G6 Mock

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A marriage between a man and a woman of different ethnic groups is called

A. Intra-ethnic marriage B.Inter-ethnic manage. . C. Group marriage
D.Community marriage E. Domestic marriage

2. Which of these is not a basic reason for marriage?

A. To bear children
8. To have respected in the society
C.To have a companion to enjoy with
D. To have helper in crime
E. To have help in time of need

3. A marriage between ane woman and one man can be described as

A. A polygamous marriage B. A monogamous marriage C. A single marriage D. A mixed marriage
E. An inter marriag9e

3. One of the major problems of inter-ethnic marriage is ______.

A. Food B. Dress C.Education. D.Language E. Religion

4. Which of these is not a disadvantage of a polygamous marriage?

A. Lack of family control
B. Unnecessary quarrels among wives and children
C. Inadequate care of the children
D. Having many children
E Hatred and jealousy among wives and children

5. Which of these is not a basic requirement for a successful marriage?

A. Love. B Honesty C. Reproduction. D.Disloyalty. E. Loyalty

6. Which of these factors is necessary for a happy and successful marriage?

A. Affection. 8. Impatience C. Hatred D, Unfaithfulness E Distrust

7. one of the problems of pre-marital sexual relationship

A. Childlessness. B. Happy marriage C Unwanted pregnancy D.Wanted children
E. Happy children

8. To prevent the problem of pre-marital sexual relationship, we should _______

A. Avoid unnecessary sexual relationship
8. Engage in sexual inter-course regularly
C Marry early
D. Have many sexual partners
E. Marry late

9. In Nigeria, couple are officially allowed to produce a maximum of children.

A.3 8.4 C.5 D.6 E.14

10. A marriage between an igbo man and a Yoruba woman can be described as _______
A An inter -tribal marriage
8. An intra-tribal marriage
C. A crossed marriage
D. A mixed marriage
E. An intra-racial marriage

11. A marriage between a man and à woman of the same tribe can be said to be _______
A. A mixed marriage
B. An intra-racial marriage
C.A crossed marriage
D. An inter-tribal marriage
E. An intra-tribal marriage

12. All Christians, Muslims and idol worshippers believe that

A. There is a supreme being
B. No man can improve upon what is given by God
C. Man is a perfect being
D. Their middlemen are prophets of God
E. God does not forgive sins

13. A person who is a legal member of a country is called

A. An alien B. Patriot C. A citizen D. A resident E. A nationalist

14. Engineers, bankers, doctors and teachers are all ______

A. Office resources B. Human resources C. Natural resources
D. Capital resources. E. Reserved resources

15. ________is the quickest way of sending information across Nigeria.

A. By post B. By hand C. The use of town cries D. The use of telecommunication
E. The use of delivery van

16. Which of these is not a pressure group?


17. ________is not a function of a trade union.

A. To protect the interest of its members
B. To educate its member on labour matters
C. To contest election
D. To provide information for its members
E. To fight for the rights of its members

18. Which of these is not an acceptable accusation in Nigeria?

A. Teaching B. Farming C. Trading. D. Stealing E. Banking

19. A person a who loves his country is called _______

A. A patniot 8. A fighter C.A citizen D. A foreigner E. A spy

20. The body responsible for the conduct of general election in general elections in Nigeria.

21. A non-Nigerian may acquire Nigerian citizenship through _______

A. Nationalization B. Naturalization C. Recanalization D. Acquisition E. Socialization

22. ______ are foreigners in Nigera.

A. Yorubas B.Hausas C Efiks. D. Chadians. E. Tivs

23. ________ is the current chairman af the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
A. maj0r gen Bamaiyi B. Fidelism Oyakhilome C.Kwajafa. D.None of the above

24. Which of the following world bodies is responsible for solving the
problem of hunger?

25. International Organizations are ________

A. World bodies set up to promote peace and solve conflicts
B.World bodies set up to encourage conflicts among nations
C World bodies set up to promote economic dependency
D. World bodies set up to promote among nations
E.World bodies set up to fight world wars

26. Which of these is not a natural resources

A. Petroleum B. Land C. Rubber D. Television E. Coal

27. _______ is a tele-communication device.

A. Petroleum B. Walkie talkie C. Microscope D. Thermometer E. Barometer

28. _______is the secretary General of O.A.U.

A. Mr. Abas Bundu. 8. Chief Emeka Anyaoku C. Mr. Salim Ahmed Salim
D. Dr. Boutros Ghali E. None of the above

29 The United Nation Organization (UNO) was found in.

A. 1945 B. 1940 C. 1954 D. 1960 E. 1934

30. The goods which are send from one country to another are called
A. Import B. Export C. Home goods D. Cargoes E. Foreign goods

32. ________ is the new secretary-General of UNO

A. Mr. Abas Bundu. B. Mr. Salim Ahmed Salem C.Perez de cueller
D. None of the above E. Chief emeka Anyaoku

33. Petroleum is to Port Harcourt as coal is to ________

A. Jos. B. Oshogbo C.Owerri. D. Enugu. E. Katsina

34. ________ is famous for the mass production of cocoa in Nigeria.

A. Lagos B. Ondo C. Zaria. D. Abiokuta E. Sokoto

35. Which of these is not an essential duty of a patriot?

A. Obedience to the laws of the land
B.Regular payment of taxes and rates
C. Working for the progress of his country
D. Undermining the unity and stability of his county
E. Defending the country against external attack

36. _______-& _____ are the colours of the Nigeria National Flag
A. Green, Blue, Green B. Green, white. Green C.Green, Red, White D.Green White, Blue
E. White, Green White

37. The white part of the Nigerian national flag means

A. Peace and strength B. Peace and love C. Peace and unity
D. Unity and progress E. Peace and faith

38.The two horses on the Nigerian coat of arms signify ________

A Peace B.Wealth C Progress. D faith E Strength
39. Nigeria introduced her own national flag as a sign of ________
A faith in God. B. A colonial nation C.Ethnic rivalry
D.National instability. E. World power

40. The Nigerian national symbols are official designs to promote ________
A. National unity B.Ethnic unity C Ethnic rivalry D. National instability E. Foreign investment

41. A country where the people do not obey the laws of the land and constituted authorities is likely to be
A Peaceful B. Stable C. Great D. Unstable E. Well organized

42. In a country like Nigeria ethnic loyalty can lead to ______

A. Rapid development. B. National unity C.Civil disorder
D. International greatness E. Political stability

43. Which of these does not promote national unity _______

A National symbols 8. Ethnic symbols C. Official language D. Federal institutions
E Inter-ethnic marriage

44. A Nigeria citizen who helps foreigners to loot the nation's treasure can be
Called _______
A. A patriot B.A nationalist C. An alien D. An extremist E.A saboteur

45. Which of these is not a national symbol?

A. National constitution. B.Coat of arms. C. Rotational fag D. State school E. Federal school

46. The Nigeria national pledge can be described as _______

A.A vow of loyalty to the country
B.A vow to God for blessing received
C.A song of praise for Nigeria
D. A mere statement of the greatness of the country
E. A recitation to honor our dead great leaders

47. Which of these is not a method of acquiring the Nigerian Ctizenship

A. Naturalization B. Nationalization
C. Marriage D.Birth
E. Conferment

48. People who speak different languages can live happily together if they ______
A. Are intolerant
B. Teach others their own languages
C.Consider their own languages supreme
D. Abuse other people' s languag9e
E Are hostile and misunderstand people

49. Which of the following does not promote the African culture
A. The study of cultural arts in schools
B. international arts exhibitions
C. regular organization of African festivals
D. Stealing and storage of African Ats in private homes
E. Public advertisement of African cultural heritage

50. Foreign cultures are advantageous because they _______

A. Encourage people to disregard their own culture
8. Help to pollute the culture of other people
C.Can lead to loss of national identity
D. Can discourage bad practices associated with some culture
E Can cause cultural dislocation

51. It is the main duty of the ______to maintain laws and orders in the country.
A. Army 8. Navy
C. Police D.Ex-service men E. School perfects

52. The National Arts Theatre can be described as a symbol of ______

A. African cultural heritage
B. African economic dependency
C. Nigerian past tie with her colonial master
D. Nigerian civil war
E. Abuse of African culture

53. Which of the following factors does not adequately explain the reason for international conflict
A Bad treatment of foreigners in a country
B. Strong disagreement aver boundary adjustment
C.Quarrels over international airspace and regions of natural resources
D. Strong disagreements aver certain international issues
E. International exchange programme

54. which of these is not an international organization


55. ______-is the highest international body in the world

56. The international agency responsible for solving health problems of the world

56. The international organization responsible for making rules and regulations
governing the game of football in the world is called _______

57. Which of these is not an agency of UN?


58. ________is the headquarters of UN

A. New York 8. Paris C. London D. Geneva. E. Peking

59. Goods sent out of in Nigeria for sale to other countries are known as _______
A. Duties B. Excise C. Exports D. Imports E. Products

60. A step-mother is a /an _______

A. Brother's wife B. A cousin’s other wife C. Father's other wife. D. Nephew's other wife E. Uncle's wife

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