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They are referring to understanding the way a boss best functions, and working in a way that

will be compatible with their style. This involves fostering a relationship with one’s boss to
better understand their strengths, weaknesses, and needs. It also involves realizing that an
Relationship with one’s boss will enable organizational goals to be met much more effectively
Some bosses are wired to prefer written reports, while some work better with oral reports.
Many bosses like to have their hands on every part of operations, while others are hands-off
and prefer to let their employees take charge of tasks. An employee that successfully manages a
boss will take proactive action to meet their boss’s needs. Employers seek loyalty and
dedication from their employees but sometimes fail to return their half of the equation,
leaving millennial workers feeling left behind and unsupported. Professional relationships are
built on trust and commitment, and working for a boss that supports you is vital to
professional and company success.

Employees who believe their company cares for them perform better. What value does an
employer place on you as an employee? Are you there to get the job done and go home? Are
you paid fairly, well-trained and confident in your job security? Do you work under good job
conditions? Do you receive constructive feedback, or do you feel demeaned or invisible?

When millennial employees feel supported by their boss, their happiness on the job soars —
and so does company success. Building a healthy relationship involves the efforts of both
parties — boss and employee — and the result not only improves company success, but also
the quality of policies, feedback and work culture.

When you’re first hired, you should get to know your company’s culture and closely watch
your boss as you learn the ropes. It’s best to clarify any questions you have instead of going
rogue on a project and ending up with a failed proposal for a valuable client.

Regardless of your boss’s communication style, speaking up on timely matters before

consequences are out of your control builds trust and establishes healthy communication.
Getting to know your boss begins with knowing how they move through the business day,
including their moods, how they prefer to communicate and their style of leadership:

Mood: Perhaps your boss needs their cup of coffee to start the day. If you see other
employees scurry away before the boss drains that cup of coffee, bide your time, too.
Communication: The boss’s communication style is also influenced by their mood. Don’t
wait too late to break important news. In-depth topics may be scheduled for a meeting
through a phone call or email to check in and show you respect your boss’s time.
In return, your time will be respected, too. Various communication styles best fit an
organization depending on its goals and culture, but provide both advantages and
disadvantages. Autocratic leaders assume total authority on decision-making without input or
Challenge from others. Participative leaders value the democratic input of team members, but
final decisions remain with the boss.

Autocratic leaders may be best equipped to handle emergency decisions over participative
leaders, depending on the situation and information received.

While the boss wields a position of power over employees, it’s important that leaders don’t
hold that over their employees’ heads. In the case of dissatisfaction at work, millennial
employees don’t carry the sole blame. Respect is mutually earned, and ultimately a healthy
relationship between leaders and employees betters the company and the budding careers of

In every organization, there is a hierarchy of management that keeps the organization

operation running smoothly. To keeps the organization running smoothly, manager is play an
important roles. Manager can be defined as someone who controls resources and
expenditures. There are many characteristic to be a good manager like being warmth and
competence, good teamwork skills, superior in communication skills, leading with
transparency and honesty, an expert in the field, accountability, cool under pressure and last
but not least lead by example.

First and important characteristic of being a good manager are warmth and competence.
Research from Harvard Business School found out that the best leaders or manager have two
unique qualities which are …show more content…

Being a manager means that you will need to have answers some question from either
employer, employee or customer. Being an expert in field can help you to understand your
industry and each role of the company so that you can answer the questions and perform your
work more effectively. Employee may not need industry knowledge, but a manager should
have …show more content…

Accountability is not only simply getting the job done but it is way more important than that.
A manager with strong accountability will take action and responsibility for their goals and
objectives. This quality also will make the rest of the team be accountable for their role and

Moreover being cool under pressure also is one of the characteristic of being a good manager.
When dealing with project, some projects might have problem. Some project would not be
delivered on time, over budget and with major obstacles to overcome. When manager
encounter these stressful problem, they will calm and consider it interesting and they will see
it as an opportunity rather than obstacle.
Furthermore, manager who is leading by example also is one of the important characteristic
of being good manager. Manager need to be able to manage himself and

The most important quality that differentiates a leader from other people is the ability to think

strategically. Vision is the most important aspect that drives a leader’s strategy. It is all about

where you want to be. Other qualities include Decision making, problem solving, time

management, self-motivation, emotional intelligence and many more. Once we know the type

of leadership, it is easy to find what leadership skills we have and which we need to develop

which is explained in the book “Leadership: Theory, application, skill development (5th ed.) by

Lussier and Achua.” Also, Keirsey Style Sorter personality type helps to knowing our

temperament type, and work on our weakness and to emerge out as a good leader. It’s hard to

define what leadership is, especially in one sentence, but I agree with you that leadership is the

action of leading others or an organization. I feel like it is when someone steps up and goes into

the unknown as well. It is also important to mention that it is never just one single person. To

be a successful leader I also agree that one needs to have certain characteristic and skills. A

leader needs to be able to simple lead, as you have stated. They need to direct and guide people

to fulfill shared goals. Communication is also another huge skill. A leader needs to be able to

clearly communicate, build relationships, motivate others, inspire others, and be a role model to

create a positive work environment and culture that will accept change and innovation in the

company. Leaders also need to show everyone how to behave, and they need to be honest,

show appreciation, and work towards a bright future. If a leader is not effective the whole

company can fall apart. Leadership is all about the relationship between those that aim and

strive to lead and those who select and follow them and work together on shared goals As an

individual who is aware of my own strengths and limitations I feel as if I able to help my

team/follower into recognizing their own as well. In order to motivate and inspire them I’ve

learned to use effective communication that is both realistic and positive.

I also believe that my gender, which is female plays a major part in my approach to leadership.

I realized that people trust in me more than my male coworkers because I’m more

understanding and sympathetic to my team’s life issues both on and off the job. Because of my

interpersonal relations with them, my team feel comfortable and confident, trusting in my

abilities as a sound leader that knows how and when to deal with confrontation and when I do

I’m going to be fair and more effective than other managers of a different genders within our

department. However, as a manager/leader, there comes a time when I have to make difficult

decisions, my personality, gender and upbringing has prepared me to do so in such a way that

I’m able to hold my team accountable while maintaining balance of authority, power and

sensitivity within the organization. In times such as these I feel that I use some aspects of the

transactional leadership because of this fact most organizations and entrepreneurs are paying

close attention the leaders they put in place to lead their company and its people into victory,

which is the ultimate goal of their organizations. It is a well-known fact that leadership is an

important factor in an organization’s success, but the type of leadership style and as well as the

leader’s personality is what really determines that level of success. In my research I have

concluded that the most important leadership styles are transformational and transactional
leadership. Transformational leadership has the potential to resurrect, transform and keep

companies evolving with time. Transactional leadership although can have some negative

effects on some, but if used properly, can promote compliance almost a stagnant team through

both rewards and punishments. When companies are pursuing leaders, they not only look at

their candidate’s experiences knowledge of a particular sector of that business, but they pay

close attention to the personalities of these individual. They do so because they know that one’s

leadership style and abilities is heavily affected by the candidates own personality and views. In

my one view being boss and leader has a different role when you will says I but a leader say

WE bosses are blinded by pride while leaders can really see

A good leader will always ask but a boss always command. A boss can point a finger but a

leader extends hands with this as a boss you will blame others on their mistakes but and leader

will not blame you but motivates you. A boss say GO but a leaders say Let’s GO. Leaders will

consider an idea but Boss say heck no boss will puts you down but leaders will push you up.

Leaders give love but bosses will use people abuse people. Leaders will improves people and

motivates people leaders has master the art of inspiration while bosses has mastered the art of

manipulation to take an advantages to others. A boss will get mad at go and scream like and

actress but leaders will treat you right and advice you what you need to do. Leaders are

compassionate and know the community comes first. Have you ever heard a boss? Instead of

world leader, religious leader, Community leaders, and business leader as an entrepreneur

someday you must the difference of boss and leaders as a leader you must save the world

someday by giving the quality and best needs individually. As a leaders you must consider

outcome and effects not only profit.

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