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Each of these 23 incredible sex tips

for women will teach you how to be
the best sex partner ever, make him
crave you sexually, and beg you to
spend more time together. Oh, and I
forgot to mention, it’s also going to
help you to have more intense

There are really only 3 areas that you

need to focus on if you want to be
amazing in bed and make sex better
for your man.

These are:
1. Use the sex techniques no other
woman is using
2. Massage his ego (sexually)
3. Build intense anticipation and
uncontrollable sexual tension
(possibly the most important and most
overlooked part)

Let’s get straight into it!

Here are my greatest sex tips to use on
your man that no other woman is using
to give him the best sex of his life


This incredible sex tip is a little like my
advice below about pulling him deep
as he cums in that some guys (& girls)
love it, some don’t.

Here’s how it works:

As your man is about to enter you, pull
away slightly. Let his penis brush off
you, almost enter you, but don’t let him
enter you just yet.
Of course, he’s going to try again,

Again, pull away just enough so that he

doesn’t enter you and slips over your

You can do this over and over for a few

seconds or a few minutes, teasing him,
allowing him to almost have sex with
you, but ultimately denying him until
you finally “give in.”

It’s a fun little power game to play with

your man!

Look into his eyes and see how

desperately he wants you, see how
hard he’ll try to have you.
You can even let him know how you
hold this power over him by asking
him, “How much do you want it?” or “I
love seeing you struggle” or “I can see
how much you want this and I love it”.
Or you can just smile and whisper in
his ear, “Not yet.”

If you’re feeling particularly powerful,

ask him to beg, “Beg for it.”

For a lot of guys, this drives them wild

and makes them more aggressive and
desperate to have you…perfect if you
enjoy passionate sex.


Some people just get this sex
technique, while others are left with
the feeling of “huh, what’s so hot about

Let me explain…

For those that get it, this sex tip for her
is incredibly intense and animalistic.
After all, good sex is about getting out
of your head and releasing your base
desires. If you can do that, you can be
great at sex.

With this in mind…

The next time you and your man are

having sex in a position where he is on
top of you, wrap your arms around him
and, if possible, wrap your legs
around him too right as he is about to
cum. As he starts to cum, pull him in as
tight and deep as possible.
When he has finished, keep your arms
and legs wrapped around him for 10-
60 seconds, holding him deep inside
of you.

For those guys and girls that get it, this

is one of the most primal and hottest
things imaginable during sex. For
your man, it feels that you want him in
the deepest sense.

As I said, this isn’t for everyone.

Couples that are into the idea of
releasing their primal urges on each
other will find it red hot and thrilling,
but those that don’t, won’t find it as
exciting and satisfying.

Positions that work great for pulling

him deep:
 Missionary
 Coital Alignment Techniques
 Jockey
 Viennese Oyster
 Deckchair
 Spread Legs

My advice on this one is to try it, get

some feedback from your boyfriend,
and then decide whether or not it’s for


If you want to both prolong his
feelings of sexual enjoyment and
increase the strength of his orgasm, try
slowing right down as he is about to
cum. It feels incredible for guys and…

Many women enjoy it too when their

man performs this technique on them,
so you may want to show it to him to
help be better on top.

Here’s how it works…

First, you need to know when he is

close to cumming – His breathing will
get more intense, he will tense up,
and he may start to scrunch up his face.

As you notice this, start to slow down

your movements and use less
pressure, so that you are providing
less stimulation. So, if you are giving
him a blow job or hand job or riding
him in the Cowgirl position, move
more slowly and start to use a softer
touch (if possible).

This will lengthen the time he spends

in that zone of maximum pleasure,
where he is about to cum and can also
intensify his orgasm when he does

Of course, if you are in the missionary

position, this sex technique becomes a
lot harder because you have less

BDSM is a vast spectrum of techniques

and ideas that you can use on your
man. Here’s a brief list:
 Restrain him and tie him up or let
him restrain you aka bondage
 Dominate your man
 Be Submissive for your man
 Spank your man and discipline
him for “misbehaving”
 You both might get your kicks by
inflicting pain on him or vice-
versa, aka sadomasochism.
 Giving him instructions in the
bedroom or having him give you
instructions can be very intense
for some couples.

These are just a few fundamental

BDSM ideas you can try out with your
man to perform better in bed.

I talk about this repeatedly throughout

the channel, because it’s my #1 sex
tip for having better sex. And that
goes for guys who want to know how to
be better in bed, too!

Sex is important to any relationship,

and being enthusiastic and passionate
is by far the most important thing you
can do if you want to have good sex.

It’s far more important than learning

any position, blow job technique, or
sex trick, and it will make up for lack of
experience too.

Think about it like this; let’s say you

are having sex with your man.

He’s lying down, and you are riding

him in the cowgirl position, except
he’s got Starfish Syndrome. This is
what I mean by Starfish Syndrome…
 He’s barely moving.
 He’s staring blankly at the ceiling.
 He’s not making any sounds.
 He doesn’t care if you orgasm or

He’s basically lying there, almost

lifeless, like a starfish stuck to a rock.
It’s a huge turn-off and leads to crappy

But, what if he was pulling your hair,

looking deep into your eyes and
telling you all the filthy things he’s
going to do to you as he thrusts deeper
and harder into you.

That passion and enthusiasm is

crazy hot, right?

It’s the same for him.

If you’re having sex in the missionary
position, and are just lying there with
Starfish Syndrome, it’s going to be
unsatisfying sex for him. The solution?
Get more passionate and be more
active during sex. Here are some ideas
you can use to become more
enthusiastic and passionate:

USE YOUR HANDS – No matter what

position you’re in, you can use your
 In Missionary, you can dig your
nails into his back or run your
fingers over his chest.

 In the Jockey position, you can

reach back and grab his arms or
hold his hands.
 During Doggy Style sex, you can
reach back, grab his butt, and pull
him deeper with every stroke.

As well as digging your nails in, you

can also just grab him and squeeze
him with your hands as you orgasm.
I’m talking about somewhere like his
butt and shoulders. You don’t want to
grab him in a place or manner that may
hurt him… you’ll be surprised at the
strength in your hands as you

THRUST BACK – Instead of letting him

do all the work, try thrusting back
against him. This works a lot better in
positions where you are free to do it
like the Burning Man or Pump
BITE HIM – Biting your man can be
insanely intense if you do it right. The
key is biting him to show your passion,
NOT to hurt him. When you bite him,
you want to choose areas that aren’t
particularly sensitive, and instead of
trying to bite a chunk out of him, you
want to lightly squeeze his flesh
between your lips. Places that spring
to mind include his shoulders, upper
back, his chest, his butt, and even the
front of his thigh when you are giving
him oral sex or in the 69 position.

Again, don’t go overboard here. Do

not hurt him when you bite him. Start
by gently nibbling him and build up
from there.
Do you have a fantasy that drives you

I’m talking about a kink or fetish that,

for some reason, makes you hornier
than you ever thought possible?

It could be a kink that you are happy to

share with your man, or perhaps you
believe it’s a kink that your man will
judge you for?

It could be an extreme form of

domination, a rape fantasy, sex in front
of a crowd, or a foot fetish or
something entirely different.

Whatever it is, just know this:

 Your man is in the same position.
He, too, has a kink or fetish that
drives him wild.

Unfortunately, there’s a problem…

Most of us live in a world where we

don’t quite feel free to express
ourselves. Whether that means your
man hides a kink because he’s learned
traditional gender stereotypes and
believes he must be a “manly-man”
or he simply hides a fetish because
he’s worried it’s too weird and he’ll be
judged for it, there’s likely a sexual
interest or fantasy that your man hasn’t

However, if you can share and explore

his kinks with him, then you are
immediately putting yourself into a
super-powerful position. You become
the only one who can give him his
deepest, darkest desires.

So how do you get him to open up and

share his fantasies, kinks, and fetishes
with you?

This can be tricky, but in general, you

need first to show your man that you
don’t judge people for their kinks.

So, let him know that you are non-

judgmental about this, that it’s
completely natural. You can do this by
sharing your own kinks first. Although
it can be daunting to have these
conversations, it can help you explore
your sexuality more fully.
Plus, many people share some of the
most common fantasies. When sex
researcher Dr. Justin Lehmiller asked
over 4,000 people about their
fantasies, he found that 89% of
respondents had ever fantasized about
group sex and 60% of people had
fantasies about sadomasochism, so
there’s a good chance that both
partners might have some overlap in
their fantasies. Furthermore, the vast
majority of people who had shared
fantasies with partners received a
neutral or even favorable response.

While this survey is about fantasies,

which may not reflect what people
actually want to do in the bedroom, it
does offer a bit of relief when it comes
to revealing your sexual desires to a
partner. Disclosing can make you feel
better about your relationship even if
you don’t share the same fantasies. In
one survey, researchers concluded
that “sexual self-disclosure is
significantly associated with sexual
satisfaction and functioning for both
men and women”. Other researchers
have backed this up in a similar
survey, stating

Love, commitment, and satisfaction

were not only associated positively
with the reports of own self–
disclosure to partner and the beliefs
about how much the partner
disclosed, but also generally were
associated with how much the
partner reported disclosing.

You may even feel better about your

sex life if you reveal yourself as found
in one survey where researchers
found that both “sexual and nonsexual
self‐disclosure were related to sexual
satisfaction, relationship satisfaction,
and sexual communication

Alternatively, you could casually

mention that a friend has a particular
fetish without making a big deal about
it to start a conversation even if it’s not
about that kink specifically.

You can always directly ask if there is

anything your man wants to try in the
bedroom or if he has any fetishes or
kinks; although, this may not be the
best approach for every person. You
definitely want to use your judgment.

You can try asking leading questions

like the following if you think your man
will respond better.
 “Do you like it when I’m girly and
 “Do you want me to be more
aggressive and dominant tonight?”
 “Do you think it would be hot
seeing me making out with another
 “Would you like me to get a
pedicure for you?”

As he starts to open up, gently pull on

the thread and see if there is more
there. This can be a quick process, or
it can take months.

The key is paying close attention to his

reactions. As long as he stays open,
keep going. However, once he starts
to clam up in any way, pull back.
Once you discover his kinks, fetishes,
and fantasies, then you get to the fun
part: you get to give them to him.

Many women often don’t realize that
most guys love seeing you get off.

Yes, some men are pigs and never

care whether you orgasm or not, but…

Most guys want to see you have a good

time; they want to see your orgasm
face and feel your body tense up as
you climax…

After all, it massages their ego as they

will be the “one” who gets you off.

Be sexually selfish.
 Have great sex in the positions
YOU enjoy most.
 Guide his hands to where you
want them.
 If you need more stimulation from
his tongue when he’s going down
on you, then put your hands on his
head and pull him closer.
 Show him the kind of stimulation
you need to get off.

Now, you could take this to the

extreme and never focus on his
pleasure, but that would just make you
like the guys who don’t care about
their wife’s pleasure, so…

Be selfish, sometimes, but not every


Anal sex can be fantastic or a complete


Pleasurable or painful.

Intensely orgasmic or messy.

If you do it right, it can be amazing. If
you do it wrong…ouch!

The main issue I see with people who

don’t enjoy anal sex is that they are
doing it wrong!

That’s why I put together this detailed,

step-by-step guide on how to have
pleasurable, clean, pain-free anal sex.

Of course, you may still find that it

doesn’t do much for you. That’s fine
too. There are plenty more ways to
have better sex.

When people hear the sex advice,
“talk dirty” during sex, they often
think they should be as explicit and
extreme as possible with the words
they use.

This is a pretty bad way to look at

talking dirty during sex. It doesn’t
have to be about being extreme or

The most important thing to keep in

mind when talking dirty is that you are
telling a story to your man and playing
a role.

The story you tell can be a:

 A story of intense, unbridled

passion between the two of you.
 A romantic love story.
 A story about an aggressive man
and a shy, naive woman.
 A story about serving your man.
 A story about dominating your
 A story about both of you,
expressing your feelings, and
baring your souls to each other.

Note: Obviously, this isn’t going to be

your classic story that you read line-
by-line from a book to each
other…hell no!

It’s a story, straight from your

imagination, that you weave into your
lovemaking where you are both
playing roles.


 If you are having intense,

passionate sex, the dirty talk you
use should reflect this, “I fucking
love you,” “I wanted you so much
from the moment you walked in
the door” or “Fuck me, harder”
are perfect dirty talk examples for
this kind of sex.

 If it’s more loving, slow sex, then

adjust your dirty talk accordingly.
Telling him, “I love you so
much,” while looking in his eyes
or whispering in his ear, “I can’t
believe I met you” perfectly tells
the story of what you’re doing.

 If you are on top of your man

during sex and dominating him,
pin his arms over his head and
tell him, “You like this, don’t
you? You like me being on top of
you, in control?” or if he’s going
down on you, grab his hair and
pull him closer, then tell him
exactly how you like it, “That’s
it, lick every inch.”

 If you are more submissive to your

man, then it calls for a different
approach entirely, “I just want to
make you have a good time” or
“All I want to do is serve you” or
“The only thing I can think of
right now is making you cum”
are some examples that spring to

Once you look at talking dirty to your

man as telling a story, it becomes a lot
easier and natural.

You no longer need to remember any

specific dirty talking phrases to use;
you just need to fall into character and
act accordingly.
If you are having rough sex, just say
what feels natural for a character to say
in a rough sex story, “Harder, harder”
or “Deeper, deeper” spring to mind.

If you’ve just reunited after being

long-distance, telling him, “I missed
your body so much” while wrapping
your arms & legs around him and
pulling him deeper is precisely the
kind of thing someone would say in
this story.

The key is seeing yourself in a story,

and then figuring out what kind of role
your character would play in that

Of course, talking dirty in this way only

works if you are genuine and really
feel yourself in character.
It’s perfectly natural to feel nervous or
awkward leading up to sex or during
the act itself if you aren’t experienced
or haven’t had enjoyable sex

I have two simple sex tips to help you

with this:

Do something to calm your nerves

 Try having a drink or two (but not

five!) before you get it on with
your man.

 The same goes for smoking a little

weed beforehand, provided it’s
legal where you live.
 Try doing some exercise or
meditation to help calm down.

 A self-care routine as simple as

having a bath in candlelight can
help you chill, relax, and feel

Understand how nervous your man


Many women are so caught up in how

nervous they feel, that they completely
forget about how nervous their man is.
He’ll be worrying about:

 How long he lasts.

 How big his penis is and if you
think it’s small or not.
 Maintaining his erection and
getting it in the first place.
 Making sure he pleases you in
 If you like his body.
 If you are focused on him or
fantasizing about someone else.

In other words, the next time you feel

worried or self-conscious during sex,
just remember that your man feels
precisely the same way!


Sometimes you and your guy just click.
Your bodies are naturally in sync, and
you both know what buttons to press to
get each other off. You don’t have to
think about the best way to have sex.
It’s just good!

This is not the case for most couples,

Most couples either slowly figure out
what gets them off or…

They never figure it out.

That’s because a lot of couples clam up

and get awkward when talking about
sex or avoid those conversations that
would help them be amazing at sex.
It’s pretty understandable…

I’ve already created an entire guide on

how to give a great blow job. Check it
out if you want to give him the best
blow job of his life. I cover everything
from building up to your blow job, 50+
different blow job techniques, how to
finish off your blow job, how to deep
throat him, and how to make it filthy
hot for both of you! So, if you want
more sex advice for women, make
sure to check it out.


It’s important to realize that your man
is unique with sexual preferences that
differ from every other guy you’ve
ever met.

 Just because one partner loved

prostate stimulation, it does not
mean that your current man does.
 The same is true for him being
dominant or submissive.
 He might prefer rough,
aggressive sex instead of the
loving, caring kind…or vice
The key is understanding that he’s a
“unique snowflake” and then
adapting your sex skills to his specific
preference and kinks. If he is a good
guy, he’ll do the same for you.


Men have egos, especially when it
comes to sex. There’s no denying it.
Unless your man is a Buddhist monk,
he has an ego. If you can massage and
boost his ego sexually, then you are
tapping into the core of his identity,
something that many women never do.

How do you massage his ego sexually?

There are a few dos and don’ts. Let’s
start with the dos:

Do focus on your own pleasure and

reaching orgasm – Possibly the easiest
sex tip for women you can use from
this guide to better sex is to focus on
your pleasure and have as many
orgasms as possible.

Not a bad idea, huh?

Here’s why you should focus on your

pleasure and orgasms:

Men feel sexually powerful, and it

dramatically boosts their egos when
they feel like they are the ones
making you orgasm.

It really is that simple. Now, there’s a

critical caveat to this…

When focusing on your own

satisfaction and orgasm, you need to
let your man know that he is the one
providing you with all this pleasure.

Let him know that you are enjoying

him – Letting your man know that he is
driving you wild with pleasure is
obviously going to massage his ego
and make sex feel incredible for him.
The best way to do this is to be
indirect, as being direct sometimes
does not feel as sincere and
believable. So…

 Don’t tell him his penis is huge

(unless it really is)
 Don’t tell him he is the best lover
you’ve ever had (unless he really
 Don’t tell him your face is numb
for cumming so hard (unless it
really is)

 Do bring your mouth right by his

ear, so that he can hear your
breathing and moaning.

 Do grind against him to increase

your clitoral stimulation and help
get yourself off.

 Do run your hands over your

favorite parts of his body.

 Do dig your nails in as you get

closer to orgasm.

 Do pull him deeper as he

 Do let him see your orgasm face.
Men find it hot to see you lose
control as you orgasm, even if you
scrunch your face up. Trust me on
this. You may also feel the same
about seeing his face when he

As I mentioned earlier, the key to

massaging your man’s ego during sex
is, to be honest, and sincere. If your
man is driving you wild, then let him
know it! If he’s not, you need to find a
way to give him feedback that doesn’t
hurt his ego.
Many women (& men) completely
ignore this next sex tip. They think
good sex is all about the physical
techniques and positions you use
during the act itself. The truth is that
sex techniques and positions are only
a small part of having great sex. There
are other ways to be better in bed.

The main part is creating and

releasing sexual tension.

Here’s what I mean.

You know that feeling you got in high

school or college when that super-hot
guy would look at you, talk to you or
flirt with you, but nothing else would
Your mind would go wild, and you’d
be thinking about him all day long,
imagining what could happen. In your
fantasies, you’d always have the best
sex of your life.

And if you did eventually hook up with

him, the release of sexual tension was
incredibly satisfying and would make
sex better.

The funny thing is, guys go through the

exact same thing!

That’s sexual tension.

It’s that feeling where we want

something sexual to happen, but we
can’t make it happen because there is
something in the way of making it
And the longer we can’t have it, the
more we want it.

Then, when we finally get it, the

release of sexual tension is incredibly

New relationships naturally have

sexual tension, and we don’t know
what’s going to happen next:

“Will he invite me back to his place?”

“Why hasn’t he messaged back yet?”
“What did he mean when he said

As your relationship progresses, the
sexual tension dissipates, and we often
find ourselves less excited about sex,
and we start slipping into a more
comfortable routine…which is usually
good for your relationship, but it,
unfortunately, kills the sexual tension
and anticipation. This is especially true
if you stop trying to give great sex.

If you both want to start having better

sex and craving each other intensely,
then you need to become a master at
building anticipation and sexual
tension with your man.

Releasing it is the easy part

Just how do you build sexual tension

with him? There are distinct times that
you should be building sexual tension
with him if you want to have really
good sex later.

 When you are together with your

 When you’re not together
 As you’re leaving him


Remember, sexual tension is created
when your man wants something
sexual, but he can’t have it, because
there is something in the way, a
“barrier” preventing both of you from
being intimate. Here’s a few examples
of how to build sexual tension when
you’re with your man:
17. FLIRTING – Flirting is your most
powerful tool for building sexual
tension with your man. You can
playfully misinterpret things he says,
sparingly use innuendo and double
entendres, tease him about something
silly he does, and lightheartedly poke
fun at some of his less serious opinions.
In other words, you will sort of revert
to being two teenagers again.

When done correctly, flirting is the

perfect way to build sexual tension. Of
course, you can go overboard with
flirting, where you are more childish
than sexy, where he sees you more
like an annoying sister than an
intelligent, sexy woman he’s verbally
sparring with.


Talking dirty is a killer way to build
sexual tension with your man, but it
requires a little finesse. Most people
think about talking dirty during sex,
but it’s actually more powerful when
you use it to build sexual tension. The
key to using dirty talk to build sexual
tension is to be really subtle and let his
imagination do the heavy lifting. Here
are a few examples:

 When you’re at a party together,

lean in and whisper in his ear,
“Ugh, I wish I could just take you
home and have my way with you,
but I promised the host I’d stay
till the end.”

 When shopping together, suggest

something a bit naughty, “I kind
of feel like pulling you into one of
these changing rooms, but I
don’t want to get in trouble.”
 When you’re sitting on a plane
together, let him know, “I knew
we should have had a quickie this
morning, I’m too horny just
sitting here.”

The whole point is to let your man

know what’s on your mind and what
you want to do, at a time when it can’t
actually happen. That way, he will be
anticipating it for hours until you both
have a chance to make it happen.

Note: The examples above are just

examples; you’ll need to say things to
him that are true to you and your

19. EYE CONTACT – Eye contact is

important and sometimes hard to get
right when you are building sexual
tension. There are plenty of articles
and guides online that try to explain
how to make “sexy” or “sultry” eye
contact. The reality is that “sexy” or
“sultry” eye contact varies
significantly from person to person
and relationship to relationship.

My advice on eye contact is simple:

If you want to use eye contact to build

sexual tension, make it as much as
possible in a way that feels
comfortable for both of you. If you look
or act uncomfortable while making
prolonged eye contact with someone,
then forget about it. If you notice that
he is getting uncomfortable from it,
then hold off on it.
20. GET PHYSICAL – If you want to
escalate the sexual tension and
anticipation with your man, then you
need to get physical with him.

 Give him a playful nudge when

you’re joking around.
 Take something from him and
make him “fight” to get it back.
 Straighten his tie or brush off a
piece of lint from clothes and ask
him, “Didn’t your mom teach you
how to look after yourself?”

21. HOT & COLD – All my flirting

advice is useless if you don’t also use
Hot & Cold. You can’t always be “on”
and totally into your man if you are
trying to build sexual tension and
anticipation. From time to time, you
also need to tone it down and just talk
or focus on what you’re doing.
This makes the times you are flirting
with him much more intense and fun,

When you are acting “cold,” your man

will be hoping for a return to you being

NOTE: When I say Hot & Cold, I don’t

mean you should be flirty and nice,
then give him the “cold shoulder.” I’m
merely talking about how much you
flirt with your man. When it’s
enjoyable, do it. When you need to
focus on you, focus on you.


When you’re not with your man, you
need a way of keeping the sexual
tension alive. There are a few tools for
this: messaging apps, regular phone
calls, and video calls.

Of course, you can sext him or have

phone sex, but if you want to build
sexual tension, you need to take a
different approach. Here are a few

 Send suggestive photos.

 Send texts hinting at what you plan
to do with him when you’re
together. Be indirect here.
 Tell him about a dream or fantasy
you had that involved him.
 Write and text him a story that is
highly suggestive, but not that
 Before you see each other, let him
know what you plan to do to him
The key to keeping the sexual tension
alive when you are apart is to make
his mind do the work. If you give him
exact details, then he doesn’t have to
imagine anything.


Leaving your man on a high note is
possibly the best way to keep him
thinking about you and to build
anticipation of what might happen
later. Yet you don’t even have to use
this amazing sex tip in the bedroom!

There’s a bunch of ways to do this (by

the way, just doing one of these things
is usually enough:

 Kiss him passionately after you

say goodbye.
 Grab/caress him.
 Whisper something really filthy in
his ear. “I’ll be masturbating to
you this evening” or, “I think I
may name my vibrator after you”
or “I can still feel you after last
night” are all great examples.

 Tell him what you plan to do to him

later, “I can’t wait to taste you
tonight” or “Tonight, I might
wear that lingerie you bought

Leaving your man on a high note gives

you the biggest bang for your buck if
you are trying to build sexual tension.


Those are 3 different times you should

be building sexual tension and
anticipation with your man using the
techniques above:

 When you’re with him.

 When you’re apart.
 When you’re leaving him…leave
on a high note.

Speaking of notes, one last thing to say

about sexual tension is that you must
release it at some stage. If all you do is
build sexual tension with your man,
but you never release it, then your
man will eventually become
frustrated, and it will actually work
against you. He may think that you are
just trying to frustrate him.

So, build it up, then release it…with

some hot sex. Then build it up again!
You’ll find that as you build sexual
tension with your man, he will often
start to do things that build anticipation
and sexual tension with you too, which
is precisely what you want. He’ll flirt
back, talk dirty to you and send you
filthy texts too. There’s also a nice
feeling of power you’ll get seeing your
man work to release the sexual tension
that you’re building!

Ok, that was a lot of sex advice! My
advice now would be to bookmark
or save this sex guide for women, so
you can come back to it, then pick one
or two of the techniques I suggested
and start using them on your man.

If you can massage his ego, build

intense sexual tension, and use the
specific sex tips & techniques
above, then you’ll be giving your man
the best sex of his life. More than that,
you’ll have the best sex, too!

Once you master them, you can try

more tips for women in bed and
perhaps combine some of them. When
you’re comfortable, you can move on
to some of my more advanced blow
job techniques and kinky sex tips.
One thing that some women (& men)
forget when they read sex articles
from Queen preshiii is that I’m giving
advice, ideas, and guidelines to help
them be good at sex. I’m not laying
down unbreakable laws when it
comes to how to get good at sex. The
truth is, some guys will adore specific
techniques from this guide, while
others won’t like them as much. To
truly understand how to get better at
sex, you need to discuss with your man
what he likes.

It’s your job to figure out which

techniques and tips for better sex work
best for you, your man, and your
relationship while forgetting about the
sex advice that doesn’t work well for
by Sean Jameson and Queen preshiii


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