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ongre5s of ti)e llniteb ~tates

ml11s1Jingto11, il\QC 20515

September 28, 2023


The Committee on Oversight and Accountability and the Committee on the Judiciary
(collectively "the Committees") are subpoenaing certain financial records in the possession,
custody, or control of■■■■■■■■■I and
. These subpoenas are being issued at the bank's request
and pursuant to our authority as the Chai1men of the Committees under Rule XI, clause
2(m)(l)(B) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, Rule 12(g) of the Oversight
Committee's Rules, and Rule JV(a) of the Judiciary Committee's Rules.

The Committees are seeking records related to Robe1t Hunter Biden (Hunter Biden),
James Biden, Eli e Schwerin, and entities associated with them. As part of its investigation, the
Oversight Committee has reviewed bank records of individuals and entities associated with the
Biden family as well as other evidence. This review uncovered a pattern of financial complexity.
As detailed in the Impeachment Memorandum and the Oversight Committee's Bank
Memoranda, the Biden family used corporate bank accounts of third-patty associates to receive
wires from foreign companies and foreign nationals. 1 The Bi.den business associates then
dispersed money to various Bi.den family members in incremental payments over time. 2

While much of this money went to Hunter Biden's professional corporation, Owasco
P.C., and his other bank accounts, other Bi.den family members and their companies received
significant payments as well. For instance, the Oversight Committee has confumed that

1 See Impeachment Memorandum from Committee Chairmen James Comer, Jim Jordan, and Jason Smith (Sept. 27,
2023); Memorandum (Mar. 16, 2023), H. Comm. on Oversight & Accountability. From Maj. Comm. staff to Comm.
Members. Re: New Evidence Resulting from the Oversight Committee's Investigation into the Biden Family' s
Influence Peddling and Business Schemes; Memorandum (May 10, 2023), H. Comm. on Oversight &
Accountability. From Maj. Comm. staff to Comm. Members. Re: Second Bank Records Memorandum from the
Oversight Committee's Investigation into the Biden Family's Influence Peddling and Business Schemes;
Memorandum (Aug. 9, 2023), H. Comm. on Oversight & Accountability. From Maj. Comm. staff to Comm.
Members. Re: Third Bank Records Memorandum from the Oversight Committee's Investigation into the Biden
Family's Influence Peddling and Business Schemes.
2 Id.
September 28, 2023
Page 2 of4

Robinson Walker, LLC received payments from foreign companies and individuals and then
made payments to Owasco, P.C., other Hunter Biden bank accounts, Hallie Biden, and JBBSR,
Inc., a corporate account associated with James Biden. 3 The Oversight Committee has traced
payments from Burisma and entities related to. CEFC, a Chinese energy company, to the bank
accounts ofBiden business associates, and then money was sent to ■■■■■ accounts
belonging to Hunter Biden. The Committees are concerned that Hunter Biden and other Biden
family members sought to conceal the source of foreign income by having lucrative wires sent to
Biden associates' accounts instead of their own bank accounts at and elsewhere.
We believe these records will provide insight as to where the foreign money was fmally sent.

On September 12, 2023, Speaker Kevin McCarthy directed the Committees to open a
formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Evidence shows that Joe Biden was
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ware-olat-least-sQm~-of'.his-family's-business-ventures-and-soughr-to-influence potenfia~------~
business deals that financially benefited his family. Indeed, a Biden business associate, Devon
Archer, testified how the Biden "brand" was used in retaining business, and that Joe Biden met
with some of the foreign nationals who paid his family. 4 Accordingly, the Committees seek
additional information regarding the use and ultimate destination of these funds given Joe
Biden's involvement with individuals who were paying these companies (that are associated with
his family) and ultimately his family members themselves. The subpoenaed bank records will
help the Committees determine whether Joe Biden abused his office by selling access and/or by
receiving payments or other benefits in exchange for official acts, which is a critical aspect of the
Committees' impeachment inquiry.

The records sought by this subpoena will also assist in efforts to craft legislative solutions
aimed at deficiencies that have been identified in the current legal framework regarding ethics
laws and disclosure of financial interests related to the immediate family members of Vice•
Presidents and Presidents-deficiencies that may place American national security and interests
at risk. These requested records should provide the. Committees with unique and particularized
information critical to Congress's investigation of a systemic failure to protect against potential
malign foreign interactions with family members of senior elected officials. Specifically, the
Committees are concerned that foreign nationals and foreign companies appear to have sought
access and influence by engaging in lucrative business relationships with high-profile political
figures' immediate family members.

The Committees are also concerned about the national security implications of a
. President's or Vice President's immediate family members receiving millions of dollars from
foreign nationals or companies without any oversight. Current fmancial disclosure laws and
regulations do not require non-dependent family members to provide any information to the
public. Meaningful reforms to government ethics and disclosure laws are therefore being

3 H. Comm. on Oversight & Accountability. From Maj. Comm. staff to Comm. Members. Re: New Evidence
Resulting from the Oversight Committee's Investigation into the Biden Family's Influence Peddling and Business
Schemes; Memorandum (May 10, 2023), at 31-32.
4 Transcribed interview of Devon Archer, H. Comm. on Oversight & Accountability (July 31, 2023), at 29.
September 28, 2023
Page 3 of 4

explored that will provide necessary transparency into a President's or Vice President's
immediate family members' income, assets, and financial relationships with companies. In
particular, the Oversight Committee intends to develop legislation that would strengthen
reporting requirements related to certain foreign transactions involving senior elected officials'
family members and implement financial disclosure laws that shed light on ownership of opaque
corporate entities. Moreover, to prevent financial transactions from being structured in a way to
evade disclosure, the Oversight Committee is examining whether certain reporting requirements,
including any new reporting requirements for senior elected officials' family members, should
extend for a period of time after a President or Vice President leaves office.

In addition, ways to strengthen the Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering laws are
being considered, including by analyzing whether financial institutions have the available tools
--~---~a=n=d~sUQQort from federal agencies to thwartjllegaLmoneyJaundecing-and-foreign-c0rruption------
activity. In particular, the Oversight Committee is evaluating whether Suspicious Activity
Reports generated by personal and corporate bank accounts associated with a President's or Vice
President's immediate family members should undergo a more rigorous banking compliance
process, receive expedited review by law enforcement, and be disclosed to Congress, under
celiain circumstances, given the potential corruption and risks to national security.

We aim to draft legislation that provides more transparency to the American people,
deters foreign interests from attempting to obtain influence over and access to the highest levels
of the federal govermnent by entering into business deals with Presidential or Vice-Presidential
family members, discourages such family members from profiting from their relative's public
service, and ensures the nation is safe from our foreign adversaries.

In short, the records sought by these subpoenas are critical to both the impeachment
inquiry and to fuliher the Comi;nittees' purposes. As Chairmen of the Committees, we urge you
to cooperate speedily and in good faith with these subpoenas. If you have any questions
regarding this subpoena, please coordinate with Oversight Committee staff at (202) 225-5074
and Judiciary Committee staff at (202) 225-6906.


Chairman &
. -J"1.ct((..,
a· an
Connnittee on Oversight and Accountability Committee on the Judiciary
September 28, 2023
Page 4 of 4

cc: The Honorable Jamie Raskin, Ranking Member

Committee on Oversight and Accountability

The Honorable Jerrold L. Nadler, Ranking Member

Connnittee on the Judiciary

You are hereby commanded to be and appear before the
Committee on Oversight and Accountability

of the House of Rept·esentatives oJ'thc United States at the place, date, and time specified below.
to produce the things identified on the attached schedule touching matters of inquiry committed to said
committee or subcommittee; and you ure not to depart without leave ofsald committee or subcommittee.
- - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - ~ - , - - - - - - e , : : - - - . , . , . - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l · -......... - -··:
Place of production: 2157 Raybmn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515
Date: 10/12/23 Time: 5:00 PM (EST)
to testify at n deposition touching matters of inquiry committed to said committee or subcommittee;
and you arc not to depart without leave of said committee or subcommittee.

Placcoftestimony-•- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - -
Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

□ to testify al a bearing touching mntters of inquiry committed to said committee ot· subcommittee; and
you are not to depart without leave of said commiUce or subcommittee. •

Place of testimony: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

•Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Time·

To any nuthari:red staff member m desigmrted official with the l fnHed States Mmsbals Sorvi<:c
to serve and make retum.

Witness my hand and tho seal of tho House ofR.ep1·esentativcs of the United States, at the city of Washington,
DCthis 28 day of September , 2023.

Scltedule to Suhpocmt
ht accordance •· • • •

!!!Ir: .
possession, custody, or control, from January 1, 2014 to present, in unredncted form:

1. All financial records, inchidlng but not limited to accoimt statements, correspondent bank
records, deposits, direct deposits, checks, cashier checks, wire transfers, electronic transfer
payment~, credit card and debit c1U·d reco1·ds, loan documents and. suppo1ti11g
documontation, all records regarding the operring of the accounts, signature-cards, copies
of identification presented by the account holder ol'. any ofhc1.· signatory, uccount clo_sing
documents, aud "kt1<;>w your client" (KYC) _and due diligence docmne11ts, fo1· the following
individ_ua!s and entities, as well as all 001:porate entities affiliated with or linked. to the
followingindi:vidtmls-and entities:

a, Robert Hunter Biden

b. Owasco, P.C.
c. Owasco,LLC
d. Skaueatclcs
e. 'Elrlc Schwerin..
f. J runes Biden
g. Lion Hall Group, LLC
h. JBBSR, Inc,
For business accounts, this should also include any corpon-rto identification doctunents,
docutnents involving beneficial owners, and documents and commt1nications relateil to the
purpose of the business accourit,
2. Documents sufficient to show all accounts opened and closed by the individuals ru1d
entities listed in l(a)-1(h) above and tl10 corporate entities affiliated with or linked to them.

3. All docu111C11ts and internal and external communications referring or rotating to any person
11runed in I (a)-l (h) above ornny corpornte entity affiliatecl with or linked. to any such
• person, h1cluding communications and documents related. to KYG and due diligence
communications regarding the h1dividuals and-entities named above.
'2tongre.£iil of tlJe ~niteb ~tateil
~ 11s1Jinuton, B<!t 20515

September 28, 2023


Tlie Committee on Oversight and Accountability and the Committee on the Judiciaiy
(collectively "the Committees") are subpoenaing certain financial records in
~ ) possession, custody, or control. These subpoenas are being issued at the bank's request
and pursuant to our authority as the Chai1men of the Committees under Rule XI, clause
2(m)(l)(B) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, Rule 12(g) of the Oversight
Committee's Rules, and Rule IV(a) of the judiciaiy Committee's Rules.

The Committees ai·e seeking records related to James Biden and entities associated with
him. As pait of its investigation, the Oversight Committee has reviewed bank records of
individuals and entities associated with the Biden family as well as other evidence. This review
uncovered a pattern of financial complexity. As detailed in the Impeachment Memorandum and
the Oversight Committee's Bank Memoranda, the Biden family used corporate bank accounts of
third-patty associates to receive wires from foreign companies and foreign nationals. 1 The Biden
business associates would then disperse money to various Biden family members in incremental
payments over time. 2

While much of this money went to Robe11 Hunter Biden's professional corporation,
Owasco P.C., and his other bank accounts, other Biden family members, including James Biden
and his companies, received significant payments as well. For instance, the Oversight
Committee has confomed that Hudson West III-a company organized by Chinese nationals
operating Hudson West V (CEFC) and Owasco, P.C. (Hunter Biden' s professional
See Impeachment Memorandum from Committee Chairmen James Comer, Jim Jordan, and Jason Smith (Sept. 27,
2023); Memorandum (Mar. 16, 2023), H. Comm. on Oversight & Accountability. From Maj. Comm. staff to Comm.
Members. Re: New Evidence Resulting from the Oversight Committee's Investigation into the Biden Family's
Influence Peddling and Business Schemes; Memorandum (May 10, 2023), H. Comm. on Oversight &
Accountability. From Maj. Comm. staff to Comm. Members. Re: Second Bank Records Memorandum from the
Oversight Committee's Investigation into the Biden Family's Influence Peddling and Business Schemes;
Memorandum (Aug. 9, 2023), H. Comm. on Oversight & Accountability. From Maj. Comm. staff to Comm.
Members. Re: Third Bank Records Memorandum from the Oversight Committee's Investigation into the Biden
Family's Influence Peddling and Business Schemes.
" Id.
September 28, 2023
Page2 of 4

corporation)-paid tens of thousands of dollars to Lion Hall Group, LLC. Lion Hall Group,
LLC is a company associated with James Biden and had a ■■■■ account. Additionally, the
Oversight Committee has found significant payments to JBBSR, Inc., another company
associated with James Biden, after Robinson Walker, LLC received a $3 million payment from
the Chinese company, State Energy ID( Limited. The Committees have not identified legitimate
services provided by James Biden's companies to CEFC-affiliated entities that would warrant
such payments:

On September 12, 2023, Speaker Kevin McCarthy directed the Committees to open a
formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Evidence shows that Joe Biden was
aware of at least some of his family's business ventures and sought to influence potential
business deals that fmancially benefited his family. lndeed, a Biden business associate, Devon
Archer, testified how the Biden_"brand"-was-used-in-rntaining-business,and-thaHoe-l3iden,mit------~
with some of the foreign nationals who paid his family. 3 Accordingly, the Committees seek
additional information regarding the. use and ultimate destination of these funds given Joe
Biden's .involvement with individuals who were paying these companies (that are associated with
his family) and ultimately his family members themselves. The subpoenaed bank records will
help the Committees determine whether Joe Biden abused his office by selling access and/or by
receiving payments or other benefits in exchange for official acts, which is a critical aspect of the
Committees' impeachment inquiry.

The records sought by this subpoena will also assist in efforts to craft legislative solutions
aimed at deficiencies that have been identified in the current legal framework regarding ethics
laws and disclosure offmancial interests related to the hrnnediate family members of Vice
Presidents and Presidents-deficiencies that may place American national security and interests
at risk. These requested records should provide the Committees with unique and particularized
information critical to Congress's investigation of a systemic failure to protect against potential
malign· foreign interactions with family members of senior elec.ted officials. Specifically, the
Committees are concerned that foreign nationals and foreign companies appear to have sought
access and influence by engaging in lucrative business relationships with. high-profile political
figures' immediate family members.

The Committees are also concerned about the national security implications of a
President's or Vice President's immediate family members receiving millions of dollars from
foreign nationals or companies without any oversight. Current financial disclosure laws and
regulations do not require non:dependent family members to provide any information to the
public. Meaningful reforms to government ethics and disclosure laws are therefore being
explored that will provide necessary transparency into a President's or Vice President's
immediate family members' income, assets, and financial relationships with companies. 1n
particular, the Oversight Committee intends to develop legislation that would strengthen

3 Transcribed interview of Devon Archer, H. Comm. on Oversight & Accountability (July 31, 2023), at 29.
September 28, 2023
Page 3 of4

reporting requirements related to certain foreign transactions involving senior elected officials'
family members and implement financial disclosure laws that shed light on ownership of opaque
corporate entities. Moreover, to prevent financial transactions from being structured in a way to
evade disclosure, the Oversight Connnittee is examining whether certain reporting requirements,
including any new reporting requirements for senior elected officials' family members, should
extend for a period of time after a President or Vice President leaves office.

In addition, ways to strengthen the Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering laws are
being considered by analyzing whether financial institutions have the available tools and support
from federal agencies to thwart illegal money laundering and foreign corruption activity. In
particular, the Oversight Committee is evaluating whether Suspicious Activity Reports generated
by personal and corporate bank accounts associated with a President's or Vice President's
an expedited review by law enforcement, and be disclosed to Congress, under certain
circumstances, given the potential corruption and risks to our national security.

We aim to draft legislation that provides more transparency to the American people,
deters foreign interests from attempting to obtain influence over and access to the highest levels
of the federal government by entering into business deals with Presidential or Vice-Presidential
family members, discourages such family members from profiting from their relative's public
service, and ensures the nation is safe from our foreign adversaries.

In short, the records sought by this subpoena are critical to both the impeachment inquiry
and to further the Committees' legitimate legislative purposes. As Chairmen of the Committees,
we urge you to cooperate speedily and in good faith with these subpoenas. If you have any
questions regarding these subpoenas, please coordinate with Oversight Committee staff at (202)
225-5074 and Judiciary Conunittee staff at (202) 225-6906.


Chairman & ~J;l..dtf..,
mJ r n
ai an
Committee on Oversight and Accountability Committee on the Judiciary
September 28, 2023
Page4 of 4

cc: The Honorable Jamie Raskin, Ranking Member

Committee on Oversight and Accountability

The Honorable Jerrold L. Nadler, Ranking Member

Committee on the Judiciary

You are hereby commanded to be and appear before the
Committee on Oversight and Accm1ntabillty

of the I-louse of Representatives of the United States at the place, date, and time spccilfod below.
to produce the things idc11tiflecl on the attached schedule touching matters of inquiry committed to said
commiilee or subcommittee; and you oi·e not to depart without leave of said committee or subcommittee.

Place of production: 2 t5"7-Rayb---unrrlouse0fflceButlmrrg,-Wasliington,1Y.C:-ZOSl :>

Date: 10/12/23 Time: 5:00 PM (EST)

□ to testify at a dcpositiontoucbing matters of inquiry committed to s11id committee or subcommittee;

and you are not to depart without leave of said committee 01· subco1n111iitee.

Place o f t o s t i m o n y • : . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
• Time:

□ to testify at a heal'ing touching maltcrs of inquiry committed to said committee 01· subcommittee; and
you are not to depm1 without leave of said committee or subcommittee.

Place of testimony: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

To any antbatized-staffmemher or dcsignate<l official whb 1he rJnited Stah;1s Morsbols Service
to serve n11d make return.
Witness my hand and the sent of the House of Representatives of the United States, at the city of Washington,
DC this 28 day of September , 2023.

Scllodule to SnbJ>oC1tn
In accordance with the attached Scl1edule instructions, the custodian of records o· •
• - i s required to produce the following documents and communications that are h1 the
Bank's possession, custody, <11· control, from January 1, 2014 to pt·csont, ln unredacted fonn;

1. All financial records, h1cludlng but not limited lo account statements, co11·e_spondent bank •
records, dcJiosits, direct deposits, checks, cashier checks, wire transfers, electronic transfer
payments, • credit card and debit card records, loan do<mments nnd s11pporli11g
documentation, all l'eCOl'ds regarding the opening of the accounts, slgnattn·e cards, copies
of identification prosented by the account hokier or any other sigriatory, account closing
documents, and "know your client" (KYC) and due dillgoncc documents, for the followlng
individuals and entities, as well as all corporate entities affiliated with or linked to the
following individuals iu1d entities:

a. James Biden
b. Lion Hall Group, LLC
For busi11ess accounts, this should also include any corporate identification documents,
docutncntsinvolving b_eneficial owi1ers, and documents and communications related to the
pu1·pose of the bt1siness account. •
2. Documents sufflc.ient to show all accounts opened and closed hy the individuals and
entities listed in l(afl(b) above and the corporate entities affiliated with or linked to them.

3. All docmn~nts and intemal and external com1n,mioations referring or relating to uny person
i111111ed in 1(a)-1{b) above or any corpol'ate Clltity affiliated with or linked to any such
person, including communic11tions. and documents related to KYC and clue diligence
communications regarding the individuals und entities na111ed above.
(!ongre1,~ of tlJe -mtniteb $tntefS
mtashin!Jton, 1il<!t 20515

September 28, 2023

Dear Mr.

The Committee on Oversight and Accountability and the Committee on the Judiciary
(collectively "the Committees") are subpoenaing ce1tain financial records in
possession, custody, or control. These subpoenas are being issued at
the bank's request and pursuant to our authority as the Chairmen of the Committees under Rule
XI, clause 2(m)(l)(B) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, Rule 12(g) of the Oversight
Committee's rules, and Rule IV(a) of the Judiciary Committee's Rules.

The Committees are seeking records related to Robe1t Hunter Biden (Hunter Biden) and
entities associated with him. As pait of its investigation, the Oversight Committee has reviewed
bank records of individuals and entities associated with the Biden family as well as other
evidence. This review uncovered a pattern of financial complexity. As detailed in the
Impeachment Memorandum and the Oversight Committee's Bank Memoranda, the Biden family
used corporate bank accounts of third-patty associates to receive wires from foreign companies
and foreign nationals. 1 The Biden business associates would then disperse money to various
Biden family members in incremental payments over time. 2

While much of this money went to Hunter Biden's professional corporation, Owasco
P.C., and his other bank accounts, other Biden family members and their companies received
significant payments as well. For instance, the Oversight Committee has confomed that both
Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC and Robinson Walker, LLC received payments from foreign
companies and individuals and then made payments to Owasco, P.C., Hunter Biden's bank
accounts, and other Biden family members. 3 The Oversight Committee has identified payments

1 See Impeachment Memorandum from Committee Chairmen James Comer, Jim Jordan, and Jason Smith (Sept. 27,
2023); Memorandum (Mar. 16, 2023), H. Comm. on Oversight & Accountability. From Maj. Comm. staff to Comm.
Members. Re: New Evidence Resulting from the Oversight Committee's Investigation into the Biden Family' s
Influence Peddling and Business Schemes; Memorandum (May I 0, 2023), H. Comm. on Oversight &
Accountability. From Maj. Comm. staff to Comm. Members. Re: Second Bank Records Memorandum from the
Oversight Committee 's Investigation into the Biden Family's Influence Peddling and Business Schemes;
Memorandum (Aug. 9, 2023), H. Comm. on Oversight & Accountabi lity. From Maj. Comm. staff to Comm.
Members. Re: Third Bank Records Memorandum from the Oversight Committee's Investigation into the Biden
Family's Influence Peddling and Business Schemes.
2 Id.
3 Id.
September 28, 2023
Page 2 of4

to Hunter Biden's accounts from Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC. The Committees are
concerned that Hunter Biden sought to conceal the source of foreign income by having lucrative
wires sent to the Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC account instead of his own bank accounts at
and elsewhere. We believe these records will provide insight as to where the foreign
money was finally sent.

On September 12, 2023, Speaker Kevin McCarthy directed the Committees to open a
formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Evidence shows that Joe Biden was
aware ofat least some of his family's business ventures and sought to influence potential
business deals that financially benefited his family. Indeed, a Biden business associate, Devon
Archer, testified how the Biden "brand" was used in retaining business, and that Joe Biden met
with some of the foreign nationals who paid his family. 4 Accordingly, the Committees seek
additional infonnation regardingJh=se_andJ.iltimate_destination-oLthese-funds-given-Joe----------
Biden' s involvement with individuals who were paying these companies (that are associated with
his family) and ultimately his family members themselves. The subpoenaed bank records will
help the Connnittees determine whether Joe Biden abused his office by selling access and/or by
receiving payments or other benefits in exchange for official acts, which is a critical aspect of the
Committees' impeachment inquiry.

The records sought by this subpoena will also assist in efforts to craft legislative solutions
aimed at deficiencies that have been identified in the current legal framework regarding ethics
laws and disclosure of financial interests related to the immediate family members of Vice
Presidents and Presidents--deficiencies tha( may place American national security and interests
at risk. These requested records should provide the Committees with unique and particularized
information critical to Congress's investigation of a systemic failure to protect against potential
malign foreign interactions with family members of senior elected officials. Specifically, the
Committees are concerned that foreign nationals and foreign companies appear to have sought
access and influence by engaging in lucrative business relationships with high-profile political
figures' immediate family members.

The Committees are also concerned about the national security implications of a
President's or Vice President's immediate family members receiving millions of dollars from
foreign nationals or companies without any oversight. Current financial disclosure laws and
regulations do not require non-dependent family members to provide any information to the
public. Meaningful reforms to govermnent ethics and disclosure laws are therefore being
explored that will provide necessary transparency into a President's or Vice President's
immediate family members' income, assets, and financial relationships with companies. In
particular, the Oversight Committee intends to develop legislation that would strengthen
reporting requirements related to certain foreign transactions involving senior elected officials'
family members and implement financial disclosure laws that shed light on ownership of opaque

4 Transcribed interview of Devon Archer, H. Comm. on Oversight & Accountability (July 31, 2023), at 29.
September 28, 2023
Page 3 of 4

corporate entities. Moreover, to prevent financial transactions from being structured in a way to
evade disclosure, the Oversight Committee is examining whether certain reporting requirements,
including any new reporting requirements for senior elected officials' family members, should
extend for a period of time after a President or Vice President leaves office.

In addition, ways to strengthen the Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering laws are
being considered, including by analyzing whether financial institutions have the available tools
and support from federal agencies to thwart illegal money laundering and foreign corruption
activity. In particular, the Oversight Committee is evaluating whether Suspicious Activity
Reports generated by personal and corporate bank accounts associated with a President's or Vice
President's immediate family m.embers should undergo a more rigorous banking compliance
process, receive expedited review by law enforcement, and be disclosed to Congress, under
_______c-e_rt-a_i_n~c_ircurnstanc_es,_giYen..the_potentiaLcorruption.and-risks-to-national-seGUl'ity~.- - - - - - - - - - - ~

We aim to draft legislation that provides more transparency to the American people,
deters foreign interests from attempting to obtain influence over and access to the highest levels
of the federal government by entering into business deals with Presidential or Vice-Presidential
family members, discourages such family members from profiting from their relative's public
service, and ensures the nation is safe from our foreign adversaries.

In short, the records sought by this subpoena are critical to both the impeachment inquiry
and to further legitimate legislative purposes. As Chairmen of the Committees, we urge you to
cooperate speedily and in with these subpoenas. If you have any questions regarding
these subpoenas, please coordinate with Oversight Committee staff at (202) 225-5074 and
Judiciary Committee staff at (202) 225-6906.


Chairman & _;__,,11.d(J(..,
mJ r
ai an
Committee on Oversight and Accountability Committee on the Judiciary
September 28, 2023
Page 4 of 4

cc: The Honorable Jamie Raskin, Ranking Member

Committee on Oversight and Accountability

The Honorable Jerrold L. Nadler, Ranking Member

Committee on the Judiciary

You arc hereby commanded to be and appear before the

Committee on Oversight and Accountability

of the House of Representatives of the United States at the place, dote, and time specified below.
to produce the things identified on the a(!ached schedule touching matters of inquiry committed to said
committee or subcommittee; and you nre not to depart without leave of said committee or subcomn1ittce,

Place of production: ___._a_.c..y_u_r1_1_H_.o_u_se_O_ff_ic_e_._B_u_na_1_·n..::gc..,_W_as_hi_n--'gC..t_o1.. ;1)______

Dute: 10/12/23 Time: 5:00 PM (EST)

□ to testify at II deposition touching matters of inquiry committed lo said committee or subcommittee;

and you arc not to depart without leave ()f said committee or subcommittee.

J'laocoftestimony;...•- - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
• Time:

□ to testify at a heal'illg touching matters of inquiry committed to said committee or subcommittee; and
you not to depati without leove of said committee or subcommittee.

Place oftesthnony: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - -

Date:_._ _ _ _ __ Time

Jo.MY antbol'ized staff member ot' designated official wllh !"IJC I lnited Stales Marshals Servine
to serve and make return,
Witness my hand and the seal of the House of Represeotatives of the United States, at the city of Washington,
·DC this 28 day of September , 2023..

Schedule to Subpoena
In accordance with the attaol1ed Schedule instructions, the custodian of reco1·ds o •
·s required to produce the following documents and conummications that
are in tlm Bank's possession, custody,.or control, from.Ja11ua1y l, 2014 to present, in unredactcd

1. All financial records, inclqding but not limited to account statements, correspondent bank
records, doposits, direct deposits, checks, cashier checics, wil'C transfern, electronic transfer.
payments, credit card and debit card reco1·dil, loan documents and sllpporting
documentatiori, all records regarding the opening of the accounts, sjgi1ature cnl'ds, copies
of identification ptesented by the acco11nt holder or any other signatoiy, account closing
documents, and "know your olit-'llt'' (KYC) and due diligence documents, for tho following
. individuals and entities, AR we11 as all corporate entities affiliated with or linked to t:he
1:ollowing. fadividuals-and-enlilies ...

a. Robert I-Iullter Biden

For business accounts, this should also include any corpomte identification documents,
documents involving beneficial owners, and doetuncnts and communications related to the •
purpose of the business account.
2. Documents· sufficient to show all accounts opened and closed by the individuals ·and
cntidea listed in l(n) above and the co!'por11tc entities affiliated with or linked lo thtim.

3. All documents and intemal and external co111mtmications referring 01· relilting to a11y pcl'son.
named iii l(a) above or any CO!'porate entity affiliated with or linked to any such person,
including comnrnnications imd •documents related. to KYC and ~ue · diligence
communications regarding the individuals und entities named above.

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