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I. New words

artisan (n) /ɑːtɪˈzæn/ thợ làm attraction (n) /əˈtrækʃn/ điểm hấp dẫn
nghề thủ

authenticity /ɔːθenˈtɪsəti/ thật cast (v) /kɑːst/ đúc (đồng…)

craft (n) /krɑːft/ nghề thủ craftsman (n) /ˈkrɑːftsmən/ thợ làm đồ thủ
công, kĩ công
năng làm
nghề thủ

cross (v) /krɒs/ đan chéo drumhead /drʌmhed/ mặt trống

embroider /ɪmˈbrɔɪdə/ thêu frame (n) /freɪm/ khung
handicraft /ˈhændɪkrɑːft/ sản phẩm lacquerware /ˈlækəweə/ đồ sơn mài
(n) thủ công (n)

layer (n) /ˈleɪə/ lớp (lá…) mould (v) /məʊld/ đổ khuôn, tạo

preserve (v) /prɪˈzɜːv/ bảo vệ, bảo remind (v) /rɪˈmaɪnd/ gợi nhớ

sculpture (n) /ˈskʌlptʃə/ điêu khắc, set off (ph.v) /set ɒf/ khởi hành
đồ điêu

strip (n) /strɪp/ dải surface (n) /ˈsɜːfɪs/ bề mặt

team- /tiːm-ˈbɪldɪŋ/ xây dựng thread (n) /θred/ sợi

building đội ngũ
treat (v) /triːt/ xử lí (chất turn up /tɜːn ʌp/ xuất hiện, đến
thải…) (ph.v)

weave (v) /wiːv/ đan (rổ, workshop (n) /ˈwɜːkʃɒp/ công xưởng,
rá…), dệt xưởng

II. Grammar
- Review : Complex sentences (Adverb clauses of result, reasons, concession)
- Phrasal verbs

III. Phonetics: Stress on content words in sentences.

I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern:

1. A. famous B. village C. workshop D. bamboo

2. A. business B. experience C. grandparent D. chocolate
3. A. generation B. communicate C. historical D. environment
4. A. embroider B. department C. handicraft D. opinion
5. A. transfer B. publish C. accept D. remind
6. A. attraction B. artisan C. frame D. handicraft
7. A. drumhead B. illustration C. earplug D. drugstore
8. A. strip B. visual C. artistic D. remind
9. A. thread B. treat C. pleasure D. deadline
10. embroider B. preserve C. benefit D. effect

II. Find the word which has a different position of the main stress in each line:

1. A. craftman B. layer C. sculpture D. preserve

2. A. lacquerware B. absolute C. pollution D. permanent
3. A. memorable B. experience C. historical D. production
4. pottery B. souvenir C. conical D. various
5. authenticity B. electricity C. traditional D. uncontrollably

III. Give the corect form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each fo the following sentences:

1. There are a lot of silk such as carves, ties and dresses PRODUCE
in our shop.
2. Bat Trang is one of the most famous craft villages in TRADITION
3. We should read this leaflet to see what are organized ACT
during the festival.
4. They showed me a marble sculpture which was SKILL
made by hand.
5. Last week we had a trip to an ancient village on the MEMORY
outskirts of Hanoi.
6. Obviously, our handicrafts are in with those of
other villages.
7. Do you know that have to follow 15 stages to make a
conical hat.
8. My grandfather has devoted himself to many
events in our community.
9. You should spend at least one week to visit the tourist
in this city.
10. We are impressed by a wide of lacquerwares in
the showroom.

IV. Complete the sentences with suitable subordinators from the box :
although as soon as because before so that while

1. The children are very excited they are going to visit a craft village this
2. We will tell Alice about the trip we meet her.
3. it rained a lot, they enjoyed their holiday.
4. I bought a new pair of glasses I can see better.
5. I go out tonight, I will have to finish this essay.
6. Phong burnt his hand he was cooking dinner.
7. Laura always gets up early every morning she’s not late for her work.
8. Mr. Harrison seems to have a lot of money he lives in a luxurious house.
9. I was waiting for the bus, I saw some foreign tourists.
10. They didn’t win the game they played very well.

V.Make a comploex sentence from each pair of sentences. Use the subordinator provided and
make any necessary changes :

1. Their son is allergetic to animals. They decided to get a cat. (though)

2. He will stay in England for two months more. He can perfect his English. (in order that)

3. There is nothing to eat. We have to go shopping today. (as).

4. I go to Hue next week. I will stay with my aunt and uncle. (when)

5. Mai could have good marks. She studied hard for the exam. (so that)

6. We need an umbrella. It is raining heavily outside. (since)

7. Nick will visit some craft villages. He finishes the Vietnamese course. (after)

8. We decided to go for a walk in the park. It was very cold out. (although)

9. The tourists wanted to buy some silk. They went to Van Phuc village. (because)

10. They won’t buy the new car. They save enough money. (until)

11. Many craft families stopped their business. There is the economic crisis in the world.

12. Dong Ho paintings are simple. These pictures reflect a typical characteristic of Vietnamese
labourers. (although).

13. Three villages were chosen for the pilot project. The Asia Foundation had worked with local
authorities. (after).

14. We do not have many handicraft products that are well-known abroad. There are thousands
of craft trades nationwide. (though)

15. The craft village must also meet environmental requirements. It wants to develop craft
village tourism. (so that)

16. Vietnam began integrating into the international economy a few decades ago. Production in
craft villages developed strongly, meeting demand for domestic decoration, and construction.

17. At the age of over 80, the artisan is instructing the craft to his grandchildren. He wants them
to preserve this ancient craft. (so that)

18. The workers have taken several steps to whiten the palm leaves. They sew together the
leaves and the rings. (after)

19. The conical hat has several useful functions. It protects the wearer’s head and face from
sunlight or rain, and it also works as a handy fan on hot summer days. (because)

20. Local people in Thanh Ha pottery village near Hoi An continue following their craft. There
isn’t enough support for maintaining the old traditions and skills. (although)

VI.Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of a phrasal verb from the
box :

close down come back deal with get up keep up with

live on look through pass down set off turn down

1. My sister is an early bird. She at 7 o’clock everyday of the week.

2. We will for Tay Ho village at 9 o’clock and arrive at 10 o’clock.
3. When I was a student, I _ small allowances from my parents.
4. The government must now the preservation of traditional craft villages.
5. The banks have a lot of branches in villages over the last few years.
6. Many foreign tourists decided to to Viet Nam for another holiday.
7. They offered her a trip to Europe but she it .
8. He has the report and found nothing interesting.
9. Phong walks too fast and it’s really hard to him.
10. These traditional stories have been from parents to children over many

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each blank :

Many visitors come to Hartbridge to see the wonderful art (1) and museums, the
beautiful buildings and the fantastic parks. Few people go outside the city, and so they miss out on (2)
the scenery and the fascinating history of this beautiful area. This brochure will tell
you what you can see if you (3) a short bus ride out of the city.

The beautiful village of Tatterbridge was (4) to the children’s writer Jane Potter, whose
stories of Benjamin Bear (5) loved by adults and children around the world. Jane Potter’s
home is now a museum and tea shop, and is well (6) a visit just for its wonderful
gardens. It also has a gift shop where you can buy (7) and books. Tatterbridge has a
number of interesting shops (8) an excellent cake shop, and ‘Wendy’s Giftshop’ where
you can find lots of unusual gifts made (9) hand by local artists. Lovers of Jane Potter’s
books should also walk to the Green Valley woods, which have not changed since Jane Potter (10)
her stories there one hundred years ago.

1. A workshops B. galleries C. restaurants D. stations

2. A. understanding B. questioning C. welcoming D. experiencing
3. A. bring B. take C. drive D. sail
4. A. home B. school C. shop D. cottage
5. A. be B. have C. are D. been
6. A. excited B. worth C. value D. know
7. A. souvenirs B. materials C. costumes D. vegetables
8. A. purchasing B. advertising C. preserving D. including
9. A. at B. with C. by D. in
10. A. wrote B. designed C. moulded D. carved

VIII. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T), or false (F):

Bau Truc pottery items are made from clay from the Quao River mixed with sand. Clay is collected
from the river only once a year, each lasting for half a month. Clay is taken more or less depending on
the ability of each person. In the clay collecting season, local people try to take as much clay as they can
to store, for use in an entire year.

Currently, people in Bau Truc pottery village still make pottery items in the traditional way. They do not
use the wheel but the craftsmen have to turn around the products. The potters shape their products by
their skillful hands and feet around a pole-round pillar, rather than on one wheel. From this step, silky
clay block initially gradually forms a smooth rounded hollow block, then the formation of flower vases,
or water pots.

Bau Truc’s craftsmen use wet cloths to make the product surface smooth. These items are decorated
with seashells, snails or hand-made paintings featuring the daily life of Bau Truc’s people.

1. Cay can be collected from the Quao River all year round.
2. Bau Truc pottery is famous because people only use fine clay to make their
3. People still make the pottery in the traditional way.
4. Craftsmen shape the pottery items only with their hands and feet.
5. The pots nowadays are shaped on the potter’s wheel.
6. Craftsmen use simple ways to make the product surface smooth.
7. The craftsmen’s skills can make the blocks of clay become lively and useful.
8. The designs of Bau Truc pottery reflect the life of local people.

IX. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence :

1. I arrive on time in spite of the bad traffic.

 Although
2. David had good relationship with most of his colleagues.
 David gets
3. Lan was ill, so she didn’t go to Dong Ho village with her friends.
 Because
4. The children are eager to visit Hue next week.
 The children are looking
5. I’ll give you a call immediately after I have finished my work.
 As soon as

X.Alex is writing an email to Mai to introduce some of the places of interest in his hometown,
Newquay. Use the words/ phrases given to complete his email. Add more words, if necessary

 Newquay : small town/ Atlantic coast/ south/ England//

 1st suggestionsurfing/ Fistral Beach//. One/ best place/ surf/ UK//. Some good surf school/ learn/
surf//. Surfing/ friend/ every weekend//.
 If like water sports : kayaking/ water-skiing/ coasteeing//. Coasteegin/ different/ because/ it/ rock
climbing/ jumping/ sea/ swimming/ same activity//. Sound/ dangerous/ not worry/ as/ always/
go/ special instructor//.
 If/ like/ animals : visit Blue Reef Aquarium/ see/ different fish/ even shark//. Can/ horse riding /
or/ visit/ Newquay Zoo//.

XI.Write an email to your pen friend about a trip to craft villages around Hoi An, using the
words or phrases below to make complete sentences. Add more words, if necessary.

Dear Susan,
1. It/ take/ you/ only 30 minutes/ motorbike/go/ Van Phuc silk village/ centre/ Ha Noi.

2. The village/ much well-known/ traditional sericulture/ weaving/ silk products.

3. Most visitors/ go/ observe/ skillful workers/ produce/ goods/ listen/ local stories.

4. If/ you/ intend/ have/ silk/ pair/ formal clothes/ just select/ suitable materials/ and/ professional tailors
here/ bring/ satisfaction.

5. You buy silk clothes made of silk/ presents/ available/ village/ your choice.

Look forward to seeing you soon.
Best wishes,

I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern:

1. A. famous B. village C. workshop D. bamboo

2. A. business B. experience C. grandparent D. chocolate
3. A. generation B. communicate C. historical D. environment
4. A. embroider B. department C. handicraft D. opinion
5. A. transfer B. publish C. accept D. remind
6. A. attraction B. artisan C. frame D. handicraft
7. A. drumhead B. illustration C. earplug D. drugstore
8. A. strip B. visual C. artistic D. remind
9. A. thread B. treat C. pleasure D. deadline
10. embroider B. preserve C. benefit D. effect

II. Find the word which has a different position of the main stress in each line:

1. A. craftman B. layer C. sculpture D. preserve

2. A. lacquerware B. absolute C. pollution D. permanent
3. A. memorable B. experience C. historical D. production
4. pottery B. souvenir C. conical D. various
5. authenticity B. electricity C. traditional D. uncontrollably

III. Give the corect form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each fo the following sentences:

1. There are a lot of silk such as carves, ties and dresses in PRODUCE  products
our shop.
2. Bat Trang is one of the most craft villages in TRADITION 
famous Hanoi. traditional
3. We should read this leaflet to see what are organized ACT activities
during the festival.
4. They showed me a marble sculpture which was SKILL  skillfully
made by hand.
5. Last week we had a trip to an ancient village on the MEMORY 
outskirts of Hanoi.
6. Obviously, our handicrafts are in with those of other
7. Do you know that have to follow 15 stages to make a ART  artisans
conical hat.
8. My grandfather has devoted himself to many events
CULTURE  cultural
in our community.
9. You should spend at least one week to visit the tourist
ATTRACT  attractions
in this city.
10. We are impressed by a wide of lacquerwares in
VARY  variety
the showroom.

IV. Complete the sentences with suitable subordinators from the box :

although (3,10) as soon as (2) because (1,8) before (5) so that (4,7)
while (6,9)

1. The children are very excited they are going to visit a craft village this
2. We will tell Alice about the trip we meet her.
3. it rained a lot, they enjoyed their holiday.
4. I bought a new pair of glasses I can see better.
5. I go out tonight, I will have to finish this essay.
6. Phong burnt his hand he was cooking dinner.
7. Laura always gets up early every morning she’s not late for her work.
8. Mr. Harrison seems to have a lot of money he lives in a luxurious house.
9. I was waiting for the bus, I saw some foreign tourists.
10. They didn’t win the game they played very well.
V.Make a comploex sentence from each pair of sentences. Use the subordinator provided and
make any necessary changes :

1. Their son is allergetic to animals. They decided to get a cat. (though)

 They decided to get a cat though their son is allergetic to animals.
2. He will stay in England for two months more. He can perfect his English. (in order that)
 He will stay in England for two months more so that he can perfect his English.
3. There is nothing to eat. We have to go shopping today. (as).
 We have to go shopping today as there is nothing to eat.
4 I go to Hue next week. I will stay with my aunt and uncle. (when)
 When I go to Hue next week, I will stay with my aunt and uncle.
5. Mai could have good marks. She studied hard for the exam. (so that)
 Mai studied hard for the exam so that she could have good marks.
6. We need an umbrella. It is raining heavily outside. (since)
 We need an umbrella sine it is raining heavily outside.
7. Nick will visit some craft villages. He finishes the Vietnamese course. (after)
 Nick will visit some craft villages after he finishes the Vietnamese course.
8. We decided to go for a walk in the park. It was very cold out. (although)
 Even though it was very cold out, we decided to go for a walk in the park.
9. The tourists wanted to buy some silk. They went to Van Phuc village. (because)
 The tourists went to Van Phuc village because they wanted to buy some silk.
10. They won’t buy the new car. They save enough money. (until)
 They won’t buy the new car until they save enough money.
11.Many craft families stopped their business. There is the economic crisis in the world. (because)
 Many craft families stopped their business because there is the economic crisis in the world
12. Dong Ho paintings are simple. These pictures reflect a typical characteristic of Vietnamese
labourers. (although).
 Although Dong Ho paintings are simple, these pictures reflect a typical characteristic of
Vietnamese labourers.
13. Three villages were chosen for the pilot project. The Asia Foundation had worked with local
authorities. (after).
 Three villages were chosen for the pilot project after the Asia Foundation had worked with local
14. We do not have many handicraft products that are well-known abroad. There are thousands of craft
trades nationwide. (though)
We do not have many handicraft products that are well-known abroad though there are thousands of
craft trades nationwide
15. The craft village must also meet environmental requirements. It wants to develop craft village
tourism. (so that)
 The craft village must also meet environmental requirements so that it can develop craft village
16. Vietnam began integrating into the international economy a few decades ago. Production in craft
villages developed strongly, meeting demand for domestic decoration, and construction. (when)
 When Vietnam began integrating into the international economy a few decades ago, production in
craft villages developed strongly, meeting demand for domestic decoration, and construction.
17. At the age of over 80, the artisan is instructing the craft to his grandchildren. He wants them to
preserve this ancient craft. (so that)
 At the age of over 80, the artisan is instructing the craft to his grandchildren so that they can
preserve this ancient craft
18. The workers have taken several steps to whiten the palm leaves. They sew together the leaves and
the rings. (after)
 After the workers have taken several steps to whiten the palm leaves, they sew together the
leaves and the rings.
19. The conical hat has several useful functions. It protects the wearer’s head and face from sunlight or
rain, and it also works as a handy fan on hot summer days. (because)
 The conical hat has several useful functions because it protects the wearer’s head and face from
sunlight or rain, and it also works as a handy fan on hot summer days
20. Local people in Thanh Ha pottery village near Hoi An continue following their craft. There isn’t
enough support for maintaining the old traditions and skills. (although)
Local people in Thanh Ha pottery village near Hoi An continue following their craft although there
isn’t enough support for maintaining the old traditions and skills.

VI.Complete each of the following sentences using the correct form of a phrasal verb from the
box :

close down come back deal with get up keep up with

live on look through pass down set off turn down

1. My sister is an early bird. She at 7 o’clock everyday of the week. (gets up)
2. We will for Tay Ho village at 9 o’clock and arrive at 10 o’clock. (set off)
3. When I was a student, I small allowances from my parents. (lived on)
4. The government must now the preservation of traditional craft villages.
(deal with)
5. The banks have a lot of branches in villages over the last few years.
(closed down)
6. Many foreign tourists decided to to Viet Nam for another holiday.
(come back)
7. They offered her a trip to Europe but she it .(turned – down)
8. He has the report and found nothing interesting. (looked through)
9. Phong walks too fast and it’s really hard to him. (keep up with)
10. These traditional stories have been from parents to children over many
generations. (passed down)

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each blank :

Many visitors come to Hartbridge to see the wonderful art (1) and museums, the
beautiful buildings and the fantastic parks. Few people go outside the city, and so they miss out on (2)
the scenery and the fascinating history of this beautiful area. This brochure will tell
you what you can see if you (3) a short bus ride out of the city.

The beautiful village of Tatterbridge was (4) to the children’s writer Jane Potter, whose
stories of Benjamin Bear (5) loved by adults and children around the world. Jane Potter’s
home is now a museum and tea shop, and is well (6) a visit just for its wonderful
gardens. It also has a gift shop where you can buy (7) and books. Tatterbridge has a
number of interesting shops (8) an excellent cake shop, and ‘Wendy’s Giftshop’ where
you can find lots of unusual gifts made (9) hand by local artists. Lovers of Jane Potter’s
books should also walk to the Green Valley woods, which have not changed since Jane Potter (10)
her stories there one hundred years ago.

1. A workshops B. galleries C. restaurants D. stations

2. A. understanding B. questioning C. welcoming D. experiencing
3. A. bring B. take C. drive D. sail
4. A. home B. school C. shop D. cottage
5. A. be B. have C. are D. been
6. A. excited B. worth C. value D. know
7. A. souvenirs B. materials C. costumes D. vegetables
8. A. purchasing B. advertising C. preserving D. including
9. A. at B. with C. by D. in
10. A. wrote B. designed C. moulded D. carved

VIII. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T), or false (F):

Bau Truc pottery items are made from clay from the Quao River mixed with sand. Clay is collected
from the river only once a year, each lasting for half a month. Clay is taken more or less depending on
the ability of each person. In the clay collecting season, local people try to take as much clay as they can
to store, for use in an entire year.

Currently, people in Bau Truc pottery village still make pottery items in the traditional way. They do not
use the wheel but the craftsmen have to turn around the products. The potters shape their products by
their skillful hands and feet around a pole-round pillar, rather than on one wheel. From this step, silky
clay block initially gradually forms a smooth rounded hollow block, then the formation of flower vases,
or water pots.

Bau Truc’s craftsmen use wet cloths to make the product surface smooth. These items are decorated
with seashells, snails or hand-made paintings featuring the daily life of Bau Truc’s people.

1. Cay can be collected from the Quao River all year round. F
2. Bau Truc pottery is famous because people only use fine clay to make their products. F
3. People still make the pottery in the traditional way. T
4. Craftsmen shape the pottery items only with their hands and feet. F
5. The pots nowadays are shaped on the potter’s wheel. F
6. Craftsmen use simple ways to make the product surface smooth. T
7. The craftsmen’s skills can make the blocks of clay become lively and useful. T
8. The designs of Bau Truc pottery reflect the life of local people. T

IX. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence :

1. I arrive on time in spite of the bad traffic.

 Although the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.
2. David had good relationship with most of his colleagues.
 David gets on well with most of his colleagues.
3. Lan was ill, so she didn’t go to Dong Ho village with her friends.
 Because lan was ill, she didn’t go to Dong Ho village with her friends.
4. The children are eager to visit Hue next week.
 The children are looking forward to visiting Hue next week.
5. I’ll give you a call immediately after I have finished my work.
 As soon as I have finished my work, I’ll give you a call.

X. Choose the correct option (A, B, C or D) :

1. She presented me with a new blanket on which she some beautiful flowers.
A. knitted B. embroidered C. moulded D. carved
2. She is very good at knitting. She herself this sweater. It looks very nice.
A. knit B. knits C. is knitting D. knitted
3. All the main parts of this machine are of steel.
A. made B. done C. woven D. given
4. My parents once took me to Bat Trang village. I could make my own there. I really
enjoyed it.
A. pottery B. lacquer C. painting. D. sculpture
5. Have you ever to Tay Ho village in Hue ? It’s the place where people make the famous
Bai tho conical hat.
A. go B. went C. gone D. been
6. he spent a lot of money to redecorate his shop, he cannot make any more profit.
A. In order to B. Although C. So that D. Because of
7. This company has gone bankcrupt. Do you know who will ?
A. take care of it B. look after it
C. take it over D. turn it up
8. She’s just received a large order from Japan. but she is afraid of not finishing her order on time
her workshop lasks good artisans.
A. because B. in order to C. although D. so that
9. The people in this village are trying to change their designs and quality of their handicrafts
their products can be exported to many countries in the world.
A. so that B. in order to C. because D. though
10. The people in my village cannot earn enough money for their daily life. They can’t
this traditional craft. They have to find other jobs.
A. help out B. live on C. work on D. set up

XI.Alex is writing an email to Mai to introduce some of the places of interest in his hometown,
Newquay. Use the words/ phrases given to complete his email. Add more words, if necessary

 Newquay : small town/ Atlantic coast/ south/ England//

 1st suggestionsurfing/ Fistral Beach//. One/ best place/ surf/ UK//. Some good surf school/ learn/
surf//. Surfing/ friend/ every weekend//.
 If like water sports : kayaking/ water-skiing/ coasteering//. Coasteering/ different/ because/ it/
rock climbing/ jumping/ sea/ swimming/ same activity//. Sound/ dangerous/ not worry/ as/
always/ go/ special instructor//.
 If/ like/ animals : visit Blue Reef Aquarium/ see/ different fish/ even shark//. Can/ horse riding /
or/ visit/ Newquay Zoo//.
XII.Write an email to your pen friend about a trip to craft villages around Hoi An, using the
words or phrases below to make complete sentences. Add more words, if necessary.

Dear Susan,
1. It/ take/ you/ only 30 minutes/ motorbike/go/ Van Phuc silk village/ centre/ Ha Noi.

2. The village/ much well-known/ traditional sericulture/ weaving/ silk products.

3. Most visitors/ go/ observe/ skillful workers/ produce/ goods/ listen/ local stories.

4. If/ you/ intend/ have/ silk/ pair/ formal clothes/ just select/ suitable materials/ and/ professional tailors
here/ bring/ satisfaction.

5. You buy silk clothes made of silk/ presents/ available/ village/ your choice.

Look forward to seeing you soon.
Best wishes,

Dear Susan,





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