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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454


Research progress and perspectives on carbon capture, utilization,

and storage (CCUS) technologies in China and the USA: a bibliometric
Qiang Ren1 · Shansen Wei1 · Jianhui Du1 · Peng Wu1

Received: 3 March 2023 / Accepted: 15 May 2023 / Published online: 3 June 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

Carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technology is an emerging technology with large-scale emission
reduction potential and an essential component of the global response to climate change to achieve net-zero goals. As the
two most important countries in global climate governance, it is necessary to review and examine the current status and
trends of research in the field of CCUS in China and the USA. This paper uses bibliometric tools to review and analyze
peer-reviewed articles in the Web of Science from both countries during 2000–2022. The results show a significant increase
in research interest among scholars from both countries. The number of publications in the CCUS field in China and the
USA was 1196 and 1302, respectively, showing an increasing trend. China and the USA have become the most influential
countries in CCUS. And the USA has a more significant academic influence on a global scale. Furthermore, the research
hotspots in the field of CCUS are diverse and differentiated. That is, China and the USA pay attention to different research
hotspots or have different focuses in different periods. This paper also finds that new capture materials and technology
development, geological storage monitoring and early warning, C ­ O2 utilization and new energy development, sustainable
business models, incentive policies and measures, and public awareness are critical directions for future research in the field
of CCUS, to provide a comprehensive review and comparison of CCUS technology development in China and the USA. It
helps to gain insight into the research differences and linkages between the two countries in the field of CCUS and identify
the research gaps between them. And place some consensus that policymakers can use.

Keywords CCUS · Technology mapping · Temporal evolution · Technology foresight · Prospective breakthroughs ·
Bibliometric analysis

Introduction significant increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concen-

tration is mainly due to the excessive use of fossil fuels in
Global warming is the most critical environmental issue human production and social activities. Related research
in the world and the most significant climate issue facing reports indicate that global ­CO2 emissions in 2022 totaled
humanity (Trenberth et al. 2014). Global warming can 36.8 billion tons, of which China and the USA accounted
lead to frequent extreme weather events like heat waves, for 31.2% and 12.8%, respectively (IEA 2023). And they are
droughts, and forest fires. The impact on human activi- the two largest global countries regarding carbon emissions
ties will be severe (Allen et al. 2009; Chen and Sun 2017; (Beusch et al. 2022; Chapman and Ahmed 2021). Therefore,
Masson-Delmotte et al. 2018). Carbon dioxide is one of the conducting a study on the governance of carbon dioxide
most critical factors contributing to global warming. The emissions in China and the USA is essential. Once China
and the USA agree on climate issues, it will significantly
Responsible Editor: Philippe Garrigues enhance global confidence in addressing climate change and
advance global climate governance to a new level.
* Peng Wu CCUS technology is an effective means to address global
[email protected] climate change and has enormous potential for carbon reduc-
Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, tion. It is considered one of the critical technologies indis-
China pensable for achieving the global net-zero emission target

76438 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454

(de Kleijne et al. 2022; Page et al. 2020). According to IEA in the field of CCUS. Kang et al. (2021) outline the patent
projections, the contribution of CCUS technology to emis- placement strategy of CCUS in significant economies world-
sions reductions will rise from 3% of total emissions reduc- wide through an overview of the global CCUS technology
tions in 2020 to 10% in 2030, reaching about 20% in 2050. It patent database. A review of the development of integration
will be the single technology with the largest share of global methods for the CCUS system planning process has also
­CO2 deductions (International Energy 2020). As a result, been conducted to address the need to integrate the various
more and more countries are choosing CCUS technology methods into a unified framework, which will help plan-
as a carbon reduction tool in their long-term climate poli- ners to carry out large CCUS projects (Tapia et al. 2018).
cies. After decades of development, CCUS technology has In conclusion, the existing studies focus on research trends
evolved from a single technology to a diverse, multidiscipli- in the CCS or CCUS globally, in China, or other countries.
nary, cross-cutting technology portfolio (Hasan et al. 2015; However, few comparative studies have been conducted
Tapia et al. 2018). Therefore, it is necessary to comprehen- between major countries, especially China and the USA, as
sively sort out the development history and evolution pattern the leaders of CCUS projects and the top two countries in
of CCUS technology. It helps researchers to have a clear the number of scientific publications. China and the USA
understanding of the current status of research in the field of occupy a critical position in the global CCUS field. There-
CCUS. In turn, it will promote the sustainable development fore, it is significant and valuable to review and compare the
of CCUS technology. development and evolution of the CCUS field in China and
In recent years, with the rapid development of metric the USA over the past 20 years.
science, knowledge graph, and information visualization To fill this literature gap and promote the field’s devel-
technology, bibliometric analysis has become an emerging opment in China and the USA, this study focuses on lit-
method for data mining and massive literature processing erature big data and uses bibliometric tools to explore the
(Donthu et al. 2021; Ellegaard and Wallin 2015). Biblio- current situation and future growth trend of CCUS technol-
metric analysis is a method of quantitative analysis of a ogy reserves in China and the USA from the perspective
field using mathematics and statistics, which can quickly of text mining. By systematically analyzing and comparing
visualize the literature and quantify the characteristics and the development characteristics and cutting-edge trends of
patterns of development of an area, helping researchers to CCUS technology in China and the USA over the past 20
quickly sort out and comprehensively grasp the dynamics years, this paper further reveals the differences and connec-
and evolution of the field. It can also unravel the nuances tions between China and the USA in the field of CCUS.
of the evolution of a particular field and reveal emerging Through such a study, this paper aims to answer the follow-
areas in the field (Camana et al. 2021; Concari et al. 2022). ing questions:
Therefore, it is applied to various disciplines or fields for
literature review, such as the global critical metals (Liu et al. (1) What are the trends and characteristics of scientific
2022), green energy and environmental technologies (Tan publications in the field of CCUS in China and the
et al. 2021), international trade (Tian et al. 2018), life cycle USA? And what advances have been made in CCUS
assessment (He and Yu 2020), and Accounting for Carbon technology in both countries?
Emission Reduction (Yao et al. 2022). It can be seen that (2) Which institutions and research teams in China and the
this method is a relatively mature and standard method for USA have contributed the most to the field of CCUS?
review research. What are the two country’s links and differences in
Many review papers provide a summary of specific research progress?
aspects of the CCUS literature. Li et al. (2019) examined (3) What are the research hotspots in this field in China and
global research trends in CCS from 1997 to 2017 from a the USA? What are the future research directions?
social science perspective and made recommendations for
future work on CCS by discussing the primary modeling The answers to these questions are essential to improve
techniques. Jiang and Ashworth (2021) conducted a biblio- the understanding of CCUS in China and the USA, which
metric analysis by reviewing 1202 scientific articles related will help scholars accurately grasp research priorities and
to CCUS in China. The hotspot studies of CCUS technology trends. The main contribution of this study is a quantita-
in China are given, and the impact of policies on the technol- tive analysis of the current status and recent trends in the
ogy is analyzed. Kumar et al. (2019) critically review the development of CCUS technology in China and the USA
current carbon capture and storage status in coal-fired power over the past 20 years based on a literature-mining perspec-
plants in India and present the challenges and responses to tive. It also provides new insights into the development
the future deployment of CCS in India. Yan et al. (2021) history, research institutions, major groups, core authors,
reviewed CCUS using a machine science approach to dem- highly cited papers, influential journals, research hotspots,
onstrate the role and promise of this approach for research and future directions of CCUS technology in China and the

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454 76439

USA. This study identifies research strengths in the field, advantages in node clustering relationship and density view,
extracts emerging research areas, and acknowledges the which can be used for author and keyword co-occurrence
knowledge base by comparing and analyzing the trends mapping analysis and hotspot tracking to explore the evolu-
and characteristics of the CCUS field in China and the USA tion pattern and frontier dynamics of CCUS domain topics
during 2000–2022. It provides policymakers in both coun- (Niknejad et al. 2021; Van Eck and Waltman 2010). While
tries with a comprehensive understanding of CCUS tech- CiteSpace focuses on data visualization and panoramic dis-
nology to know the gaps and connections between them in play of scientific research evolution patterns and develop-
the CCUS field. It also provides future directions for global ment processes, discovering research frontier dynamics and
scholars in the field of CCUS. thematic clustering, the software can draw time zone maps
The other sections of this paper are as follows: The and keyword mutation detection (Chen 2017). This paper
“Methods and data” section focuses on the research meth- fully uses the features and advantages of both visualiza-
odology and data processing. The “Result and discussion” tion software to accurately explore the nature of research
section presents the main findings of this study. The “Con- topics in the CCUS domain. It explores the disciplinary
clusion” section and “Recommendations” section summa- development trends, author-institution cooperation, subject
rize the paper and indicate future research work. development lines, and research frontier dynamics of the
CCUS technical knowledge domain in China and the USA.
In turn, it presents critical nodes and evolutionary trends in
Methods and data the CCUS field in both countries. The research framework
of this paper is shown in Fig. 1.
Method description
Data collection and pre‑processing
This study visualizes the elements of literature such as
time of publication, number of citations, author institu- As the world’s largest and most comprehensive academic
tions, and keywords with the help of bibliometric methods information platform covering various disciplines, the Web
such as VOSviewer and CiteSpace. VOSviewer is suitable of Science covers natural sciences, engineering technology,
for acquiring the overall information structure and has biomedicine, social sciences, arts and humanities, and other

Fig. 1  The research framework

of this paper. Note: N represents
the number of publications

76440 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454

fields. It is regarded as the most suitable database for litera- an overall upward trend. Combined with the characteris-
ture analysis (Mongeon and Paul-Hus 2016). Therefore, this tics and laws of this technology development, this paper
paper uses bibliometric tools for data mining and statistical divides the development trend into three stages: the first
analysis of the Web of Science database. stage is the slow growth stage (2000–2008), the second
This paper selected the Science Citation Index Expanded stage is the rapid rise stage (2009–2018), and the third
(SCI-E) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) in the Web stage is the booming stage (2019 to present). It shows
of Science core collection as data sources. TS= (“CCS” and that the literature on CCUS is less in the first phase
“CO2” or “carbon capture and storage” or “carbon capture and (2000–2008). The USA published 63 articles, accounting
sequestra*” or “carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration” or for 2.52% of the total publications, while China published
“carbon capture, utilization and storage” or “CCS” and “carbon” 4 papers, accounting for only 0.16%. The first Chinese
or “CCS” and “carbon dioxide” or “CO2 capture, utilization and literature on CCUS was published in 2004. It shows that
storage” or “CO2 capture, utilization and sequestration” or “CO2 the USA is earlier than China regarding CCUS research.
capture and storage” or “CO2 capture and utilization” or “CO2 In the second phase (2009–2018), the USA published 813
capture and sequestra*” or “carbon capture and utilization”). articles, accounting for 32.55% of the total publications.
The search time range 2000–2022 was on May 20, 2022. The lit- China published 609 papers, accounting for 24.38% of the
erature type and language were divided into settings such as arti- total publications. China and the US CCUS technologies
cles and English. Countries were selected as People’s Republic have developed rapidly during this period. Among them,
of China (Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan were not considered the trend of CCUS technology in the USA is increasing
due to data access) and the USA. A total of 2868 journal articles first and then stable, while China is in a state of rapid
were obtained from the initial search results. After screening increase all the time. And in 2016, China surpassed the
and eliminating duplicate and non-compliant documents by USA for the first time.
researchers in related fields, 2498 valid documents were finally The third phase is (2019 to present). The USA published
accepted as the research sample data for this paper. China has 426 articles, accounting for 17.05% of the total publications,
1196 articles, and the USA has 1302 articles. while China published 583 papers, accounting for 23.34%. It
can be seen that Chinese CCUS technology has been grow-
ing rapidly in this phase. In 2019, the Chinese government
Result and discussion proposed to achieve carbon peaking by 2030 and a carbon
neutrality target by 2060. CCUS technology, as one of the
Temporal analysis critical emission reduction technologies for carbon neutral-
ity, has more Chinese scholars started to research CCUS
Figure 2 shows the trend of the number of CCUS or technology. In 2021, the USA returned to the Paris climate
CCS literature published in China and the USA during agreement and pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by
2000–2022, and it can be seen that the technology shows 2050. The 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference

Fig. 2  Number of CCUS pub-

lications in China and the USA
during 2000–2022

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454 76441

(COP 26) was held the same year. As the international com- journals, Energy & Environmental Science has the high-
munity pays more and more attention to the net-zero emis- est impact factor of 39.71. In addition, it has an average
sion target, CCUS technology is rapidly developing, the number of citations per publication of 145.57, ranking
number of literary publications about this technology will first among all journals. It shows that these journals have
increase in the future, and the research about CCUS technol- a tremendous academic influence. It can also be seen
ogy will usher in an essential window. that these journals show a greater interest in the study
of CCUS technology and are more essential journals in
Analysis of the distribution of journals this field.
and academic fields
Analysis of discipline distribution
Analysis of journal distribution
From the perspective of disciplinary distribution, during
Based on the subject classification of the Web of Science 2000–2022, the CCUS in China and the USA are mainly
database. This study examines the field of CCUS technol- clustered in 10 disciplinary areas, namely Engineering,
ogy in China and the USA from 2000 to 2022 through the Energy and Fuels, Environmental Science and Ecology,
distribution of literature by subject categories and jour- Science and Technology, Chemistry, Materials Science,
nals. From the perspective of journal distribution, the top Thermodynamics, Business and Economics, Geology,
15 journals with 1138 articles (45.6% of the total publica- Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, and other top-
tions) were selected for analysis (Table 1). The remaining ics. The distribution of literature disciplines shows that
1360 articles were distributed in 448 journals, which are CCUS technology involves multidisciplinary fields. The
not discussed in this paper due to the small number of engineering category accounted for 23.9% of the articles
papers issued. Table 1 shows the top 15 journals regard- issued and was first. Energy and Fuels, Environmental
ing the number of publications and citation attributes for Science, and Ecology accounted for 21.49%, 12.07%, and
2000–2022. These are well-known energy, environmen- 2.55%, respectively (Fig. 3). The research related to CCUS
tal science, atmospheric science, and chemical chemistry technology can be seen in engineering, environmental sci-
journals. Table 1 shows that the International Journal of ence, atmospheric science, business and economics, ecol-
Greenhouse Gas Control has the highest number of pub- ogy, and energy. It can be seen that CCUS technology as a
lications, with 322 articles, accounting for 12.89% of the technology portfolio involves a wide range of disciplinary
total published articles, followed by Applied Energy (120, fields and has multidisciplinary cross-fertilization charac-
4.8%), Energy (90, 3.6%), and Environmental Science & teristics. It has received increasing attention from scholars
Technology (88, 3.52%). Among the 15 most published with different disciplinary backgrounds.

Table 1  Top 15 most productive Rank Journal TP R (%) IF TC TC/TP

journals during 2000–2022
1 International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 322 12.89 4.4 7636 23.71
2 Applied Energy 120 4.80 11.47 4495 37.46
3 Energy 90 3.60 8.86 2467 27.41
4 Environmental Science & Technology 88 3.52 2.52 5730 65.11
5 Energy Policy 80 3.20 7.76 3921 49.01
6 Journal of Cleaner Production 72 2.88 11.08 2093 29.07
7 Greenhouse Gases-Science and Technology 67 2.68 2.52 808 12.06
8 Energy & Fuels 49 1.96 4.65 925 18.88
9 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48 1.92 4.33 1554 32.38
10 Energies 43 1.72 3.25 371 8.63
11 Climatic Change 36 1.44 5.17 1915 53.19
12 Energy Conversion and Management 32 1.28 11.53 620 19.38
13 Energy Economics 31 1.24 9.25 1026 33.10
14 Energy & Environmental Science 30 1.20 39.71 4367 145.57
15 Chemical Engineering Journal 30 1.20 16.74 677 22.57

Note: TP indicates the total number of articles published in the journal. IF indicates the journal impact
factor. R (%) means the proportion of literature published in the journal to the total number of papers. TC
indicates the total number of citations. TC/TP indicates the average number of citations per publication

76442 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454

Fig. 3  Main types of journals

published by CCUS technology
in China and the USA

Co‑institution network analysis many outstanding scientific scholars and teams. Comparing
the number of articles published in China and the USA, it
Table 2 shows the top 20 institutions in the USA and China can be found that the Chinese Acad Sci has published the
regarding the number of articles published on CCUS top- most papers, with 180 pieces (7.21%) ranking first in both
ics from 2000 to 2022. In issuing institutions, there are 20 countries, followed by Tsinghua University with 112 articles
institutions with more than 37 articles, including 11 from (4.48%); Carnegie Mellon Univ of the USA organized the
China and 9 from the USA. These institutions have pub- third. A total of 84 pieces (3.36%) were published. Although
lished 1197 articles, accounting for 47.92% of the total more articles were published in the USA than in China dur-
number of publications, indicating that they have solid sci- ing 2000–2022, among the top 20 CCUS publishers, the
entific capabilities in the field of CCUS and have gathered USA has fewer research institutions than China. This result

Table 2  Top 20 institutions in Rank Institution Country TP TC AC (%) TLS

China and the USA by number
of publications 1 Chinese Acad Sci China 180 3695 7.21 223
2 Tsinghua Univ China 112 3750 4.48 117
3 Carnegie Mellon Univ USA 84 6580 3.36 48
4 MIT USA 79 3617 3.16 59
5 Univ Texas Austin USA 66 1601 2.64 71
6 China Univ Petr China 61 805 2.44 51
7 Univ Calif Berkeley USA 60 3854 2.40 76
8 Stanford Univ USA 49 3137 1.96 78
9 Princeton Univ USA 49 2772 1.96 51
10 Univ Chinese Acad Sci China 48 789 1.92 84
11 China Univ Min&Technol China 48 725 1.92 43
12 North China Elect Power Univ China 47 601 1.88 65
13 Tianjin Univ China 47 995 1.88 43
14 Dalian Univ Technol China 42 545 1.68 22
15 China Univ Geosci China 39 563 1.56 66
16 Los Alamos Natl Lab USA 38 1210 1.52 15
17 Beijing Inst Technol China 37 833 1.48 19
18 Zhejiang Univ China 37 1199 1.48 11
19 US DOE USA 37 765 1.48 9
20 Columbia Univ USA 37 1904 1.44 47

Note: TP indicates the total number of papers published. TC indicates the total number of citations. AC (%)
represents the institution's contribution rate. TLS represents the full strength of ties between institutions

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454 76443

indicates China’s importance and outstanding contribution at the forefront of CCUS research. As a world-renowned
to research in CCUS-related fields. university, Tsinghua University has strong basic strength in
Carnegie Mellon Univ ranked first in total article citations scientific research. China Univ Petr, a famous university in
with 6580 citations. It was followed by Univ Calif Berke- the petroleum field, has a particular influence on the engi-
ley (3854) and Tsinghua Univ (3750), and Chinese Acad neering application of CCUS technology. And the research
Sci (3695) in China. Other institutions with more than 2000 results related to CCUS technology were published by Car-
citations include MIT, Stanford Univ, and Princeton Univ. negie Mellon Univ and MIT in 2001, respectively. And they
These institutions have a high level of scientific research. have been in the leading position during 2000–2010 and
Undeniably, as one of the first countries to study CCUS keep rising at a specific rate. As the world’s top academic
technology, the USA profoundly influences the CCUS field. institutions, they have some influence in the field of CCUS.
In addition, regarding cooperation intensity, Chinese Acad However, compared with Chinese research institutions, the
Sci inter-institutional linkage intensity reached 223, ranking number of publications published by US research institu-
first. Tsinghua University (117) and Univ Chinese Acad Sci tions in CCUS has developed slowly in recent years.
(84) indicate that these institutions have some teamwork, but As the most important research institutions and universi-
on the whole, the cooperation intensity of 14 institutions is ties in China and the USA, these institutions have published
less than 70. Others that have yet to be counted are lower. influential articles in CCUS-related fields, extensively pro-
This is sufficient to show that the power of inter-institutional moting research in CCUS-related areas in both countries.
collaboration still needs to be further strengthened. In the future, both countries will have great potential for
Meanwhile, as shown in Fig. 4. The number of articles cooperation and development in CCUS technology develop-
published by the top six institutions in China and the USA ment and innovation, large-scale promotion and application,
offers a fluctuating growth trend, especially after 2005 when and talent training.
it started to grow faster. Chinese institutions overtook US
institutions around 2010. Three top 6 institutions are from Co‑author network analysis
China: Chinese Acad Sci, Tsinghua University, and China
Univ Petr, and three from the US: Carnegie Mellon Univ, Authors are the main body of scientific research, and the
MIT, and Univ Texas Austin. Among them, Chinese Acad number of publications and citation attributes is commonly
Sci had the fastest growth from 2011 to 2021, with 160 pub- used to measure authors’ research ability and academic
lications, accounting for 88.9% of the total publications of influence. Author collaboration networks can clarify the
this institution. Chinese Acad Sci was also one of the first core figures in scientific research and the collaboration and
institutions to enter the field of CCUS-related research and cross-citation relationships among scholars. In this paper, we
published the first academic paper on CCUS technology used VOSviewer software to map the knowledge of authors
research in China in 2004. It shows that the institution is and teams in the field of CCUS in China and the USA during

Fig. 4  Trends of the top 6 insti-

tutions in China and the USA in
terms of the number of publica-
tions during 2000–2022. Note:
TP indicates the total number of
papers published

76444 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454

2000–2022 (Fig. 5). This paper counted the information of Professor Rubin ES, also from the USA, ranked first with
the top 20 authors in terms of several publications as shown 2766 citations. They were followed by Herzog HJ (Mas-
in Table 3. The ranking is based on the authors’ total number sachusetts Institute of Technology, 1324), van Vuuren DP
of publications, as seen in Table 3, among the top 20 authors (Utrecht University, 1171), Middleton RS (Los Alamos Natl
in terms of the number of publications. There are 10 Chi- Lab and Carbon Solut LLC, 1138), and Benson SM (Stan-
nese and 10 American scholars, and the top 5 authors in the ford University, 936), all from the USA. Li Q is China’s most
CCUS research field in the USA are Rubin ES, Middleton frequently cited scholar (Institute of Rock and Soil Mechan-
RS, Zhai HB, Herzog HJ, and Bielicki JM. The top 5 authors ics, CAS, 724). It can be seen that American scholars have a
in the field of CCUS research in China are Zhang X, Li Q, Li more significant influence in the field of CCUS.
XC, Song YC, and Deng S. Rubin ES from Carnegie Mellon Regarding the H-index, Professor Van Vuuren, DP from
University published the most articles. There are 29 publica- Utrecht University in the USA, had the highest H-index of
tions. This was followed by Middleton RS from Los Alamos 93. The scholar’s research interests focus on climate change,
Natl Lab and Carbon Solut LLC, with 28 publications. In environmental science, and global sustainable development,
fourth place is Zhang X from Minist Sci & Technol Most and he has published a series of academic results (Biermann
and Li Q from the Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics in et al. 2022; Schweizer et al. 2020). Professor Wei YM (73)
China, with 24 publications. In fifth place is Li XC, also from the Beijing Institute of Technology in China is second.
from the Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics in China, His research interests are energy and environmental policy
with 22 publications. Regarding the number of citations, (Kang et al. 2021; Li et al. 2022). Third, Professor Song YC

Fig. 5  Mapping of essential

scholars and major collaborative
networks in the field of CCUS
technology in China (a) and the
USA (b) during 2000–2022.
Note: Nodes denote authors,
author postings are proportional
to node size, colors indicate
author clustering, the same
color represents a collaborative
group, and inter-node con-
nectivity is proportional to
collaboration intensity

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454 76445

Table 3  The top 20 authors in terms of the number of articles published in China and the USA
Rank Author Institution country TP TC TLS H-index

1 Rubin ES Carnegie Mellon University USA 29 2766 21 31

2 Middleton RS Los Alamos Natl Lab and Carbon Solut LLC USA 28 1138 51 19
3 Zhang X Minist Sci & Technol Most China 24 593 61 15
4 Li Q Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, CAS China 24 724 26 25
5 Li XC Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, CAS China 22 318 38 24
6 Zhai HB Carnegie Mellon University USA 18 689 15 19
7 Herzog HJ Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA 17 1324 16 23
8 Song YC Dalian University of Technology China 17 251 49 53
9 Deng S Tianjin University China 16 340 39 29
10 Wei YM Beijing Institute of Technology China 15 309 24 73
11 Li Z Tsinghua University China 15 509 24 43
12 Bielicki JM. The Ohio State University USA 15 635 23 23
13 Chen WY Tsinghua University China 14 682 8 27
14 van Vuuren DP Utrecht University USA 13 1171 43 93
15 Michael A. C Princeton University USA 13 614 11 50
16 Zhu L Beihang University China 13 53 29 27
17 Fan JL China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing China 13 283 39 28
18 Leon C University of Maryland USA 12 831 34 47
19 Benson SM Stanford University USA 12 936 2 36
20 Wilson EJ Dartmouth College USA 11 325 15 23

Note: TP indicates the total number of papers published. TC indicates the total number of citations. TLS represents the total link strength among
authors. The H-index indicates that a researcher has at most H papers cited at least H times each. The higher the H-index, the more influential his
papers are

from the Dalian University of Technology in China, whose for ­CO2 resource utilization and oil and gas extraction (Lu
H-index is 53, mainly focuses on carbon dioxide seques- et al. 2022). Another group of collaborators mainly consists
tration and resource utilization (Cheng et al. 2022). And of Deng S from Tianjin University, focusing on C ­ O2 cap-
Professor Michael A. C from Princeton University in the ture technology (Li et al. 2021). In addition, Fan, JL, and
USA, whose H-index reached 50, has significantly contrib- Zhang X have contributed to the CCUS source-sink match-
uted to flow in porous media, carbon storage, and numerical ing model (Fan et al. 2021) and LI Z to C ­ O2 capture (Yang
methods. Leon C (47) from the University of Maryland in et al. 2022).
the USA is in fifth place. His research interests are climate As seen in Fig. 5b, the US CCUS research area col-
change, energy technology selection, and integrated assess- laboration teams are clustered in the following groups. The
ment modeling. He is also the lead author of the IPCC Sixth research team of Professor Rubin ES from Carnegie Mel-
Assessment Report Coordination (Ou et al. 2021; Yu et al. lon University focuses on CCS economic evaluation and
2019). It can be found that both Chinese and American policy (Roussanaly et al. 2021; Rubin et al. 2015). Mid-
scholars have made significant contributions to the field of dleton RS from Los Alamos Natl Lab and Carbon Solut
CCUS research. Still, American scholars have more signifi- LLC’s research group has contributed to CCS energy sys-
cant academic influence in CCUS. tem optimization, numerical simulation, and fundamen-
Figure 5a shows the critical scholars and major collabo- tal architecture research (Middleton and Bielicki 2009;
rative networks in the field of CCUS technology in China Middleton and Yaw 2018). Another collaborative group
during 2000–2022. For example, Li XC and Li Q from the is composed of Prof. van Vuuren DP from Utrecht Uni-
Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, CAS, and Wang YS versity. As described earlier, this scholar contributes sig-
from China Shenhua Group Corporation have formed a col- nificantly to studying climate change and global sustain-
laborative team to study geological storage and utilization ability. This shows the efforts and contributions of many
of ­CO2, carbon neutral theory, technology, and engineering scholars and teams in the field of CCUS in China and
applications (Wang et al. 2021; Xu et al. 2019). A collabora- the USA during the period 2000–2022. They are the most
tive group, mainly consisting of Song YC from the Dalian productive and influential authors and groups in the field
University of Technology, focuses on new technologies of CCUS research.

76446 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454

Similarly, the number of highly cited papers is a crucial research hotspots in the field of CCUS in both China and
indicator of impact. Usually, the more awarded a piece is, the the USA show diversity and differentiation, and the variety
more recognized it is by the academic community. Table 4 is reflected in the fact that they involve not only various
shows the top 10 highly cited articles in the field of CCUS technical studies but also climate change, application areas,
between China and the USA during 2000–2022; the USA numerical simulation, model construction, cost analysis, and
has 7 out of 10 studies, and China has only 3. It can be seen other fields. The differences are reflected in the fact that
that there is a gap between China and the USA in the field of the Chinese CCUS field emphasizes the application of ­CO2
CCUS, and the USA has more influence in CCUS. utilization technologies in the coal sector. At the same time,
the USA is showing more attention in the field of ­CO2-EOR.
Research hotspots and topic clustering analysis The USA received the world’s first patent for ­CO2-EOR in
1952 and has been actively deploying the technology world-
Research hotspots wide. It also represents the US’ leadership in the field (Lla-
mas et al. 2016). In addition, studies have shown that C ­ O2
Keywords are the core content of literature research, which utilization is considered an essential factor in driving the
can analyze the evolution pattern of research themes, future scale-up of CCUS technology (Zhang et al. 2020).
research hotspots, and future directions (Tian et al. 2018). Topic clustering analysis
On the other hand, keyword clustering analysis can present To better present the research themes in the field of CCUS
the differences and connections between topics, thus iden- in China and the USA, this paper uses CiteSpace software
tifying the knowledge communities in a particular research to perform a cluster analysis of Chinese CCUS keywords
area (Yao et al. 2020). In this paper, through data cleaning (Fig. 6). Each cluster comprises multiple closely related key-
and synonym conversion of keywords, and after screen- words, which are collated to form Table B.2 and Table B.3
ing and sorting, the frequency of keywords in the field of (in the Appendix). The Q values in the table are greater
CCUS in China and the USA was thus counted and ana- than 0.3, indicating significant clustering institutions. The S
lyzed (Table B.1 in the Appendix). It shows the top 15 high- values are greater than 0.7, showing convincing clustering.
frequency keywords in the field of CCUS in China and the Combining Table B.2 and Fig. 6a, it can be seen that
USA during 2000–2021, which reflect the evolution of the the thematic clustering in the field of CCUS in China
thematic pulse of the area over the past 20 years. It can be over the past 20 years mainly includes the following: #0
seen that “CO2 capture” as the keyword of this study appears enhanced gas recovery, #1 coal-fired power plants, #2
528 times in China and 450 times in the USA. It occupies a dioxide capture, #3 power sector, #4 calcium carbonate,
central and intermediary role. ­CO2 storage, ­CO2 emission, #5 numerical simulation, #6 C ­ O 2 absorption, #7 super-
flue gas, cost, model, and climate change are also the most critical ­C O 2, #8 chemical looping combustion, #9 life
frequently reported keywords in China and the USA, which cycle assessment. Topics #1 and #3 are industries where
are hot words in the CCUS field. This indicates that the CCUS technology research is focused on applications. As

Table 4  Top 10 highly cited articles in the CCUS field in the USA and China from 2000 to 2022
Author TC Journal Country Research direction

Rao and Rubin (2002) 1334 Environmental Science & Technology USA Engineering; Environmental Sciences and
McDonald et al. (2015) 767 Nature USA Science and Technology
Zhang et al. (2014) 607 Energy & Environmental Science China Chemistry; Energy and Fuels; Engineering;
Environmental Sciences and Ecology
Rubin et al. (2007) 519 Energy Policy USA Geochemistry and Geophysics; Mineralogy
Benson and Cole (2008) 491 Elements USA Chemistry; Energy and Fuels; Engineering;
Environmental Sciences and Ecology
Presser et al. (2011) 460 Energy & Environmental Science USA Science and Technology
Guan et al. (2008) 459 Global Environmental Change-Human and China Environmental Sciences and Ecology; Geog-
Policy Dimensions raphy
Zoback and Gorelick (2012) 434 PNAS USA Science and Technology
Rubin et al. (2015) 432 International Journal of Greenhouse Gas USA Science and Technology; Energy and Fuels;
Control Engineering
Lin et al. (2012) 425 Nature Materials China Chemistry; Materials Science; Physics

Note: TC indicates the total number of citations

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454 76447

Fig. 6  Clustering of keyword

themes in the field of CCUS in
China (a) and the USA (b) dur-
ing 2000–2022

coal-fired power plants are major carbon emitters, more profound carbon reduction in the power sector. In the
and more domestic companies are using CCUS technol- future, CCUS technology will play a more critical role in
ogy to address carbon emissions in critical areas, such as crucial carbon emissions industries such as power plants,
the National Energy Group, which has built the largest steel, and cement (Fan et al. 2022; Wei et al. 2021). Top-
CCUS complete process demonstration project for coal- ics #2, #4, #6, and #8 are all related to C
­ O2 capture tech-
fired power plants in China. CCUS technology is superior nology, which is the most important technical component
in reducing emissions in the power industry and is con- of CCUS technology. Depending on the capture mecha-
sidered one of the essential options for China to achieve nism, ­CO2 capture technology can be divided into several

76448 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454

categories: chemical absorption, physical absorption, Analysis of the temporal evolution of research
physical adsorption, membrane separation, deep cooling themes
separation, etc. Chemical and physical absorption meth-
ods are relatively the most mature and widely used chemi- Time evolution analysis can reveal the development his-
cal industry (Lee and Park 2015; Wilberforce et al. 2021). tory of the CCUS field, keep abreast of the frontier areas
Topic #7 mainly deals with research related to carbon of research, and help grasp future research and develop-
dioxide transport. As the pipeline is an economical and ment trends in the subject area. This paper uses CiteSpace
convenient transportation mode, it has excellent advan- software to map the evolution of keyword co-occurrence
tages in carbon dioxide transport of CCUS projects and time zones, focusing on expressing the interconnection and
is also an area of more current research (Lu et al. 2020). influence between clusters. The literature information was
Topics #0, #5, and #9 are standard research methods and processed and imported into CiteSpace software to generate
application scenarios for CCUS, especially in the C ­ O2 a map of the evolution of CCUS time zones in China and the
storage and ­CO2 utilization phase, and are often used to USA, as shown in Fig. A.1 (in the Appendix), to visualize
improve ­CO 2 oil recovery rates (Cruz et al. 2021; Haro the development of terminology at the frontier of research
et al. 2018). in the field of CCUS in China and the USA.
Combined with what is known from Table B.3 and As shown in Fig. A.1a (in the Appendix), from 2004 to
Fig. 6b, it can be found that the US CCUS domain theme 2008, CCUS-related research in China was relatively homo-
clusters mainly include the following: #0 solid sorbent, geneous, focusing mainly on C ­ O2 capture and C
­ O2 storage.
#1 risk assessment, #2 energy systems, #3 numerical CCUS-related research in China started as early as 2004
modeling, #4 ­CO2 capture, #5 climate change, #6 techno- with a larger circle of ­CO2 capture and storage, indicating
economic analysis, #7 air separation, #8 carbon capture that they have been one of the hot topics of research in the
and storage, #9 enhanced oil recovery. Topic #1 is mainly field of CCUS until now. CCUS research has grown rapidly
related to ­CO2 injection, geological storage, ­CO2 leakage, during the period 2009–2018. In this period, there are hot
and ­CO2 monitoring. Risk assessment and monitoring of study spots such as C ­ O2 geological storage, C­ O2 capture
CCUS technology is a critical research task regarding and storage, cost, flue gas, supercritical ­CO2, power plant,
risk assessment before ­CO 2 injection and risk liability and system. It is not difficult to find that the research of
issues after long-term storage (Balch and McPherson CCUS has been diversified and interdisciplinary. From 2019
2022). Topics #0, #4, and #7 are related to ­CO2 capture to 2022, with the proposal of China achieving a carbon peak
technology research. For C ­ O2 capture technology, more before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060,
and more scholars have begun to research direct air cap- keywords such as carbon neutrality began to appear and have
ture technology (abbreviation DAC). This technology can become hot words in the development of the Chinese era.
remove ­CO2 from the air environment using absorbers and With the future development of crucial carbon-neutral emis-
is considered a new generation of ­CO2 capture technology sion reduction technologies, CCUS technology will usher in
(Madhu et al. 2021; Ozkan et al. 2022). Topics #3 and #9 significant opportunities.
contain keywords such as Monte Carlo, Bayesian infer- As can be seen from Fig. A.1b (in the Appendix), dur-
ence, and ­CO2-EOR. The current hot area studies simulate ing 2004–2008, the field of CCUS in the USA focused on
and optimize ­CO2 utilization and geological storage for ­CO2 storage, ­CO2 capture, ­CO2 capture and storage, climate
enhanced recovery of depleted reservoirs using numerical change, ­CO2 emissions, and C ­ O2 transportation during that
simulation and other methods (Safi et al. 2016). Topics period. It can be found that the US research is earlier and
#2, #5, #6, and #8 mainly include climate change, energy more prosperous than that of China. During 2009–2018,
systems, techno-economic analysis, etc. The economic the focus started on topics such as life cycle assessment,
analysis and business model design of CCUS is a hot techno-economic analysis, uncertainty, simulation, super-
topic of current research in the field of CCUS and one critical ­CO2, optimization, leakage, and biomass, which are
of the constraints that limit the scale-up of CCUS (Ren the hot research topics in the field of CCUS in the USA at
et al. 2022; Singh and Colosi 2021; Sullivan et al. 2020). that stage. During 2019–2022, the application of machine
Based on the differences in the national conditions of the learning in the field of CCUS has become a focus of atten-
two countries, it can be seen that there are some differences tion for US scholars.
in the clustering of CCUS keyword topics between China It can be seen that although the research hotspots of China
and the USA, and the focus of research in the two countries and the USA are not entirely the same in different stages.
has its emphasis. Therefore, to promote the rapid develop- However, both show that the research related to CCUS
ment of this field, cooperation and communication between shows a trend that the research on CCUS theory is becom-
the two countries in the field of CCUS technology should be ing more and more systematic, and the depth and breadth
strengthened in the future. of the study are increasing. It has developed from a single

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454 76449

technology to full-chain and multidisciplinary research on be emphasized from 2020 onwards. It is foreseen that
CCUS. More and more scholars from different disciplinary CCUS technology, with maturity and strength, will be
backgrounds have started to pay attention to and engage in deployed on a large scale in crucial emission reduction
research in this field. industries to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.
In addition, the CiteSpace software provides an emer- As can be seen from Fig. 7b, the sudden increase of key-
gent term detection function. Emergent terms refer to words in the CCUS field in the USA began in 2000, earlier
terms that appear more often or with higher frequency in than that in China. “LCA” is the most burst strength, with
a shorter period, and the frontier and trend of the research a strength value of 5.69, mainly active during 2018–2022.
field can be judged according to the word frequency It indicates that this keyword is crucial for US scholars in
change of emergent terms, which is suitable for examin- CCUS. Secondly, the keywords of commercial readiness
ing emerging trends and sudden changes in the develop- technology, flue gas, ­CO2 transportation, renewable energy,
ment of disciplines. As shown in Fig. 7a. It can be seen and climate change are also the focus of American scholars.
that the keyword proliferation point of China’s CCUS field The research has been conducted since 2004, and attention
research started in 2004, and the change of each keyword decreased until 2020. However, it can be seen that with the
proliferation varies. The most vigorous emergent intensity continuous development and improvement of CCUS tech-
in China is C­ O2 geological storage, with a strength value nology, life cycle assessment, negative emission technol-
of 9.54, which appears more frequently between 2014 ogy, and techno-economic analysis will be the areas that US
and 2017. It indicates that Chinese scholars highly valued scholars will focus on in the future.
this keyword during this period. Then, Chinese scholars In conclusion, in the face of intensifying global green-
received much attention from keywords such as supercriti- house gas emissions, scholars from various countries will
cal ­CO2, numerical simulation, price, uncertainty, and real pay more and more attention to the R&D and application of
options. The burst intensity has been maintained at a high CCUS-related technologies, especially the development of
level since 2014. However, as CCUS technology evolves new-generation technologies and the generation of disrup-
and new issues arise, the attention to these keywords has tive technologies. This will significantly promote the devel-
declined. The keywords of stability and deployment will opment of this technology.

Fig. 7  Mutation map of CCUS

keywords in China (a) and the
USA (b) during 2000–2022.
Notes: The time slice is set to
1. Node types Select Key-
word. Strength indicates burst
strength. Begin indicates the
burst start year, and end indi-
cates the burst end year.

76450 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454

Conclusion of CCUS and have had a profound impact on the global

CCUS field.
Based on the literature data of the Web of Science core data- However, in terms of academic impact, American insti-
base, this paper used bibliometric tools such as CiteSpace tutions and scholars have more significant influence than
and VOSviewer to conduct statistical analysis and literature China. In the future, cooperation between institutions and
mining of CCUS-related literature in China and the USA teams in both countries should be strengthened to promote
from 2000 to 2022. By comparing the differences and con- learning exchange and diversification between groups. Based
nections between Chinese and American CCUS technology on the cluster analysis of the literature, it is concluded that
in the development process, cooperative institutions and the research themes in the field of CCUS in China and the
teams, hotspots, and future directions, this paper comprehen- USA focus on C ­ O2 capture, C
­ O2 geological storage, C­ O2
sively analyzes and sorts out the development characteristics emission, flue gas, model, climate change, numerical simu-
and research trends of CCUS. This study provides a new lation, model construction, and cost analysis, which are the
understanding of CCUS technology development in China hotspots of research in the past 20 years. It also includes
and the USA. This work shows that research in the CCUS the areas of risk assessment and monitoring caused by C ­ O2
field has become more in-depth in China and the USA over leakage, public awareness of CCUS economic evaluation
the past two decades. and business model design, and policy incentives. Time-
Regarding the overall trend, CCUS research in China and line analysis and frontiers show that research hotspots in the
the USA shows an upward trend, roughly divided into three field of CCUS in China and the USA exhibit diversity and
stages. They are the slow growth stage (2000–2008), rapid differentiation. Based on the differences between the two
rise stage (2009–2018), and vigorous development stage countries, the research priorities in CCUS in China and the
(2019 to present). Studies have shown that the US research USA have their focus. To promote the rapid development
in CCUS is earlier than in China. Although the USA ranks of this field, it is recommended to strengthen the exchange
first in the number of publications worldwide, however, of academic activities and talent cultivation in the field of
the number of publications in China in the field of CCUS CCUS technology in both countries.
started to surpass the USA and continues to date after 2016.
It shows that China and the USA are vital forces in CCUS
research. As China and the USA attach great importance
to climate change, the literature published in the field of Recommendations
CCUS will experience explosive growth. In addition, in
terms of journal and discipline distribution, core journals in In the future, the research focus in this field should be to
environmental science and energy technology, such as the strengthen the research and innovation of cutting-edge and
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Applied disruptive technologies, especially the study and application
Energy, Energy, Environmental Science & Technology, and of the new generation of low-energy consumption, low-cost
Energy Policy, showed greater interest in CCUS technology. carbon capture technology, and new carbon capture materi-
The results show that the CCUS technology has evolved als. We should strengthen interdisciplinary integration and
from a relatively single technology in the early days to a break the bottleneck of cutting-edge technologies such as
comprehensive multidisciplinary cross-fertilization study. It carbon dioxide utilization and new energy development.
involves the fields of Engineering, Energy and Fuels, Envi- To improve energy efficiency and reduce the cost of CCUS
ronmental Science and Ecology, Chemistry, Materials Sci- technology throughout its life cycle, cross-industry and
ence, Business and Economics, and Geology. cross-domain coupling optimization and comprehensive
Regarding the number of institutions publishing in the integration of CCUS technology and other carbon emission
CCUS field, 11 of the top 20 institutions are from China, and reduction technologies are carried out. At the same time, it
9 are from the USA. These institutions issued 1197 articles, is necessary to establish a method system that can monitor,
accounting for 47.92% of the total publications, with Chi- measure, and verify carbon emission and carbon storage in
nese Acad Sci ranking first in the number of published arti- the whole CCUS process as soon as possible, and to improve
cles. Chinese institutions ranked first regarding performance the CCUS technology standard system and formulate incen-
regarding the number of articles published. US institutions tive policies to promote the technology research and devel-
fared better in total article citations, with Carnegie Mellon opment and demonstration application. It is foreseeable that
University ranking first with 6580 citations. At the same as global ecological and environmental problems become
time, American scholars have more impact factors and more more and more prominent, the research hotspots of CCUS
highly cited papers than China. As can be seen, China and technology will further increase, and the research perspec-
the USA have made outstanding contributions to the field tives and disciplinary fields will continue to expand.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454 76451

Fig. A.1   Spatial and temporal
evolution of CCUS keywords in
China (a) and the USA (b) dur-
ing 2000–2022. Note: The cir-
cular nodes indicate keywords.
The lines indicate their develop-
ment, and the red numbers in
each long strip below the graph
represent the year

Table B.1  Top 15 high- China USA

frequency keywords in China
and the USA Rank Keywords Frequency Rank Keywords Frequency

1 CO2 capture 528 1 CO2 capture 450

2 CO2 storage 339 2 CO2 storage 386
3 Carbon dioxide 286 3 carbon dioxide 280
4 CCS 199 4 CCS 229
5 CO2 emission 113 5 CO2 geological storage 123
6 CO2 geological storage 109 6 climate change 107
7 flue gas 108 7 CO2 emission 103
8 adsorption 109 8 energy 100
9 China 94 9 cost 88
10 model 81 10 technology 88
11 CCUS 68 11 system 83
12 simulation 66 12 flue gas 78
13 energy 65 13 model 76
14 coal 58 14 impact 56
15 cost 52 15 CO2 transport 55

76452 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454

Table B.2  Topic clustering and significant keywords in the field of CCUS in China during 2000–2022
Rank Q S Cluster name Cluster name main keywords

#0 0.82 0.91 enhanced gas recovery enhanced gas recovery; numerical simulation; permeability; fluid
#1 0.82 0.88 coal-fired power plants flue gas; combustion; emission reduction; dissolution; chemical absorption; decomposition;
coal phase-out
#2 0.82 0.90 dioxide capture gas adsorption; competitive adsorption; sorbent; bituminous coal; natural gas hydrate; meth-
ane; nitrogen; membrane
#3 0.82 0.92 power sector coal; electricity; adsorbent; coal-ired; power industry; coal gasication; power to gas; energy
eiciency; polyeneration system; cogeneration
#4 0.82 0.95 calcium carbonate CO2 uptake; pulverized coal; particle size
#5 0.82 0.88 numerical simulation CO2 geological storage; ­CO2-EOR; equation; feasibllity
#6 0.82 0.87 CO2 absorption biphasic solvent; absorbent; cyclopentane; ethylenediamine
#7 0.82 0.87 supercritical ­CO2 pipeline; ­CO2 monitoring; carbon dioxide corrosion; corrosion mechanism; pore size distri-
#8 0.82 0.83 chemical looping combustion fuel; heat; fluidized bed reactor; pre combustion capture
#9 0.82 1.00 life cycle assessment Conversion; ­CO2 capture and conversion; carbon dioxide utilization; climate

Note: Modularity (Q value) indicates the modularity value of the clusters, and it is generally considered that Q>0.3 means that the clustering
structure is significant. Silhouette (S value) indicates the average contour value of clusters, and it is generally considered that S>0.5 clusters are
reasonable, and S>0.7 means that the clusters are convincing

Table B.3  Topic clustering and significant keywords in the field of CCUS in the USA during 2000–2022
Rank Q S Cluster name main keywords Cluster name main keywords

#0 0.77 0.88 solid sorbent activated carbon; ionic liquid; mesoporous silica; graphene; C ­ O2 capture technology; ­CO2
adsorption; porous carbon; calcium carbonate
#1 0.77 0.96 risk assessment risk analysis; monitoring; C
­ O2 leakage; deep leaming; C ­ O2 injection; risk perception
#2 0.77 0.89 energy systems Scenario; climate change mitigation; integrated assessment model; energy transition
#3 0.77 0.91 numerical modeling capacity estimation; numerical modeling; monte carlo; bayesian inference
#4 0.77 0.92 CO2 capture gas combined cycle; sorbent; direct air capture;
#5 0.77 0.93 climate change Climate; energy technology; negative emission technology; carbon management; C ­ O2 miti-
gation; carbon constraint
#6 0.77 0.86 techno-economic analysis economic analysis; technoeconomic analysis; technoeconomic assessment; investment; cost;
carbon sequestration cost; technoeconomic assessment
#7 0.77 0.88 air separation CO2 adsorption; ionic liquid; solid sorbent; direct air capture
#8 0.77 0.99 carbon capture and storage CO2 capture and storage; capital-intensive energy technology; system; environmental policy
#9 0.77 0.87 enhanced oil recovery CO2-EOR; performance; capacity; ­CO2 storage efficiency

Note: Same as Table B.2.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:76437–76454 76453

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