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Key Learnings

4 core goalkeeping skills (Preparing, Moving, Dealing, Distributing)

• Set position
• General handling techniques – all heights
• Shot stopping (decision making, techniques of catching and deflecting)
• Narrowing the angle (into line and down the line)
• Diving techniques (collapsing save, introduction to power saves)
• Basic practices to improve reactions
• Dealing with crosses
• Thrown or chipped serve
• Unopposed
• Catching/punching
The Set Position!
• Feet shoulder width apart.
• Weight on front half of feet.
• Body weight slightly forward.
• Knees slightly flexed, Hips square to the ball.
• Head and body still.
• Nose over your toes.
• Hands in front of body with thumbs up.

Important to prepare the hands early and to not be moving

when a shot is taken. It is better to be in the wrong position but
be set than trying to move as the ball is struck.

The set position may vary a little with each goalkeeper.

Especially as striker gets closer to keeper with a lower shot
stopping stance. When should you fix it?
The W Technique!
• Hands brought from set position into line of the ball.
• Chest kept square to the ball.
• Hands prepared with palms facing forward, fingers
spread and thumbs forming W.
• Elbows slightly flexed acting as shock absorbers.
• Contact with ball to be made in front of body.
• Ensure you are balanced as ball is struck.

Important to be still, keep eyes on the ball and have “soft

hands and strong wrists”
The CUP!
• Avoid movement once the ball is struck.
• Whilst in balanced set position the footwork may need
to be slightly adjusted laterally as the ball is travelling.
• Keeping the chest square to the ball, the hands need to
be brought in front of the body line.
• Prepare the hands early.
• Elbows tucked in with palms facing up and fingers
spread towards the ball.
• Soft hands and strong wrists.
• Feet are planted solidly as you catch.
• Impact is taken into the midriff with palms securing the

Ensure balanced and not jumping into the catch.

The Scoop!

• Collapse at knees to a lower position

• Open palms to face ball with fingers spread.
• Lead with hands to bring body weight forward.
• Head still, eyes focused on ball.
• Shoulders come forward over the hands.
• Elbows flexed to cushion ball.
• Soft Hands and Strong Wrists.
• As palms make contact scoop the ball into chest.
• Goalkeepers may bring bodyweight forward to
complete save.
The Collapsing Save!
• Goalkeeper to collapse at the knees.
• Nearest or leading hand goes behind the ball whilst
following hand secures on top.
• Body weight is going forward to complete the save.
• The bodyweight follows naturally in behind the ball to
form the second barrier.
• Ideally contact with ball is made in front of the body
with elbows slightly flexed and tucked in.
• Head is placed behind the ball with eyes focused to
ensure ball is secured.
The Low Diving Save!
• Goalkeeper needs to take small step with nearest foot to the
line of the ball with leading hand following the foot. This
brings bodyweight forward to make save.
• Leg needs to be slightly flexed to generate power to dive off.
• As the weight is transferred to the leg, lead with hands
towards the ball.
• Hands a ball width apart with fingers spread in a W
• If ball arrives along the ground leading hand goes behind with
following hand securing ball on top.
• Elbows tucked in. Avoid injury and ensure security.
• All Impact taken on side of body and shoulders with the head
following in behind hands.
• If parrying the ball – strong wrists and big palm into safe
The High Diving Save!
• Goalkeeper needs to take a step towards the line of the
ball with nearest foot to bring bodyweight forward to
make the save.
• Leg needs to be slightly flexed to generate power to
dive off.
• As the weight is transferred to the leg, lead with hands
towards the ball.
• Hands a ball width apart in W shape with elbows
slightly flexed and eyes on the ball.
• Secure the ball with impact to the ground. Impact on
shoulders and side of body.
• If parrying the ball – strong wrists and big palm to safe
Balls over and Beyond!
• Goalkeeper needs to be proactive and in a good
starting position in relation to the ball.
• Goalkeeper needs to be chasing the game and on the
front foot.
• Priority 1 is to defend the goal whilst priority 2 is to
defend the space.
• Assess if there is pressure on the ball.
• Assess the through ball to decide what to defend.
• If deciding to defend the space be positive and clear
the ball high and wide.
• If you get to the ball and have time can you keep

• Be positive and play a high line which allows you to

defend the space behind the defenders.
Dealing with cutbacks!
• Positioning in relation to the ball is extremely
• As the player drives towards the byline can we defend
our small window goal.
• Goalkeeper is in line with front post and half a body
length off the post.
• Assess the cut back and decide to defend the goal or
attack the ball.
• If attacking the ball same technique as a HDS and
• If defending the goal a quick recovery line for the
second phase.
Dealing with Crosses!
• Open stance with chest facing corner of the 18yd box,
back foot in line with penalty spot.
• Stance of Goalkeeper needs to be POSITIVE.
• Assessment of the flight of the ball.
• Decision whether to come or defend the goal.
• Communication of the Goalkeeper’s decision – Loud
and Clear.
• If coming quickly get into the line of the ball.
• Wait and then attack the ball quickly.
• Timing and angle of the goalkeepers take off.
• Catch the ball at the highest point possible where you
can still see the ball.
• Assess whether to catch or punch.
• Recovery Lines.
Dealing with 1 v 1 situations!
• Put the onus on the attacker.
• Make forward movements only when ball is out of attackers
feet. – Big touch.
• Delay and stay big.
• Force the attacker wide if possible.
• Identify a poor touch to come and smother.
• Lead with hands to bring bodyweight forward.
• Be positive – Big barrier (Physical Courage).
5 Point Block: - Attacker takes touch moving block and if
attacker has control of the ball static block.
• Focus on the ball and control the situation.
• Be patient.
• Body is perpendicular towards the ball.
• Bodyweight to the front, hands next to the body.
• Arm and hand always the lowest.
• Inside knee turns. – positive stance – keep square.
After Every Save!

It is important to remember that goalkeepers are not going to cleanly make these saves
everytime. If this is the case and the goalkeeper has spilt the ball or parried it away we need
to ensure the goalkeeper does 1 of the 2 options!

1. Recovery save – Up quickly to give the best chance for the second save.
2. Recovery line – Has to quickly get back to defend the goal.

The two options will vary depending on each situation. The Goalkeeper has the option to
quickly defend the goal or the space and ball!
Distribution - Throwing!
Roll: - Short Distances:
• Lower body and with arm extended roll underarm with low
• Ball arrives accurately and quickly.
Javelin: - Medium Distances – Quick:
• Wide base with good upper body strength.
• Ball is thrown from the chest with elbow flexed and then
extended quickly as thrown.
Side Arm: - Wide areas – Longer distances:
• Use a wide stance with ball travelling at a lower trajectory
than Javelin.
• Often used to thrown into the space for players to run onto.
Over-arm: Used over distances to by pass players:
• A wider stance to give a base to throw ball.
• Lead with opposite hand and with a bowling technique.
• Release the ball at the top and follow through.
Distribution - Feet!
Push Pass – Short distances - Very accurate:
• Lock the ankle and use the inside of your foot. Ball travels along the
Drill: - Longer distances – 20-40 yards:
• The ball is drilled just above the ground to arrive to the player below
the shins.
Wedge: -Medium – Long distance:
• Used to by-pass players.
• Ball is lofted over attackers to land at player without bouncing.
Drive: Long Distances:
• Passing long diagonals and goal kicks.
• Goalkeeper drives through the ball and follows through.
Dribble and Drive – Accurate and popular:
• Goalkeeper decides to dribble the ball out of penalty area and drive
over long distances. Used to exploit opposition.
Volley: Quick and long counter attacks:
• Thrown from hands and struck in front of the body prior to it hitting
the floor. Can lack accuracy.
Distribution - Feet!
Side Volley: Accurate and powerful over distance:
• Volleyed from outside the line of the body similar to how an
outfield player would volley the ball.
• Goes at a flatter trajectory and is easier for players to
• Aim front shoulder towards the target.
• Lower the ball to the hip height when throwing.
• Raise ball to shoulder height and step forward with kicking
• Release ball from shoulder height and as ball lowers push off
kicking foot and jump from kicking foot to non kicking foot.
Rotation of hips happens here. Plant non kicking foot away
from target to open up hips.
• The kick – Connect at hip height but slightly behind the line
of your hips. Exaggerate the lean away from ball and
connect just under the ball.
• Very short follow through as foot comes across the body.

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