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AMA Basic Education of Las Piñas

Lot 5 DBP Ext. Naga Road. Las Piñas City

Activity Plan
Work Immersion
Accountancy, Business and Management Strand
A.Y. 2023 - 2024
General Objectives:
Specifically, the students are able to:
1) gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of industry experts and workers;
2) appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories taught in school;
3) enhance their technical knowledge and skills;
4) enrich their skills in communications and human relations;
5) develop good working habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work. These prepare them to meet the needs and challenges of employment or higher education after

Person(s) Resources needed /

Objectives Strategy Activity Responsible Time Frame Expected Output
estimated budget
Pre-Work Immersion
Explaining the Alex A. Dumandan September 29, 2023
significant of Work- Work Immersion Adviser (Friday)
Immersion in SHS Conduct pre – work 7:00 – 11:00 AM
Well – Understood
students immersion Orientation Pre- Work Immersion Jennilyn Delos Santos
- purpose of work
and Training to Grade Seminar and Training Work Immersion Partner October 13, 2023
Immersion Program.
12 students Teachers Friday
7:00 – 11:00 AM
Grade 12 ABM Students
Discussing the work Jennilyn Delos Santos
Immersion program for Work Immersion Partner October 06, 2023
ABM Students Meeting Planned and understood
ABM Students. Conduct student meeting Teacher Friday -
and Consultation the program.
10:00 – 11: 00
ABM Students
Appreciating the Discussion of Portfolio Portfolio Making / November 17, 2023 Student’s portfolio
importance of ABM Grade 12
(Portfolio content, When Mock Interview 1:00 – 3:00 PM (Accomplished forms,
credentials by writing a pictures of work site and
resume, filling out non-written
application forms, output/projects with
visiting the concerned captions of activities
offices where the performed.) Weekly
following could be to Update Content, diary narrative/account
secured: barangay Portfolio Packaging, of learning and
clearance, police Portfolio Presentation at Mock Interview achievements, issues
clearance, mayor’s the end of Work Allysa Alson November 24, 2023 faced and corresponding
clearance, medical Immersion) ABM / HUMMS resolutions, sample
certificate; Job written output if any,
interview skills training. Work Immersion
highlights, other
Discussing the Alex A. Dumandan
importance of parental Distribution of Parental Work Immersion Adviser Accomplished the
November 17, 2023
Waiver and Conduct final meeting Waiver and - Parental Waiver and
1:00 – 3:00 PM
Endorsement Letter Endorsement Letter Jennilyn Delos Santos Endorsement Letter.
Work Immersion Teacher
Immersion Proper
Applying skills learned Coordinating with Work Immersion School Partnership Focal December 4 – 15 - Written narrative of
and proper values parents/guardians, Proper Person / Work Immersion what the students
acquired in school. monitor student’s Teacher, Guidance learned, photos or
progress and provides Advocates and Grade 12 illustrations and Videos.
Conducting pre-business interventions and ABM students.
simulation orientation to general supervision to
all students about the students.
Simulation Or operation
of a micro business
enterprise in the
Barangay. Distributing of Daily
time record, Daily /
Taking part in the Weekly
operation of an existing Accomplishment Report
business fora community and Student
with an industry Performance
partnership. Assessment Form

Selling or form an
online business.
Post Work Immersion
Student’s portfolio
(Accomplished forms,
pictures of work site and
output/projects with
Presentation of Students
captions of activities
Jennilyn Delos Santos performed.) Weekly
Collect the Student Work Immersion Partner diary narrative/account
Evaluating Work March 8, 2024
Work Immersion Teacher of learning and
Immersion Experiences. Discuss his/her work Friday
Portfolio achievements, issues
immersion experience
ABM Students faced and corresponding
and relates its importance
resolutions, sample
to his/her specialization.
written output if any,
Work Immersion
highlights, other

Prepared by: Approved by:

Jennilyn Delos Santos IMELDA T. GRAGEDA

Work Immersion Partner Teacher School Principal

Checked by: Noted by:

Alex A. Dumandan Anthony Rackhfold

Work Immersion Adviser School Guidance Coordinator

Work Immersion Schedule
Accountancy, Business Management Strand
A.Y. 2023 – 2024
Work Immersion Teacher: Jennylyn Delos Santos

Activities Date/Time Person Involved

Alex A. Dumandan
Work Immersion Adviser
September 29, 2023
Pre– work immersion Jennilyn Delos Santos
Orientation and Training Part 1 Work Immersion Partner
7:00 – 11:00 AM
Grade 12 ABM Students
Alex A. Dumandan
October 13, 2023 Work Immersion Adviser
Conduct pre – work immersion
(Friday) Jennilyn Delos Santos
Orientation and Training Part 2
7:00 – 11:00 AM Work Immersion Partner Teachers
Grade 12 ABM Students
October 06, 2023 Jennilyn Delos Santos
ABM Students Meeting and
(Friday) Work Immersion Partner Teacher
10:00 – 11: 00 ABM Students
November 17, 2023
Portfolio Making (Friday) ABM Grade 12
1:00 – 3:00 PM
November 24, 2023
Mock Interview ABM Grade 12
Jennilyn Delos Santos
Distribution of Parental Waiver November 17, 2023
Work Immersion Partner Teacher
and Endorsement Letter 1:00 – 3:00 PM
ABM Students
Alex A. Dumandan
Distribution of Portfolio November 30, 2023
Work Immersion Adviser
Work Immersion Proper December 4 – 15 ABM Grade 12
March 8, 2024 Jennilyn Delos Santos
Submission of Student Work
(Friday) Work Immersion Partner Teacher
Immersion Portfolio
ABM Students

Work Immersion Models for ABM

As stipulated in DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2018 entitled Clarification and Additional Information to DepEd Order
No. 30, s. 2017 (Guidelines on Work Immersion), Work Immersion is a requirement for TVL track while it is optional for
Academic, Arts and Design, and Sports tracks.

Accountancy, Business and Model A-Simulation Or operation of a micro business enterprise in the
Management (ABM) Barangay

The class will be divided into groups with 10 members each. The teachers
will conduct pre-business simulation orientation to all students about the

Planning, establishment, and operation of micro business enterprise

o Product or Service Feasibility Report

o Business Plan
o Parent's Consent
o Barangay Business Permit
o Business Report
 Inspection of business simulation
 Post-business Simulation Requirements
 Computation of Grades

Let each group do research on and analysis of business opportunities

present in their community by considering the following:

- Scanning of business opportunities

- Employing appropriate framework and analysis for
product or service feasibility
- Appropriate methodology for determining the demand and
market feasibility
- Group conclusion and recommendation

Ask the group to prepare a business plan, underscoring the following:

- Strategic Plan and Competition Strategy

- Marketing Plan
- Operating Plan
- Financial Plan (the business fund shall be collected from equal
contribution of each member of the group)

Let each group operate the micro business (including the production of
goods/preparation of services) within 10 working days on the site approved
by the Barangay. For the security of the students, the business will be
established in the nearest location and common to all the members. The
barangay kagawad/tanod will be requested to check the security of all
groups in the Barangay during the period of business simulation. Every
Saturday, the inspection team composed of the following, will check the
operation business using the prepared evaluation tool:

Barangay kagawad/tanod in charge of ensuring the security of all groups in

the Barangay during the period of business simulation

- ABM Teacher
- Other ABM Teacher/s
- Other barangay kagawad/tanod

(*the number of hours spent by ABM teacher/s in the inspection is

computed as part of the regular teaching load)

Let each group discuss and record the transactions, sales, and experiences
of the group. After the business simulation proper, the Business Simulation
Conference will be conducted by the Accountancy and Business
Department. Each group shall participate and showcase their 15-minute

* Model B-Taking part in the operation of an existing business fora

community with an industry partnership.

The class will be divided into groups with 5 members each. The teachers
will conduct pre-business simulation orientation to all students

• Planning, establishment, and operation of micro business enterprise

Required documents

- Product or Service
- Feasibility Report
- Business Plan
- Parent's Consent
- Barangay Business Permit
- Business Report

Let each group do research on and analysis of business opportunities

present in their community by considering the following:

- Scanning of business opportunities

- Employing appropriate framework and analysis for product or
service feasibility
- Appropriate methodology for determining the demand and market
- Group conclusion and recommendation

Let each group identify which of the existing businesses within the
community operate and address such demand. The groups shall then decide
which of these businesses have met the following criteria for business

- Duly registered/recognized by any accrediting government agency

- Established business with 3 years minimum of operation
- Has good reputation and conducive for business simulation
- Operates within nearby residence of the members of the group
- Willing to partner with the DepEd school through a Memorandum
of Agreement

The Business company shall be selected only after thorough study,

screening, and preparation to ensure that each venue is a safe, secure, and
suitable place for learning.

All applicable safety guidelines of Departmet of Education (DepEd),

Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), and the business company
relevant to basic education shall apply. Let each group observe the
company operation in terms of the following:

- Strategic plan and competition strategy

- Marketing Plan
- Operating Plan
- Financial Plan (*the business fund shall be collected from equal
contribution of each member of the group)
- Actual Business Operation

Let each group take part in the identified business within 9 Saturdays (8
hours per Saturday). Each group shall discuss and record the transaction,
sales, and experiences of the group. After taking part in the actual business

operation, each group will be given 15 minutes to present their journey in
the Business Simulation Conference to be conducted by the Accountancy
and Business Department of the school.

*The other details of Model A and B are subject to the discretion of

implementing schools.

On the other hand, due to inevitable challenges or problems caused by the

recent COVID-19 pandemic, and the probability of seasonal
implementation of community quarantines (as the need arises), schools
may opt to employ:

*Model C - Online selling or online business simulation for ABM and

GAS students especially when a lockdown is being implemented in the

The aforementioned models need to follow the Most Essential Learning

Competencies (MELCs) which are derived from the curriculum guide of
Business Simulation and the expected output for the enabling
tasks/activities and the business simulation proper.

Below are the other activities/ Best Small Business Ideas for High School
Students in 2020 cited by (available at

1. Start an errand running service

2. Become a moving assistant
3. Become a scrapbooked
4. Offer home check service
5. Become a personal shopper
6. Become a holiday decorator
7. Become a garage sale organizer
8. Start gift wrapping services
9. Start a candle making business
10. Start a logo creation business
11. Sell seasonal goods online
12. Set up a social media consulting business
13. Start a web design service
14. Make how-to videos
15. Be a blogger
16. Bake and sell dog treats
17. Start a computer service
18. Be a cake decorator
19. Provide car wash services
20. Start a photography business
21. Bake and sell cookies
22. Provide editing or proofreading services

*Model D- Drafting a business proposal employing the different analysis

tools like SWOT and appropriate in the current condition of their locality


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