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Grade 4

Name /Surname: ____________________________

Class : _________
Total Score : __________ Date:

PART A. Choose the correct answer. (3 points each)

1. Herbal tea is one of the oldest _________ .

A) illnesses B) exercise C) sore throat D) home remedies

2. The Mexican walking fish is nearly _________ .There are less than 1,000 left.

A) polluted B) extinct C) trap D) predator

3. What is the synonym of “giant”?

A) good B) very big C) real D) mythical

4. What is the antonym of “west”?

A) east B) south C) middle D) north

5. Planes are a great way to travel a long _________ because they’re fast.

A) distance B) engine C) per hour D) avarage speed

6. A car can’t travel without an _________.

A) speed B) multiply C) engine D) oil lamp

7. Melanie has got an important exam tomorrow. ‘What should she do?’

A) She shouldn’t go to school.

B) She should revise it .
C) She should go to bed without revising.
D) She shouln’t sleep all night.

8. When you have got a headache, here’s what I suggest:

A) You shouldn’t eat sweets.

B) You shouldn’t take care of yourself.
C) You should rest.
D) You should stay up late.

9. My brother has got a cut on his finger. He should take better care of ____________

A) himself B) ourselves C) herself D) yourself

10. In 1900,______________ more than 100,000 tigers. Today, ______________ only 3,200.

A) there are/there were

B) there were/there was
C) there is/there are
D) there were/there are

11. A: _________ are the lions endangered?

B: Because people hunt them.

A) Why B) Where C) What D) Who

12. A: _________ chimpanzees were there 100 years ago?

B: There were more than one million.

A) Why B) What C) How many D) Where

13. Read and choose the following sentence.”Today, many people use microwaves. ______________________”

A) Then, we washed clothes by hand.

B) Long ago, people used to travel by horse and carriage.
C) Before, we used phones with operators.
D) In the past, people used to cook on coal stoves.

14. Before electric lamps, ________________________

A) people had to walk everywhere.

B) people used to use oil lamps.
C) there were only newspapers to give people news or entertainment.
D) people used to wash clothes by hand.

15. A: Did your dad have a computer at school when he was young?
B: ______________________His computer was big and slow.

A) Yes, he was. B) No, he wasn’t. C) Yes, he did. D) No, he didn’t.

16. A: ___________ people ___________ (live) in caves a long time ago?

B: Yes, they did.

A) Did/lived B) Do/live C) Did/live D) Were/ live

17. A: What did Graham family do yesterday?
B: They _________________________ in the swimming pool.

A) were swim B)swam C) swimming D) was swimming

18. A:_____________ that film last night?

B: Yes, I did.

A) Did you saw B) Did you see C) Do you see D) Have you see

19. I ___________ my homework yesterday. Because I didn’t feel good.

A) do B) don’t do C) didn’t D) didn’t do

20. A: Did people ________ by horse and carriage in the past?

B: Yes, they did.

A) travelled B) was travel C) traveled D) travel

PART B. Read and complete the paragraph with the correct words. (3 points each)

Komodo Dragons
There is only one ___________ dragon. It’s
called the Komodo Dragon and it lives on a tiny
Indonesian ___________. Actually, it isn’t a
dragon, it’s a very large _________.All other
dragons are _____________ creatures. That
means you only exist in myths or fairy

21. A) small B) beasts C) real D) forest

22. A) island B) country C) stream D) ocean

23. A) habitat B) evil C) lizard D) bird

24. A) lizard B) mythical C) friendly D) real

25. A) cities B) cinemas C) songs D) stories

PART C. Read and choose the best answer. (3 points each)

26. Nick: Did you enjoy your trip last week, Paul?
Paul: _______________________

A) It was great!
B) Saturday and Sunday!
C) What a nice smile!

27. Nick: Which was the best day?

Paul: _______________________

A) I can go this evening.

B) Hers is better.
C) They were all good.

28. Nick: How did you travel?

Paul: _______________________

A) It was very quick.

B) There were ten people.
C) We went by plane.

29. Nick: Were you afraid?

Paul: _______________________

A) No, I wasn’t.
B) It wasn’t me.
C) There isn’t any.

30. Nick: Was the weather good?

Paul: _______________________

A) Well done!
B) Yes, every day!
C) No, sorry!

PART D. Read the paragraph. Choose the correct options. (2 points each)

Computers can do lots of jobs. They can do maths, store information or play music. You can use a
computer to write or to play games. What do you know about the history of computers?

The first computers were very big. They were the size of a room! They were so big that
people didn’t have them at home. Early computers could also only do simple maths, like
a calculator. In the 1930s Alan Turing had the idea for a computer you could program to
do different things.

In 1989 Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (www), which is a
way to organise information on the internet. Now people all over the
world can look for and share information on websites.

Today people can use smart phones to play games, e-mail and go on the internet. In the past a simple
computer was the size of a room. Now you can put it in your pocket!

31. Which one of the following is correct about the text?

A) The first computers were very big and could do maths.
B) Alan Turing had an idea about computers in 1989.
C) Tim Berners-Lee invented World Wide Web in 1979.
D) In the past you could put the computers in your pocket.

32. _______________________________so people didn’t have them at home.

A) Computers were so tiny in the past
B) In 1989 there weren’t any computers
C) Early computers were very big
D) Computers could organise information on the internet

33. In 1930s, people all over the world could look for and share information on websites.
A) True B) False C) We don’t know

34. Early computers were like a calculator. People could do simple maths.
A) True B) False C) We don’t know

35. Alan Turing was from Germany.

A) True B) False C) We don’t know


1.D 30.B
2.B 31.A
3.B 32.C
4.A 33.B
5.A 34.A
6.C 35.C Not: Her soru 3 puan, 31.-35. Sorular arası 2 puan.

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