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temporarely Dhansar P.S & Dist Dhanbad under Jharkhand, do hereby declare and make known to all that.

WHEREAS the Motor vehicle being TATA DUMPER bearing regd. No. JH 10Q 1752 date of Regd.11-4- 2008,
bearing chesis no. 396522ARZ201003 and Engine no. 80A62638033 model no. LPK 2516

Stands registered in my name as registered owner there of under the Motor Vehicle Act and Rules framed there

WHERE AS due to my involvement in other business and not in a position to look after manage and supervise
the said dumper and its business.

AND WHERE AS for the better management and administration I have entrusted the said Dumper to Sri GOPAL
DUTTA s/o Late PROBADH Kr. DUTTA by faith Hindu by Occupation Business, Resident of Puranahat ,p.s
Hirapur, Dist Burdwan and have authorized him to ply the said Dumper no. JH 10Q 1752 under a valid permit
and to manage and supervise the affairs of the said Dumper and its business.

AND WHERE AS for better management and administration of the said business I felt it necessary to execute a
General Power of Attorney in respect of the said dumper no. JH 10Q 1752 and the said Gopal Dutta have also
requested me to execute a General Power of Attorney in his favour I in pursuance of the aforesaid premises and
in compliance with his such request hereby appoint, engage and constitute the said Sri GOPAL DUTTA s/o Late
PROBADH Kr. DUTTA by faith-Hindu by Occupation Business, Resident of Puranahat p.s Hirapur, Dist Burdwan,
as my true and lawful attorney and my constituted agent in respect of the said dumper No. JH 10Q 1752 and I
do hereby empower him for and on behalf

Of me to do and execute and perform or cause to be done, executed and performed all or any of the follows:--

1. To execute, make and sign all applications, forms, letters or papers on my behalf relating to the said dumper
No. JH 10Q 1752 and its permit and business.
2. To file and receipt all documents permit and all other documents relating to the said dumper and its
3. To appear before the Registering Authority (M.V. Deptt.) at Dhanbad, Burdwan, or at Asansol or in any
other offices under them or any other Registration Authorities office, in connection with the said Dumper
and business.

4. To Sign all agreements, Hire-Agreement for the purpose of placing/ plying the said Dumper under any
company or individual person in my name and on my behalf or Attorney Holder’s name.

5. To file and sign application etc. for the purpose of plying the said Dumper.

6. To file and sign application and to deposit fees etc. For the purpose of Tax, C.F. renewal of permits before
any Regional Transport Authority.) At Dhanbad, Burdwan, or at Asansol or in any other offices in my name.

7. To appear before the Registering Authority (M.V. Deptt.) at Dhanbad, Burdwan, or at Asansol or in any
other offices in connection with the said Dumper on my behalf.

8. To represent in any Truck owners Association Workers union or at any other Association on my behalf.

9. To appear and act in connection with the said dumper and its business before Registering Authorities now
appointed or may hereafter be appointed under the provision of the Indian Motor Vehicles Act or any other
Act or Acts relating to the said Dumper and Rules framed hereunder in all courts, civil, criminal , revenue,
where original or appellate and in any office Government or Semi Government offices or local bodies and
authorities on my behalf and to appoint Lawyers execute Vakalatnamas, plaints, complaints written
statements, verification etc. in my name and on my behalf .

10. To appear before any police station for taking delivery of the said Dumper in case the same is seized by such
police station and to sign Zimma nama bonds in my name and on m behalf relating to the said Dumper No.
JH 10Q 1752
11. To represent before the Insurance Co. on my behalf for any claim and to file claim form etc. and settle all
such claim and received cheque in his as my attorney shall deem fit and proper.

12. TO negotiate with the said Financer of the said Dumper No. JH 10Q 1752 INDUSIND BANK LTD. Dhanbad,
regarding all affairs of the dues instalments and to settle all disputes deposit instalment on my behalf and to
collect receipt and after clearance of the entire dues collect clearance certificate and H.P. FORM from the
said Bank and to do all affairs relating to the said Dumper on my behalf.

13. I hereby my self my heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives agree that all acts deeds and
things lawfully done by my said attorney on the basis of this Power of Attorney shall be construed as acts,
deeds or things done by me and I undertakes to rectify and confirm all and whatsoever that my said
Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done for me by virtue of the power hereby given.

14. This power of Attorney is irrevocable.

15. And generally to do, execute and perform any other acts, deeds, things or matter whatsoever which the
opinion of my Attorney may be necessary or cause to be done, executed and performed in any matter in
respect of my interest in the above mentioned property as fully and effectively in all respect as I could do
the same if I were personally present.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I sign and execute these presents this the 27 th. Day of December 2010
in presence Of. :----



Query No. – 3802/2011


THIS DEED OF PARTNERSHIP made and entered this the 02nd.

Day of March, 2011



Sri PULAKESH GANTAIT, Aged about 42Yrs, S/O Sri Birendra

nath Gantait, by Religion – Hindu, by profession – Businessman,
residing at Bishnu Bihar Colony, ( Near Lions’ club), P.O –
Neamatpur, P.S – Kulti(s), Dist – Burdwan, (Which expression
unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning assign etc)
hereinafter called the FIRST PARTNER



Sri RAJENDRA RAJAK, Aged 39Yrs, S/O Lt.Jodhan Rajak, by
Religion Hindu, by occupation Business, Residing at - Station Rd.
Gandhi Nagar, P.o – Sitarampur, P.S - Kulti, Dist Burdwan (Which
expression unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning assign
etc) hereinafter called the SECOND PARTNERS.

WHEREAS The Parties herein have mutually decided to carry on

business in partnership and all the parties become partners with
effect from 02.03.2011.


hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as under:-

1. COMMENCEMENT OF BUSINESS: - That The Partnership shall

be deemed to have commenced on and with effect from

2. NAME AND STYLE:- That The business of Partnership shall be

carried on in the name and style of “D.S. ENTERPRISE”

3. NATURE OF BUSINESS:- A) That The Business of The

Partnership shall be that of dealing of FOOD PRODUCT ,
at Asansol Sub – Division and to carry on all dealing as
purchase and sale of the FOOD PRODUCT, COSMETICS
jurisdiction of this Sub – Division and also appointment of office
clerks, agent, Sub- Dealer.



b) Such other business of like nature as decided by the

Partners from time to time.
4 ADDRESS:- That The business of the Partnership shall be

situated at:- D.S. ENTERPRISE, KULTORA (Near Khushi

Restaurant), P.O – Neatmatpur, P.S – Kulti, Dist – Burdwan, West
Bengal, That the business carried on at other place or places in
addition to or in substitution of the place earlier mentioned as may
be decided among the parties hereto from time to time.

5. DURATION: - That duration of the Partnership shall be at will.

6. MANAGEMENT: - ALL the partners shall manage the business

of partnership in the following manner. a) The both Parties shall
be engaged in negotiating with financial institutions, banks,
financers and the person interesting in contributing or investing
his/ their money in any projects, works, productions,
constructions by the partnership firm. B) The both partners will
provide and collect the funds, moneys, in the development of the
said business of partnership. C) The both Partners shall be
engage in management and bringing the partnership business
in all respect.

7. FINANCIAL YEAR: - That the Accounting period of the

Partnership shall be financial year as per Income Tax Act,
1961,i.e. from fist day of April to 31 st day of March following
every Year.

8. INVESTMENT OF CAPITAL:- That initially all parties may

invest capital equally Rs.2,00,000/- ( Rupees Two Lacs) only
each time to time as mutually decided among them according to
the requirement of the Business.

Contd… Pg.5


9. SHARE: - That the profit and losses of the Partnership Business

shall be divided as under among the partners.
(a) Sri PULAKESH GANTAIT - 50% (Rs.2,00,000/-)

(b) Sri RAJENDRA RAJAK - 50% (Rs.2,00,000/-)

ALL the expenses and out – going of the partnership business

including salaries and business of the employees of the
partnership losses or damages incurred interest payable for
any loan, received, and all taxes etc. shall be paid out of
profits or capital of the partnership and in case of deficiency
in the partnership funds by the partners themselves in
proportion to their respective shares.

10. BANK ACCOUNT :- The Bank Account of the partnership

firm shall be opened with any Nationalised or Co – operative

bank or banks and the same shall be operated jointly by The
First and The Second Partner only.


PARTNERS: - That in case of Admission of new partner or

partners, the existing partners will decide mutually and
written consent will be recorded before admission another
partner or partners.

Upon determination of the partnership or retirement of any

partner due notice of the fact of such a determination shall
be given and the account shall be settled within a month of
such written or oral notice and the share of retiring partner
shall be paid over and the continuing partner shall be at
liberty to carry on the business.



On the death of any partner of the partnership shall not

stand dissolve but shall nevertheless continue between the
surviving partner and the person nominated or appointed by
such deceased partner either by testamentary deed in writing
and upon failure by such place of such deceased partner. In
the event of the legal heir of the deceased partner not opting
to become the partner on settlement of the account, the
surviving partner shall take over the business of partnership.


A) EACH PARTNER SHALL :-a) Punctually pay his separate

pay his separate debt and indemnify the other partner and
the assets of partnership firm and same and all expenses
on account thereof. b) Forthwith pay all moneys,
cheques and negotiable instruments received by him on
account of the said partnership into partnership account.

B) NON OF THE PARTNERS shall without the written

consent of the other:- a) Engage or dismiss ( except for
any misconduct any clerk, travelers, servants or other
employees of the partnership)
b) undertake any journey or voyage on account of the
partnership. C) Mortgage or charge his
share in the assets of the profit of the partnership. d)
lend any money or deliver upon credit, any of the foods of
the partnership firm to any person, whom the other
partner shall have previously in writing forbidden him to




ALL transaction of the foods purchased, sold or dealt with by
the partnership shall be done and be in the name of the
partnership and all delivery challan, bills, vouchers, receipts
etc, and all moneys received or paid either in cash or
otherwise shall be in the name of the partnership Firm.

14. GENERAL:- ALL disputes and question whatsoever which

shall either during the partnership or afterwards arise

among the parties or their representatives or among any
partner and representative of other partner regarding the
Deed or the construction or application thereof any clause or
things therein contained or any account valuation or decision
or division of assets, debts or liabilities to be made under or
as to any matter in any way relating to the partnership
business or the affairs thereof or the right, duties, liabilities
of any party under this Deed, shall be referred to the
Arbitrator and all the provisions of Indian Arbitration Act
shall apply.


IN WITNESSES WHEREOF the vendors execute this Deed of
Partnership on the day, month, year first above written.



Signature of the First Partner.


Signature of the Second Partner.

Drafted and prepared by me

and printed in my office Note : One sheet containing
finger print & photographs
duly attested by the parties
Advocate, Asansol Court. Concerned is also annexed
Enl. No. F/837/ 2004. herewith .

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