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Grade 2


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Grade 2
Grade 2


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Unit 1 • Friends and Family
Week 1 Week 4
Friends Help Friends Animals Need Our Care
Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 31
Phonics/Structural Analysis 2 Phonics/Structural Analysis 32
Comprehension: Visualize 3 Comprehension: Ask and Answer
Comprehension: Key Details 5 Questions 33
Graphic Organizer 6 Comprehension: Key Details 35
Writing Traits: Ideas 7 Graphic Organizer 36
Genre 8 Writing Traits: Organization 37
Vocabulary Strategy: Inflectional Endings 9 Genre 38
Write About Reading: Key Details 10 Vocabulary Strategy: Root Words 39
Write About Reading: Key Details 40

Week 2
Families Around the World Week 5
Vocabulary 11 Families Working Together
Phonics/Structural Analysis 12 Vocabulary 41
Comprehension: Visualize 13 Phonics/Structural Analysis 42
Comprehension: Character, Setting, Comprehension: Ask and Answer
Events 15 Questions 43
Graphic Organizer 16 Comprehension: Key Details 45
Writing Traits: Organization 17 Graphic Organizer 46
Genre 18 Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency 47
Vocabulary Strategy: Root Words 19 Genre 48
Write About Reading: Character, Setting, Vocabulary Strategy: Inflectional Endings 49
Events 20 Write About Reading: Key Details 50
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Week 3
Pets are Our Friends
Vocabulary 21
Phonics/Structural Analysis 22
Comprehension: Ask and Answer
Questions 23
Comprehension: Character, Setting,
Events 25
Graphic Organizer 26
Writing Traits: Word Choice 27
Genre 28
Vocabulary Strategy: Sentence Clues 29
Write About Reading: Character, Setting,
Events 30

Unit 2 • Animal Discoveries
Week 1 Week 4
Animals and Nature Baby Animals
Vocabulary 51 Vocabulary 81
Phonics/Structural Analysis 52 Phonics/Structural Analysis 82
Comprehension: Make, Confirm, Revise Comprehension: Reread 83
Predictions 53 Comprehension: Main Topic and
Comprehension: Character, Setting, Plot 55 Key Details 85
Graphic Organizer 56 Graphic Organizer 86
Writing Traits: Ideas 57 Writing Traits: Organization 87
Genre 58 Genre 88
Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes 59 Vocabulary Strategy: Multiple-Meaning
Write About Reading: Character, Setting, Words 89
Plot 60 Write About Reading: Main Topic and
Key Details 90

Week 2
Animals in Stories Week 5
Vocabulary 61 Animals in Poems
Phonics/Structural Analysis 62 Vocabulary 91
Comprehension: Make, Confirm, Revise Phonics/Structural Analysis 92
Predictions 63 Comprehension: Reread 93
Comprehension: Plot: Problem and Comprehension: Key Details 95
Solution 65 Graphic Organizer 96
Graphic Organizer 66 Writing Traits: Word Choice 97
Writing Traits: Ideas 67 Genre/Literary Element 98
Genre 68 Vocabulary Strategy: Multiple-Meaning
Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes 69 Words 99
Write About Reading: Plot: Write About Reading: Key Details 100

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Problem and Solution 70

Week 3
Animal Habitats
Vocabulary 71
Phonics/Structural Analysis 72
Comprehension: Make, Confirm, Revise
Predictions 73
Comprehension: Key Details 75
Graphic Organizer 76
Writing Traits: Organization 77
Genre 78
Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes 79
Write About Reading: Key Details 80

Unit 3 • Live and Learn
Week 1 Week 4
The Earth’s Forces Weather Alert!
Vocabulary 101 Vocabulary 131
Phonics/Structural Analysis 102 Phonics/Structural Analysis 132
Comprehension: Reread 103 Comprehension: Ask and Answer
Comprehension: Author’s Purpose 105 Questions 133
Graphic Organizer 106 Comprehension: Main Idea and Details 135
Writing Traits: Organization 107 Graphic Organizer 136
Genre 108 Writing Traits: Organization 137
Vocabulary Strategy: Similes 109 Genre 138
Write About Reading: Author’s Purpose 110 Vocabulary Strategy: Antonyms 139
Write About Reading: Main Idea and
Details 140
Week 2
Look At the Sky
Week 5
Vocabulary 111
Phonics/Structural Analysis 112
Express Yourself
Comprehension: Reread 113 Vocabulary 141
Comprehension: Plot: Sequence 115 Phonics/Structural Analysis 142
Graphic Organizer 116 Comprehension: Ask and Answer
Questions 143
Writing Traits: Word Choice 117
Comprehension: Main Idea and
Genre 118
Key Details 145
Vocabulary Strategy: Compound Words 119
Graphic Organizer 146
Write About Reading: Plot: Sequence 120
Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency 147
Genre 148
Week 3 Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes 149
Ways People Help Write About Reading: Main Idea and
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Key Details 150

Vocabulary 121
Phonics/Structural Analysis 122
Comprehension: Ask and Answer
Questions 123
Comprehension: Author’s Purpose 125
Graphic Organizer 126
Writing Traits: Voice 127
Genre 128
Vocabulary Strategy: Synonyms 129
Write About Reading: Author’s Purpose 130

Unit 4 • Our Life/Our World
Week 1 Week 4
Different Places Folktales About Nature
Vocabulary 151 Vocabulary 181
Phonics/Structural Analysis 152 Phonics/Structural Analysis 182
Comprehension: Reread 153 Comprehension: Visualize 183
Comprehension: Connections Within Comprehension: Plot: Compare and
a Text: Compare and Contrast 155 Contrast 185
Graphic Organizer 156 Graphic Organizer 186
Writing Traits: Ideas 157 Writing Traits: Ideas 187
Genre 158 Genre 188
Vocabulary Strategy: Compound Words 159 Vocabulary Strategy: Root Words 189
Write About Reading: Connections Write About Reading: Plot:
Within a Text: Compare and Contrast 160 Compare and Contrast 190

Week 2 Week 5
Earth Changes Poems About Nature
Vocabulary 161 Vocabulary 191
Phonics/Structural Analysis 162 Phonics/Structural Analysis 192
Comprehension: Reread 163 Comprehension: Visualize 193
Comprehension: Connections a Within Comprehension: Theme 195
a Text: Cause and Effect 165 Graphic Organizer 196
Graphic Organizer 166 Writing Traits: Word Choice 197
Writing Traits: Word Choice 167 Genre/Literary Element 198
Genre 168 Vocabulary Strategy: Similes 199
Vocabulary Strategy: Sentence Clues 169 Write About Reading: Theme 200
Write About Reading: Connections
Within a Text: Cause and Effect 170

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Week 3
Our Culture Makes Us Special
Vocabulary 171
Phonics/Structural Analysis 172
Comprehension: Visualize 173
Comprehension: Plot: Compare and
Contrast 175
Graphic Organizer 176
Writing Traits: Voice 177
Genre 178
Vocabulary Strategy: Similes 179
Write About Reading: Plot:
Compare and Contrast 180

Unit 5 • Let’s Make a Difference
Week 1 Week 4
Being a Good Citizen Preserving Our Earth
Vocabulary 201 Vocabulary 231
Phonics/Structural Analysis 202 Phonics/Structural Analysis 232
Comprehension: Summarize 203 Comprehension: Make, Confirm,
Comprehension: Point of View 205 Revise Predictions 233
Graphic Organizer 206 Comprehension: Plot: Problem and
Writing Traits: Ideas 207 Solution 235
Genre 208 Graphic Organizer 236
Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes 209 Writing Traits: Word Choice 237
Write About Reading: Point of View 210 Genre 238
Vocabulary Strategy: Homophones 239
Write About Reading: Plot:
Week 2 Problem and Solution 240
Cooperation Works!
Vocabulary 211 Week 5
Phonics/Structural Analysis 212
Rights and Rules
Comprehension: Summarize 213
Vocabulary 241
Comprehension: Point of View 215
Phonics/Structural Analysis 242
Graphic Organizer 216
Comprehension: Make, Confirm,
Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency 217
Revise Predictions 243
Genre 218
Comprehension: Connections Within
Vocabulary Strategy: Idioms 219 a Text: Cause and Effect 245
Write About Reading: Point of View 220 Graphic Organizer 246
Writing Traits: Voice 247
Week 3 Genre 248
Our Heroes Vocabulary Strategy: Multiple-Meaning
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Words 249
Vocabulary 221
Write About Reading: Connections
Phonics/Structural Analysis 222 Within a Text: Cause and Effect 250
Comprehension: Summarize 223
Comprehension: Connections Within
a Text: Sequence 225
Graphic Organizer 226
Writing Traits: Organization 227
Genre 228
Vocabulary Strategy: Synonyms 229
Write About Reading: Connections
Within a Text: Sequence 230

Unit 6 • How on Earth?
Week 1 Week 4
Plant Myths and Facts Money Matters
Vocabulary 251 Vocabulary 281
Phonics/Structural Analysis 252 Phonics/Structural Analysis 282
Comprehension: Reread 253 Comprehension: Summarize 283
Comprehension: Theme 255 Comprehension: Connections Within
Graphic Organizer 256 a Text: Problem and Solution 285
Writing Traits: Organization 257 Graphic Organizer 286
Genre 258 Writing Traits: Organization 287
Vocabulary Strategy: Sentence Clues 259 Genre 288
Write About Reading: Theme 260 Vocabulary Strategy: Paragraph Clues 289
Write About Reading: Connections
Within a Text: Problem and Solution 290
Week 2
We Need Energy
Week 5
Vocabulary 261
Phonics/Structural Analysis 262
The World of Ideas
Comprehension: Reread 263 Vocabulary 291
Comprehension: Author’s Purpose 265 Phonics/Structural Analysis 292
Graphic Organizer 266 Comprehension: Summarize 293
Writing Traits: Word Choice 267 Comprehension: Point of View 295
Genre 268 Graphic Organizer 296
Vocabulary Strategy: Paragraph Clues 269 Writing Traits: Word Choice 297
Write About Reading: Author’s Purpose 270 Genre/Literary Element 298
Vocabulary Strategy: Metaphors 299
Write About Reading: Point of View 300
Week 3
Team Up to Explore

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Vocabulary 271
Phonics/Structural Analysis 272
Comprehension: Summarize 273
Comprehension: Main Idea and
Key Details 275
Graphic Organizer 276
Writing Traits: Ideas 277
Genre 278
Vocabulary Strategy: Greek and
Latin Roots 279
Write About Reading: Main Idea and
Key Details 280



Use the word chart to study this week’s vocabulary

words. Work with a partner to take turns reading each
word and sentence. Then write a sentence using each
word in your writer’s notebook.

Word Context Sentence Illustration

The puppy is
afraid of loud

The boy acts

nervously before
his speech.

I peered into the

closet to find my

I scored perfectly
on the test!
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He will rescue the

cat from the tree.

The girl tells her

secret to her

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 1 • Week 1 1
children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate
the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Short a, i /Plurals -s, -es


Listen to each short vowel sound as you say the words

pan and fit.

A. Say the name of each picture. Draw a line from a

picture to the word that names it.




3. pig

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4. fan

The endings -s or -es can be added to a noun to make it mean

more than one.

B. Read each word. Circle the base word and write it.

5. cans 6. bags

7. kisses 8. mats

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Have partners practice
2 Unit 1 • Week 1 saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word and ending before having partners
work together to write the new words.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the passage. Use the visualize strategy to picture

in your mind what is happening in the story.

A Bicycle Built for Two

It was a beautiful fall day. Squirrel wanted to go for a
bike ride, but his bike was broken.
Squirrel thought, “I can’t fix this by myself. I will need
some help.”
Squirrel went to see Fox. Squirrel asked, “Will you help
me fix my bike?”
Fox said, “I can’t help. I’m busy cooking soup.”
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 1 3

Comprehension and Fluency


Squirrel went to see Bear. Squirrel asked for help.

Bear said, “I can’t help right now. I’m busy washing
Squirrel felt sad. Then he saw Rabbit. He asked Rabbit
for help.
Rabbit looked at the bike. He turned a wire. He oiled a
wheel. Rabbit said, “Let’s see if the bike works now.”
Rabbit and Squirrel got on the bike. They went for a
long ride. They enjoyed the beautiful day.

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4 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 1

Comprehension: Key Details and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. What is wrong with Squirrel’s bike?

2. Point to the first picture. Who does Squirrel ask first to help fix
his bike?

Fox Bear

3. Why can’t Fox help fix Squirrel’s bike?

Fox is washing clothes Fox is cooking.

4. Point to the second picture. Who fixes the bike?

Bear Rabbit
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5. What do Squirrel and Rabbit do at the end of the story?

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Pair Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 1 5
students of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Key Details


Read the selection. Complete the Key Details chart.

Detail Detail Detail

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6 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 1

Writing Traits: Ideas


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you add details that describe the event.

Draft Model
Ronnie and Kevin went on a picnic. When the friends got
there, they set out all the food on a blanket. Then it started to
rain quite hard. The two friends quickly put everything back into
the basket. They went home.

1. Where did the two friends go on their picnic?

2. What did they pack for their picnic?

3. How did the friends get home?

B. Now revise the draft by adding details that clearly

describe what happened at the picnic.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 1 7
meaning. Pair children of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Visual Elements


Thanks, Friend!
Mouse says, “I’m planting a garden. It’s hard work.
I dig each hole. It takes a long time.”
“I can help!” says Mole.
Mole digs holes and Mouse plants seeds.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Fantasy is a made-up story. Circle the sentence that helps you

know this text is fantasy.

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Mouse and Mole are animals. Mouse and Mole talk.

2. Look at the picture. Why is it easy for Mole to dig holes? Circle
the answer.

Mole has a tool. Mole wears clothes.

3. What job does Mouse do? Circle the answer.

Mouse plants seeds. Mouse digs holes.

8 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Inflectional Endings


To figure out new words, look at word parts. A root word may
have the ending -s, -es, -ed, or -ing. The endings -s, -es,
and -ing mean the action is happening now. The ending -ed
means the action happened in the past.
Works and working mean “is doing a job now.”
Worked means “did a job in the past.”

Read each sentence. Work with a partner to figure out the

meaning of the underlined word. Circle the answer to each
question. Read your answers.

1. Fox said, “I’m too busy cooking soup.”

is making food now made food in the past

2. Squirrel asked for help.

is saying a question now said a question in the past

3. Bear said, “I’m too busy washing clothes.”

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is cleaning now cleaned in the past

4. Rabbit looked at the bike.

is seeing something now saw something in the past

5. They went for a long ride and enjoyed the beautiful day.
is liking something now liked something in the past

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 1 9
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “A Bicycle Built for Two.” Think about how the author
used key details. Use the words and pictures to complete the

1. At the beginning of the story, Squirrel

2. In the middle of the story, Squirrel

The author uses these details to show readers

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3. At the end of the story, Rabbit

4. Then

10 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

She moved aside
the curtain to look
out the window.

It’s fair for

everyone to get a
turn on the slide.

I invited my friend
to the party.

I plead to go to the
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The squirrel
scurries up the

We share an

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 1 • Week 2 11
children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate
the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Short e, o, u /Inflectional Endings -s, -es

Listen to each short vowel sound as you say the words

bed, top, and sun.

A. Say each picture name. Circle the word that names

each picture. Write the word.

1. 2. 3.

pen hog sun web cup net

The endings -s or -es can be added to a verb to show action

that is taking place now.

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B. Read each word. Circle the base word and write it.

4. pets 5. buses

6. mops

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Have partners practice
12 Unit 1 • Week 2 saying the words. For Structural Analysis, pronounce each base word, pause, and then
pronounce the ending. Have partners work together to complete the activity.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the visualize strategy to picture

in your mind what is happening in the story.

The Food Festival

Van and his family went to a food festival. The quiet
street had really changed. There were food booths on
each side. Each booth was showing a colorful flag. Van
followed his family down the street.
People were selling Greek salad at the first booth.
Van’s family had a salad.
They had beef noodle soup at the next booth. Then
they had hot curry and they had tamales.
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 2 13

Comprehension and Fluency


The family reached the end of the street. Everyone was

full. Dad asked, “Which food did you like the best?”
Everyone spoke at once.
Van said, “The curry.”
His sister said, “The tamales.”
Mom said, “The beef noodle soup.”
Dad said, “I liked the Greek salad best. All the food
here is delicious.”

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14 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 2

Comprehension: Character, Setting, Events, and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. The characters are the people in a story. Point to the first

picture. Who are the four characters in this story?

2. The setting tells where the story takes place. What is the setting
of this story?

The family’s home A food festival

3. What is one food the family eats?

beef noodle soup peanut butter sandwiches

4. What does Dad say at the end of the story?

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“All the food here is delicious.” “I liked the curry best.”

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 2 15
Pair children of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Character, Setting, Events

Read the selection. Complete the Character, Setting,

Events chart.

Character Setting Events

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16 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 2

Writing Traits: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the
draft to help you write a strong beginning for the story.

Draft Model
She went to the store to get some milk. It was a long walk.
When she got there she was upset. She forgot her money. The
store owner was very kind. He said she could take the milk and
bring the money later.

1. Who is the character in the story?

2. Where does the story take place?

3. What information will make readers want to continue reading?

B. Now revise the draft by adding a strong beginning

that grabs the reader’s attention and tells the character
and setting.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 2 17
meaning. Pair children of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Literary Element

Two Kinds of Football

Tim and Victor liked football. They wanted to play
with their families. Tim said, “I have a football.” Victor
said, “I have a soccer ball. Soccer is called football in
many countries.” They played two kinds of football.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Realistic fiction has events that could happen in real life. Circle
the sentence that helps you know this text is realistic fiction.

Tim has a football. The football can fly.

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2. What do Tim and Victor do at the beginning of the story?
Circle the answer.

They go to the park. They want to play football.

3. What do the boys do in the middle of the story? Circle the


Each boy plays. Each boy has a ball.

4. What do the boys do at the end of the story? Circle the answer.

They play football. They go home.

18 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Root Words


To figure out a new word, separate the root word from the
ending. The endings -s, -es, and -ing mean the action is
happening now. The ending -ed means the action happened
in the past.

A. Read the sentence. Look at the underlined word. Write the

root word and the ending. Say the word.

1. Van followed his family down the street.

2. People were selling Greek salad at the first booth.

3. Dad asked, “Which food did you like the best?”

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B. Read the sentence. Look at the underlined word. Circle the

meaning. Read your answer.

4. The quiet street had really changed.

The quiet street was different. The quiet street did not change.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions for each section and model Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 2 19
the first item. Have children work with partners of different language
abilities to complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “The Food Festival.” Think about how the author

used character, setting, and events. Use the words and
pictures to complete the sentences.

1. The characters are

2. The setting is

3. At the end of the story,

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The author included this event to show

20 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

I must decide what
to wear.

We have different

I glance at the net

before I kick the

This is the proper

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way to walk a dog.


The man stares at

the painting.

I will trade an
apple for your

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 1 • Week 3 21
children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate
the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Two-Letter Blends/Closed Syllables

Two letters can be blended together. Listen to the beginning

sounds in slip and the ending sounds in best.

A. Say each picture name. Circle the missing blend and

write it on the line.

1. 2.

dr st st mp

ick ca

3. 4.

sk bl lt dr

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ma ess

When two consonants come between two vowels, you divide

the word between the two consonants.

B. Circle the correct way to break each word into

syllables. Read the word.

5. mitt en mit ten 6. sun set suns et

7. ra bbit rab bit

22 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, emphasize each consonant blend.
For Structural Analysis, pronounce each word division before children
decide on the correct one.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Ask and answer questions as you

read to check your understanding.

A Pet of His Own

Jeff lived with his family. They had three pets. His
sister Kim had a bird. His brother Rick had two mice.
Jeff wanted his own pet. He asked his parents, “May I
get a snake?”
Kim shouted in a loud voice, “A snake will eat
my bird.”
Jeff had another idea. He asked, “May I get a cat?”
Rick said, “A cat will eat my mice.”
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 3 23

Comprehension and Fluency

Jeff had a confusing pet problem that was hard to

solve. He couldn’t get a snake or a cat. They would upset
and disturb the other pets.
Then one day Jeff saw a rabbit. This was a different
kind of pet, not like the others.
Jeff’s parents got him the rabbit. He was so excited
that he shouted for joy.

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24 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 3

Comprehension: Character, Setting, Events and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. The characters are the people in a story. Point to the first

picture. Who are the characters in the picture?

2. The setting tells where the story takes place. What is the setting
of this story?

a park Jeff’s home

3. What does Jeff want at the beginning of the story?

a pet a bike

4. Point to the second picture. Who are the characters in the

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5. What kind of pet does Jeff get at the end of the story?

a mouse a bird a rabbit

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Pair Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 3 25
students of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Character, Setting, Events

Read the selection. Complete the Character, Setting,

Events chart.

Character Setting Events

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26 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 3

Writing Traits: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you use more precise words.

Draft Model
My kitten is a good size for my family’s small apartment. She
can sleep on my lap. She has nice fur. My kitten likes to be
outside and so do I.

1. What size is the kitten?

2. What color is the kitten’s fur? How does it feel?

3. What does the kitten like to do outside?

B. Now revise the draft by replacing general words with

more precise, interesting words about the kitten.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point Grade 2
Unit 1 • Week 3 27
out cognates: family/familia, apartment/apartamento. Pair children of different language
abilities to complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Literary Element

The Perfect Reading Partner

Reading was not easy for Lizzie.
One day, Lizzie read a book.
Lizzie’s cat Gumbo jumped in her
lap. Lizzie read aloud to Gumbo.
She made no mistakes. Gumbo
listened very well!

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Fiction has made-up characters and events. Circle the

sentence that helps you know this text is fiction.

Lizzie is a made-up charcter. Lizzie is a real character.

2. What does Gumbo do at the beginning of the story? Circle the


Gumbo walks away. Gumbo jumps in Lizzie’s lap.

3. What does Lizzie do in the middle of the story? Circle the

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Lizzie takes a walk. Lizzie reads to Gumbo.

4. What does Lizzie do at the end of the story? Circle the answer.

Lizzie makes no mistakes. Gumbo jumps up.

28 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues


Look at this example of context clues. The underlined words

explain what polite means.
He was polite because he knew good manners were

Read the sentences. Look at the word in bold print. Write the
word. Work with a partner. Use context clues that help you
figure out the meaning of the word. Write the meaning.

1. Kim shouted in a loud voice, “A snake will eat my bird.”

2. Jeff had a confusing problem that was hard to solve.

3. They would upset and disturb the other pets.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. This was a different kind of pet, not like the others.

5. He was so excited that he shouted for joy.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 3 29
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “A Pet of His Own.” Think about how the author used
character, setting, events. Use the words and pictures to
complete the sentences.

1. The characters are

2. The setting is

3. The illustration is of

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The author includes this illustration to show that

30 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

Dogs are allowed
in this store.

Our family is
excited to have a
new pet.

The deer roam

everywhere in the

My hamster is safe
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in its cage.

The raccoon
wandered into the

A wolf lives in the


Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 1 • Week 4 31
children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate
the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Short a, Long a (a_e)/Inflectional Endings -ed, -ing

The letter a can stand for the short a sound you hear in can.
The long a sound you hear in cane can be spelled a_e.

A. Say each picture name. Circle then write word that

names the picture.

1. 2.

hate hat cat cake

3. 4.

pan pane van vase

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The ending -ing can be added to a verb to show that an action is

happening now. The ending -ed can be added to a verb to show
action that has already happened.

B. Add each ending and write the new word.

5. hand + ed 6. miss + ing

7. help + ing 8. pack + ed

32 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures.
Have children repeat the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word
and ending before having partners work together to write the new words.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Ask and answer questions as you

read to check your understanding.

A Fire Dog
Wilshire is a fire dog. He lives in the city. Wilshire was
three months old when he went to the fire station. He
lived with the firefighters. They took care of Wilshire.
They gave him food and water.
The firefighters hired a dog trainer. The trainer helped
Wilshire learn to live in the fire station. The trainer
showed Wilshire where he could go.
Wilshire didn’t have to go outside to run. He was
trained to run on a treadmill inside.
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Susan Kuklin/Photo Researchers/Getty Images

A fire dog may ride with firefighters in the fire truck.

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 4 33

Comprehension and Fluency

Fire dogs like Wilshire are often a breed called Dalmatians.

Wilshire and one firefighter became pals. Now

Wilshire and the firefighter work at the fire station
together. Then the firefighter takes Wilshire home. This
gives Wilshire a break from the station. He likes meeting
and playing with other dogs.
Wilshire got more training. Now he does fire safety
tricks. Wilshire visits schools. He shows children how to
“Stop, Drop, and Roll.” This keeps Wilshire very busy!

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John Connell/Corbis

34 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 4

Comprehension: Key Details and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Look at the first photo. Read the caption. What breed of dog
is Wilshire?

2. One detail tells about Wilshire when he went to the fire station.
How old was Wilshire then? Circle your answer.

three years old three months old

3. Where does Wilshire run when he is at the fire station? Circle

your answer.

inside on a treadmill outside at a park

4. Look at the second photo. Read the caption. What is one thing
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

a fire dog can do?

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Pair Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 4 35
students of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Key Details

Read the selection. Complete the Key Details chart.

Detail Detail Detail

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36 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 4

Writing Traits: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that

follow the draft to help you think about how to use
sequence words.

Draft Model
Here’s how to give a dog a bath. Fill the tub with warm water.
Get the dog in the tub and wash her with soap. Rinse her with
plenty of fresh water. Dry the dog with a towel.

1. To give a dog a bath, what do you do first?

2. What do you do next? Then what?

3. What is the last thing you do?

B. Now revise the draft by adding sequence words such

as first, next, then, and last to help readers understand
the order of ideas.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 4 37
meaning. Pair children of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Text Feature

The Foster Pet

Amy’s family has a foster
pet. They feed and play with
Rocky. They train him and take
him to the vet. Soon Rocky will
grow bigger. Then he will go to
another family. The new family
will give him a lasting home.

Amy trains Rocky to walk on a leash.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. A nonfiction narrative is about real people. It is told by a

narrator. Circle the sentence that helps you know this text
is a nonfiction narrative.

Amy’s family and Rocky Amy’s family and Rocky

are not real. are real.

2. Look at the photo. What kind of pet is Rocky?

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3. Look at the photo. What is Rocky doing? Circle the answer.

Rocky is walking on a leash. Rocky is getting in the car.

Juice Images/age fotostock

38 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Root Words


To figure out a new word, separate the root word from the
ending. The endings -s, -es, and -ing mean the action is
happening now. The ending -ed means the action happened
in the past.
Lives and living mean “is staying in a place now.”
Lived means “stayed in a place in the past.”

A. Look at the underlined word. Write the root and the ending.

1. The trainer helped Wilshire learn to live in the fire station.

2. Then the firefighter takes Wilshire home.

3. He likes meeting and playing with other dogs.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

B. Circle the correct meaning.

4. The firefighters hired a dog trainer.

is paying for a job now paid for a job in the past

5. The trainer showed Wilshire where he could go.

is pointing things out now pointed things out in the past

6. Wilshire visits schools.

goes to places now went to places in the past
Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions for each section and model Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 4 39
the first item. Have children work with partners of different language
abilities to complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “A Fire Dog.” Think about how the author used key
details. Use the words and photos to complete the sentences.

1. This selection is about

2. The author includes details about

3. The photos show

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4. The details and pictures help me understand

40 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.


Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

Dad will check to
see if the baby is

I can choose a
book at the library.

One of my chores
is making my bed.

The customers
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buy fish at the


I spend my money
to buy some juice.

He keeps his tools

in a box.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 1 • Week 5 41
children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate
the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Short i, Long i (i_e)/Possessives


The letter i can stand for the short i sound you hear in fit. The
long i sound you hear in fine can be spelled i_e.

A. Say each picture name. Circle the word that names

each picture. Write the word on the line.

1. kite kid 2. pig pine

3. side six 4. hive hit

A singular possessive noun ends with an apostrophe (’) and an

s to show who owns something.

B. Read the words in each row. Circle the possessive Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


5. ducks crabs bug’s

6. dogs pet’s cats

7. kid’s pals girls

8. wives man’s boys

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the word choices.
42 Unit 1 • Week 5
Have partners practice saying the words with a partner. For Structural Analysis, read the
words in each row. Then have partners dentify the possessive nouns.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the passage. Ask and answer questions as you

read to check your understanding.

Family Business
Families may start a business together. Family
members all work to help the business. Let’s read about
one family business.
The year was 1916. Two families started a coffee
company. They roasted coffee beans by hand. There
were few cars then. The coffee was loaded onto wagons.
Horses pulled the wagons and delivered the coffee.
The coffee business grew. More family members
worked for the company. The company bought its first
truck in 1918.
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 5 43

Comprehension and Fluency


Family Business Then and Now

1916 Today
Roasted coffee beans by Sell coffee in stores,
hand. Delivered coffee restaurants, and online.
using a horse and wagon. Make ads for TV.

Then it was the 1940s. The owners’ sons worked

in the business. The company grew. It sold coffee
to restaurants.
Then it was the 1990s. The third generation worked
for the company. They sold coffee in food stores. They
made ads for TV. They opened an online store in 2007.
These family members worked hard. They made
a good business. New family members can keep the
business running.

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44 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 5

Comprehension: Key Details and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. How did wagons move in the past?
Circle the answer.

Wagons were pulled by horses.

Wagons were run on gas.

2. What key detail happened in 1916? Circle the answer.

The company sold coffee in food stores.

Two families started a coffee company.

3. What key detail happened in the 1918? Circle the answer.

The company made ads for TV.

The company bought its first truck.

4. What key detail happened in 2007? Circle the answer.

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The company opened an online store.

The owners’ sons joined the business.

5. Point to the chart. What does the chart compare? Circle the

two different companies

one company in the past and now

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 5 45
Have partners answer the questions. Have them share their answers.
Comprehension: Key Details


Read the selection. Complete the Key Details chart.

Detail Detail Detail

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46 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 5

Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you think about using sentences of
different types and lengths.

Draft Model
I like to help my family get chores done. It makes our
house clean. It also gives us free time together. That’s what I
love best.

1. Where could you add a question?

2. Where could you add an exclamation?

3. Which sentences could you make longer? Which sentences

could you make shorter?

B. Now revise the draft by writing some questions or

exclamations and by writing some long sentences and
some short sentences.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point Grade 2
Unit 1 • Week 5 47
out cognates such as family/familia. Have partners complete the page. Have them read the
revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Text Feature


Family Business
Some families own a pizza shop. Kids and adults can
both help in the shop. The adults make the food. The
adults also help customers. Kids can clean tables and

Adults’ Jobs Kids’ Jobs

make food clean tables
help customers clean windows

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Informational text gives facts and information about a

topic. Circle the sentence that helps you know this is
informational text.
It tells about a family business.
It tells a made-up story about a pizza shop.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2. Look at the chart. What two kinds of jobs does the chart tell
about? Circle the answer.
customers’ jobs and cooks’ jobs
adults’ jobs and kids’ jobs

3. Write two jobs that adults do in a pizza shop.

48 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions.
Have children work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Inflectional Endings


To figure out new words, look at word parts. A root word may
have the ending -s, -es, or -ed. The endings -s and -es mean
a noun is plural. The ending -ed means an action happened
in the past.

Read each sentence. Work with a partner. Circle the meaning

of each word in bold.

1. Families may start a business together.

more than one group of people who live together

one group of people who live together

2. Two families started a coffee company.

began doing something in the past is doing something now

3. Horses pulled the wagons and delivered the coffee.

one vehicle for carrying loads

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more than one vehicle for carrying loads

4. The owners’ sons worked in the business.

did jobs in the past is doing jobs now

5. It sold coffee to restaurants.

one place that serves food and drinks

more than one place that serves food and drinks

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 5 49
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Family Business.” Think about how the author

used key details. Use the words and picture to complete the

1. One key detail that the author includes in the selection is

2. Another key detail that the author includes in the selection is

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3. The author includes the chart to help me

50 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 1 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.


Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

I am eager to open
the gift.

An eagle has the

freedom to fly
where it likes.

Mom picked fresh


The boy feels a

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sense of pride when

he learns to skate.

The trees made

shadows on the

We read in the
silence of the

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 1 51
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Short o, Long o /Inflectional Endings -ed, -ing


The letter o can stand for the short o sound you hear in not.
The long o sound you hear in note can be spelled o_e.

A. Say each picture name. Circle the word that names

each picture.

1. 2.
bone box five fox

3. 4.
rope run dog dime

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Before adding -ed or -ing to some verbs with short vowels,
double the final consonant. Before adding -ed or -ing to some
verbs with long vowels ending in e, drop the final e.

B. Add each ending and write the new word. Read the
new word.

5. pin + ed 6. tag + ed

7. hope + ing 8. cut + ing

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the word choices.
52 Unit 2 • Week 1
Have children practice saying the words with a partner. For Structural Analysis, read each
word and ending before having partners work together to write the new words.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the passage. Use the make predictions strategy to

predict what will happen in the story.

Looking for Animals

Ms. Lee takes her class to the woods for a hike. She
tells her students to look for animals. All the children
carry notebooks. They plan to sketch and take notes
about the animals they will see.
Birds sing high up in the trees. One boy points to
what he thinks is a robin. The others disagree. They say
it is just a leaf.
The children hear hooting. It is unlike the other
sounds. The children are unable to see anything. An
owl looks down. Its brown feathers blend in with the
leaves. The children can not see the owl.
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 1 53

Comprehension and Fluency


A deer is drinking at a small pond. It stands still as

the group walks by. Its brown coat makes it seem to
disappear into the woods. The deer slips away unseen.
One girl looks down at the uneven path. She sees
some small lumps of dirt. Then she stops watching. The
lumps jump away. No one saw the tiny toads that blend
in with the ground.
The hike is over. The students retrace their steps back
to the bus. Maybe the class can come back again to look
for more animals!

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54 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 1

Comprehension: Character, Setting, Plot and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the picture. What characters are in the picture? Circle

the answer.

Ms. Lee and the class

a fox and a bear

2. The plot is the key events that happen in a story. What happens
at the beginning of the story? Circle the answer.

Ms. Lee and the class walk by a pond.

Ms. Lee and the class go to the woods.

3. What happens in the middle of the story? Circle the answer.

Ms. Lee and the class look for animals.

Ms. Lee and the class ride the bus.

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4. Point to the picture. Did the children see the deer? Circle the

Yes. The class sees the deer.

No. The class does not see the deer.

5. What happens at the end of the story? Circle the answer.

Ms. Lee and the class hear birds.

Ms. Lee and the class go back to the bus.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 1 55
Pair students of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Character, Setting, Plot


Read the selection. Complete the Character, Setting,

Plot chart.




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56 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 1

Writing Traits: Ideas


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you add descriptive details.

Draft Model
Meg and Tom go to the beach. They swim in the water. Meg
sees birds flying in the sky. Tom finds shells on the beach. Then
they see a crab near the water!

1. What kind of beach is this? What kind of day is it?

2. What details can tell more about the birds, shells, and crab
that Meg and Tom see?

3. What details might tell how Meg and Tom feel about their day at
the beach?

B. Now revise the draft by adding descriptive details

that help readers learn more about the setting and
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 1 57
meaning. Pair children of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Visual Elements


Surviving the Winter

It was summer. Jerry saw a family of chipmunks.
What would the chipmunks do in the winter? Jerry
looked up chipmunk habits. He learned that chipmunks
hibernate in winter.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Realistic fiction is an invented story that could happen in real

life. Circle the sentence that tells why this text is realistic fiction.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Jerry is a boy who sees chipmunks.

The chipmunks talk to Jerry.

2. How does the picture help you know this text is realistic fiction?

3. Look at the picture. How does Jerry learn about chipmunks?

Circle the answer.

Jerry asks his mother. Jerry uses a computer.

58 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes


To figure out a new word, look for a prefix, or word part at the
beginning of the word.
re- = “again” reuse (use again)
un- = “not” untrue (not true)
dis- = “opposite of” dislike (do not like)

Read each sentence. Circle the prefix in the underlined word.

Work with a partner to figure out the meaning. Write the
meaning of the word.

1. It is unlike the other sounds.

2. The children are unable to see anything.

3. Its brown coat makes it seem to disappear into the woods.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. One girl looks down at the uneven path.

5. The class retraces their steps back to the bus.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 1 59
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Looking for Animals.” Think about how the author

used character, setting, and plot. Use the words and pictures
to complete the sentences.

1. At the beginning of the story,

2. The illustration helps me understand the setting because it

3. The class goes to the woods to

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. They don’t see animals because

60 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to
take turns reading each vocabulary word and
sentence. Then write a sentence using each
word in your writer’s notebook.

Word Context Sentence Illustration

I believe I can
climb to the top.

This ice cream

tastes delicious!

Our family will

feast on good

I am fond of
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That is a
remarkable jump!

I snatch my book
bag as I leave the

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 2 61
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Short u, Long u /CVCe Syllables

The letter u can stand for the short u sound you hear in cut.
The long u sound you hear in cute can be spelled u_e.

A. Circle each picture that has the short u sound. Put a

box around each picture that has the long u sound.

1. 2.
mule flute

3. 4.

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tub cub

Vowel consonant e syllables often have the long sound of

the vowel.

B. Read each word. Circle the final e syllable in

each word.

5. awoke 6. combine

7. behave 8. donate
62 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures.
Have parnters practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read
each word. Have partners work together to complete the activity.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the make predictions strategy to

predict what will happen in the story.

Fox Gets Help

One day, Fox was walking in the woods. He saw a
bunch of grapes high up in a tree. Fox thought, “Those
will make a healthful snack.” He jumped up to get
the grapes.
Fox nearly reached the grapes. They were too high.
Fox really wanted those grapes. So he made a plan. He
got a ladder. He leaned it on the tree. He thought he
could reach the grapes easily.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 2 63

Comprehension and Fluency

Fox stepped up to the ladder. The wind blew strongly.

The wind blew the ladder down on the ground. This
happened over and over. Fox sighed loudly. He was
ready to give up. Then Turtle walked up slowly.
Turtle had a helpful idea. He would hold the ladder
tightly. Then Fox could climb up. Fox went right up the
ladder and picked the bunch of grapes.
When Fox was safely back on the ground, he shared
the grapes with Turtle. Fox was thankful for his friend’s
help. Sometimes a friend can help you reach a goal.

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64 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 2

Comprehension: Problem and Solution and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. What is fox doing? Circle the answer.

Fox is reading a book.

Fox is jumping to get the grapes.

2. The problem is described at the beginning of the story. What

problem does Fox have? Circle the answer.

Fox can’t reach the grapes.

Fox likes grapes.

3. Point to the second picture. Why is the ladder on the ground?

Circle the answer.

The wind blew the ladder down on the ground.

Fox decided to take a nap.

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4. Fox takes steps to solve the problem. What two steps does Fox
take? Circle the answer.

Fox gets a ladder and Turtle holds it.

Fox puts the ladder down and gives up.

5. The solution is described at the end of the story. How does Fox
solve the problem? Circle the answer.

Fox walks away from the grapes.

Fox climbs the ladder and gets the grapes.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 2 65
Pair students of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Problem and Solution

Read the selection. Complete the Problem and

Solution chart.


Steps to Solution

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66 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 2

Writing Traits: Ideas

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you add supporting details.

Draft Model
Every day a shepherd boy thought he saw a wolf. “Wolf!” he
cried. The villagers came running. They felt sorry for the boy.

1. How does the shepherd boy feel?

2. What is he thinking about when he thinks he sees a wolf?

3. What details could explain more about the actions of the

shepherd boy and the villagers?

B. Now revise the draft by adding supporting details that

explain your ideas about how the shepherd boy and the
villagers act, think, and feel.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 2 67
meaning. Pair children of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Literary Element

The Fox and the Grapes

One day the fox saw some grapes. They were up in
a tree. He could not reach the grapes. The fox walked
away. He said, “Those grapes must be sour.” Sometimes
we don’t like things we can’t get.

Circle the answer to the questions about the text.

1. A fable teaches a lesson. How do you know this text is a fable.

It tells about a fox that learns a lesson.

It gives facts about a fox.

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2. What does the fox do at the end of the fable?

The fox tries to reach the grapes.

The fox says the grapes must be sour.

3. Find the sentence in the fable that tells the lesson. Write it.

68 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes


To figure out a new word, look for a suffix, or word part added
to the end of the word.
-ful = “full of” careful (full of care)
-ly = “in a way that is” gladly (in a way that is glad)

Read each sentence. Circle the suffix in the underlined word.

Work with a partner to figure out the meaning. Write the
meaning of the word.

1. Fox nearly reached the grapes, but they were too high.

2. Then Turtle walked up slowly.

3. Turtle had a helpful idea.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. He would hold the ladder tightly.

5. Fox was thankful for his friend’s help.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 2 69
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Fox Gets Help.” Think about how the author used
problem and solution. Use the words and pictures to help you
complete the sentences below.

1. The problem that the author presents in the story is that

2. The solution that the author presents is that

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


3. The author presents a problem and solution to teach the lesson


70 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

The shell was
buried in the sand.

The bird will escape

if you leave the
cage door open.

We went on a
journey to the

A chipmunk peeks
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

out of the hole.


We run when we
feel restless.

My friend spies
the missing game

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 3 71
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Soft c and g/Prefixes re-, un-, dis-

The c in cent stands for the /s/ sound. It is soft c.

The g in germ stands for the /j/ sound. It is soft g.

A. Say each picture name. Circle the word that names

each picture.

1. 2. 3.

mice gem cent cage race rice

A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word to

make a new word.
• The prefix re- means “again.”
• The prefixes un- and dis- mean “not” or “opposite of.”

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

B. Circle the prefix in each word in bold print. Then circle
the meaning of the word. Read the answer you choose.
4. distrust trust again not trust

5. remake make again not make

6. unopen open again not open

7. retell not telling tell again

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the word choices.
72 Unit 2 • Week 3
Have partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word and the
definitions. Have partners work together to complete the activity.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the make predictions strategy to

predict what you will learn.

Two Kinds of Tundra

The Arctic Tundra
Dr. Jones went to the Arctic tundra. It was very cold.
There were no trees. There were grasses and flowers. Dr.
Jones was hopeful about seeing some animals. He made
a careful study of what he saw.
He saw playful ravens and gulls in the sky. He saw
gray wolves and Arctic hares on the ground. Some
of these animals slept during the cold winter. Others
went south.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Michael S. Nolan/age fotostock/Getty Images

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 3 73

Comprehension and Fluency

The Alpine Tundra

Then Dr. Jones took a trip to the alpine tundra. He
was greatly interested in how the two places were alike
and different. The alpine plants were almost like the
Arctic plants. The animals were clearly different.
Dr. Jones saw birds such as jays and grouse. He saw
sheep and elk. He knew that some of these animals

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

had extra fat. It kept them warm. Some of these animals
slept through the winter. Others went south.
Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

74 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 3

Comprehension: Main Topic and Key Details and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. The main topic is what a selection is about. What is the main

topic of this passage?

2. What does the first picture show? Circle the answer.

The picture shows an Arctic hare.

The picture shows an elk.

3. What kinds of animals live in the Arctic tundra?

4. What kinds of animals live in the alpine tundra?

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. What does the second picture show? Circle the answer.

The picture shows an Arctic hare.

The picture shows an elk.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 3 75
Pair students of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Main Topic and Key Details

Read the selection. Complete the Main Topic and Key

Details chart.

Main Topic

Detail Detail Detail

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76 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 3

Writing Traits: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you add sequence words.

Draft Model
I saw a white tiger when I visited the zoo last summer. It was
a very hot day, and the white tiger was panting. He splashed
around in a lake that surrounded his pen. Caretakers threw him
giant ice cubes. He licked and ate the cubes that contained
fruit. He moved to a shady area of his pen.

1. What does the white tiger do first? What does he do next?

2. What event happens last?

3. What words can you add to make the writing easier to


B. Now revise the draft by adding sequence words, such

as first, next, then, and last, to help readers understand
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

the order of events.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 3 77
meaning and point out cognates: tiger/tigre, zoo/zoo, fruit/fruta. Have
partners complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud.
Genre/Text Features

In the Cave
In the cave a scientist sees shrimp and cave beetles.
These animals never leave the cave. Then she sees a
snail. The snail may leave the cave sometimes.

Cave Animals

Always live in caves: cave shrimp, Sometimes live in caves: snail,

cave beetle, and cave fish. spider, and worm.

Circle the answer to the questions about the text.

1. Narrative nonfiction tells about people, events or things.

A narrator tells in sequence. How do you know this text is
narrative nonfiction.

It teaches a lesson about a scientist.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

It tells about animals that a scientist sees.

2. What does the scientist do first? Circle the answer.

She sees a shrimp. She sees a snail.

3. Write the animal words from the text that are in bold print.

4. Write the name of one animal that always lives in a cave.

78 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes


To figure out a new word, look for a suffix, or word part

added to the end of the word.
-ful = “full of” joyful (full of joy)
-ly = “in a way that is” quickly (in a way that is quick)

Circle the meaning of each underlined word. Read the

answers you chose.

1. Dr. Jones was hopeful about seeing some animals.

without hope full of hope

2. He made a careful study of what he saw.

full of care without care

3. Dr. Jones saw playful ravens and gulls in the sky.

full of play play again

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4. He was greatly interested in how the two places were alike and

in a way that is great not great

5. The animals were clearly different.

not clear in a way that is clear

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 3 79
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Two Kinds of Tundra.” Think about how the author

used main topic and key details. Use the words and pictures
to help you complete the sentences below.

1. The main topic is

2. The author describes Arctic and alpine tundras to explain

3. In the section “The Arctic Tundra,” the author includes the key


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4. In the section “The Alpine Tundra,” the author includes the key


80 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple expamples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

An adult can drive
a car.

Animals need food

to stay alive.

The bed is covered

with a blanket.

My cat has long

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Look at this giant


A mother monkey
will groom her

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 2 • Week 4 81
children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate the
meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Consonant Digraphs ch, tch, sh, ph, th, ng, wh /Suffixes -ful, -less

A consonant digraph is two consonants together that stand for

only one sound.

A. Read the word. Circle the consonant digraph in each

word. The consonant digraph may be at the beginning or
the end of the word.

1. phone 2. whale

3. chop 4. ring

5. fish 6. thin

A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word to make a

new word.
• The suffix -ful means “full of.”
• The suffix -less means “without.”

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

B. Read each word in bold print. Circle the suffix in each
word in bold print. Then circle the meaning of the word.
Read the answers you choose.

7. restful without rest full of rest

8. spotless without spots full of spots

9. timeless full of time without time

10. hopeful full of hope without hope

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, read each word, emphasizing the consonant digraph.
82 Unit 2 • Week 4
Have partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word and the
definitions. Have partners of work together to complete the activity.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the reread strategy to make sure

you understand the information.

An adult opossum is about the size of a big cat. A
mother opossum can have seven babies or more. She
has a pouch like a kangaroo.
Each baby opossum is the size of a honeybee. The
babies stay inside the mother’s pouch at first. The babies
leave the mother’s pouch after two months. The mother
carries the babies on her back. The baby opossums
grow up quickly.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

S.J. Krasemann/Peter Arnold/Getty Images

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 4 83

Comprehension and Fluency





An adult opossum has long gray fur. Its face is white.

It has black ears. The opossum has a pointed snout. It
has a pink nose, tail, and feet. It has fifty sharp teeth
in its mouth.
An opossum has a useful tail. The tail is almost a
foot long. The opossum can grab tree branches with its
tail. An opossum has a thumb on each back foot. These
thumbs also help it grab onto things.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

1996 PhotoDisc, Inc./Getty Images

84 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 4

Comprehension: Main Topic and Key Details and Fluency


Reread the passage. Work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. The main topic is what a selection is about. What is the main

topic of this passage?

2. What size is an adult opossum?

3. Point to the first picture. What is the mother opossum doing?

Circle the answer.

The picture shows a mother opossum carrying her babies.

The picture shows a cat.

4. What size is a baby opossum?

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

5. Point to the second picture. What does it tell you about the
opossum? Circle the answer.

It shows the parts of an opossum.

It shows where the opossum sleeps.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 4 85
Pair students of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Main Topic and Key Details

Read the selection. Complete the Main Topic and Key

Details chart.

Main Topic

Detail Detail Detail

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86 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 4

Writing Traits: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you add linking words.

Draft Model
A puppy is the name for a baby dog. A puppy is much smaller
than its parent. It is the same shape as its parent. It has fur like
its parent. It cannot do many things for itself.

1. What are some ways you can connect the ideas in the draft?

2. How is a puppy different from its parent?

3. How is a puppy the same as its parent?

B. Now revise the draft by adding and replacing words to

connect ideas with linking words, such as and, so, also,
but, or however.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 4 87
meaning. Pair children of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Text Features

Leopards and Their Cubs

Leopard cubs are born with closed eyes. A cub is
different from its parents. Its fur is more long, thick, and
gray. Its spots are hard to see.

Leopard yellow eyes

long tail

black spots

Circle the sentence that answers the question about

the text.

1. Expository text gives facts about a topic. How do you know this
is expository text.

It tells a made-up story about leopards.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

It gives facts about leopards.

2. Look at the photo. What does the photo show?

It shows where a leopard lives.

It shows the parts of a leopard.

Anup Shah/Photodisc/Getty Images

3. Read the labels. What do the labels tell you?

They name the parts of a leopard.

They tell the size of a leopard.

88 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Multiple-Meaning Words


Multiple-meaning words have more than one meaning. Use

other words in the sentence to figure out which meaning is
being used.

Read each sentence. Circle the meaning of the underlined

word that best fits the sentence. Read the answers
you chose.

1. The mother carries the babies on her back.

the part of the body opposite the front

to move away from something

2. The opossum has a pointed snout.

showed where something is

having a sharp end

3. The tail is almost a foot long.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

a length of twelve inches

the body part at the end of the leg

4. The opossum grabs tree branches with its tail.

the body part at the end of the opossum

to follow around

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 4 89
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Opossums.” Think about how the author used main

topic and key details. Use the words and pictures to help you
complete the sentences below.

1. The main topic is about

2. The author includes the key detail that

3. The diagram helps me learn about

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90 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.


A. Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to read
each word and sentence. Then write a sentence
using each word in your writer’s notebook.

Word Context Sentence Illustration

The bird’s feathers
help it stay warm.

The butterfly is
flapping its wings
to fly.

B. Work with your partner. Read each direction. Do the

activity. Take turns.

1. Point to the picture that shows feathers.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2. Show what flapping means. Use actions.

3. Talk about birds with your partner. Use the words feathers and

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 2 • Week 5 91
children to identify cognates. Pair children of different abilities to write one or two sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
3-Letter Blends scr, spr, str, thr, spl, shr/Compound Words


Three letters can be blended together. Listen to the beginning

sounds in scrap and split.

A. Read the words in each row. Circle the word with the
three-letter blend. Write the word on the line.

1. think test throne

2. shop shred slide

3. scrape sub stem

4. spin sock splash

A compound word is a word that is made up of two

smaller words.

B. Read the two smaller words. Put the words together.

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Write the compound word. Read the new compound
word aloud.

5. back + pack

6. hand + shake

7. sun + shine

8. pan + cake

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, read the words in each row. Have partners practice
92 Unit 3 • Week 1
saying the words with a partner. For Structural Analysis, read each pair of words. Have
partners work together to write the compound words.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the poem. Use the reread strategy to check your


A Tortoise
A tortoise is a kind fellow,
It lives a life that’s calm and mellow.
A tortoise can live for quite a long span,
In fact it may even live longer than a man.
You’ll never find a tortoise at sea,
It lives on land—that’s where it should be.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 5 93

Comprehension and Fluency


It has four short legs and four tortoise feet.

It eats plants for a favorite treat.
A tortoise wears a hard outer shell,
That always works to cover it well.
When a tortoise doesn’t know where to hide,
It just pulls its head and four limbs inside.
A tortoise is a marvel of the animal pack,
It carries its home right on its back.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

94 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 5

Comprehension: Key Details and Fluency


Reread the poem and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. Which animal does a tortoise look like?
Circle the answer.

a turtle a frog

2. How long can a tortoise live? Circle the answer.

longer than a man for three years

3. Where does a tortoise live? Circle the answer.

in water on land

4. How does a tortoise use its shell? Circle the answer.

to hide food as a place to hide

5. Point to the second picture. What does a tortoise most look like
when it is inside its shell? Circle the answer.
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a tree a rock

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the poem and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 5 95
Pair students of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Key Details


Read the selection. Complete the Key Details chart.

Detail Detail Detail

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96 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 5

Writing Traits: Word Choice


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you think about what precise words you
can add.

Draft Model
I went outside one night.
Something moved, so I turned on the light.
It was a little toad
Hopping across the road.

1. What kind of night is it?

2. What does the toad look like?

3. How does the toad move?

B. Now revise the draft by adding precise words to give

readers a clearer picture about the night and the toad.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 5 97
meaning.Have partners complete the page. Have them read the revised
draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Literary Element


The Robin
A robin gathers fluff,
And twigs and other stuff.
She takes things she likes best,
And weaves them in her nest.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. A poem has rhythm, or a pattern of repeating beats. Circle the

sentence that helps you know this is a poem.
It has a title. It has rhythm.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2. Clap the beats in the first line. How many beats do you hear?

3. Why do you think the poet uses rhythm? Circle the answer.
to tell what is in a robin’s nest with a poem
to tell what the robin looks like

98 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the poem and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Multiple-Meaning Words


Multiple-meaning words have more than one meaning. Use

other words in the sentence to figure out which meaning is
being used.

Read the lines from the poem. Work with a partner to figure
out the meaning of the word in bold print. Circle the meaning
of the word.

1. A tortoise is a kind fellow,

It lives a life that’s calm and mellow.

a group of the same things helpful and nice

2. You’ll never find a tortoise at sea,

It lives on land—that’s where it should be.

the ground to come down from flying

3. It has four short legs and four tortoise feet.

measurements of 12 inches parts of the body

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. A tortoise wears a hard outer shell,

That always works to cover it well.

a deep hole with water in a good way

5. A tortoise is a marvel of the animal pack,

It carries its home right on its back.

returned not the front

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 5 99
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “A Tortoise.” Think about how the author used key

details. Use the words and picture to complete the sentences.

1. One key detail that the author includes in the poem is

2. Another key detail that the author includes in the poem is

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

3. The details and the picture that the author includes helps me learn

100 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 2 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.


Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

That is an amazing
sand castle!

Mom will measure

the water using the

We use these
objects for art
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

The girl proved

she knew how to

It is true that an
umbrella can keep
you dry.

The vet checked

the cat’s weight on
the scale.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 3 • Week 1 101
children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate
the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Long a /Contractions with ’s, ’re, ’ll, ’ve


The letters ai, ay, ea, ei, eigh, and ey can stand for the long
a sound. Listen to the vowel sound as you say the words pail,
day, great, eight, and they.

A. Say each picture name. Circle two pictures in the box

whose names have the long a sound.

flag hay

sleigh cat

A contraction is a short way to write two words. An apostrophe

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

takes the place of the missing letters. I have I’ve.

B. Read each contraction. Draw a line to the two words it

stands for.

1. I’ll that is

2. we’re you have

3. that’s I will

4. you’ve we are
Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Have partners practice
102 Unit 3 • Week 1
saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word before having children circle the
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the passage. Use the reread strategy to check your

understanding of new information or difficult facts.

Roller Coaster Science

Riding a roller coaster can feel like flying. The cars
race along the track. How does a roller coaster work?

The Ride Begins

There is a long chain. It runs under the track. A motor
moves this chain in a loop. It is like the moving belt
at the store checkout. The roller coaster cars grab the
chain. The chain pulls the train up the hill.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Ingram Publishing/SuperStock

Riding a roller coaster can feel like flying.

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 1 103

Comprehension and Fluency


Roller Coaster


Gravity moves the cars down the hill.

Moving Along the Track

The train reaches the top of the hill. The chain is
unhooked. Then gravity pulls the train down the hill.
Gravity is a force. It pulls things toward the earth.
The train’s speed gets faster as it goes down the hill.
The train goes so fast that it moves up the next hill.
Then it all happens again.

The Ride Ends

The roller coaster train must stop at the end of the
ride. The track has brakes. The brakes stop the train.
The roller coaster ends at the same place it started.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

That is roller coaster science. Think about these forces
the next time you take a ride!

104 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 1

Comprehension: Author’s Purpose and Fluency


Reread the passage. Work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you chose.

1. Point to the first picture. What does it show? Circle the answer.
It shows a sunny day. It shows a roller coaster.

2. An author’s purpose is the main reason an author writes the

text. What does the author want you to know in the section
called “The Ride Begins”? Circle the answer.
how the roller coaster moves who rides on a roller coaster
up the track

3. What does the author want you to know in the section called
“The Ride Ends”? Circle the answer.
how the roller coaster stops how the roller coaster gets
up the hill

4. Point to the second picture. It is a diagram. What does it show?

Circle the answer.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

the parts of a roller coaster who invented the roller coaster

5. What is the author’s purpose for writing this passage? Circle the
to tell about people who ride to tell how a roller coaster
roller coasters works

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 1 105
Pair children of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Author’s Purpose


Read the selection. Complete the Author’s Purpose chart.

Clue Clue

Author’s Purpose

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

106 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 1

Writing Traits: Organization


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the
draft to add words that tell the order of the ideas.

Draft Model
You can try this. A ball falls to the ground. That is after you
throw the ball in the air. Does the ball stay up? No! That’s
because gravity is pulling the ball down.

1. What would you do first in this experiment? What would

happen next?

2. What words could you add to make the order of ideas

more clear?

3. How could you put the sentences in a better order?

B. Now revise the draft by adding words and writing the ideas
in an order that makes sense.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point Grade 2
Unit 3 • Week 1 107
out cognates: air/aire, gravity/gravedad. Pair children of different language abilities to
complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Text Feature


How a Yo-Yo Works

Let a yo-yo go. It spins down as the string unwinds.
The yo-yo keeps spinning at the end of the string. Tug
the string. The yo-yo rewinds and climbs back up.
The yo-yo goes down.
A tug pulls it back up.



Answer the questions about the text.

1. Expository text gives facts about a topic. Circle the sentence

that helps you know this is expository text.

It tells how a yo-yo works. It tells a funny story about a yo-yo.

2. Write the words from the text that are in bold print.

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These words tell how .

3. Look at the diagram. What does the diagram show? Circle the

It shows the parts of a yo-yo. It shows how to do yo-yo tricks.

108 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Similes


A simile compares two unlike things. It uses the word like or as

to make the comparison.
The people are as busy as bees.

Read the sentences. The author compares two things. The

first thing is underlined. Circle the word like or as. Write the
second part of the comparison.

1. Riding a roller coaster can feel like flying.

2. A motor moves this chain in a loop. It is like the moving belt at

the store checkout.

3. The roller coaster’s sound is as loud as thunder.

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4. The roller coaster’s wheels squeak like a mouse.

5. Then the roller coaster train’s movement is as slow as a turtle.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 1 109
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Roller Coaster Science.” Think about the author’s

purpose. Use the words and pictures to complete the

1. The author wrote the section called “The Ride Begins” to explain

2. The author wrote the section called “The Ride Ends” to explain

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3. The author’s purpose for writing this passage is to

110 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

The man found
adventure in a
hot-air balloon.

I am delighted by
your gift.

My brother
dreamed of sailing
a boat.

We enjoyed our
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day at the fair.


She grumbled
about doing her

I wave to my
neighbor across
the street.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 3 • Week 2 111
children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate
the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Long i /Open Syllables

The letters i, y, igh, and ie can stand for the long i sound.
Listen to the vowel sound as you say the words kind, why,
might, and skies.

A. Circle the word that names each picture.

1. 2.

tip tie cry crib

3. 4.

pie pin list light

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When a syllable ends in a vowel, it is an open syllable. The
vowel sound is usually long. Divide the word after the open
syllable. Divide the word final into the syllables fi and nal.

B. Read the syllables. Put the syllables together to write the

word. Read the word.

5. li on 6. day time

7. pi lot 8. si lent

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the word choices.
112 Unit 3 • Week 2
Have partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each syllable before
having partners work together to combine the syllables into a word.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the reread strategy to check your

understanding of story events.

A Shooting Star
Carla’s family got to the park in the late afternoon.
Carla and her sister Rosa were excited. They ran around
the campsite. They saw lots of evergreen trees. A
chipmunk ran on a branch overhead.
Mama said, “Let’s get things set up.”
Papa added, “We will be able to hike before nightfall.”
The family set up the tents. Then they hiked. Daylight
was almost gone when they returned to the campsite.
Carla said, “Look! There are fireflies here.”
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 2 113

Comprehension and Fluency

Everyone looked up to see the fireflies. Just then, they

saw a shooting star cross the dark night sky.
Rosa asked, “What is that?”
Papa said, “It’s a shooting star. Some people say
you can wish on a shooting star. Then your wish will
come true.”
Carla and Rosa quickly made wishes.
Mama explained, “It looks like a shooting star. But
it’s not a star. It’s just dust flying close to the earth. The
dust glows. That’s what we see.”

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Carla said, “No matter what we call it, I hope our
wishes come true!”

114 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 2

Comprehension: Sequence and Fluency


Reread the passage. Work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you chose.

1. The sequence tells the order of events in a story. What does

Carla’s family do first in the story? Circle the answer.
The family sees fireflies. The family gets to the park.

2. What happens after the family’s hike? Circle the answer.

The family sees fireflies The family sets up their tents.
a shooting star.

3. What is the last thing that happens in the story? Circle the
Carla hopes the sisters’ Carla and Rosa see
wishes will come true. evergreen trees.
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Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 2 115
Pair children of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Sequence

Read the selection. Complete the Sequence chart.





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116 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 2

Writing Traits: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the
draft to help you add words to connect ideas.

Draft Model
James and Dad were camping. The moonlight was bright. It
shone on their tent. He saw the Big Dipper because the night
was so dark. James dreamed he took a rocket ship, so he could
see more stars.

1. Which sentence already has a linking word in it?

2. What sentences can be combined to connect ideas?

3. What are some words you can use to show how the ideas are

B. Now revise the draft by adding and replacing words to

connect ideas with linking words, such as and, so, but, or
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 2 117
meaning. Pair children of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Literary Element

Shapes in the Sky

One day, two friends looked at clouds. They saw
Grace said, “I see a cloud. The cloud looks like a lion.”
Marco said, “That cloud looks like a train.”

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Fiction has made-up characters and events. It may have

dialogue. Circle the sentence that helps you know this text is
It tells how clouds are made. It tells a made-up story about

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2. What is dialogue? Circle the answer.

The actions the characters do. The words the characters say.

3. Which character says that a cloud looks like a lion?

4. Which character says that a cloud looks like a train?

118 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Compound Words


A compound word is a word made of two smaller words. The

compound word sunset is made of the words sun and set.

Read each sentence. Write the underlined compound word.

Draw a line between the two smaller words.

1. Carla’s family got to the park in the late afternoon.

2. They ran around the campsite.

3. They saw lots of big evergreen trees.

4. A chipmunk ran on a branch overhead.

5. Papa added, “We will be able to hike before nightfall.”

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6. There are fireflies here.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 2 119
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “A Shooting Star.” Think about how the author

used sequence. Use the words and pictures to complete the

1. The first event that the author includes is that

2. Next, Carla and Rosa

3. At the end of the story, the girls learn about

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The author includes this event to help me understand

120 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

The man walks
across the bridge.

You can borrow

my markers.

The farm is in the


Dad insists on
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using the map.


The dog felt lonely

in the yard by

Here is one of
the villages in the

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 3 • Week 3 121
children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate
the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Long o/Contractions with not

The letters o, oa, ow, and oe can stand for the long o sound.
Listen to the vowel sound as you say the words so, road, low,
and woe.

Circle the word that names each picture.

1. road rice 2. cat coat

3. fold fox 4. club crow

A contraction is a short way to write two words. An apostrophe

takes the place of the missing letters. The contraction of have
not is haven’t.

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B. Read each contraction. Draw a line to the two words it
stands for.

5. won’t are not

6. isn’t do not

7. don’t will not

8. aren’t is not

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the word choices.
122 Unit 3 • Week 3
Have partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word before
having children choose the contraction.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the reread strategy to check your


Helping Out in the Community

Doug Long has been riding bikes for a long time. He
took a solo bike trip at age 16. Doug rode alone. He rode
his bike across the United States. That’s a big journey!
Now Doug often rides with a group of children. He
works with a volunteer group. The group sets up bike
rides for city kids. The children get bikes to ride and
helmets to wear. Then they go to a park or a nature
area. The children get time to appreciate and
enjoy nature.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Photo Courtesy of Doug Long and Trips for Kids

Doug Long sets up bike rides for city kids.

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 3 123

Comprehension and Fluency

Doug Long helps children learn more about nature.

The children saw a caterpillar on one trip. They

weren’t sure if it was safe to touch it. Doug picked it up.
Then the children were certain it was harmless. They all
took turns holding it.
The children can learn how to fix bikes. They can
work at a bike workshop. This earns them points. They
can use the points to get their own bike.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Doug Long likes to ride his bike. And he likes to help
out. He makes his community a better place.
Courtesy of Doug Long and Trips for Kids

124 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 3

Comprehension: Author’s Purpose and Fluency


Reread the passage. Work with a partner to answer

the questions.

1. An author’s purpose is the main reason an author writes the

text. What does the author want you to know about Doug Long
when he was 16? Circle the answer.
Doug rode his bike in the city. Doug rode his bike across
the United States alone.

2. What does the author want you to know about Doug’s work with
a volunteer group? Circle the answer.
Doug rides bikes. Doug fixes cars.
with children

3. Point to the first picture. What does it show? Circle the answer.
Children riding bikes Children reading books

4. What is the author’s purpose for writing this passage?

Circle the answer.
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to tell how Doug Long to tell about Doug Long’s

helps his community bike trip

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 3 125
Pair children of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Author’s Purpose

Read the selection. Complete the Author’s Purpose chart.

Clue Clue

Author’s Purpose

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126 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 3

Writing Traits: Voice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you add opinion words and phrases.

Draft Model
Last week my family went to the park. There was trash on the
ground. We told friends and neighbors. We all helped clean it
up. Now the park is nicer.

1. How do you think the writer feels about seeing trash

at the park?

2. Why does everyone help clean up the trash?

3. How does everyone feel once the park is cleaned up?

B. Now revise the draft by adding opinion words and

phrases to show how the writer feels about the topic.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point Grade 2
Unit 3 • Week 3 127
out cognates: family/familia, park/parque. Pair children of different language abilities to
complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Text Feature

A Friendly City for Bikes

Sara Krause lives in Austin,
Texas. The mayor called Sara. He
asked her how to make bike riding
safer. Sara and many other people
had ideas. They helped make bike
riding safer in Austin.

Sara Krause was the leader of

Answer the questions about the text. the bike safety group in Austin.

1. In narrative nonfiction, a narrator tells a story about a real

person. Circle the sentence that helps you know this text is
narrative nonfiction.
Sara Krause is a made-up Sara Krause is a real person.

2. Why did the mayor call Sara? Circle the answer.

He wanted to make bike He wanted to ride bikes

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riding safer. together.

3. Look at the photo. What does it show? Circle the answer.

Sara Krause the mayor of Austin

4. Read the caption. What does it tell you about Sara? Circle the
Sara was the mayor. Sara was the group leader.
John Krause

128 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Synonyms


Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning. Big
and large are synonyms.

Read each sentence. Circle the word that is a synonym

for the underlined word. Write the word. Read the answer
you chose.

1. He took a solo bike trip. alone fun

2. That’s a big journey! sound trip

3. Doug often rides with children. friends kids

4. They weren’t sure if it was safe. certain happy

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5. Children knew it was harmless. safe quiet

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 3 129
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Helping Out in the Community.” Think about the

author’s purpose. Use the words and pictures to complete
the sentences.

1. The topic of this passage is

2. One fact the author includes about the topic is that

Another fact is that

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3. The author’s purpose for writing this passage is to

130 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

One car did
damage to the
other car.

A lion is a
dangerous animal.

Dad will destroy

the old papers.

You need to dress

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warmly for harsh

winter weather.

Fences prevent
the cows from
running away.

The fire bell rings

to give a warning.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 3 • Week 4 131
children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate
the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Long e/Plurals -s, -es

The letters e, ee, ea, ie, y, ey, and e_e can stand for the long
e sound. Listen to the vowel sound as you say the words me,
see, leap, piece, happy, money, and eve.

A. Say each picture name. Circle three pictures in the

box whose names have the long e sound.

chief bee

eggs pony

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When a word ends in y, change the y to i before adding -es
to make the word mean more than one. The plural of lady is

B. Circle the correct way to write each plural.

1. puppy puppys puppies

2. fly flys flies

3. pony ponies ponys

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Have partners practice
132 Unit 3 • Week 4
saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word and point out the spelling of the
plural ending.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Ask and answer questions as you

read to check your understanding.

Ice Hotels
What Is an Ice Hotel?
Would you like to stay in an ice hotel? An ice hotel is
like a big igloo. It is made of snow and ice.

How Is an Ice Hotel Built?

People build ice hotels in the winter. It is too warm in
the summer. Workers build walls out of ice blocks. They
use snice to keep the blocks from coming apart. Snice is
a mix of snow and ice. It holds things together.
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 4 133

Comprehension and Fluency

The workers finish the outside walls. Then they start

inside. They carve furniture from ice blocks. They
carve artwork, too. It can take five to six weeks to build
an ice hotel.

Staying in an Ice Hotel

People have to wear warm clothes in an ice hotel. The
temperature inside must stay below freezing. The ice
will melt if it gets above freezing.
People sleep in thick sleeping bags on top of ice beds.
They sit on ice chairs. They drink from ice glasses.

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What Happens to an Ice Hotel?
An ice hotel only stands while it is cold. The ice hotel
melts in the spring. The water returns to the river.
Builders must wait until winter. Then the water freezes.
The builders can begin the next ice hotel.

134 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 4

Comprehension: Main Idea and Key Details and Fluency


Reread the passage. Work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you chose.

1. Point to the first picture. What does it show? Circle the answer.
Who lives in the ice hotel What an ice hotel looks like

2. Key details tell about the main idea. What two things do workers
use to build the walls of an ice hotel?

3. What do people wear when they stay in an ice hotel?

4. Point to the second picture. What is in an ice hotel room?

Circle the answer.
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Furniture and artwork a swimming pool

5. The main idea is the most important point an author makes

about a topic. What is the main idea of this passage? Circle the
People get cold inside ice People make hotels
hotels. out of ice and snow.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 4 135
Pair children of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Main Idea and Key Details

Read the selection. Complete the Main Idea and Key

Details chart.

Main Idea

Detail Detail Detail

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136 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 4

Writing Traits: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you add a strong conclusion.

Draft Model
A weather forecaster can use a thermometer to find the
temperature. She can use a wind vane to check wind direction.
A rain gauge tells how much rain falls.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. What is the main idea?

3. What information could you include in a conclusion sentence?

B. Now revise the draft by adding a strong conclusion to

sum up the writing and tell the main idea.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point out Grade 2
Unit 3 • Week 4 137
cognates: thermometer /termómetro, temperature/temperatura, direction/dirección. Have
partners complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Text Feature

A drought is a long period of dry weather. There is
little or no rain. The farmers’ crops can’t grow without
water. The water supply for people gets low, too.

What to Do in a Drought
1. Use less water.
2. Fix leaks.
3. Take shorter showers.
4. Water plants outside when it is cool.

Circle the answers to the questions about the text.

1. Expository text gives facts about topic. Which sentence helps

you know this is expository text.
It tells a made-up story about It tells facts about a drought.
a drought.

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2. Why are the words drought and water supply in bold print?
The words are The words take the place of
important ideas. pictures.

3. Look at the sidebar. What can you learn from it?

what to do in a drought how to stop a drought

138 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Antonyms


Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Hot and

cold are antonyms.

Read each sentence. Circle the word that is an antonym

for the underlined word. Write the word.

1. An ice hotel is like a big igloo.

glass small

2. They build in the winter.

forest summer

3. They use snice to keep the blocks from coming apart.

together nearby
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4. The temperature inside must stay below freezing.

beside above

5. The ice hotel melts in the spring.

freezes shines

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 4 139
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Ice Hotels.” Think about how the author used main
idea and key details. Use the words and pictures to complete
the sentences.

1. The main idea is that

2. The author includes the key detail that

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to support the main idea.

3. The illustration helps me learn

140 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.


Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

The people
cheered for the

My brother plays
his trumpet at the

They put their

instruments in

He made hand
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movements to lead
the band.

We clap to the
rhythm of the

I use a dictionary
to understand new

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 3 • Week 5 141
children to identify cognates. Have partners write one or two sentences, or draw pictures, to
illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Long u/Comparative Endings -er, -est


The letters u_e, ew, ue, and u can stand for the long u sound.
Listen to the vowel sound as you say the words use, mew, hue,
and menu.

A. Read aloud the words in each row. Circle the word

that has the long u sound.

1. music mud much

2. under unit us

3. fun feel fuel

4. could cube cut

The ending -er is added to an adjective to compare two nouns.

The ending -est is added to an adjective to compare more than
two nouns.

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B. Add the ending and write the new word. Read the
new word.

5. light + er 6. few + er

7. neat + est 8. old + est

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, read the words in each row. Have partners practice
142 Unit 3 • Week 5
saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word and ending. Have partners work
together to write and read the new words.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the passage. Ask and answer questions to check

your understanding.

Making Music
Let’s learn about some musical instruments. Some
might be in your school band.

A piano has 88 keys. Press the keys on the keyboard.
This action moves wooden hammers. The hammers
then hit steel strings. The strings vibrate and make
sound. The sound is discontinued when the strings
stop moving.
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 5 143

Comprehension and Fluency


School Band

Number of Instruments in Band

Piano Flute Trumpet

A flute is a narrow tube with finger holes on the
side. Blow across a hole at one end. Cover and uncover
the finger holes using the keys. Air flows across the
openings in the flute. It makes sound.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

A trumpet is a long metal tube. It has a loop. One end
is shaped like a bell. There are an uneven number of
valves. Blow into the mouthpiece. Work the three valves.
This makes sound.
Let’s review the instruments. Now you know about
the piano, flute, and trumpet. Which would you like
to play? No one can disagree. There is a whole world of
music to be made!

144 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 5

Comprehension: Main Idea and Key Details and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. What part of the body is used to play
the piano? Circle the answer.

the mouth the hands

2. Key details tell about the main idea. How do you play the
piano? Circle the answer.
You blow into it. You press the keys.

3. How do you play the flute? Circle the answer.

You blow across a hole and use your fingers.

You pull a bow across the strings.

4. The main idea is the most important point an author makes

about a topic. What is the main idea of this passage? Circle
the answer.
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The piano is the best instrument for making music.

People make music with different instruments.

5. Point to the chart. What details does it show? Circle the answer.

the number of instruments in one school’s band

how to play the instruments in a school band

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 5 145
Pair students of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Main Idea and Key Details


Read the selection. Complete the Main Idea and Key

Details chart.

Main Idea

Detail Detail Detail

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146 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 5

Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you think about using sentences of
different lengths.

Draft Model
The musician gets her fiddle. She gets ready to play. She
tunes up the fiddle. She sets up her sheet music. She plays a
lively song.

1. Which sentences could you make longer?

2. Which sentences could you combine?

3. How can you make the sentences flow from one to the next?

B. Now revise the draft by writing sentences of different

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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point Grade 2
Unit 3 • Week 5 147
out cognates such as music/música. Pair children of different language abilities to complete
the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Text Feature


Warm Up to Sing
Singers warm up their voices. They do this before they
sing. Warming up stretches the voice muscles. Singers
can hum. They can blow air through their lips. They
can sing the scales, too. These are ways to warm up
the voice.

Warm-Up Exercise Humming Lips Scales

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Expository text gives facts about a topic. Circle the sentence

that helps you know this is expository text.
It gives facts about warming up to sing.

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It tells a story about a singer.

2. Look at the bar graph. What does it show? Circle the answer.
how many people sing at a concert
how much time singers spend on warm-up exercises

3. Look at the bar graph. How many minutes do singers spend


148 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Prefixes


To figure out a new word, look for a prefix, or word part, at the
beginning of the word.
The prefix re- means “again.”
The prefix un- means “not.”
The prefix dis- means “opposite of.”

Read each sentence. Work with a partner find each word with
a prefix. Underline the word. Then write the word and circle
the prefix.

1. The sound is discontinued when the strings stop moving.

2. Cover and uncover the finger holes using the keys.

3. There are an uneven number of valves.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Let’s review the instruments.

5. No one can disagree.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 5 149
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Making Music.” Think about how the author used

main idea and key details. Use the words and picture to
complete the sentences.

1. The main idea is

2. The author includes the key detail

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to support the main idea.

3. The author includes the chart to help explain

150 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 3 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.


Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

An owl hooting can
sound eerie.

There is a new
growth of plants in
the garden.

She made a cake

with three layers.

The lively music

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made us feel like


I think winter and

summer are the
best seasons.

Palm trees
can grow in a
temperate climate.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 1 151
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Silent Letters wr, kn, gn, mb, sc Prefixes/Suffixes


In some letter pairs, one of the letters is silent.

In wr, the w is silent as In kn, the k is silent as
in wrong. in know.
In gn, the g is silent as In mb, the b is silent as
in gnat. in crumb.
In sc, the c is silent as
in scene.

A. Read the words below. Underline the silent letter in each


1. sign 2. knife 3. wrap 4. lamb

• The prefix re- means “again.”

• The prefixes un- and dis- mean “not” or “opposite of.”
• The suffix -ful means “full of.”

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• The suffix -less means “without.”

B. Read the word. Circle the prefix or suffix in the word in

bold print. Then circle the meaning of the word.

5. unlike not like like again

6. hopeless full of hope without hope

7. useful not of use full of use

8. remix mix again opposite of mix

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the word choices.
152 Unit 4 • Week 1
Have partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word and ending
before having partners work together to write the new words.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the passage. Use the reread strategy to check your

understanding of new information or difficult facts.

In a Redwood Forest
A forest is land where trees grow close together. There
are different kinds of forests. One of the most amazing
forests is the redwood forest.

What Is a Redwood Tree?

Some of the tallest trees in the world are redwoods. A
redwood tree can grow over 300 feet tall. That’s as tall
as a 35-story building.
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 1 153

Comprehension and Fluency


Some of the oldest trees in the world are redwoods.

A redwood tree can live 2,000 years. These trees can
survive fire. They have thick bark. The bark keeps
them from burning.

Where Are Redwoods Found?

Redwood forests are not found every where. They only
grow in California. The California seacoast has fog
almost every day. The fog helps redwood trees grow. The
trees soak up water from the fog. The water goes right
into their leaves.

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People cut down many redwood trees in the past. Now
most redwood trees are protected in parks. People can’t
cut down trees in the parks. People can visit the parks to
see redwood trees.

154 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 1

Comprehension: Compare and Contrast and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. To compare, tell how things are alike. Point to the first

picture. How is a redwood tree like a 35-story building?
Circle the answer.

They are both found in cities.

They can both be 300 feet tall.

2. To contrast, tell how things are different. How is the life of a

redwood tree different from other trees? Circle the answer.

A redwood tree can grow in a forest.

A redwood tree can live 2,000 years.

3. People cut down redwood trees. When did this happen?

It happened in the past. It is happening now.

4. People protect redwood trees in parks. When did this happen?

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It happened in the past. It is happening now.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 1 155
Pair children of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Compare and Contrast


Read the selection. Complete the Compare and

Contrast chart.

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156 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 1

Writing Traits: Ideas


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the draft
to help you think about the topic and ideas connected to it.

Draft Model
The animals in New Mexico are very different than in Alaska.
We don’t have moose or caribou, but we do have black bears
and elk. The temperature is very hot in the summer. The
weather in the winter is very warm, too.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. Which ideas connect to the topic?

3. Which ideas do not tell about the topic?

B. Now revise the draft by deleting sentences that do not

connect to the topic. Add a new sentence that does connect
to the topic.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point out Grade 2
Unit 4 • Week 1 157
cognates: animal/animal, different/diferente, caribou/caribou, temperature/tempuratura. Have
partners complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud.
Genre/Text Feature


The Oasis of Mara

The Oasis of Mara is in the dry Mojave desert. The
oasis has water. The water comes from underground.
Plants can grow in the oasis. Native Americans lived
there in the past.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Expository text gives facts and information about a topic. Circle

the sentence that helps you know this is expository text.

It tells facts about an oasis.

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It tells a made-up story about an oasis.

2. What is the Oasis of Mara? Circle the answer.

a place in the desert that has water

a dry place that has sand

3. Look at the map. Write the two things the map shows.

158 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Compound Words


A compound word is a word made of two smaller words.

The compound word treetop is made of the words tree
and top.

Read each sentence. Write the underlined compound

word. Work with a partner to draw a line between the two
smaller words.

1. One of the most amazing forests is the redwood forest.

2. Redwood forests are not found everywhere.

3. The California seacoast is wet and that is what redwoods need.

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4. The water goes right into their leaves.

5. They can’t be cut down anymore.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 1 159
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “In a Redwood Forest.” Think about how the author

used comparing and contrasting. Use the words and pictures
to complete the sentences.

1. The author compares

2. This comparison helps me understand

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3. The author contrasts

160 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

He stays active by
playing basketball.

The fireworks
explode in the sky.

The boat takes

people to the

We get fruit at a
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local shop on our


The ice on the

pond is solid.

It is not easy to
walk up the steep

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 2 161
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
r-Controlled Vowels er, ir, ur, or/Inflectional Endings

The letters er, ir, ur, and or can stand for the same sound.
You can hear the sound as you say the words fern, third, burn,
and world.

A. Say each picture name. Circle the word that names each
picture. Write the word.

1. 2. 3.
fern girl turn worm herd nurse

Before adding -s, -es , -ed or -ing to some verbs with short
vowels, double the final consonant.

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Before adding -s, -es , -ed or -ing to some verbs with long
vowels ending in e, drop the final e.
Before adding -s, -es , -ed or -ing to some verbs ending in y,
change y to i.

B. Circle the word with the ending added correctly.

4. carry + es carryes carries

5. make + ing making makeing

6. slip + ed slipped sliped

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the word choices.
162 Unit 4 • Week 2
Have partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word and ending
before having partners work together to write the new words.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the reread strategy to check your

understanding of new information or difficult facts.


What Is a Tsunami?
Tsunamis are a set of ocean waves that rush over
land. The waves look like huge walls of water. They can
reach a height of over 100 feet tall!
Tsunamis have different causes. Sometimes an
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undersea earthquake shakes the ocean floor. Sometimes

there is an underwater landslide or volcano. These
things can cause tsunami waves. The waves head
for shore.

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 2 163

Comprehension and Fluency

At first, the tsunami waves may be just one foot high.

They extend deep down into the ocean. The waves move
closer to shore. Then the waves reach shallow water near
land. The water is less deep here. The waves slow down.
They squeeze together and they get higher. Then these
big waves hit the shore.

Damage from a Tsunami

Tsunamis cause lots of damage and harm. They
can hurt people. They can smash houses and knock
down trees.

Tsunami Warnings
There are systems that warn, or tell, people about
tsunamis. People find out the big waves are coming.
Then they move to higher ground. This keeps them safe
from the tsunamis.

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164 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 2

Comprehension: Cause and Effect and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. What is a tsunami? Circle the answer.

a big storm a huge ocean wave

2. A cause is an action that makes something happen. What is

one cause of a tsunami? Circle the answer.
an undersea earthquake huge walls of water

3. An effect is what happens because of an action. What is one

effect of a tsunami when it reaches land? Circle the answer.

It hurts people. The waves move fast.

4. People get a tsunami warning. What is the effect?

Circle the answer.

People listen for more warnings.

People go to higher ground.

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Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 2 165
Pair children of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Cause and Effect

Read the selection. Complete the Cause and Effect chart.

Cause Effect

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166 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 2

Writing Traits: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the
draft to help you add time-order words.

Draft Model
Some beaches have steep cliffs of rock. Waves crash into
the rock. Tiny pieces of rock wash away. The top of the cliff can
fall into the sea.

1. What happens first in the process of beach erosion? What

happens next?

2. What event happens last?

3. What time-order words can you add to make the order of events
more clear?

B. Now revise the draft by adding time-order words such

as first, next, after, and last to help readers understand the
order of events.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 2 167
meaning and point out the cognate, rock/roca. Have partners complete
the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Text Feature

An avalanche
is a snow slide.
A big chunk
of snow sits
at the top of
a mountain.
The snow breaks
loose. It slides down the slope. It moves fast.
It lands in a pile at the bottom of the mountain.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Expository text gives facts about a real event. Circle the

sentence that helps you know this selection is expository text.
It tells a story about a snowstorm.
It tells facts about an avalanche.

2. Why are the words avalanche, chunk, and slope in bold print?

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The words are subheads in the text.
The words point out important ideas.

3. A cause is what makes something happen. What is the cause

of an avalanche? Circle the answer.
A chunk of snow breaks loose on a mountain.
Snow melts on a mountain.

4. An effect is what happens. What is the effect of an avalanche?

Snow covers the top of the mountain.
Snow lands at the bottom of the mountain.
168 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues


Look at this example of context clues in a sentence. The

underlined words explain what height means.
The waves can reach a height of over 100 feet tall!

Read the sentences. Work with a partner to circle the

meaning of the word in bold print that makes sense.
Underline the context clues in the sentences that helped you.

1. Tsunamis are a set of ocean waves that rush over land.

waves that go from the ocean onto land

waves in the middle of the ocean

2. Sometimes an undersea earthquake shakes the ocean floor.

a storm above the Earth a shaking of the Earth

3. The waves extend deep down into the ocean.

to stretch out long to get smaller

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4. Then the waves reach shallow water near land. The water is
less deep here.

not deep very deep

5. Tsunamis cause lots of damage and harm. They can hurt

people. They can smash houses and knock down trees.

calm ruin

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 2 169
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Tsunamis.” Think about how the author used

cause and effect. Use the words and pictures to complete
the sentences.

1. One cause of tsunamis is

2. Another cause of tsunamis is

3. One effect of tsunamis is

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4. The author wrote this to help me understand

170 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

I wear a costume
when I dance.

His favorite toy is a


There are many

parades on the
Fourth of July.

She is surrounded
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by books in the

The plane travels

in the sky.

I wonder how birds

learn to fly.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 3 171
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
r-Controlled Vowels or, ore, oar, and ar/Irregular Plurals

The letters or, ore, and oar can make the same sound.
You can hear the sound in the words short, chore, and soar.
The letters ar can stand for the sound you hear in the
word arm.

A. Say each picture name. Circle the picture

name.Underline the letters that make the vowel sound.

1. 2. 3.
hard horn board born chore car

Some nouns change their spelling to name more than one,

as in man and men.

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B. Read each word in the first column. Draw a line from
each word to its plural form in the second column.
5. woman feet

6. mouse mice

7. foot teeth

8. tooth women

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the word choices.
172 Unit 4 • Week 3
Have partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word and ending
before having partners work together to write the new words.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the visualize strategy to form

pictures in your mind about what happens in the story.

Giving Thanks Two Times

It was a cool November day. The dim sun hung like

a nickel in the sky. My friend Riku and I were walking
home from school. I hugged my arms when I felt a
breeze as sharp as a knife.
We had studied Thanksgiving at school. We learned
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

about the early settlers. They had made a big feast to

give thanks for the harvest and for all they had.
I said, “My dad bought a turkey as big as a pillow.”
Riku said, “We’ll have a turkey, too. And we’ll
have rice!”

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 3 173

Comprehension and Fluency

Riku explained that his family was celebrating Labor

Day Thanksgiving. It was a holiday in Japan. He told
me that it was a harvest celebration, like American
I said, “Both holidays are in November, too!”
Riku told me that last year he had been in Japan

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for Labor Day Thanksgiving. He was visiting his
grandparents. He saw parades. He saw displays of fruits
and vegetables. They looked like rainbows.
Riku explained, “That was to give thanks for
good crops.”
I said, “You’re lucky. You can have two
Riku said, “Come to my house for Labor Day
Thanksgiving. Then you can have two Thanksgivings
174 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 3
Comprehension: Compare and Contrast and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. How many characters are in this story?
Circle the answer.

There are two characters. There are three characters.

2. To compare, tell how characters or events are alike. What is

one way that Thanksgiving and Labor Day Thanksgiving are
alike? Circle the answer.

They are summer holidays. They are harvest holidays.

3. To contrast, tell how characters or events are different. What

is one way that Thanksgiving and Labor Day Thanksgiving are
different? Circle the answer.

They are celebrated in different countries.

They are celebrated in different months.

4. What is one thing the children do on both Thanksgivings that is

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the same? Circle the answer.

They see parades. They eat turkey.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 3 175
Pair children of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Compare and Contrast

Read the selection. Complete the Compare and

Contrast chart.

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176 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 3

Writing Traits: Voice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you add words, descriptions, and
punctuation to show the writer’s feelings.

Draft Model
Dear Frank,
Last week I went to a Cinco de Mayo celebration. There
was music and dancing. Bands played Mexican music.
People wore costumes. There was even Mexican food.
Your friend,

1. How does the writer feel about the celebration?

2. What words might describe the music, dancing, and costumes?

3. Where can you add punctuation to show how the writer feels?
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B. Now revise the draft by adding words, descriptions,

and punctuation to show how the writer feels about the
Cinco de Mayo celebration.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 3 177
meaning and point out cognates: celebration/celebración, music/música.
Have partners complete the page and read the revised draft aloud.
Genre/Literary Element

Going to School
My name is
Alba. I go to
school in Mexico
and I study six
subjects. I learn
Spanish and
English. I buy food
for my lunch at
the school store.
Then I eat outside
with my friends.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Realistic fiction has made-up characters and events that could

be real. It can be written in the first person. Circle the sentence
that helps you know this text is realistic fiction.
It tells facts and information about Mexico.

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It tells a made-up story about a girl going to school.

2. The character who is telling the story is .

Circle the pair of words that show the story is written in the
first person.
study, buy my, I go, to

3. One event from the story that could happen in real life is

178 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Similes


A simile compares two unlike things. It uses the word like or

as to make the comparison.
The ice is as smooth as glass.

A. Work with a partner. Read the sentences. The author

compares two things. The first thing is underlined. Circle the
word like or as. Underline the second part of the comparison.

1. The dim sun hung like a nickel in the sky.

2. I hugged my arms when I felt a breeze as sharp as a knife.

3. I said, “My dad bought a turkey as big as a pillow.”

4. The displays of fruits and vegetables looked like rainbows.

B. Explain each simile. Circle the answer to complete each


5. The author compares a turkey to a big pillow because they are

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both .

the same size the same shape the same weight

6. The author compares fruits and vegetables to rainbows

because they are .

all round many colors found outside

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 3 179
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Giving Thanks Two Times.” Think about how the

author used comparing and contrasting. Use the words and
picture to complete the sentences.

1. The author compares and contrasts

2. They are alike because

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3. They are different because

180 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple
expamples. Pair students of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

He felt ashamed for
not sharing his toys
with his brother.

The girl will boast

about her prize.

Mom was late so

she had to dash
for the bus.

The children holler

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when the piñata


There is plenty of
fruit in the bowl.

It was a victory for

our team when we
won the game.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 4 181
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
r-Controlled Vowels eer, ere, ear/Abbreviations

The letters eer, ere, and ear can stand for the same sound.
Listen to the sound as you say the words steer, here,
and clear.

A. Read each word. Circle the word with the same vowel
sound as in steer. Write the word on the line.

1. cheap cheer charm

2. deer dart deal

3. neat north near

4. heel here herd

An abbreviation is a short way to write a word. It begins with

a capital letter and ends with a period.

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B. Circle the correct abbreviation for each
underlined word.

5. Doctor Stone 6. West Street

Mr. Dr. Ave. St.

7. Valley Road 8. Mister Lok

Rd. St. Dr. Mr.

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the word choices.
182 Unit 4 • Week 4
Have partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word and ending
before having partners work together to write the new words.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the visualize strategy to form

pictures in your mind about what happens in the play.

Coyote Brings Fire

Narrator Coyote Squirrel
Chipmunk Two Fire Beings

Narrator: Long ago, people did not have fire. Coyote

wanted to bring it to them.
(Coyote speaks to Squirrel and Chipmunk.)
Coyote: The Fire Beings have fire at their camp. I have
a plan to get fire. Will you help?
Squirrel: Is your plan doable? We’ll help if you tell us
what to do.
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Coyote: Follow me. Step quietly.

(The animals creep up to the Fire Beings’ camp. Coyote
grabs a stick of fire. He runs.)

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 4 183

Comprehension and Fluency

Chipmunk: Coyote, look out! The Fire Beings are

chasing you. Run quickly!
Squirrel: Coyote, toss the fire to me. I can catch it.
(Coyote tosses the fire to Squirrel.)
Coyote: Squirrel, you caught the fire with your tail. The
fire made your tail curl up over your back.
Chipmunk: Squirrel, toss the fire here to me.
(Squirrel tosses the fire to Chipmunk.)
Coyote: Chipmunk, watch out! A Fire Being is right
behind you.

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(The Fire Being scratched Chipmunk’s back..)
Coyote: Here comes another Fire Being. I am tossing the
fire gently onto Wood.
Narrator: Now Wood had fire. Coyote showed the
people a useful skill. He rubbed two sticks together. That
made fire. Now the people had fire.

184 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 4

Comprehension: Theme and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Coyote can’t get fire by himself. What does he do? Circle

the answer.

He asks the Fire Beings to share fire.

He asks the animals to help.

2. How do the animals make Coyote’s plan work? Circle

the answer.

The animals each do their part of the plan.

Each animal tries to work alone.

3. Point to the second picture. What does Coyote do in the end?

He loses the fire.

He shows people how to make fire.

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4. The theme is the main message of a text. What is the theme of

this story? Circle the answer.

Working together gets things done.

Give up when something is hard to do.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 4 185
Pair children of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Theme

Read the selection. Complete the Theme chart.





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186 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 4

Writing Traits: Ideas

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you add details about the characters’
experiences and thoughts.

Draft Model
Sun and Moon were friends. They were nice to each other.
Every day they had fun and did things together.

1. What might Sun and Moon think about being friends?

2. How might Sun and Moon be nice to each other?

3. What kind of fun might they have together? What are some
things they might do?

B. Now revise the draft by adding details that tell about

what Sun and Moon are like.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 4 187
meaning. Pair children of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Literary Element

Bear’s Stumpy Tail

Fox: Bear, you can catch fish with your tail. Put your
tail in this hole in the ice.
(Bear sits and puts his tail in the ice.)
Bear: My tail is cold. I’m getting up now.
(Bear gets up. His tail snaps off. Now he has a stumpy tail.)

Answer the questions about the text.

1. A drama is a play with parts for characters. A drama may have

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a lesson to be learned. Circle the sentence that helps you know
this text is a drama.
It is a play with two characters. It gives facts about two animals.

2. Bear puts his tail in the hole in the ice. Why does he do that?
Circle the answer.
He wants to catch fish. He wants to sit down.

3. Bear learns a lesson. What does he learn about Fox? Circle

the answer.
He can catch fish with his tail. He should not trust Fox.

188 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Root Words


A root word is a word to which other word parts are added.

Use the ending or suffix to figure out the meaning of the
whole word.
slowly = in a way that is slow
listened = heard sounds in the past

A. Read each sentence. Look at the underlined word. Work

with a partner to write the root word and the ending.

1. Step quietly.

2. The Fire Being scratched Chipmunk’s back.

3. Coyote showed the people a useful skill.

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B. Read each sentence. Circle the correct meaning for each

underlined word. Read your answer.

4. Is your plan doable?

do something again able to do something

5. Coyote grabs a stick of fire.

took something in the past takes something now

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 4 189
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Coyote Brings Fire.” Think about how the author

included a theme. Use the words and pictures to complete
the sentences.

1. Coyote wants to


2. So Coyote

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He does this with

3. The theme of the passage is

190 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple
expamples. Pair students of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them share answers with the group.


A. Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to read
each word and sentence. Then write a sentence
using each word in your writer’s notebook.

Word Context Sentence Illustration

I feel drops of rain
on my head.

The boy’s pale

shoes got very

B. Work with your partner. Read each direction. Do the

activity. Take turns.

1. Point to the picture that shows drops.

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2. Name things in your classroom that are pale.

3. Talk about weather with your partner. Use the words drops
and pale.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 4 • Week 5 191
children to identify cognates. Pair children of different abilities to write one or two sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
r-Controlled Vowels /âr/ are, air, ear, ere/ r-Controlled Vowel Syllables


The letters are, air, ear, and ere can stand for the vowel sound
you hear in air.

A. Circle the word with vowel sound in air. Write the word.

1. chair chime

2. where when

3. pear pail

4. bean bear

5. dare date

When a vowel or a pair of vowels is followed by the letter r, it

changes the vowel sound. The vowels and the r stay in the
same syllable.

B. Put the two syllables together. Write the word and Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

read it. Then match the word to the picture it names.

6. pitch er

7. re pair

8. tur tle

9. hair brush

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, read the word choices. Have partners practice saying
192 Unit 4 • Week 5
the words. For Structural Analysis, read the syllables. Point to and name the pictures. Then
have partners work together to write the words and match them to pictures.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the poem. Use the visualize strategy to form

pictures in your mind about what happens in the poem.

The First Skate

The temperature has been below freezing for days.
The pond is frozen now,
The ice is as smooth as glass.
I can ice skate outdoors
for the first time this winter.
I put on my skates,
Then I step onto the ice and push off.
Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot.
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 5 193

Comprehension and Fluency


I look up,
The sky curves like a blue bowl.
I look down,
Frozen bubbles under the ice look like crystal beads.
My cheeks turn as red as apples.
I skate round and round the pond,
Then one last time and I step off the ice.

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194 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 5

Comprehension: Theme and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. What is the girl doing? Circle

the answer.

She is putting on ice skates. She is making a snowman.

2. Where and when does the poem take place? Circle the answer.

at the ocean in summer on a frozen pond in winter

3. What does the girl do? Circle the answer.

She sleds down a hill. She ice skates on the pond.

4. Point to the second picture. Who is skating with the girl? Circle
the answer.

her father her sister

5. The theme is the main message of a poem. What is the theme

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of this poem? Circle the answer.

It is hard to ice skate. It is fun to ice skate.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the poem and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 5 195
Pair students of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Theme


Read the selection. Complete the Theme chart.




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196 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 5

Writing Traits: Word Choice


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you think about what sensory words
you can add.

Draft Model
A butterfly flies by.
Its wings are like bright jewels.
It stops at a flower.

1. How does the butterfly move?

2. How do its wings look?

3. What does the flower look like? How does it smell?

B. Now revise the draft by adding sensory words about

the butterfly and the flower.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point Grade 2
Unit 4 • Week 5 197
out cognates such as flower/flor. Pair children of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Literary Element


A Rainy Day
The rain is pouring, pouring down,
So I have to stay inside.
The rain is dripping, dripping slowly,
Will it rain all day?
The rain is stopping, stopping now,
I can play outside!

Answer the questions about the text.

1. A poem tells a poet’s thoughts and often has repeated words.

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Circle the sentence that helps you know this is a poem.
It has a question. It has repeated words.

2. Write the three words that are repeated in the poem.

3. Why do you think the poet uses repeated words? Circle

the answer.
to tell how the rain moves to make the poem longer

198 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the poem and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Simile


A simile compares two different things using the words

like or as.

A. Read the lines from the poem. The author compares two
things. The first thing is underlined. Work with a partner
to find what the author compares the underlined word to.
Circle it.

1. The ice is as smooth as glass.

2. The sky curves like a blue bowl.

3. Frozen bubbles under the ice look like crystal beads.

4. My cheeks turn as red as apples.

B. Work with a partner. Explain each simile. Circle the answer

to complete each sentence.

5. The author compares the ice to glass because they are

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both .
sharp smooth soft

6. The author compares the girl’s cheeks to apples because

they are both .

red tiny bumpy

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 5 199
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “The First Skate.” Think about how the author

included a theme. Use the words and picture to complete the

1. The poem takes place at

in the season of .

2. The girl feels

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about ice skating.

3. The theme of the poem is

200 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 4 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

The champion won
the race and got a

I determined it
would rain when I
saw dark clouds.

The doctor talks

about health

We keep our
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promises to help
with the chores.

Dad volunteered to
help with our field

Our teacher
counted votes for
class leader.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 5 • Week 1 201
children to identify cognates. Pair children of different language abilities to write one or two
sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Diphthongs ou, ow /Irregular Plurals

Two letters blended together can stand for one vowel

sound. The letters ou and ow can stand for the vowel
sound in south and down.

A. Circle the word that names each picture.

1. 2. 3.

mouse mop ox owl cone cloud

Some nouns have special plural forms. They change their

spelling to name more than one.

B. Read each word in the first column. Draw a line from each
word to its plural form in the second column. Read the word

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in the second column.

4. mouse children

5. deer men

6. child deer

7. man mice

202 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read
the word choices. Have partners practice saying the words. For Structural
Analysis, read the words in each column. Have partners complete the activity.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the summarize strategy to tell the

important events in your own words.

The Lost Kitten

My friend Cora and I saw a sign on our street.
The sign had a photo of a kitten and the words, LOST
KITTEN. Please call Sally at 555-0505 if you find my
kitten, Boots.
Cora said sadly, “Sally is our neighbor, Pam. Her new
kitten is missing. I wish we could do something.”
I said, “It’s not hopeless. We can ask our neighbors for
help. We can all look for Boots.”
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 1 203

Comprehension and Fluency

We went to see Sally. She said, “I was careless. I left

the back door open. Boots ran out and now he is gone.”
I said, “Don’t worry. We have a plan to help. Come
with us.”
We went to Mrs. Lowe’s house. She listened to our
plan. Then she said, “It’s very thoughtful of you to
help Sally. I’ll help search for Boots too.” She joined our
group. Other the neighbors joined too.
Cora and I started looking. We called loudly, “Boots!”
Then we heard a soft mewing sound. Boots was hiding

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under a bush. I held out my hand and softly called
Boots’s name. He came right to me and I picked up the
tiny kitten.
Sally was thankful that we found Boots. She said,
“The neighborhood search plan worked. Thank you,

204 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 1

Comprehension: Point of View and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer

the questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. How do the girls find out about the
missing kitten? Circle the answer.

They see a sign. They hear it on TV.

2. To figure out a character’s point of view, look for clues. How

does Cora feel about the missing kitten? Circle the answer.

Cora feels excited and glad. Cora feels sad and upset.

3. How does the narrator feel? Circle the answer.

She has hope that they She doesn’t want to look

can find the kitten. for the kitten.

4. How does Sally feel when her kitten is found? Circle

the answer.

Sally feels happy and thankful. Sally feels tired and bored.
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5. Point to the second picture. Why is Sally smiling? Circle

the answer.

She is worried about her kitten. She has her kitten back.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Pair Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 1 205
students of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Point of View

Read the selection. Complete the Point of View chart.

Character Clue Point of View

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206 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 1

Writing Traits: Ideas

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the
draft to help you add descriptive details.

Draft Model
Our class helped at the park. We planted a lot of things.
I used a shovel to dig holes for trees. Other kids helped, too.
The park looked great at the end of the day.

1. What kind of class is helping in the park?

2. What does the park look like?

3. What details might describe the kinds of things the class

planted? What details might tell how the park looks at the
end of the day?

B. Now revise the draft by adding descriptive details that help

readers learn more about the characters, setting, and events.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 1 207
meaning and point out cognates: class/clase, park/parque. Have partners
complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Literary Element

Reading Volunteers
My name is Derek. I’m in the second grade. All the
children in my class know how to read. We visit Ms.
Snow’s first-grade class every Friday. I sit with Jack and
help him practice reading. It feels good to help others.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Realistic fiction has made-up characters and events that could

be real. It can be written in the first person. Circle the sentence
that helps you know this text is realistic fiction.

It tells facts about how It tells a made-up story about

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to read. two boys reading together.

2. The character who is telling the story is .

Circle the pair of words that show the story is written in
the first person.

my, I all, every we, him

3. Derek helps Jack practice reading. How do you think Derek

feels about that?

Derek enjoys helping Jack. Derek doesn’t want to help Jack.

208 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Suffixes


To figure out a new word, look for a suffix, or word part,

added to the end of the word.
-ly = “in a way that is” loudly (in a way that is loud)
-ful = “full of” thankful (full of thanks)
-less = “without” harmless (without harm)

Read each sentence with a partner. Circle the suffix in the

underlined word. Then write the word and read it.

1. Cora said sadly, “Sally is our neighbor, Pam.”

2. I said, “It’s not hopeless.”

3. Sally said, “I was careless.”

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4. It’s very thoughtful of you to help Sally.

5. We called loudly, “Boots!”

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 1 209
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “The Lost Kitten.” Think about how the author used
point of view. Use the words and picture to complete the

1. Cora’s point of view is

2. The narrator’s point of view is

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3. The author uses different points of view to show that

210 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

The funny pictures
in the book
amused the boy.

I describe a book
to my class.

We were
entertained at the
puppet show.

I use my
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imagination to tell

We had to be
patient waiting in

I like to rest in a
peaceful place.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 2 211
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Diphthongs oy, oi/Consonant + le

Two letters blended together can stand for one vowel

sound. The letters oy and oi can stand for the vowel sound
in boy and foil.

A. Say and circle the word that names each picture.

1. coins card 2. boy box

3. toast toy 4. point pond

When a word ends in -le, the consonant before it plus

the letters le form the last syllable. This sound in an end

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syllable can also be spelled -al or -el.

B. Read each syllable. Put the syllables together to write the

word. Read the whole word aloud.

5. tum ble 6. tun nel

7. pud dle 8. to tal

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the word choices.
212 Unit 5 • Week 2
Have partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word before
having partners work together to complete the activity.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the summarize strategy to tell the

important events in your own words.

The Class Play

Mr. Webb’s class was going to put on a play. They
would act out “Henny Penny.”
Mr. Webb said, “Everyone will have a job to do.”
The class read the play. Luz said, “I’ll play the part of
Henny Penny. That’s the most important part.”
Jade said, “No, I want to play that part.”
Stacy said, “I think I would be the best Henny Penny.”
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 2 213

Comprehension and Fluency

Mr. Webb spoke up. He did not want the talk to

get out of hand. “We will have a try-out. I will be
the judge.”
Mr. Webb told the children to practice the lines.
Then he would decide who would play each part.
The class agreed that this was fair. They needed to
pull together. Then they could put on a great play.
Luz made up her mind to play Henny Penny. She
practiced her lines. She knew the lines by heart.

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It was the day of the try-out. Three children read the
part of Henny Penny. Other children tried out for other
parts. At the end, Mr. Webb said, “Luz, you will play
Henny Penny. Here are the other parts and jobs.”
The class worked hard. The play was a big hit!

214 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 2

Comprehension: Point of View and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer

the questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. Where are the children?

Circle the answer.

at home at school

2. To figure out a character’s point of view, look for clues.

How does Luz feel about the part of Henny Penny?
Circle the answer.

Luz thinks she should play Luz does not want to play
Henny Penny. Henny Penny.

3. How does Stacy feel about the part of Henny Penny?

Circle the answer.

Stacy thinks Luz should Stacy thinks she will be

play the part. best for the part.

4. How does Mr. Webb feel about who should play Henny Penny?
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Circle the answer.

Mr. Webb wants to put Mr. Webb wants to have

on a different play. a try-out.

5. Point to the second picture. How does Luz practice her lines?
Circle the answer.

She reads the lines from She says the lines to

a paper. her mother.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Pair Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 2 215
students of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Point of View

Read the selection. Complete the Point of View chart.

Character Clue Point of View

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216 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 2

Writing Traits: Sentence Fluency

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the
draft to help you use sentences of different lengths.

Draft Model
Jake had to do a project. It was for science. He and his
friends worked together. It made the work go faster. They built
a toy rocket ship. Soon they were done.

1. Which sentences could you make longer?

2. Which sentences could you combine?

3. How can you make the sentences flow from one to the next?

B. Now revise the draft by writing sentences of different

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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 2 217
meaning and point out cognates: project/proyecto, science/ciencia. Have
partners complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud.
Genre/Literary Element

Sharing the Class Pet

Marta’s class has a pet rabbit.
Everyone wants to take the rabbit home
on Friday. Mrs. Jones writes the children’s
names on papers. She mixes up the
papers. She will pick a name and that
child will take the rabbit home today.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Fiction has made-up characters and events. It has a beginning,

middle, and end. It often has a problem and a solution. What
is one thing that helps you know this text is fiction? Circle the

It is a made-up story about It tells how to take care

a class pet. of a rabbit.

2. A problem is something that is difficult or hard to figure out.

What is the problem in this story? Circle the answer.

The rabbit does not have All the children want to take Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

a name. the rabbit home.

3. A solution is a way to fix a problem. What is the solution in this

story? Circle the answer.

Marta takes the rabbit Mrs. Jones chooses a child

home on Friday. to take the rabbit home.

218 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Idioms


An idiom is a word or a phrase that has a different meaning

than the real meaning of the words.
Our plans for camping fell through. (did not work out)

Read the sentences. Look at the idiom in bold print. Work

with a partner to figure out the meaning. Circle the meaning
of each idiom. Read your answer.

1. He did not want the talk to get out of hand.

inside the classroom out of control

2. They needed to pull together. Then they could put on

a great play.

waited in line worked as a team

3. Luz made up her mind to play Henny Penny.

understood decided
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4. She practiced her lines. She knew the lines by heart.

memorized the lines forgot the lines

5. The play was a big hit!

was a success was very long

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 2 219
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “The Class Play.” Think about how the author used
point of view. Use the words and pictures to complete the

1. Luz’s point of view is

2. Jade and Stacy each have the point of view that

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3. The author uses different points of view so readers understand


220 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

We agree that
dancing is fun!

This big puzzle

is challenging to

The boy has an

interest in horses.

The woman
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will perform by

We study math in

I succeed in flying
my kite.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 3 221
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or
draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Variant Vowels/Contractions with not

The letters oo, u_e, u, ew, ue, and ui can stand for the
vowel sound you hear in the words moon, tune, flu, chew,
blue, and suit. The letters oo, ou, and u can also stand for
the vowel sound you hear in look, would, and push.

A. Say each word in the box below. Circle the word if it has
the same vowel sound as blue. Underline the word if it has
the same vowel sound as look.

flute push pool

wood suit book

A contraction is a short way to write two words. The

apostrophe takes the place of the letter o in the word not.

B. Replace the crossed out letter with an apostrophe (’). Write

the contraction. Read the contraction.

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1. should nøt 2. would nøt

3. could nøt 4. are nøt

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the words. Have
222 Unit 5 • Week 3
partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read the pairs of words before
having partners work together to write the contractions.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the summarize strategy to tell the

important events in your own words.

Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell

Today many women are doctors. Long ago, only
men could be doctors. Elizabeth Blackwell changed that.
Early Life
Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821. Her
family moved to America when Elizabeth was eleven.
Elizabeth grew up. She became a teacher. Many women
had careers as teachers at that time. That was their job.
Becoming a Doctor
Then one of Elizabeth’s friends got very ill. The sick
friend wished her doctor had been a woman. Elizabeth
made a plan to become a doctor.
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Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 3 223

Comprehension and Fluency

Elizabeth Blackwell went to Geneva Medical College in

Geneva, New York.

Men doctors told Elizabeth that women could not go

to medical school. Elizabeth did not agree with or
accept that. She kept looking for a school that would
take her.
At last, Elizabeth went to a school in New York. She

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studied and learned medicine. She became the first
woman doctor in America. The year was 1849.
Elizabeth opened her own medical office in New York
Hobart and William Smith Colleges Archives and Special Collections

City. She and two other doctors took care of sick women
and children. They ran a school to train and teach other
women as doctors.
Elizabeth Blackwell helped people her whole life.
Many women became doctors because of her.

224 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 3

Comprehension: Sequence and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer

the questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. How do you know Elizabeth Blackwell

lived long ago? Circle the answer.

She is sitting down. She is wearing old-fashioned


2. Think about the events in Elizabeth Blackwell’s life. What event

happened first? Find the sentence in the text and write it.

3. What event happened when Elizabeth was eleven? Find the

sentence in the text and write it.
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4. What happened last? Find the sentence in the text and write it.

5. Point to the second picture. Where was Geneva Medical

College? Circle the answer.

It was in Geneva, New York. It was in Austin, Texas.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Pair Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 3 225
students of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Sequence

Read the selection. Complete the Sequence chart.





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226 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 3

Writing Traits: Organization

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the
draft to help you think about the correct sequence of events.

Draft Model
Doug grew up in the city. When Doug got older, he helped
out at the library. Today he helps students with their reading. He
liked to read when he was a boy.

1. What happens first in Doug’s life?

2. What happens next?

3. What does Doug do today?

B. Now revise the draft by including events in the correct

sequence in which they happened in Doug’s life.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 3 227
meaning. Pair children of different language abilities to complete the
page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Text Feature

Jesse Owens
Jesse Owens joined the track team in junior high
school. He set records in running. Jesse won races in
the Olympics. He was just 22 years old. He showed that
everyone can do great things.

1913 1928 1936 1976

Jesse Owens His athletic career He wins 4 He wins the U.S
is born began during Olympic Medal of Freedo
junior high school gold medals

Circle the answer the questions about the text.

1. A biography is a true story about a person written by another

person. What helps you know this text is a biography?

It is a true story about It is a made-up story about

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a real person. running races.

2. Why are the words records and Olympics in bold print?

The words are captions The words point out important

in the text. ideas.

3. Look at the timeline. What does the timeline help you learn?

It shows the running It shows events in Jesse’s life.

records that Jesse set.

228 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Synonyms


Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning.

Shout and yell are synonyms.

Read the sentences with a partner. Find a synonym for the

underlined word. Write the two synonyms on the lines. Then
read them.

1. Many women had careers as teachers at that time. That was

their job.

2. Then one of Elizabeth’s friends got very ill. The sick friend
wished her doctor had been a woman.

3. Elizabeth did not agree with or accept that.

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4. She studied and learned medicine.

5. They ran a school to train and teach other women as doctors.

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 3 229
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell.” Think about how the author

used sequence. Use the words and pictures to complete the

1. The first event the author writes about is

2. One of the next events the author writes about is

3. The last event the author writes about is

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. Reading the events in sequence helps me

230 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

He is curious
about the

She will climb that

mountain in the

An elephant is an
enormous animal.

She holds the

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baby gently.

He proudly shows
off his rabbit.

I rarely have ice

cream so it is a
real treat.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 4 231
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or
draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
a, aw, au, augh, al, ough /Vowel Team Syllables

The letters a, aw, au, augh, al, and ough can stand for
the vowel sound you hear in call, dawn, sauce, caught,
salt, and thought.

A. Read the words in each row. Circle the word with the vowel
sound you hear in tall. Write the word on the line.

1. sauce sail sleep

2. badge ball best

3. watch walk weight

4. tape treat taught

5. paw prey peek

In a long word, the letters that make up a vowel team stay

together in the same syllable.

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B. Put the two syllables together. Write the word and read it.

6. en + joy = 7. weath + er =

8. be + cause = 9. tooth + paste =

232 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, read the words in each row. Have
partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read the
syllables. Then have partners work together to write the words.
Comprehension and Fluency

Read the passage. Use the make predictions strategy to tell

what you think might happen next.

The Recycling Contest

Ms. Hines was the principal at Grover School. She saw
lots of paper being thrown away. She had a meeting.
She talked about recycling.
Ms. Hines said, “Let’s help save the Earth. We can all
make a difference.”
Ms. Hines continued to watch the students. They were
not recycling! So Ms. Hines made another plan.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 4 233

Comprehension and Fluency

She said, “Our school will have a contest. The class

that recycles the most paper will win a prize. The contest
begins tomorrow. You have one week.”
Eric said, “Our class can win.” He was in
second grade.
Mrs. Park, his teacher, said, “Let’s try our best.”
Ms. Hines gave each class a recycling bin. She made
a big wall chart. She kept track of the paper that
was recycled.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Eric was good at recycling. He would tell his
classmates, “Put that paper in the bin.” He never forgot
to recycle.
One week went by. Ms. Hines had another meeting.
Eric’s class had won the contest!
Ms. Hines said, “You get an extra ten minutes at
recess for one week. Enjoy the Earth you are helping
to save!”

234 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 4

Comprehension: Problem and Solution and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer

the questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. How does Ms. Hines feel about what
the girl is doing? Circle the answer.

She doesn’t care about it. She is unhappy about it.

2. The problem is described at the beginning of the story. What is

the problem at Grover School? Circle the answer.

The students are throwing The students are always late

away too much paper. for school.

3. Ms. Hines takes steps find a solution. What two steps does Ms.
Hines take? Circle the answer.

She stops using paper and She talks about recycling and
uses the computer. has a contest.

4. What is the solution to the problem? Circle the answer.

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The students bring paper The contest helps the

from home. students recycle.

5. Point to the second picture. Where does Eric put the paper?
Circle the answer.

in the recycling bin in his desk

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Pair Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 4 235
students of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Problem and Solution

Read the selection. Complete the Problem and

Solution chart.


Steps to Solution

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236 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 4

Writing Traits: Word Choice

A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the
draft to help you add linking words to connect ideas.

Draft Model
My family and I went to the park for a picnic. We sat in one
area. We were not happy. People had left a lot of trash there.
We moved to another area. We were happy there. People had
cleaned up their trash.

1. Why does the family move from the first place?

2. Why is the family happy with where they moved to?

3. What are some words you can use to show how ideas
are connected?

B. Now revise the draft by adding words that connect ideas

and help readers understand why things happen.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 4 237
meaning and point out cognates: family/familia, park/parque. Have
partners complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud.
Genre/Literary Element

Let’s Ride!
Mom said, “Let’s drive to
the park.”
Joan said, “We can hurt
the Earth if we drive. Let’s
ride our bikes instead.”
Mom liked the idea. It was a way to protect the Earth.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Fiction has made-up characters and events. It may have a

problem and a solution and dialogue. What is one thing that
helps you know this text is fiction? Circle the answer.

It gives facts about It tells a made-up story about

riding bikes. going to the park.

2. Dialogue is the words that characters say. Write Mom’s dialogue.

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3. A problem is something that is difficult or hard to figure out.
What is the problem in this story? Circle the answer.

Driving in a car can hurt The park is too far away to ride
the Earth. bikes there.

4. A solution fixes a problem. What is the solution? Circle the


Mom and Joan ride bikes Mom and Joan don’t go

to the park. to the park.
238 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Homophones


Homophones are words that sound the same but have

different spellings and meanings. No and know are

Read each sentence with a partner. Circle the meaning

of the homophone in bold print.

1. They were not recycling!

in no way where two things are tied together

2. You have one week.

finished in first place the number before two

3. So Ms. Hines made another plan.

helper created

4. One week went by.

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seven days not strong

5. He would tell his classmates, “Put that paper in the bin.”

be able to from a tree

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 4 239
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “The Recycling Contest.” Think about how the author

used problem and solution. Use the words and pictures to
complete the sentences.

1. The problem that the author presents is

2. One step to the solution is

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3. The solution is

240 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.


Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

“Wow!” the girl
exclaimed when
she saw her gift.

We finally finished
the big art project.

They learn about

history at the

Everyone can use

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the public park.


The neighbors
united to clean up

These writers write


Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 5 • Week 5 241
children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences, or draw pictures, to illustrate
the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Short Vowel Digraphs /e/ ea; /u/ ou; /i/ y/Alphabetical Order


The letters ea can stand for the vowel sound you hear in bread.
The letters ou can stand for the vowel sound you hear in touch.
The letter y can stand for the vowel sound you hear in myth.

A. Circle the word that tells about each picture.

1. 2.

yawn young bring bread

3. 4.

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thread three gnat gym

When two words begin with the same letter, you can look at the
second letter to put the words in alphabetical order.

B. Read each pair of words. Circle the word that comes

first in alphabetical order.

5. away ahead 6. patch purse

7. couple carton 8. bread bike

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, point to and name the pictures. Read the word choices.
242 Unit 5 • Week 5
Have partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word before
having partners decide on alphabetical order.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the passage. Use the make predictions strategy to

tell what you think you might read about.

Sports Rules
Rules are important in sports. They tell players what
they can and cannot do. All players must play by the
same rules.

Basketball Rules
Basketball is played with a ball. It is played on a
basketball court. Players score points by throwing the
ball through a basket.
There are rules for moving the ball. Players must
dribble the ball. That means they bounce the ball. They
may also pass the ball to a teammate. That means they
throw the ball. They may not hold the ball and run
with it.
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 5 243

Comprehension and Fluency


Number of Moving
Sport Scoring
Players the Ball
baseball 9 throw and hit cross home plate
for one run
basketball 5 dribble and shoot basket for
pass points

Baseball Rules
Baseball has different rules than basketball. The
pitcher throws the ball to the batter. The batter tries to
hit the ball with a bat. The batter gets three chances to
hit the ball. Sometimes the batter misses. This is called
a strike. The batter is out after three strikes. Then it is
another batter’s turn.
A batter who hits the ball runs around four bases.
The last base is home plate. The batter scores a run by
crossing home plate. The other team tries to tag the
batter with the ball. If they do, the batter is out. The
batter cannot score.

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Sports would be confusing without rules. No one
would know how to play. Rules make every player a
good sport!

244 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 5

Comprehension: Cause and Effect and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. Why is the girl wearing a uniform?

Circle the answer.

She is going to school. She is playing on a team.

2. A cause is what makes something happen. What is the cause

of scoring points in basketball? Circle the answer.

passing the ball to a teammate

throwing the ball through the basket

3. Point to the chart. How can you score one run in baseball?
Circle the answer.

cross home plate pitch the ball

4. An effect is what happens. What is the effect of a batter getting

three strikes in baseball? Circle the answer.
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The batter is out. The batter runs to home plate.

5. What would be the effect of sports without rules? Circle

the answer.

Players would win every game.

Players would be confused.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 5 245
Pair students of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Cause and Effect


Read the selection. Complete the Cause and

Effect chart.

Cause Effect

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246 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 5

Writing Traits: Voice


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you think about how to make the writing
more informal.

Draft Model
We have a great school because everyone follows the rules!
Here are some of the rules. Walk in the halls, don’t run. Respect
the teachers and other students. Enjoy learning every day.

1. Where could you use contractions?

2. Where could you add exclamations?

3. Which sentences could you change to make the writing sound

more like natural speaking?

B. Now revise the draft by using a more informal voice,

one that sounds like natural speaking.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point out Grade 2
Unit 5 • Week 5 247
cognates such as school/escuela, respect/respeto, students/estudiantes. Pair children of different
language abilities to complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Text Feature


Safety Rules
Wear a helmet when you ride a bike. Wear a helmet
and pads when you skateboard. Wear a seatbelt when
you ride in a car.

Activity Safety Equipment

bike ride


boat ride

car ride

Answer the questions about the text.

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1. Expository text gives facts about a topic. Circle the sentence
that helps you know this is expository text.
It tells a story about skateboarding.
It gives facts about safety rules.

2. Look at the chart. What does it show? Write the answer.

3. Write the activity for which you should wear a life jacket.

248 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Multiple-Meaning Words


Multiple-meaning words have more than one meaning. Use

other words in the sentence to figure out which meaning is
being used.

Read each sentence. Work with a partner to figure out the

meaning of the word in bold print. Circle the meaning of
the word.

1. All players must play by the same rules.

to take part in a sports game a story that is acted out

2. Players score points by throwing the ball through a basket.

a container with handles a hoop with a net

3. The pitcher throws the ball to the batter.

a container for holding water a player who throws a baseball

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4. The batter tries to hit the ball with a bat.

a stick used to hit a ball a small flying animal

5. Then it is another batter’s turn.

to spin around a chance to do something

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 5 249
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Sports Rules.” Think about how the author used

cause and effect. Use the words and picture to complete the

1. Rules in sports are important because

2. The effect of a player breaking a rule is

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3. The chart that the author includes is useful because it makes it

easy to

250 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 5 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.


Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

A rainbow
appeared after the

The farmer uses

a machine to pick
the crops.

The bird sat at the

edge of the cliff.

The sun looked

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golden in the sky.


The pages of the

book rustled as I
turned them.

The sun is shining

in his eyes.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 1 251
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Open Syllables and Closed Syllables/Compound Words


A syllable must always have a vowel. When a syllable ends

in a vowel, it is an open syllable and usually has a long
vowel sound, as in frozen, fro / zen. When a syllable ends in
a consonant, it is a closed syllable and usually has a short
vowel sound, as in kitten, kit / ten.

A. Read each syllable. Write the syllables as a word on the

line below. Read the word.

1. tick + et 2. pa + per

3. la + dy 4. pen + cil

A compound word is a word that is made up of two

smaller words.

B. Write a word from the box to make a compound word.

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Write the new word and read it.

set foot mail tub

5. bath + tub = bathtub

6. sun + =

7. + box =

8. + ball =

252 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, read the pairs of syllables. Have
children repeat. For Structural Analysis, read the words in the box and in
each item. Have partners work together to write the compound words.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the passage. Use the reread strategy to check your

understanding of story events.

The Contest of Athens

Long ago, the city of Athens needed a patron. The
people needed someone to watch over the city. Two
great beings wanted to be the patron. One was Poseidon
who ruled the seas. The other was Athena who had
great wisdom.
The king of Athens had to select one of these two. So
he asked each one for a gift. He said, “Your gift must be
valuable and useful for Athens.”
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 1 253

Comprehension and Fluency


Poseidon hit the ground with his spear, a blade with a

long handle. A well appeared in the ground and water
began to flow.
The king tasted the water. It was as salty as the sea.
The king said, “This is not a good gift for Athens!”
Then Athena hit the ground with her spear. She
buried an olive branch there in the ground. It made an
olive tree. The olive tree would give the people of Athens
food, oil, and wood.
The king was very happy with Athena’s gift. He said,
“Athena, you will be the patron of Athens.”

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Athena was pleased, but Poseidon felt mad about
losing the contest. He flooded the land with seawater.
Then he calmed down. He drained the floodwater away.

254 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 1

Comprehension: Theme and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. Where is Poseidon? Circle the answer.

in the sky in the sea

2. Point to the second picture. What was Athena’s gift to Athens?

Circle the answer.
an olive tree an eagle

3. Which gift did the king like? Circle the answer.

Poseidon’s well Athena’s olive tree

4. What did the king do after he saw the two gifts?

Circle the answer.

He asked Poseidon for He made Athena the

a new well. patron of Athens.

5. The theme is the main message of a text. What is the theme of

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

this myth? Circle the answer.

You will be rewarded if You shouldn’t give gifts

you help others. to a king.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Pair Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 1 255
students of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Theme


Read the selection. Complete the Theme chart.





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256 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 1

Writing Traits: Organization


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the
draft to help you write a strong opening.

Draft Model
Once there was a flower. It was in a forest. It needed rain.

1. What does the flower look like? How does it feel and appear?

2. What does the forest look like?

3. What problem might the flower have?

B. Now revise the draft by writing a strong opening that tells

about the character, the setting, and a problem.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 1 257
meaning and point out cognates such as flower/flor.Have partners
complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Literary Element


Clytie and Apollo

Apollo ruled the sun. Clytie watched Apollo move
across the sky for so long that she turned into a
sunflower. That is why sunflowers turn to the sun today.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. A myth is a made-up story that explains things in nature. Circle

the sentence that tells why this text is a myth.

It tells a story about how It tells facts about how

sunflowers came to be. to grow sunflowers.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2. Who is Apollo? Circle the answer.
the king of the sunflowers the ruler of the sun

3. What does Clytie do? Circle the answer.

She watches Apollo She meets Apollo

move across the sky. in the sky.

4. What does the myth explain about nature? Circle the answer.

It explains why sunflowers It explains why sunflowers

turn to the sun. are so tall.

258 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions.
Have children work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues


Look at this example of context clues in a sentence. The

underlined words help explain what select means.
The king of Athens had to select one of these two.

Read the sentences. Work with a partner to figure out the

meaning of the word in bold print. Circle the meaning. Underline
the context clues in the sentences that helped you.

1. Long ago, the city of Athens needed a patron. The people

needed someone to watch over the city.

a person who is a person who looks

mean to others after others

2. He said, “Your gift must be valuable and useful for Athens.”

something that something that

can be used is not important

3. Poseidon hit the ground with his spear, a blade with a long handle.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

a kind of weapon a kind of clothing

4. She buried an olive branch there in the ground.

gave a loud shout put in the ground

5. Athena was pleased, but Poseidon felt mad about losing the

unhappy happy

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 1 259
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “The Contest of Athens.” Think about how the author

used theme. Use the words and picture to complete the

1. When Poseidon gave his gift to Athens,


2. When Athena gave her gift to Athens,

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3. The theme of the passage is

260 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 1 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.


Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

A toaster runs on

A big truck uses a

lot of energy.

The river flows

under the bridge.

The horses haul

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the wagon.

I was silent
when we played

A mole lives

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 2 261
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
CVCe Syllables/Prefixes/Suffixes


A syllable that has the vowel consonant e pattern often has the
long vowel sound. In the word excite, the syllable cite has the
long i sound.

A. Read the words below. Then circle the vowel consonant e

syllable pattern in each word.

1. escape 2. ninety

3. outside 4. replace

A prefix is added to the beginning of a word. A suffix is added

to the end of a word.
Prefixes Suffixes
re- = “again” -ful = “full of”
un- and dis- = “not” or “opposite of” -less = “without”

B. Circle the meaning of the word in bold print to complete

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each sentence.

5. The word playful means _____.

full of play without play

6. The word unclean means _____.

not clean clean again

7. The word refill means _____.

not filled fill again

262 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, read the words. Have partners
practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read the sentences
and answer choices. Have partners complete the activity.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the passage. Use the reread strategy to check your

understanding of new information or difficult facts.

Ocean Energy
We use energy every day to do work. We use energy to
turn on a light, heat a home, and cook food. Energy can
come from coal, oil, gas, sun, or wind. One day, energy
might come from the ocean. The ocean is a big source of

Tidal Energy
The ocean has high and low tides. This means the
water rises and falls every twelve hours. This is tidal
energy. It can be used to make power.
The high tide flows in to shore. The water is trapped
behind a dam. At low tide, water behind the dam
is let out. The rushing water runs a machine that
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

makes electricity.

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 2 263

Comprehension and Fluency


Ocean Wave Energy

Moving ocean waves can run a machine built to
make power. The waves move up and down inside
the machine. They spin parts inside. The machine
makes electricity.

Heat Energy
The water temperature on the ocean’s surface is
warm. It is warmer than the water below. That’s because
the sun heats the water on top. The water deep below is
very cold.
This difference in temperature makes heat energy. A

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power plant uses this heat energy to make electricity.
The ocean is a big source of energy. Maybe one day
the ocean will power the world.

264 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 2

Comprehension: Author’s Purpose and Fluency


Reread the passage and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. Point to the first picture. How is energy being used?

Circle the answer.

Energy is being used Energy is being used

for cooking. for cleaning.

2. What does the author want you to know in the section called “Tidal
Energy?” Circle the answer.

how the tides can why the tides

make energy are so powerful

3. What does the author want you to know in the section called
“Heat Energy?” Circle the answer.

how hot and cold water how deep the ocean is

can make energy

4. The author’s purpose is the reason an author writes. What

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is the author’s purpose for writing this passage? Circle the


to give facts about to tell about different

energy from the ocean oceans around the world

5. Point to the second picture. Where does some of the ocean’s

energy come from? Circle the answer.

ocean animals ocean waves

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Pair Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 2 265
students of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Author’s Purpose


Read the selection. Complete the Author’s Purpose chart.

Clue Clue

Author’s Purpose

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266 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 2

Writing Traits: Word Choice


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the
draft to help you think about adding content words.

Draft Model
A radio needs something to make it work. It can run on
electricity. It can also run on a battery. Some radios have a sun
panel to charge the battery.

1. What content words can you add to tell about a radio?

2. What content words can you add to tell about electricity?

3. What content words can you add to tell about a battery?

B. Now revise the draft by adding content words that are

related to radios, electricity, and batteries.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point Grade 2
Unit 6 • Week 2 267
out cognates: radio/radio, electricity/electricidad, battery/batería, panel/panel. Have partners
complete the page and read the revised draft aloud.
Genre/Text Feature


Each Can Counts

Here’s a reason to recycle a can. The can be used to
make something new. New materials are not needed so
that saves energy. Recycle one can. The energy that is
saved may run a TV for three hours.

Recycle one can Less energy is used Saved energy runs a TV

Circle the correct answer to the questions about the text.

1. Expository text gives facts and information about a topic. Why is

this expository text?

It tells a made-up story It gives facts and information

about using cans. about recycling cans.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2. What is one reason to recycle cans?
It saves energy. It makes money.

3. Look at the diagram. What does the diagram show?

how many cans people how energy from a

recycle each year recycled can runs a TV

4. Read the first label. What action does the label tell about?

It tells how much It tells about

energy a TV uses. recycling one can.
268 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions.
Have children work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Paragraph Clues


Look at this example of context clues in a paragraph. The

underlined words help explain what energy means.
We use energy every day to do work. We use energy to turn
on a light, heat a home, and cook food.

Read each paragraph. Work with a partner to figure out

the meaning of the word in bold print. Circle the meaning.
Underline the context clues in the paragraph that helped you.

1. We use energy every day. We use energy to do work. Energy

can come form coal, oil, gas, sun, or wind. It might even come
from the ocean one day. The ocean is a big source of energy.

the place where the place where

something is used something comes from

2. The ocean has high and low tides. This means the water rises
and falls every twelve hours. This is tidal energy.

the rising and falling the place where the

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of ocean water ocean meets the land

3. Moving ocean waves can run a machine built to make power.

The waves move up and down inside the machine. They spin
the parts inside. The machine makes electricity.

the power to run things the name of a machine

4. The water temperature on the ocean’s surface is warm. It is

warmer than the water below.

the size of something the top part of something

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 2 269
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Ocean Energy.” Think about how the author used

author’s purpose. Use the words and picture to complete the

1. The author wrote the section called “Tidal Energy” to

2. The author wrote the section called “Ocean Wave Energy” to

3. The author wrote the section called “Heat Energy” to

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

4. The author’s purpose for writing this passage is to

270 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 2 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.


Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

It is important to
wear your seatbelt
to stay safe.

A computer is one
kind of machine.

I prepare for rain

by putting on a

Can you repair

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these broken

We had no school
as a result of the

The scientific
study found a new

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 3 271
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Consonant + le Syllables/Contractions/Possessives


When a word ends in a consonant plus -le, -el, or -al, the

consonant and the letters -le, -el, or -al often make the last
syllable in the word, as in nee|dle, ba|gel, and lo|cal.

A. Read each word. Divide the word into syllables. Write the
syllables on the lines.

1. little

2. final

3. paddle

4. nickel

5. middle

A contraction is used to combine two words. An apostrophe

takes the place of a missing letter or letters: do not = don’t.

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A possessive noun has an apostrophe and the letter s to show
ownership: Mom’s car.

B. Read the sentence. Circle the meaning of the underlined


6. I know you’ll have fun.

you will you could

272 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, read the words. Have partners
practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read the sentences
and answer choices. Have partners complete the activity.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the passage. Use the summarize strategy to tell

the important ideas in your own words.

An Antarctic Team
The Antarctic is an incredible place to explore. Teams
travel there to study the region. Each person on the
team has an important job.
One job is setting up a research station. This base
camp is where people live and work. Some team
members construct the camp’s buildings. Another job
is getting people to the camp. Pilots fly planes and
helicopters. They transpor t people and equipment
to the camp.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Courtesy of Keith Vanderlinde/National Science Foundation

A plane flies team members home from the camp.

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 3 273

Comprehension and Fluency


Team members work together to gather ice samples.

Scientists work as part of the team. Each scientist

conducts a different project. Some study the animals
and plants. Some study the climate and weather. Some
study the glaciers.
Other team members take care of buildings and
vehicles. Some people inspect the camp’s electric system.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

They make sure it is working.
A doctor and a nurse take care of sick team members.
Firefighters work to prevent fires.
Exploring the Antarctic takes a team. All the team
members must do the job they know best.
National Science Foundation

274 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 3

Comprehension: Main Idea and Key Details and Fluency


Reread the passage and answer the questions.

1. Point to the first picture. How can people get to the base camp?
Circle the answer.

They travel by bus. They travel by plane.

2. Key details tell about the main idea. What is a key detail about
team members at the base camp? Circle the answer.
They bring people They put up the
to the camp. camp’s buildings.

3. What is a key detail about team members who work as

scientists? Circle the answer.

They study animals They take care of

and plants. sick people.

4. Point to the second picture. What are these scientists studying?

Circle the answer.

They are taking ice samples. They are studying seals.

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5. The main idea is the most important point an author makes

about a topic. What is the main idea of the passage? Circle the

The Antarctic is It takes a team to

not worth exploring. explore the Antarctic.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Pair Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 3 275
students of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Main Idea and Key Details


Read the selection. Complete the Main Idea and Key

Details chart.

Main Idea

Detail Detail Detail

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276 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 3

Writing Traits: Ideas


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow the
draft to help you think about details you can add to support
the main idea.

Draft Model
Teamwork is important for jungle explorers. There are many
different jobs for team members. One team member reads
maps so that the other team members know where they are.

1. Why does the team need maps?

2. What other kinds of jobs might team members have?

3. What other details can you add to show why teamwork is


B. Now revise the draft by adding details that support and

explain the main idea of teamwork.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point Grade 2
Unit 6 • Week 3 277
out cognates: important/importante; explorers/exploradors, exploradoras; different/diferente;
map/mapa. Have partners complete the page and read the revised draft aloud.
Genre/Text Feature


A Baby Mammoth
A reindeer herder made a discovery. He found a
baby mammoth’s body. She was taken to a museum.
Scientists came from all over the world. They studied
the baby. She went to Japan. Scientists did tests. They
wanted to learn about the baby.

The baby
mammoth was
discovered in Peninsula

Circle the answer to the questions about the text.

1. Expository text gives facts about a topic. Why is this

expository text?

It gives facts about It tells a made-up story

a baby mammoth. about a mammoth family.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2. Scientists came from all over the world. What did they do?

They studied the They found the baby

baby mammoth. mammoth’s body.

3. Look at the map. What does the map help you learn?

how old the baby where the baby

mammoth was mammoth was found

278 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 3 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions.
Have children work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Greek and Latin Roots


You can figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words by looking

for word roots. Some English words have Greek or Latin
cred = to believe spect = to look
duc = to lead sta = to stand
port = to carry struct = to build

Read each sentence. Circle the word root in each bold print
word. Work with a partner to figure out the meaning of the
word. Circle the meaning.

1. The Antarctic is an incredible place to explore.

carry a long way hard to believe

2. One job is setting up a research station.

a place to stand as a base a leader of a team

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3. Some team members construct the camp’s buildings.

to look inside to build by putting parts


4. They transport people and equipment to the camp.

to carry from one to believe in one idea

place to another

5. Some people inspect the camp’s electric system.

to look over carefully to lead the way

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 3 279
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “An Antarctic Team.” Think about how the author

used text features to support the main idea. Use the words
and picture to complete the sentences.

1. The author includes to show

2. The author also includes as

a text feature. This text feature helps me understand

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3. The selection and the text features help me understand the

main idea that

280 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 3



Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to take
turns reading each word and sentence. Then
write a sentence using each word in your writer’s

Word Context Sentence Illustration

The man invented
a new medicine.

The cash register

adds up the prices
of things we buy.

The school keeps

a record of every

The town has

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a system for

Dad can find the

value of the car on
the computer.

This ring is worth a

lot of money.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 4 281
meaning. Ask children to identify cognates. Have partners write sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
Vowel Team Syllables/Comparative Endings -er, -est


Vowel teams such as ai, ay, oa, ow, oi, oy, oo, and ew can
help you read longer words with more than one syllable.

A. Read the words. Underline the vowel team in each word.

1. crayon 2. tower 3. balloon 4. birdhouse

The ending -er is added to an adjective to compare two nouns.

The ending -est is added to an adjective to compare more than
two nouns. Make these spelling changes before adding an
• words ending in y: change y to i
• words with final e: drop the final e
• words ending with a vowel and a consonant: double the final

B. Add the ending and write the new word. Read the new

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word with a partner.

5. close + est 6. funny + est

7. wet + er 8. brave + er

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, read each word. Have partners practice saying the
282 Unit 6 • Week 4
words. Point to and name the pictures. For Structural Analysis, read each word and ending.
Have partners work together to write the new words.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the passage. Use the summarize strategy to tell

the important ideas in your own words.

Make a Budget
You get some money, but you spend it all. Now there is
nothing left. How can you take control? You can make a
budget. It will help you manage your money. A budget
is a plan to keep track of money coming in and money
going out.

How do you get money? You might get an allowance.
You might earn money from a job. You might get money
as a gift. All the money you get is called income.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 4 283

Comprehension and Fluency


How do you spend money? You might buy food or
pay for travel. The money you have to spend is called

Spending Money
Subtract the expenses from the income. This amount
is money you can spend the way you want. You may not
have enough money left to buy what you want, though.
Then you can set a savings goal. Set aside a portion,
or part, of your money each time you get it. Keep saving

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until you reach your goal. Then you can buy what
you want.
Many people make a budget to manage their money.
You can make a budget, too. A budget will help you save
money. It will help you buy things you want.

284 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 4

Comprehension: Problem and Solution and Fluency


Reread the passage and answer the questions.

1. Point to the first picture. What job did the boy do to earn
money? Circle the answer.

He shoveled snow. He walked a dog.

2. The problem is described at the beginning of the passage.

What is the problem? Circle the answer.
You have no money left You don’t know how
after spending it all. much money you need.

3. What is one step to try to solve the problem? Circle the answer.

You can save You can ask a

some money. friend for money.

4. The solution is described at the end of the passage. What is the

solution to the problem?

You can get a job. You can make a budget.

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5. Point to the second picture. How is the girl saving money?

Circle the answer.

She is putting money She is giving money

in a bank. to her father.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the passage and read the questions. Pair Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 4 285
students of different language abilities to answer the questions. Have
them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Problem and Solution


Read the selection. Complete the Problem and

Solution chart.


Steps to Solution


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286 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 4

Writing Traits: Organization


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you think about a strong conclusion you
can add.

Draft Model
People can save money at a bank. They can get money from
the bank’s ATM. The bank can even help people pay their bills.

1. What is the topic of the writing?

2. What is the main idea?

3. What information could you include in a conclusion sentence?

B. Now revise the draft by writing a strong conclusion that

sums up the main idea.
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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 4 287
meaning and point out cognates: bank/banco, save/salvar, pay/pagar.
Have partners complete the page. Have them read the revised draft aloud.
Genre/Text Feature


How We Pay
Money Now
How do people pay for things? Now they pay with bills
and coins. That may change.
Future Money
People may not use
bills or coins in the
future. They may all
pay using a computer
or with a cell phone.

Answer the questions about the text.

1. Expository text gives facts about a topic. Circle the sentence

that tells why this is expository text.

It gives facts about how It tells a funny story

people pay for things. about kinds of money.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2. Read the first subheading. What is this section of text about?
Circle the answer.

It tells what people It tells how people

like to buy. pay now.

3. Read the second subheading. What is this section of text

about? Circle the answer.

It tells how people may It tells where people

pay in the future. go shopping.

288 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the passage and questions.
Have children work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Paragraph Clues


Look at this example of context clues in a paragraph. The

underlined words help explain what subtract means.
Subtract the expenses from the income. The amount that is
left is money you can spend on things you want.

Read each paragraph. Work with a partner to figure out

the meaning of the word in bold print. Circle the meaning.
Underline the context clues in the sentences that helped you.

1. You get some money, but you spend it all. Now there is nothing
left. How can you take control? You can make a budget. It will
help you manage your money. A budget is a plan to keep track
of money coming in and money going out.

to take charge of something to waste something

2. How do you get money? You might get an allowance. You

might earn money from a job. You might get money as a gift.
All the money you get is called income.
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

money that you get money in the bank

3. How do you spend money? You might buy food or pay for
travel. The money you have to spend is called expenses.

money that you count money that you spend

4. Then you can set a savings goal. Set aside a portion, or part,
of your money each time you get it. Keep saving until you reach
your goal. Then you can buy what you want.

the whole amount part of a larger amount

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 4 289
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Make a Budget.” Think about how the author used

problem and solution. Use the words and picture to complete
the sentences.

1. The problem that the author presents is

2. The solution that the author presents is

3. When the author explains the steps to the solution in sequence,

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it helps me understand

290 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 4 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.


A. Use the word chart to study this week’s

vocabulary words. Work with a partner to read
each word and sentence. Then write a sentence
using each word in your writer’s notebook.

Word Context Sentence Illustration

He wears
sunglasses in the
dazzling sunlight.

The clock shows

ten seconds.

B. Work with your partner. Read each direction. Do the

activity. Take turns.

1. Look at the picture of the boy. Point to the thing that is

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2. Point to the clock. Count 10 seconds. Count 30 seconds.

3. Talk with your partner about a time you played outside. Use the
words dazzling and seconds.

Beginning/Intermediate Review vocabulary. Use gestures to demonstrate meaning. Ask Grade 2

Unit 6 • Week 5 291
children to identify cognates. Pair children of different abilities to write one or two sentences,
or draw pictures, to illustrate the meaning of the newly acquired vocabulary.
r-Controlled Vowel Syllables /Three (or more) Syllable Words


When a vowel or a pair of vowels is followed by the letter r, it

changes the vowel sound. The vowels and the r stay in the
same syllable.

A. Put the two syllables together. Write the word and

read it. Then match the word to the picture it names.

1. cur tain

2. for ty

3. squir rel

4. mar ble

When you divide a longer word into syllables, each syllable

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

must have a vowel sound.

B. Read each word in bold print. Circle the example that

shows the word divided into syllables correctly.

5. gardener gar den er gard ene r

6. tablespoon table sp oon ta ble spoon

7. marketplace mar ket place marke tp lace

8. afternoon aftern oo n af ter noon

Grade 2 Beginning/Intermediate For Phonics, read the syllables. Point to and name the pictures. Have
292 Unit 6 • Week 5
partners practice saying the words. For Structural Analysis, read each word before having
partners work together to divide the word into syllables.
Comprehension and Fluency


Read the poem. Use the summarize strategy to retell the

poem in your own words.

Growing Up in One Day

If I could grow up in just one day,
How would I work to get my pay?
I could be a chef in a busy kitchen,
I’d have helpers to always pitch in.
If a diner’s stomach was a bottomless pit,
My cooks and I would never sit.
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Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 5 293

Comprehension and Fluency


I could be a firefighter in a truck,

Putting out fires and helping cats that are stuck.
My legs would be machines.
I would climb so fast.
I would bring the cat down. Safe at last.
I won’t grow up for quite awhile,
But I have some ideas that make me smile.

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294 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 5

Comprehension: Point of View and Fluency


Reread the poem and work with a partner to answer the

questions. Read the answers you choose.

1. The boy thinks about being a chef when he grows up. How
would he feel about being a chef? Circle the answer.

He would not like working in a kitchen.

He would like to cook for hungry diners.

2. Point to the first picture. What is one job the boy could do as a
chef? Circle the answer.

He could cut up vegetables. He could paint a picture.

3. The boy thinks about being a firefighter when he grows up. How
would he feel about being a firefighter? Circle the answer.

He would like to put out fires and save cats.

He would not like climbing trees.

4. Point to the second picture. Would the boy be afraid of going up

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high in a tree? Circle the answer.

Yes. He would stay on the ground.

No. He would climb a ladder.

5. How does the boy feel about growing up and doing a job? Circle
the answer.

He is not interested in doing jobs.

He thinks there are lots of interesting jobs.

Beginning/Intermediate Reread the poem and read the questions. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 5 295
Pair students of different language abilities to answer the questions.
Have them share answers with the group.
Comprehension: Point of View


Read the selection. Complete the Point of View chart.

Character Clue Point of View

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296 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 5

Writing Traits: Word Choice


A. Read the draft model. Use the questions that follow

the draft to help you think about how to make the writing
better by using strong words.

Draft Model
I paint the adventures in my mind.
I make pictures of every kind.

1. Where could you add strong adjectives?

2. Where could you add strong adverbs?

3. Which words could you replace with stronger words?

B. Now revise the draft by adding strong words.

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Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and the questions. Review meaning and point Grade 2
Unit 6 • Week 5 297
out cognates such as adventures/aventuras. Have partners complete the page. Have them
read the revised draft aloud to each other.
Genre/Literary Element


My Imagination
I dive with a whale into the sea,
I climb with a monkey up a tree.
I fly with an eagle and off we zoom,
I have adventures right here in my room.


Answer the questions about the text.

1. A poem has rhythm and sometimes rhyming words. Circle the

sentence that helps you know this is a poem.
It is about animals. It has rhyming words.

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

2. Write the two pairs of words at the end of the lines that rhyme.

3. What do rhyming words add to the poem? Circle the answer.

They make it fun to read the poem aloud.
They are the most important words in the poem.

298 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the poem and questions. Have children
work with partners to answer the questions.
Vocabulary Strategy: Metaphors


A metaphor compares two different things, but it does not

use the words like or as.

A. Read the lines. The author compares two things. The first
thing is underlined. Work with a partner to find what the
author compared the underlined words to. Circle it.

1. A diner’s stomach was a bottomless pit.

2. My legs would be machines, I would climb so fast.

3. His smile was sunlight that lit up the room.

4. The runner was lightning in the race.

B. Work with a partner. Explain each metaphor. Circle the

answer to complete each sentence.

5. The author compares a diner’s stomach to a bottomless pit

because they both .
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have plenty of room inside move in circles

6. The author compares the boy’s legs to machines because

they both .

need to rest work hard

Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and model the first item. Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 5 299
Have children work with partners of different language abilities to
complete the items.
Write About Reading: Write an Analysis


Reread “Growing Up in One Day.” Think about how the

author used point of view. Use the words and picture to
complete the sentences.

1. The boy feels that would be a good

job because

2. The boy feels that would be a good

job because

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3. The boy tells about different jobs because

300 Practice • Grade 2 • Unit 6 • Week 5 Beginning/Intermediate Read the directions and give simple examples.
Pair students of different language abilities to complete the page. Have
them share answers with the group.

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