Lesson Plan - Noun

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade 6

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

A. Recognize nouns and its kinds.

B. Identify the different kinds of nouns.
C. Determine the functions of nouns.
D. Identify nouns in a sentence.
E. Define and provide examples of nouns.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Kinds of Noun.

Reference: English Book for Grade 6
Materials: Laptop, pen, and manila paper

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
Before we start, _________, kindly lead Response to the prayer
the prayer.

2. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning miss ko, Good morning
You may now take your seat.

3. Checking of Attendance Class monitor will check the attendance.

Class monitor, Please kindly check the

B. Review

Yesterday, we discuss about the meaning Noun is the name of persons, places, things,
of Noun. Can someone recall what’s the ideas, and events.
meaning of noun?
(Calling a student)

Very Good. Now Let us continue our

lesson, we will study the kinds of noun.

Noun also has different kinds. There are

four kinds of it.

C. Motivation
Student Activity
Okay class, I have letters here, when I show
you the letter, I will pick a student and all
you have to do is to say or giveu a name of a
person, place, animal, thing, or idea that
begin with that letter. For example, letter C
you can say “Caitlyn”, “Cat”, “Cathedral”,
“Curious”. Did you understand the
instruction students?

D. Development of the Lesson


1. Proper Nouns and Common Nouns.

I will give example and then can you (Students listen)

figure out what is the difference
between the two?

Proper Noun Common Noun

(students try to figure out the difference)
Artus actor
Beth actress

Iloilo city Miss, when we say Proper Noun, it is the
Pototan province exact name of the persons, things, places and
events. We write it using capital letter.
Honda car
iPhone cellphone

New Year holiday
Bonifacio Day heroes Day

Very Good. Proper noun refers to We use small letter when we write common
particular or specific names of persons, noun.
places, things or events. They begin
with capital letter. How about common

Class, Common Noun refers to the

general names of the persons, places,
things and events.

2. Collective Nouns- refer to groups of

persons, places, animals, or things
considered as one.


group of persons
a choir of singers
a team of players

group of places
a suite of rooms
a range of mountains
group of things
a collection of stamps
a set of tools

group of animals
a herd of cattle
a pride of lion

3. Abstract Nouns- are nouns which

cannot be perceived by the sense
organs. They can only be felt. These are
emotions, belief, ideas, qualities or

ex. Obedience, Love, independence,

Students give some examples of abstract
Kindly give another example of noun.
Abstract noun.

4. Concrete Noun- nouns which can be

seen or perceived by senses.

ex. hotel, school, computer, doctor,

pencil, book.
Student answers.
After we have discussed the kinds of
noun, can you now give the four kinds
of noun and its definition?

E. Generalization

I know you’ve learned a lot from today’s Students raised their hands.
discussion, so anyone who can summarize
the lesson?

Call students to summarize the lesson. Student answers the question.

Indeed, Thank you!

Again class, Nouns are important because

they refer to places, objects and people and
the more sophisticated abstract concepts.
Without nouns, you will be left with verbs,
adjectives and adverbs. The lack of nouns
will eradicate any subject or object from your
sentence which is as good as communication
essentially nothing.

F. Application

Okay class we will have a group activity Students forms a group.

please form group of 3. You may choose
your groupmates.
Team List Game
A good team game involves each type of

Make a chart for each group with four

columns: "person", "place", "thing", and
Give students a certain amount of time; then
each group shares with the whole class.
Reward the team with the longest overall list
or reward the team with the longest list for
each type of noun. Rewards can be free time,
being first in line, treats, stickers, or anything
else you can think of.

Once you are done answering the activity, we

will check it.

G. Evaluation
A. Instruction: Complete the chart below by
Quiz writing 5 nouns in their appropriate column.

proper concrete collective abstract

nouns nouns nouns nouns
1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5. 5.

B. Fill in each blank with an appropriate

collective noun.
Answers: 1. The _______ of players is ready for the
1. team of players 2. The _______ of soldiers prepare for their
2. battalion of soldiers next operation in Mindanao.
3. pride of lion 3. I saw a ______ of lion in the jungle.
4. a collection of stamps 4. I have a _______ of stamps.
5. bouquet of flowers 5. All teachers were given a _______ of
flowers during the Teachers Day.
H. Assignment A. Form an abstract noun from these words.
Ex. Brother - brotherhood
1. wise 6. angry
2. strong 7. live
3. long 8. feel
4. know 9. awareness
5. obey 10. great

Write at least 2 paragraphs explaining your

nouns to me. Remember proper punctuations
and grammar applies.

1. Proper & Common noun
2. Concrete noun
3. Collective noun
4. Abstract noun

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