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ÖSYM sınavları paralelinde özgün sorularla hazırlanmış,

YDS’de en çok karşılaşılan gramer yapıları ve kelimelere yer verilen,
Tüm soru tiplerinde eksikleri görmeye ve gidermeye yardımcı olan,
Sınav tecrübesini arttırmayı amaçlayan

10 Deneme
Birol Çetinkaya 5 Deneme
Nizamettin Er
400 Soru

1. Bu kitaptaki her Deneme Sınavı 80 sorudan oluşmaktadır.

2. Bir deneme sınavı için verilen cevaplama süresi 180 dakikadır. (3 saat)

3. Deneme sınavlarında yer alan her sorunun sadece bir doğru cevabı vardır.
Bir soru için birden çok cevap yeri işaretlenmişse o soru yanlış cevaplanmış

4. Bir sınavın değerlendirilmesi doğru cevap sayısı üzerinden yapılacak, yanlış

cevaplar dikkate alınmayacaktır.

5. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.

Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının
Merkezimizin yazılı izni olmadan kopya edilmesi, fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla
çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar gerekli cezai
sorumluluğu ve doğacak tüm mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır.

video çözümleri
Bu testte 80 soru vardır.

Bu sınav için verilen cevaplama süresi 180 dakikadır (3 saat).

4. In cryptography, a Caesar cipher,

1-6: For these questions, choose the
named after Julius Caesar, is a type of
best word or expression to fill the
substitution cipher in which each letter
in the plaintext is ---- by a letter some
fixed number of positions further down
1. It was not easy for the English to cross the alphabet.
three thousand miles of water and A) replaced B) demolished
found homes in the American ---- at the
beginning of the seventeenth century. C) consoled D) intended
A) sadness B) evacuation E) derived
C) enjoyment D) celebrity
E) wilderness
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

2. Isaac Asimov was a Russian-born 5. In the innocent voice of a defenceless
American author and biochemist, a Y child who could neither ---- nor have
highly successful and exceptionally S power over the world around him, the
---- writer best known for his works of D man told his tale of sorrow.
science fiction and for his science books İ
L A) figure out B) get away
for the lay person.
C) come off D) cut down
A) incompetent B) diluted
E) bring about
C) prolific D) fragile
E) mediocre

3. In 331 BC Alexander the Great defeated 6. A microprocessor is the controlling

Darius III in the Battle of Gaugamela, and unit of a microcomputer, performing
was ---- crowned “King of Asia”. calculations ---- stored instructions.
A) cutting off B) giving up

A) subsequently B) intimately C) carrying out D) seeing off

C) frantically D) abusively E) showing around

E) brutally

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 5 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


13. The human brain reaches its maximum 15. At the centre of ---- tooth is an area with
weight at age 20. Over the next 60 years, nerves, arteries and veins called the
---- billions of nerve cells die within the dental pulp.
brain, it loses 3 ounces.
A) all B) whole
A) whereas B) though
C) both D) each
C) in view of D) as
E) several
E) owing to

w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

16. Descartes stated ---- he meant by

14. The extent ---- the stock market thought was all the things that occurred
is affected by the day-to-day in experience, ---- dreams, sensations, or
pronouncements of the President of the symbols.
United States is astonishing.
A) when / if B) that / what
A) of which B) to which
C) what / whether D) whether / what
C) whose D) where
E) when E) that / that

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 7 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


17-21: For these questions, choose
the best word or expression to fill the A) vague B) futile
spaces in the passage. C) distinct D) reckless
E) unanimous
When energy of an isolated atom or molecule
changes, it does (17) ---- in a definite jump from
one value to (18) ----, with no possible values
in between. The change in energy occurs when
radiation is absorbed or emitted, so the radiation
also has (19) ---- energy values. (20) ----, the
light emitted or absorbed by separate atoms or
molecules can be used to identify (21) ---- the
substance is.

w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

A) As a result B) Nonetheless
A) so B) as
C) Regardless of D) On account of
C) such D) either
E) In contrast
E) nor

A) for which B) that
A) other’s B) the other’s
C) in that D) what
C) another D) other
E) of whom
E) each other

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 8 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


29. The coconut crab is the largest terrestrial

27-36: For these questions, choose
arthropod, ----.
the best option to complete the given
sentence. A) such as pots and silverware from
houses and tents

27. Following fertilization, cell division B) even though another name was the
produces a small cluster of cells ----. “terrestrial hermit crab”

A) to forming the basic tissues of an C) including the Indian and western Pacific
embryo before it is too late Ocean, where they thrive

B) during the first three months of D) known for its ability to crack coconuts
pregnancy, organs begin to form E) however, it will eat nearly anything
C) that then differentiate by appearance organic
and function
D) when all organs and body features
developed adequately
E) its features are mature enough to
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

function well after birth

28. Learning often results from two 30. The first large-scale computer screening
perceptions or actions ----. of herbs used in traditional Chinese
medicine has revealed ----.
A) occurring at about the same time
A) and colleagues identified over 8000
B) detected a wide range of visual stimuli chemicals from the 240 most commonly
C) may be a trillion times as intense as used herbs
those experienced previously B) they were found to contain molecules
D) that people detected directly rather than which, potentially at least, might be of
indirectly use
E) the stronger the mental connection C) a wide variety of chemicals that may
between the two have potential for the development of
new drugs
D) to test candidate molecules in the
laboratory to confirm the computer
E) the analysis may prove useful in
developing treatments for hypertension
and HIV

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 10 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


38. According to the regulation made last

37-42: For these questions, choose the
year, all insurance companies are
most accurate Turkish translation of required to reinsure thirty per cent of
the sentences in English, and the most each policy.
accurate English translation of the
sentences in Turkish. A) Geçen yıl yeni bir düzenleme yapıldı
ve buna göre, tüm sigorta şirketleri,
poliçelerin yüzde otuzunu yeniden
37. Able to work successfully in a variety of sigortalamakla yükümlüler.
architectural styles, Francis Petre was
B) Geçen yıl yapılan düzenlemede de
also notable for his work in concrete
belirtildiği gibi, her sigorta şirketi,
construction, and he designed numerous poliçelerinin yüzde otuzunu yeniden
buildings, many of which are still sigortalamak zorundadır.
C) Geçen yıl yapılan düzenlemeye göre,
A) Francis Petre çeşitli mimari stillerde tüm sigorta şirketleri, her poliçenin
başarıyla çalışabilmesinin yanında, yüzde otuzunu yeniden sigortalamakla
beton inşaatındaki çalışmalarıyla da yükümlüdür.
dikkat çekmişti ve pek çoğu hala ayakta
D) Geçen yıl çıkartılan bir kanuna göre,
olan çok sayıda binanın tasarımıyla
sigorta şirketlerinin, her bir poliçenin
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

görevlendirilmişti. yüzde otuzunu yeniden sigortalamaları

B) Beton inşaatındaki çalışmalarıyla dikkat gerekiyor.
çeken Francis Petre, çeşitli mimari E) Geçen yılki düzenlemeye göre, her
stillere duyduğu ilginin doğal sonucu sigorta şirketi, poliçenizin yüzde
olarak, pek çoğu hala ayakta olan çok otuzunu yeniden sigortalamayı garanti
sayıda binanın tasarımını da yapmıştır. etmek zorundadır.
C) Aslında hemen her mimari stilde
başarıyla çalışmış olsa da Francis
Petre’yi üne kavuşturan şey, çoğu hala
ayakta duran pek çok beton binayı
tasarlayıp başarıyla inşa etmesiydi.
D) Çeşitli mimari stillerde başarıyla
çalışabilen Francis Petre, beton
inşaatındaki çalışmalarıyla da dikkat
çekiyordu ve pek çoğu hala ayakta olan
çok sayıda binanın tasarımını yapmıştı.
E) Mimarinin her stilinde eşsiz örnekler
veren Francis Petre, beton inşaatında
öncülerden biriydi ve bugün hala ayakta
duran pek çok yapının tasarımcısı
olarak çok iyi bilinen bir isimdir.

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 13 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


44. The author of the passage suggests that

43-46: Answer these questions sleeping about eight hours a day ----.
according to the passage below.
A) is certainly a waste of our precious time
B) cannot be enough to lead a healthy life
About one-third of an average human life is C) seems to be more than we actually
passed in sleep. The efficiency and comfort of need
the individual demand the surrender of this eight
D) is a necessity to lead a proficient life
hours. Sleep is a more imperative necessity than
food. It is quite likely that some people indulge E) is a misconception imposed by doctors
in too much sleep. This may sometimes be due
to laziness, but frequently it is due to actual
intoxication, from an excess of food which results
in the presence of poisonous substances in the
intestines. Therefore, when the diet is reduced, 45. It is stated in the passage that presence
the hours of sleep may be reduced. Sleep is a of poisonous substances in the
state in which the tissues of the body which have intestines ----.
been used up may be restored. Accordingly,
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

sleep before midnight is more efficacious than A) sometimes results in an excessive

sleep after midnight as in the early part of the amount of sleep
evening the cells are not so nearly exhausted B) usually results from a recently reduced
as they are later in the evening, and it is much diet
easier to repair them in the partially exhausted
stage than it is in the completely exhausted C) becomes more visible in hedonist
stage. For this reason, a mid-day nap or a short female participants
nap after the evening meal is often effective. D) always stems from a malfunctioning
digestive system
E) is an indirect outcome of the stressful

43. According to the passage, it appears 46. One point made in the passage is that it
to be more reasonable to sleep before is obviously ----.
midnight because ----. A) essential that babies should go to sleep
A) the repair work runs more efficiently right before dinner
during that time B) a good idea to doze in the afternoon
B) it is harder to wake up early the C) natural to sleep lightly after midnight
following day
D) very useful to keep on sleeping until
C) people are more likely to have pleasant mid-day
dreams just after midnight
E) possible to take a short sleep every two
D) the intestines work more efficiently if hours if you are conscious enough
you are sleeping at midnight
E) there is a mystic virtue in the hours
before twelve

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 16 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


48. We learn from the passage that lung

47-50: Answer these questions tissue can be ripped open ----.
according to the passage below. A) as a result of prolonged exposure to
radioactive elements
B) when the vocal cord suffers a
The voice of a person who has inhaled helium
reasonable amount of pressure
temporarily sounds high-pitched, resembling
those of the cartoon characters. This is because C) if the flow rate of helium through the
the speed of sound in helium is nearly three times respiratory tract is high
that in air. As a result, when helium is inhaled
D) only if brain damage and asphyxiation
there is a corresponding increase in the resonant
happen at the same time
frequencies of the vocal tract. Although the vocal
effect of inhaling helium may be amusing, it can E) more easily if the person has died from
be dangerous if done to excess. The reason is helium poisoning
not due to toxicity or any property of helium but
simply due to it displacing oxygen needed for
normal respiration. One must be aware that in
mammals -with the notable exception of seals- 49. One can infer from the passage that
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

the breathing reflex is not triggered by insufficient nitrogen ----.

oxygen but rather excess of carbon dioxide. A) can reduce some harmful effects of
Unconsciousness, brain damage and even helium
asphyxiation followed by death may result in
extreme cases. Also, if helium is inhaled directly B) leads to high pressure nervous
from pressurized cylinders the high flow rate syndrome
can fatally rupture lung tissue. Neutral helium C) is toxic and plays a biological role
at standard conditions is non-toxic and plays no
biological role. At high pressures, a mixture of D) is another name used for neutral helium
helium and oxygen can lead to high pressure E) is always needed for normal respiration
nervous syndrome; a small proportion of nitrogen
can alleviate the problem.

47. The author of the passage states that 50. We understand from the passage that the
when an excessive amount of helium is reason for the change in the voice upon
inhaled, ----. inhaling helium is ----.
A) the voice becomes funnier than one A) the resemblance between humans and
would normally expect cartoon characters
B) the toxic effects of helium are reduced B) the increasing speed of sound in fresh
to a great extent air
C) it spreads its toxic effects so fast that C) the different speeds of sound in
paralysis is inescapable different gases
D) there could be quite hazardous results D) the danger related to inhaling helium
E) the blood is cleared of toxins instantly E) helium’s moving three times faster than

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 17 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


68-71: For these questions, choose
Fred :
the best rephrased form of the given
- ----
Sarah :
- Well, I guess it was the pair of 68. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity
trousers I bought last month. and unless that affinity is created in
Fred : a moment, that means it will never be
- Why? Did you find the same created.
trousers at a much lower price? A) A happy couple loving each other must
Sarah: crown their relationship with a baby
- It is not about the price. When I unless they want to break up shortly.
got home that day I found that my B) Once two people are sure they are soul
mother had bought me a similar mates, they should never hesitate to
pair and I didn’t have time to return reveal their actual feelings.
them to the shop.
C) Only if you are convinced that you
can devote your life to her happiness,
A) Did you like the trousers your sister
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

should you propose to marry her.

bought for you?
D) Having children will assure a healthy
B) How about going shopping together? I relationship as it’s going to be more
need a pair of jeans. difficult to act in an irresponsible way.
C) How long is it since we last went E) If two people are not attracted to one
shopping together? another the moment they meet, they
D) What was the last thing you regret will never fall in love with each other.
E) I can lend you as much money as you 69. An individual should live by his own
wish as I know how reliable you are. choices, and he should not let others
shape him with the roles they are eager
to thrust upon him.
A) If an individual relies too much on his
own choices, he might end up begging
for others’ demands.
B) An individual will always find people
around him telling him what roles
to assume if he overrates his own
C) Provided that he conforms to what
society imposes on him, an individual
will never be confronted with social
D) The choices an individual makes
throughout his life indicate how
independently he was brought up.
E) What an individual ought to rely on
is his own choices, not the roles and
responsibilities imposed by other

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 23 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


73. The first scanners required human action

72-75: For these questions, choose the to do the scanning and used very simple
best option to complete the missing light sources. The most common was
part of the passage. the wand, which is still popular because
it is inexpensive and reliable. ----. This is
because the light source they use is only
72. Of course, we all know something about narrow enough to distinguish between
time. ----. We also know it as divisible bars and stripes right at the wand tip. If
into parts, all of which are successive. the labelled products are oddly shaped
Those who have thought a good deal or dirty, this method is impractical if not
about the matter are apt to tell us that impossible.
time is a necessity of thought, that time
is and must be infinite, and that it is A) Wand scanners require placing the end
infinitely divisible. of the scanner against the code
A) These are the same statements that B) Rotating, motor-driven mirror
are made regarding space assemblies were developed in the
B) We know it as past, present, and future
C) This technology is likely to improve
C) We know that whatever is dangerous
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

scanner reliability and code reading

must be avoided speed
D) However, we must not pass them over D) A hologram is a photographic image
altogether that behaves like a three-dimensional
E) It is not necessary to dwell upon them object
at great length E) Modern bar code scanners will scan in
many different directions and angles

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 25 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


78. (I) All colours, including black and white,

76-80: For these questions, choose the act in a similar way under such conditions.
irrelevant sentence in the passage. (II) If the eyes are stimulated by the same
kind of light for some time, the eyes become
adapted to that light. (III) If the light is
76. (I) One common aspect of all social yellow, at first objects seem yellow. (IV)
tradeoffs pits personal benefit and the But after a time they look as if they were
rights of the individual, on one side, against illuminated with white light, losing the yellow
the social good and the rights of society, aspect. (V) If one then goes out into white
on the other. (II) Tradeoffs are not always light, everything looks bluish.
between desirable possibilities. (III) It let A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
changes in the division of labour between
men and women and between children and
adults. (IV) Sometimes social and personal
tradeoffs require accepting an unwanted
outcome to avoid some other unwanted one.
(V) In deciding among alternatives, a major 79. (I) Most cells function best within a narrow
question is who will receive the benefits and range of temperature and acidity. (II) At
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

who will bear the costs. very low temperatures, reaction rates are
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V too slow. (III) High temperatures and/or
extremes of acidity can irreversibly change
the structure of most protein molecules. (IV)
Even small changes in acidity can alter the
molecules and how they interact. (V) Both
herbivorous and carnivorous organisms
inhabit such land for further food supplies.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

77. (I) An H II region is a cloud of glowing 80. (I) Chemical and biological warfare was
gas, sometimes several hundred light used long before the World War One. (II)
years across, in which star formation is The largest chemical weapons factory is
taking place. (II) They study extragalactic in Kazakhstan, a leftover from the Soviet
H II regions and try in vain to find the era. (III) In the 5th century BC, Spartans
distance and chemical composition of other used bombs made of sulphur to overcome
galaxies. (III) Young, hot, blue stars which the enemy. (IV) In medieval times, soldiers
have formed from this gas emit copious sometimes threw bodies of plague victims
amounts of ultraviolet light, ionising the into water wells. (V) During the Indian wars
nebula surrounding them. (IV) H II regions in North America, blankets used by smallpox
may give birth to thousands of stars over victims were given to American Indians in
a period of several million years. (V) In the hope they would carry the disease.
the end, supernova explosions and strong A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
stellar winds from the most massive stars in
the resulting star cluster will evaporate the
gases of the H II region.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 27 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.

Bu testte 80 soru vardır.

Bu sınav için verilen cevaplama süresi 180 dakikadır (3 saat).

4. When the hikers decided to follow

1-6: For these questions, choose the
the southern route to the summit of
best word or expression to fill the
Mount Everest, the heavy snow ---- their
A) varied B) wandered
1. The most ambitious attempt to make
philosophy relevant to everyday life is C) impeded D) observed
the field of philosophical counselling,
for it seeks to use philosophy to help E) abandoned
individuals to deal with their most
pressing ----.
A) locations B) dilemmas
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

C) instalments D) initials
E) casualties

2. As a result of the illegal drug traffic in the Y 5. Many religious individuals believe that
country, the Columbian government had while each person may be the author of
to take ---- action against the dealers. D his or her own life, there is still a rough
A) peculiar B) deficient L outline that must be followed, one that
has been ---- by some far more talented
C) immediate D) legible author.
E) impersonal A) drawn up B) taken down
C) called at D) sent for
E) talked into

3. The minister said climate change 6. In the mid-1950s, the Norwegian

increases the vulnerability of Africa’s government began requiring students to
poor by ---- affecting their health and attend school until they were 16 years
livelihoods, and undermining growth old, rather than allowing them to ---- at
opportunities crucial for poverty 14.
reduction. A) come round B) take in
A) cheerfully B) hurriedly C) get on D) turn out
C) adversely D) nominally E) drop out
E) deliberately

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 221 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


13. The Cullinan, ---- the largest uncut 15. Representing large numbers in terms of
diamond, was discovered in South Africa powers of ten makes it ---- to think about
in 1905. It was the size of a man’s fist them and to compare things that are
and weighed over half a kilo. greatly different.
A) soon B) as soon as A) easily B) more easily
C) once D) while C) as easy as D) easier
E) during E) the easiest

w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

14. Energy is released whenever the nuclei 16. ---- the University of Chicago is better
of very heavy atoms, such as uranium known for its scientific achievements,
or plutonium, split into middleweight ----, its students have also made significant
or when very light nuclei, such as ---- contributions to the arts.
of hydrogen and helium, combine into
A) So that B) In that
heavier ones.
C) Nonetheless D) Neither
A) one / some
E) Although
B) of the ones / that
C) one’s / one
D) ones / those
E) the one / each

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 223 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


22-26: For these questions, choose
the best word or expression to fill the A) not only B) as well
spaces in the passage.
C) even if D) as for
E) in addition to
The Turk was a hoax (22) ---- to be a chess-
playing machine. (23) ---- in 1770 by a Hungarian
baron, the mechanism appeared to be able to
play a strong game of chess against a human
opponent, (24) ---- performing the knight’s tour, a
puzzle that requires the player to move a knight
to occupy every square of a chessboard once.
Publicly promoted as a robot, the Turk was in fact
a mechanical illusion that allowed a human chess
master (25) ---- inside and operate the machine.
With a skilled operator, the Turk won most of the
games played. The apparatus was demonstrated
around the world (26) ---- eighty years until its
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

destruction in 1854.

22. 25.
A) claimed B) survived A) by hiding B) hid
C) occurred D) devoted C) hidden D) hiding
E) inhaled E) to hide

23. 26.
A) Constructing A) in about B) at all
B) Constructed C) for over D) all around
C) To construct E) ever since
D) To be constructed
E) Having constructed

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 225 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


29. ----, astronomers believe that the whole

27-36: For these questions, choose
universe is expanding.
the best option to complete the given
sentence. A) The observed wavelength of a wave
depends upon the relative motion of the
source and the observer
27. Some analysts were sure that president
Vladimir Putin would find a way to B) As the light from distant galaxies has
remain ----. longer wavelengths than comparable
light here on earth
A) who witness an unprecedented
democratic transfer of power C) If either is moving toward the other, the
observed wavelength is shorter
B) whether or not his successor resigns
from office D) As the source moves away, so does the
observer, who strives to do his best to
C) that the presidential election would adapt to the new conditions
indeed be democratic
E) That the new evidence they have found
D) in office despite a constitutional suggests the likelihood of other life
prohibition against a third term forms in outer space
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

E) we should have had a president like

this a long time ago

30. A man has confessed to the police that

28. Isaac Newton demonstrated the he killed his grandmother ----.
composite nature of sunlight when he
sent a sunbeam through a prism, ----. A) because of a disagreement about
A) showed that the colour was intrinsic to
the light itself B) why he stabbed his grandmother to
B) because X-ray wavelengths are much
shorter than those of visible light C) who has been called to the apartment
in the city centre
C) even then the beam suffered very little
wavelength-dependent spreading D) if she used to be the spokesperson for
the prosecutor’s office
D) spreading out the light into a rainbow of
colours E) one of whom could not remember what
he wanted to watch
E) that it was scattered and spread out
into a rainbow

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 226 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


38. Those who praise Spencer’s work in

37-42: For these questions, choose the
this or that field are people who have
most accurate Turkish translation of
themselves worked in some other field
the sentences in English, and the most
and have imperfect knowledge about the
accurate English translation of the
field that they happen to be praising.
sentences in Turkish.
A) Spencer’ın farklı alanlardaki
çalışmalarıyla ilgili olarak yapılan
37. Regressive behaviours such as thumb
kapsamlı bir araştırmaya göre, ondan
sucking can be seen when individuals övgü ile söz edenlerin büyük bir bölümü
are in a stressful situation like aslında ondan en az alıntı yapanlardı.
examination time.
B) Çok farklı bilim dallarında öne çıkmış
A) Geriye dönüş davranışları, kişiler saygın bilim insanları, Spencer’ın
sınav dönemi gibi stresli durumlarda yakaladığı o keskin gözlem başarısını
olduklarında görülebilir ve bunların en anlayabilmek için kusursuz bir bilgi
dikkat çekici olanı parmak emmedir. hazinesine sahip olmak gerektiğini
B) Parmak emme gibi geriye dönüş
davranışları, kişiler sınav dönemi C) Kimi bilim insanları, Spencer’ın
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

gibi stresli durumlarda olduklarında anlatmaya çalıştığı konuları kendileri

görülebilir. bile anlamadıkları halde her yerde
ondan övgü ile söz etmeyi alışkanlık
C) Sınav dönemi gibi stresli durumlarda haline getirmişlerdi.
olduklarında parmak emen yetişkinlerle
ilgili pek çok araştırma yapılmıştır. D) İlgilendiği her konuda öne çıkmayı
başaran Spencer, meslektaşlarından
D) İnsanlar sınav dönemi gibi stresli aldığı tavsiyeler doğrultusunda
durumlarda olduklarında bazı geriye çalışarak büyük ilerleme kaydetti.
dönüş davranışları sergileyebilirler ve
bunların en dikkat çekici olanı parmak E) Spencer’ın şu veya bu alandaki
emmedir. çalışmalarını övenler, kendileri bir
başka alanda çalışmakta olan ve
E) Görülmüştür ki bazı kişiler sınav övgüde bulundukları alan hakkında
dönemlerinde aşırı stres yüzünden kısıtlı bilgiye sahip olan kişilerdir.
parmak emme gibi geriye dönüş
davranışları sergileyebilirler.

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 229 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


44. We learn from the passage that some

43-46: Answer these questions Spartan boys ----.
according to the passage below.
A) refused an inspection by the elders of
their tribe
B) sometimes acted like a lunatic to avoid
Spartan education had a single purpose: to fighting
produce good soldiers and obedient citizens. A
C) were taught to cook in the military
sound body formed the first essential. A father
school so that they could take care of
was required to submit his son, soon after birth,
to an inspection by the elders of his tribe. If they
found the child weak or ill-shaped, they ordered D) were forced to kill their comrades to
it to be left on the mountain side to perish from show their courage and commitment
exposure. At the age of seven, a boy was taken
from his parents’ home and placed in a military E) preferred death to a cry of pain
school. Here he was trained in marching, sham
fighting, and gymnastics. He learned to sing
warlike songs and to express himself in the
fewest possible words. Spartan brevity of speech 45. The author states that when a Spartan
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

became proverbial. Above all he learned to baby boy was found to be vulnerable,
endure hardship without complaint. He went ----.
barefoot and wore only a single garment, in A) he was placed in a military school so
winter and summer. Every year he and his that he could polish his skills
comrades had to submit to a whipping before
the altar of the goddess Artemis, and the hero B) his father was made to leave it to death
was the lad who could bear the whipping longest C) he was taken from his parents’ home
without giving a sign of pain. It is said that boys and kept in custody
sometimes died under the lash rather than utter a
cry. Such ordeals are still a feature of savage life D) it was easy for him to tolerate pain and
today. hardship because he felt he was part of
a powerful family
E) he wore only a single garment in winter
and went hunting with his father

43. We understand from the passage 46. We can infer from the passage that a
that even in the present day there are good Spartan soldier was expected to
uncivilized societies where ----. ----.
A) individuals have to experience A) whip himself before a large group of
agonizing tests spectators and shout as loudly as
B) Spartan textbooks are used during the
education process of soldiers B) kill his comrades when necessary, even
though his conscience was hurt
C) disobedient citizens are forced to speak
very briefly C) speak foreign languages so that he can
infiltrate enemy lines
D) seven-year-old girls have to leave their
homes D) keep the amount of oral communication
to an absolute minimum
E) mental strength is considered far more
important than physical strength E) do social service in peace time

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 232 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


68-71: For these questions, choose
Fiona : the best rephrased form of the given
- Have you heard that the computers
of the Federal Bureau have been
hacked? 68. Land-based human activity is damaging
the oceans, but still they are the last
great frontier of relatively unspoiled
- Yes, but it’s not surprising. There are natural habitat.
people who can hack any computer
A) Excessive fishing and poisonous
in the world.
wastes from factories have
Fiona : contaminated the oceans to such an
extent that soon there will be no life left.
- ----
B) When humans first began to sail
Michael :
across the oceans, they couldn’t have
- Yes, you should. I always prefer imagined what was going to happen to
traditional methods to technological that vast body of water.
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

C) The oceans have managed to remain
fairly intact in spite of the harmful
activities of people over land.
A) Then I should reconsider using Internet
banking for my transactions. D) Although there are still many natural
beauties in this country that attract
B) I don’t believe you. Big companies
people from all over the world, they will
spend lots of money to safeguard their
be destroyed in a few decades.
E) The wild inhabitants of this territory
C) Should I tell you how often they check
seem to have been disturbed by the
the whole database?
sprawl of human settlements.
D) Do you think I should include some
more information in my article?
E) Yes, I know how dangerous some
hackers could be.

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 239 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


73. The economy of Kyrgyzstan was

72-75: For these questions, choose the severely affected by the collapse of the
best option to complete the missing Soviet trading block. ----. Naturally, the
part of the passage. nation’s economic performance in the
early 1990s was really bad; in fact, it
was worse than any other former Soviet
72. Ahmose I was a pharaoh of ancient republic, except for war-torn Armenia,
Egypt and the founder of the eighteenth Azerbaijan, and Tajikistan. While
dynasty. He was a member of the economic performance has improved in
Theban royal house, the son of King the last few years, difficulties remain in
Tao II, and brother of the last king of securing adequate fiscal revenues and
the seventeenth dynasty. When he was providing an adequate social safety net.
seven, his father was killed. ----. Ahmose
I assumed the throne after his death. A) Before the collapse in 1989,
During his reign, he completed the ninety-eight per cent of its exports were
conquest and restored Theban rule over going to the Soviet Union
the whole of Egypt. B) The position of the country
A) He then reorganized the administration geographically worked to its advantage
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

of the country C) Among its reserves were substantial

B) Consequently, he began massive deposits of coal, gold, uranium,
construction projects of a type that had antimony
not been undertaken for ages D) And the government was hopeful of
C) When he was ten, his brother died of attracting foreign investment in the field
unknown causes, after reigning for only E) Overall, the government was committed
three years to transferring to a new economic
D) Ahmose’s reign laid the foundations system
for the New Kingdom, under which
Egyptian power reached its peak
E) This building program culminated in the
construction of the last pyramid built by
native Egyptian rulers

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 241 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.


78. (I) Most of us take a pride in where we live

76-80: For these questions, choose the and look after our homes. (II) Earth is our
irrelevant sentence in the passage. home too, but you’d never know it from the
way we treat it. (III) This typical eco-home
is built from wood, has huge windows to
absorb sunlight, and makes power with
76. (I) The only long-term solution to the solar cells on the roof. (IV) The planet is
problem of the pollution and environmental under ever-increasing pressure from the
degradation is a severe limit on economic things we do. (V) Each day, there are more
development. (II) Fees for use of public people trying to survive on Earth’s limited
lands should be set too low so as to make a resources by turning farmland into factories
larger cumulative profit, which can be used and burning down forests.
to construct new roads. (III) This is precisely A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
what local communities have done in order
to preserve the quality of life. (IV) They have
told developers, “This community values
more than just production and material
gain.” (V) They have added that they are 79. (I) Cars waste energy even before they’re
w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m

determined to guard the delicate ecosystem built. (II) A bicycle takes about 90 per cent
in every respect, from the smallest life-form of the energy your legs supply at the pedals
to the largest body of water. and turns it into kinetic energy. (III) Add
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V up all the energy a car needs during its
lifetime and you’ll find 10 per cent is used
just getting the thing on the road. (IV) Six
per cent goes into making the steel and all
the other bits and the other four per cent
is needed in the car factory to put them
together. (V) As you’d expect, the vast
majority of the energy a car consumes in
its life goes into the fuel tank in the form of
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
77. (I) A cell that no longer repairs damage
incurred by its DNA can enter one of three
possible states. (II) DNA repair refers to
a collection of processes by which a cell
identifies and corrects damage to the DNA
molecules. (III) Both normal metabolic 80. (I) Chemical and biological warfare was
activities and environmental factors such as used long before the World War One. (II)
UV light can cause DNA damage, resulting The largest chemical weapons factory is
in as many as one million individual in Kazakhstan, a leftover from the Soviet
molecular lesions per cell per day. (IV) Many era. (III) In the 5th century BC, Spartans
of these lesions cause structural damage to used bombs made of sulphur to overcome
the DNA molecule and can alter or eliminate the enemy. (IV) In medieval times, soldiers
the cell’s ability to transcribe the gene that sometimes threw bodies of plague victims
the affected DNA encodes. (V) Other lesions into water wells. (V) During the Indian wars
induce potentially harmful mutations in the in North America, blankets used by smallpox
cell’s genome, which affect the survival of its victims were given to American Indians in
daughter cells after it undergoes mitosis. the hope they would carry the disease.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

DİLKO YAYINCILIK 243 Diğer Sayfaya Geçiniz.

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