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Parc Scientifique Georges Besse

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Remote Controlled Radiology System

Pre-Installation Manual
Ref : D6F-40-500 Revision 0
PLATINUM Remote Controlled System


This equipment may be harmful if used incorrectly. Therefore, instructions

described in these Instructions for Use must be fully read and understood, before
beginning to use the equipment. APELEM-DMS Group remains at the user disposal
for assistance in understanding and implementing the system.
Although the unit is designed to provide an optimal safety level, meets the standards of the
international regulatory agencies, and is equipped with sophisticated protection devices for
protection against X-rays, no equipment can guarantee zero risk. This is why, we recommend
that users must take necessary precautions to prevent anyone careless, untrained or unaware
of the danger from using this device.


The equipment contains materials and components that are potentially dangerous to the
environment (lead shielding, X-ray tube, ground protection) and must be regarded as such in
the product end of life. In this respect, these materials and components must be treated
according to national and international regulations.
The Manufacturer recommends contacting an authorized waste disposal representative, in
order to address these critical elements as appropriate with respect to the environment.

Non-contractual pictures.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

History of Revisions
This Pre-Installation Manual belongs to the PLATINUM Remote Controlled System.

Revision Date Description Chapter Page

0 28.09.2015 1st edition

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Table of Contents
History of Revisions ................................................................................. 3
Table of Contents ................................................................................... 4
List of Figures ........................................................................................ 5
Manual Conventions................................................................................. 6
1. Typical Layout ........................................................................... 7
1.1. Without Overhead Tube Crane (O.T.C) ...................................................... 7
1.1.1. With the Control Panel, at the Side of the Table ......................................................... 7
1.1.2. With the Control Panel, in front of the Table ............................................................. 8
1.2. With Overhead Tube Crane (O.T.C.) ......................................................... 9
2. Typical Pre-Installation Work*....................................................... 10
3. Dimensions and Weight ............................................................... 12
4. Specific Access to the Examination Room......................................... 13
5. Electrical Power Supply............................................................... 14
5.1. Pictures of the Electrical Cabinet .............................. Erreur ! Signet non défini.
5.2. Pictures of the ON/OFF button box: (ref 1.02 page 6) ..... Erreur ! Signet non défini.
5.3. Pictures of the Red and White lights above each access (ref 1.04) page 10 ....... 18
6. Maximum Cable Lengths .............................................................. 20
7. Operating Conditions .................................................................. 21
8. Installation Specifications ............................................................ 22
9. DICOM Communication ................................................................ 23
9.1. DUET dRF Acquisition Workstation Set Up ................................................ 23
9.1.1. STITCHING Workstation Set Up............................................................................. 23
9.1.2. PLATINUM table Set Up ...................................................................................... 23
9.2. LOCAL EQUIPEMENTS.......................................................................... 23
9.2.1. Worklist (option) Set Up ..................................................................................... 23
9.2.2. PACS and storage station Set Up ........................................................................... 24
9.2.3. Printer Set Up ................................................................................................. 24
9.2.4. MPPS (option) Set Up ........................................................................................ 25
10. Protection Against X-Rays ............................................................ 26
11. General Conditions for Work Contractors* ........................................ 27
12. Installation & Application Schedule ................................................ 28
13. Physical Specifications ................................................................ 29
13.1. Physical Specifications of the PLATINUM Table .......................................... 29
13.2. Physical Specifications of PLATINUM Repartition Plate ................................ 30
13.3. Physical Specifications of the PLATINUM Console ....................................... 30
13.4. Physical Specifications of the MAGNUM Generator Cabinet ........................... 34
13.5. Physical Specifications of the DUET dRF Cabinet and MPU Computer ............... 34
13.6. Physical Specifications of 19” and 23” size Monitors .................................. 35
13.7. Physical Specifications of the Ceiling Suspension (Optional) .......................... 36

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

List of Figures
Figure 1 - Typical Layout Control Panel by Side .......................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 -Typical Layout Control Panel Front ............................................................................................. 8
Figure 3 – Typical Layout with Ceiling Suspension Control Panel by Side ............................................................. 9
Figure 4 – Typical Layout .................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5 - Typical Electrical Schematic S6F59018 of Power Supply for complete PLATINUM ...................................... 16
Figure 6 - Typical Interface of the Power supply for complete PLATINUM ........................................................... 17
Figure 7 - Front Face when Cabinet door is open - Figure 8 - Cabinet door with indication lights ............................... 18
Figure 9 - ON/OFF Buttons .................................................................................... Erreur ! Signet non défini.
Figure 10 - "System ON" Light - Figure 11 - "X-rays Emission" Light ................................................................... 19
Figure 12 - Physical Specifications ......................................................................................................... 29
Figure 13 - Physical Specifications ......................................................................................................... 29
Figure 14 - Control Console without Pedestal ............................................................................................ 30
Figure 15 - Control Console with Pedestal ................................................................................................ 31
Figure 16 - Second Console without Monitor ............................................................................................. 32
Figure 17 - Second Console with Monitors ................................................................................................ 33
Figure 18 - Specifications of MAGNUM Generator Cabinet .............................................................................. 34
Figure 19 - Specifications of DUET dRF Cabinet & MPU Computer .................................................................... 34
Figure 20 - Specifications of 19” ........................................................................................................... 35
Figure 21 - Specifications of the Ceiling Suspension (mm/inches) .................................................................... 36
Figure 22 - Specifications of the Ceiling Suspension (mm/inches) .................................................................... 37
Figure 23 - Specifications of the Ceiling Suspension (mm/inches) .................................................................... 38

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Manual Conventions

This Pre-Installation Manual includes symbols with messages to emphasize information or potential
risks to personnel or equipment.

This symbol indicates a safety point. Special

attention should be paid to the accompanying

This symbol indicates that any transmissions by

mobile radio equipment must be avoided.

This symbol is for X-ray safety and security


The instruction associated with this symbol provides

complementary information for a complete and
thorough understanding.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

1. Typical Layout
All dimensions are in millimeters and feet.

1.1. Without Overhead Tube Crane (O.T.C)

1.1.1. With the Control Panel, at the Side of the Table
Recommended dimensions of the X-ray room are: Length x Width x Height
4900 (16 ft) x 3500 (11.5 ft) x 2750 (9 ft) – 17.2 m² (184 sq.ft)
Minimum dimensions of the X-ray room are: Length x Width x Height
4500 (14.8 ft) x 3300 (10.8 ft) x 2650 (8.7 ft) * – 14.9 m² (160 sq.ft)
* Minimum dimensions prohibit the optional 4 ways movements on the table top.
* With the ceiling height at 2650 mm (8.7 ft), the tilt of the table is possible but the dynamic anti-
collision system will limit the range of some movements.

1.01: PLATINUM Table 1.02: PLATINUM Control Console

1.03: MAGNUM Generator 1.04: DUET dRF System

1.05: DUET dRF PC 1.06: IN ROOM Monitor

Figure 1 - Typical Layout Control Panel by Side

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

1.1.2. With the Control Panel, in front of the Table

Recommended dimensions of the X-ray room are: Length x Width x Height
4500 (14.8 ft) x 3900 (12.8 ft) x 2750 (9 ft) – 17.5 m² (189.5 sq.ft)
Minimum dimensions of the X-ray room are (in mm): Length x Width x Height

4000 (13 ft) x 3500 (11.5 ft) x 2650 (8.7 ft) * – 14 m² ( 149.5 sq.ft)
* Minimum dimensions prohibit the optional 4 ways movements on the table top.

* With the ceiling height at 2650 mm (8.7 ft), the tilt of the table is possible but the dynamic anti-
collision system will limit the range of some movements.

1.01: PLATINUM Table 1.02: PLATINUM Control Console

1.03: MAGNUM Generator 1.04: DUET dRF System

1.05: DUET dRF PC 1.06: IN ROOM Monitor

Figure 2 -Typical Layout Control Panel Front

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

1.2. With Overhead Tube Crane (O.T.C.)

Recommended dimensions of the X-ray room are: Length x Width x Height
6000 (19.7 ft) x 4500 (14.8 ft) x 2750 (9 ft) – 27 m² (291.5 ft)
For the O.T.C. (Overhead Tube Crane) X-ray tube:
The minimum distance Focus-Ceiling is 726 mm (2.4 ft) and the maximum distance is 2300 mm (7.5

Figure 3 – Typical Layout with Ceiling Suspension Control Panel by Side

1.01: PLATINUM Table 1.02: PLATINUM Control Console

1.03: MAGNUM Generator 1.04: DUET dRF System

1.05: DUET dRF PC 1.06: IN ROOM Monitor

1.07: O.T.C. Ceiling Suspension

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

2. Typical Pre-Installation Work*

*Preparatory work in the room is at the charge of the customer

Figure 4 – Typical Layout

1.01: Electrical Cabinet 1.02: Emergency Switch & ON/OFF buttons

1.03: Network sockets 1.04: System ON Light & X-ray ON Light

1.05: PVC Trunking 1.06: Option PVC Trunking for Ceiling Suspension

1.01: Electrical cabinet ( *)

Details of the power supply cabinet are detailed in chapter 5 of this manual.
Use PVC trunking of 100 x 200 mm (4” x 8”) between the main electrical cabinet and the generator
cabinet. Cables output at Ø 100 mm (4”) for the concrete floor or ceiling.

1.02: Emergency Switch & ON/OFF buttons ( * )

Details of the switch & buttons connexion can be found in chapter 5 of this manual.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Most of the time, the remote controlled ON/OFF button box is on the operator side, fixed on the
wall. Use PVC trunking of 30 x 50 mm (1 ½“ x 2”).

if the main electrical cabinet is in the operator

side, there is no need to install a remote controlled
button box. The ON/OFF buttons may be fixed on
the front door of the electrical cabinet. At least
one emergency switch must be inside the
examination room.

1.03: Network sockets ( *)

One RJ45 network socket must be installed behind the table for remote controlled maintenance &
Two RJ45 network sockets must be installed behind the lead window, under the desk to connect the
Duet dRF workstation and the STITCHING workstation (optional) to the local network.

1.04: System ON Light & X-Ray ON Light ( * )

Details of the lights cabling can be found in chapter 5 of this manual.

Both lights must be visible above each access to the examination room.
“System ON light” is cabled to the Power Supply cabinet
“X-Ray ON light” is cabled to the Generator cabinet

1.05: PVC Trunking ( *)

Typically, a PVC trunking of 100 x 200 mm (4” x 8”) is fixed behind the table, all along the back wall
at a level of 50 mm (2”). This large trunking will be used to route all the interface cables between
consoles, dRF cabinet, generator cabinet and table.
On the operator side, use a PVC trunking of 100 x 100 mm (4” x 4”) to route all the cables connected
to the consoles, TV screens, PC, keyboard and mouse. Fix the trunking under and all along the desk.
Make holes at Ø 80 mm (3”) on the desk where the console and screens will be installed.
Cabling under the concrete floor: Cables output at Ø 100 mm (4”) for the table, the dRF cabinet, the
generator cabinet and control room cables output.
Cabling in the dropped ceiling: Use cables raceway of 100 x 200 mm (4” x 8”) then a vertical PVC
trunking of 80 x 100 mm (3” x 4”) into the control room and 100 x 200 mm (4” x 8”) for examination

1.06: (Option) PVC Trunking for O.T.C. (Overhead Tube Crane)( *)

When O.T.C. (overhead tube crane) is installed, a PVC trunking of 100 x 200 mm (4” x 8”) must be
fixed vertically between floor and ceiling at exactly the extremity of the rear longitudinal rail. The
vertical trunking will meet the horizontal trunking already fixed to the generator side.
Regarding the fixation of the longitudinal rails, please refer to chapter 8 for pre-installation

( * ) Preparatory work in the room is at the charge of the customer.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

3. Dimensions and Weight

In centimeters (inches)
In kilograms (pounds)
PLATINUM table with conventional TV Chain => boxes 1, 2, 3 & 4
PLATINUM table with DUET dRF digital system => boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
PLATINUM table with DUET dRF digital system & O.T.C. (Overhead Tube Crane) => All boxes from 1
to 8

Crating dimensions
Pallet N° Equipment Weight when installed
and weight

185 (73") x 185 (73") x 30 cm (12")

1 Repartition plate 140 kg (308 lbs)
155 kg (341 lbs)

135 (53") x 120 (47") x 193 cm(76")

2 Frame & cradle 890 kg (1958 lbs)
910 kg (2002 lbs)

Main beam + 258 (102") x 121 (48") x 169 cm (67")

3 396 kg (871 lbs)
column + Acc 550 kg (1210 lbs)

4 ways Table top 260 (102") x 110 (43") x 75 cm (30")

4 180 kg (396 lbs)
+ covers 320 kg (704 lbs)

80 (32") x 80 (32") x 165 cm (65")

5 Generator cabinet 94 kg (207 lbs)
135 kg (297 lbs)

125 (49") x 115 (45") x 130 cm (51")

6 DUET dRFcabinet 93 kg (205 lbs)
113 kg (249 lbs)

120 (47") x 80 (32") x 120 cm (47")

7 DUET dRFdetector 34 kg (75 lbs)
44 kg (97 lbs)

DUET dRF TV & 125 (49") x 115 (45") x 130 cm (51")

8 65 kg (143 lbs)
Acc 75 kg (165 lbs)

O.T.C. 610 (240") x 70 (28") x 20 cm (8")

9 105 kg (231 lbs)
rails 188 kg (414 lbs)

O.T.C. 150 (59") x 100 (40") x 125 cm (49")

10 200 kg (440 lbs)
telescope 332 kg (730 lbs)

In case the cradle is removed from the frame, here are the dimensions and weight of the 2

135 (53") x 120 (47") x 193 cm (76")

2 Frame 740 kg (1628 lbs)
770 kg (1694 lbs)

120 (47") x 100 (40") x 140 cm (55")

11 Cradle 150 kg (330 lbs)
190 kg (418 lbs)

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

4. Specific Access to the Examination Room

The PLATINUM X-ray room is shipped partially mounted, in order to facilitate the final assembly.
Contact your dealer to organize the disassembling prior to the shipment.
The complete disassembling of the equipment is foreseen in case the access to the examination
room is smaller than the following values:
Minimum door or corridor WIDTH is 1200 mm (47”), 1100 mm (43”) if the transformer is
removed from the bottom of the frame.
Minimum door or corridor HEIGTH is 1980 mm (78”), 1930 mm (76”) if frame top cover is
removed and 1850 mm (73”) if wooden rafters are also removed from the base plate.
In the event that the door width is smaller than 1100 mm (43”), the cradle must be removed from
the frame of the table => In this case, the minimum door WIDTH must be at least 800 mm (32”)
The tallest and heaviest part is the frame (with cradle) of the table:
1350 (53”) x 1200 (47”) x 1930 (76”) mm – 910 kg (2002 lbs)

Frame with cradle =>

The longest part is the main beam of the table:

2400 (95”) x 500 (20”) x 1400 (55”) mm – 300 kg (660 lbs)

Main beam =>

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

5. Electrical Power Supply

Standard power supply 400Vac (+/- 10%)
Optional power supply 480Vac (+/- 10%)
(3 phase + ground) with a 4G25 mm² flexible cable (H07 RN-F)
Frequency: 50-60 Hz
Line resistance (Ohms): 0,15 Ohms maximum
Protection by tetra polar differential thermal-magnetic circuit breaker 300mA (curve D)
Cut off by tetra polar remote control contractor C60N - 63 A (curve D) by ON/OFF push-button.
Cable not supplied by APELEM-DMS GROUP. Leave at least 1500mm (60”) of 4G25 mm² cable on
the floor at the location of the GENERATOR in the room.
Indication by GREEN light (OFF) and RED light (ON) on the cabinet & remote control buttons box.

Standard power supply 400Vac (+/- 10%)
Optional power supply 480Vac (+/- 10%)
(3 phase + ground) with a 4G4 mm² flexible cable (H07 RN-F)
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Protection by tetra polar differential thermal-magnetic circuit breaker 30mA (curve D)
Cut off by tetra polar remote control contractor C60N - 16 A (curve D) by ON/OFF push-button.
Cable not supplied by APELEM-DMS GROUP. Leave at least 1500mm (60”) of 4G4 mm² cable on
the floor at the location of the TABLE in the room. Leave also a 6 mm² GROUND wire for the
Indication by GREEN light (OFF) and RED light (ON) on the cabinet & remote control buttons box.


Power supply 230Vac (+/- 10%)
(Phase + neutral + ground) with a 3G2.5 mm² flexible cable ( H07 RN-F )
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Cable supplied by APELEM-DMS GROUP.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Protection by bipolar differential thermal-magnetic circuit breaker 30mA (curve D)

HI or SI Class specially dedicated to UPS connexion.
Cut off by bipolar contractor C60N - 10 A (curve D).

(OPTION) CS15SA-M O.T.C. (Overhead Tube Crane)

Power supply range is 115Vac to 230Vac (+/-10%)
(Phase + neutral + ground) with a 3G1.5 mm² flexible cable (H07 RN-F) - Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Protection by bipolar differential thermal-magnetic circuit breaker 30mA (curve D)
Cut off by bipolar contractor C60N - 6 A (curve D).
Cable not supplied by APELEM-DMS GROUP. Leave at least 1500mm (60”) of 3G1.5 mm² cable on
the floor at the location of the O.T.C. (Overhead Tube Crane) in the room.

MAIN CONTACTOR 100A – 4 poles, General CUT OFF

by Emergency Buttons.
Wiring must be done under conformity to NFC 15-
100 & 15-160 standards or equivalent.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Figure 5 - Typical Electrical Schematic S6F59018 of Power Supply for complete PLATINUM

*Preparatory work in the room is at the charge of the customer

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Figure 6 - Typical Interface of the Power supply for complete PLATINUM

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

5.1. Pictures of the Electrical Cabinet

Figure 7 - Front Face when Cabinet door is open Figure 8 - Cabinet door with indication lights

The electrical cabinet must be fixed and connected to the mains of the building prior to start of the
installation of the DRX-EXCEL PLUS Digital SYSTEM.
The OUTPUT power supply cables to the generator and the table must be connected into the
electrical cabinet and isolated on the other side. Pictures of the Red and White lights above each
access (ref 1.04) page 10.
The ON/OFF remote box connected to the electrical cabinet allows a power switch ON/OFF. The
procedure is described below.

5.2. ON/OFF Remote Box

5.2.1. Switch Off DUET dRF System
- Click on "Main" in DUET dRF Main Menu, then click on "Shutdown" from the drop down list.

The system prompts for shutdown confirmation.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Click on OK to confirm, wait until Shutdown procedure is completed, log off the computer.

When DUET dRF System turns Off, the generator

also turns Off.

5.2.2. Switch Off the System

Switch Off the table from the ON/OFF remote box.
Switch Off the generator from the ON/OFF remote box.



5.3. Pictures of the Red and White lights above each access
(ref.1.04 PAGE 11)

Figure 9 - "System ON" Light Figure 10 - "X-rays Emission" Light

The system ON light is connected to the generator contactor, into the main electrical cabinet.

The X-Ray emission light is connected to the generator cabinet. Route a 2G0.75 mm² cable between
the main electrical cabinet and the generator cabinet location and leave at least 1500 mm (60”)
length of cable on the floor at the location of the generator cabinet.

Warning: Only “dry contact” for this connexion. Please refer to the
electrical schematic # S6F59018 page 16.

*Preparatory work in the room is at the charge of the customer

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

6. Maximum Cable Lengths

If not specified when ordered, PLATINUM System will be manufactured with standard cables lengths:
X-ray tube: 16 m (52.5 ft), 20 m (65.6 ft), 20 m (66ft ) for the Control Console

Warning: Cables length absorbed by the PLATINUM table is 7,5 m (25 ft)
from X-ray tube & detector to the exit point of the cables.

Standard (Maximum) cables lengths: the 7.5 m (25ft) cable length absorbed into the PLATINUM table
is taken into account in the following values.
1. Between the TABLE and its CONTROL CONSOLE: 17 m (22 m optional) – 56 ft (72 ft max)
2. Between the TABLE and the GENERATOR: 7 m (11 m maxi) – 23 ft (36 ft max)
3. Between the GENERATOR and the DUET dRF: 9 m – 29 ft
4. Between the TABLE and the DUET dRF: 11 m – 36 ft
We consider the PLATINUM table position and its control console always in front of the table but it
can be moved to the left or to the right of the table depending on how the table is going to be
tilted. The control console position ensures easier and more immediate patient visibility when the
table is in vertical position +90° or -90° (reverse).
The most frequent exam room equipment combinations are follows:
Generator and DUET dRF cabinets are both positioned on the RIGHT wall side, behind the PLATINUM .

Generator and DUET dRF cabinets are both positioned on the LEFT wall side, behind the PLATINUM .

Generator cabinet is positioned on the LEFT wall side and DUET dRF cabinet on the RIGHT wall side.

Generator cabinet is positioned on the RIGHT wall side and DUET dRF cabinet on the LEFT wall side.

MPU computer is mostly installed on the floor, under the control room desk.

Others combinations are possible depending on the exam room dimensions and configuration.

Other devices can be positioned in the exam room such as a Vertical Bucky Stand, monitors trolley or
ceiling suspension, O.T.C. (Overhead Tube Crane) For the necessary positions and cable lengths,
please reference the component’s Service manual.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

7. Operating Conditions
A cooling system is highly recommended to ensure total performance of the system.
Operative temperature: +17°C to +32°C (+50°F to +86°F)
Humidity: without condensation from 30% to 75 %
Atmospheric pressure: from 700 to 1060 hPa
Heat dissipated by the whole system: 4000 BTU/h. Used for cooling system capacity.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

8. Installation Specifications
Neither the generator cabinet nor dRF cabinet are fixed to the floor. Only the repartition plate of
the table or the table is fixed to the floor. As an option, the O.T.C. is fixed to the ceiling by HALFEN
type rails.
The PLATINUM repartition plate is fixed to the floor by 7 points on a concrete floor with a minimum
thickness of 200 mm (8”) - concrete as per the table “DIN 1045 BN350.
The floor MUST be able to support a minimum weight of 500 kg/m²
Check that the floor level is adjusted with a flatness of 1 mm/m maximum.
Dimensions of the repartition plate are 1560 (62”) x 1450 (57”) x 25 mm (1”) – Weight is 140 kg (308
The PLATINUM table will be fixed to the repartition plate by 10 bolts M16 x 45 supplied by APELEM-

As an option, the O.T.C. will be fixed on HALFEN type rails fixed under the ceiling. *
The total weight loaded on the HALFEN type rails will be 370 kg (814 lbs).
The HALFEN type rails must be perfectly leveled with a flatness of 1mm all along the rail.
Nothing should be present under the ceiling which may enter in collision with the rails and/or the
telescope of the ceiling suspension.
Depend of the rails length, four or five HALFEN type rails will be necessary.

*Preparatory work in the room is at the charge of the customer

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

9. DICOM Communication
PLATINUM SYSTEM contains a maximum of two workstations: a "DUET dRF" acquisition workstation
and a “STITCHING” workstation (the latter is optional).
To connect both workstations to the local network, we need two (2) IP addresses provided by the
network manager of the customer. The network cables are supplied for both workstations.
To connect PLATINUM table to the local network, an IP address must also be provided.

9.1. DUET dRF Acquisition Workstation Set Up

IP Address






Port 104

9.1.1. STITCHING Workstation Set Up

IP Address


Port 104

9.1.2. PLATINUM table Set Up

IP Address


To set all modality existing in the building, please send the following information:

9.2.1. Worklist (option) Set Up



Phone / email

IP Address

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System



9.2.2. PACS and storage station Set Up



Phone / email


IP Address



9.2.3. Printer Set Up

Film Printer



Phone / email

IP Address




Film Format used

Paper Printer



Phone / email

IP Address




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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Film Format used

9.2.4. MPPS (option) Set Up



Phone / email

IP Address




RIS codes Lists

To optimize workflow, please send the RIS code list for all radiography examinations to be
performed with the PLATINUM to the Customer Service Department, with attention to the
installation manager.

One RJ45 Network socket must be installed behind the PLATINUM Table. *
Two RJ45 Network sockets must be installed in the CONTROL Room. *
*Preparatory work in the room is at the charge of the customer

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

10. Protection Against X-Rays

Protection against X-rays for an x-ray examination room:
(DATA extracted from the sheets 5 & 9 of the norm NF C 15-161).
The customer must supply a Protection against X-rays in compliance with the norms NF C 15-160 /
NF C 15-161 or the equivalent in the country of installation.

LEAD equivalence of the wall materials NF C 15-160 / NF C 15-161


0,2 mm 0,5 mm 0,5 mm

I Changing cabins, patient access
1/64 " 1/32" 1/32"
0,2 mm 1,5 mm 1 mm
II Controlled zones ( Physical or Medical control, Mandatory dosimeter badge
1/64 " 1/16" 3/64"
Transitional Area of Occupancy (corridors, staircases, lifters, W.C., gardens and all 0,2 mm 1,5 mm 1 mm
similar areas) 1/64 " 1/16" 3/64"

0,5 mm 2 mm 1,5 mm
IV Monitored Areas. Wearing of dosimeter badge
1/32" 5/64" 1/16"
Unmonitored Areas - Inside the building 1 mm 2,5 mm 2 mm
All other areas, outside the building 3/64" 3/32" 5/64"

VII Areas physically inaccessible

1 mm (3/64") of LEAD is equivalent to 6 mm (15/64") of iron, 70 mm (2 3/4") of normal concrete, 20 mm (25/32") of

barium concrete,30 mm (1 3/16") of barium plasterboard, 100 mm (3 15/16") of solid brick, 200 mm (7 7/8")of hollow
concrete block, 300 mm (11 13/16") of hollow brick, 200 mm (7 7/8") of plasterblock.

Obligation to control the radiation protection of radiological installations. *

The customer, in accordance with the local authorities, must control the radiological installation at
the time of the installation and annually thereafter.

*Preparatory work in the room is at the charge of the customer

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

11. General Conditions for Work Contractors*

In accordance with our general sales conditions, the pre-installation work including electrical work,
plumbing, metal work, etc...necessary for the PLATINUM System will be done in accordance with the
pre-requisites outlined in this document and in compliance with current standards.
The anti X-ray protection will be done in compliance with the norm NF C 15-160 or equivalent.
All this work as well as any necessary paint, floor-coating or other finishing work must be completed
before the arrival of our technician & engineer team.
This work will be executed under the responsibility of the contractors chosen by the customer/buyer
and will be at the charge of the latter.
Regarding electrical work:
The circuit breakers, contractors, fuses, button box, lights, switches, etc.. will be supplied by the
electrical contractor.
All electrical trunking work will be done in accordance with the supplied electrical schematics and
layout and must respect the exact locations mentioned on the General Installation layout.

*Preparatory work in the room is at the charge of the customer

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

12. Installation & Application Schedule

If an O.T.C. is installed with the table, 2 more working days will be necessary.
Taking in account that the X-ray examination room is ready to accept the PLATINUM System, we can
plan the installation as per the following calendar:




delivery by truck COVERS QUALITY



DAY 6 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10

Duet dRF PC &


The patient’s examinations will be suspended for six (6) working days.
The seventh day: few patients in the morning, standard activity in the afternoon.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

13. Physical Specifications

13.1. Physical Specifications of the PLATINUM Table

Figure 11 - Physical Specifications

Figure 12 - Physical Specifications

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

13.2. Physical Specifications of PLATINUM Repartition Plate

13.3. Physical Specifications of the PLATINUM Console

Note: the generator console is fully integrated into the GUI (Graphic User Interface) PLATINUM
1. Control Console without pedestal:
540 (21”) x 325 (13”) x 110 mm (4.3”)

Figure 13 - Control Console without Pedestal

2. Control Console with pedestal (Optional):

540 (21”) x 325 (13”) x 110 mm (4.3”) x 940 mm (37”)

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Figure 14 - Control Console with Pedestal

To ensure perfect stability, the base plate must be

fixed to the floor. The base plate is provided with
two holes, Ø 9mm and two head caps for M8

3. Second Console without Monitor (Optional):

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Figure 15 - Second Console without Monitor

The cable length from the trolley to the rear of the

table is 8 m.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

4. Second Console with Monitors (Optional):

Figure 16 - Second Console with Monitors

The cable length from the trolley to the rear of the

table is 8 m.

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

13.4. Physical Specifications of the MAGNUM Generator Cabinet

All dimensions are in inches (mm)

Figure 17 - Specifications of MAGNUM Generator Cabinet

13.5. Physical Specifications of the DUET dRF Cabinet and MPU

630 (25”) x 560 (22”) x 630 mm (25”) - 460 (18”) x 200 (8”) x 630 mm (25”)

Figure 18 - Specifications of DUET dRF Cabinet & MPU Computer

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

13.6. Physical Specifications of 19” and 23” size Monitors

Figure 19 - Specifications of 19”

For 19” monitors:

Display area: 376 x 301 mm – 15” x 12”
Dimensions in landscape: 416 x 458-520 x 220 mm – 16” x 18”-20” x 8 ½”

For 23” monitors:

Display area: 512 x 289 mm – 20” x 11 ½”
Dimensions in landscape: 547 x 332 x 220 mm – 21 ½” x 13” x 8 ½”

The 19” monitors can be put on a desk, on a trolley or installed on the optional second console
trolley (p.34).

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

13.7. Physical Specifications of the Ceiling Suspension (Optional)

Figure 20 - Specifications of the Ceiling Suspension (mm/inches)

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Figure 21 - Specifications of the Ceiling Suspension (mm/inches)

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PLATINUM Remote Controlled System

Figure 22 - Specifications of the Ceiling Suspension (mm/inches)

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