel
plate capacitor
7.10 Calculate the equivalent capacitance of
a combination of capacitors consisting
of parallel and series capacitors
7.11 Demonstrate how dielectrics make
capacitors more effective
8. Understand the fundamentals of 8.1 Describe electric current and current
electrodynamics density
8.2 Describe electrical resistance
8.3 Relate electrical current, voltage and
resistance using Ohm’s law
8.4 Calculate electric power
8.5 Draw a circuit with resistors in parallel
and in series
8.6 Explain the reason why the total
resistance of a parallel circuit is less
than smallest resistance of any of the
resistors in the circuit
8.7 Analyse a complex circuit using
Kirchhoff’s rules
8.8 State the main functions of voltmeters
and ammeters

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9. Understand the fundamentals of 9.1 Describe the meaning of magnetic
magnetism field, magnetic field lines and magnetic
9.2 Calculate the motion of a charged
particle in a magnetic field
9.3 Explain the relation between magnetic
fields and magnetic forces
9.4 Calculate the magnetic field of a
moving charge
9.5 Calculate the magnetic field of a
current element
9.6 Calculate the force between parallel
9.7 Understand Ampere’s law
9.8 Calculate a magnetic field using
Ampere’s law
9.9 Explain electromagnetic induction
9.10 Calculate an induced electric field
using Faraday’s law

Syllabus Content
Topic Course coverage
Motion • Definition of kinematics and dynamics
• Displacement, time, velocity and acceleration
• Equations of motion
• Non-uniform motion
• Free falling bodies and projectile motion
• Circular motion
Learning Outcome: 1
Forces • Types of forces
• Newton’s first law
• Newton’s second law
• Newton’s third law
• Newton’s second law applied in circular motion
• Equilibrium
Learning Outcome: 2
Work and energy • Work and kinetic energy
• The work-energy conservation law
• Power
• Potential energy
Learning Outcome: 3

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Momentum and • Linear momentum
collisions • Conservation of momentum
• Collisions
• Elastic collisions
• Inelastic collisions
• Centre of mass frame
• Rotational kinetic energy
Learning Outcome: 4
Periodic motion • Simple harmonic motion
• Total energy of a harmonic oscillator
• Importance of simple harmonic motion
• Motion of a simple pendulum
Learning Outcome: 5
Thermal physics • Temperature and heat
• Thermal properties of matter
• The first law of thermodynamics
• The second law of thermodynamics
Learning Outcome: 6
Electrostatics I • Electric charge and Coulomb’s law
• Electric field
• Charge and electric flux
• Gauss’s law
Learning Outcomes: 7
Electrostatics II • Electric potential
• Conductors, capacitors and capacitance
• Capacitors in series and parallel connection
• Dielectrics
Learning Outcome: 7
Electrodynamics I • Electric current
• Resistivity and resistance
• Electromotive force in electric circuits
• Energy and power in electric circuits
Learning Outcomes: 8
Electrodynamics II • Direct current circuits
• Resistors in series and parallel
• Kirchhoff’s laws
• Electrical measuring instruments
Learning Outcome: 8

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Magnetism I • Magnetic field, magnetic field lines and magnetic flux
• Motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field
• Magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor
• Magnetic field of a moving charge
• Magnetic field of a current element
Learning Outcomes: 9
Magnetism II • Magnetic field of a current-carrying conductor
• Force between parallel conductors
• Ampere’s law
• Induction and Faraday’s law
• Induced electric field
Learning Outcome: 9

Assessment Type
• Global Examination (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.13 Chemistry

Title Chemistry

Unit reference number R/616/8688

Credits 10
Level 3

Total Qualification
Guided Learning Hours 52 hours 100 hours

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Understand atomic structure and 1.1. Describe the basic structure of atoms.
bonding 1.2. Explain the different models of atomic
1.3. Deduce the electronic configuration of
atoms and ions.
1.4. Perform calculations using relative atomic
mass and relative molecular mass.
1.5. Perform calculations using chemical
formulae, balanced equations the mole
and Avogadro Constant and molar volume.
1.6. Demonstrate titration techniques and solve
associated calculations.
1.7. Identify and calculate experimental
1.8. Describe metallic and intramolecular
bonding and properties.
1.9. Describe intermolecular bonding and
1.10. Describe and predict the shapes of
covalent molecules and polyatomic ions
using the Valence Shell Electron Pair
Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory.

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2. Understand energetics, rates, 2.1 Define examples of standard enthalpy
kinetics and chemical equilibria changes.
2.2 Demonstrate that enthalpy change can be
calculated from a potential energy diagram
2.3 Explain how calorimetry can be used to
measure enthalpy changes.
2.4 Apply Hess’s Law to calculations of
enthalpy changes and bond enthalpy
2.5 Describe, using collision theory, the effects
of concentration, pressure, surface area
(particle size), temperature and collision
geometry on reaction rates.
2.6 Define activation energy.
2.7 Use energy distribution diagrams to
explain the effect of temperature on
reaction rate.
2.8 Determine the order of a reaction from
experimental data and rate equations.
2.9 Calculate the rate constant and its units.
2.10 Using the rate equation, predict the rate
determining step and a possible
2.11 Describe the equilibrium chemistry of acids
and bases.
2.12 Construct equilibrium expressions.
2.13 Explain and use the terms: pH, Kw, Ka and

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3. Understand the key points of 3.1. State and explain the trends in melting and
inorganic chemistry boiling points down a group and across a
3.2. State and explain the trends in covalent
radius across periods and down groups.
3.3. State and explain the trends in ionisation
energies across periods and down groups.
3.4. State and explain the trends in
electronegativity across periods and down
3.5. Understand the trends in the properties of
oxides, chlorides and hydrides across the
Periodic Table.
3.6. Define the terms acidic, basic and
amphoteric oxides, and know the reactions
of some chlorides with water.
3.7. Deduce the electronic configurations and
oxidation states of transition metal atoms
and ions.
3.8. Explain what ligands are and how they
bond in transition metal complexes.
3.9. Explain and deduce coordination number
in a transition metal-ligand complex.
3.10. Name transition metal-ligand complexes
according to IUPAC rules.
3.11. Explain why some transition metal
complexes are coloured.
3.12. Understand how transition metals and their
compounds can act as catalysts.

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4. Understand functional groups, 4.1 Describe the concept of a functional group.
naming organic compounds and 4.2 Convert between molecular, structural and
isomerism skeletal formulae of compounds with no
more than ten carbons in length.
4.3 Use the IUPAC nomenclature rules to
name the following simple organic
compounds: alkanes, alkenes, alcohols,
aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids,
esters and arenes (one benzene ring with
one or more simple substituents).
4.4 Interpret and use the general, structural,
and skeletal formulae of the following
classes of compound: alkanes, alkenes
and simple arenes; haloalkanes; alcohols;
aldehydes and ketones; carboxylic acids,
esters and acyl chlorides.
4.5 Explain that stereoisomers are isomers
that have the same molecular formula but
differ in structural formulae (a different
spatial arrangement of their atoms).
4.6 Understand that geometric isomers are
stereoisomers where there is a lack of
rotation around one of the bonds mostly a
4.7 Explain that these isomers are labelled cis
and trans dependent on whether the
substitutes are on the same or different
sides of the C=C.
4.8 Recognise that optical isomers are non-
superimposable mirror images of
asymmetric molecules and are referred to
as chiral molecules or enantiomers.
4.9 Explain how isomers can often have very
different physical or chemical properties
from each other.

5. Understand organic synthesis 5.1. Recognise and use different types of

reactions reaction in organic synthesis including
substitution, addition, elimination,
condensation, hydrolysis, oxidation and
5.2. Devise synthetic routes, with no more than
three steps, from a given reactant to a final
5.3. Deduce the reactions that compounds can
undergo by looking at their structures.

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6. Understand aromatic (arene) 6.1. Describe and explain the structure,
chemistry bonding and stability of the benzene ring.
6.2. Name and draw various aromatic
6.3. Describe substitution reactions of
benzene: alkylation, nitration, sulfonation
and halogenation as examples of
electrophilic substitution in benzene and
other aromatic compounds.
6.4. Compare and contrast the electrophilic
addition reaction used by alkenes, to the
electrophilic substitution reaction used by

7. Understand the techniques used in 7.1. Explain how mass spectrometry can be
organic analysis used to determine the accurate molecular
mass and structural features of an organic
7.2. Explain how chromatographic techniques
can be used to separate and identify
components in a mixture.
7.3. Explain how elemental microanalysis can
be used to work out an empirical formula.
7.4. Explain how infra-red spectroscopy can be
used to identify certain functional groups in
an organic compound and work out which
compound is responsible for a spectra by
identifying which functional groups are
responsible for peaks.
7.5. Explain how proton nuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy (proton NMR)
can give information about the different
environments of hydrogen atoms in an
organic molecule, and how many
hydrogen atoms there are in each of these

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Syllabus Content
Intermediate Level
Topic Course coverage
Atomic structure • Protons, neutrons and electrons; their relative charges and relative
and masses.
stoichiometry • Protons, neutrons and electrons present in atoms, isotopes and
ions given mass and atomic numbers and vice versa.
• Development of the models of atomic structure from Rutherford, via
Bohr to Quantum Mechanics.
• Quantum numbers, atomic orbitals and relative energies.
• Atomic orbitals, their shape and their relative energies.
• Electronic configuration of atoms 1-20 in spectroscopic notation.
• Application of chemical formulae to show the relationships between
mass, moles, gram formula mass, Avogadro’s constant,
concentration and molar volume.
• Simple acid-base titrations, back titrations, redox and
complexometric titrations.
• Uncertainties in experiments.
Learning Outcome 1
Chemical • Metallic bonding
• Electronegativity and the bonding continuum to distinguish
Structure and
between covalent and ionic bonds
• Ionic and covalent intramolecular chemical bonding
• Dative covalent bonding and properties in term of melting and
boiling points.
• Intermolecular chemical bonding (‘van der Waals'):
o London dispersion forces
o Permanent dipole-permanent dipole interactions
o Hydrogen bonding
• Representations using ‘dot-and cross’ (Lewis) diagrams, shapes
in some simple molecules and ions using Valence Shell Electron
Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory
Learning Outcome 1
Periodicity in the • Trends in melting and boiling points due to bonding.
Periodic Table • Trends in covalent radius across periods and down groups of the
Periodic Table.
• Trends in ionisation energies across periods and down groups of
the Periodic Table.
• Trends in electronegativity across periods and down groups of the
Periodic Table.
Learning Outcome 3

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Transition Metal • Electronic configuration of transition metal atoms and ions.
Chemistry • Oxidation states of transition metals and ions.
• Oxidation number during oxidation or reduction reactions.
• Ligands in transition metal complexes
• Coordination number.
• Naming transition metal ligand complexes.
• Transition metal complexes and colour.
• Transition metals as catalysts.
Learning Outcome 3
Chemical • Enthalpy change (∆H).
Energetics • Calorimetry (∆H=cm∆T).
• Applications of Hess’s law, including Born-Haber Cycles.
• Bond enthalpies
Learning Outcome 2
Reaction-rates • Collision theory.
and Kinetics • Factors affecting the rate of a reaction.
• Activation energy and the Maxwell-Boltzman energy distribution
• Order of a reaction (0, 1, 2, 3) from experimental data and rate
• Rate constants and units of k.
• Rate equation, rate determining step and possible mechanism.
Learning Outcome 2
Chemical • Equilibrium constant, k.
Equilibria • Composition of reaction mixtures, from the equilibrium equation.
• Use of Kc and Kp values.
• Types of chemical equilibria-homogeneous and heterogeneous.
• Le Chatelier’s principle.
• Equilibrium and catalysts.
• Definitions of acid, base, conjugate acid and conjugate base.
• Kw, the ionic product of water.
• Ka and the strengths of acids and bases.
• Calculating the pH of solutions of strong acids and bases from
[H+] and the pH of solutions of weak acids from Ka values.
Learning Outcome 2

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Organic • Identification of organic compounds using functional groups.
nomenclature • Conversion between molecular, structural and skeletal formulae
and isomerism
of compounds with no more than ten carbons in length.
• IUPAC nomenclature rules for: alkanes, alkenes, alcohols,
aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and esters.
• Optical isomers
o Identifying and drawing enantiomers (R and S) using
wedges and dashes.
o Identification of chiral carbon centres.
o Identification using polarimeter
• Geometric isomerism
o Formation of sigma and pi bonds on the C=C double bond
(hybridisation may be used to explain bonding but will not
be specifically examined).
o Identifying and drawing Cis and Trans isomers.
o Restricted rotation of the double bond to geometric
oBoiling point features of Cis and Trans isomers.
oCompare and explain the melting point features of Cis and
Trans isomers.
Learning Outcome 4
Organic • Preparation and reactions of alkanes.
• Preparation and reactions of alkenes.
Reactions- Part
1 • Preparation and reactions of haloalkanes.
Learning Outcome 5
Organic • Preparation and reactions of alcohols.
Synthesis • Preparation and reactions of carboxylic acids and acyl chlorides.
Reactions- Part
2 • Esters - preparation, uses, percentage yield and atom economy.
• Preparation and reactions of aldehydes and ketones.
Learning Outcome 5
Aromatic • The structure, bonding and stability of the benzene ring.
Chemistry • Naming and drawing aromatic compounds (one benzene ring with
one or more simple substituents).
• How the pattern of electron density renders electrophilic attack
the dominant reaction type in benzene.
• Drawing and discussing the mechanisms for the following
electrophilic substitution reactions: alkylation, nitration, sulfonation
and halogenation.
• Comparison of electrophilic addition reactions used by alkenes to
the electrophilic substitution reaction used by benzene.
Learning Outcome 6

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Organic • Introduction to mass spectrometry.
Analysis • Interpretation of the mass spectra of various simple organic
• Chromatographic techniques.
• Elemental microanalysis
• Background to Infrared spectroscopy.
• Infrared spectroscopy in structure determination (functional group
• Background on proton nuclear magnetic resonance (H-NMR).
• Shielding and de-shielding related to the chemical shift values.
• Use of tetramethysilane (TMS) as an internal standard.
• Use of H-NMR in the determination of simple organic compound
Learning Outcome 7

Assessment Type
Global Examination (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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5.14 Biology

Title Biology

Unit reference number Y/616/8689

Credits 10
Level 3

Total Qualification
Guided Learning Hours 52 hours 100 hours

Learning Outcomes; Assessment Criteria;

The Learner will: The Learner can:
1. Understand Cell Structure 1.1 Describe the components and function of
cell membranes
1.2 Explain the movement of molecule and
ions across cell membranes
1.3 Describe the main organelles found in
human cells and explain their function
1.4 Explain how cell differentiation means
cells are adapted for roles in the body

2. Understand the systems involved 2.1 Describe the structures and explain
in the co-ordination and control of functions of the CNS and PNS.
the body 2.2 Explain the transmission of impulses
across synapses.
2.3 Describe the components of the
Endocrine system.
2.4 Explain the concept of feedback loops,
with examples form the human body.
2.5 Describe of hormones in controlling
metabolism with Thyroxine as a named
2.6 Explain the of hormones in controlling the
menstrual cycle during pregnancy.
2.7 Describe the structure and function of the
eyes, ears nose (in relation so smell),
mouth (in relation to taste) and the skin
(in relation to sensory perception).

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3. Understand the systems involved 3.1 Describe the structure and explain the
movement and energy release in functions of the skeleton.
the body 3.2 Describe the structure and explain the
functions of the three adult muscle types.
3.3 Describe and explain the function,
structure and components of human
circulatory systems.
3.4 Explain the specific function of the heart
and how heart rate is governed.
3.5 Describe the structure, function and
control of the respiratory system.
3.6 Explain gas exchange.
3.7 Explain respiratory disease in relation to
lung structure and function.
3.8 Explain the production of energy using
aerobic respiration and anaerobic
respiration to meet the bodies energy
3.9 Explain the use of different sources of
energy in different circumstances, and
how this helps the body to cope with a
lack of food.

4. Understand how the body obtains 4.1 Describe and explain the structure of the
the nutrients it needs and digestive system.
disposes of waste products 4.2 Describe and explain the digestive
process which occur in the different areas
of the digestive system with reference to
enzymes and absorption.
4.3 Explain the basics of excretion through
the skin, digestive system and kidneys.
4.4 Explain the sources and roles of
macronutrients in the body.
4.5 Explain the sources and roles of example
micronutrients in the body.
4.6 Link nutritional imbalance to disease.

5. Understand the body’s defences 5.1 Describe and explain the bodies innate
against disease and infection immune system.
5.2 Describe and explain the bodies active
immune system.
5.3 Explain how vaccines work.
5.4 Explain how immune system faults can
cause illness.

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6. Understand the process of 6.1 Explain cell division by mitosis, to
reproduction produce genetically identical daughter
6.2 Explain cell division by meiosis to
produce genetically distinct gametes
6.3 Describe the main structures of the male
and female reproduction systems.

Syllabus Content
Intermediate Level
Topic Course coverage
Cell Structure • Components and function of cell membranes
• Movement across cell membranes
• Cell organelles and their function
• Cell differentiation for roles in the body, e.g. nerve cells
Learning outcome 1

Nervous System • Structure and function of the CNS

• Structure and function of the PNS
• Transmission of impulses across synapses
Learning outcome 2

Endocrine • Components of the Endocrine system

System • Concept of feedback loops
• Role of hormones in controlling metabolism
• Role of hormones in controlling the menstrual cycle
• Roll of endocrine system during pregnancy
Learning outcome 2

Sense Organs • Structure and function of the eyes

• Structure and function of the ears
• Structure and function of the nose in relation so smell
• Structure and function of the mouth in relation to taste
• Sensory perception in the skin
Learning outcome 2

Skeleton • Structure and role of the skeleton

System and • Structure and function of the three adult muscle types
Muscles Learning outcome 3

Circulation • The blood circulation systems.

• The lymphatic circulation system
• Comparative anatomy of blood vessels, and the reasons for these
• Major blood vessels of the body and the key functions
• Structure and function of the heart
• Heart rhythms, blood pressure
Learning outcome 3

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Respiration (gas • The structure, function and control of the respiratory system.
exchange) • Gas exchange.
• Respiratory disease in relation to lung structure and function.
Learning outcome 3

Metabolism and • Production of energy using aerobic respiration

Cellular • Production of energy using anaerobic respiration
Respiration • Uses of different sources of energy in different circumstances
Learning outcome 3

Digestion and • Structure of the digestive system

Excretion • Digestion and absorption in different areas of the digestive tract
• Role of the liver in digestion and excretion
• Role of the kidneys in excretion
• Role of skin in excretion
Learning outcome 4

Nutrition • Main food groups and their sources

• Role of macronutrients in the body
• Role of Micronutrients in the body
• Diseases caused by diet
Learning outcome 4

The immune • Barriers to infection

system • The Innate immune system.
• The Adaptive immune system.
• Vaccination.
• Hypersensitivity, anaphylaxis, autoimmune disease and
Learning outcome 5

Genetics and • Cellular reproduction and growth

reproduction • Meiosis and gamete production
• Role of gametes in the mixing of genetic information
• Structure of female reproductive organs
• Structure of male reproductive organs
Learning outcome 6

Assessment Type
Global Examination (100%)
See also Section 3 above

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6. Results and Certificates
The grade descriptors Pass, Merit and Distinction are awarded by unit to successful candidates.
A Pass is awarded for an overall unit mark of between 40 and 59. A Merit is awarded for an
overall unit mark of between 60 and 69 and a Distinction is awarded for an overall unit mark of
70 and above. Candidates who obtain an overall unit mark of below 40 are classed as a fail in
the unit and may resit.

A final qualification mark will be awarded upon successful completion of all units. This is
calculated by finding the average mark of all units that make up the qualification. Please note
that in exceptional circumstances, NCC Education may be required to change the algorithm
to calculate a final qualification mark for a learner in order to secure the maintenance of
standards over time. Any necessary changes to this algorithm would be shared with Centres
and learners promptly by NCC Education. An example is given below:

Unit Candidate Unit Points *

Points Mark Candidate Mark

Advanced English Language Skills 20 86 1720

Culture Studies 10 72 720

Developing English Language

30 81 2430

English for Academic Purposes 10 88 880

Foundation Mathematics 10 93 930

Introduction to Business 10 90 900

Introduction to Accounting and

10 90 900

Study and Communication Skills 20 82 1640

120 682 10120

10120/potential 12,000 = 84

Grade Descriptors incorporate characteristics intended to provide a general indication of

assessment performance in relation to each unit’s Learning Outcomes in this specification.
The final unit grade awarded will depend on the extent to which a candidate has satisfied the
Assessment Criteria. A qualification is awarded when the candidate has achieved at least a
pass in all relevant units.

After each assessment cycle, results slips are issued (in electronic format) which detail the
grades achieved, i.e. Fail, Pass, Merit or Distinction (see Appendix 1) and numerical marks.
Certificates which contain your qualification grade and pass mark are then dispatched to

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7 Further Information
For more information about any of NCC Education’s products, please contact
[email protected] or, alternatively, please visit to find out
more about our suite of high-quality British qualifications and programmes.

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8. Appendix 1 Grade Descriptors
The grade descriptors Pass, Merit and Distinction are awarded to successful candidates. The
following are characteristics intended to provide a general indication of assessment
performance in relation to each Learning Outcome in this specification. The final grade
awarded will depend on the extent to which a candidate has satisfied the Assessment Criteria

Grade descriptors for Developing English Language Skills

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

Be able to Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
communicate adequate level of robust level of highly
confidently, speaking communication communication comprehensive
on a range of familiar level of
topics, using communication
appropriate tenses,
vocabulary and
Be able to Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate high
comprehend the main adequate level of robust level of level of
content and overall comprehension comprehension comprehension
meaning of a range of
general texts in
Be able to write Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
factual, descriptive ability to perform ability to perform ability to perform
and explanatory texts, the task the task the task to the
utilising a range of consistently well highest standard
linguistic structures
and vocabulary, to
complete clearly
defined tasks
Be able to apply a Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
range of listening adequate and sound and detailed and
strategies in order to appropriate consistently highly appropriate
understand application appropriate application
predictable application
discussions and basic
factual presentations

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Grade descriptors for English for Academic Purposes

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

Be able to utilise Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
different ‘pre’, ‘while’ adequate and appropriate and appropriate and
and post reading appropriate use effective use effective use
strategies to
understand academic
Be able to demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate a Demonstrate a
an appropriate an adequate robust comprehensive
academic vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
Be able to structure Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate ability
sentences, paragraphs ability to ability to perform to perform the task
and full texts to suit perform the the task to the highest
academic requirements task consistently well standard
Be able to utilise ‘pre’, Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
‘while’ and post adequate and appropriate and appropriate and
listening strategies to appropriate use effective use effective use
understand different
speakers and academic
topic information

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Grade descriptors for Advanced English Language Skills

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

Be able to Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
communicate adequate level of robust level of highly
confidently, speaking communication communication comprehensive
on a range of familiar level of
and unfamiliar topics, communication
using appropriate
tenses, vocabulary
and register
Be able to Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate high
comprehend the main adequate level of robust level of level of
content and overall comprehension comprehension comprehension
meaning of both
general and more
unfamiliar English
Be able to write Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
structured, factual, ability to perform ability to perform ability to perform
descriptive and the task the task the task to the
explanatory texts, consistently well highest standard
utilising complex
linguistic structures
and vocabulary
Be able to apply a Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
range of listening adequate and sound and detailed and
strategies in order to appropriate consistently highly appropriate
understand lengthy application appropriate application
predictable application
discussions, factual
presentations and
more abstract

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Grade descriptors for Study and Communication Skills

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

Be able to take Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate ability
effective notes from ability to perform ability to perform to perform the task
a variety of sources the task the task to the highest
consistently well standard
Understand how to Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
work out the adequate level of robust level of comprehensive
meaning of understanding understanding level of
unfamiliar content understanding
Understand Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
common steps in adequate level of robust level of comprehensive
producing academic understanding understanding level of
work understanding
Be able to produce Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate ability
a piece of academic ability to perform ability to perform to perform the task
work suitable for the task the task to the highest
this level, following consistently well standard
a drafting process
Understand Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
different learning adequate level of robust level of comprehensive
styles understanding understanding level of

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Grade descriptors for Culture Studies

Learning Pass Merit Distinction

Provides Provides critical Provides
consistent interpretation and consistently critical
interpretation and evaluation of interpretation and
Understand the evaluation of relevant evaluation of
concept of relevant information and relevant information
culture, cultural information and ideas to complete and ideas to
values and how ideas to complete tasks and address complete tasks and
different cultures tasks and well defined address well defined
can be defined address well problems. problems.
defined problems.

Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates

adequate ability sound ability to comprehensive
to review review ability to review
effectiveness of effectiveness of effectiveness of
Understand how methods, actions methods, actions methods, actions
the political and and results and results and results
education system
of a foreign Can adequately Can soundly Can coherently
country differs identify, select identify, select and identify, select and
from their own and use use appropriate use appropriate
appropriate skills, skills, methods and skills, methods and
methods and procedures to procedures to reach
procedures to reach well well explained and
reach appropriate explained and highly appropriate
solutions appropriate solutions
Understand how
the business Has adequate Has sound Has comprehensive
culture of a awareness of awareness of awareness of
foreign country different different different
differs from their perspectives or perspectives or perspectives or
own approaches in the approaches in the approaches in the
area of study area of study area of study

Uses appropriate Uses detailed Uses thorough and

investigation to investigation to detailed
inform actions/ inform actions/ investigation to
Understand the conclusions conclusions inform well
relationship explained actions/
between digitial conclusions
and culture

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Grade descriptors for Foundation Mathematics

Learning Pass Merit Distinction

Be able to Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate ability
perform a range ability to perform ability to perform to perform all
of algebraic calculations calculations calculations to the
calculations consistently well highest standard
Be able to solve a Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate ability
range of basic ability to perform ability to perform to perform
Calculations techniques techniques techniques to the
equations consistently well highest standard
Be able to Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate ability
present data in ability to perform ability to perform to perform
graphical form techniques techniques techniques to the
consistently well highest standard
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
fundamentals of adequate robust comprehensive
Differential understanding of understanding of understanding of
Calculus techniques techniques techniques
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
fundamental of adequate robust comprehensive
Integral Calculus understanding of understanding of understanding of
techniques techniques techniques
Understand Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
Measures of adequate robust comprehensive
Dispersion understanding of understanding of understanding of
techniques techniques techniques
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
fundamentals of adequate robust comprehensive
Probability understanding of understanding of understanding of
techniques techniques techniques

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Grade descriptors for Introduction to Accounting and Economics

Learning Pass Merit Distinction

Demonstrates Demonstrates good Demonstrates
adequate knowledge and comprehensive
Understand knowledge and understanding of the knowledge and
the purpose understanding of subject matter understanding of the
of the subject matter subject matter
and its Provides Provides critical Provides consistently
importance consistent interpretation and critical interpretation
to a interpretation and evaluation of relevant and evaluation of
business for evaluation of information and ideas relevant information
sustainability relevant to complete tasks, and ideas to complete
and decision information and address well defined tasks, address well
making ideas to complete problems, and give defined problems, and
tasks, address well explained and give well explained
well defined appropriate and highly appropriate
problems, and justification for justification for
Understand give appropriate conclusions conclusions
core justification for
concepts of conclusions
and their Demonstrates Demonstrates sound Demonstrates
application adequate ability to ability to review comprehensive ability
for review effectiveness of to review
businesses effectiveness of methods, actions, and effectiveness of
in the real- methods, actions, results methods, actions, and
world and results results

Can adequately Can soundly identify, Can coherently

identify, select, select, and use identify, select, and
and use appropriate use appropriate
Analyse the appropriate information and/or information and/or
financial information and/or skills, methods, and skills, methods, and
health and skills, methods, procedures to reach procedures to reach
performance and procedures to well explained and well explained and
of a reach appropriate appropriate highly appropriate
business conclusions conclusions conclusions
information Uses appropriate Uses detailed Uses thorough and
from investigation investigation and/or detailed investigation
financial and/or analysis of detailed analysis of and/or consistently
statements supplied supplied information critical analysis of
and data information to to inform conclusions supplied information
inform to inform well
conclusions explained conclusions

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Grade descriptors for Introduction to Business

Learning Pass Merit Distinction

Understand Demonstrates Demonstrates good Demonstrates
the purpose adequate knowledge and comprehensive
of knowledge and understanding of the knowledge and
businesses, understanding of subject matter understanding of the
their different the subject matter subject matter
forms, and
the business Provides consistent Provides critical Provides consistently
environment interpretation and interpretation and critical interpretation
evaluation of evaluation of and evaluation of
Understand relevant information relevant information relevant information
people, and ideas to and ideas to and ideas to complete
processes, complete tasks, complete tasks, tasks, address well
structures address well address well defined defined problems and
and change defined problems problems and give give well explained
management and give well explained and and highly appropriate
appropriate appropriate justification for
Understand justification for justification for choices/conclusions
the basic choices/conclusions choices/ conclusions
principles in Demonstrates Demonstrates sound Demonstrates
business adequate ability to ability to review comprehensive ability
review effectiveness of to review
Understand effectiveness of methods, actions effectiveness of
production methods, actions and results methods, actions and
and the role and results results
of quality in
business Can adequately Can soundly identify, Can coherently
identify, select and select and use identify, select and
Understand use appropriate appropriate use appropriate
and analyse information and/or information and/or information and/or
the business skills, methods and skills, methods, and skills, methods, and
environment procedures to reach procedures to reach procedures to reach
appropriate well explained and well explained and
conclusions appropriate highly appropriate
conclusions conclusions

Uses appropriate Uses detailed Uses thorough and

investigation and/or investigation and/or detailed investigation
analysis of supplied detailed analysis of and/or consistently
information to supplied information critical analysis of
inform actions/ to inform actions/ supplied information
conclusions conclusions to inform well
explained actions/

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Grade descriptors for Introduction to Programming

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

Create project Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
documentation. ability to ability to perform ability to perform
perform the the task the task to the
task consistently well highest standard
Implement a program Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
that uses data capture ability to ability to perform ability to perform
and validation. perform the the task the task to the
task consistently well highest standard
Implement a program Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
that uses sequential ability to ability to perform ability to perform
programming with perform the the task the task to the
different data types. task consistently well highest standard
Implement a program Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
that uses iteration and ability to ability to perform ability to perform
selection constructs. perform the the task the task to the
task consistently well highest standard
Implement a program Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
that uses file i/o. ability to ability to perform ability to perform
perform the the task the task to the
task consistently well highest standard
Implement a program Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
that uses arrays ability to ability to perform ability to perform
perform the the task the task to the
task consistently well highest standard

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Grade descriptors for Introduction to Computer Science

Learning Pass Merit Distinction

Understand Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
fundamental adequate level of robust level of comprehensive
concepts relating understanding understanding level of
to hardware and understanding
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate sound Demonstrate
characteristics of adequate ability to and consistent exceptional ability
hardware differentiate and ability to to differentiate and
components recognise differentiate and recognise
components recognise components
Understand how Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
data is adequate level of robust level of comprehensive
represented in a understanding understanding level of
computer system understanding
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
fundamental adequate level of robust level of comprehensive
concepts of understanding understanding level of
computer understanding
Understand Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
cultural, ethical adequate level of robust level of comprehensive
and legal issues understanding understanding level of
relating to understanding

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Grade descriptors for Further Mathematics

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

Understand different Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
techniques to solve adequate robust comprehensive
cubic equations and understanding understanding of understanding of
write expressions in of techniques techniques techniques
terms of their partial
Be able to work with Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate ability to
complex numbers, ability to ability to perform perform the tasks to
perform arithmetic perform the the tasks the highest standard
calculations using tasks consistently well
complex numbers, solve
higher order
polynomials with
complex roots and
sketch regions in the
complex plane
Be able to perform Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate ability to
arithmetic operations ability to ability to perform perform techniques to
using matrices, perform techniques the highest standard
understand basic techniques consistently well
transformations using
matrices and, in
addition, understand
which matrices
represent linear
transformations and
calculate the inverse of
a matrix
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
properties of rational adequate robust comprehensive
functions and understanding understanding of understanding of
understand conic of techniques techniques techniques
Understand how to use Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
sigma notation to adequate robust comprehensive
calculate the sum of understanding understanding of understanding of
simple finite series, and of techniques techniques techniques
appreciate the
relationship between
the roots of polynomials
and their coefficients
Understand further Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
techniques in calculus adequate robust comprehensive
to differentiate understanding understanding of understanding of
combinations of of techniques techniques techniques

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functions, how to use
these techniques to
solve problems
involving functions
given parametrically
and how to derive
Maclaurin and Taylor
Understand further Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
trigonometry and adequate robust comprehensive
hyperbolic functions understanding understanding of understanding of
of techniques techniques techniques
Understand Euler’s Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
relation and De Moivre’s adequate robust level of comprehensive level of
theorem and derive level of understanding understanding
relations between understanding
trigonometric functions
and hyperbolic
Understand further Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
techniques in calculus adequate robust comprehensive
to differentiate understanding understanding of understanding of
combinations of of techniques techniques techniques
functions, how to use
these techniques to
solve problems
involving functions
given parametrically
and how to derive
Maclaurin and Taylor

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Grade descriptors for Physics

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
mechanics of adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
motion understanding understanding of understanding
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
mechanics of forces adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
understanding understanding of understanding
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
mechanics of adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
energy understanding understanding of understanding
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
mechanics of adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
momentum understanding understanding of understanding
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
mechanics of adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
periodic motion understanding understanding of understanding
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
basic principles of adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
thermal physics understanding understanding of understanding
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
fundamentals of adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
electrostatics understanding understanding of understanding
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
fundamentals of adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
electrodynamics understanding understanding of understanding
Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly
fundamentals of adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
magnetism understanding understanding of understanding

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Grade descriptors for Chemistry

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

Understand atomic Demonstrate an Demonstrate robust Demonstrate a
structure and bonding adequate level of level of highly
understanding understanding comprehensive level
of understanding
Understand Demonstrate an Demonstrate robust Demonstrate a
energetics, rates, adequate level of level of highly
kinetics and chemical understanding understanding comprehensive level
equilibria of understanding
Understand the key Demonstrate an Demonstrate robust Demonstrate a
points of inorganic adequate level of level of highly
chemistry understanding understanding comprehensive level
of understanding
Understand functional Demonstrate an Demonstrate robust Demonstrate a
groups, naming adequate level of level of highly
organic compounds understanding understanding comprehensive level
and isomerism of understanding
Understand organic Demonstrate an Demonstrate robust Demonstrate a
synthesis reactions adequate level of level of highly
understanding understanding comprehensive level
of understanding
Understand aromatic Demonstrate an Demonstrate robust Demonstrate a
(arene) chemistry adequate level of level of highly
understanding understanding comprehensive level
of understanding
Understand the Demonstrate an Demonstrate robust Demonstrate a
techniques used in adequate level of level of highly
organic analysis understanding understanding comprehensive level
of understanding

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Grade descriptors for Biology

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

Understand cell Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly

Structure adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
understanding understanding of understanding

Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly

systems involved in adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
coordination and control understanding understanding of understanding
of the body

Understand the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly

systems involved adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
movement and energy understanding understanding of understanding
release in the body

Understand how the Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly

body obtains the adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
nutrients it needs and understanding understanding of understanding
disposes of waste

Understand the body’s Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly

defences against adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
disease and infection understanding understanding of understanding

Understand the process Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate highly

of reproduction adequate level of robust level of comprehensive level
understanding understanding of understanding

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