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Unit 9 Short Test 2B

1 Complete the text with the correct present perfect or future passive form of the verbs in brackets.

Since computers were invented, they 1_______________________ (use) by people in many

different ways. For example, computer-controlled robots 2_______________________ (give)
jobs in factories because they can do some things much faster and better than people. But
some people are worried about this. They think that our world 3_______________________
(control) by computers and robots one day.
Some robots can learn from their mistakes, and one day they may become intelligent. In the
future perhaps all the important decisions 4_______________________ (make) by robots.
And when that happens, people 5_______________________ (not need) any more!

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Three sentences contain mistakes. Tick () the correct sentences. Then circle the mistakes in the
other sentences and correct them.
1 Have you ever been persuaded to buy something useless? __________________________________
2 Will buses be use more than cars in the future? __________________________________
3 This gadget has designed by a team of scientists. __________________________________
4 Amazing new mobile phones will be developed in the next few years. __________________________________
5 A lot of the world’s forests have be destroyed in the last fifty years. __________________________________

Mark: ___ / 5

3 Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences.
1 No, I’m not worried for / about going to the dentist’s on Friday.
2 I’ll write to / about you to let you know that everything is OK.
3 We both agreed with / about you about who the best player in the team was.
4 Amanda cared for / about her mother for six weeks after she broke her leg.
5 Have you heard of / about my cousin's new baby?

Mark: ___ / 5

4 Write prepositions to complete the sentences.

1 I’ve always dreamed ___________ going to South Africa.
2 My dad would like to take part ___________ testing new products for companies.
3 I have to do a lot of homework this weekend, and I don't know if I can cope ___________ it all.
4 Imelda searched ___________ her ticket, but she couldn’t find it anywhere.
5 Danny thought ___________ the job offer, but he decided not to accept it.

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Pre-Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 9 Short Test 2B

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