OBE Guide

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OBE Guide


1. Drift down to the very edge of sleep

2. Do NOT fall asleep
3. Don’t let your mind wander
4. Imagine you’re floating weightlessly inside your body, like on top of gentle waves

Preparing for OBES:

Meditate daily – Mindfulness or visualisation

Strengthen active imagination – Bring imagination into everyday world, imagine things are
happening, like the world going upside down or gravity working differently.

Develop absorption – Means to become absorbed in your inner environment. Develop this by read
or write fiction, become absorbed in a TV show or movie, listen to music and visualise the music
(particularly non-lyrical)

Develop synaesthesia (bleed-thru of the senses) – Visualise music (hearing colours and see shapes in
sound, or smelling sound etc.)

Play Video Games – Changes focus from body’s five physical senses to a computerised experience,
especially if VR.

Engage in Creative Activities – Draw, doodle, or paint. Can compose music, make up gibberish
sentences, look at people and guess their story (how old, what do they do, where do they come

Keep a Dream Journal – Learn to pay attention to what happens while you are dissociated from the
body. Trains brain to retain small thread of awareness during sleep.

Eliminate Negativity and Assume a Positive Attitude

Make a Plan, then Set it Aside – It is easy to get distracted in an OBE. Have a plan, but only think of it
once you are in the OBE

Leave cares and worries behind

Do something super slow, like Tai Chi, to build up the activity in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), which
when you relax, leads to a large drop in that area, which really helps to stimulate an OBE.

Practice in Darkness

Close your Eyes

Silence is golden

Lie on your back or sit up

Light trance before starting an OBE

Practice outside of bedroom if possible, to prevent associations with sleep

Not next to somebody else

A place with no interruptions

Practice in the early morning if possible, or later in the morning

Use Video Games and Virtual Reality

Avoid TV 24 hours beforehand, doing more creative and visualising activities, or even Video Games

Spend 10 seconds reminding yourself that you want to have an OBE before going to bed. Ask for
assistance with it.

Use progressive relaxation, relaxing different parts of your body one at a time. (Can put layers of
blankets over to imagine relaxation (the faster your body relaxes, the greater the drop in the PFC
and the greater the chance of the OBE).

The Science of OBEs:

The Temporoparietal Junction (TPJ) – The less data the TPJ in your brain receives from the three
primary sense (sight, sound, and touch), the more it needs to rely upon circumstances, beliefs and
assumption to formulate its story of experience. These things can be fabricated with the
imagination, to which the body responds in the same way as actual experience. Inner and outer
events are treated in the same way.

The Method – Mute the three primary senses and use your imagination to override the
circumstances, beliefs, and assumptions of the TPJ. Once the TPJ is tricked out of its normal
paradigm, you are automatically pulled into an OBE. From there, you can stop using imagination and
return to a more normal state of mind. You need to trick TPJ to focus on imagined senses rather than
the real ones.

The Four OBE States:

Dream (unconscious and subjective) – In ordinary dream, not conscious and your story of experience
is a subjective dream environment.

Lucid Dream (conscious and subjective) – A lucid dream is conscious and aware, but you’re still
trapped in a self-created dream hallucination.

OBE (conscious and objective) – Conscious and you experience an objective reality.

Shared dream (unconscious and objective) – Two or more people have a similar ‘ordinary’ dream
about the same place.

You can access each of the other states from one another. Can transition from lucid dreams to OBEs
by dispelling the dream hallucination through an act of will, without waking your physical body. You
need to do two steps from a dream, transitioning to being conscious and then to dispelling the
hallucination, or the other way around.

No hard barrier between ‘subjective’ and ‘objective’.

Direct Exit Techniques:

Realism is essential to all techniques. They must become completely real, so that they override your

Visualisation – Hold onto to a visualisation while drifting to sleep. It must be as realistic as possible,
and you must become absorbed in it. Narrow your consciousness down to a pinpoint of awareness
based upon this object, which you continue to move and examine. Turn your consciousness away
from the physical body.

Motion-Based – Imagine motion relative to your position.

Tactile Imagination – Imagine touching something.

Auditory – Sound-based approach.

Hypnagogic Image Manipulation – Drift down to sleep naturally and control and manipulate a
naturally occurring hypnagogic image. Should be a smaller object that you can spin, visualise, and
manipulate easily.

Hybrid – Use several of these techniques at the same time.

Direct Method - Harnessing the Hypnagogic (Pre-Sleep) State:

1. As you drift toward the pre-sleep state, mind wanders. Your subconscious expects this
wandering and so you are free to use imagination at this time. Imagination can override the
decisions of the TPJ.
2. You can choose to either: use imagination to conjure up your own images, sounds, and
feelings; or drift down deeper into sleep and wait until hypnagogic hallucinations naturally
3. Once you are dragged into the OBE, stop using imagination.

Direct Method – Harnessing the Hypnopompic (Post-Sleep) State:

It is easier to retain consciousness in the hypnopompic state, because you can carry lucidity forward
easily, as the body wants to begin the next sleep cycle as soon as possible. They also last longer
because the REM period lasts longer, as the body treats it as an extension of the REM sleep you
emerged from.

Important Tips:

What to do when vibrations hit – Stay completely passive and calm and do not try to encourage the
vibrations. Let the vibrations reach their peak intensity. Then, sit up, stand up, roll away, or get out
of bed. If you have the ‘real OBE vibrations’, your body will be paralysed and unable to move. If your
physical body moves, you probably weren’t in a deep enough trance, not relaxed enough, tried to
influence the vibrations, or waited too long.

Lucid dreams occur during REM sleep, whereas OBEs do not.

If you encounter a negative experience during an OBE, do not be afraid. It cannot harm you and you
have full control over it.

The Guardian of the Threshold – The subconscious mind can manifest itself during the hypnagogic
state to try to stop you from projecting. It is a defence mechanism whose purpose Is to protect you
from OBEs until you are ready to experience them. Examples include voices, heart beating fast,
stopping your breath. To stop Guardian, just ignore it.

Consciousness is like pressing ‘record’ button on a camcorder, and whatever happens is transmitted
to memory.

Your body may be asleep and your mind awake BUT you also need to have a dissociated body
schema, the missing ingredient in an altered ‘story of experience’.

When you normal sleep, you surrender lucidity and give up control to your subconscious mind.

When you perform OBE visualisation, try to convince yourself that the image is ‘real’. The more you
convince yourself that it is real, the more your TPJ will accept it as part of your new ‘story of
experience’. Drag it into a fantasy world and force it to let go of real world perceptions.

You can use an ‘anchor’, or a form of repetitive mental activity to keep your mind active and prevent
sleep. It also primes your subconscious for the activity of projection.

After the sun sets, the pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin, which makes you sleepy. This
is controlled by a lack of light, and with melatonin in your system, it is harder to retain
consciousness. That is why it is better to do OBE work in the morning.

When you wake up in the middle of the night, the body begins to produce lucidity hormones. So
staying awake for a short period allows the body to carry lucidity into the next sleep cycle.

When you wake up and regain consciousness, keep body still, so as not to provide the TPJ with a
new frame of reference. Body must be relaxed and no muscles should move.

Itching is a sign that you are too conscious and not relaxed enough or in a deep enough trance.

Robert Monroe’s Lines of Force Technique:

1. Go to be early, lie down face-up, arms at your side with eyes closed.
2. Relax body completely to the point where you cannot feel it.
3. Drift down towards sleep, holding mind as blank as you can.
4. Visualise two lines of force, positioned slightly away from both temples, that cross one foot
in front of face at eye-level. Imagine the lines want to pull away from one another, so it
requires force to keep them crossed. Hold for 10 seconds.
5. Extend the crossing point to 3 feet (sharper angle). As it is further out, imagine more force is
needed to keep them together. Keep body relaxed and hold.
6. Once you can visualise the former clearly, extend to 6 feet, increasing force and holding it
for 10 seconds.
7. Lines are simultaneously pulled away from temples until they cross at 90-degree angle, at 6
feet in front of eyes.
8. Visualise lines are pushed out even further and drawn back over your head at the same time,
crowning it.
9. If no reaction, keep pushing them further away from head, maintaining 90-degree angle.

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