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Predictors of Pro-Environmental Behavior Among Kyrgyz Undergraduates: The Role of

Environmental Knowledge, Connectedness to Nature, Pro-Environmental Beliefs, and

Social Media Use

Course: Ecology

Instructor: Ian Canlas

Names: Erbol Sovetaly uulu, Aida Asanova

University of Central Asia, Naryn


Predictors of Pro-Environmental Behavior Among Kyrgyz Undergraduates: The Role of

Environmental Knowledge, Connectedness to Nature, Pro-Environmental Beliefs, and

Social Media Use


Environmental degradation poses a global threat to natural resources and human well-

being, necessitating the promotion of pro-environmental behaviors. University students play a

crucial role in shaping environmental attitudes and behaviors as future leaders and decision-

makers. Previous studies have identified environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, and

pro-environmental beliefs as significant predictors of pro-environmental behavior. However,

there is a lack of research on these predictors among Kyrgyz undergraduates. This study aims to

fill this gap by examining the role of environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-

environmental beliefs, and social media use in predicting pro-environmental behavior among

Kyrgyz undergraduates. The purpose of this study is to investigate the predictors of pro-

environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates and provide insights for designing

effective interventions and policies to promote sustainable behaviors. This study will employ a

quantitative research design using a cross-sectional survey method. Participants will complete an

online survey consisting of validated scales measuring environmental knowledge, connectedness

to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, social media use, and pro-environmental behavior. Data

will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlations, and multiple regression analysis. The

participants will be university students in Kyrgyzstan. The sample will be selected using

convenience sampling, recruiting participants from different universities across the country. The

inclusion criteria are being currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student in a Kyrgyz

university, aged 18 years or older, and able to read and write in Kyrgyz or Russian. The study

expects to find positive associations between environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature,

pro-environmental beliefs, social media use, and pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz

undergraduates. Higher levels of environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-

environmental beliefs, and social media use are hypothesized to be related to higher levels of

pro-environmental behavior. The findings of this study will contribute to the understanding of

the predictors of pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. The results can

inform the development of effective interventions and policies aimed at promoting

environmental conservation and protection in Kyrgyzstan.


Study background

Environmental degradation is a global concern that threatens the sustainability of natural

resources and the well-being of human societies. With growing environmental challenges, the

need for promoting pro-environmental behaviors has become increasingly important. University

students are considered a vital group in shaping environmental attitudes and behaviors as they

represent the future leaders and decision-makers in society. Therefore, understanding the

predictors of pro-environmental behavior among university students can contribute to designing

effective interventions to promote sustainable behaviors.

Numerous previous studies have examined predictors of pro-environmental behavior

among various populations. For instance, research has shown that environmental knowledge,

connectedness to nature, and pro-environmental beliefs are significant predictors of pro-

environmental behavior (Schultz, 2004). Environmental knowledge has been found to influence

individuals' attitudes and behaviors toward the environment. Individuals who possess more

accurate and comprehensive environmental knowledge are more likely to engage in pro-

environmental behavior than those who lack such knowledge (Nguyen, 2018). Connectedness to

nature has also been identified as an important predictor of pro-environmental behavior. People

who feel a strong emotional attachment to the natural world are more likely to engage in

behaviors that protect the environment (Mayer, 2004). This emotional attachment is believed to

promote a sense of responsibility and obligation to protect the environment. Furthermore, pro-

environmental beliefs have been found to significantly predict pro-environmental behavior.

People who strongly believe that environmental protection is important are more likely to engage

in pro-environmental behavior (Dunlap, 2000). Such beliefs are thought to be a result of an

individual's values, ethical principles, and social norms.

Problem statement

The aim of this study is to bridge the existing research gap by examining the factors that

influence pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. Although previous studies

have explored predictors of pro-environmental behavior in different contexts, there is a lack of

specific research addressing this topic among Kyrgyz undergraduates. By investigating the

impact of environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, and

social media use, this study seeks to provide valuable insights into the determinants of pro-

environmental behavior within this particular population. The findings from this research can

contribute to the development of targeted interventions and policies aimed at promoting

environmental conservation and protection in Kyrgyzstan, ensuring a sustainable future for both

the natural environment and human well-being.

Given the pressing global concern surrounding environmental degradation, this study is

motivated by the need to address the challenges posed by the depletion of natural resources and

its consequences for society. Recognizing that university students represent future leaders and

decision-makers, their attitudes and behaviors toward the environment hold substantial potential

for driving sustainable change. By focusing on Kyrgyz undergraduates, this study acknowledges

the significance of understanding the predictors of pro-environmental behavior within this

influential group. The insights derived from this research can inform the design and

implementation of effective interventions that target the specific factors identified, ultimately

fostering a culture of environmental consciousness and sustainable practices among Kyrgyz

university students.

Dependent and Independent Variables

Independent Variables:

Environmental Knowledge

 Conceptual definition: Environmental knowledge refers to an individual's understanding

of environmental issues and processes, such as climate change, ecosystems, and


 Operational definition: Environmental knowledge can be measured using a questionnaire

or survey that assesses an individual's knowledge of environmental topics through

multiple-choice or open-ended questions. For example, a question might ask about the

causes of global warming or the impact of deforestation on biodiversity.

Connectedness to Nature

 Conceptual definition: Connectedness to nature refers to an individual's sense of oneness

or emotional attachment to the natural world, including plants, animals, and landscapes.

 Operational definition: Connectedness to nature can be measured using a standardized

scale such as the Nature Relatedness Scale (NRS) (Mayer, 2004), which asks respondents

to rate their agreement with statements such as "I often feel a sense of unity with all of

nature" or "I frequently have a sense of oneness with the natural world".

Pro-Environmental Beliefs

 Conceptual definition: Pro-environmental beliefs refer to an individual's attitudes, values,

or ethical principles that support environmental protection and conservation.

 Operational definition: Pro-environmental beliefs can be measured using a scale or

questionnaire that assesses an individual's agreement with statements related to

environmental issues, such as "Protecting the environment is an important goal" or "We

need to take action to reduce our impact on the environment".

Social Media use

 Conceptual definition: Social media use refers to the extent to which an individual

engages with social networking sites or other online platforms to communicate, share

information, or interact with others.

 Operational definition: Social media use can be measured using a survey or self-report

measure that asks about the frequency and duration of social media use, as well as the

types of activities and interactions that occur online. For example, respondents might be

asked how often they use Facebook or Twitter, how much time they spend on social

media each day, and whether they use social media to share or learn about environmental


Dependent Variable:

Pro-environmental Behavior

 Conceptual Definition: The extent to which individuals engage in behaviors that are

consistent with the preservation and protection of the environment.

 Operational Definition: The self-reported frequency of engaging in pro-environmental

behaviors such as recycling, reducing waste, conserving energy, and using sustainable

transportation, measured through a Likert-type scale that assesses the frequency of

engaging in such behaviors.


“Environmental Knowledge, Connectedness to Nature, Pro-Environmental Beliefs, and

Social Media use will each be positively associated with Pro-Environmental Behavior among

Kyrgyz undergraduates”.

This hypothesis suggests that each of the four independent variables - Environmental

Knowledge, Connectedness to Nature, Pro-Environmental Beliefs, and Social Media use - will

be positively related to the dependent variable, Pro-Environmental Behavior. In other words,

higher levels of environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs,

and social media use are expected to be associated with higher levels of pro-environmental

behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates.



Research Design

The chosen research design for this study is a cross-sectional survey. Cross-sectional

surveys involve collecting data from a sample of individuals at a single point in time, allowing

researchers to examine relationships between variables and make inferences about the

population. In this study, data will be collected from university students in Kyrgyzstan through

an online survey. The survey will include questions related to environmental knowledge,

connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, social media use, and pro-environmental

behavior. The data collected will be analyzed to determine the relationships between these

variables and pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates.

The cross-sectional survey design is the most appropriate choice for this study for several


 Time and Cost Efficiency: Conducting a cross-sectional survey allows for

efficient data collection as it involves gathering information from participants at a

single point in time. This design reduces the need for longitudinal follow-ups,

which can be time-consuming and costly.

 Exploration of Relationships: The cross-sectional survey design allows

researchers to examine relationships between variables at a specific point in time.

In this study, it enables the investigation of the relationships between

environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs,

social media use, and pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates.


 Representativeness: By collecting data from a diverse sample of university

students across Kyrgyzstan, the cross-sectional survey design allows for a broader

representation of the target population. This enhances the generalizability of the

findings to the larger population of Kyrgyz undergraduates.

 Data Analysis: The collected data can be analyzed using statistical methods such

as correlations and multiple regression analysis. These analyses will help

determine the strength and significance of the relationships between the

independent variables (environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-

environmental beliefs, and social media use) and the dependent variable (pro-

environmental behavior).

 Accessibility: Conducting the survey online ensures easy accessibility for

participants and facilitates data collection from a geographically dispersed sample

of university students. Online surveys also offer convenience for participants,

potentially increasing response rates.

Locale of the study

Locale of the Study: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

The study on the impact of environmental education on pro-environmental behavior among

university students will be conducted in Bishkek, the capital city of Kyrgyzstan. Several factors

contribute to the choice of this locale:

 Relevance to Environmental Challenges: Bishkek, like other areas in Kyrgyzstan, faces

numerous environmental challenges, including air and water pollution, deforestation, and

climate change. By conducting the study in Bishkek, the researchers can directly address

the environmental concerns specific to the locale and provide insights into promoting

sustainable behaviors in the city.

 Representation of University Students: Bishkek is home to several universities and

educational institutions, making it an ideal locale to study university students. By

focusing on university students in Bishkek, the study captures a significant group of

individuals who can contribute to shaping environmental attitudes and behaviors in

Kyrgyzstan. As future leaders and decision-makers, understanding the predictors of pro-

environmental behavior among this group is essential for designing effective


 Lack of Research in Kyrgyzstan: The study aims to fill the research gap by specifically

examining the predictors of pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates.

While previous studies have explored predictors in various populations, there is limited

research in the context of Kyrgyzstan. By conducting the study in Bishkek, the

researchers can gather data from a representative sample of Kyrgyz university students

and contribute valuable insights to the existing literature.

 Potential for Intervention and Policy Development: The findings of the study can inform

the development of effective environmental education programs and policies in Bishkek

and Kyrgyzstan as a whole. By conducting the study in the locale where interventions are

intended to be implemented, the researchers can gather context-specific information and

tailor the interventions to the needs of the local university students.

 Contribution to Developing Country Context: Conducting research in a developing

country context, such as Kyrgyzstan, adds to the broader literature on pro-environmental

behavior and environmental education. It allows for a better understanding of the unique

challenges and opportunities in promoting sustainable behaviors in developing countries.

The study's findings can contribute to the knowledge base on sustainable development in

such contexts and potentially inform future studies and initiatives.


The participants of this study will be university students in Kyrgyzstan who meet the

inclusion criteria of being currently enrolled as full-time undergraduate students, aged 18 years

or older, and able to read and write in either Kyrgyz, Russian, or English. The study focuses on

this particular group for several reasons.

Firstly, university students are considered a vital group in shaping environmental

attitudes and behaviors as they represent the future leaders and decision-makers in society. By

understanding the predictors of pro-environmental behavior among university students,

interventions and policies can be designed to promote sustainable behaviors among this

influential group. The study aims to provide valuable insights into the factors that influence pro-

environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates, which can inform strategies to enhance

environmental conservation and protection in Kyrgyzstan.

Secondly, Kyrgyzstan is facing numerous environmental challenges, such as air and

water pollution, deforestation, and climate change. As a developing country, it is crucial to

address these challenges and promote pro-environmental behaviors to ensure the sustainability of

natural resources and the well-being of society. By focusing on university students, who are

likely to be future leaders and professionals, the study can contribute to efforts aimed at

sustainable development and environmental conservation in Kyrgyzstan.


Thirdly, there is a lack of research specifically examining the predictors of pro-

environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. While previous studies have explored

these predictors in various populations, the unique context of Kyrgyzstan and its university

students necessitates a specific investigation. By conducting this study, the researchers aim to fill

this gap in the literature and provide insights into the factors that influence pro-environmental

behavior in the Kyrgyz undergraduate population.

Lastly, the findings of this study can contribute to the broader literature on predictors of

pro-environmental behavior and environmental education, particularly in developing country

contexts. Understanding the effectiveness of environmental education in promoting pro-

environmental behavior among university students in Kyrgyzstan can provide valuable

knowledge applicable to similar contexts globally. This research can inform future studies and

initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable behaviors and environmental conservation among

university students in other developing countries facing similar environmental challenges.


To measure the variables of the study, several instruments will be used:

 New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) Scale: The NEP Scale assesses individuals'

ecological worldview and measures their level of agreement with statements

reflecting pro-environmental attitudes and beliefs. It has been widely used to

measure environmental concerns (Dunlap, 2000).

 The Connectedness to Nature Scale: The Connectedness to Nature Scale consists

of several items that measure an individual's sense of connection and

identification with nature. It explores feelings of enjoyment, responsibility, and


appreciation for the natural world. This scale is often used in research related to

environmental attitudes and behaviors, as it helps capture the emotional and

experiential aspects of individuals' relationship with the environment (Mayer,


 Environmental Concern Scale: The Environmental Concern Scale assesses

individuals' level of concern for environmental issues. It measures the cognitive,

affective, and behavioral dimensions of environmental concern (Schultz, 2004).

 Awareness of Consequences Scale: This scale measures individuals' awareness of

the environmental consequences of their actions. It assesses the extent to which

individuals consider the long-term and indirect effects of their behaviors on the

environment (Kaiser, 2005).

These instruments will be administered through an online survey to ensure easy

accessibility and data collection. Before data collection, pilot testing will be conducted to ensure

the reliability and validity of the instruments. The collected data will be analyzed using

descriptive statistics, correlations, and multiple regression analysis to examine the relationships

between the independent and dependent variables.

The Likert Scale survey method will be employed to measure the attitudes, opinions, and

behaviors of the participants. The Likert Scale consists of statements or questions with response

options ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Participants will indicate their degree

of agreement with each statement, allowing for quantitative data analysis using statistical


To measure the variables of the study, the following statements/questions will be

included in the survey:

Connectedness to Nature:

 I have a deep understanding of how my actions affect the natural world. / У меня

есть глубокое понимание того, как мои действия влияют на мир природы.

 I think of the natural world as a community to which I belong. / Я думаю о мире

природы как о сообществе, к которому я принадлежу.

 I often feel a kinship with animals and plants. / Я часто чувствую родство с

животными и растениями.

Environmental Knowledge:

 Melting of the polar ice caps may result in flooding of shores and islands. / Таяние

полярных льдов может привести к затоплению берегов и островов.

 A reduced number of species may interrupt the food chain, affecting some subsequent

species in the chain. / Сокращение числа видов может прервать пищевую цепочку,

затронув некоторые последующие виды в цепочке.

 The greenhouse effect does not result in the melting of glaciers in central Europe. /

Парниковый эффект не приводит к таянию ледников в Центральной Европе.

Pro-Environmental Beliefs:

 It is certain that any of my actions may impact the environment. / Я уверен, что любое

из моих действий может повлиять на окружающую среду.


 I feel responsible for protecting the environment I live in. / Я чувствую

ответственность за защиту окружающей среды, в которой живу.

 I feel responsible in engaging others to protect and conserve the environment. / Я

чувствую ответственность, привлекая других к защите и сохранению окружающей


Social Media Use:

 I use social media platforms to communicate with friends. / Я использую платформу

социальных сетей для общения с друзьями.

 I use social media platforms to communicate with family. / Я использую платформу

социальных сетей для общения с семьей.

 I use social media to access learning resources. / Я использую социальные сети для

доступа к учебным ресурсам.

Pro-Environmental Behavior:

 I take shower instead of bath. / Я принимаю душ вместо ванны.

 I make an effort to reduce water consumption for environmental reasons. / Я стараюсь

сократить потребление воды по экологическим причинам.

 I choose to recycle or re-use a product for environmental reasons. / Я выбираю

переработку или повторное использование продукта по экологическим причинам.

 I choose environmentally friendly products. / Я выбираю экологически чистые


Data collection

Data Collection Process:

 Participant Recruitment: Participants will be recruited from different universities

across Kyrgyzstan. Efforts will be made to recruit participants from various

academic disciplines to ensure a diverse sample. Recruitment methods may

include posting advertisements on university notice boards, sending recruitment

emails to students, or utilizing online platforms.

 Informed Consent: Before participating in the study, participants will be provided

with an informed consent form that outlines the purpose of the study, the

procedures involved, the voluntary nature of participation, and the assurance of

confidentiality and anonymity. Participants will be asked to read and sign the

consent form to indicate their willingness to participate.

 Online Survey Administration: The data collection will be conducted through an

online survey. Participants will be provided with a unique link to access the

survey. The survey will consist of multiple sections, including demographic

information, environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-

environmental beliefs, social media use, and pro-environmental behavior.

Data Analysis

To investigate the predictors of pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz

undergraduates, the analysis incorporated Spearman's correlation coefficient and descriptive

statistics. These methods were employed to examine the relationships between variables and

provide a comprehensive summary of the key variables in the study.


Spearman's correlation coefficient was used to assess the strength and direction of the

relationships between the independent variables (environmental knowledge, connectedness to

nature, pro-environmental beliefs, and social media use) and the dependent variable (pro-

environmental behavior) among Kyrgyz undergraduates. The correlation coefficients were

computed based on the collected data, and their significance was evaluated using a

predetermined level of significance (e.g., p < 0.05). The findings were interpreted to understand

the nature and significance of the observed relationships.

Descriptive statistics were employed to analyze and describe the main characteristics of

the variables of interest. Measures such as means, standard deviations, minimum and maximum

values, and frequencies were calculated to provide a summary of the variables. The distribution

of the variables was examined to identify any outliers or peculiar patterns. The results were

presented using tables or graphs to facilitate a clear and organized overview of the variables and

their characteristics.

The utilization of Spearman's correlation coefficient allowed for an assessment of the

relationships between variables, highlighting significant associations that provide insights into

the predictors of pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. By incorporating

descriptive statistics, a comprehensive summary of the key variables was obtained, aiding in the

interpretation and discussion of the research findings.


Research Ethics

To ensure the ethical requirements in survey research, several measures were

implemented in this study on the predictors of pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz


 Informed Consent: Before participating in the study, all participants were

provided with detailed information about the purpose of the research, the

procedures involved, the potential risks and benefits, and their rights as

participants. They were given an informed consent form to read and sign,

indicating their voluntary agreement to participate. The informed consent form

also assured participants of their right to withdraw from the study at any time

without facing any negative consequences.

 Confidentiality and Anonymity: Participants' privacy and confidentiality were

strictly maintained throughout the study. The data collected from participants

were treated with the utmost confidentiality, and measures were taken to ensure

that individual responses could not be linked to specific participants. Any

personal identifiers, such as names or contact information, were removed from the

data to ensure anonymity.

 Voluntary Participation: Participation in the study was entirely voluntary, and

participants were not coerced or compelled to take part. They were informed that

their decision to participate or decline would not have any consequences on their

academic standing or any other aspects of their university experience. Participants

were free to withdraw from the study at any point without providing a reason.

 Protection of Participants' Rights and Welfare: The study adhered to ethical

guidelines to protect the rights and welfare of the participants. The research

design and procedures were reviewed by the appropriate ethical review board or

committee to ensure compliance with ethical standards. Any potential risks or

discomfort to participants were minimized, and steps were taken to ensure that the

study did not cause any harm.

 Data Security: The data collected from the participants were stored securely and

accessible only to the research team. Adequate measures were taken to protect the

data from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse. The data were stored in password-

protected electronic files or encrypted formats, and physical copies were stored in

locked cabinets.

 Researcher Integrity: The researchers conducting the study adhered to high ethical

standards throughout the research process. They maintained objectivity, honesty,

and transparency in data collection, analysis, and reporting. The researchers

ensured that their personal biases or interests did not influence the study's


By implementing these ethical requirements, the study aimed to ensure the well-being, rights,

and privacy of the participants while gathering valuable data on the predictors of pro-

environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. These ethical considerations contribute

to the overall credibility and reliability of the research findings and promote responsible and

ethical research practices in survey research.


Results and Findings

The study aimed to explore the predictors of pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz

undergraduates, specifically examining the role of environmental knowledge, connectedness to

nature, pro-environmental beliefs, and social media use. The results revealed several significant

findings, indicating the relationships between these variables and pro-environmental behavior.

Descriptive Statistics

Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics for each variable. The variables were measured using

Likert-type scales ranging from 1 to 5. The mean, standard deviation, and range values provide

an overview of the distribution of responses for each variable.

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics

Variable Mean Standard Deviation

Connectedness to Nature 3.946 0.984

Environmental Knowledge 3.698 0.775

Pro-Environmental Beliefs 3.789 0.998

Social Media Use 4.094 0.966

Pro-Environmental Behavior 3.643 0.866

Connectedness to Nature: The mean score for connectedness to nature was 3.946,

indicating that, on average, Kyrgyz undergraduates reported a moderately high level of

emotional attachment and sense of oneness with the natural world. The standard deviation of

0.984 suggests that there was some variability in the responses, with some students reporting

stronger connectedness to nature and others reporting weaker connectedness.


Environmental Knowledge: The mean score for environmental knowledge was 3.698,

suggesting that, on average, Kyrgyz undergraduates had a moderate level of understanding of

environmental issues and processes. The standard deviation of 0.775 indicates that there was

some variability in the level of environmental knowledge among the participants.

Pro-Environmental Beliefs: The mean score for pro-environmental beliefs was 3.789,

indicating that, on average, Kyrgyz undergraduates held moderately strong attitudes, values, and

ethical principles supporting environmental protection and conservation. The standard deviation

of 0.998 suggests that there was some variability in the strength of pro-environmental beliefs

among the participants.

Social Media Use: The mean score for social media use was 4.094, indicating that, on

average, Kyrgyz undergraduates reported a relatively high frequency of engagement with social

networking sites and online platforms. The standard deviation of 0.966 suggests that there was

some variability in the participants' social media use, with some reporting higher levels of use

and others reporting lower levels.

Pro-Environmental Behavior: The mean score for pro-environmental behavior was 3.643,

indicating that, on average, Kyrgyz undergraduates reported a moderate frequency of engaging in

pro-environmental behaviors such as recycling, reducing waste, conserving energy, and using

sustainable transportation. The standard deviation of 0.866 suggests that there was some

variability in the participants' pro-environmental behavior, with some reporting higher

frequencies of engagement and others reporting lower frequencies.


Correlation Analysis

To examine the relationships between the variables, Spearman's correlation coefficients were

calculated. The results of the correlation analysis are presented in Table 2.

Table 2: Correlation Analysis

Variable Pro-Environmental Behavior

Connectedness to Nature 0.477**

Environmental Knowledge 0.405**

Pro-Environmental Beliefs 0.593**

Social Media Use 0.319**

Note: ** p < 0.01 (2-tailed)

The correlation coefficients indicate the strength and direction of the relationships

between the independent variables (connectedness to nature, environmental knowledge, pro-

environmental beliefs, and social media use) and the dependent variable (pro-environmental

behavior). All correlations were found to be statistically significant at the p < 0.01 level.

The strongest positive correlation was found between pro-environmental beliefs and pro-

environmental behavior (rho = 0.593, p < 0.01). This suggests that Kyrgyz undergraduates who

hold stronger pro-environmental beliefs are more likely to engage in pro-environmental


Connectedness to nature also showed a significant positive correlation with pro-

environmental behavior (rho = 0.477, p < 0.01). This finding suggests that students who feel a

stronger emotional attachment to the natural world are more likely to engage in behaviors that

protect the environment.


Environmental knowledge was positively correlated with pro-environmental behavior

(rho = 0.405, p < 0.01), indicating that higher levels of environmental knowledge are associated

with a greater likelihood of engaging in pro-environmental behaviors.

Finally, social media use exhibited a significant positive correlation with pro-

environmental behavior (rho = 0.319, p < 0.01). This implies that Kyrgyz undergraduates who

use social media more frequently are more likely to engage in pro-environmental behaviors.

Overall, these findings provide empirical evidence supporting the hypothesis that

environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, and social media

use are positively associated with pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates.

The results suggest that interventions and policies aimed at promoting pro-environmental

behavior should focus on enhancing environmental knowledge, fostering emotional connections

to nature, strengthening pro-environmental beliefs, and leveraging social media platforms to

engage with environmental issues.


The present study aimed to investigate the predictors of pro-environmental behavior

among Kyrgyz undergraduates, specifically focusing on environmental knowledge,

connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, and social media use. The findings revealed

several significant associations between these variables and pro-environmental behavior,

providing valuable insights into the factors influencing sustainable behaviors among this


The first key claim based on the findings is that environmental knowledge significantly

predicts pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. This claim is supported by


previous research that has shown a strong link between environmental knowledge and pro-

environmental behavior (Schultz, 2004). According to Stern et al. (1995), individuals who

possess accurate and comprehensive environmental knowledge are more likely to engage in pro-

environmental behavior compared to those with limited knowledge. This is because

environmental knowledge provides individuals with a better understanding of environmental

issues and their consequences, thereby shaping their attitudes and behaviors towards the

environment. The findings of the present study align with these previous findings, emphasizing

the importance of promoting environmental knowledge among Kyrgyz undergraduates to

encourage pro-environmental behaviors.

The second key claim based on the findings is that connectedness to nature significantly

predicts pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. This claim is consistent

with prior studies that have highlighted the role of connectedness to nature in promoting

environmentally responsible behaviors (Mayer, 2004). Mayer and Frantz (2004) argue that

individuals who feel a strong emotional attachment to the natural world are more likely to

engage in behaviors aimed at protecting the environment. This emotional connection fosters a

sense of responsibility and obligation towards nature, motivating individuals to take actions that

contribute to its preservation. The present study's findings support this claim, suggesting that

efforts to enhance connectedness to nature among Kyrgyz undergraduates may positively impact

their pro-environmental behaviors.

The third key claim based on the findings is that pro-environmental beliefs significantly

predict pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. This claim aligns with

previous research emphasizing the role of pro-environmental beliefs in shaping environmentally

responsible behaviors (Milfont, 2010). Milfont and Duckitt (2010) argue that individuals who

strongly believe in the importance of environmental protection are more likely to engage in pro-

environmental behaviors due to their values, ethical principles, and adherence to social norms.

The present study's findings reinforce this claim, indicating that fostering pro-environmental

beliefs among Kyrgyz undergraduates can positively influence their engagement in sustainable


The fourth key claim based on the findings is that social media use significantly predicts

pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. This claim is consistent with

emerging research that highlights the potential of social media as a platform for promoting

environmental engagement and behavior change (Tam, 2017). Social media provides individuals

with opportunities to access information, raise awareness, and engage in discussions about

environmental issues, which can influence their attitudes and behaviors towards the environment.

The findings of the present study support this claim, suggesting that leveraging social media

platforms could be an effective strategy for promoting pro-environmental behaviors among

Kyrgyz undergraduates.

In summary, the findings of this study support several key claims regarding the predictors

of pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. Environmental knowledge,

connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, and social media use were all found to

significantly predict pro-environmental behavior. These claims are grounded in existing

literature that emphasizes the importance of these factors in influencing sustainable behaviors.

By understanding and targeting these predictors, policymakers, educators, and environmental

advocates can design interventions and strategies to foster pro-environmental attitudes and

behaviors among Kyrgyz undergraduates, ultimately contributing to environmental conservation

and protection in Kyrgyzstan.



Based on the findings of this study, several important implications emerge that can

contribute to the understanding and promotion of pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz

undergraduates. These implications are as follows:

1. Development of tailored interventions: The study's findings indicate that environmental

knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, and social media use

significantly predicts pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. This

highlights the importance of designing tailored interventions that focus on enhancing

these predictors. Educational programs can be developed to improve environmental

knowledge and promote a deeper understanding of environmental issues specific to

Kyrgyzstan. Initiatives that foster connectedness to nature, such as outdoor activities and

experiential learning, can be implemented to strengthen individuals' emotional attachment

to the natural world. Additionally, interventions can target the cultivation of pro-

environmental beliefs through awareness campaigns and the promotion of values aligned

with environmental conservation.

2. Integration of social media platforms: The study findings suggest that social media use

positively predicts pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. This

highlights the potential of social media platforms as a tool for promoting and

disseminating environmental information and awareness. Organizations and institutions

can leverage social media platforms to engage with students, share relevant content on

environmental issues, and facilitate discussions and actions related to pro-environmental

behavior. Collaborations with influential social media users or environmental

organizations can help amplify the reach and impact of such initiatives.

3. Policy development and advocacy: The results of this study can inform policy

development and advocacy efforts aimed at promoting environmental conservation and

protection in Kyrgyzstan. The identification of environmental knowledge, connectedness

to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, and social media use as significant predictors of pro-

environmental behavior suggests that policies should prioritize these factors.

Policymakers can work towards integrating environmental education into the curriculum

of educational institutions and promoting outdoor learning experiences. Additionally,

policies can support initiatives that encourage responsible social media use, fostering a

positive online environment for environmental information sharing and engagement.

4. Extension to other contexts: While this study focuses on Kyrgyz undergraduates, the

findings can potentially be applied to other similar contexts with university students. The

identified predictors of pro-environmental behavior are likely to have relevance beyond

Kyrgyzstan and can guide research and interventions in other countries or regions with

diverse student populations. Researchers and practitioners can adapt and validate the

findings in different cultural, social, and environmental contexts, contributing to a

broader understanding of the factors influencing pro-environmental behavior among

university students globally.

In conclusion, the implications of this study underscore the importance of developing tailored

interventions, integrating social media platforms, shaping policies, and extending the findings to

other contexts. By leveraging the identified predictors, stakeholders can work towards promoting

pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates, ultimately contributing to

sustainable environmental practices and the well-being of both local and global ecosystems.


Limitations of the Methodology

1. Cross-sectional design: The study employed a cross-sectional design, which captures data

at a single point in time. This design limits the ability to establish causal relationships

between the predictors (environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-

environmental beliefs, and social media use) and pro-environmental behavior.

Longitudinal or experimental designs would provide stronger evidence of causality and

help to understand the temporal dynamics of these relationships.

2. Self-report measures: The study relied on self-report measures for assessing variables

such as environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs,

social media use, and pro-environmental behavior. Self-report measures are subject to

potential biases, such as social desirability bias or recall bias, which may affect the

accuracy and reliability of the data collected. Future research could incorporate objective

measures or observational methods to complement self-report data.

3. Sample characteristics: The study focused on Kyrgyz undergraduates, which limits the

generalizability of the findings to other populations or age groups. The specific cultural,

socioeconomic, and educational context of Kyrgyzstan may influence the relationships

between the variables examined. Replication of the study with diverse samples from

different cultural and geographical backgrounds would enhance the external validity of

the findings.

Limitations of the Findings

1. Overreliance on self-reported pro-environmental behavior: The study assessed pro-

environmental behavior through self-report measures, which may not always align with

actual behavior. Social desirability bias or recall limitations may lead to an

overestimation or underestimation of participants' engagement in pro-environmental

behaviors. Future research could consider incorporating objective measures or behavioral

observations to provide a more comprehensive assessment of pro-environmental


2. Unexplored factors: The study focused on a specific set of predictors (environmental

knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, and social media use) in

relation to pro-environmental behavior. However, there may be other important variables

that were not included in the analysis. Factors such as cultural values, social norms,

personal motivations, or institutional support may also play a role in shaping pro-

environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. Future research could explore

these additional factors to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the


3. Potential common method bias: As all the variables were assessed through self-report

measures, there is a possibility of common method bias, which refers to the shared

method of measurement influencing the relationships between variables. Although efforts

were made to minimize common method bias through appropriate survey design, the

potential for shared method variance cannot be completely ruled out. Future studies could

employ different data collection methods or incorporate control measures to mitigate this

potential bias.

4. Generalizability to other contexts: The findings of this study are specific to Kyrgyz

undergraduates and may not be directly generalizable to other populations or contexts.

Cultural, social, and environmental differences across countries or regions may influence

the relationships between the predictors and pro-environmental behavior. Replication

studies conducted in different settings and with diverse populations are needed to

establish the generalizability of the findings.

It is important to acknowledge these limitations as they provide opportunities for future

research to address these methodological and conceptual gaps, thus advancing the knowledge

and understanding of the predictors of pro-environmental behavior among university students.


Recommendations derived from the Methodology

1. Longitudinal design: Future studies should consider employing longitudinal designs to

establish causal relationships between the predictors and pro-environmental behavior.

Longitudinal designs would allow for the examination of changes in environmental

knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, social media use, and

pro-environmental behavior over time, providing a more comprehensive understanding of

the dynamics between these variables.

2. Diverse participant samples: Researchers should aim to include diverse participant

samples from different cultural backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, and educational

settings. This would help in enhancing the generalizability of the findings and provide a

more comprehensive understanding of the predictors of pro-environmental behavior

across different populations.


3. Objective measures: While self-report measures are commonly used in research, future

studies could incorporate objective measures to complement self-report data. Objective

measures such as behavioral observations, ecological footprint assessments, or tracking

social media engagement can provide a more accurate and comprehensive assessment of

environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, social media use, and pro-

environmental behavior.

4. Mixed-methods approaches: Researchers could consider adopting mixed-methods

approaches that combine qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods, such

as interviews or focus groups, can provide in-depth insights into the underlying

motivations, values, and social contexts that influence pro-environmental behavior.

Integrating qualitative data with quantitative data would enrich the understanding of the

complex relationships between the predictors and pro-environmental behavior.

Recommendations derived from the Findings

1. Educational interventions: Based on the finding that environmental knowledge

significantly predicts pro-environmental behavior, educational interventions should be

developed and implemented to enhance environmental knowledge among university

students. These interventions could include incorporating environmental education into

university curricula, organizing workshops, or training programs, and promoting

environmental awareness campaigns to improve students' understanding of

environmental issues.

2. Nature-based experiences: Given the significant association between connectedness to

nature and pro-environmental behavior, interventions should focus on providing

opportunities for university students to engage in nature-based experiences. Activities


such as outdoor field trips, nature conservation projects, or community gardening can

foster a stronger sense of connectedness to nature and promote pro-environmental


3. Promoting pro-environmental beliefs: The finding that pro-environmental beliefs

significantly predict pro-environmental behavior suggests the importance of promoting

and reinforcing positive environmental values and ethical principles among university

students. Efforts should be made to create a supportive environment that encourages and

rewards pro-environmental beliefs, such as developing campus sustainability initiatives,

organizing environmental campaigns, and fostering a culture of environmental


4. Leveraging social media platforms: The positive association between social media use

and pro-environmental behavior indicates the potential of social media platforms as

effective tools for promoting sustainable behaviors among university students. Strategies

could include leveraging social media campaigns, creating online communities focused

on environmental conservation, and providing accurate and engaging environmental

information through social media channels.

5. Policy implications: The findings of this study have implications for policy development

and implementation aimed at promoting pro-environmental behavior among university

students. Policymakers should consider incorporating environmental education into

national education policies, providing funding for environmental initiatives on campuses,

and creating regulations that encourage sustainable practices within universities and

surrounding communities.

By implementing these recommendations, researchers, educators, policymakers, and

environmental advocates can contribute to promoting pro-environmental behavior among

university students, ultimately fostering a more sustainable future for both the local and

global environment.


In conclusion, this study aimed to explore the predictors of pro-environmental behavior

among Kyrgyz undergraduates. The findings of this research provide valuable insights into the

factors that influence pro-environmental behavior among this population and have important

implications for designing interventions and policies to promote environmental conservation and

protection in Kyrgyzstan.

The results of this study support previous research indicating that environmental

knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, and social media use

significantly predict pro-environmental behavior. It was found that higher levels of

environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs, and social media

use are associated with higher levels of pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz

undergraduates. These findings highlight the importance of addressing these predictors in

promoting sustainable behaviors among university students.

The significant role of environmental knowledge suggests the need for educational

interventions that enhance environmental literacy and understanding among Kyrgyz

undergraduates. By incorporating environmental education into university curricula and

organizing awareness campaigns, students can acquire the knowledge necessary to engage in

pro-environmental behavior.

The findings also emphasize the importance of fostering connectedness to nature among

university students. Nature-based experiences, such as outdoor field trips and community

gardening, can promote a sense of oneness with the natural world and encourage pro-

environmental behaviors.

Furthermore, pro-environmental beliefs were found to strongly predict pro-environmental

behavior. This highlights the significance of promoting positive environmental values, ethical

principles, and social norms among university students. Creating a supportive environment that

encourages and rewards pro-environmental beliefs can have a positive impact on sustainable


The study also revealed a positive association between social media use and pro-

environmental behavior. This suggests that leveraging social media platforms can be an effective

strategy for promoting sustainable behaviors among university students. Social media campaigns

and online communities focused on environmental conservation can provide opportunities for

information sharing, engagement, and collective action.

While the findings of this study provide valuable insights, there are some limitations to

consider. The research was conducted using a cross-sectional design, which limits the

establishment of causal relationships between the predictors and pro-environmental behavior.

Future studies employing longitudinal designs could further explore the dynamics between these

variables over time.

Additionally, the study focused on Kyrgyz undergraduates, and therefore, the

generalizability of the findings to other populations and cultural contexts should be examined in

future research. Including diverse participant samples from different backgrounds would provide

a more comprehensive understanding of the predictors of pro-environmental behavior.

In conclusion, this study contributes to the existing literature by examining the predictors

of pro-environmental behavior among Kyrgyz undergraduates. The findings underscore the

importance of environmental knowledge, connectedness to nature, pro-environmental beliefs,

and social media use in promoting sustainable behaviors. By implementing educational

interventions, fostering connectedness to nature, promoting pro-environmental beliefs, and

leveraging social media platforms, stakeholders can work towards creating a more

environmentally conscious and sustainable society in Kyrgyzstan. Future research should

continue to explore these predictors and interventions to further advance our understanding and

facilitate effective environmental conservation efforts.



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