The Evolution of Work in The IT Era

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John Lloyd C.




With the advancement of technology, more and more data will be gathered and shared from
across the world. These will encompass the natural flow of technological perspectives and exposed the
vulnerability of data when handled irresponsibly, this is where data privacy and information security take
place. Data privacy is the action and process of acquiring personal data by controlling its content and
limiting the access of sharing personal information and data. The understanding of privacy ceases it from
being viewed as a simple technological process and highlights different factors that are associated with it
(Shukla, George, Tiwari, & Kureethra, 2022). Additionally, the impact of data privacy implemented laws
from different countries. For example, here in the Philippines, the Republic Act 10173 – Data Privacy Act
of 2012. This policy of the country protects the fundamental human right of privacy, of communication
while ensuring free flow of information to promote innovation and growth (RA 10173). The implantation
of such law respects each of everyone’s privacy which is important to diminish technological warfare like
what happened with Huawei (China) and Google Services (United States). In January 2022, the U.S.
government banned electronic equipment from several Chinese companies including Huawei
Technologies because national security threats (Mishkin, U.S. Bans Equipment from Huawei and ZTE,
Citing National Security Concerns, 2022). China was blacklisted by the U.S. government citing data-
security risks, these cut off all the electronic, technological, and materials supply from the state,
preventing Huawei existing users from using Google Services including YouTube, Google Chrome, Gmail,
etc. This dispute is an example of technological warfare when it comes to national security because of how
important our personal data and information to ourselves protecting us from unwanted users and
hackers. Although it was later founded that Huawei has no intention in stealing data from its users, it is
just that the U.S. government has an issue with the country itself not these electronic companies.

It may seem that this aspect is beneficiary to others but in order to understand this carefully, we
need to learn its impact on the society itself and how the people react to this. The task of striking a
balance between data privacy and the benefits for data use and development is difficult. When
developing and putting into effect data privacy policies and practices, it is essential to carefully weigh
both the good and adverse effects to achieve the correct balance. We are all aware that data privacy
offers us the right to protect personal information, which lowers the danger of identity theft, fraud, or
improper use of personal information. Additionally, it establishes a link between our trust and
confidence and the consumers, ensuring that they are cooperating appropriately and preventing quick
fraud. Researchers and individuals may contribute data in a secure setting with the assurance that they
will be heard and seen. Since that time, data privacy has improved moral conduct and accountability for
managing their own data, resulting in openness. With all these guarantees, we can state that getting a
job is much simpler if you have accurate data. Given that they have to provide their personal
information for the majority of the jobs they have applied for, they have to determine whether the
information will be secure before applying. In summary, the positive impacts of data privacy are that it
safeguards personal information, builds trust, ensures legal compliance, encourages ethical behavior,
and supports innovation. But what about its negative impact? Well, Data privacy laws might provide
difficulties even though they safeguard personal information and promote trust. Businesses, particularly
smaller ones, may find compliance challenging and expensive, which might limit data use for things like
tailored advertising and research and potentially impede innovation. The variety in regional data privacy
rules leads to data fragmentation, complicating the provision of worldwide services. Even if no device is
fault-proof, there is a chance that users would mistakenly believe their data is completely secure. These
restrictions on access and data processing could additionally have an effect on cybersecurity research
and vulnerability detection. Regulations governing data privacy have changed the labor market and skill
needs in several significant ways. In the Philippines, we've seen the creation of specialized positions like
Data Privacy Officers (DPOs) and Privacy Consultants who make sure privacy laws are followed, carry out
risk analyses, and handle data breaches. With Privacy Lawyers deciphering complex regulations and
Compliance Specialists creating and implementing compliance measures, legal and compliance expertise
is in great demand. And there has been a noticeable shift in IT and cybersecurity, with cybersecurity
experts now playing a critical role in safeguarding private information in positions like cybersecurity
analysts and data security specialists.

Our data is our property, it is an extent our lives in this technological advanced world. Data
privacy and security protects us, our data and information to any malicious attackers that may use our
data against us leading to blackmailing, hacking, complete alteration in existing personal data, etc. In my
journey towards becoming a certified civil engineer, I've come to recognize the intrinsic beauty and
significance of data privacy. I understand that this aspect will play a pivotal role in my future career,
especially concerning tasks like contract signing and establishing legal frameworks. The relevance of data
privacy to my professional life is profound; it necessitates a heightened sense of awareness and a
steadfast composure as I navigate the challenges inherent in my field. Building strong, trust-based
relationships with clients and fostering a harmonious work environment within a company will demand
a thorough understanding of data privacy. It's not merely a regulatory requirement but a fundamental
aspect of ethical and responsible engineering practice that I am committed to upholding in my role as a
civil engineer.
Mishkin, S. (n.d.).

Mishkin, S. (2022, November 25). U.S. Bans Equipment from Huawei and ZTE, Citing National Security
Concerns. Barron's, 1. Retrieved from

Shukla, S., George, J., Tiwari, K., & Kureethra, J. V. (2022). Data Privacy. ResearchGate. doi:10.1007/978-

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