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Memorized Speech Scoring Rubric

Far Below Below Satisfactory Proficient Advanced Score
Satisfactory Satisfactory
(0–6) (7-9) (10-11) (12-14) (15-20)
Speaker does Speaker makes Speaker makes Speaker Speaker’s use
Eye Contact not make eye minimal eye some eye routinely of eye contact
contact. contact contact. scans adds to the
audience. speech’s
The entire The majority Much of the Speech is Speech is
Volume speech is of the speech speech is delivered too delivered at
delivered too is delivered delivered too quietly or an appropriate
quietly. too quietly. quietly. loudly at volume.
The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker The speaker
Pronunciation mispronounces mispronounces mispronounces pronounces pronounces
the majority of many words. several words. most words all words
words. correctly. correctly.
The entire Most of the The speech Shows Shows great
Tone speech is speech is shows enthusiasm enthusiasm
monotone. monotone. moments of for speaking for speaking.
The entire Much of the The speech is Most of the The entire
Rate speech is speech is delivered too speech is speech is
delivered too delivered too quickly at delivered at delivered at
quickly or quickly or times, but an appropriate an appropriate
slowly. slowly. most of it has rate of speed; rate of speed.
an appropriate it may be too
rate of speed at quick or slow
other times. at times.
Dress and The speaker The use of The use of The use of The use of
Appearance did not have props/costume props/costume props/costume props/costum
props or a did not was was e was
costume. fit the somewhat mostly appropriate
character. appropriate appropriate and added a
and added to and added to lot to the
the the presentation.
presentation. presentation.
Speech is Speech is The speech is The speech is The speech is
Memorized partially partially mostly mostly fully
memorized memorized, memorized, memorized, memorized.
and needs pauses often to but speaker but speaker
prompting recall. might pause might pause
often. frequently to occasionally
recall or need to recall or
to be need to be
prompted. prompted.

Name of Speaker:__________________________________ Grade-Strand-Section:__________ Total Score:________

Title of the Speech:_________________________________ Date & Time of Delivery:___________

Name of Rater:________________________________ Grade-Strand-Section:____________ Signature:___________


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