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1) Moved/Fired Markers: The purpose of the "Moved/Fired" marker is to remind you -
within the same activation - that you already moved or fired a unit (since they can
only do one or the other in an activation). The markers come off immediately after
you are done with that artillery brigade’s activation – they do not remain on the units
from turn to turn.

2) Unit Support:
a. Under the fourth bullet about Artillery, the terrain list should include Rocky Woods
as well.
b. Eligible Unit Support should include a unit from the same Division that is either
stacked with or adjacent to the unit being checked for Unit Support.

3) Hill Corps Activation Card Error: Result "6" on the Hill (III Corps) card should read:
"Division Priority #1 + Pegram & McIntosh Artillery".

4) Fast Courier Event Card: A Division is considered to be "activated" for the

purposes of this event only if its Corps Activation card has been drawn. If its units
are activated by other means - CIC Card, Event Card, etc. - it is still not activated for
the purposes of this card.

5) Stand To It! Event Card: The first sentence should start with “Play this event …”,
not “Play this chit …”.

6) Hexside Woods Terrain: Hexes that have tree artwork on one hexside only (for
example S2221, S2321, and S2419) do not have any “Woods” gameplay effect – the
trees are for aesthetics only.

7) RR Cut Hexsides: Move the unit through either of the two hexes that share the
hexside and use the Lane movement rate to do so.

8) Default Event: Using the Default Event to move does not allow Assault but it does
allow Engagement.

9) Fortunes of War Chit: Can be used to re-roll any single roll of the die (dice),
including rolls on Event Cards. So, for example, if you are rolling three Combat dice,
all three may be re-rolled; if two dice are rolled on the Fog of War Card, you may
have them re-rolled; and so on.

10) Poor Division Leader Casualties: Do not place the Division Leader Casualty
marker on a “Poor” Division Leader card. “Poor” is the worst Division leader you can
have. If a “Poor” leader is a casualty (for example, Heth) the card remains
unchanged but the enemy player gains 2 VP. Ignore a second leader casualty result
on the same leader - there is no additional effect.

11) CIC Cards: Those CIC Cards that provide a “+1” modifier to the Command Table for
a chosen Division Activation Card (Lee, Meade and Reynolds) are absolute -
meaning the modifier is applied to the die roll and any other modifier is ignored (such
as the leader casualty modifier of “-2”). This CIC ability represents the commander
riding over to the unit himself or sending a trusted aide. So, the leadership condition
of the division is irrelevant, and the die roll is modified by the “+1” only.

12) Held CIC Card Play: If both players are holding a CIC Card and wish to play it at the
same time, the Confederate player must play first.

13) Line Of Sight: For all three situations, the intervening terrain list should also include
Rocky Woods, along with Town, Woods and Units (from either side).

14) “Mixed” Artillery CRT Modifiers: The modifiers for "Mixed (M)" Artillery units are
cumulative. So, for example, a “Mixed” Artillery unit firing at Effective Range is <-1
and at Long Range is <-3.

15) Shaken Marker Procedure: A unit that is both Shaken and Battleworn that receives
another Shaken result does not remove its marker before taking the Break Test. You
simply immediately convert the result to a Depleted result, which creates a Break
Test in the unit’s current condition (i.e., it is still Shaken). The Shaken marker is not
removed in this case because the unit is not made to flip over (as it’s already on its
Battleworn side).

16) Skedaddle: A unit Skedaddling from a failed Panic Test must move away from the
enemy unit that caused the original unit to retreat (i.e., the unit that is creating the
Panic Test).

17) Off Map Artillery Units:

a. Artillery units must still abide by the “two-hex” Engagement restriction if they wish
to enter the map. If the entry hex is within two hexes of an enemy unit, the
Artillery unit is delayed and must come in on another hex, as per rule I-8C.
b. Artillery units from the same brigade that are in the same off-map Reinforcement
location can be treated as being in one hex to qualify for any “One Hex of
Artillery” command instruction, but only up to 20 SP.

18) Mounted Cavalry: The reference to “J-4” in the last sentence of rule I-9 should be
rule “J-5”.

19) CRT Column Shifts:

a. In cases where no “A” or “D” is designated for a column shift, only the superior
side gets the shift in its favor.
b. Having "0" SP defending always yields the attacker the 3:1 column shift

20) Combat Results Table: Assault Combat Column Shifts Notes: The notes in the
red banner at the bottom of the chart are incorrect. All units, attacking or defending,
get the benefit of Hasty Works and Breastworks. The note should read as follows:
"Attacking Unit CR: +1 if "Take Those Colors" or "Rebel Yell" / All Units CR: +1 in
Hasty Works, +2 in Breastworks, -1 if No Unit Support"

21) Attacker Breakthrough: Any Assault Combat created by an Attacker Breakthrough

is resolved immediately - even if the proposed attack is against an enemy that is
targeted for another Assault. Should that defending enemy be defeated and no
longer in its hex, the unit that was supposed to attack that hex earns its own Attacker
Breakthrough (because an Attacker Breakthrough is earned by an Assaulting unit if
there is no enemy unit in the Defending Hex "for any reason").

22) Held Event Card Phase: No "passing" is allowed. If the Rebel player has a held
card as well as the Union player, the Rebel player must play it first.

23) Movement Rate for Evening and Night: The Movement Allowance for the
"Evening" and "Deep Night" Game Turns is 8 MP.

24) Artillery Brigades in Bivouac: Treat each Corps Artillery Brigade and Army Artillery
Brigade as a "Division" for the purpose of the Bivouac procedure (only). Corps and
Army Artillery must enter Bivouac at some point - they may not skip it.

25) Skirmish Order Corrections:

a. Skirmish Order Abilities: The player aid is actually correct, and the rulebook entry
is not. A Skirmish Order unit can issue Defensive Fire, then withdraw but it must
then reform (i.e., it loses its Skirmish Order marker). It also has the option to stay,
issue Defensive Fire and defend in Assault Combat normally but will lose its
marker in that case as well.
b. Multi-Day Scenario Skirmishers: When playing scenarios involving multiple days,
players may have units enter Skirmish Order using the following procedure:
• Beginning with the Dawn turn of July 2, units that are not Shaken may enter
Skirmish Order by first expending their entire movement allowance.
• The unit may not be within two hexes of an enemy unit when entering
Skirmish Order.
• Place the "Skirmish Order" marker on the unit after it surrenders its
• Only Infantry and Dismounted Cavalry units may enter Skirmish Order.
• A maximum of one counter from each Union Division and two counters from
each Confederate Corps may enter Skirmish Order.
• All other normal "Skirmish Order" rules apply thereafter.
• Sharpshooter ("SS") units are the exception: they do not count against the
Division limit of one unit counter, and they may conduct a Minimum Move on
the same turn they enter Skirmish Order.

26) Comprehensive Example of Play:

a. Under the “Rebel Yell (C) entry, the modifier for the “Good Ground” marker
should actually be "<-2” for the attacker rather than "2->" for the defender.
b. Under the "Fast Courier (U)" entry, I erroneously comment that the units do not
do a Fire Step because "there are no eligible targets". In fact, they cannot fire
because they are under Maneuver Orders. Under the same entry, it looks like
Cutler’s brigade moved a couple of hexes too far – they should be in hexes 2424
and 2523. However, they can still perform their next activation in the example
from those hexes anyway.
c. Under the “Reynolds (U)” entry, the die roll should have been increased by “+1”
for the card’s CIC bonus. Just assume that the Union player chooses to only
activate Gamble and Tidball anyway.

27) Index Errors:

a. CIC Cards is shown as 4(A5D), when it should be 4(A5E)
b. Key Event Card is shown as 4(D2B), when it should be 6(D2B)


1) Scenario #1 (Slaughter Pen): Scenario Rule 5: Remove this entire sentence and
replace with: “All three Division Activation Cards – Birney, Barnes and Ayres (when it
arrives) – are placed on the Sickles III Corps portion of the Command Display
(assume there is a DP#3 box to the right of the DP#2 box for this scenario).

2) Scenario #4 (An Unexpected Encounter):

a. Union Reinforcement 12:00 pm should be: KRZYZAN (2 units): 6-3 and 6-3 at
b. Union Reinforcement 3:00 pm should be: SMITH (3 units): all at 4017.

3) Scenario #5 (Into the Whirlpool):

a. Setup Instructions: The Confederate WILCOX unit from Anderson’s Division is
not part of I Corps but rather part of AP Hill's III Corps.
b. All VP hexes are worth 1 VP each.

4) Scenario #10 (In Magnificent Style):

a. Union unit COSTER is listed as a “4-2” and it should be a "9-2".
b. Scenario Rule 6 "The Charge!": The Rebel player can move all units up to 6 MP
as if under a Maneuver Order (not an Attack Order). This is to assure that no
engagement is made with the charge move and the Rebs will be forced to
sustain at least one round of Union artillery fire.
5) Scenarios #12/#13 (All This is My Fault / Tattered Flags):
a. Union Reinforcements July 1 – South Map – 12:00 pm: SMITH entry should be:
“(3 units): all at 4017”.
b. Confederate Reinforcements July 3 - North Map – Dawn: GARNETT entry should
be: “(2 units): both at 1635”.

6) Victory Point Hexes:

a. Kuhn's Brickyard is hex N2415 (not N2515).
b. N. Codori Farm is hex N4021 (not S1021).

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