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An EMILIAN Template for Developing Service-Oriented Global Citizenship

Student name: ______________________________________ Course/ Section: _____________________


How do I rate myself? (Put any symbol on the
Prof Com Adv Novi
Attribu Expected Outcomes/ Indicators: icien pete ance ce
tes: t nt Begi
CULTUR Multi-cultural Awareness and Competence
AL Recognition, acceptance and respect for cultural differences
COMPET Awareness and continuous self-assessment of own biases and difficulties
ENCY Mindful of people with disability
Age and gender sensitivity
Facilitates harmony and unity in diversity
Respects and protects indigenous people’s culture
Develops Cross-cultural communication skills
Encourages and participates in multicultural integration activities
Celebrates cultural traditions and festivities
Enlightened global citizenship
Awareness of global concerns and actions
Seeks to understand and join international and regional efforts for human
NATION Appreciates the local and national histories, customs, traditions and culture
AL Integrates acceptable Filipino traditional culture in lifestyle
CONSCI Visits and commemorates local history and cultural heritage
OUSNES Recognizes the necessity of interdependence among diverse groups in society
S AND Respects and observes the law
SOCIAL Participates in community decision-making and implementing processes
RESPON Involves in community programs and civic activities
SIBILITY Contributes to the attainment of social justice and peace-building
Recognizes and supports peace-building processes
Stand against abuses of power and corruption of public resources
Involvement in the Barangay
Considerate and helpful to uplift conditions of the less privileged
Joins life-caring and people’s welfare seeking organizations
Understands connectedness of living beings and environment in promoting
sustainable development
Shows concern for all living beings (Humans, fauna, and flora)
Respects animal rights
Protects and conserves endangered species
Engages in energy conservation
Reduces environmental degradation

Awareness of human dimensions and its connectedness with a place / a sense

of place
Values and utilizes indigenous socio-cultural tools for development and problem-
Consults and informs people and individuals in community development
programs, economic projects, and disaster mitigation

Activity 2- Individual Reflection: Mandala Drawing /Coloring - My Compassionate world

Students will search and print mandala drawings (blank / without color) thru Internet and color it,
or draw their own mandala with colors.

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