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SMART Objectives List

Specific 1. Open a Savings account and invest an amount of

5,000 at the end of the year
2. Purchase a new laptop battery that costs for at least
700 pesos at the end of October.
3. Purchase a new pair of shoes that costs 500 pesos at
the first week of October.
Measurable 1. Given that there are just three months left in the year,
I need to save at least P 1300 each month to accomplish
this goal. Right now, I've already started saving P 1,000
this month, so I still have P 4,000 to put away in my
savings before the year is up.
2. My research indicates that the price of a laptop
battery ranges from P 600 to P 1,500. I was able to find
a battery for approximately 700 pesos, which is cheap
and has good quality when you consider the pricing and
quality. Since I still have 6 weeks to achieve this goal I
needed to save 17 pesos every day to accumulate the
amount of money that I need.
3. Given that I only have 3 weeks to accomplish this
task, I need to save at least 168 pesos every week or 24
pesos every day to accumulate enough money to buy a
pair of shoes that costs at least P 500.
Attainable 1. Knowing that I don't currently have a job or other
source of income, completing this work may be
challenging since I can only rely on my allowance. But
given that I have a monthly allowance of $4,000, this
goal might be attainable by saving and cutting back on
spending by the end of the year.
2. Considering that I am already saving money for my
bank account, saving 17 pesos for the battery of my
laptop every day will not affect this other goal that I
have. I will also rely on my allowance for this and save
more money every day by only purchasing things that
are necessary.
3. Considering that I am already saving money for my
bank account and for the battery of my laptop, Saving
another P 168 each week might also be challenging as I
only have a P 4, 000 allowance every month. But by
learning how to be smart on spending money, saving
this amount of money for this goal might be attainable
like those other goals that I have.
Relevant 1. Saving money now could help us in the future, not
just financially but also by developing solid money
management habits that will help us succeed in our
2. Functional laptop is essential nowadays, especially
now that I am already a college student taking a course
of accountancy where there will be times when I will be
needed it to accomplish tasks and activities that require
3. These days, everyone agrees that shoes are essential.
Every time we leave the house, especially to go to class,
we wear it. In my home, I only have a few pairs of shoes
left, and some of them are already damaged. That made
me realize that I needed to purchase a new pair of shoes
that would give me more confidence and allow me to
walk without worrying about them wearing down on the
Time Bound 1. I still have three months to reach my financial target
of $5,000 before the year is over.
2. Before October ends, or at least six weeks from now,
this objective must be completed.
3. During or before the first week of October, this goal
must be completed.

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