Notes in Computer Networking

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Notes in Computer Networking  LANs are connected to each other using WANs.

 WANs may use copper wires, fiber optic cables,

[Common Types of Networks]
and wireless transmissions.
Network of Many Sizes
The internet is not owned by any individual or group. The
 Small Home Networks – connect a few computers following groups were developed to help maintain
to each other and the internet. structure on the internet:
 Small Office/Home Office – enables computer
within a home or remote office to connect to a
corporate office.
 Medium to Large Office – many locations with
hundreds or thousands of interconnected Intranets and Extranets
An intranet is a private collection of LANs and
 Worldwide Networks – connects hundreds of
WANs internal to an organization that is meant to be
millions of computers worldwide such as the
accessible only to the organization members or others
with authorization.
LANs and WANs
An organization might use an extranet to provide
Network infrastructure vary greatly in terms of: secure access to their network for individuals who work
for a different organization that need access to their data
 Size of the area covered.
on their network.
 Number of users connected.
 Number and types of services available.
 Area of responsibility.

Two most common types of networks: Intranet

Company Only
 Local Area Network (LAN) - a LAN is a network
infrastructure that spans a small geographical Extranet
area. Suppliers,
 Wide Area Network (WAN) – a WAN is a network Customers,
infrastructure that spans a wide geographical Collaborators
area. Internet
LAN WAN The World
Interconnect end devices in Interconnect LANs over
a limited area. wide geographical areas.
Administrated by a single Typically administered by
organization or individual. one or more service
Provide high-speed Typically provide slower
bandwidth to internal speed links between LANs.

Internet Access Technologies

There are many ways to connect users and organizations

The Internet to the internet:

The internet is a worldwide collection of interconnected  Popular services for home users and small offices
LANs and WANs. include broadband cable. Broadband digital
subscriber line (DSL), wireless WANs, and mobile The Converging Network
Before converged networks, an organization
 Organizations need faster connection to support
would have been separately cabled for telephone, video,
IP phones, video conferencing, and data center
and data. Each of these networks would use different
technologies to carry the signal.
 Business-class interconnections are usually
provided by service providers (SP) and may Each of these technologies would use a different set of
include: rules and standards.
 Business DSL
 Leased Lines [Reliable Network]
 Metro Ethernet Network Architecture
Home and Small Office Internet Connections Network Architecture refers to the technologies
that support the infrastructure that moves data across the
Cable High bandwidth, always on, internet network.
offered by cable television service There are four basic characteristics that the
providers. underlying architecture need to address to meet user
DSL High bandwidth, always on, internet
connection that runs over a telephone
line.  Fault Tolerance
Cellular Uses a cell phone network to connect  Scalability
to the internet.  Quality of Service (QoS)
Satellite Major benefit to rural areas without  Security
internet providers.
Dial-up An inexpensive, low bandwidth option Fault Tolerance
Telephone using a modem
A fault tolerant network limits the impact of a
failure by limiting the number of affected devices.
Business Internet Connections Multiple paths re required for fault tolerance.

Type of Description Reliable networks provide redundancy by

Connection implementing a packet switched network:
Dedicated These are reserved circuits within the
Leased Line service provider’s network that  Packets switching splits traffic into packets that
connect distant offices with private are routed over a network.
voice and/or data networking/  Each packet could theoretically take a different
Ethernet WAN This extends LAN access technology path to the destination.
into the WAN.
This is not possible with circuit-switched networks
DSL Business DSL is available u various
formats including Symmetric Digital which establish dedicated circuits.
Subscriber Lines (DSL) Scalability
Satellite This can provide a connection when a
wired solution is not available A scalable network can expand quickly and easily
to support new users and applications without impacting
the performance of services to existing users.
Corporate business connections may require:
Network designers follow accepted standards and
 High bandwidth
protocols in order to make the networks scalable.
 Dedicated connections
 Managed services Quality of Service

Voice and live video transmissions require higher

expectations for those services being delivered.
Have you ever watched a live video with constant BYOD allows users to have the freedom to use
breaks? This is caused when there is a higher demand for personal tools to access information and communicate
bandwidth than available — and QoS isn’t configured. using their:

 Quality of Service (QoS) is the primary mechanism  Laptops

used to ensure reliable delivery for all users.  Netbooks
 With a QoS policy in place, the router can more  Tablets
easily manage the flow of data and voice traffic.  Smartphones
 E-readers
Network Security
BYOD means any device, with any ownership, used
There are two types of network security that must be
Online Collaboration
 Network infrastructure security
 Physical security of network devices  Collaborate and work with others over the
 Preventing unauthorized access to the network on joint projects.
devices  Collaboration tools including Cisco WebEx gives
 Information Security users a way to instantly connect and interact.
 Protection of the information or data  Collaboration is a very high priority.
transmitted over the network  For businesses and in education.
 Cisco WebEx Teams is a multifunctional
Three goals of network security:
collaboration tool.
 Confidentiality – only intended recipients can read  Send instant messages.
the data.  Post images, videos, and links.
 Integrity – assurance that the data has not been
Video Communication
altered with during the transmission.
 Availability – assurance of timely and reliable  Video calls are made to anyone, regardless of
access to data for authorized users. where they are located.
 Video conferencing is a powerful tool for
[Network Trends]
communicating with others.
Recent Trends  Video is becoming a critical requirement for
effective collaboration.
The role of the network must adjust and  Cisco Telepresence powers is one way of working
continually transform in order to be able to keep up with where everyone, everywhere.
new technologies and end user devices as they constantly
come to the market. Cloud Computing

Several new networking trends that effect Cloud Computing allows us to store personal files
organizations and consumers: or backup our data on servers over the internet.

 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)  Applications can also be accessed using the Cloud.
 Online collaboration  Allows businesses to deliver to an device
 Video communications anywhere in the world.
 Cloud computing
Cloud computing is made possible by data centers.
Bring Your Own Device
 Smaller companies that can’t afford their own
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) allows users to use data centers, lease server and storage services
their own devices giving them more opportunities and from larger data center organizations in the cloud.
greater flexibility.
Four Types of Clouds: [Network Security]

 Public Clouds – available to the general public Security Threats

through a pay-per-use model or for free.
 Network Security is an integral part of networking
 Private Clouds – intended for a specific
regardless of the size of the network.
organization or entity such as the government.
 The network security that is implemented must
 Hybrid Cloud – made up of two or more Cloud
take into account the environment while securing
types — for example, part custom and part public.
the data, but still allowing for quality of service
Each part remains a distinctive object, but both
that is expected of the network.
are connected using the same architecture.
 Securing a network involves many protocols,
 Custom Clouds – built to meet the needs of a
technologies, devices, tools, and techniques in
specific industry, such as healthcare or media. Can
order to secure data and mitigate threats.
be public or private.
 Threat vectors might be external or internal.
Technology Trends in the Home

 Smart home technology is a growing trend that

External Threats:
allows technology to be integrated into every-day
appliances which allows them to interconnect  Viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.
with other devices.  Spyware and adware
 Smart home technology is currently being  Zero-day attacks
developed for all rooms within a house.  Threat actor attacks
 Denial of service attacks
Powerline Networking
 Data interception and theft
 Powerline Networking can allow devices to  Identity theft
connect to a LAN where data network cables or
Internal Threats:
wireless communications are not a viable option.
 Using a standard powerline adapter, devices can  Lost or stolen devices
connect to the LAN wherever there is an electrical  Accidental misuse by employees
outlet by sending data on certain frequencies.  Malicious employees
 Powerline networking is especially useful when
wireless access points cannot reach all the devices Security Solutions
in households. Security must be implemented in multiple layers
Wireless Broadband using more than one security solution.

In addition to DSL and cable, wireless is another Network security components for home or small office
option used to connect homes and small businesses to the network:
internet.  Antivirus and antispyware software should be
 More commonly found in rural environments, a installed on end devices.
Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP) is an ISP  Firewall filtering used to block unauthorized
that connects subscribers to designated access access to the network.
points for hotspots. Larger networks have additional security requirements:
 Wireless broadband is another solution for
households and small businesses.  Dedicated firewall system
 Uses the same cellular technology used by  Access control lists (ACL)
a smartphone.  Intrusion prevention systems (IPS)
 An antenna is installed outside an  Virtual private networks (VPN)
household providing wireless or wired The study of network security starts with a clear
connectivity for devices in the household. understanding of the underlying switching and routing
TOPIC 3: Protocols and Models the message source to destination over one or more
[Communication Fundamentals] - 3.1.2
[Message Size] - 3.1.8
Three Elements of Communication Methods:
Another rule of communication is message size. When
1. Message source (sender) - Message sources are
people communicate with each other, the messages that
people, or electronic devices, that need to send a
they send are usually broken into smaller parts or
message to other individuals or devices.
2. Message Destination (receiver) - The destination
receives the message and interprets it. [Message Timing] - 3.1.9
3. Channel - This consists of the media that provides
Message timing is also very important in network
the pathway over which the message travels from
communications. Message timing includes the following:
source to destination.
 Flow Control – it is the process of managing the
[Communication Protocols] - 3.1.3
rate of data transmission. Flow control defines
Protocols are rules that govern messages, whether by how much information can be sent and the speed
face-to-face communication or over the network. at which it can be delivered.
 Response Timeout - If a person asks a question
[Network Protocol Requirements] - 3.1.5
and does not hear a response within an
Common Computer Protocols: acceptable amount of time, the person assumes
that no answer is coming and reacts accordingly.
 Message Encoding
 Access Method - This determines when someone
 Message Formatting and Encapsulation can send a message.
 Message Size
 Message Timing [Message Delivery Options] - 3.1.10
 Message Delivery Options
A message can be delivered in different ways.
[Message Encoding] - 3.1.6
Three Types of Data Communication:
Encoding is the process of converting information into
1. Unicast - information is being transmitted to a
another acceptable form, for transmission. Decoding
single end device.
reverses this process to interpret the information.
2. Multicast – information is being transmitted to
[Message Formatting and Encapsulation] - 3.1.7 one or more end devices.
3. Broadcast – information is being transmitted to all
When a message is sent from source to destination, it end devices.
must use a specific format or structure. Message formats
depend on the type of message and the channel that is [Protocols] - 3.2.1
used to deliver the message.
Protocol Type Description
The process of placing one message format (the letter)
Network Communications Protocols- Protocols enable
inside another message format (the envelope) is called
two or more devices to communicate over one or more
encapsulation. De-encapsulation occurs when the process
networks. The Ethernet family of technologies involves a
is reversed by the recipient and the letter is removed from
variety of protocols such as IP, Transmission Control
the envelope.
Protocol (TCP), HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and
Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol with a similar function many more.
to the envelope example.
Network Security Protocols- Protocols secure data to
In the figure, the fields of the Internet Protocol version 6 provide authentication, data integrity, and data
(IPv6) packet identify the source of the packet and its encryption. Examples of secure protocols include Secure
destination. IP is responsible for sending a message from Shell (SSH), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), and Transport
Layer Security (TLS).
Routing Protocols- Protocols enable routers to exchange Detection data became corrupted during
route information, compare path information, and then to transmission. Various protocols that
select the best path to the destination network. Examples provide error detection include
of routing protocols include Open Shortest Path First Ethernet, IPv4, IPv6, and TCP.
(OSPF) and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Application This function contains information used
Interface for process-to-process communications
Service Discovery Protocols- Protocols are used for the between network applications. For
automatic detection of devices or services. Examples of example, when accessing a web page,
service discovery protocols include Dynamic Host HTTP or HTTPS protocols are used to
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) which discovers services for communicate between the client and
IP address allocation, and Domain Name System (DNS) server web processes.
which is used to perform name-to-IP address translation.

[Network Protocol Functions] - 3.2.2 Protocol Interaction

Network communication protocols are responsible for a A message sent over a computer network typically
variety of functions necessary for network requires the use of several protocols, each one with its
communications between end devices. own functions and format. The figure shows some
common network protocols that are used when a device
sends a request to a web server for its web page.

Computers and network devices use agreed-upon

protocols to communicate.

Function Description
Addressing This identifies the sender and the
intended receiver of the message using
a defined addressing scheme. Examples
of protocols that provide addressing
include Ethernet, IPv4, and IPv6.
Reliability This function provides guaranteed
delivery mechanisms in case messages
are lost or corrupted in transit. TCP
provides guaranteed delivery.
Flow This function ensures that data flows at
control an efficient rate between two
communicating devices. TCP provides
flow control services.
Sequencing This function uniquely labels each
transmitted segment of data. The
receiving device uses the sequencing
information to reassemble the
information correctly. This is useful if
the data segments are lost, delayed or
received out-of-order. TCP provides
sequencing services.
Error This function is used to determine if
[Network Protocol Suites]- 3.3.1

In many cases, protocols must be able to work with other

protocols so that your online experience gives you
everything you need for network communications.
Protocol suites are designed to work with each other

A protocol suite is a group of inter-related protocols

necessary to perform a communication function.

One of the best ways to visualize how the protocols within

a suite interact is to view the interaction as a stack. A
protocol stack shows how the individual protocols within a
suite are implemented. The protocols are viewed in terms
of layers, with each higher-level service depending on the
functionality defined by the protocols shown in the lower
levels. The lower layers of the stack are concerned
with moving data over the network and providing services
to the upper layers, which are focused on the
content of the message being sent.

[Evolution of Protocol Suites]- 3.3.2

A protocol suite is a set of protocols that work together to

provide comprehensive network communication services.
Since the 1970s there have been several different protocol
suites, some developed by a standards organization and
others developed by various vendors.

During the evolution of network communications and the

internet there were several competing protocol suites, as
shown in the figure.
[TCP/IP Protocol Example]- 3.3.3

TCP/IP protocols are available for the application,

transport, and internet layers. There are no TCP/IP
protocols in the network access layer. The most
common network access layer LAN protocols are
Ethernet and WLAN (wireless LAN) protocols. Network
access layer protocols are responsible for delivering the
IP packet over the physical medium.

The figure shows an example of the three TCP/IP

protocols used to send packets between the web
browser of a host and the web server. HTTP, TCP, and IP
are the TCP/IP protocols used. At the network access
layer, Ethernet is used in the example. However, this
could also be a wireless standard such as WLAN or
cellular service.

Open Standard Protocol Suite- this is mean it is freely

available to the public and can be used by any vendor
on their hardware or in their software.

Standards- Based Protocol suite- This is means that has

been endorsed by the networking industry and
approved by a standard organization.

Application Layer

Name System

 DNS - Domain Name System. Translates domain

names such as, into IP addresses.

Host Config

[TCP/IP Protocol Suite]- 3.3.4  DHCPv4 - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

for IPv4. A DHCPv4 server dynamically assigns
Today, the TCP/IP protocol suite includes many protocols IPv4 addressing information to DHCPv4 clients
and continues to evolve to support new services. Some at start-up and allows the addresses to be re-
of the more popular ones are shown in the figure. used when no longer needed.

 DHCPv6 - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

for IPv6. DHCPv6 is similar to DHCPv4. A
DHCPv6 server dynamically assigns IPv6
addressing information to DHCPv6 clients at

 SLAAC - Stateless Address Autoconfiguration. A

method that allows a device to obtain its IPv6
addressing information without using a DHCPv6 Transport layer
 TCP - Transmission Control Protocol. Enables
 SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Enables reliable communication between processes
clients to send email to a mail server and running on separate hosts and provides reliable,
enables servers to send email to other servers. acknowledged transmissions that confirm
successful delivery.
 POP3 - Post Office Protocol version 3. Enables
clients to retrieve email from a mail server and Connectionless
download the email to the client's local mail
 UDP - User Datagram Protocol. Enables a
process running on one host to send packets to
 IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol. a process running on another host. However,
Enables clients to access email stored on a mail UDP does not confirm successful datagram
server as well as maintaining email on the transmission.
Internet Layer
File Transfer
Internet Protocol
 FTP - File Transfer Protocol. Sets the rules that
 IPv4 - Internet Protocol version 4. Receives
enable a user on one host to access and transfer
message segments from the transport layer,
files to and from another host over a network.
packages messages into packets, and addresses
FTP is a reliable, connection-oriented, and
packets for end-to-end delivery over a network.
acknowledged file delivery protocol.
IPv4 uses a 32-bit address.
 SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol. As an
 IPv6 - IP version 6. Similar to IPv4 but uses a
extension to Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, SFTP
128-bit address.
can be used to establish a secure file transfer
session in which the file transfer is encrypted.  NAT - Network Address Translation. Translates
SSH is a method for secure remote login that is IPv4 addresses from a private network into
typically used for accessing the command line of globally unique public IPv4 addresses.
a device.
 TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol. A simple,
connectionless file transfer protocol with best-  ICMPv4 - Internet Control Message Protocol for
effort, unacknowledged file delivery. It uses less IPv4. Provides feedback from a destination host
overhead than FTP. to a source host about errors in packet delivery.

Web and Web Service  ICMPv6 - ICMP for IPv6. Similar functionality to
ICMPv4 but is used for IPv6 packets.
 HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol. A set of
rules for exchanging text, graphic images,  ICMPv6 ND - ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery.
sound, video, and other multimedia files on the Includes four protocol messages that are used
World Wide Web. for address resolution and duplicate address
 HTTPS - HTTP Secure. A secure form of HTTP
that encrypts the data that is exchanged over Routing Protocols
the World Wide Web.  OSPF - Open Shortest Path First. Link-state
 REST - Representational State Transfer. A web routing protocol that uses a hierarchical design
service that uses application programming based on areas. OSPF is an open standard
interfaces (APIs) and HTTP requests to create interior routing protocol.
web applications.
Enhanced Interior
Gateway Routing
Protocol. An open
standard routing
protocol developed
by Cisco that uses a
composite metric
based on
bandwidth, delay,
load and reliability.

 BGP - Border market or have an unfair advantage over its

Gateway Protocol. An open standard exterior competition.
gateway routing protocol used between
Internet Service Providers (ISPs). BGP is also A good example of this is when purchasing a wireless
commonly used between ISPs and their large router for the home. There are many different choices
private clients to exchange routing information. available from a variety of vendors, all of which
incorporate standard protocols such as IPv4, IPv6, DHCP,
Network Access Layer SLAAC, Ethernet, and 802.11 Wireless LAN. These open
Address Resolution standards also allow a client running the Apple OS X
operating system to download a web page from a web
 ARP - Address Resolution Protocol. Provides server running the Linux operating system. This is
dynamic address mapping between an IPv4 because both operating systems implement the open
address and a hardware address. standard protocols, such as those in the TCP/IP protocol
Note: You may see other documentation state that ARP
operates at the Internet Layer (OSI Layer 3). However, in Standards organizations are usually vendor-neutral,
this course we state that ARP operates at the Network non-profit organizations established to develop and
Access layer (OSI Layer 2) because its primary purpose is promote the concept of open standards. These
the discover the MAC address of the destination. A MAC organizations are important in maintaining an open
address is a Layer 2 address. internet with freely accessible specifications and
protocols that can be implemented by any vendor.
Data Link Protocols
A standards organization may draft a set of rules entirely
 Ethernet - Defines the rules for wiring and
on its own or, in other cases, may select a proprietary
signaling standards of the network access layer.
protocol as the basis for the standard. If a proprietary
 WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network. Defines protocol is used, it usually involves the vendor who
the rules for wireless signaling across the 2.4 created the protocol.
GHz and 5 GHz radio frequencies.

[TCP/IP Communication Process]- 3.3.5

The animations in the figures demonstrate the complete

communication process using an example of a web
server transmitting data to a client.

[Open Standards]- 3.4.1

[Internet Standards]- 3.4.2
Open standards encourage interoperability,
competition, and innovation. They also guarantee that Various organizations have different responsibilities for
the product of no single company can monopolize the promoting and creating standards for the internet and
TCP/IP protocol.
[Electronic and Communications Standards]- 3.4.3  Fostering competition because products from
different vendors can work together
Other standards organizations have responsibilities for
promoting and creating the electronic and  Preventing technology or capability changes in
communication standards used to deliver the IP packets one layer from affecting other layers above and
as electronic signals over a wired or wireless medium. below

These standard organizations include the following:  Providing a common language to describe
networking functions and capabilities
 Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE, pronounced “I-triple-E”) -
Organization of electrical engineering and
electronics dedicated to advancing
technological innovation and creating standards
in a wide area of industries including power and
energy, healthcare, telecommunications, and
networking. Important IEEE networking
standards include 802.3 Ethernet and 802.11
WLAN standard. Search the internet for other
IEEE network standards.

 Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) -

Organization is best known for its standards
relating to electrical wiring, connectors, and the
19-inch racks used to mount networking

 Telecommunications Industry Association

(TIA) - Organization responsible for developing
communication standards in a variety of areas
including radio equipment, cellular towers,
Voice over IP (VoIP) devices, satellite
communications, and more.

 International Telecommunications Union-

Telecommunication Standardization Sector
(ITU-T) - One of the largest and oldest [The OSI Reference Model]- 3.5.2
communication standards organizations. The
ITU-T defines standards for video compression, The OSI reference model provides an extensive list of
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), and functions and services that can occur at each layer. This
broadband communications, such as a digital type of model provides consistency within all types of
subscriber line (DSL). network protocols and services by describing what must
be done at a particular layer, but not prescribing how it
[The Benefits of Using a Layered Model]- 3.5.1 should be accomplished.
These are the benefits of using a layered model to It also describes the interaction of each layer with the
describe network protocols and operations: layers directly above and below. The TCP/IP protocols
 Assisting in protocol design because protocols discussed in this course are structured around both the
that operate at a specific layer have defined OSI and TCP/IP models. The table shows details about
information that they act upon and a defined each layer of the OSI model. The functionality of each
interface to the layers above and below layer and the relationship between layers will become
more evident throughout this course as the protocols
are discussed in more detail.
OSI Model Layer Description 3 – Transport- Supports communication between
various devices across diverse networks.
7 - Application - The application layer contains
protocols used for process-to-process communications. 2 – Internet- Determines the best path through the
6 – Presentation - The presentation layer provides for
common representation of the data transferred 1 - Network Access- Controls the hardware devices and
between application layer services. media that make up the network.

5 – Session- The session layer provides services to the The definitions of the standard and the TCP/IP protocols
presentation layer to organize its dialogue and to are discussed in a public forum and defined in a publicly
manage data exchange. available set of IETF RFCs. An RFC is authored by
networking engineers and sent to other IETF members
4 – Transport- The transport layer defines services to
for comments.
segment, transfer, and reassemble the data for
individual communications between the end devices. [OSI and TCP/IP Model Comparison]- 3.5.4

3 – Network- The network layer provides services to The protocols that make up the TCP/IP protocol suite
exchange the individual pieces of data over the network can also be described in terms of the OSI reference
between identified end devices. model. In the OSI model, the network access layer and
the application layer of the TCP/IP model are further
2 - Data Link- The data link layer protocols describe
divided to describe discrete functions that must occur at
methods for exchanging data frames between devices
these layers.
over a common media
At the network access layer, the TCP/IP protocol suite
1 – Physical- The physical layer protocols describe the
does not specify which protocols to use when
mechanical, electrical, functional, and procedural means
transmitting over a physical medium; it only describes
to activate, maintain, and de-activate physical
the handoff from the internet layer to the physical
connections for a bit transmission to and from a
network protocols. OSI Layers 1 and 2 discuss the
network device.
necessary procedures to access the media and the
Note: Whereas the TCP/IP model layers are referred to physical means to send data over a network.
only by name, the seven OSI model layers are more
often referred to by number rather than by name. For
instance, the physical layer is referred to as Layer 1 of
the OSI model, data link layer is Layer2, and so on.

[The TCP/IP Protocol Model]- 3.5.3

The TCP/IP protocol model for internetwork

communications was created in the early 1970s and is
sometimes referred to as the internet model. This type
of model closely matches the structure of a particular
protocol suite. The TCP/IP model is a protocol model
because it describes the functions that occur at each
layer of protocols within the TCP/IP suite. TCP/IP is also
used as a reference model. The table shows details
about each layer of the OSI model.

TCP/IP Model Layer

4 – Application -Represents data to the user, plus

encoding and dialog control.
[Segmenting Messages]- 3.6.1 complexity that is added to the process. Imagine if you
had to send a 100-page letter, but each envelope could
Knowing the OSI reference model and the TCP/IP
only hold one page. Therefore, 100 envelopes would be
protocol model will come in handy when you learn
required and each envelope would need to be
about how data is encapsulated as it moves across a
addressed individually. It is possible that the 100-page
network. It is not as simple as a physical letter being
letter in 100 different envelopes arrives out-of-order.
sent through the mail system.
Consequently, the information in the envelope would
In theory, a single communication, such as a video or an need to include a sequence number to ensure that the
email message with many large attachments, could be receiver could reassemble the pages in the proper
sent across a network from a source to a destination as order.
one massive, uninterrupted stream of bits. However,
In network communications, each segment of the
this would create problems for other devices needing to
message must go through a similar process to ensure
use the same communication channels or links. These
that it gets to the correct destination and can be
large streams of data would result in significant delays.
reassembled into the content of the original message,
Further, if any link in the interconnected network
as shown in the figure. TCP is responsible for sequencing
infrastructure failed during the transmission, the
the individual segments.
complete message would be lost and would have to be
retransmitted in full.

A better approach is to divide the data into smaller,

more manageable pieces to send over the network.
Segmentation is the process of dividing a stream of data
into smaller units for transmissions over the network.
Segmentation is necessary because data networks use
the TCP/IP protocol suite send data in individual IP
packets. Each packet is sent separately, similar to
sending a long letter as a series of individual postcards.
Packets containing segments for the same destination
can be sent over different paths.

This leads to segmenting messages having two primary

[Protocol Data Units]- 3.6.3
Increases speed - Because a large data stream is
segmented into packets, large amounts of data can be As application data is passed down the protocol stack on
sent over the network without tying up a its way to be transmitted across the network media,
communications link. This allows many different various protocol information is added at each level. This
conversations to be interleaved on the network called is known as the encapsulation process.

Increases efficiency -If a single segment is fails to reach

Note: Although the UDP PDU is called datagram, IP
its destination due to a failure in the network or
packets are sometimes also referred to as IP datagrams.
network congestion, only that segment needs to be
retransmitted instead of resending the entire data The form that a piece of data takes at any layer is called
stream. a protocol data unit (PDU). During encapsulation, each
succeeding layer encapsulates the PDU that it receives
from the layer above in accordance with the protocol
[Sequencing]- 3.6.2 being used. At each stage of the process, a PDU has a
different name to reflect its new functions. Although
The challenge to using segmentation and multiplexing there is no universal naming convention for PDUs, in this
to transmit messages across a network is the level of course, the PDUs are named according to the protocols
of the TCP/IP suite. The PDUs for each form of data are
shown in the figure.
[Encapsulation Example]- 3.6.4 Destination IP address - The IP address of the
receiving device, which is the final destination of the
When messages are being sent on a network, the
encapsulation process works from top to bottom. At
each layer, the upper layer information is considered The IP addresses indicate the original source IP
data within the encapsulated protocol. For example, address and final destination IP address. This is true
the TCP segment is considered data within the IP whether the source and destination are on the same
packet. IP network or different IP networks.

[Addresses]- 3.7.1 An IP address contains two parts:

As you just learned, it is necessary to segment Network portion (IPv4) or Prefix (IPv6) - The left-most
messages in a network. But those segmented part of the address that indicates the network in
messages will not go anywhere if they are not which the IP address is a member. All devices on the
addressed properly. This topic gives an overview of same network will have the same network portion of
network addresses. You will also get the chance to use the address.
the Wireshark tool, which will help you to ‘view’
Host portion (IPv4) or Interface ID (IPv6) - The
network traffic.
remaining part of the address that identifies a specific
The network and data link layers are responsible for device on the network. This portion is unique for each
delivering the data from the source device to the device or interface on the network.
destination device. As shown in the figure, protocols
Note: The subnet mask (IPv4) or prefix-length (IPv6) is
at both layers contain a source and destination
used to identify the network portion of an IP address
address, but their addresses have different purposes:
from the host portion.
Network layer source and destination addresses -
[Devices on the Same Network]- 3.7.3
Responsible for delivering the IP packet from the
original source to the final destination, which may be Source IPv4 address - The IPv4 address of the sending
on the same network or a remote network. device, the client computer PC1:
Data link layer source and destination addresses - Destination IPv4 address - The IPv4 address of the
Responsible for delivering the data link frame from receiving device, FTP server:
one network interface card (NIC) to another NIC on
the same network. [Role of the Data Link Layer Addresses: Same IP
Network]- 3.7.4

MAC addresses are physically embedded on the

Ethernet NIC.

Source MAC address - This is the data link address, or

the Ethernet MAC address, of the device that sends
the data link frame with the encapsulated IP packet.
The MAC address of the Ethernet NIC of PC1 is AA-AA-
AA-AA-AA-AA, written in hexadecimal notation.

Destination MAC address - When the receiving device

is on the same network as the sending device, this is
the data link address of the receiving device. In this
example, the destination MAC address is the MAC
address of the FTP server: CC-CC-CC-CC-CC-CC, written
in hexadecimal notation.

The IP packet contains two IP addresses: The frame with the encapsulated IP packet can now
be transmitted from PC1 directly to the FTP server.
Source IP address - The IP address of the sending
device, which is the original source of the packet.
[Binary and IPv4 Addresses]- 5.1.1 octets. Next apply the binary positional value to the
first octet binary number and calculate accordingly.
IPv4 addresses begin as binary, a series of only 1s and
0s. These are difficult to manage, so network Positional 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
administrators must convert them to decimal. This Value
topic shows you a few ways to do this. Binary 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Binary is a numbering system that consists of the (11000000)
digits 0 and 1 called bits. In contrast, the decimal Calculate 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
numbering system consists of 10 digits consisting of Add Them 128 + +0 +0 + + + +0
the digits 0 – 9. Up... 64 0 0 0
Result 192
Binary is important for us to understand because
hosts, servers, and network devices use binary
addressing. Specifically, they use binary IPv4 Next convert the second octet of 10101000 as shown
addresses, as shown in the figure, to identify each in the table. The resulting decimal value is 168, and it
other. goes into the second octet.

[Binary Positional Notation]- 5.1.3 Positional 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

The decimal positional notation system operates as Binary 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
described in the table. Number
Radix 10 10 10 10 (10101000)
Position 3 2 1 0 Calculate 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
in Add Them 128 +0 + +0 + + + +
Number Up... 32 8 0 0 0
Calculate (103) (102) (101) (100) Result 168
Position 1000 100 10 1
value Positional 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Thousand Hundreds Tens Ones
s Binary 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
Positional Value 1000 100 10 1 Number
Decimal 1 2 3 4 (00001011)
Number (1234) Calculate 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Calculate 1 x 1000 2 x 100 3 x 4x1 Add Them 0 +0 +0 +0 + + + +
10 Up... 8 0 2 1
Add them up… 1000 + 200 + 30 + 4 Result 11
Result 1,234 Convert the fourth octet of 00001010 as shown in the
table. This completes the IP address and produces
Radix 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Positional 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
in Value
Number Binary 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Calculat (2 (26 (25 (24 (23 (22 (21 (20) Number
e 7) ) ) ) ) ) ) (00001010)
Position 1 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Calculate 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
value 2 Add Them 0 +0 +0 +0 + + + +
8 Up... 8 0 2 0
Result 10

[Convert Binary to Decimal]- 5.1.5

CHAPTER 6: Purpose of the Data Link Layer
To convert a binary IPv4 address to its dotted decimal
equivalent, divide the IPv4 address into four 8-bit The data link layer of the OSI model (Layer 2), as
shown in the figure, prepares network data for the
physical network. The data link layer is responsible for The MAC sublayer provides data encapsulation:
network interface card (NIC) to network interface card
Frame delimiting - The framing process provides
communications. The data link layer does the
important delimiters to identify fields within a frame.
These delimiting bits provide synchronization between
Enables upper layers to access the media. The upper the transmitting and receiving nodes.
layer protocol is completely unaware of the type of
Addressing - Provides source and destination
media that is used to forward the data.
addressing for transporting the Layer 2 frame between
Accepts data, usually Layer 3 packets (i.e., IPv4 or devices on the same shared medium.
IPv6), and encapsulates them into Layer 2 frames.
Error detection - Includes a trailer used to detect
Controls how data is placed and received on the transmission errors.
The MAC sublayer also provides media access control,
Exchanges frames between endpoints over the allowing multiple devices to communicate over a
network media. shared (half-duplex) medium. Full-duplex
communications do not require access control.
Receives encapsulated data, usually Layer 3 packets,
and directs them to the proper upper-layer protocol. [Providing Access to Media]-6.1.3

Performs error detection and rejects any corrupt Router interfaces encapsulate the packet into the
frame. appropriate frame. A suitable media access control
method is used to access each link. In any given
exchange of network layer packets, there may be
[IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Data Link Sublayers]-6.1.2 numerous data link layers and media transitions.

IEEE 802 LAN/MAN standards are specific to Ethernet At each hop along the path, a router performs the
LANs, wireless LANs (WLAN), wireless personal area following Layer 2 functions:
networks (WPAN) and other types of local and
 Accepts a frame from a medium
metropolitan area networks. The IEEE 802 LAN/MAN
 De-encapsulates the frame
data link layer consists of the following two sublayers:
 Re-encapsulates the packet into a new frame
Logical Link Control (LLC) - This IEEE 802.2 sublayer  Forwards the new frame appropriate to the
communicates between the networking software at medium of that segment of the physical
the upper layers and the device hardware at the lower network.
layers. It places information in the frame that
[Data Link Layer Standards]-6.1.4
identifies which network layer protocol is being used
for the frame. This information allows multiple Layer 3 Data link layer protocols are generally not defined by
protocols, such as IPv4 and IPv6, to use the same Request for Comments (RFCs), unlike the protocols of
network interface and media. the upper layers of the TCP/IP suite. The Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) maintains the functional
Media Access Control (MAC) – Implements this
protocols and services for the TCP/IP protocol suite in
sublayer (IEEE 802.3, 802.11, or 802.15) in hardware.
the upper layers, but they do not define the functions
It is responsible for data encapsulation and media
and operation of the TCP/IP network access layer.
access control. It provides data link layer addressing
and it is integrated with various physical layer Engineering organizations that define open standards
technologies. and protocols that apply to the network access layer
(i.e., the OSI physical and data link layers) include the
The LLC sublayer takes the network protocol data,
which is typically an IPv4 or IPv6 packet, and adds
Layer 2 control information to help deliver the packet  Institute of Electrical and Electronics
to the destination node. Engineers (IEEE)
 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
The MAC sublayer controls the NIC and other
hardware that is responsible for sending and receiving  International Organization for Standardization
data on the wired or wireless LAN/MAN medium. (ISO)
 American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
[Physical and Logical Topologies]- 6.2.1 Bus - All end systems are chained to each other and
terminated in some form on each end. Infrastructure
There are two types of topologies used when
devices such as switches are not required to
describing LAN and WAN networks:
interconnect the end devices. Legacy Ethernet
Physical topology – Identifies the physical connections networks were often bus topologies using coax cables
and how end devices and intermediary devices (i.e, because it was inexpensive and easy to set up.
routers, switches, and wireless access points) are
Ring - End systems are connected to their respective
interconnected. The topology may also include
neighbor forming a ring. The ring does not need to be
specific device location such as room number and
terminated, unlike in the bus topology. Legacy Fiber
location on the equipment rack. Physical topologies
Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) and Token Ring
are usually point-to-point or star.
networks used ring topologies.
Logical topology - Refers to the way a network
[Half and Full Duplex Communication]- 6.2.5
transfers frames from one node to the next. This
topology identifies virtual connections using device Half-duplex communication
interfaces and Layer 3 IP addressing schemes.
Both devices can transmit and receive on the media
[Point-to-Point WAN Topology]- 6.2.3 but cannot do so simultaneously. WLANs and legacy
bus topologies with Ethernet hubs use the half-duplex
Physical point-to-point topologies directly connect two
mode. Half-duplex allows only one device to send or
nodes, as shown in the figure. In this arrangement,
receive at a time on the shared medium. Click play in
two nodes do not have to share the media with other
the figure to see the animation showing half-duplex
hosts. Additionally, when using a serial
communications protocol such as Point-to-Point
Protocol (PPP), a node does not have to make any [Access Control Methods]- 6.2.6
determination about whether an incoming frame is
Ethernet LANs and WLANs are examples of
destined for it or another node. Therefore, the logical
multiaccess networks. A multiaccess network is a
data link protocols can be very simple, as all frames on
network that can have two or more end devices
the media can only travel to or from the two nodes.
attempting to access the network simultaneously.
The node places the frames on the media at one end
and those frames are taken from the media by the
node at the other end of the point-to-point circuit.
Some multiaccess networks require rules to govern
[LAN Topologies]- 6.2.4 how devices share the physical media. There are two
basic access control methods for shared media:
In multiaccess LANs, end devices (i.e., nodes) are
interconnected using star or extended star topologies,  Contention-based access
as shown in the figure. In this type of topology, end  Controlled access
devices are connected to a central intermediary  Contention-based access
device, in this case, an Ethernet switch. An extended
star extends this topology by interconnecting multiple In contention-based multiaccess networks, all nodes
Ethernet switches. The star and extended topologies are operating in half-duplex, competing for the use of
are easy to install, very scalable (easy to add and the medium. However, only one device can send at a
remove end devices), and easy to troubleshoot. Early time. Therefore, there is a process if more than one
star topologies interconnected end devices using device transmits at the same time. Examples of
Ethernet hubs. contention-based access methods include the
At times there may be only two devices connected on
the Ethernet LAN. An example is two interconnected Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
routers. This would be an example of Ethernet used (CSMA/CD) used on legacy bus-topology Ethernet
on a point-to-point topology. LANs

Legacy LAN Topologies Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
(CSMA/CA) used on Wireless LANs
Early Ethernet and legacy Token Ring LAN technologies
included two other types of topologies: Controlled access
In a controlled-based multiaccess network, each node
has its own time to use the medium. These
deterministic types of legacy networks are inefficient
because a device must wait its turn to access the
medium. Examples of multiaccess networks that use
controlled access include the following:

 Legacy Token Ring

 Legacy ARCNET

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