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I. Introduction and Background

This article which is investigates teachers and students' opinion about students' attention problem
during the lesson is a descriptive study in the survey model, which has the title “Teachers’ and Students’
Opinions About Students’ Attention Problems During The Lesson” and the author of this article is
Mehmet Ali Cicekei and Fatma Sadik. This article was published online on October 24, 2019. There are
432 teachers and 1023 students from secondary schools in the central districts of Adana voluntarily
participated in the study. This research, supported by the Cukurova University Department of Scientific
Research Project (Project ID: 4585) was presented as an oral presentation at the 6th International
Congress on Curriculum and Instruction, October 11-13, 2018, in Kars, Turkey. This article is important,
so that students can better understand why they have difficulty concentrating while listening to the

II. Summary

As a result of the research, it was observed that the teacher perceived the attention
problem that the students experienced during the course mostly as a problem arising from the students
themselves while the students associate this problem not online with themselves, but also with other
students, teachers and the environment. The solution suggestions of the teachers who kept the
attention problems of the students out of their own sphere and their teaching practices were that
passing exams should be harder and discipline regulations should change to facilitate punishment. The
students stated that teachers should show more interest towards the students, approach the students
positively and use a variety of teaching methods in accordance with the students’ level. Because it has a
very important place in every step of life and it affects the quality of life, “to pay attention, be all ears, to
take into consideration” are frequently used expressions in daily life.

When not paying attention, there are problems in communication, a minor distraction can cause
accidents, and careless reading may result in misunderstanding. Attention is a state of mental alertness
and a focusing activity (Posner & Peterson, 1990). When the individual gathers his attention on a
particular stimulus, s/he realizes the fit for purpose features more easily, and a feature which is paid
attention to is placed in the consciousness.
Thus, it becomes easier to choose and learn the information, the mind does not engage in unnecessary
details (Prakash, 2015). Therefore, attention is emphasized as a mechanism to initiate learning (Ainley &
Luntley, 2007; Chen & Huang, 2014).

III. Critical Evaluation

Attention is paid to the mechanism that decides which information is sent to the short
term memory. The first condition in learning through observation is to pay attention to the model taken.
The ability to focus the attention is one of the most important abilities one should possess. However,
most people lack the ability to concentrate. Their attention usually wanders, without being able to fix it
on one subject for any reasonable period of time.

The authors suggest that teachers should consider evidence that the students’ attention is distracted as
a clue to change the learning process. It is suggested that teachers should pay attention to their
tasks/schedule plans during teaching and give small breaks to reduce the cognitive load during the
course. It may be suggested that teachers should not forget that some students may need more support
for self-regulation, focusing and maintaining their focus due to individual differences. It may be
suggested for teachers to prevent the students from getting bored to encourage them to participate in
the lesson and to spare more time for the appropriate teaching practices (educational games, puzzles,
role playing, stories, drama, etc.).

The authors suggest that teachers should improve their pedagogical knowledge about attention, factors
affecting attention, attention getting and maintaining, and then apply the gained skills in their classroom

The students emphasized similarly and gave some examples of negative behaviors and negative
personality and psychological characteristics of the students who were distracted during the course.

The students in this article are suitable as models because nowadays there are more students who
cannot focus properly on things, especially at school. There are many obstacles to learning or
concentrating on what is being done.

These results show that students who are distracted during the course clearly reveal this situation.
When the students were distracted, a majority of them stated that they did not abandon the lesson as
the teachers thought, and instead of dealing with other things, they try to focus on the lesson, trying to
make eye contact with their teachers and to tell their teachers that they were distracted.

This article is subjective, because it is only about the students' behavior, it is based on the student's
concentration and the teacher's observation.

This piece belongs to the marxism literary theory, because it discusses the socioeconomic and class
differences. Based on the criteria of this article, we rate this 10 out of 10, because this research shows
that the attention problems experienced during courses are perceived by the teachers as problems of
the students and that concrete clues indicating that attention is distracted in the class environment are
considered as disciplinary problems and the aim of interventions is to stop the students’ behavior
instead of recollecting the students’ attentions again.

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