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Security Policy
Organizational Security
Asset Management
Human Resource Security
Physical and Environmental Security
Communications and Operations Management
Access Control
Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and
Information Security Incident Management
Business Continuity Management

CA | CISA | DISA | CEH | COBIT-19 | ISO27001:2022 | RPA


Assessmen Assessment Sub-

Assessment Items Status Findings
t Category Category
Is there a documented information security policy in place?
Is the policy approved by management?
Is the policy communicated to all employees and relevant external parties?

Security Policy Does the policy include definitions of information security responsibilities?
Is there a regular review and update process for the security policy?
Is there a defined consequence for non-compliance with the policy?
Are policies in line with business needs, relevant laws, and regulations?
Does the policy cover all necessary aspects of information security?
Is the policy reviewed at planned intervals?
Is the policy updated based on the results of audits, changes in business
requirements, or changes in legal regulations?
Are revisions to the policy documented?
Are changes to the policy communicated in a timely manner to all relevant
Security Security Policy
Is there a formal process for individuals to suggest improvements to the
Policy Review
Are there measures in place to ensure continued policy effectiveness?
Are changes in technology considered during policy reviews?
Is there an appropriate response to significant security incidents that might
lead to a policy review?
Is the policy implemented throughout the organization?
Are employees trained on the details of the policy and their individual
Is policy compliance monitored and enforced?
Is there an ongoing awareness campaign to keep the policy top-of-mind for
Security Policy
Are resources allocated to facilitate policy implementation?
Are controls and processes aligned with policy requirements?
Are exceptions to the policy managed and approved through a formal
Is there a measure of the effectiveness of the policy implementation?
Are the roles and responsibilities for information security defined within the
Are these roles and responsibilities communicated to the relevant personnel?
Are they included in job descriptions or contracts?
Is there a designated person or group in charge of information security
Internal Roles
Are there clear reporting lines for security incidents or concerns?
Are segregation of duties principles applied to reduce the risk of unauthorized
Is there a process for reviewing and updating roles and responsibilities?
Is the effectiveness of the roles and responsibilities implementation
Are information security requirements defined and communicated to external
parties such as suppliers and contractors?
Are these requirements reflected in contracts and agreements?
Is there a procedure for managing changes in relationships with external
nal External Roles
Are there mechanisms for monitoring external parties' compliance with
Security and
security requirements?
Are the consequences of non-compliance stated in contracts?
Are there regular security audits or reviews for third-party vendors?
Is there a procedure for terminating access to information assets when an
external relationship ends?
Are there measures in place to assess third-party risk?
Is there a security awareness program for all employees?
Is the program tailored to different roles within the organization?
Is there a process to evaluate the effectiveness of the program?
Are there regular updates or refresher courses available?
Are new employees given security awareness training as part of their
onboarding process?
Awareness and
Training Are there clear instructions on what to do in the event of a security incident?

Is there an ongoing campaign to keep security in the minds of employees?

Are there mechanisms to ensure third-party vendors receive appropriate
security training?


Assessmen Assessment Sub-

Assessment Items Status Findings
t Category Category
Is there an inventory of all information assets?
Does the inventory include details of asset owners, locations, and
Is the inventory regularly reviewed and updated?
Is there a process to add and remove assets from the inventory as they come
into or leave the organization?
Inventory of
Are there procedures in place to handle sensitive information assets?
Are all assets, including those owned by third parties but used by the
organization, included in the inventory?
Are there controls in place to prevent unauthorized access to the inventory?
Are there measures in place to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the
Are all assets owned by a designated part of the organization or individual?
Are asset owners aware of their responsibilities?
Are there processes for transferring ownership when necessary?
Asset Are asset owners responsible for implementing appropriate security controls?
Manageme Ownership of
Is the asset owner responsible for maintaining an accurate inventory of their
nt Assets
Is asset ownership documented and updated regularly?
Are there measures to ensure that asset ownership responsibilities are
Do asset owners have the authority to manage risks associated with their
Is there a classification scheme for information assets?
Are the classifications based on the value, legal requirements, sensitivity, and
criticality to the organization?
Are asset owners responsible for classifying their assets?
Are there controls in place to ensure that assets are appropriately labeled
Classification and handled according to their classification?
and Control Is the classification scheme regularly reviewed and updated?
Are employees trained on the classification scheme and handling
Is the impact of the loss, disclosure, alteration, or unavailability of assets
considered in the classification?
Are there procedures to declassify or dispose of information assets?
Are the roles and responsibilities for information security included in job
Are employment contracts/agreements including appropriate terms for
information security?
Is background verification carried out as part of the recruitment process,
based on the risk of the job role?
Are all employees given a copy of the information security policy and
Prior to
adequately briefed?
Are non-disclosure agreements used where appropriate?
Is there a defined process for granting and revoking access rights for new
Are there controls in place to identify potential insider threats during the
recruitment process?
Is there a process to periodically verify the information security awareness of
new employees?
Are there programs in place to raise and maintain employee awareness
about information security?
Are there procedures to monitor and respond to breaches of information
security by employees?
Are information security expectations included in performance reviews?

Is there a disciplinary process for violation of information security policies?

Human During
Resource Employment Are changes in a role or responsibility accompanied by a review and
Security adjustment of access rights?
Are there refresher training courses to keep employees updated on the latest
threats and security practices?
Is there a procedure for handling suspected or observed employee
misconduct related to information security?
Are there regular audits of user activity, especially those with elevated access


Assessmen Assessment Sub-

Assessment Items Status Findings
t Category Category
Are there procedures for revoking access rights when an employee leaves
the organization or changes job roles?
Is there a formal process for the return of organizational assets upon
termination of employment?
Is there a procedure to remove all user accounts and credentials associated
with an ex-employee?
Are exit interviews conducted to remind leaving employees of their ongoing
Termination or
responsibilities for information security?
Change of
Are there procedures in place to secure proprietary information after
employee departure?
Is there a process for updating tasks and responsibilities that were assigned
to a terminated employee?
Is there a procedure to monitor for suspicious activities related to an
employee's impending departure?
Are there measures in place to ensure the continuity of necessary operations
after an employee's departure?
Are there designated secure areas to protect critical or sensitive information
Are there controls in place to prevent unauthorized access to secure areas?
Are access rights to secure areas regularly reviewed and updated?
Are there measures to protect secure areas from physical threats such as
fire, flood, etc.?
Secure Areas Are there procedures in place for visitors, including sign-in, escorts, and
badge requirements?
Is there CCTV or other surveillance equipment to monitor secure areas?
Are there measures in place to prevent eavesdropping or unauthorized
information gathering in secure areas?
Physical Is there a process to assess the physical security measures of third-party
and vendors with access to sensitive information?
Environme Are there policies in place for using and maintaining organizational
ntal equipment securely?
Security Are there procedures to prevent theft, damage, and unauthorized access to
organizational equipment?
Are there rules in place for removing equipment from the organization's
Are there controls to protect equipment and power cables from physical and
environmental threats?
Is there a secure disposal or reuse process for equipment?
Is there a process for managing equipment maintained by third parties?

Is there a system in place to maintain up-to-date inventory of all equipment?

Are all types of equipment (e.g., IT equipment, security equipment, etc.)
covered under the equipment security policy?
Are operational procedures documented, maintained, and available to all
users who need them?
Are duties segregated to reduce the risk of negligent or deliberate system
Are there procedures in place to control the installation of software on
Operational operational systems?
Procedures Are changes to operational systems controlled and documented?
Are output data validated to ensure the process is not compromised?
Is there an incident response procedure in place?
Is there a regular review process for operational procedures?
Are there procedures to control the implementation of patches and updates?
Are there controls and procedures for identifying and managing risks
associated with third-party services?
Are third-party services outlined and controlled in contracts or agreements?

Are there procedures for monitoring and reviewing third-party services?

Are third-party access rights regularly reviewed and updated?
Service Delivery
Is there a process for handling breaches of contract by third-party service
Are there defined and agreed upon service levels?
Is there a procedure to ensure the secure disposal or return of assets at the
termination of a contract?
Are there contingency plans in case the third-party provider fails to deliver?


Assessmen Assessment Sub-

Assessment Items Status Findings
t Category Category
Are there performance criteria defined during the planning and acceptance
process of new systems?
Are information security aspects considered during system planning?
Is there a capacity management process in place?
Is acceptance testing performed for new systems, upgrades, and new
System Planning versions?
and Acceptance Are the results of acceptance testing documented and reviewed?
Are there procedures in place to ensure that each system is appropriately
Are there procedures to ensure systems compatibility?
Is there a process to evaluate the system's adherence to information security
Is there a policy to protect the organization from malware threats?
Are anti-malware software and signatures regularly updated?
Are there procedures to respond to a detected malware infection?
Is awareness training provided to staff regarding the risks associated with
Protection from Are there controls in place to prevent and detect malware on user devices,
Malware servers, and network devices?
Are there protections against zero-day threats?
Is there regular scanning and removal of malware from websites, mail
servers, and other systems?
Are there measures in place to prevent malware spread in the internal
Is there a policy and procedure for conducting regular backups?
Are backups regularly tested to ensure they are functioning correctly?
Are backups stored offsite and/or in a secure remote location?
Are backups encrypted?
Backup Are backup procedures aligned with the organization's business continuity
Are backup schedules based on the value and changes to the information?
ations and Are there backup strategies for critical information and systems?
Operations Is there a procedure in place for secure disposal of backup media?
Manageme Are there controls in place to protect information systems from network
nt threats?
Are there firewall and gateway controls in place at each network boundary?
Are there intrusion detection and prevention measures?
Are security features, service levels, and management requirements of all
network services identified and included in any network services
Network Security
Are there measures to segregate groups of information services, users, and
information systems on the network?
Are there policies on the use of network services?
Is there routine network monitoring and logging?
Are there regular vulnerability scans and penetration tests on the network
Are there procedures in place for the secure handling, storage, and disposal
of media?
Are media containing sensitive information securely disposed of when no
longer required?
Are there procedures to prevent unauthorized access, damage, and theft to
information stored on media?
Are backups of important media regularly made and securely stored?
Media Handling
Is there a policy that prohibits the removal of media from the organization
without authorization?
Is sensitive information erased from media prior to disposal or reuse?
Are there procedures for the secure transfer of media and information?
Is all media clearly marked to indicate any sensitivities and the need for
special handling?


Assessmen Assessment Sub-

Assessment Items Status Findings
t Category Category

Are there formal exchange policies, procedures, and controls in place to

protect the exchange of information through all types of communication?
Are there agreements with external parties regarding the secure exchange of
information and media?
Are sensitive documents classified and protected in accordance with this
Exchange of Are there secure methods used for the exchange of information, such as
Information encryption?
Are physical media sent by courier or post properly protected?
Are there procedures in place to verify the identity of the receiver before
sending sensitive information?
Are there procedures for dealing with misrouted or misaddressed
Are there procedures in place for the secure disposal or reuse of equipment
used for information transfer?
Are there security controls in place to protect electronic commerce
Are all relevant legal requirements in relation to electronic commerce met?

Are there controls in place to detect and prevent fraudulent activities?

Are electronic commerce services regularly reviewed for compliance with the
Electronic organization's security policy and standards?
Commerce Is there secure storage and transmission of customer data during electronic
commerce transactions?
Are the confidentiality and integrity of information maintained during
transaction processing?
Are there controls to prevent the repudiation of an electronic commerce
Are electronic commerce services regularly tested for security vulnerabilities?
Is there a formal user registration and de-registration process in place for
granting and revoking access to all systems and services?
Are there procedures to assign access rights to all users and service
providers, based on a minimal privilege principle?
Is there a process for managing the allocation of secret authentication
Are there processes in place for the review and update of user access rights
User Access at regular intervals?
Management Are there processes for removing or disabling user access rights when a user
leaves the organization or changes jobs?
Is there a policy in place for the use of system utilities that could potentially
override system and application controls?
Are there controls in place to manage the use of privileged utility programs?
Are there controls in place to restrict and monitor the allocation and use of
privileged access rights?
Are users aware of their responsibilities for maintaining effective access
controls, such as password management?
Is there a policy defining secure log-on procedures?
Are users accountable for their actions on the system?
Are users aware of the information access level they have and the
corresponding responsibilities?
Are there policies in place to prevent the unauthorized use of information
processing facilities?
Are there procedures for reporting any suspected security weaknesses or
Is the use of utility programs that could potentially bypass system and
application controls restricted and controlled?
Is there a policy against sharing user credentials?
Are there policies and procedures for protecting information systems from
unauthorized network access?
Is there a secure log-on process for networks and network services?
Are there controls to manage the connection of mobile devices to the
Network Access Is network access granted based on a least privilege principle?
Control Are there controls in place to prevent network traffic from systems that do not
need to connect to the network?
Are the use of active network services (such as email, internet, databases)
controlled and properly protected?
Are network segregation controls in place?
Are network users authenticated?


Access Assessment Sub-

Assessment Items Status Findings
t Category Category
Are there procedures in place to prevent unauthorized access to operating
Is there a secure log-on process in place for access to operating systems?
Are all operating system access rights reviewed and updated on a regular
Operating basis?
System Access Is the use of system utilities controlled?
Control Are session time-out controls implemented?
Are there restrictions on the connection of mobile devices and external
storage devices?
Are password management systems interactive and ensure quality
Are all activities performed by privileged roles logged and monitored?
Are there procedures in place to prevent unauthorized access to
Is there a secure log-on process in place for access to applications?
Are all application access rights reviewed and updated on a regular basis?
Are session time-out controls implemented for applications?
Access Control
Is there a policy against the use of application system utilities that might be
capable of overriding system and application controls?
Are restrictions in place on information input via applications?
Are all activities performed within applications by privileged roles logged and
Is there an established process for monitoring and logging system access
and user activities?
Are all logged events reviewed regularly?
Are system logs protected against tampering and unauthorized access?

Monitoring Are the clocks of all relevant information processing systems synchronized?
System Access
Are there measures to collect and store evidence to support event analysis
and Use
and legal action?
Are event logging and the protection of log information minimally compliant
with legal requirements?
Are procedures in place to link all access to systems and procedures with
individual users?
Are procedures in place to respond rapidly to anomalies?
Is there an information security requirements analysis and specification
process in place for all systems?
Is there a process for ensuring that all information processing systems meet
the organization’s information security requirements?
Is there a process for defining and implementing controls to ensure the
accuracy and completeness of information outputs?
Security Are there regular checks to verify whether the security requirements of
Requirements of installed systems are being met?
Information Is there a regular review of the organization's business processes,
Systems information flows, and systems?
Are there processes in place to identify and assess risks to systems?
Is there a process in place to ensure that changes in the business and
external environment are reflected in the systems’ security requirements?
Are there procedures in place for the secure development and testing of
Are there controls to ensure correct processing in applications?
Are there procedures in place for detecting and correcting errors in
Are there procedures in place for ensuring data integrity during processing?
Are there controls in place to prevent or detect the unauthorized manipulation
of software?
Processing in
Is there a process for ensuring that transaction errors are detected and
handled appropriately?
Are there checks in place to verify the completeness and accuracy of
Are there controls in place to ensure the authenticity and integrity of inputs
and outputs?
Is there a rollback procedure for handling processing errors?
Is there a policy on the use of cryptographic controls?
Are cryptographic keys securely managed?
Are cryptographic controls used in compliance with all relevant agreements,
legislation, and regulations?
Are cryptographic controls regularly reviewed and updated?
Cryptographic Is encryption used for the transmission of sensitive data over public
Information Controls networks?
Systems Are there procedures in place for the use of digital signatures?
nt, and

Assessmen Assessment Sub-
Information Controls Assessment Items Status Findings
t Category Category
Acquisition Is the integrity of sensitive or critical information ensured using cryptographic
, techniques?
Developme Are there controls in place to protect sensitive data in storage using
nt, and cryptographic techniques?
Maintenanc Are there controls in place to secure system files?
e Is there access control in place to protect system files?
Are there controls to ensure the integrity of system files?
Is there a process for the secure development and testing of system files?
Is there a process in place to restrict the installation of software on
Security of
operational systems?
System Files
Are there controls in place to manage system changes and upgrades?

Are system files regularly checked for malware and unauthorized changes?
Are there procedures in place for the secure disposal or reuse of storage
Are there secure development policies in place?
Is there a formal change control process?
Are there technical reviews of applications after operating system changes?
Security in Are there restrictions on changes to software packages?
Development and Are there controls on information leakage from system development
Support Process environments to operational environments?
Are there controls to ensure the separation of duties between developers and
operational staff?
Is there a secure system engineering methodology in place?
Is there a formal process in place for system acceptance?
Are there procedures for timely information collection about technical
Are the organization's exposure to such vulnerabilities evaluated?
Is there a process for timely remediation of the identified vulnerabilities?

Technical Are there controls to restrict the exploitation of technical vulnerabilities?

Are vulnerabilities regularly checked through penetration testing or
vulnerability assessments?
Are patches for vulnerabilities applied in a timely manner?
Is there an established process for verifying the security of outsourced
Are there measures to protect against malicious code and back doors in
Is there a formal event reporting and escalation process?
Are users and system managers aware of their responsibility for reporting
information security incidents immediately?
Are there procedures for reporting software malfunctions?
Reporting Are there mechanisms for reporting security incidents to external
Information organizations where relevant (e.g., cybercrime reporting)?
Security Are all employees trained to recognize and report incidents?
Incidents Is there a process for reporting the loss or compromise of information
Are there measures in place to minimize damage from incidents and to
restore systems to normal operation as quickly as possible?
Information Is there a feedback loop in place to learn from incidents and implement
Security improvements?
Incident Is there a process for responding to and managing information security
Manageme incidents?
Is there a process for implementing necessary improvements to
organizational policies and procedures following an incident?
Is there an incident response team that is adequately resourced and trained?
Management of
Information Are incidents classified according to their severity and impact on the
Security organization?
Incidents and Are lessons from incidents reviewed and used to improve incident
Improvements management?
Is there a post-incident review process to assess the effectiveness of the
organization’s response?
Are the results of incident reviews used to improve the organization’s security
Are there procedures for evidence collection and forensics?


Assessmen Assessment Sub-

Assessment Items Status Findings
t Category Category

Are information security aspects taken into account in the organization’s

business continuity management process?
Are there business continuity plans that address the loss of information or
processing capabilities?
Are the business continuity plans regularly tested and updated?
Information Are the organization's critical business processes identified, with relevant
Security Aspects security requirements considered?
of Business Are there backups and redundancy strategies in place to ensure the
Continuity availability of critical information and systems?
Are there measures to deal with the loss of third-party services or suppliers?
Is there a training and awareness program in place for business continuity
Business plans?
Continuity Is there a clear understanding of which staff roles and responsibilities are
Manageme crucial in the case of a disaster?
nt Are there redundancy strategies in place to ensure availability of information
and assets?
Are these strategies regularly tested and updated?
Are there redundant systems in place for critical information systems?
Are there strategies in place to ensure data redundancy?
Redundancies Are there backups of critical business information and systems?
Are there fail-over mechanisms in place to ensure service continuity in case
of a system failure?
Are there plans in place to deal with the loss of third-party services or
Are all redundancy systems protected and secured at the same level as the
primary systems?
Are all identified legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements
related to information security understood and documented?
Are there processes in place to stay informed about changes in these
Are there controls in place to ensure compliance with these requirements?
Compliance with
Are there regular audits and reviews to ensure compliance?
Is there a process in place for addressing non-compliance and making
necessary improvements?
Are there procedures for preserving organizational records in compliance
with requirements?
Are there processes for ensuring the protection of records, including privacy
and intellectual property rights?
Are there procedures to comply with the secure disposal requirements
defined by laws, regulations, and contracts?
Are there regular reviews and audits to ensure compliance with
organizational security policies and standards?
Are all deviations from security policies and standards recorded and
Is there a process in place for updating and improving security policies and
standards based on audit findings?
Complianc Are all employees and third parties aware of the security policies and their
Compliance with
e obligation to comply with them?
Security Policies
Is there a process in place for addressing non-compliance by employees,
and Standards
contractors, and third-party users?
Are there guidelines in place to ensure the secure design and development of
in-house developed systems?
Are information systems regularly checked for compliance with security
policies and standards?
Are the security implications of changing the business processes considered
and addressed?
Are there regular technical compliance checks of information systems?

Are there regular checks to ensure the use of correctly licensed software?
Are information systems checked for compliance with security
implementation standards?
Are there regular vulnerability assessments or penetration tests of systems
and networks?
Is there a process in place for addressing non-compliance and vulnerabilities
found during technical compliance checks?
Are there checks on systems to ensure that software patches are up to date?
Are there checks on systems to detect the presence of unauthorized


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