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Semester I/II - Week 1
Concepts, Elements,
and Characteristics of Belief System,
Worldview, Religion, and Spirituality


Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems – Grade 11/12
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Semester I/II-Week 1 Concepts, Elements,and Characteristics of Belief System,
Worldview, Religion, and Spirituality
First Edition, 2020

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Lesson 1
Concepts, Elements,
and Characteristics of Belief System,
Worldview, Religion, and Spirituality

Differentiating the concept, elements and characteristics of belief system, world
view, religion, and spirituality

Objectives: 1. Identify the meaning of concept, elements, belief system,

world views, religion and spirituality.
2. Discuss the concepts,elements,belief system,world views,religion and
spirituality; and
3. Differentiate the concepts, elements and characteristics of belief
system, world view, religion, and spirituality.

Let’s Try
Directions: Carefully read the questions and circle the letter of the best answer
in each number.

1.. Which of the following is NOT a concept of spirituality?

A. God is inside the mind C. Belief that the divine is within you
B. God is inside the heart D. Personal beliefs or values system

2.Which of the following is the NOT the concept of religion?

A. God is inside the mind C. Belief that the divine is within us
B. Dictated belief or conditioned mind D. Belief in a superhuman power

3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of religion?

A. Belief in a deity
B. Belief in a deity’s relationship with the world
C. Places and people believed to be holy and sacred
D.Spiritual aspect of individual

4. Which of the following is TRUE about belief system?

A. Belief systems do not change.
B. Belief system are always good.
C. Belief systems can change and evolve over time.
D.Belief systems are solely created by how a person was raise.

5. Which of the following statements BEST describe Monism?It is_______

A. the belief and worship of many gods.
B. the doctrine or belief in one supreme god.
C. disbelief in or denial of the existence of a personal god.
D.the belief that is no real distinction between god and the universe.
6. Which of the following is the difference of religion and spirituality?
A. Religion is part of society while spirituality is a practice.
B. Religion is a specific belief while spirituality is more of an individual belief.
C. Religion is an individual belief, while spirituality is society’s belief.
D.Religion is a specific set of organized beliefs and usually shared by a
community or group while spirituality is more of an individual practice.

7 .Which of the following BEST describes a belief system?

A. Ideas about human behavior C. The religious belief that a person has
B. Certain principles about behavior D.The political party that one associates with

8. Which of the following statements BEST describe Polytheism?It is______

A. the belief and worship of many gods
B. the doctrine or belief in one supreme god
C. disbelief in or denial of the existence of a personal god
D.The belief that is no real distinction between god and the univers

9. What is the best definition of religion?

A. Religion is the universal aspect of individual.
B. Religion is the spiritual aspect of individual
C. Religion is the fundamental belief about unknown
D.Religion is an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to
worship a god or a group of gods.

10. What is the best definition of spirituality?

A. It is one of the elements of religion
B. It is the universdal aspect of beliefs.
C. It is the individual faith for the different god and godesses.
D.It is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed
to material or physical things.

Let’s Explore and Discover

In today’s society, we encounter various people with different religion, culture,

beliefs and others.
Now it is time to enlighten yourself what this lesson is all about.

Unlocking of Difficulties

Religion- organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a

god or a group of gods.

Spirituality is derived from the Latin word spiritus, its verb root is spirare which
means “to breathe” literally.

Understanding the nature of religion is very

important. It will give you a concrete
understanding how religion helps shape
the lives of an individual.

Every individual is unique and different from each other. Likewise, every individual
sees and interprets the world quite differently from one another. From the overall
perspective evolves the term worldview. Worldview which is a collection of beliefs about
life and the universe being held by people .

Different Kinds of Belief Systems or Worldviews

There are different kinds of belief systems or worldviews. The table below will
enlighten you about it.

Kinds Description
Monism There is no real distinction between god and
the universe
Polytheism The belief and worship of many gods
Monotheism The doctrine or belief in one supreme god
Atheism Disbelief in or denial of the existence of a
personal god
Agnosticism God cannot be known

Definition and Nature of Religion

➢ organized system of beliefs, ceremonies,

and rules used to worship a god or a group
of gods
Religion may be defined as
➢ derived from the Latin verb religare which
means “to tie together, to bind fast.”

Different characteristics that are common to most major religions.

1. Belief in a deity
2. Belief in a deity’s relationship with the world
3. Places and people believed to be holy and sacred.
4. Rules followed as a result of beliefs.
5. Ways to worship a deity

Exploring Spirituality ➢ From term “spiritual” being defined as

“relating or affecting the human spirit
or soul as opposed to material or
Spirituality may be defined as physical thing.
➢ is derived from the Latin word
spiritus, its verb root is spirare which
means “to breathe” literally

In the study of religion, there are basic concepts that need to be understood such as
theology, philosophy of religion, and spirituality. While religion refers to any set of
attitudes, beliefs, and practices concerning a supernatural power—theology involves the
systematic study of the existence and nature of the divine. It deals with the study of the
nature and purpose of god that may be undertaken using a particular perspective. While
theology is a study, not a formulation of religious beliefs.

Philosophy of religion deals primarily with issues concerning religion, which includes
analysis on the existence of a divine being or on sacred texts. It may involve studying the
“concepts and belief systems of the religions as well as the prior phenomena of religious
experience and the activities of worship and meditation on which these belief systems
rest and out of which they have arisen it seeks to analyze various concepts such as god,
spirit, karma, creation, immortality, heaven, hell, and purgatory among others.
Philosophy of religion is not a branch of theology but a branch of philosophy.

(Source: Jerome A. Ong and Mary Dorothy dL.Jose,Introduction to World Religion and Belief
Systems .Quezon City:Vibal Group,Inc.,2016,2-09)

Let’s Practice
How are you now after knowing the nature of religion and spirituality? Here is another
activity for you to help you learn more about our lesson.

Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter

of your best answer in the space provided.

of Column A Column B
1. Refers to a set of beliefs about the
fundamental aspects of reality that ground
A. Spirituality
and influence all one’s perspective,
knowing and doing.
2. Refers to belief in different deities. B. Polytheism
3. Refers to an organized system of beliefs,
ceremonies, and rules used to worship C. Worldview
a god or a group of gods.
D. Elements of
4. The doctrine or belief in one supreme god
5. Refers to the quality of being concerned E. Religion
with the human spirit or soul as opposed
F. Divine
to material or physical things.
G. Monotheism

Directions: Read carefully each statement. Write TRUE if the statement is

correct and write FALSE if the statement is wrong.

_____________1. One of the examples of worldview is believing in one supreme god.

_____________2. One of the examples of being spiritual is praying at home.
_____________3. One of the characteristics of religion is the place of worship.
_____________4. Christianity is not an example of religion.
_____________5. Monotheism believes in many gods.

Let’s Do More
Directions: Circle the FIVE (5) words that you can search in
the word grid. Use the given clues to help you find the missing
word. Then, write the word on the space provided.

1. Defined as “an organized
system of beliefs, ceremonies,
and rules used to worship
a god or a group of gods”. B A T W A A A A A A J J
______________________ R E L I G I O N M K H K
2. Derived from the Latin word M D U G G T D R T T F K
spiritus, its verb root is spirare W O R L D V I E W T G H
which means “to breathe” N G G K F U T U C A Y L
3. A collection of beliefs about life F J F Q D P J O D A U I
and the universe being held by O O P O L Y T H E I S M
people. M K L F T Y R T E T F R
_______________________ E H Q W A L K G B G E D
4. Belief and worship of many gods
5. Refers to the study of religion

Directions: Read the following situations. Check which is

applicable to your religion.

Before going to sleep I

I believe in
My Religion is ___ I pray ___ I recite Angelous
__Christian ___Roman
___ other, pls specify _____ I believe in Jesus Christ
_____I believe in Allah
___ Islam___ Pentecostal ________________
_____other ,pls. specify
_____ Other,pls specify ___________________

I read Yesterday, I
____Bible _____ Go to church
____ Koran _____Mosque
____other, pls specify _____other,pls specify

Let’s Sum It Up
Directions: Identify what is being described in each number. Choose your
answer in the box below.

Religion Polytheism Sprirituality

Philosophy Theology Worldview

Description or Meaning Terms

1.From the Latin word spiritus, its verb root is
spirare which means “to breathe” literally.

2. A collection of beliefs about life and the

universe being held by people.
3.An organized system of beliefs, ceremonies,
and rules used to worship a god or a group of
4.It refers to believing in many gods.
5. It refers to study of religion

Let’s Assess
Directions: Carefully read the questions and circle the letter of the best answer
each number.
1. What is the best definition of religion?
A. Religion is the universal aspect of individual.
B. Religion is the spiritual aspect of individual
C. Religion is the fundamental belief about unknown
D.Religion is an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to
worship a god or a group of gods.

2. What is the best definition of spirituality?

A. It is one of the elements of religion
B. It is the universdal aspect of beliefs.
C. It is the individual faith for the different god and godesses.
D.It is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed
to material or physical things.

3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of religion?

A. Belief in a deity
B. Belief in a deity’s relationship with the world
C. Places and people believed to be holy and sacred
D.Spiritual aspect of individual

4. Which of the following is the difference of religion and spirituality?

A. Religion is part of society while spirituality is a practice.
B. Religion is a specific belief while spirituality is more of an individual belief.
C. Religion is an individual belief, while spirituality is society’s belief.
D.Religion is a specific set of organized beliefs and usually shared by a
community or group while spirituality is more of an individual practice.

5. Which of the following is NOT a concept of spirituality?

A. God is inside the mind C. Belief that the divine is within u
B. God is inside the heart D. Personal beliefs or values system

6.Which of the following is the NOT the concept of religion?

A. God is inside the mind C. Belief that the divine is within us
B. Dictated belief or conditioned mind D. Belief in a superhuman power

7 .Which of the following BEST describes a belief system?

A. Ideas about human behavior C. The religious belief that a person has
B. Certain principles about behavior D.The political party that one associates with

8. Which of the following is TRUE about belief system?

A. Belief systems do not change.
B. Belief system are always good.
C. Belief systems can change and evolve over time.
D.Belief systems are solely created by how a person was raise.
9. Which of the following statements BEST describe Monism?It is_______
A. the belief and worship of many gods.
B. the doctrine or belief in one supreme god.
C. disbelief in or denial of the existence of a personal god.
D.the belief that is no real distinction between god and the universe.

10. Which of the following statements BEST describe Polytheism?It is______

A. the belief and worship of many gods
B. the doctrine or belief in one supreme god
C. disbelief in or denial of the existence of a personal god
D.The belief that is no real distinction between god and the universe

Answer Key
Lets try
Let’s Assess
1. A Activity2 Let”s Sum It 1. D
2. C Up 2. D
3. D 1.Spirituality
1. TRUE 3. D
4. A 2.Worldview 4. D
5. C 3.Religion 5. A
6. B 4.Polytheism 6. C
7. C 5.Theology 7. C
8. A 8. C
9. D 9. C
10. D Let’ Do More
10. A

Let’s Practice Activity 1

Activity 1
1. Religion
1. C 2. Spirituality
2. B 3. Worldview
3. E 4. Polytheism
4. G 5. Theology
5. A
Answers may vary


Ong, Jerome A. and Mary J. Dorothy.Introduction to World Religion and Belief

Systems.Quezon City:Vibal Grou,Inc.,2016.



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