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Sta. Filomena, Dipolog City

Radiologic Technology Department
Physical Therapy Department

Course: Understanding the Self (GEC 111)

The course deals with the nature of identity, as well as the factors and forces that affect the development and maintenance of personal identity. This is designed to help the
students understand the nature of identity including factors that influence and shape personal identity.

In the context of the course, all students are expected to:

1. Discuss the different representations and conceptualizations of the self from various disciplinal perspectives
2. Explore the different aspects of self and identity
3. Understand the theoretical underpinnings for how to manage and care for different aspects of the self
4. Gain new skills for practical application of the concepts learned that aim to help them become better and significant individuals of our society.

To ensure that you will demonstrate the above cited course learning outcomes at the end of the semester, this course is divided into the following:
CHAPTER 1: Defining the Self: Personal and Developmental Perspectives on Self and Identity – This unit describes the different notions of the self from the points of view
of various philosophers across time. It will assist you to examine yourself against these different views of the self. You can also analyze the effects of
various factors identified in psychology in the formation of the ‘’self’’.

CHAPTER 2: Unpacking the Self – This unit discusses the different views of one’s physical self including the developmental aspects of the reproductive system, the diversity of
human sexual behavior and differentiates the natural and artificial methods of contraception. It can also assist you in examining yourselves further in the
lens of the Material Self, the Spiritual Self and the Political Self.

CHAPTER 3: Managing and Caring for the Self – This unit will present several techniques that you can adapt depending on your situation and preferences in order to make
you a better learner. Examining the effects of stress to one’s health and coping with it will also be discussed here. It can also assist you in drawing up plans
and steps in your quest as a person to be the best that you can become.
Course Guide

As a responsible person and citizen of your respective communities, this course correspondence will provide you with an effective alternative path to wider opportunities in your
line of profession.
This will provide you with opportunities of academic pursuits to improve your standard of knowledge. Aside from meeting the content and performance standards of this course in
accomplishing the given activities, you will be able to learn other invaluable learning skills which you will be very proud of as a responsible learner.
The following guides and house rules will help you further to keep you on the right track:

 Schedule and manage your time to read and understand every chapter and strictly follow your schedule to avoid overlapping and stockpiling of workloads.
 If you did not understand the readings and other tasks, re-read the items for you to be clarified. Have focus as you study. If this will not work, engage with all possible
human resources closest to you. You may ask other family members to help and guide you. If this will not work again, text me or pm me first so that I can call you or text
you back for assistance.
 Before you start doing your tasks, read and understand the assessment tools provided. Target the highest standards in doing your assigned tasks.
 You are free to browse and read the different chapters of your book before you do your tasks in each chapter and please ensure that you will not miss any part so that you
will not miss to accomplish every activity as scheduled. If needed, do not hesitate to keep in touch with me through any available means. Remember, if there is a will,
there is a way.
 All lectures, examinations and quizzes for students with GOOD internet connectivity will be posted in Google classroom.
 Students with POOR OR NO internet connectivity shall be given hardcopies of the lectures or handouts (Learner’s Packet) in advance per term. (MODULAR)
Student has the option to have it delivered to him thru courier (cost will be shouldered by the student) or he/she can pick it up from the school.
 Student consultation through video communication tool / any social media platform will be scheduled twice a week.
 All tasks and assessments will be submitted through Google classroom.
Alternatively, student can also send a copy to:
 FB Messenger:
 Email at: [email protected]
 Students may drop their hardcopies every Wednesday at the designated areas
 Mobile number: 09455728791
 However, if physical classroom is permissible, written and practical examinations will be conducted in the physical setting by batches in order to observe social distancing.
 Students with POOR OR NO internet connectivity shall be given 1 week extension to comply the given requirements.
Any submission beyond the given extension will be subject to a 10 points deduction per week in every late submission.
 Lastly, you are the learner; hence, you do the task on your own. Your family members and friends at home will support you but the activities must be done by you. As a
DMCian, we always need to demonstrate our attributes such as God-loving, competent, and committed to serve, and also to manifest our core values in everything we do.

Week Topic Learning Outcomes Activities


At the end of the week, the students can:

Week 1 Online: GEC 111 Class

 Describe and discuss the different notions of the self from the
perspectives of the various philosophers across time and place. Code: usydo75

 Explain why it is essential to understand the self Video conference tools:

Zoom, FB messenger, FB Live, Google Meet
 Examine one’s self against the different views of self that were discussed
in class.
Watch video presentation
Video links:

 Explain the relationship between and among the self, society, and culture.  (Different
Week 2 Perspectives)
 Describe and discuss the different ways by which society and culture
 (Self
shape the self
Concept/Self Image)

 Compare and contrast how the self can be influenced by the different
institutions in the society.  (Video on
Eastern vs Western Thoughts)

 Analyze the effects of various factors identified in psychology in the

Week 3 formation of the ‘’self’’

 Differentiate the concept of self according to Western thought against the

Week 4
Eastern/Oriental perspectives

 Explain the concept of self as found in Asian thoughts

 Create a representation of the Filipino self

Week 5 PRELIM EXAMINATION Examination will be given and taken thru Google Classroom


 Discuss the different views of one’s physical self Online: GEC 111 Class
Weeks 6 – 7
 Determine the factors that influence the change of view of one’s physical Code: usydo75
Video conference tools:
 Discuss the developmental aspect of the reproductive system Zoom, FB messenger, FB Live, Google Meet

 Describe the erogenous zones Watch video presentation

Video links:
 Explain human sexual behavior
 (The
Physical Self)

 Characterize the diversity of sexual behavior  (The Beauty

Weeks 8 – 9 Trap
 Describe and discuss the different sexually transmitted diseases
 Differentiate natural and artificial methods of contraception
 (puberty)

 Explain the association of self and possessions 

Week 10
 Appraise one’s self based on the description of material self
 (Material
Week 11 MIDTERM EXAMINATION Examination will be given and taken thru Google Classroom

 Identify various religious practices and beliefs Online: GEC 111 Class
Week 12
 Understand self in relation with religious beliefs Code: usydo75

 Explain ways of finding meaning of life Video conference tools:

Zoom, FB messenger, FB Live, Google Meet

Week 13  Identify different Filipino values and traits

 Reflect on his/her selfhood in relation to his national identity

Week 14 SEMI – FINALS EXAMINATION Examination will be given and taken thru Google Classroom

 Define online identity Online: GEC 111 Class

Week 15
 Compare real identity versus online identity Code: usydo75

 Describe the influence of Internet on sexuality and gender Video conference tools:
Zoom, FB messenger, FB Live, Google Meet
 Discuss the proper way of demonstrating our values and attitudes online


Online: GEC 111 Class

Weeks 16 - 17  Explain how learning occurs
Code: usydo75
 Enumerate various metacognition and studying techniques
Video conference tools:
 Identify the techniques that they find most appropriate for themselves. Zoom, FB messenger, FB Live, Google Meet
 Understand the theoretical underpinnings for how to manage and care for PDF links:
different aspects of the self.
 Acquire and hone new skills and learnings for better managing of one’s documents/MetacognitiveAwarenessInventory.pdf (MAI)
self and behaviors.
 Apply these new skills to one’s self and functioning for a better quality of oes_anyone_know_of_any_self-
life. report_measures_for_student_stress/attachment/59d6302d7

Week 18 FINAL EXAMINATION Examination will be given and taken thru Google Classroom

DMCCFI Calendar for the First Semester of AY 2020-2021

September 01 Start of First Semester 2020 - 2021

17-18 Prelim Exam
October 05 World Teachers' Day
21 Vision - Mission Day
22-24 Founder's Celebration
26-27 Midterm Exam
November 01 All Saint's Day
18-19 Semi-final Exam
30 Bonifacio Day
December 08 Immaculate Conception
17-18 Final Exam
19 Institutional Christmas Party
To pass the course, you must:
1. Read all course readings and watch the video presentations.
2. Submit all the requirements asked from you.
3. Do all the online tests/ PDF.
4. Take all the quizzes.
5. Do all the Online Individual Reporting guided by the rubrics given.
6. Take all the major examinations.

Evaluative Assessment Activities

A. Quizzes and Examination

 All Quizzes and Major/Term Examinations will be sent through Google Classroom or may be taken physically inside the assigned classroom IF already allowed by CHED
and the IATF with certain health protocols to be strictly followed.
 Verbal recitations and individual participations will be done synchronously during the designated schedule

B. Tasks / Activities

 Each is expected to submit all the written tasks/activities required from you thru Google Classroom /FB Messenger /Email on or before the set deadline.

 An Individual Reporting will be conducted and delivered online and synchronously during the scheduled time. Individual topics will be assigned to everyone guided by the
rubrics given.

 A video presentation of your Individual Reporting can be submitted in lieu of the above option.

To be able to accomplish all the tasks in this course, you will need the following: Google Account (with your surname first), FB Account/Messenger, Smartphone, Flash drive (USB),
Video Camera for recording, Word Processing and a stable internet connection for our online classes.
If you have a POOR internet connection or DO NOT have it at all, you can save the PDF copy of the lecture notes and other learning materials in a Flash Drive (USB). You may
also access the Google Classroom prepared for your class and try to participate in the discussion, if the condition will allow it.
Feedback system will be facilitated through Google Classroom, FB Messenger or Text Messaging, hence, you need to have with you a cellphone. If you need to call or you want
to talk to me, send me a message first and wait for me to respond. Do not give my CP number to anybody. I will not entertain messages or calls from numbers that are not registered
in my phone. Hence, use only the CP number you submitted to me. I will only entertain questions during office hours which is 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday to Friday.

Grading System

Preliminary Grade (PG) Midterm Grade (MG) Semi-Final Grade (SFG) Final Grade (FG) Semestral Grade

Attendance - 10% Attendance - 10% Attendance - 10% Attendance - 10% SG= PG + MG + SFG + FG

Assignments / Assignments / Assignments / Assignments / 4

Requirements - 35% Requirements - 35% Requirements - 35% Requirements - 35%

Quizzes - 25% Quizzes - 25% Quizzes - 25% Quizzes - 25%

Major Exam - 30% Major Exam - 30% Major Exam - 30% Major Exam - 30%

100% 100% 100% 100%

Prepared By: Reviewed and Endorsed By: Approved By:

Vida S. Omamalin, RN, MN, LPT Marites C. Hussin, RRT, RSO DINO JOEY L. CORDOVA, Ed.D.
Instructor Coordinator - BSRT VP – Academic Affairs and Research
Joanne B. Dahonan, PTRP
Coordinator - BSPT

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