Sick Leave Policy Sample Template - Pazcare

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Name of the Organization

Sick Leave Policy

Policy Overview:
We carefully design our sick leave policy, considering legal requirements and company culture.
We value employee health and offer work-from-home options as an alternative to sick leaves.
To maintain integrity, we provide longer paid time off (PTO) instead of traditional sick leave.

Scope of the policy:

This policy applies to all full-time employees and part-time employees who have worked for at
least 6 months or completed their probation period.

Sick Leave Entitlement:

Employees get (number of days) days of sick leave each year, starting from 1st January.

Conditions for Availing Sick Leave:

Employees can take sick leave for:
1. Recovering from an illness.
2. Returning after an accident.
3. Health check-ups during sickness.
4. Caring for an ill family member.
Menstruation leaves fall under Paid Time Off or PTO Leave.

How to Apply for Sick Leave:

Inform your Supervisor and HR at least half an hour before your scheduled starting time. You
may need to provide a physician's certificate if required. The final decision rests with the
Supervisor and HR.

Sick Leave Incentive Program:

To discourage misuse, we have a sick leave incentive program. You get a bonus equivalent to
(number of days) days pay if you use 3 or fewer sick leaves.
Extended Leave for Disabilities:
Permanently or temporarily disabled employees can request extended leave with approval from
the concerned team leader and HR.

Letter of Release:
For surgeries or hospitalizations lasting more than 24 hours, provide a letter of release or fitness
certificate before resuming work.

Use of Vacation Leaves as Sick Leave:

If you exhaust all sick leave, you may use vacation leave as sick leave. But sick leave cannot be
used as vacation leave.

By following this Sick Leave Policy, we create a supportive work environment that prioritizes
employee well-being and productivity.

Disclaimer: This is not a legal document, and may not cover all laws under the Indian Labour
law. Neither the writer nor Pazcare will be liable for any legal consequences arising from its
use. Consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance and adapt this guide to your
business needs.

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