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Writing: Kyle Carty, Kathryn Carty, Lauren Parnagian

Art: Michael Plondaya

Editing: Lauren Parnagian

Graphic Design: Kathryn Carty, Kyle Carty

Kat Thanks
To the first Toku Campaign, Kerry, Chris, Dwyt, Lauren and Kyle, without you none of this
would have happened. Bernard for giving us a home to work in. Mike Sanchez for picking us
up when we were harsh on ourselves. Gabe and Mom for supporting my passion projects.
Thank you Gauntes for watching every week even when you were alone in chat. Our Chat,
our Brigade of Pals, thank you for being so generous, so wonderful and lighting up my life
everytime we stream. My husband for being the pillar of this game and our lives.

Kyle Thanks
Kat and Lauren for being the best partners I could ask for. My folks for dealing with me.
Aaron, Ross, Caleb, and the rest of the RPPR crew for giving us a shot. Plondaya for striking
up a conversation at GenCon. Gauntes and Mitch for being the best damn mods anyone
could ask for. Ruth for believing in me. Noah and Bridget for hyping us up. Sanchez and
Bernie for everything. Everyone in our chat. I’m just real emotional right now and ya’ll are
wonderful. Yeah this one’s long, I know. I got a lot of emotions.

Lauren Thanks
Mom & Dad. Thank you for giving me hope. May this start to fill the blue canvas.

Michael Thanks
I wanna thank Jessica Lincoln, my Folks, and the first couriers to run The Quiet.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment
Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights
of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or
warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
Kickstarter Backers
“Game Show Man” Joe Van Ginkel, Aaron J. Shelton, Ad Astra Per Scientia,
Adam “MagusRogue” Loyd, Adam & Laura B-L, Adam Benedict Canning, Adam Charbonneau,
Adam M. Coleman, Adam Thornsburg, Afresh, Andrew Bennett, Andrew Betts, Andrew J.
Salmons, Andy Martinez, Andy Winham & The Cupcake or Death Krewe, Anthony Hansen,
Ash Blue, Ashe Roberson, Baputisutu Burilaku, Ben Hale, Ben Wermers, Bill “Gryffn88”
Stilson, Bill Sundwall, Bob Huss, BONESOLVENT, Brad Baughman, Brandon “FoolsFire”
Struble, Brandon Urey, Brent “Hounddog” Royal, Bretemaches, Brian Dean, Brian G.
Johnston, Brian McCabe, Bridget Renoux, Brownie Davis, Bryan Beyer, Bryan Considine,
Bryant Stevenson, Caleb Stokes, Callan + Kelsey Griffiths, Cameron Berg, Capitain Lazar,
Cardboard Brain, Charles E Miller, Chavalia, Chirag Asnani, Chris Cirillo, Chris Fong, Christian
Sibbitt, Christopher Reed, Chuck Beckmann, Chuck Dee, Claude Weaver III, Clunker,
Connor Keane, Conor Lehman, Cornell Daly, Cory Dershem, Craig Ian Nelson, Curt Meyer,
Curtis Y. Takahashi, D. Holden, Dan “Max Havic” Thacker, Dan Lin, Dan VK, Daniel “Riptide”
Chan, Daniel Mckibbin, Daniel Rusk, Daniel Wilks, Daniel, Danna Trahan, Danny Keith,
DanOfTomorrow, David Ginsburg w/Tales from the Fandom Podcast, David Jones, David
Martel, David Pidgeon, David Wolf, Demetrius K, Derek Carty, Devin Conner, Dewayne Agin,
Diane Travis, Dominik Pintera, Donnie, Doublajynxx, Doug Harmon, Drew Wendorf, Edgar
“Gar Platinum” De Santiago, Eli Kurtz, Emiel Luck, Eran Aviram, Eric Blair, Eric C, Erin Carty,
Ethan Parker, Frank Hart, Fuzzy Goblyn, Gabriel L. Perez, GameTurtle, Gaston R. Gosselin,
Gauntes, George K, Greggy Socko, Gregory Bennett, Harrison Hunt, hitmahip, Ian McFarlin,
Iriah Whittington, Isaac Salume, J Nichols, J.R. Scherer, Jack Gulick, Jacky Leung, Jacob
Bulfin, Jagger, Jaime Robertson, Jake Newton, James “ Soul Sheriff” Boyle, James D. White,
James Fletcher, James ‘Ghostman’ Schrecengost, James Hafbad Sugrue, James Mills, James
Petrosky, Jamie Smith, Jason “jivjov” H, Jason Alexander, Jason Carter, Jason Greenwell,
Jason Skavlebo, JD Boucher, Jeff Bernstein, Jeff Troutman, Jeff Zitomer, Jeffrey Gordon,
Jeffrey Kreider, Jeffrey Meyer, Jen Grannis, Jennifer & Michael Dulock, Jeremy Bohanan,
Jeremy Seeley, Jesus A Gonzalez, Jim “The Destroyer” Bellmore, Jim Ryan, Joe Della Penna,
Joe Meyer, Joe Whitley, Johann Crono, John “Goon” Williams, John Ackley, John Doyle,
John Fuy, John Mangevin, John O’Neal, John Toomey, Johnathan Nguyen, Jon P Nilson, Jon,
Jonathan Combs, Joseph McGivern, Josh Mahan, Josh Riggins, JR, Julian H., Julian Murray,
Jurnee Jakes, Justin Kennon, Justin Mitchell, Justin Nichols, Kamala Arroyo, Karlen “Canadian
MZ” Kendrick, Ken Napper, Ken Ringwald, Kenneth Hensley, Kevin G. Nunn, Kevlarr,
Kirby, Kori loves Pocky, KPopPapi, Kristopher Eshleman, Kurt McMahon, Kyle Brunner,
Lamplightlord, Lebby, Lenurd the Joke Gnome, Leopold Goldimire, Lonnie Harris, Lorenzo
Bonilla, Lt. Shwa, Luke N Davison, M. Scott Smith, M. W. II, Malcolm, Mara “IndigoBlooper”,
Marco Schuetz, Marguerite A. LaMothe, Mark & Patty C., MarsGuyPhil, Mataterin, Matt
Edmiston, Matt George, Matt Penn, Matt Wurzberger, Matthew Brady, Matthew Start,
Micah Nielsen, Micah Wolfe, Michael “UltraM” Mullins, Michael Adair, Michael Feldhusen,
Michael Wall, Min-heack Choi, MUDAH, NatB, Nathan Henson, Neena Short, Neil Coles,
Neil Mahoney, Nicole “Dark Hero” Cajilig, Nina Shanafelt, Noah Carden, Operator Violet,
Orko the PR, palmi8, Paris Conte, Patrick Mohlmann, Paul Sheppard, Peter “Savage Oz”
Morson, Peter Beckett, Peter Clark, Peter Porcaro, Jr., Phillip Stephen Wright, Qiespa, Rachel
OB, Radio Multiverse, Raenef_V, Ray W, Richard G. Skibba, RJ Dale, Robert “Jefepato” Dall,
Robert B. Baldwin, Robert Flower, Robert Smith, Robin “Zemce” Gonzales, Role Playing
Public Radio, Ron Beck, Ron Smay, Ronald Lewis Jr., Ryan Fuerst, Ryan Thornburg, Sam
Hing, Sam N., Scott Crosson, Scott Hopkin, Scott Krammer, Sean Christopher Charles Richer,
Sean Huempfner, Sean Richmond, Sebastian M, Sentai Hare, Shammara Blanchard, Shawn
Hannon, Spencer Harris, Star Eagle, Stefano Ferrero, Steven D Warble, Steven Thum, Taylor
P. Apple, Ted Lundy, Thaddeus S., The Frosted Melon, The Monolith, The One True Jeb, The.
Iron.Mandarin, Tim “Sai Savage” Davis, Tim Popelier, ToeKneeGames, Tom Taylor, Tom-
Hodson-Cottingham, Trevor, Tthe Ryukyu Kid, Ty DeRossett, Ty Madden, Tyler Childers,
W. Schaeffer Tolliver, Walter F. Croft, Wandering Alchemist, Will Lamming, William Sova,
Wojciech Zarudzki, Wolf Larrysson, WorldMaker, Wyrdling, Zack Adamson
Table Of Contents
Introduction 5
Chapter 1: Making Characters 6
Transforming Hero Frameworks 6
Building Kaiju 8
Edges 10
Hindrances 12

Chapter 2: Genre and Rules 13

What Kind of Tokusatsu? 13
Campaign Style Guides 14
New Setting Rules 21
Kaiju Campaign Rules 26

Chapter 3: Building Gear 32

Iconic Weapons 32
Iconic Armor 35
Mechs 37

Chapter 4: Building the Cast 38

Creature Design 38
New Monstrous Abilities 39
Creating Unique Attacks 40
Civilians 41
Minions 41
Boss Monsters 43
Heroes 48
Kaiju 54
Random Kaiju Generator 60
Example Villain Group: Fire Team Omega 62

Chapter 5: Fire Team on the Scene 67

Introduction 67
Key Characters 67
Gazetteer 70
Overview 72
Plot Point One: Becoming Heroes 74
Plot Point Two: Reservoir Requisition 77
Plot Point Three: Midterms 80
Plot Point Four: Training Exercise 80
Plot Point Five: Traitor 85
Plot Point Six: Finals and Finales 89
Savage Tales 93
School Events Table 94

What is Tokusatsu? What's in this Book?
Tokusatsu is the Japanese term for live- Collected in this book is the easiest, fastest,
action media that uses extensive special and most fun way to play a transforming
effects, both practical and digital. It literally hero versus giant monster fighting game
means “special filming,” referring to this you’ll come across. New but approachable
intense focus on flash and style. A great rules help you flesh out a game that truly
many things fall under this category. Kaiju captures the feeling of spandex wearing,
(giant monsters), transforming superheroes, color coordinated heroes doing backflips
and giant robots all fall under the umbrella in front of explosions before drop kicking a
of tokusatsu. Considered one of the most monster with a terrible pun name. There are
popular forms of Japanese entertainment, also rules for battling against titanic kaiju
some tokusatsu series have even seen some with tanks and missiles or creating your own
minor success in other markets. massive monsters to crush cities.
If activating a device to transform into a
costumed super hero, fighting strange and
often gimmicky monsters, and piloting giant
What Do I Need to Play?
mecha is what you’re interested in, then You only need a few simple things to play
Savage Tokusatsu is for you. This product Savage Tokusatsu. A set of dice (d4, d6,
contains rules for bringing some of the most d8, d10, d12), a deck of poker cards (Joker
common types of tokusatsu to your gaming included), a few poker chips or coins, the
table while emphasizing the Fast, Furious, Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core
and Fun that Savage Worlds and the book, and this document. That’s it. If you’ve
genre share. purchased this, you almost assuredly have
everything you need to play already.
Why Not Super Powers?
You might be asking yourself, “Why not
just use the Super Power Companion?”
It’s true that you could use it and easily
generate a slew of unique and diverse
powers but you’d soon run into some
trouble. The same enemies that could bring
down characters who focus exclusively
on Armor and Toughness powers would
quickly make minced meat out of any other,
much squishier character. The same is
true of characters that focus on doing the
most damage possible. In order to combat
threats like this, things could quickly become
unbalanced, battles become a slough, and
everything quickly becomes not very fun.
It’s for these reasons that this book
focuses more on marginal increases with its
own much more limited resource pool and
the addition of ‘tiers of play’ to maintain the
themes appropriate to tokusatsu media.

Chapter 1: Making Characters
There are a wide array of characters that one core stories many shows in this genre tell.
can find in tokusatsu stories. Normal people However, it is important to note that these
caught up in the lives of remarkable people, Frameworks are substantially weaker than
transforming heroes, magical girls, boys, their Savage RIFTS counterparts.
everything in between, and even kaiju are all
equally viable character types to play. Frameworks
This chapter is broken up into two distinct Not all transforming heroes are normal,
sections that cover two major and radically everyday humans. Some might have been
different types of campaigns. Transforming born special while others are an altogether
heroes, which are individuals that can enter different species that just looks human (or
a “super” or “magical” form to fight monsters, human-ish). Frameworks encompass several
and kaiju, which are giant monsters that key factors including their power source
rampage across the world, are both covered. and grants characters different bonuses and
Additionally, there are new Edges and penalties based on their selection. However,
Hindrances as well as rules for creating your regardless of the character’s framework,
own unique pieces of Gear that works great all characters transform or no characters
in tokusatsu stories as well as a replacement transform, unless the Game Master specifies
system for creating magical items. otherwise.
All Frameworks have the following generic
Transforming Heroes abilities in addition to the unique abilities
listed under each section. Certain Campaign
Transforming heroes are typically mortals
that somehow have with the ability to Style Guides might alter or remove these
literally transform into an armored or general features. Not all magical girls are
empowered warrior. This covers a wide array master martial artists or can leap several
of tropes and genres. Most transforming hero yards at a time, after all.
stories are aimed at younger audiences and • Arcane Background (Transform). This
have light tones, but there are a great many Edge is free in most tokusatsu games. It
that deal with incredibly grim consequences can be found in the Edges section (pg. 10)
and actions. • Leap. Tokusatsu characters possess
For the most part, creating a character in a great jumping abilities. They can jump 4”
tokusatsu game is the same as creating it in horizontally and 2” vertically.
a normal Savage Worlds campaign. You still • Combat Edge. All transforming characters
get 5 Attribute Points, 12 Skills Points, core begin play with the Martial Artist or Brawler
skills, and a Free Edge. Unlike core Savage Edge in addition to the Edge they normally
Worlds, money is more or less irrelevant. You receive for free. You do not need to meet
receive your most important Gear, which you the requirements for these Edges.
can customize with several modifications, for
free. These rules are covered in the Iconic
Gear section.
The most notable difference between
a basic Savage Worlds campaign and a Super Powers
Savage Tokusatsu game is the inclusion
Some tokusatsu shows present
of Frameworks. Similar to those included
characters that also have minor
in Savage RIFTS, these options allow for
superpowers. In these cases,
an additional leg of customization during consider also giving all members
character creation. They encapsulate the of the group the Arcane Background
most common ways a transforming hero (Gifted) Edge or a small amount of
might obtain their abilities in this genre. points to spend on a superpower
From being genetically modified, to from the Super Powers Companion.
receiving a highly advanced piece of This step, however, is by no means
technology, to being an intergalactic necessary.
human-like alien, these options

6 are not exhaustive but capture the

Altered Chosen
Altered characters were normal humans who Something or someone saw something in
were, as the name implies, altered in some you. Entities from another realm, the Earth
way or another. Cybernetic implants, a piece itself, or other mystical forces chose you to
of invasive alien technology, or exposure serve as their champion. Chosen are equally
to a mysterious type of energy are all at home as lone heroes or within a squad of
equally viable power sources for an Altered fellow Chosen.
character. • Blessing from Beyond. Chosen
• Machine Assist. Altered characters have characters are supernaturally gifted.
assisted reflexes thanks to their altered They begin play with 6 Attribute Points.
form. Altered characters have Pace 8”. • Rise Again. When a Chosen character
• Activation Period. Altered characters is wounded, protective forces seem to
undergo a longer process when shield them from harm by empowering
transforming. They must interact their form. When a Chosen character
with foreign technology, focus the attempts to Soak, the roll has a +2 bonus.
supernatural energy surging through • Antithesis. The enemies of a Chosen
them, or interface with their implants. are their very opposite. Attack and
Transforming is an action for Altered damage rolls against Chosen made by
characters. supernatural creatures, such as almost all
Hero tier enemies, are made at +1.
Bestowed • Requests. Chosen have a force they
Power suits and gadgets make up the power must answer to. When the Game Master
source for a Bestowed. The character almost feels it is appropriate, they can deliver
certainly did not make them and they may a request from this force. The Chosen
never know their origin at all. Belts, rings, must complete the request as soon as
bracers, and the like are all common designs possible or risk the temporary removal of
for these suits when not in use. This is their power. Such requests should cause
among the most common and widely known dramatic, but not game threatening,
Frameworks for transforming heroes. conflicts of priority.
• Advanced Tech. Bestowed characters
have cutting edge technology. They Genetic
begin play with one additional modifier Genetic heroes were born better, plain and
they can use on either their Iconic simple. They might be mutants, genetically
Weapon or Armor. modified in utero, sentient gemstones from
• Item Dependent. Bestowed heroes another planet, or perhaps they are aliens
are normal humans through and born in another galaxy. In any case, your
through. They might be above average character is different all the way down to
and spunky, but at the end of the day their DNA.
they’re mortal just like the rest of us. If • Sturdy. A Genetic character has
a Bestowed character’s Transformation surprising fortitude. They have a +1
Item is lost, stolen, broken, or otherwise bonus to Toughness.
inaccessible they cannot transform until • By Design. A Genetic character isn’t the
the item is accessible. Hindrances, such way they are by accident. Their body
as All Thumbs, do not typically cause and mind are different for a reason. They
mishaps with your Bestowed equipment begin play with 6 Attribute Points.
or mech. • Side Effect. A Genetic character typically
has something that they cannot bear to
be around or there was an unforeseen
consequence with their body. Take
either the Allergy (Minor) or the Anemic
• Highly Specialized. A Genetic
typically has one hyper-focused
set of skills. They begin play
with 9 Skill Points.
A Joined hero is not a single entity. They
are individuals who now share a body with Groups that want to play as rampaging
another entity. An intelligent symbiotic mastodonic monsters follow a very different
creature might be the cause. Partial process for character creation. Kaiju are built
possession by a ghost is another option. completely independent of any established
The entity might be fully aware of itself and Savage Worlds character creation process.
capable of communication while others Follow the step-by-step guide presented
might only impart emotional impulses. below to create your kaiju.
The entity is able to manifest or otherwise • The kaiju does not select Hindrances
generate the special powers, weapons and without explicit permission from the
suits that these characters rely on. Game Master.
• Of Two Minds. Joined heroes are never • The kaiju begins play with a d10 in
alone. Their “partner” can urge them Strength and Vigor but a d4 in all other
forward or give them advice in even the Attributes. The kaiju has 12 points to
direst of circumstances. When a Joined spend on other Attributes and ignores
character is Shaken, their associated the maximum limit of Attributes for
entity offers a great benefit. The entity player characters.
rolls an additional d6 to aid the character • The kaiju’s Smarts is (A). It has the
in breaking free of the Shaken condition. intelligence of an animal.
For example, a Wild Card Joined with a • The kaiju has 10 Skill Points to spend on
d8 Spirit would roll d8 and 2d6 to break skills.
free of Shaken instead of the normal d8 • The kaiju has a base Pace of 15” and a
and d6. running speed of 2d6.
• Impulse Control. Joined are inexorably • The kaiju does not receive a free Edge.
linked to another entity and sometimes • The kaiju begins with a natural weapon
that entity has its own wants and desires. of its choice. The weapon deals Str+d8
When creating a Joined character, work damage and has AP 15. It deals damage
with your Game Master to determine in a Small Burst Template
how the entity behaves and what it • The kaiju begins play with +15 Armor.
wants. Alternatively, leave it up to the • The kaiju begins play with +12 Size.
Game Master if you wish to be surprised. • The kaiju begins play with +5 Toughness.
At times when your desires conflict with • The kaiju is Gargantuan. It has Heavy
the desires of the entity, the character Armor, its attacks are Heavy Weapons,
must make a Spirit roll at -4 or do as the and it can take three additional Wounds.
entity wishes. It adds its Size to melee damage and
• Fear. The entity is afraid of something. attacks. Attacks made against it by
Joined characters gain the Phobia human-sized creatures are made with
(Minor) Hindrance. a+6 bonus.
• The kaiju has 15 points to spend on
Positive Racial Abilities. The kaiju can
also select from the following new and
modified options.
• For each Rank above Novice the Kaiju is,
it gains 5 additional points to spend on
Positive Racial Abilities. Kaiju do not gain
Advances in the way a normal character

Positive Racial Abilities
The following positive racial abilities are new Indomitable
and modified versions of those presented in Player controlled kaiju do not gain
the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. the Indomitable ability without
• Armor (U): You gain +5 Armor each time the explicit permission of the
this is taken. Value: 1 Game Master. This is not the case
• Fear (5): The kaiju is particularly for kaiju antagonists in games
terrifying. Creatures that see the kaiju that pit human forces against
must make a Fear check. Each time this unstoppable kaiju. A Game Master
modifier is taken, the Spirit roll suffers a can give player controlled kaiju
-2 penalty. Value: 2 the Indomitable ability, but should
• Intelligent (1) The kaiju’s Smarts is no also give the ability to Game
longer (A). Remember, (A) stands for Master controlled kaiju as well.
Animal Smarts. Value: 1
• Massive Attack (2): Your natural weapon
deals damage in a large area. Each time
this modifier is taken, increase the burst
template’s size. Value: 3 Negative Racial Abilities
• Natural Weaponry (U): This weapon The following negative racial abilities are
adds AP +5 each time it is taken. This modified versions of those presented in the
replaces Bite and Claws. Value: 1 Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.
• Pace (U): The kaiju’s Pace is increased by • Cannot Speak: Does not exist. Kaiju are
+5” or its Running die is increased by one not known to talk.
die type. Value: 1 • Frail (4): The creature suffers -2
• Poisonous Touch (1): For 2 points, the Toughness. Value: -1
Vigor roll is made at -3. For 3 points, the • Slow (2): The kaiju’s Pace is reduced by
Vigor roll is made at -6. Value: 2/3 5”. Value: -1
• Powerful Attack (2/Weapon): The kaiju
must have the Natural Weaponry or
Ranged Attack racial modifier. It adds an
additional die of the natural weapon’s
size to all attacks made with that
weapon. If the base attack deals Str+d10
damage it now deals Str+2d10 damage.
Value: 3
• Ranged Attack (U): The kaiju has the
ability to attack at a distance. It might
manifest as a laser beam, fire breath,
or some other form. The attack uses
Shooting, has a Range of 50, and deals
4d6 damage with AP 20. Each time this
modifier is taken the attack’s damage
dice increases by one size or the attack
gains AP +5. Value: 3
• Size +1 (U): Size is now an unlimited
racial modifier. Value: 2
• Spread (2): Your ranged attack is now
a penatrating line. When taken, your
ranged attack is 3” wide. If taken again, it
becomes 5” wide. Value: 2
• Toughness (U): Toughness is now an
unlimited racial modifier. Value: 1

you transform, you lose this penalty and
Edges instead gain a +2 bonus to Pace and a +1
Some Edges are restricted or modified in a bonus to Parry and Toughness.
tokusatsu campaign, while a few new ones
are listed below. Skill Shift
Restricted Edges: Adept, Arcane Resistance, Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background
Champion, Filthy Rich, Holy Warrior, (Transform)
Mentalist, New Power, No Mercy, Power Select two skills between Athletics, Fighting,
Points, Rapid Recharge, Rich, Soul Drain, and Shooting, or an arcane skill. While you
Wizard. are untransformed, you use these skills
Modified Edges: Ace applies to all non- as written. When you transform, the die
attack rolls made while piloting a mech. sizes of the two skills switch their values.
Most Arcane Backgrounds are not selectable For example, a character has a d4 Fighting
without explicit Game Master permission. and a d8 Shooting while untransformed.
However, their transformed monster form is
Background Edges an exceptional melee combatant but cannot
These Edges represent a character’s natural shoot. While transformed, the character has
state. Background Edges can be taken after a d8 Fighting and a d4 Shooting.
character creation if there is an in-game
justification for such a thing to occur. Combat Edges
These Edges enhance a character’s abilities
Arcane Background (Transform) in battle.
Requirements: Novice
The character gains the ability to transform Firing Synergy
into an armed and armored hero as a free Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+
action. The character gains certain gear You ignore the Firing into Melee situational
based on the Game Master’s discretion. rule for attacks you make that would
Typically the character gains a stock Pistol, potentially endanger your allies.
an Iconic Weapon, and a suit of Armor.
Transforming increases a character’s Improved Team Player
Tier from Mundane to Hero. This Arcane Requirements: Seasoned, Team Player
Background does not grant Powers or Power You count as two additional adjacent allies
Points. Mahou games should also provide an for purposes of determining Gang Up
additional Arcane Background for free bonuses. This still cannot exceed the normal
(see pg. 16). maximum Gang Up bonus of +4. Team Player
can be found in the Super Power Companion.
Attribute Shift
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background Interpose
(Transform) Requirements: Novice, Spirit d8+ or Vigor d8+
Select two Attributes. While you are Once per round, when an adjacent ally is
untransformed, you use these Attributes as hit with a ranged attack, you can choose to
written. When you transform, the die sizes dive in the way and take the damage instead.
of the two Attributes switch their values. For The attacking creature resolves the damage
example, a character has a d4 Strength and against your Toughness and you take any
a d8 Smarts while untransformed. However, negative effects as if you were the original
their transformed monster form is a violent target.
rampaging beast. While transformed, the
character has a d8 Strength and a d4 Smarts. Mixed Weapon Fighter
Requirements: Novice, Agility d8+
Hardy Shift If a character attacks with a ranged weapon
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background in one hand and a melee weapon in the
(Transform) other on the same turn, the second attack
You are a noticeably frail individual. doesn’t inflict a Multi-Action penalty. The
While you are untransformed, you Off-Hand penalty still applies unless
suffer a -1 penalty to Pace, Parry, they’re Ambidextrous.

10 and Toughness. However, when

with a Raise, the contact is a stan and will risk
Professional Edges physical harm or legal consequences. However,
These Edges represent different kinds of interacting with those elements of your fan
careers and hobbies that characters have. base carries its own unique risks that are left to
the Game Master’s discretion.
Requirements: Novice, Performance d8+,
Those who are skilled in the art of acting find
becoming other people or even telling simple Requirements: Novice, Athletics d6+,
lies are much easier. The character has a +1 Persuasion d6+, Stealth d6+, Thievery d6+
bonus on all Persuasion rolls made to bluff You are skilled at the art of espionage. Spies
or otherwise lie, as well as a +2 bonus to gain a +2 bonus on Persuasion checks made to
Performance rolls related to acting. lie, have access to places and people that they
normally would not, and gain a +2 bonus on
Fast Teacher Thievery checks to pick pockets.
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d10+
You are a natural at giving others advice on
Weird Edges
These Weird Edges relate to the sometimes
things you are knowledgeable about. As an
silly nature of tokusatsu shows. Crafting wild
action, you make a Smarts roll. On a success,
plans and finding the reserves to get back up
you grant a creature within 5” of you a d4, or a
are all part of the show.
d6 with a raise, in a skill that you have but they
do not. This lasts until you attempt to use this
Edge again, regardless of if you are successful.
Jump to Conclusions
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+
You’re good at making completely unprovoked
Musician decisions about the task at hand. Once per
Requirements: Novice, Performance d8+
session you can spend a Benny and make a
Talented musicians know how to work a room.
Smarts roll at -2. If the roll is successful, you
You can play a venue to earn extra income.
learn a vital piece of information about an
Additionally, after playing a venue, you can
aspect of the scene that helps you to create a
mingle with a crowd. All of your Persuasion
far-fetched plan to solve the problem at hand.
checks gain a +1 bonus with members of the
For example, if you’re fighting a wood and
crowd that enjoyed your show. You also know
dog themed monster, you might make the
the local scene and once per session can roll
conclusion that you can get it to ‘fetch’ its own
Performance to see if you “know somebody”
tail through a series of clever checks. Pitch a
who can help get you into places you normally
goofy, terrible idea to your Game Master. If it
could not.
is accepted, then it becomes a way to solve the
Social Media Influencer current problem. If the Game Master denies it,
Requirements: Novice, Persuasion d8+ or then they must come up with a solution to the
Hobby (Social Media) d8+ problem or return your Benny.
When taking this Edge, select a field that
could be represented with Knowledge, such Victory Undeniable
as Cuisine, Fashion, or Travel. You are a widely Requirements: Novice
regarded, digital star in this field. When Once per session, you can spend a Benny
interacting with people who are aware of your to heal one Wound or point of Fatigue even
position as an internet famous social media when Incapacitated.
influencer, you gain a +2 bonus to Persuasion
and Intimidation checks. Legendary Edges
Once per session, you can reach out to your These Edges are only available to Legendary
followers to ask for a favor, such as the aid characters.
of a specialist. This requires a Hobby (Social
Media) check or a Persuasion check if not Suit Upgrade
using the Hobby Setting Rule. Failure means no Requirements: Arcane Background
one responds to the request or those that do (Transform), Legendary
are unwilling or unable to perform the favor. Your old suit was in dire need of an
Success means followers get in touch with upgrade and now you have it. While
the individual and will do what is requested transformed, your Iconic Armor
of them. These contacts are not willing to counts as Heavy Armor.
risk physical harm for you. If you succeeded
Hindrances Nerd (Minor)
Your character is a dweeb. They might be
Presented below are a selection of new
Hindrances ideal for Tokusatsu campaigns. particularly passionate about something
‘uncool,’ speak with needlessly complex
Modified Hindrances: Poverty is now called words to sound smart, or push their glasses
“Spendthrift.” up. This makes you a prime target for being
picked on by bullies (yes, even adult bullies
Clique (Minor) if you’re an adult). This bullying is a fairly
persistent, but usually minor, complication
You interact with a specific group of people,
that might occur at the wrong time.
often to the exclusion of others. Your clique
might be your fellow player characters, but
it does not need to be. Your clique is your
Trusting (Minor or Major)
You’re a sucker, plain and simple. You take
top priority. They require constant hang
most things at face value without question.
sessions, often text you at inopportune
As a Minor Hindrance, you suffer a -2
times, and might find themselves in harm’s
penalty to Spirit checks made to resist
way over the course of a session. Failing to
Persuasion rolls made to deceive. As a Major
maintain your relationship with them strains
Hindrance, you instead suffer a -4 penalty.
you emotionally as your conflict begins to
grow. In sessions where your relationship
with your clique is strained, you have a -1
Vain (Minor or Major)
penalty on all rolls. You’re in love with yourself. It might be
your stunning good looks or your vastly
Exchange Student (Minor) superior intellect, but in your mind
You’re not from around here and sometimes you’re the absolute greatest in some
it shows. You suffer a -2 penalty to Common way, shape, or form. You spend time
Knowledge rolls that specifically relate to ‘coyishly’ complimenting yourself in casual
the culture you find yourself immersed in. conversation, mentioning how high your IQ
is, fishing for compliments, and generally just
Jock (Minor) being eye-rollingly unaware of this specific
You’re a big strong athlete or maybe a social norm. You suffer a -1 penalty on
wiry sprinter. Either way, people make speech related Persuasion rolls. As a Major
assumptions about you because of your Hindrance, you suffer a -2 penalty on speech
all-consuming interest in sports. Sadly, that related Persuasion rolls and your vanity is
means people think you’re probably rude nearly all-consuming.
and dumb. You might not be rude and dumb,
but that doesn’t matter. Other characters
often look down on and speak down to you.
They might avoid speaking to you out of
fear that they’ll confuse your muscular brain,
might over simplify things, or just generally
patronize you. This can prevent you from
getting straight answers from certain people.

Lovesick (Minor or Major)

You love love. Your character falls into love
very easily and becomes consumed by
thoughts of the object of their affection. The
recipient of your love is usually unaware of
your feelings until you spell it out for them.
While you are in love, you suffer a -1 penalty
on all Smarts based Trait rolls as a Minor
Hindrance or -2 if taken as a
Major Hindrance.

Chapter 2: Genre and Rules
don’t worry about it being “unrealistic” if the
What Kind of Tokusatsu? media reports on the events of a campaign
The most important decision you are as blasé.
going to make when it comes to running a It is highly recommended that you run
tokusatsu game is deciding what specific an origin story, regardless of the specifics
sub-genre you want to explore. Teenagers of the story, to introduce players to the
forming a group to save the world between world that they will be playing in and to one
classes, a gritty but colorful transforming another. Perhaps they’re utter strangers or
hero fights against an evil organization they’ve been friends for years. How do they
experimenting on people, normal people react to a kaiju emerging from the ocean
struggling to survive the force of nature that or becoming transforming superheroes? It
is a kaiju, and giant robots duking it out are helps to cement the tone and clue everyone
all extremely common. in to how most sessions will feel.
Because there are so many types of
tokusatsu stories, we have created several
style guides with the intent of helping a
Game Master easily narrow down what story
they want to tell and the tone they want to
tell it with. These games can run the gamut Tokusatsu Story Structure
from light hearted and goofy to realistic and
Many tokusatsu stories,
gritty. Some are comedic and others horrific.
specifically transforming hero
It’s important to decide on a tone and
ones, follow a similar story
maintain its consistency. If the characters structure. These stories typically
are doctors moonlighting as heroes fighting begin with the characters enjoying
against monstrous space-dwelling criminals, their normal life and confronting
then that’s the story you need to stick to. a flaw possessed by a primary
It’s tempting to throw everything but the character. Then a problem, usually
kitchen sink into a story, but save that for a a new monster, arrives and begins
crossover campaign where anyone can to act. The heroes fight minions
be anything. but are forced to retreat when
For transforming heroes battling villains- confronted with the villain.
of-the-week, determining a theme for The reason for their retreat is
the villainous organization could help usually tied in some way to the
you to easily create new monsters, the previously established deficiency
organization’s minions, and its leadership. or flaw. Groups or individuals
Things should be as dark and brooding or then regroup and assess the
as silly and fun as the theme calls for. Silly problem before advancing to the
designs and lighthearted fun doesn’t mean final battle where they emerge
victorious. These tropes might
a lack of dramatic stakes, however. It just
not be the case at your table as
means that you need to be careful about
roleplaying games have a more
what’s at stake and how it is handled.
prevalent and constant uncertainty
It’s also important to think about how when it comes to danger. If the
your world reacts to transforming heroes, hero is victorious they return to
massive mecha, and giant monsters. How their normal life, having learned
common is this? Does it feel like every year to improve upon their established
there’s another alien invasion and another flaw.
lone hero or team that rises up to combat
it? Does the military or world government
try to combat it or do they let the heroes
take care of it? Does the media completely
ignore weekly monster attacks as banal or
do they sensationalize it? There’s no right
or wrong answer to these questions. Each
instance has probably been done, before so
First, does the public know about the
Campaign Style Guides monsters? Depending on the public’s
The following pages contain several example awareness of the monsters, the team faces
campaign styles for tokusatsu style games different challenges. If the monsters are
collected into a format called a Campaign Style common knowledge, the team’s collateral
Guide. These guides have sections describing
damage is highly monitored and scrutinized.
what makes each type of campaign distinct,
If the existence of monsters is secret, the
what Setting Rules are used, what rules are
team’s clandestine nature and ability to
modified, and other important information
to help a Game Master easily run a variety of contain a situation are their highest priority.
games. Second, are the monsters shapeshifters
It’s important to note that the Setting Rules or are they humans who transform into
presented in each Campaign Style Guide are monsters? If they were human, and even
suggestions. They are not mandatory but if they weren’t, can they be rehabilitated
can help to fully emulate the themes of the or cured? Is this information public? Most
genre. For example, the Student Heroes style campaigns begin with the team and the
guide lists Exams and other Academics related powers that be unaware of such facts. The
optional rules, but the campaign at the end revelation that a team could have been
of this book, Fire Team on the Scene, does not saving their foes should call for a Fear check.
make these rules mandatory despite having Third, how did the monsters escape? Are
some plot points revolve around exams. they being released by the company or a
Using the Exam rule to add to the campaign rogue employee? Did they simply break free
is entirely optional, with the exams serving and disperse into society at large? This is
simply as a backdrop for the action. important to help plan the end goal of the
Some of the Setting Rules referenced are campaign. Is there a head of the snake that
found in other sourcebooks, such as
can be cut off? How much of a factor will
Savage RIFTS, East Texas University and the
espionage play? Will the team simply have to
Horror Companion.
fight and fight and fight until there is nothing
Containment Breach left? These different plot lines can add
Deep in the secret development division of roleplaying hooks and dread to a campaign.
a shadowy company on the cutting edge of Fourth, how does the team track them? Do
biology and technology, the organization they have a way to hone in on their unique
created something they kept secret from the energy signatures or is the team constantly
world. Monsters. However, something went forced to react rather than be proactive?
wrong. The monsters have begun to appear Fifth, is the team a military, mercenary, or
amongst the general population clad in the private organization? Is the group the only
guise of humans. Were they born monsters or organization to speak of? Do they answer
did they become monsters? Can they be cured to themselves and work to evade detection
or must they be destroyed? Where do you and by the police and military as they battle the
your teammates fit into all of this? monsters? Teams that are not part of an
Containment Breach tokusatsu games organization might have trouble obtaining
are a unique type of transformation story. controlled munitions and will find it all but
They rarely tend to glamorize the perceived impossible to obtain cybernetics, laser
heroism of most transforming hero stories
weaponry, or other advanced gear.
and more often focus on the human cost and
Depending on a team’s connections,
the horror of having to face down monsters
they might be able to requisition additional
that are superior to you. These stories focus
on mundane people being ground down as equipment. However, their monthly budget
repeated, near death experiences take their of ammunition and equipment maintenance
toll on their personal and professional lives. is limited to approximately $3000. Teams
Most characters in this type of campaign are fighting monsters publicly might have higher
not transforming heroes but are rather humble budgets. In the event that a team causes
soldiers working to protect the world from considerable damage or requires equipment
these deadly creatures using whatever means in excess of their budget, the team might be
they have at their disposal. brought before a court of their superiors for
It’s vital to decide on key components chastising, questioning, or to appeal for their
for a Containment Breach campaign. requested equipment.
All characters begin the game with the controls. Additionally, characters with Arcane
Soldier or Spy Edge in addition to the Background (Transform) automatically reject
free Edge they get for playing a human. cybernetic implants as they are already
Characters that want to transform must extensively modified.
take the Arcane Background (Transform)
Edge. If the team is not part of a structured
The Insanity rule functions identically to its
organization, they do not receive the Soldier
description in the Horror Companion with the
or Spy Edge but begin play with $1000
following modifications.
instead of $500.
Spies in a Containment Breach campaign
are agents within the company that relay
A character can become acclimated to the
information to the organization opposing
horrors of certain creatures and stimuli. All
them. They must balance their responsibility
creatures that succeed with a Raise on a
to their team while maintaining the cover
Sanity check can spend a Benny to become
within the organization. They have authority
immune to that specific type of horror.
equivalent to an NCO to those who know
Horror typically comes in two forms: violence
they are an operative.
and helplessness. For each type of horror
When designing a monster for these
a character is desensitized to, they suffer a
campaigns, the Game Master should make
stacking -1 penalty to Charisma.
sure to include a Fear check. Despite being
If a character succeeds with a Raise on a
monster hunters, facing down a humanoid
Sanity check against a creature, they can
spider with a 20 foot vertical leap will always
spend a Benny to become immune to
be terrifying.
that specific creature’s fear effects. If that
creature is a minion, the character becomes
Setting Rules immune to Fear checks relating to all minions
Gritty Damage, Guts, Insanity, More Than
of that type. When a Wild Card creature is
Human, Transformation Recovery
destroyed, all characters that were immune
Modified Rules to its fear effects remove the -1 penalty to
their Charisma.
The following rules from other sources have
been changed in some way. Recovering Sanity
Binge: If the character binges in excess,
Cybernetics they can recover 1 Sanity every two months.
Containment Breach campaigns can also
A binge costs at least $500 and gives the
make use of the sci-fi Cybernetics rules if
character one level of Fatigue for a week.
the Game Master so desires. However, a
Habit: A character can recover 1 Sanity a
character’s Maximum Strain is calculated
month if they willingly take the Habit (Major)
differently. A character’s Maximum Strain
Hindrance. This Hindrance manifests as a
equals half Spirit + half Vigor - 4. For
physical dependency on a substance and
example, a character with d6 Spirit and d8
usually costs at least $200 a week. The
Vigor has a Maximum Strain of 3.
character can attempt a Spirit roll at -2 each
Cybernetics are incredibly expensive and
week. After four consecutive successful
are usually part of a larger narrative arc for
checks, the Habit is removed. When the
a character or organization. They are well
Habit is removed, the character can no
above the normal means of a character
longer heal Sanity in this way unless they
but can be freely given to a distinguished
relapse and gain Habit (Major) once again..
character by the powers that be. Cybernetics
The Healing Power: This option does not
are almost always experimental and come
exist unless you are also using expanded
with complications. If an implanted character
Arcane Background rules to allow other
critically fails a roll that involves the implant,
Arcane Backgrounds that are not Arcane
they immediately suffer 1 Wound from a
Background (Transform).
violent mechanical or biological failure.
Vulnerability: If the character
If a character exceeds their Maximum Strain
makes themselves emotionally
by 3, their body rejects the implants and they
vulnerable to another character in
warp into a monster that the Game Master
a particularly telling scene with a
heavy emphasis on roleplaying, the character What is the structure of the game? Is there
recovers 1 Sanity. This vulnerability might a set time and place that battles occur, such
come in the form of working with a therapist as a fighting ring at a true tournament? Are
or simply having a moment amongst friends. the characters summoned to this arena? Is
The character should not only break down the game always active with the threat of
but build themselves back up with the aid of an ambush around every street corner? The
their confidant. threat of death arriving at any time creates
very different stakes and can even be used in
Starting Funds certain strategies by wily players or foes.
All non-monster members of a Containment Finally, the Game Master must decide on
Breach campaign begin with $1000 to spend the truth of the campaign. Is the prize real? Is
on starting gear. This usually covers a primary there a twist or a “devil in the details”? This
weapon, a sidearm, a set of bulletproof ties in well with another important choice:
armor, a grenade or two, and specialized the true nature of the game’s organizer. Is it
equipment such as medkits or hacking tools. a deity? Is it a charlatan? Is it the previous
winner? Are they even capable of holding
Hero Royale up their end of the bargain? These are all
These campaigns revolve around a simple important facts that should be hammered
premise. Transforming heroes are put in a out before the first session of the game,
life or death “game” or tournament where though the players should not be aware of
the grand prize is an obscene thing, such any dramatic twists.
as a wish or becoming a deity. Hero Royale Characters in a Hero Royale campaign
stories are dire and grim affairs that have should use money, unlike most Savage
a high fatality rate and an overabundance Tokusatsu campaign styles. The purchase of
of melodrama. The amount of combatants mundane equipment can spell the difference
ranges wildly from story to story, but between life or death, and the grind of rent
typically include at least 12 participants at can add that extra dash of realism to truly
the minimum. darken the campaign. A bulletproof vest
Hero Royale campaigns are fraught with might be enough to save a character from an
tension and an utter lack of trust. Groups ambush, and a 9mm pistol can do in a pinch.
must first decide what form the deadly game
will take. Will they be working as a team or Setting Rules
individuals? Teams win or lose together while Blaze of Glory, Damage Scale OR More Than
individuals have to carefully balance alliances Human, Gritty Damage, Knockback
of convenience and inevitable betrayals in a
contest where there can only be one winner. Mahou
Team games have substantially less player Mahou campaigns revolve around
versus player conflict, but individual games transforming heroes that typically become
can work as one shots or for groups that cute frilly heroes to save the world from a
are open and clear with one another and secret threat that often targets humanity’s
understand the nature of this campaign style. very emotions. Also known as Majokko,
Why are the characters participating in Mahou Shoujo, and Mahou Shonen, this a
the game? Did they choose to do so of their commonly overlooked type of tokusatsu.
own volition? If they did, each participant, Media of this type is often written for
including pivotal non-player characters, traditionally female audiences and focuses
should have a very clear motivation for on the adventures of juvenile and teen
risking their lives. Will they use their wish or girls gaining magical powers, fighting
fortune to care for a sick loved one, exact metaphorical monsters, and collecting
vengeance on someone who wronged them, magical items. These campaigns need not
or are their motivations purely self-serving? always focus on young women or be written
If the characters were forced into the game to that demographic at all. These stories can
through foul circumstances, how are they follow the same genre conventions when
handling the fact that they might die? applied to adults or children of any gender.
Are they willing to play or would Magical Girl campaigns usually have a
they rather die with their morals? strong focus on friendship, overcoming
adversity, accepting one’s emotions, and
doing what is ethical. They typically begin
with the discovery of a magical creature that
grants the characters their magical abilities
and informs them of their quest. They might
have to collect all the scattered pieces of a
magical item, battle against literal emotional
monsters that possess and warp innocent
people, or fight cruel invaders from space or
another dimension.
These campaigns have several important
questions that need to be answered to
facilitate immersion.
First, who are your characters? This might
seem like an obvious question, but it’s
important to set a tone for these campaigns.
Most fantasy campaigns feature characters
from all walks of life and of all different ages,
but such things are incredibly uncommon in
a magical girl campaign. A campaign about
fully grown adults who don sweet lolita
fashion could be played completely seriously
or be a comedic campaign commenting on
the absurdity of the situation. All characters begin play with the
Second, what is the origin of the Arcane Background (Transform) and
characters’ power? Is there a small Arcane Background (Magic) Edges. Most
creature that serves as a sort of guide and magical girls have the Bestowed or Chosen
benefactor? In some instances, it provides Framework, depending on the nature of
them with their power or simply reminds their abilities.
them that the power was within them all In addition to the Setting Rules presented
along. Do the characters draw power from below, a Game Master may want to add
objects? If so, can anyone holding the object the Heroes Never Die Setting Rule for a
use the power? Perhaps the power comes lighthearted Magical Girl campaign.
from within or is given to the characters so
that they can serve a certain goal. Setting Rules
Third, who are the antagonists? In magical Emotional Support, Fanatics, Joker’s Wild,
girl stories, there is usually one overarching Master Caster, No Power Points, Teamwork
villain that commands or creates monsters-
of-the-week that hinder the characters or Powerful Negligence
cause chaos, but there are many examples The pursuit of profit can drive corrupt
of stories that do not feature a primary corporations to disregard the safety of
antagonist. These stories might have their their employees, ignore the wellbeing of
monsters be a natural but relatively secret those around their facilities, and commit
aspect of the world’s natural order, or they despicable crimes. There are even instances
might arise when an unfortunate person of governments cutting corners and harming
accidentally or intentionally interacts with a their citizens. In the absolute worst of
magical artifact. Do people become monsters circumstances, a company’s actions can lead
or are monsters a lifeform unto themselves? to increased instances of certain diseases or
Finally, what is the main objective of the even death in an area.
campaign? Do the characters need to collect Powerful Negligence campaigns are kaiju
a certain amount of scattered objects or stories that focus on these societal and
do they need to overthrow an evil moon economic issues through the lens of giant
empire? Is there no objective at all? Are the monsters and vengeful spirits. What
characters simply using their powers to do happens when a company’s lack
what’s right and live their lives? of concern or ethics creates a
superfund? What of the people harmed by corporatocracy? Are things more in line with
it? This Campaign Style Guide presents one the current status quo and these companies
such answer: the creation of a rachegeist. are simply cutting corners to improve their
Rachegeist are part kaiju, part vengeful bottom line? What level of influence does
spirit, and part hive mind. A collected the government have over companies,
intelligence of all of the souls killed by a if any? Is the government complicit with
specific incident, they arise as one being these actions? Are the events actually due
with many thoughts and a singular goal: the to the actions of a government agency
destruction of those that wronged them. and not a corporation at all? How does
These monsters tower above the corporate the general public view these events? Are
headquarters they demolish and are typically protests common or is dissent unheard of or
an ironic reflection of the auspices of their simply stomped out? If rachegeists existed
demise. For example, for a town deprived of previously, how does the common person
clean water through the dumping of waste or view them? An angel of retribution or as a
the rerouting of public works, the rachegeist terrifying, mindless engine of destruction?
might possess abilities relating to water. A How would the existence of such vengeful
rachegeist that arose from nuclear fallout creatures affect companies not in its direct
might have atomic breath, or a rachegeist path of violence? Would they try harder to
that arose from a disastrous fracking stay on the straight and narrow, or would
complication might have oil, water, or earth they also shore up defenses to protect
aesthetics and Trappings. themselves from future wrath?
The corporations, however, will not go Third, why do these companies have kaiju?
down easily. In addition to private militaries, Did they create the giant monsters for an
mercenary organizations, and the assistance inevitable corporate war they want to be
of the government, these companies have on the winning end of? Was the company
dangerous tricks up their sleeves. They have planning a coup against the government?
developed honest to goodness kaiju that can Are they simply an experiment gone awry?
stand toe-to-toe with the rachegeist. Were they created to consume and dispose
A Powerful Negligence campaign is one of of the deadly waste products the company
vengeance and justice. Running such a game creates in their manufacturing process?
requires that certain questions be answered Are kaiju commonplace and owning one is
to better flesh out the game: simply a display of wealth or might? Do other
First, where do these ghostly creatures companies have their own kaijus? Does each
come from? Spirituality and the existence company only have one or do they have
of these wronged shades are allegorical for multiple kaiju of varying strength? What
private and governmental carelessness or does the government think of the fact that
apathy towards those they wronged with private companies have secret engines of
their actions. However, in the confines of destruction? Would the government begin
your story, these ghosts are very, very real to amass their own army of kaiju as a failsafe
and it would benefit the campaign to have as well? Would the corporations resist such
some manner of explanation for why ghosts attempts from the government?
exist. Is a rachegeist a creation of Gaia Finally, what happens to a rachegeist
herself that seeks to punish the corrupt for when it succeeds? Does the conglomerate
their crimes against humanity and nature? of spirits simply dissipate? Do the spirits
Are they simply vengeful spirits who adhere get to move on to the afterlife if there is
to one another that manifest when enough one? If there is, are the individual souls of a
congregate? Is it a chemical side effect of the rachegeist judged for their actions as spirits?
events that killed these poor souls? Did the Does the rachegeist simply turn its attention
afterlife simply fill up or were they rejected to another, deserving corporation? This
when they attempted to move on? Are your question is less pressing than others if you
players controlling the first rachegeist ever? are exploring a world in which the players are
Second, what’s the economic and the first rachegeist that has ever existed. For
political climate of your world? Has settings where such incidents have happened
society reached a full-blown, before, it helps to know just how many of
megacorporation plutocracy or these creatures are still in the world.
These minds are going to disagree and
debate on a course of action and that is
good. Players are encouraged to have their
“faction” break off into a splinter (see below)
if they feel it is the right course of action.
However, it is always important to remember
that table etiquette and mutual respect are
paramount for enjoying tabletop roleplaying.
After all, a rachegeist will always agree on
one thing: its need to destroy what killed it
by any means necessary.

Building a Rachegeist
A rachegeist is built using the standard rules
for kaiju with the addition of the Splinters
Special Ability.

A rachegeist has a unique ability unlike
any other kaiju. Several souls within it can
splinter off and form their own, smaller body.
This allows individual players to perform
other vital actions towards the successful
completion of the group’s objectives.
When a splinter breaks off from the main
body, it takes abilities and dice from the main
Running a Rachegeist body to form its own. A Splinter begins with
Unlike other kaiju stories, a rachegeist is a d4 in all Attributes but a d6 in Strength
one creature with multiple minds. At the and Vigor. For each additional level of an
table, this means that all of the players use Attribute or any level of a Skill the splinter
the Simultaneous Mech Command rules has, the main body reduces the die size of its
to vote on and determine its course of own Attribute or Skill by an equal amount.
action. Each player might represent a single Additionally, the splinter can take up to
human mind or an entire faction within the +5 Size, +5 Toughness, and other Special
rachegeist’s consciousness, but ultimately Abilities from the main body in the same
all players voice their opinions on how way.
they feel the body should proceed. Such Splinters have a Slam attack that deals
communication occurs instantaneously and is Str+d10 damage with AP 5. This attack is a
not measured in real world time. This means Heavy Weapon. Splinters do not have Heavy
that even if a group debates for several Armor. They can attempt to possess living
minutes at the table, the rachegeist is not humans by making an opposed Spirit check
simply standing still for several minutes. An as an Action. If the splinter is destroyed the
entire conversation might span less than a rachegeist does not recover the powers
millisecond of in-universe time. it borrowed. A rachegeist can reabsorb a
Hive minds do not always reach unilateral splinter within its reach as an action.
consensus. In fact, the most interesting
stories that use hive minds often have these Setting Rules
collected intelligences at odds with the Born a Hero, Joker’s Wild, Joint Control,
many parts of itself. This disagreement of Knockback, Knowledge, Splinters
thought is not unlike when an entity with a
single mind debates a course of action for
itself. There is merit to conflicting opinions.
While hive minds are at their strongest when
obvious consensus is reached, this does not
mean that standard roleplaying dynamics
simply cease to be.
Student Heroes Setting Rules
This campaign style is the one that Western Exams, Extra Effort, Extracurricular
audiences will be most familiar with. At its Activities, Fanatics, Heroes Never Die,
core, a Student Heroes campaign is exactly Hobbies, Knockback, Power Tier
what it says on the label: a campaign about
transforming heroes who must also juggle
their young adult lives as students. These are
often lighthearted romps with a monster- Writing to Hindrances
of-the-week whose theme ties in to a moral A lot of shows in this genre
about not being such a jerk all the time. are targeted towards children.
Players take on the role of students, typically That means they usually have a
in high school or university, who must juggle moral every episode, not unlike
their responsibilities to academia, their an after-school special. An easy
friends, and their family while also taking on way to handle these morals is to
the responsibilities that come with fighting involve the characters directly.
evil space witches or subterranean despots. Hindrances are a perfect hook to
Just like all transforming hero campaigns, make these story opportunities
it’s important to figure out how the that much easier to craft.
characters gained their abilities. Were they Choose one of the characters in
summoned by a disembodied head, did they the group and then choose one of
end up saving a person who granted them their Hindrances. Frame the moral
the ability to transform as a last resort, or did of your next session around the
they perhaps answer the call of a mysterious chosen Hindrance. For example, if
voice before being attacked by a charging the Clique Hindrance is selected,
villain? Whatever the case, the group should then perhaps the character hasn’t
all discuss how they would like the origin been fulfilling their obligation
story to be handled. Some groups may want to their social circle because of
to roleplay gaining their abilities while others their newfound responsibilities,
might want to start as an established team. or maybe the clique has been drawn
Class, family, and friends are all vital to into this week’s conflict.
Student Hero games. The inclusion of East For a more on the nose lesson, a
Texas University’s Exams and Extracurricular character with the Mean Hindrance
Activities Setting Rules reflects these learns about kindness as their
responsibilities, but individuals without friends and partners grow fed up
that book can opt to include the occasional with their attitude. Perhaps a
test roll with the Academics or Common character with the Greed Hindrance
Knowledge skills while roleplaying scenes falls prey to the allure of a
that occur within school. The addition of the monster’s wealth which charms them
Hobbies rule covers extracurricular activities, in the worst way, or maybe a Small
both those officially recognized by the school character learns that sometimes
and those that are purely self-led, and should size doesn’t matter after a series
feature in some of the adventures the heroes of hurdles block their path.
go on. Familial drama and conflict within
These stories can be used to dull
friend groups are also important and can the edges of a Hindrance or even
flesh out scenes that do not directly involve serve as a potential way to permit
superhuman threats. a character to buy off a Hindrance
These campaigns usually end with the . These lessons allow a character
heroes confronting the organization’s boss. to learn and grow as a person in
These battles might spill into their homes or at least some small way. A Mean
take place in an isolated area, like the earth’s character might not lose the Mean
crust or the moon. These battles should Hindrance but might just take
always be incredibly trying, like all great their episode as a chance to be a
final bosses, but still capture the little less mean moving forward.
cheesiness that is so common in
these stories.
New Setting Rules
There are several thematic styles for
tokusatsu combat. Three of the most iconic Scaled Vehicle Combat
themes and the rules required to easily run
Use the Damage Scale Tier rules
them are presented below.
for easy, non-bloated spaceship
combat. Giant Weapons might just
Damage Scale be a standard handgun, but if
There is a rough sequence of events in most it hits a Mundane target, it is
transforming hero shows. The monster instantly vaporized.
and its minions arrive and fight the heroes
before they transform. The heroes might There are many campaign types
defeat several minions and even land a few that will only use Mundane and
ultimately harmless hits on the boss monster Giant Tier characters. Such
before they must transform. The heroes then campaigns commonly involve normal
fight the boss monster and destroy it. In pilots jumping into vehicles
some franchises, the monster might grow to such as starfighters or massive
spaceships. In these campaigns,
a gigantic size that the heroes combat with
a bit more detail is required
an equally gigantic robot.
to ensure smooth gameplay. For
Damage Scale is a rule that seeks to
example, a massive spaceship might
emulate this escalation of danger. It be Giant Tier with Giant Tier
introduces ‘Tiers’ of play, Mundane, Hero, weapons, but a starfighter might
and Giant, which supersedes the Gargantuan be Mundane Tier with Heavy Armor
Monstrous Ability from Savage Worlds. In while using Giant Tier weapons.
its simplest form, creatures of the same Tier
can harm each other normally, and a creature
fighting a target of the next Tier can only
Shake their target. Additional Shaken results
do not cause Wounds. However, the attacker
Rather than suffering Wounds normally,
can spend a Benny after the damage is rolled
these monsters must first have a successful
to instead deal damage as if they were the
emotional appeal made against them. Once
same Tier as their target. This typically
per turn as an action, a character can make
only occurs if the damage succeeded with
a Persuasion roll opposed by the monster’s
a Raise. Mundane creatures cannot harm
Spirit. On a successful roll, the monster is
Giant creatures in any way, even if they
Shaken. If the roll succeeds with a Raise, the
spend a Benny. Attacks against a target of a
monster takes an amount of Wounds equal
lower Tier count as Heavy Weapons. Heavy
to the amount of Raises on the roll. Special
Weapons otherwise function normally.
Abilities, like Indomitable and Hardy, protect
a creature against these effects as if it were
Emotional Support normal damage.
This optional rule helps stories that do not The Game Master should grant a +2 bonus
want to rely heavily on violence as the be-all, to characters that make appeals that utilize
end-all solution for dealing with monsters. knowledge of the monster’s vulnerabilities
Monsters born of emotional guilt and that they learned over the course of the
manipulation are often vulnerable to wicked adventure. Characters that make poor
minds but are also susceptible to the concern appeals, appear to be insincere, or ones that
of kind hearts. commit a faux pas should suffer a -2 penalty.
Wild Card monsters in campaigns using
this rule gain the Weakness Special Ability.
They can only be truly defeated when the
When a Wild Card enemy character is
human inside of the monster comes to targeted by a successful attack, any of their
terms with their emotions. This requires the minions can move up to their Pace, jump
characters to delve into the history of the in front of their master, and suffer the
endangered human to discover what put attack instead.
them in such a vulnerable state.

Heroes Never Die games, Knowledge represents a wide variety
This rule is nearly identical to its counterpart of technical and scientific fields and should
in the core book. The only difference is that be included. Knowledge is a hyperspecific
the vast majority of villains will explode when level of understanding of a single field that
defeated. They might return in later sessions, is chosen when the skill is taken. Knowledge
but this is not an ironclad rule. This rule helps (Atomic) and Knowledge (Optics) are two
in sessions where villains that cannot be such examples. Knowledge remains a skill, is
defeated without new equipment appear and linked to Smarts, and can be taken multiple
defeat the party in a squash match. times to represent an understanding of
different, but no less specific, fields of study.
Hobbies Master Caster
These games revolve heavily around
downtime activities and the day to day Characters ignore Rank requirements when
lives of the story’s protagonists. It is for this selecting Powers. A character can cast a
reason that all characters are required to spell of a higher Rank than their own, but
spend at least 2 of their 12 skill points on a they suffer a penalty on their Arcane Skill roll
Hobby skill. If you are playing with 15 skill equal to the difference between their Rank
points, at least 3 of them must be spent on and the power’s Rank. For example, a Novice
a Hobby skill. Hobby is a unique skill in that character that wants to cast Fly, a Veteran
it does not have an associated Attribute by power, suffers a -2 penalty to their Arcane
default, and that the associated Attribute Skill roll.
must be selected when the skill is chosen.
For example, Hobby (Theater) might use
More Than Human
For groups looking to have transforming
Spirit while Hobby (Knitting) could use Agility
heroes but not giant robots and kaiju,
or Smarts. Certain skills, such as Gambling
they might consider not using the More
and Electronics, can present a case for being
Than Human rules instead of the Damage
a Hobby, but players are encouraged to flex
Scale rules. It still captures the feeling of a
their creativity and instead choose things like
mundane person transforming into a hero or
Hobby (TTRPG) and Hobby (Gaming).
monster to battle threats that are physically
While you could technically make a case
superior to humanity but also grants normal
that a character’s hobby is Fighting at the
people a fighting chance against monsters
dojo or Shooting at the range, it’s highly
and the transformed.
encouraged that players consider their
After transforming, a character still gains
character on a deeper level and spend these
the normal benefits of their Iconic Weapon
points elsewhere. You could even say it’s so
and Iconic Armor, but their Iconic Armor
highly encouraged that it is mandatory.
has 2 additional points of Armor. All attacks
Knockback against transformed heroes or monsters by
Any attack causing 10 points of damage Mundane creatures suffer a -2 penalty to
or more to an equivalent-sized or Tier foe damage rolls. Attacks made by transformed
causes the target to fly backwards 1d4” for heroes or monsters against Mundane
stylistic reasons. This damage threshold creatures gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls.
might be higher or lower for creatures of If your game does include giant robots
different sizes or Tiers. This occurs whether and kaiju, then only these massive creatures
the attack Shakes or Wounds the creature can harm one another. An attack from a
as well as if the attack is Soaked or not. massive creature simply destroys a normal or
Creatures that collide with an object take transformed creature.
1d6 extra damage regardless of how much
further they would have been knocked back.

In Savage Worlds Adventure Edition, the old
Knowledge skill was removed in favor
of other, less broad, skills. However,
Knowledge still has a place. In kaiju
Simultaneous Mech Command
Long have tabletop games grappled with
how best to handle combat where multiple
Fight on the Run players pilot one combined form that they
A commonly overlooked rule in all have equal control over. This rule seeks to
Savage Worlds is the ability for a keep the ideals of Fast, Furious, and Fun alive
character to move in-between their by simplifying an often overly complicated
Actions. This isn’t technically a
mechanic while allowing all players equal
new rule, but rather a reminder
opportunity to succeed and make decisions.
of an existing, under used rule.
As a fast and loose rule, a mech is, for the
Rapid Attacks, Frenzy, and other
things that grant multiple attacks most part, the culmination of its human parts
can be broken up and occur at any in all the best ways.
point during a character’s turn. When dealing initiative, the mech receives
As always, the character cannot a single card as if it were a normal character.
exceed their Pace without taking If any of the piloting characters have
the run action, but, in theory, a initiative modifying Edges, then they modify
character could attack, move 2”, the mech’s initiative card as normal. On the
attack with another weapon, and mech’s turn, the group decides what course
then move 4” while taking the free of action is best to take. When an action that
attacks from the creatures they requires a roll is taken, all characters in the
are moving away from. mech roll the appropriate Skill or Attribute as
if they were performing the action on their
own. If at least half of the characters
succeed on their roll, then the
action is a success.
If a character rolls a Critical Failure, it The mech has the health of a Wild Card
counts as two failures in the final result. and its assembly is detailed in the Mech
In the case of combat rolls, any Edge that Construction section (pg 37).
would modify the roll still modifies the single When an attack forces the mech to make
character’s roll. For Edges such as Sweep or a roll, such as an Agility roll to avoid a cone
First Strike that modify the way an attack is attack, the entire group rolls the mech’s
made, the Edge modifies the mech’s attack appropriate Attribute. The only exception
provided the group agrees to use the Edge. are Spirit rolls to end the Shaken condition.
For Edges that modify attacks or damage These are made with the Spirit of the piloting
through Gear, such as Martial Artist or characters. Most effects that would call for
Florentine, the mech must meet the Gear an Athletics roll instead require a Piloting roll.
requirements to use the Edge. It is extremely important to make sure that
When the mech takes damage, the all players have an equal say. If you feel
penalties apply to all characters piloting the that one player is dominating or bullying
mech. Edges such as Nerves of Steel apply the others into going along with their plan,
only to the rolls of the single character, not then speak up. Everyone needs an equal say.
the mech. The same applies to Edges that Mech fights are a team building experience.
modify rolls to remove the Shaken condition.

Special Moves / Finishing Attacks

Shouting out your special attack is a common practice in this
genre. For the most part, Edges cover special attacks. Give
them names and shout it out whenever you use it. Your Frenzy is
actually your “Whirlwind Storm Strike” or something of the sort.

Finishing moves are similar. When a boss monster is

mechanically defeated, inform the players that it’s time for
their finishing move. It’s a simple affair to allow them to just
narrate their combined attack that causes the villain to explode
or disintegrate. Bogging such things down with unnecessary rules
will only slow down what should be the climax of an encounter.

Teamwork Transformation Recovery
When characters that are members of the A transforming hero rarely shifts into their
same team are dealt the same numbered hero form when it would be most logical to
Initiative card, they can choose to perform an do so. Characters can fight minions and even
act of teamwork. If the characters attack the attempt to combat true monsters before
same target or attempt to perform an action transforming. On the first transformation
that would aid one another, all rolls are a character makes in a given scene, the
made with a +4 bonus or used as a negative character heals all Wounds and Fatigue. This
modifier in the case of abilities that force rule is best suited to light-hearted or slightly
an enemy to succeed on a roll. This rule will gritty stories.
come up extremely infrequently, but it can
be used to add a bit of flair to the random
happenstance of sharing initiative. Groups
looking for cooperative rules that can be
used deliberately should consider using the
Combined Attacks rule from the Super Powers
Companion as well.

Kaiju Campaign Rules
Rows of artillery dig in. Tanks position
themselves. An air of tension fills the world
as the soldiers wait. The updates that come Kaiju Tabletop Size
in over the radio are no solace. They’ll feel
Kaiju miniatures would be far
the kaiju’s approach before they’ll hear or see
too large if used with standard
it. Campaigns and sessions like this might not
miniatures. It is for this reason
have the longevity of more traditional stories, that they have been scaled down.
but they are no less engaging and interesting. The amount of 1” squares in
However, they do require a structure specific diameter a kaiju occupies is
to battling a massive monster with only typically its Size divided by 4
mundane military equipment. The following (rounded down). For vehicles, a
rules are used to capture the hopeless feel of single vehicle miniature should
facing down a kaiju. be around the 1/100 scale and
It’s important to note that a good represent a column or group of
kaiju game is, optimally, broken up into vehicles. Larger miniatures can
multiple parts. Some parts might occur be used if 1/100 scale pieces are
simultaneously, some at completely separate not available. Movement should,
times, and some might be skipped over in turn, be reduced to a fourth
altogether depending on the situation and of its previous Pace, rounded up
tone of a given game. (Pace 35 becomes Pace 9).

The Clock Kaiju attacks are more than

enough to wipe out entire groups
“The Clock” is an abstraction of time
of vehicles, and anything short
that should be used in any kaiju game. It
of overwhelming numbers from
represents how long the players have to
vehicles will do nothing to such
appropriately prepare their countermeasures a creature. It is for these
and respond before the kaiju reaches a major reasons that groups of vehicles
metropolitan area or whatever its projected and soldiers are treated as
destination happens to be. single stat blocks. This helps to
The kaiju’s advance is broken into capture the feel of overwhelming
measurements known as “Legs.” When the numbers without needing to roll
kaiju has taken a number of Legs determined for 50 tanks. Instead, if the
by the Game Master, it reaches its goal and tanks are divided into groups of
unleashes havoc. The kaiju does not need to ten, you only need to roll five
roll for any action during these Legs. Unless attacks. The density of these
it is being directly contested, it simply does vehicle groups is left entirely
what it sets out to. That might take the to the Game Master. Some might
shape of drinking in the nuclear energy from find that having a single stat
a nearby power plant, destroying a town, or block representing 100 tanks
simply moving forward. works better for the tone they’re
It is recommended for Game Masters to looking to capture.
give the players at least five Legs of time If you use this smaller scale,
before the kaiju reaches its destination. This you should also reduce the Pace of
gives the players enough time to allocate all combatants. In the same way
resources, complete research, construct that Size is divided by 3, Pace
potential super weapons, scout a battlefield, too should be divided by three
or ready their forces. Some kaiju, especially (rounded down) to represent the
slow ones, might allow the characters much new Pace of all combatants.
more time, but very few will be fast enough
to offer less than five Legs.
A typical Leg for player characters
consists of multiple scenes. This
typically means three scenes occur,

26 though this won’t always be the

case. One character might be negotiating Acquisition
with an industrialist for their top scientist Theories and plans are all well and good until
while another character tries to track down faced with the reality that things have a cost.
the plutonium needed to power the laser Resources, currency, manpower, and more
while a third character is evacuating civiliansare all vital parts of the Acquisition process.
from a town directly in the kaiju’s path. In Acquisition checks cover the act of physically
another Leg said laser is under construction travelling to a location for a meeting or
now that the materials and scientist have simply having a conference call with the
arrived while another character is negotiating individuals and entities that have whatever it
with an allied nation for additional artillery is the team needs.
units. Legs and the amount of scenes that Acquisitions function like extended
make them up are fairly nebulous and can social encounters but offer rewards such as
vary from the established guidelines if such increased funding, experimental technology,
complications are appropriate. genius scientists, or a bevy of additional
soldiers. Nothing is ever free and there are a
Discovery great many capitalist powers that would see
It’s rare that the appearance of a kaiju is
a disaster like this as a way to improve their
expected. Certain governments or agencies
bottom line. What specifically the entities
might detect an abnormality, but few if any
ask for is ultimately left up to the Game
jump to the conclusion that such a hiccup is
Master, but it should always be something
a harbinger for a twenty story tall crawdad.
perverse and difficult to agree to. Perhaps
This event is usually the start of a campaign
the money required to gain access to the
or session. The player characters are
company’s prototype nuclear reactor is more
typically living their lives normally before
than the team could ever hope to obtain.
something disturbs the peace and they are
Perhaps the company requests exclusive
thrust into uncertainty and chaos.
rights to the corpse of the creature in
The Discovery phase does not cost a Leg of
exchange for their cooperation. Whatever
time and typically only occurs once. With the
the terms, they should carry a heavy weight
discovery of the kaiju, the player characters
that makes saying yes difficult.
are on the clock and must find a way to
If the organization is located domestically,
stop it. They are recruited into a program
the military might order certain members of
responsible for developing a plan to destroy
the party to storm the facility and take what
the kaiju and enter the next phase.
they need with force. Non-military characters
can participate in these raids as Extras
Preparation using the Soldier stat block. They are armed
The arrival of a kaiju cannot be planned
with M-16 rifles and Kevlar vests. Such an
for. However, preparing for the coming
action against a foreign entity would create
confrontation is possible. The Preparation
an international event and more than likely
phase covers several, more granular actions
start a war. For this reason, military action
that cover the creation of a super weapon
typically isn’t an option against corporations
and the scouting of a potential battlefield.
in foreign countries.
These smaller sub-phases are Acquisition,
Construction, Logistics, Research, and
Scouting. In most situations, players are
Research has complications like lack of funds,
permitted to act on three of these sub-
resources, facilities, or work forces. These
phases in a given Leg.
can be overcome with social interactions
with self-interested powers that want to
Starting Funds know what they can get out of providing
Players usually start with $500m in combined
assistance. This is covered in the Acquisition
starting funds to develop their super
weapon or bolster their forces. This funding section.
only represents the team’s research and A super weapon consists of several
construction budget for their super weapon. different components. All super weapons
The Game Master should also provide them have two important costs: resources
with at least two groups of tanks or artillery and successful skill checks. Each
roll made to complete a design
and a group of jets.
represents one Leg of time. Players are free • Medium Cover
to decide to roll on anything that they have • Halve the kaiju’s movement (swamps,
the resources for. If the roll fails, the Leg is ice, etc)
wasted. Failed rolls can always be attempted • High ground (+2 Shooting for units in
again at the expense of consuming an this location)
additional Leg of time. • Flanking location (+4 damage for units in
If something lists two Knowledge skills both locations)
and the team working on it has both, roll the • Destructible terrain (varied features)
higher skill die with a +1 bonus. ○ Dam (flood area. Damage based on
amount of water against Size 13 and
Construction smaller kaiju. Halve Pace of all kaiju)
Construction occurs on fully researched ○ Forest (burn it. Smoke creates Pitch
pieces of technology. Unlike Research rolls, Darkness for 5 rounds. Any form of
the actual construction of super weapons thermal vision ignores this on either
requires only a single successful Knowledge side)
(Mechanics) check for every part of the super ○ Landslide (renders an entire section
weapon. The only Construction rolls that are of the battlefield unusable. Deals
absolutely mandatory are for the Weapon massive damage to creatures in the
Base and Weapon Platform. Any optional area)
Weapon Modifications added to the super ○ Valley (ideal for hindering
weapon require an additional successful engagements, the valley is a large gap
Knowledge (Mechanics) check each. that the kaiju might have difficulty
crossing. This allows the military
Logistics to attack and retreat with little fear of
Getting all of the necessary materials to retribution
certain locations take time. Logistics does • Escape routes (+2d6 Pace for retreating
not require rolls of any kind. It simply takes allies if used)
the place of a given roll during a phase. Once • Artillery Nest (an ideal place to put
a piece of equipment, a super weapon, or artillery where it cannot be seen by
personnel are put into transit, they cannot Animal intelligence kaiju unless they are
be further modified until they arrive at within 5” of it)
their intended location at the beginning of
the next Leg. It’s for this reason that most Emergency Response
logistical needs are resolved as the last During the course of preparing the super
action of a given Leg. weapon and assembling a military force,
the kaiju will be advancing on its target.
Scouting Unfortunately, there might be instances
Finding the ideal location to engage the kaiju where towns full of people are between it
on its path of destruction falls under the and its goal. There may also be vital pieces of
purview of Scouting. Satellites and physical infrastructure, such as dams or solar farms,
reconnaissance are both time consuming which will be left destroyed in its wake.
efforts. When attempting a Scouting roll as These emergency situations are always
part of a Leg, a single Knowledge (Battle) known to the team thanks to the use of
check is all that is required. A single area can satellites and the teams of disaster response
only have two attempted Scouting rolls at experts assisting them.
the most. However, rescue or evacuation operations
Each success and raise on the Knowledge are a drain on both time and resources.
(Battle) roll grants the team the ability to dictate Emergency response situations should be
one thing about the area they are planning for used to highlight critical moments, add
their ambush. Rather than being specific pieces additional tension, and force the team to
of terrain, they are instead listed by the bonus confront impossible choices. Should the
provided, and the players are free to determine townspeople be left to their own devices
how that benefit appears. It might be
and evacuate themselves, should a team be
natural defenses, ideal places to erect
dispatched to spend part of a Leg and some
armaments, or even destructible
resources to get these people to safety, or
28 terrain.
could a small group of jets or tanks be used they’ve managed to pull together. From
to slightly alter the course of the kaiju? These here, the final confrontation plays just like
responses should always be a drain on time a standard combat. Each group of tanks
and resources. functions like a single combatant, the kaiju
acts on its turn and responds to threats
Confrontation appropriately, and the world waits with
It’s more than likely that the team will only bated breath to see if the creature is slain or
have one chance at stopping the kaiju. driven away.
The team’s forces arrive at the chosen
battleground with whatever munitions

Weapon Base Table

Type Knowledge Damage RoF AP Range Cooldown Cost
or 4d8 2 20 100/200/400 0 $100m
Notes: Missiles or shells. Requires 0 checks to research.
Magnetics 5d10 1 25 200/400/800 2 $1b
Notes: Railguns. Requires 2 checks to research.
Chemical Chemistry 1 - 50/100/200 1 $750m
Notes: Acids and gases. Grants one free Weapon Modification from Acid, Poison Gas, and Sleeping
Gas. MBT. Requires 1 checks to research.
Disintegration Molecular 4d12 1 35 20/40/80 3 $3.5b
Notes: Molecular disintegrators. A Raise on Shooting permanently destroys 5 points of the target’s
Armor after damage is resolved. Requires 2 checks to research.
Explosive or 6d8 1 20 LBT Single Use $250m
Notes: Bombs. Single use. Must be attached to a Flying platform and dropped (unless the platform has
a Launcher). Requires a Construction roll to create two explosives. Requires 0 checks to research.
Laser Optics 3d10 3 35 400/800/1600 2 $1.5b
Notes: Laser weapon. Add 1d10 extra damage but increase cooldown by one additional round.
Requires 2 checks to research.
Natural Science
Plasma or 4d10 1 30 100/200/400 3 $2b
Notes: Thermal weapon. Chance to catch target on fire (4d10). Requires 2 checks to research.
Sonic Acoustics 6d6 1 - Cone Template 2 $3b
Notes: High or low frequency soundwaves. Ignores Armor. Deals Fatigue instead of Wounds. Requires
3 checks to research.

Weapon Modifier Table
Type Knowledge Cost Notes
Armor Weapon Base’s The Weapon Base gains +10 AP each time this
Piercing Skill modification is taken.
The Weapon Base is no longer a fixed/unidirectional
Articulation Mechanics $100m
weapon. Requires 0 checks to research.
If the vehicle does nothing on its turn except moving,
it can deploy a mobile platform on its turn. Shots
fired while the platform is deployed gain a +4 bonus
Mechanics $1b to damage rolls. The weapon cannot move until it
uses an action to retract the platform. Additionally,
weapons with this modification cannot fire at all
unless it is deployed.
The weapon gains an extra damage die of its type
Weapon Base’s each time this modification is taken. For example, if
High Yield $2b
Skill taken twice on a Plasma weapon, its attacks now deal
7d10 damage.
Weapon must have an Amphibious or Sailing
Hydrocooling Hydrology $1.5b Platform. While in a body of water, the cooldown
required between shots is reduced by two rounds.
Allows Explosive weapons to be equipped to
Launcher Optics $300m any Weapon Platform and fired at a range of
Natural Science The Weapon Base has limited ammunition. If the
Limited Ammo or -$200m weapon’s attack roll Critically Fails, the weapon runs
Atomic out of ammunition.
Reduce the cooldown required between shots by one
Nuclear Core Acoustics $1b
The weapon no longer deals damage. Attacks made
with it negate the target’s Hardy Special Ability
for three rounds. If taken a second time, a second
shot from the weapon also negates the target’s
Weapon Base’s Indomitable Special Ability for two rounds. Can
Nullifying $4b
Skill only be taken on a Sonic weapon. The required skill
depends on what is needed to counter the kaiju.
In the case of a fire-based monster, Knowledge
(Hydrology) might apply, but for a nuclear powered
foe, Knowledge (Atomic) is more applicable.
Increases the Weapon Base’s Rate of Fire by one for
each time this modification is taken. Once taken, the
Rapid Mechanics $250m cooldown required between shots increases by one
round. This increased cooldown does not stack if this
modification is taken multiple times.
Allows Ballistic weapons to be fired without needing
Sensors Mechanics $200m
to have line of sight on the kaiju.
Weapon Base’s The super weapon’s Shooting rolls gain a +2 bonus
Targeting $200m
Skill each time this modification is taken.

Weapon Platform Table
Top Speed Mod.
Type Size Handling Toughness Crew Cost
(MPH) Slots
Amphibious 6 (Large) 0 60 14 (2) 2 2 $1b
Notes: Amphibious. Four Wheel Drive. Requires 1 check to research.
Flying 8 (Huge) +2 1,875 16 (4) 2 2 $250m
Notes: Can only carry releaseable Chemical or Explosive weapons. Requires 0 checks to research.
Hover 7 (Large) +1 90 30 (15) 3 3 $3b
Notes: Ignores difficult ground. Requires 2 checks to research.
Tracked 8 (Huge) -1 50 55 (35) 2 3 $500m
Notes: Requires 0 checks to research.
Walker 10 (Huge) -2 45 45 (20) 4 5 $400m
Notes: All-Terrain. Comes with Deployable Stabilizer Modification. Requires 2 checks to research.
Watercraft 12 (Gar.) -1 35 35 (15) 5 5 $2b
Notes: Requires 0 checks to research.
Wheeled 6 (Large) +1 120 16 (4) 2 3 $150m
Notes: Requires 0 checks to research.

Chapter 3: Building Gear
At the beginning of a tokusatsu campaign, Ranged Weapons
especially those revolving around Ranged weapons are slightly more difficult
transforming heroes, your Game Master to balance. All Medieval weapons are eligible
decides how many pieces of free Gear you for use as the base for a ranged weapon.
receive. Usually this will be three pieces: For firearms, tokusatsu games don’t seek
a pistol with no modifications, an Iconic to emulate reality in the same way that the
Weapon, and a suit of Iconic Armor. firearms listed in the Gear section of the
Tokusatsu shows are, first and foremost, Savage Worlds core book does. Presented
a vehicle to sell toys to fans. In game terms, below are three base ranged weapons that
that means the addition and modification emulate firearms. They can fire whatever
of new weapons, suits, and mechs as the projectile is appropriate for the setting
campaign progresses. Modifiers exist to fill and weapon. Bows, thrown weapons, and
this gap. Their application should create crossbows produce 10 pieces of ammunition.
a physical change in the appearance and Replenishing the ammunition for a ranged
functionality of the weapons and armor weapon, including for a bow and thrown
they are tied to. Additionally, don’t be afraid weapon, is an action.
to create additional mechs as the story In most team based tokusatsu series the
progresses. As old ones are destroyed or group all receives an unmodified, identical
retired, new ones are introduced. This might Pistol as a free piece of Gear. Rifles and
also apply to Iconic Weapons and Iconic Shotguns are usually an Iconic weapon.
Armors that players choose to completely Remember, all transforming heroes have the
redesign. Such is the toyification process Martial Artist edge, so it’s not as if a character
of tokusatsu. that chooses two ranged weapons will be
unarmed in melee combat. A character
Iconic Weapons that chooses an Iconic Pistol can purchase
Anything can be a cartoony tokusatsu Weapon Modifiers for both their Iconic and
weapon. With a few minor exceptions, generic pistol individually.
almost all weapons listed in the Savage
Worlds Adventure Edition can be chosen
as a character’s iconic weapon. Weapon Modifiers
Presented below are modifiers to augment
Melee Weapons the weapons a transforming hero uses. They
Any Medieval or Modern weapon with receive two free modifiers for their Iconic
the exception of the Katana, Bangstick, Weapon at character creation and receive
Chainsaw, and Survival Knife can be the another modifier upon reaching a new Rank
base for your weapon. If a player wants after Novice, for a total of six modifiers at
their weapon to look like a katana that is Legendary. You can split your modifiers
completely fine. Use the stats for a Short to instead create a new Iconic Weapon at
Sword or Long Sword instead. A character creation or upon reaching a new Rank. Your
can also choose a Small Shield instead of a total modifiers are still limited to however
weapon. The shield deals Str+d4 damage many you would have at your current Rank
but otherwise functions normally. split between your various weapons.

Type Range Damage RoF Min Str Shots Weight

Pistol 10/20/40 2d6 1 d4 5 3
Rifle 15/30/60 2d8 1 d6 4 10
Shotgun 5/10/20 1-3d6 1 d8 3 8

Halting. Creatures stuck with this weapon,
regardless of the damage dealt, decrease
their Pace by 1 until the end of their
next turn.
Heavy. This weapon gains the Heavy
Weapon property.
Light. This weapon’s Minimum Strength is
reduced by one die size.
Mighty. Attacks with this weapon deal +1
One-Handed. This weapon only requires one
hand to use. This modifier can only be taken
on weapons that require two hands to use.
Piercing. This weapons gains AP 2.
Ranged. This weapon’s range increases by
The same modifier can be selected 2/4/8 on thrown weapons and 5/10/20 for
multiple times unless the modifier specifically firearms and bows. This modifier can only be
states otherwise. Multiple instances of the taken on ranged or thrown weapons.
same modifier stack. For example, AP 2
Rapid. This weapon increases its Rate of Fire
becomes AP 4 when the Piercing modifier is
by 1. This applies to thrown weapons and
taken twice.
weapons such as bows and crossbows in
addition to firearms.
Blast. When making an attack with this
weapon, the character can choose to suffer Reach. The reach of this weapon increases
a -2 penalty to have the attack target a Small by 1”.
Burst Template. Upon taking this modifier
Specialized. This weapon grants the
again, the character can choose to have the
character wielding it an Edge, typically a
weapon instead target a Cone Template or
Combat Edge, chosen at the same time that
Medium Burst Template. This modifier can
this modifier is taken. The character can only
only be taken twice and attacks using the
use the chosen Edge with this weapon. The
Cone or Medium Burst Templates cannot be
character must meet the prerequisites for the
used in conjunction with Edges, such as First
Edge, except for Rank prerequisites, while
Strike or Sweep, that modify attacks.
transformed to choose it.
Defending. Characters wielding this weapon Throwing. This weapon gains a range of
gain a +1 bonus to Parry. 3/6/12. This modifier can only be taken once
and can only be taken on melee weapons.
Deflecting. Ranged attacks against
Tripping. Attacks made with this weapon
characters wielding this weapon have a -1
that succeed with a Raise, regardless of the
penalty. This modifier can only be taken on
damage dealt, knock the struck creature
melee weapons.
prone. This modifier can only be taken on
melee weapons.
Extended. This weapon’s shot capacity
increases by 2. This modifier can only be Variable. The weapon is an Arcane Device
taken on ranged weapons. with 5 Power Points. It can only cast a
single Power, chosen when this modifier is
Focused. Attack rolls with this weapon have taken, and recharges to full every 24 hours.
a +1 bonus. This does not modify Parry. This modifier can only be taken once. This
modifier can be taken twice, granting 5
Forceful. Creatures struck with this weapon, more Power Points the second time
regardless of the damage they take, are it is taken.
knocked back 1”.
Example Weapons Tidehammer (Legendary)
Presented below are several example The Tidehammer is a Legendary maul with
weapons to help you understand the system two Blast modifiers, two Forceful modifiers,
and the value of an Iconic Weapon. and the Heavy and Light modifiers. This
powerful weapon is designed to be an
Bee Sting (Novice) overwhelming force in combat. Its user
The Bee Sting is a Novice rapier with Mighty wanted to maximize its crowd control and
and Piercing modifications. Its user wants to gave it the ability to make Cone Template
be a force to be reckoned with in combat and attacks that can push targets 2” backward.
has chosen to distribute their modifications to The user has a d8 Strength and reduced the
boost their damage, especially against armored weapon’s Minimum Strength accordingly.
targets. This ensures that they still deal good They’ve also made the Tidehammer a Heavy
damage against unarmored targets, but can Weapon since the Boss monsters in their
also mix it up with even heavily plated enemies.
campaign typically have Heavy Armor.
(Str+d4+1, AP 2, Parry +1)
(Str+d10, Min Str d8, Heavy Weapon, two
hands, Knockback 2”, -2 Fighting to attack in
Charge Blasters (Veteran) Cone Template)
The Charge Blasters are a pair of Veteran
pistols. Their owner split their initial
modifiers between the two during character
creation and has been doing their best to
continue that pattern. Each pistol has the
Focused and Forceful modifiers. The owner
has attempted to create a pair of weapons
that minimize the penalties of two-weapon
fighting so that they can maximize their
attacks per round. (2d6, 10/20/40, RoF 1,
Shots 5, Knockback 1”, +1 on Shooting)

Halt Rifle (Seasoned)

The Halt Rifle is a Seasoned rifle with two
Halting modifiers and one Rapid modifier. Its
user prefers to hang in the back of a battle
and slow down mobile threats or hinder large
numbers of foes. Its ability to reduce a shot
target’s Pace by 2” is valuable, but using the
rifle’s increased Rate of Fire comes at the
expense of accuracy. Aiming on every
other turn can reduce this risk,
but also reduces the weapon’s
wounding effectiveness. (2d8,
15/30/60, RoF 2, Shots 4,
struck targets reduce
their Pace by 2”)

Lamia Lash (Novice)

The Lamia Lash is a Novice whip with the
Tripping and Focused modifiers. It is designed
to work in conjunction with other members of
the team. It attempts to maximize its chances
of getting a Raise so that a target can be
knocked prone, and the user’s allies can benefit
from the target’s reduced Parry. (Str+d4,
Reach 1, +1 on Fighting, knock target
prone with a Raise).

Powerful. This suit increases the character’s
Iconic Armor Strength by one die type while worn. This
Though suits of armor might not look like
modifier can only be taken once.
much in many tokusatsu series’, they have
considerable strength and greatly modify the
Protecting. One ally within 5” of the
physical abilities of the user. In mechanical
terms, armor comes in one easy to use package. character increases their Toughness and
It covers the entire body, grants +2 Armor, and Parry by 1. When taken additional times, this
is airtight. bonus extends to an additional ally within
Armor Modifiers Quick. This suit increases the character’s
Presented below are modifiers to augment the
armor a transforming hero uses. Characters Pace by 2” while worn.
gain one Armor modification during character
creation and an additional modification at the Shielded. This suit grants an additional +1
beginning of each Rank after Novice, for a total Parry while worn.
of 5 modifiers at Legendary.
The same modifier can be selected multiple Soaring. This suit grants the character a
times unless the modifier specifically states Flying Pace equal to their Pace. Upon taking
otherwise. Multiple instances of the same this modifier again, the character’s Flying
modifier stack. For example, Armor +2 becomes Pace is equal to their Pace + 2. Upon taking
Armor +4 when the Armored modifier is this modifier a third time, the character’s
taken twice. Flying Pace is equal to double their Pace.
Absorbing. Characters wearing this suit This modifier can only be taken three times.
select a single negative environmental effect
or damage type, such as heat or electricity. Specialized. This suit grants the character
The character gains a +4 bonus to resist these equipping it an Edge, typically a Combat
effects, and the wearer has +4 Armor against Edge, chosen at the same time that this
attacks based on that element or effect. This modifier is taken. The character can only
modifier can be taken multiple times. Each time use the chosen Edge with this armor. The
it is taken, another environmental effect or character must meet the prerequisites for the
damage type is chosen. Edge, except for Rank prerequisites, while
transformed to choose it.
Armored. This suit grants an additional +2
Armor when worn. Sturdy. This suit increases the character’s
Vigor by one die type while worn. This
Climbing. This suit grants the character the modifier can only be taken once.
ability to climb on horizontal and inverted
surfaces at their Pace. Swimming. This suit grants the character a
Swimming Pace equal to their Pace +2. This
Cunning. This suit increases the character’s
modifier can only be taken once.
Smarts by one die type while worn. This
modifier can only be taken once.
Teflon. Your armor reduces damage from
Deflecting. Ranged attacks against a Mundane ballistic weapons, such as a 9mm
character wearing this suit have a -1 penalty. pistol, but not from the equipment of most
minions and monsters, by 4. This modifier
Disciplined. This suit increases the can only be taken once. This modifier works
character’s Spirit by one die type while worn. best in campaigns that utilize the More Than
This modifier can only be taken once. Human Setting Rule.

Leaping. Characters wearing this suit can Variable. The suit is an Arcane Device with 5
jump an additional 1” vertically and 2” Power Points. It can only cast a single Power,
horizontally. chosen when this modifier is taken, and
recharges to full every 24 hours. This
Nimble. This suit increases the character’s modifier can be taken twice, granting
Agility by one die type while worn. This 5 more Power Points the second
time it is taken.
modifier can only be taken once.
Example Armor survivability. This suit of armor is slick with
Armors will always be a little less complex shiny polymer plates and grants +4 Armor
than their Iconic Weapon counterparts, but and increases the wearer’s Agility, Spirit,
that’s okay. They perform the necessary task Strength, and Vigor dice by one step, but
of keeping a transforming hero alive. only does so while the user is transformed.

Adamant Blitz (Heroic) Semior Suit (Novice)

Pink Semior’s armor is flexible and offers
Adamant Blitz’s armor shines with reflective
great mobility. It has the Defending modifier.
crystals and possesses the Armored
Pink Semior prefers to avoid close range
modifier twice, the Deflecting modifier, and
combat and her suit is designed to assist her
the Shielded modifier. Adamant Blitz is a
in the times that she has no choice but to
frontline fighter who wants to ensure his
engage in melee. This suit of armor is chunky
companion, Liberty Flame, can safely fire
and grants +2 Armor and grants the wearer
from a distance. This means a heavy focus
+1 Parry.
on defensive measures of all kinds. This
suit of armor is heavily plated with crystals Wild Beast (Novice)
and grants +6 Armor, +1 Parry, and ranged The Wild Beast is a feral suit of armor with
attacks against the user suffer a -1 penalty. the Specialized modifier. Its user is a reserved
individual whose emotions are in constant
Charnel Arisen (Veteran) danger of being overrun by the suit’s
The Charnel Arisen is a bone-plated suit
desires. This suit of armor grants +2 Armor
of armor with the Climbing, Shielding, and
and the Berserk Edge, but only when the
Teflon modifiers. Charnel Arisen is in a
user is transformed. The user often throws
campaign that heavily features interference
themselves into the thick of battle.
from Mundane enemies, such as police and
assassins. They often engage in hand-to-
hand combat with monsters and attempt to
obtain the high ground whenever possible.
This suit of armor is matte bone and black
and grants +2 Armor, grants the user a
Climb Pace equal to their Pace, and negates
4 points of damage from Mundane
ballistic weapons.

Gilded Glide (Heroic)

The Guilded Glide is an advanced suit of
armor for a golden hero with the Soaring
modifier twice, the Absorbing (Electricity)
modifier, and the Deflecting modifier. This
suit of armor grants +2 Armor, a Flying
Pace of the user’s Pace +2, Environmental
Resistance (Electricity), and ranged attacks
against the user suffer a -1 penalty. The
user prefers to stay above their foes while
reigning down attacks from on high.

Omni Drive (Legendary)

The Omni Drive armor represents one of
the pinnacles that a transforming hero can
attain. It possesses the Armored, Disciplined,
Nimble, Powerful, and Sturdy modifiers.
Its user wanted to be a powerful all-
rounder and took modifiers that
would enhance the most common

36 combat Attributes and their own

harm Giant Tier monsters? If enlarged
Mechs minions become Hero Tier, then this
Sometimes personal, sometimes an amalgam could easily solve the problem before
of the entire team’s mechs, giant robots and the characters combine. Otherwise, just
their smaller counterparts are easy enough allow the narrative to direct the flow of
to make. It can use a normal character these segments and make rolls as you feel
sheet and is created in more or less the appropriate.
same way as a normal Savage Tokusatsu Alternatively, use a modified mech building
character, as many transforming mechs have ruleset for individual mechs and combined
a rudimentary intelligence. All you need to do mechs. Individual mechs have 3 points to
is follow these simple steps: spend on Attributes, Pace 5”, -1 Size, and
Iconic Weapon and Iconic Armor modifiers
• Start with a d4 in Agility, Strength, and equal to your current Rank. The combined
Vigor. You have 4 points with which to mech rules remain untouched.
raise them. Raising an attribute a die When the mechs combine, the resulting
type costs 1 point. mech can begin wounded unless the group
• Pace is 6”. is using the Transformation Healing optional
• Parry is equal to 2 plus half Agility. This rule. If at least half of the component
might be modified when selecting Gear. mechs have taken an amount Wounds, the
• Toughness is equal to 2 plus Vigor. This mech has an equal amount of Wounds. For
will be modified when selecting Gear. example, if three out of five mechs have
• Create an Iconic Weapon for the Mech. taken at least two Wounds, the combined
It has a number of modifiers equal to two mech has two Wounds. If mechs have been
plus your current Rank. completely destroyed, the combined mech
• Create a suit of Iconic Armor for the begins with one level of Fatigue for each
mech. It has a number of modifiers equal destroyed or missing mech.
to two plus your current Rank.
• The mech has +1 Size.
• Choose the Tier for the mech. Size is
a good indication for tier. Most mechs
are Giant Tier as they are meant to fight
Giant Tier enemies, but some campaigns
might interact with Tiers differently.

It is highly encouraged that the Game

Master and the entire group collaborate
on the construction of the mech. It’s a
culmination of your group as a whole and
that means everyone should get a say in its
construction, both mechanical and aesthetic.

Individual Mechs
When mechs combine to form a super giant
robot it’s easy to quantify. When individuals
pilot their own slightly smaller mech, things
can become a little complicated. The above
rules are used to create massive, incredibly
powerful mechs. There are no hard and fast
rules for creating these individual units.
The many groups will want to keep it
simple. The individual mechs never really
have much of a chance against massive
monsters. It’s also difficult to pin down Tier
for these mechs. Yes, they are incredibly
large, but are they Giant Tier? What’s the
point of using them if they aren’t able to
Chapter 4: Building the Cast
It’s not a tokusatsu series without the making the threats they face aware of their
drama of battle. Sometimes a single kaiju is capabilities. Characters with high Parry might
enough, while other franchises rely heavily be subjected to more attacks that require
on the ‘monster of the week’ style formula Agility or Vigor checks, and characters
many people remember from their Saturday with large bonuses to their attacks might
morning shows. Some series have waves of come into conflict with an enemy that has
minions that serve as foot soldiers for the minions to jump in the way of attacks or
weekly villain and their master. a deflection Power. It’s important to be
Presented in this chapter are several pre- aware of the potential imbalances while still
made enemies of different strengths for all being prepared to counter them with an
Tiers and Ranks of play. These range from appropriate degree of force.
Novice minions to Legendary kaiju. There are
also streamlined rules for creating
these threats.
To further maintain the allusions to the
source material, if you introduce an enemy
that simply cannot be beaten by your current
party (such as a creature with Heavy Armor),
consider introducing them when the party
has just entered a new tier. Their upgrades Alternate Resources
come in the form of a last minute power-up If you’re looking for an existing,
or improvement from their allies or patron. easy to use generator, the Demon
Perhaps the party faces the monster and is Generation Chart from East Texas
forced to retreat. University (page 88) is an
exceptional tool that can be used
Creature Design to create a last minute monster.
Draw more or less cards on the
You don’t need to worry at any great length Demonic Special Abilities table
about buying abilities with points and depending on if you’re making a
converting those points into a threat ranking minion or boss monster.
and then comparing that threat ranking to
the power level of your party. Savage Worlds If you’re looking for something
is not a system that worries about the grit more robust and in depth, without
and granularity of “levels.” Designing enemies having to create abilities all
in Savage Worlds is flexible and easy but your own, then consider using
must be done carefully. Always remember, the Savage Worlds Super Power
Companion. It provides an ample
a Novice character can kill a Legendary
amount of abilities at a cost. The
target in a single action with hot enough
easiest conversion is to give a
dice. These exceptions aren’t the norm, but creature 5 Power Points per Rank
they’re part of what makes Savage Worlds and choose powers appropriately,
combat so great. ignoring the Power Limit rules.
A general rule of thumb to remember This, like almost anything else
is that Savage Tokusatsu characters have Savage Worlds, is a fast and loose
the potential to be much more focused ruling for using the sourcebook.
and powerful than standard characters. A
hero might stack several Focused weapon
modifiers and have an obscene bonus
to Fighting or Shooting rolls, or combine
the Defending and Shielding modifiers
for their weapon and armor to have
a very high Parry. Do not worry.
There are many, many ways to

38 challenge these characters by

New Monstrous Abilities Envelop
As an action, creatures with envelop may
Presented below are several new monstrous
abilities to help you flesh out the mechanics attempt to overwhelm a creature within reach.
They make a Fighting attack opposed by the
of your creatures.
target’s Agility. The target is Entangled on a
success and also takes 2d4 damage. The target
Alien Physique is Bound on a raise and is dealt 2d8 damage.
Called Shots have no effect on creatures with
Enveloped targets cannot move or use skills
Alien Physique. linked to Agility or Strength, but they can use
their action to attempt to break free with a
Attached Strength or Agility check. Other characters can
A creature with Attached can latch on to a use their action to free the restrained creature
target. When they score a raise on a Fighting by making a Strength check at -2.
roll, it attaches to its target and gains a +2
bonus to its attack rolls against the target. Ethereal
Removing the creature requires an opposed Ethereal creatures are immaterial and can
Strength roll. only be harmed by magical attacks. Iconic
Weapons can harm ethereal creatures.
Creatures with Chameleon can change their Gore
colors to better blend into their environment. Creatures with this maneuver can gore their
This provides a +2 bonus to Stealth rolls. opponents with their horns, spikes, claws,
or any other equally long spine. If they can
Charm charge at least 4” before attacking, they add
Creatures with Charm can use the puppet +4 to their damage total.
power using their Smarts or Spirit as their
skill die (the Attribute used must be chosen Indomitable
at creation). They can cast and maintain this The creature can only suffer a maximum of
power indefinitely, but may only affect one one Wound from a single attack, regardless
target at a time. of the attack’s damage.

Constrict Knockback
When creatures with Constrict successfully Creatures with Knockback can knock targets
hit a creature with a Fighting roll and succeed back with their strikes. A creature that is
with a raise, they constrict the target. In the struck by an attack from this creature is
round they constrict and each round thereafter,
knocked back a number of inches listed in its
they cause damage to their prey equal to Str +
entry (usually 1” or 1d6”).
another die (usually a d4 to a d8). The prey may
attempt to escape on their action by getting a
raise on an opposed Strength roll.
Padded creatures do not take wounds from
blunt trauma, such as from clubs and fists,
Death Touch though such attacks can still shake them.
Instead of a normal attack, a creature with
Death Touch may make a touch attack. Every
raise on its Fighting roll automatically inflects
Pin Cushion
Creatures with Pin Cushion are immune to
one wound to its target.
piercing attacks such as from firearms and
spears. Firearms with multiple projectiles,
Entangle such as full-auto weapons and shotguns,
Creatures with Entangle can cast webs, glue,
ropes, or other entangling substances from cause half damage.
their being. This is a Shooting roll with a range
of 3/6/12 and effects a Small Burst Template. Pounce
Anything in the area is Entangled and must A creature with Pounce can leap 1d6” to gain
cut or break their way free (Toughness 7). a +4 to its attack and damage. Its Parry
Entangled characters can still fight, but all is reduced by -2 until its next action
physical actions are at -4. The zone counts as when performing this maneuver
rough terrain. however.
Reach Moderate Strength
Much like the Gear ability, Reach allows The following monstrous abilities are
a creature to attack targets a number of considered fairly powerful. They are usually,
squares or inches away. It also extends but not always, situational powers that can
the range of Edges like First Strike and be either very strong or utterly worthless
opportunity attacks. depending on a variety of factors.
• Armor
Speed • Burrowing
Speedy creatures have a d8 (or higher) • Constrict
running die. • Construct
• Entangle
Tripping • Envelope
Creatures with Tripping can knock targets • Ethereal
prone with their strikes. A creature that is • Fear
struck by an attack from this creature must • Flight
make an Agility check or fall prone. • Immunity
• Infection
Monstrous Ability Ranking • Poison
• Reach
Presented below are rough approximations
of the strength of monstrous abilities found • Size
in the Savage Worlds core book (page 152) • Small/Large/Huge/Gargantuan
as well as the new monstrous abilities found • Strength
in this chapter. Do not feel beholden to using • Stun
these specific breakdowns when designing • Tripping
monsters. Thankfully, Savage Worlds is a • Undead
system that does not suffer from certain
problems that other systems do, and you High Strength
can be very flexible in creating challenges The following monstrous abilities are
that can face down Novice and Legendary considered incredibly powerful. They offer
characters with the same potential lethality. large static buffs, large damage boosts, and
increased survivability.
Low Strength • Absorbent
The following monstrous abilities are • Charm
considered not powerful at all. Some might • Death Touch
be powerful in certain settings, such as • Elemental
Infravision, but tokusatsu stories are rarely • Fast Regeneration
about being powerless and hunted. • Gore
• Alien Physique • Heavy Armor
• Aquatic • Indomitable
• Attached • Padded
• Chameleon • Paralysis
• Fearless • Pin Cushion
• Fleet-Footed • Pounce
• Infravision
• Knockback
• Low Light Vision
Creating Unique Attacks
More often than not, a boss monster has a
• Slow Regeneration gimmick that extends from their appearance
• Wall Walker to their attacks. A mummy monster can wrap
• Weakness their enemies with bandages or lash with
sand, a plant monster shoots seeds and cuts
with razor leaves, or a skeleton monster
can break apart and attack with each bone
individually. These fit the theme of the
monster and can be replicated with relative

40 ease.
For the most part, these attacks can be
made the same way a normal attack is made. Minions
Strength plus a damage die for the “weapon” Minions are always Extras, no exception.
being used or the use of an existing Power They usually come in exactly one variety
such as bolt or blast. The hard and fast rule is per season of a show. They might become
to remember that “everything requires a roll.” slightly stronger as the characters reach
Whether the attacking creature needs to new Ranks. Usually this means the minion
roll Fighting or Shooting, or the target needs has one or two Low or Moderate Strength
to roll a Vigor or Agility check to withstand monstrous abilities. Their Toughness should
the attack, everything needs to have a roll be particularly low as minions are meant to
associated with it. get taken down quickly and in great number.
Using our examples found above, our
mummy monster’s attacks can be a simple Jammers (Novice)
Str+d4 attack with Reach 2 and Entangle, Jammers are minions for the technology
and its sand can be a burst attack. The plant themed organization White Noise. They
monster has a simple Str+d8 melee attack teleport in through a haze of white noise
and fires seeds with the bolt Power, or and static before warbling into combat.
perhaps they just deal 2d6 damage with AP 1 They are exceptionally weak but attempt
after a Shooting roll. Our Skeleton can break to overwhelm their enemies with superior
apart, gaining a +2 bonus to Parry, but also numbers.
receiving a -2 Toughness while occupying a Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
Medium Burst Template and attacking any Strength d4, Vigor d4
creatures within as per the blast Power. Skills: Athletics d4, Electronics d6, Fighting
Flex your creative muscles but remember d6, Notice d6
not to overcomplicate things. Signature Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 (1)
attacks should match the creature’s theme, Special Abilities:
be among the most dangerous threats to • Armor +1: Junk plating.
the characters, and not bog down gameplay. • Punch: Str+d4.
Keep it Fast, Furious, and Fun. • Techno Block: All mundane pieces of
technology within 10” of a jammer
Civilians • Tier: Jammers are Mundane.
Savage Worlds has a plethora of published
material with a wide array of modern and Golem Mounders (Seasoned)
Mundane Extras and Wild Cards. While the Golem Mounders are the minions of the
core book does not offer many options for Dig Deep Dominion, a subterranean empire
creatures like these, other books like East hell-bent on extending their territory across
Texas University, the Horror Companion, and the Earth’s crust. Made of sentient clay
the Super Power Companion have a wide and stone, these creatures are little more
array of stats for mundane humans ranging than mindless puppets that act as their
from students to police officers to teachers foreman, the Dig Deep Dominion’s word for
to criminals. Consider using those to bolster commander, dictates.
your selection of mundane civilians. Physically, mounders are tripedal and have
no discernable spinal system. This allows
Basic Civilian them to protect themselves from all angles
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, while striking out at anything that draws too
Strength d6, Vigor d6 close. With two heavy stone arms, they can
Skills: Athletics d4, Driving d4, Hobby shatter boulders with relative ease.
(Choose a Hobby) d8, Persuasion d4, Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d4,
Notice d4 Strength d8, Vigor d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5 Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Hobby
Special Abilities: (Mining) d6, Notice d6
• Punch: Str. Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (3)
• Tier: Civilians are Mundane. Special Abilities:
• Armor +3: Made of rocks.

Chipchap Deckhand (Veteran)
The numerous alien deckhands of the
Chipchap pirates are highly skilled grunts
that have honed their skills on the high
spatial seas. They’ve served as foot soldiers
conquering planets and raiding vessels. Only
the strongest survive long enough to become
full-fledged deckhands of the Chipchap crew.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Boating d8, Fighting d8,
Notice d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6 (1)
Edges: Mixed Weapon Fighter
Special Abilities:
• Armor +1: Pirate breastplate.
• Cutlass: Str+d8, Parry +1.
• Laser Flintlock: 2d6, Ranged 10/20/40,
• Slam: Str+d4, Parry -1. This attack AP 1.
targets all creatures adjacent to the • Wall Walker: Can walk on vertical
mounder. surfaces at Pace 6.
• Spineless Defense: Creatures do not • Tier: Deckhands are Mundane.
benefit from Gang Up bonuses against
the mounder. Saurz Cutter (Heroic)
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Dinosaurs were not alone on our planet. The
shaken; called shots do no extra damage; Saurz Force were the most dangerous group
does not suffer from disease or poison. on Earth in the prehistoric era, but they
• Tier: Golem Mounders are Mundane. were sealed away after the extinction event
that brought that period to an end. With
Snip Force (Seasoned) the changes to the planet’s climate in the
These scissor wielding minions are skilled modern era, they were freed from their icy
at combat and not much else. They can imprisonment and now wreak havoc.
catch their enemies between their massive Saurz Cutters make up the bulk of the
scissors. When they do, they attempt to cut Saurz Force. These hunched creatures have
them in half. They dress in bright vibrant scales that form glove and boot like shapes
colors and their heads are completely on their hands and taloned feet. Their jagged
concealed beneath 80’s glam styled hairdos. lizard-like faces appear rubbery and enraged.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Their neon green hide is easy to spot but
Strength d6, Vigor d8 sneaking is not their primary focus.
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d8, Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8,
Hobby (Cosmetology) d6, Notice d6 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6 Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d10, Hobby
Special Abilities: (Dinosaurs) d10, Notice d8, Survival d12
• Giant Scissor: Str+d6, Parry +1 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 (2)
• Crushing Scissor: When the Snip Force hits Special Abilities:
a creature with a Fighting roll and succeeds • Armor +2: Scaly hide, Heavy Armor.
with a raise, the target is Entangled • Talon Blade: Str+d4.
between the two blades of the giant
• Pounce: A Cutter often pounces on its
scissor. At the start of the target’s turn, the
prey from great distances. It can leap
Snip Force member deals Str+d8 to the
6” to gain +4 to its attack and damage.
target. While Entangling a creature, the
Snip Force member loses the Parry bonus Its Parry is reduced by -2 until its next
granted by its Giant Scissor. action when performing the maneuver
• Tier: Snip Force minions are however.
Mundane. • Tier: Saurz Cutters are Mundane.

Big Hands (Legendary) Entanglela (Novice)
The Big Hands serve the Little Hands as the This mass of interwoven vines protects a
footsoldiers of the Clockworks, a group of soft, mushy core and enwreathes a large,
monsters that seek to consume the very laws cyclopean eye. Entanglela is a mercenary
of time. Big Hands are the absolute best of monster that will throw in with any cause
the best when it comes to minions. Loyal to a given enough justification. For Entanglela,
fault, skilled in the art of war, and unafraid of justification usually means nutrient rich soil
death, they overwhelm their foes with sheer that they can feed themselves with.
numbers. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8,
They look like black silhouettes of Strength d6, Vigor d6
humanoids with colorful streaks running Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Hobby
through their bodies. Wielding spears that (Horticulture) d6, Notice d4, Stealth d10
look like twisted clock hands, they keep their Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 6
distance when they can and lash out with Special Abilities:
speed belying their mundane frames. • Vine: Str+d4, Reach 3”, Parry +2.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Entanglela can make two attacks with
Strength d8, Vigor d8 their vine without suffering a multi-
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, action penalty.
Hobby (Quantum Physics) d12, Notice d10, • Constricting Vine: When Entanglela
Stealth d10 hits a creature with a Fighting roll
Pace: 7; Parry: 8; Toughness: 6 and succeeds with a raise, the target
Special Abilities: is Bound by vines. The round they
• Clock Hand Spear: Str+d6, 2 hands, Parry
constricts and each round thereafter,
+1, Reach 1.
the target takes to Str+d6 damage. The
• Alien Physique: Big Hands are immune to
target may attempt to escape on their
Called Shots.
• Turn Back the Clock: The first time in a
action with an opposed Strength roll.
scene that a Big Hand is Incapacitated it Another character may attempt to cut
falls to the ground, defeated. On the next the vines as an action (Toughness 5).
round, it still receives an initiative card. • Tier: Entanglela is Hero Tier.
When their turn comes the concept of time
around the fallen Big Hand distorts, the Late Bloomer (Novice)
Big Hand returns at peak form, and acts This nocturnal plant creature is a soft-spoken
normally. foe that lures its enemies into a sluggish
• Tier: Big Hands are Mundane Tier. state with powerful sedative pollen. A
hypnotic pattern of violet and navy weaves
Boss Monsters across its petals as it flits about with an
ethereal grace. Late Bloomer is a free agent
Boss Monsters run the gamut. Lieutenants,
generals, commanders, and even the big bad that will work for anyone who can pay.
themselves are all Boss Monsters. It’s their However, it refuses to work alongside other
Rank that determines their rough hierarchy. plant-like creatures for reasons unknown.
For the most part, the entity sending the lesser Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
monsters is Legendary, their generals are Strength d4, Vigor d6
usually Heroic (though they might start weaker Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8,
and grow in strength alongside the characters), Hobby (Botany) d8, Notice d4
and so on. The monster of the week is usually Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
the same Rank as the group. These monsters Special Abilities:
are almost always accompanied by a group • Unarmed: Str+d4.
of minions and should prove difficult to fight • Hardy: Late Bloomer does not suffer a
without teamwork from the characters. Wound from being Shaken twice.
Boss Monsters usually have at least one
• Sleep Spore: Late Bloomer can cast the
Unique Attack or mechanic with at least one
slumber power. Knowledge (Botany) is its
Moderate or Strong Strength Monstrous Ability
arcane skill for this power and Late
with additional Monstrous Abilities at higher
Ranks. They can have any amount of Weak Bloomer has 6 Power Points.
Monstrous Abilities. They usually have Edges • Sluggish Aura: Enemies within
6” of Late Bloomer must roll
as well.
a Vigor check at -2. Failure means the unrecycled plastics and scrap metal that
creature treats the area as difficult augment Choking Hazard’s ability to cause
ground for the rest of the scene. harm. They lead their own mercenary cell
• Size +2: Late Bloomer is nearly the size of monsters and have recently been seen
of a hippo. working with White Noise, a technology
• Tier: Late Bloomer is Hero Tier. themed group of monsters. Choking Hazard
makes excellent use of the disposable nature
Bridgebuilder (Seasoned) of technology utilized by White Noise and
A being of twisted wrought iron and cement, seems to get an upgrade every year or so.
Bridgebuilder is a raid captain of the Dig Who knows how powerful they will be in five
Deep Dominion. Despite his wry frame years.
he is far beyond the might of a normal Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
human. Bridgebuilder can instantly transport Strength d8, Vigor d10
himself and another creature to anywhere Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Hobby
he can see. However, after that instant (Upcycling) d12, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
passes Bridgebuilder returns to his previous Repair d10, Shooting d6, Thievery d8
location. Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (2)
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Hindrances: Vow (Major, Increase Pollution)
Strength d8, Vigor d8 Edges: Elan, Improvisational Fighter,
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Hobby McGyver, Mr. Fix-It, Sweep
(Engineering) d8, Notice d4 Special Abilities:
Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 9 (3) • Armor +3: Junk plating.
Edges: Level Headed, No Mercy, Quick • Construct: +2 to recover from being
Special Abilities: Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
• Armor +3: Wrought iron body. penalties; does not breathe or suffer
• Unarmed: Str+d6, Knockback 2”. from disease or poison.
• Bridge the Gap: As a free action on • Emit Fumes: As an action, Choking
Bridgebuilder’s turn, he can fold the Hazard can belch a massive cloud of
space between himself and a target. toxic fog from their mask. The fog fills
Mechanically, he can instantly teleport to a Large Burst Template centered on
any location he can see. At the end of his Choking Hazard. Other creatures in the
turn, Bridgebuilder returns to the space cloud must make a Vigor check at -2. On
he originally occupied. If Bridgebuilder a failed check, the creature gains a level
crosses a gap, such as a valley or river, of Fatigue. All creatures in the cloud are
a 2” wide bridge of wrought iron runs Distracted, except for Choking Hazard
the length of the gap. This bridge and their minions. Choking Hazard
disappears after 12 hours have then takes a level of Fatigue.
passed. • Dumpster Stealth:
• Tier: Bridgebuilder is Choking Hazard gains a
Hero Tier. +4 bonus on Stealth
checks while motionless
Choking Hazard and surrounded by trash.
• Size +2: Choking
(Seasoned) Hazard is fit to burst
An animate trashbag full with mass.
of non-biodegradable • Tier: Choking
waste, Choking Hazard Hazard is Hero
wants nothing more than Tier.
to kill the planet. Their gas
mask protects them from
the noxious fumes they
can produce, and they’ve
carefully constructed
several dangerous
weapons from
Spooky Shark (Seasoned) Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d10, Vigor d12
Spooky Shark serves the Huntmasters of The
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Hobby
Lodge, a group of fantasy hero archetypes
(Model Making) d12, Notice d8, Taunt d10
turned on their head into monstrous
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (2)
bastardizations of the original intent. The
Lodge sought to hunt down and slay all of the Hindrances: Thin Skinned (Major)
fantastical beasts native to their home plane Edges: Humiliate, Provoke
and succeeded. When there was nothing left Special Abilities:
to hunt on their planet, they combined their • Armor +2: Skin and bones. Mostly just
arcane might and opened a portal into our bones, though.
world where they began to hunt the Archdruid • Fist: Str+d8, Knockback 4”.
and their mythological creature based team of • Trapped Hero: As an action, Bulk Up can
heroes. make a Fighting roll as a Touch Attack
Shooky Shark is part ghost, part shark and against a transforming hero. If he is
haunts the seas as it pursues her prey. Semi- successful, he traps the hero in the crest
translucent with the ability to phase in and out on his ribcage. While Bulk Up has a hero
of our material plane, she is a dangerous foe trapped, he gains access to the hero’s
that is not to be underestimated. Iconic Weapon and any Combat Edges
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, the hero has, even if he does not qualify
Strength d8, Vigor d8 for it. A hero can be freed with a Called
Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d4, Fighting d10, Shot made at -2 against the badge.
Hobby (Piracy) d8, Notice d6, Taunt d8, • Size +2: Bulk Up is large enough to stand
Survival d8 menacingly over humans.
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11 (1) • Tier: Bulk Up is Hero Tier.
Edges: Sweep
Special Abilities:
• Armor +1: Sharkskin.
• Anchor: Str+d10, Knockback 2”, Parry -1.
• Aquatic: Pace 12.
• Coarse Skin: A creature that makes a
Fighting roll against Spooky Shark and
rolls a 1 (regardless of the Wild Die)
takes 2d6 damage.
• Ghost Out: As an action, Spooky Shark can
attempt a Spirit check with a -1 penalty to
phase in and out of our plane of existence.
While outside of our plane, Spooky Shark is
invisible and cannot attack or be attacked.
She can return to our plane as a free action
on her turn.
• Size +4: Big as a great white on legs.
• Tier: Spooky Shark is Hero Tier.

Bulk Up (Veteran)
Some say Bulk Up is the child of two famous,
now defeated, villains. Others believe he is a
long dead hero who returned to life through
a potent curse. More yet say that Bulk Up is
just… some skeleton guy. Whatever the case
may be, Bulk Up is a threat to any and all
heroes thanks to his ability to quite literally
trap them in his body and use their powers
against their allies. Bulk Up is a freewheeling
mercenary who offers his services to the
highest bidder, but he is also a sucker for a
challenge and is known to fall prey to even the
faintest goading.
Lieuten-Ant (Veteran) Pace: 5; Parry: 8 (1); Toughness: 10
Lieuten-Ant is a ranked member of the Edges: Acrobat, Assassin, Improved
Swarm, a group of insectoid humanoids that Counterattack, Improved First Strike,
plan on colonizing the planet and turning it Woodsman
into a grand hive that will serve as a staging Special Abilities:
ground for their expansion into the rest of • Ball and Chain: Str+d8, Reach 2, Tripping.
the universe. This man ant’s carapace is camo • Flight: Jailbird-Roc has a Flying Pace of
patterned, leading up to a large head with 10”
powerful mandibles. Lieuten-Ant is a capable • Envelope: As an action, Jailbird-Roc may
attempt to overwhelm a target within 3”
but hardnosed leader who prefers to direct
of her with her chain wings. She makes a
his minions from the front.
Fighting attack opposed by the target’s
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Agility roll. If she succeeds, the target is
Strength d10, Vigor d10 partially restrained and suffers a -2 Penalty
Skills: Athletics d10, Battle d8, Fighting d8, to Pace and skills linked to Agility and
Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10 Strength, as well as 2d4 damage. With a
Pace: 8; Parry: 9; Toughness: 10 (2) raise, the target takes 2d8 damage and
Edges: Brawny, Command, Fleet-Footed, cannot move or use skills linked to Agility
Frenzy, Hold the Line!, Inspire, Natural Leader or Strength, but they can use their action
Special Abilities: to attempt to break free with a Strength
• Armor +2: Chitinous carapace. or Agility check. Other characters can use
• Mandibles: Str+d4, Knockback 4”. their action to help the restrained creature
• Pheromone: For each Wound Lieuten- by making a Strength check at -4 to break
Ant has, all of his allies within 10” gain an them free. Jailbird-Roc can only Envelope
equal bonus to attack and damage rolls. up to two creatures at a time.
This effect ends when Lieuten-Ant is • Size +3: Jailbird-Roc towers above a
Incapacitated. standard human.
• Size +1: Lieuten-Ant is a big bug. • Tier: Jailbird-Roc is Hero Tier.
• Tier: Lieuten-Ant is Hero Tier.
Mandrilla (Heroic)
Jailbird-Roc (Heroic) Mandrilla, the mandrill and… drill themed
This metallic bird-woman monster is a servant of the Dig Deep Dominion,
is an interstellar bounty a subterranean empire
hunter that specializes with ambitions to
in imprisoning and hollow out the Earth’s
crust to expand their
restraining her marks.
borders. Mandrilla
Always fashionable,
serves as an above
she wears a pinstripe ground agent who
black and white suit finds ideal locations to
and accessorizes with a mark for dig teams to
large bird cage helmet. begin excavating.
Her chain wings shake, Mandrilla is an enemy
rattle, and roll as she of Iron Champion Daro,
subdues her marks with a transforming hero
ease. that has a symbiotic
Attributes: Agility d10, relationship with an iron-
Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength attuned nature spirit. Mandrilla
d8, Vigor d10 is loathed by
Skills: Academics d10, the other members of the
Athletics d8 Fighting d10, Dominion for his viciousness,
Investigation d8, Hobby cruelty, and disregard for the
(Criminal Justice) d10, Notice safety of his crews. He has a deep
d8, Intimidation d8, screeching voice that can enrage
Stealth d8+2, even the calmest minds.
Survival d10

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12+2, Spirit
Strength d10, Vigor d10 d12, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation Skills: Academics d12, Athletics d8, Battle
d8, Hobby (Mining) d8, Notice d8, Taunt d8 d8, Common Knowledge d12+2, Fighting
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 9 (1) d12, Gambling d12, Hobby (Wine) d10,
Edges: Elan Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Occult d10,
Special Abilities: Persuasion d10, Research d8, Survival d8,
• Armor +1: Mining equipment. Taunt d12
• Power Drill: Str+d10, AP 4, Parry +1. Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 15
• Burrow (10”): Mandrilla can propel Edges: Alertness, Ambidextrous, Bruiser,
himself through the ground with his Charismatic, Command Presence, Feint,
massive bore. Fleet-Footed, Giant Killer, Hold the Line!,
• Earth Shatter: As an action while above Improved Block, Improved Counterattack,
ground, Mandrilla can drill into the Improved Dodge, Improved First Strike,
ground and break it apart. All ground Inspire, Martial Warrior, Master Tactician,
in a Large Burst Template centered on Natural Leader, Quick
Mandrilla becomes difficult ground. Special Abilities:
Mandrilla then gains a level of Fatigue. • Armor +50: The mask Arghus wears is
• Gore: If Mandrilla can charge at least 6” never removed. Only his head gains this
before attacking, he adds +4 to his total Armor bonus.
damage. This bonus damage also applies • Chrono Martial Arts: Str+d10, +2 on
if he leaps or burrows at the target. Fighting checks.
• Powerful Leap: Mandrilla can jump 4” • Tier: Arghus is Hero Tier.
vertically and 8” horizontally. • Toughness: Arghus has a +6 bonus to
• Size +1: Mandrilla stands over a foot Toughness.
higher and thicker than a human.
• Tier: Mandrilla is Hero Tier.

Arghus, the All-Seeing

Nothing escapes the gaze of Arghus. Not
the Big Bang that birthed the universe, not
the heat death that will claim it, and not the
actions of the heroes who will inevitably slay
him. However, Arghus is a man who will play
his part and play it well. He will not die until
it is exactly the right time.
Arghus is a solitary individual but has
gained something of a reputation amongst
the villainous communities of the galaxy
as a “fixer.” He arrives exactly where
he needs to be, exactly when he needs
to be there. Sometimes those he offers
aid to do not yet realize they require it. He
moves forces around the universe like pieces
on a game board.
He now spends much of his time on the
planet Earth. He’s taken quite a liking to a
specific type of alcohol grown on that world,
known as wine. He might simply act on his
own or work for another organization, but he
has never sought to create an organization of
his own.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Heroes Strength d6, Vigor d6 (Increase one Attribute
Crossover episodes, completely different
to d8)
franchises, and new seasons are all methods in
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge
which new heroes are introduced and created.
d4, Fighting d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d4,
Presented below are several pre-made heroes
that can be included in your own sessions. Shooting d6, Stealth d4, 6 more Skill Points
Unlike the other creatures listed in this chapter, Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5/7 (2)
heroes follow a more standardized version Hindrances: One Major, Two Minor
of character creation. Most are identical to a Edges: Arcane Background (Transform),
character of their Rank in terms of skills, Edges, Martial Artist, one other Edge
and modifiers. Special Abilities:
• Armor +2: Armored suit, two Iconic
Best Pal Brigadier (Novice) Armor modifiers.
These color coded heroes are chromatic • Iconic Weapon: Str+d6, two Iconic
defenders of justice who aren’t afraid to get Weapon modifiers.
into the thick of it. While they might not • Item Dependency: If a brigadier loses
always get along they will always have one their Shifter then they cannot Transform.
another’s back when the chips are down. • Leaping: A brigadier can jump 2”
With a clear bug design, the Best Pal Brigade vertically and 4” horizontally.
consists of Yellow Bee, Green Dragonfly, Red • Sidearm Blaster: 2d6, Ranged 10/20/40,
Scorpion, Black Widow, and Blue Pillbug. 5 shots.
They are resolute in the face of danger and • Transform (Bestowed): Transforming
schoolwork alike. from Mundane to Hero Tier takes no
Their armor was created by a pair of bug
action for a brigadier. They do not have
enthusiast doctors looking to manufacture
access to their Iconic Weapon, Sidearm
mass producible suits to distribute to first
Blaster, Leaping, and Armor Special
responders and rescue teams in a variety
of situations. High heat, high pressure, and Abilities while untransformed.
high altitude environments, as well as rapid • Tier: A brigadier is either Mundane or
response situations, were all taken into Hero Tier.
account when these suits were being
Hurricane Vanguard (Novice) • Martial Arts: Str+d4, Reach 1, Knockback
Masahiro Matsushita is not the first to bear 1”, +1 on Fighting rolls
the burden of the Vanguard title. In a tragic • Powers: bolt, smite, speed/sloth. Power
turn of events, the previous user of the Points: 10
Hurricane Driver, Masahiro’s brother Makoto, • Leaping: Hurricane Vanguard can jump
was slain in battle by a mysterious villain. 3” vertically and 6” horizontally.
Makoto’s dying wish to his brother was • Transform (Altered): Transforming from
that he not let the legacy of the Hurricane Mundane to Hero Tier is an action for
Vanguard die with him. The world at large Hurricane Vanguard. He does not have
is unaware of this change. Masahiro keeps access to his Powers, Leaping, and
up a public masquerade about his identity Armored Suit Special Abilities while
as the “real” Hurricane Vanguard while he untransformed.
desperately tries to learn the rules of this • Tier: Hurricane Vanguard is either
new world he finds himself in. He always Mundane or Hero Tier.
watched the old heroes on VHS tapes and
now tries to emulate them, though his
Pink Semior (Novice)
Rosa Monk grew up feeling like an outsider.
perception of their heroism often sees him
A half Cuban girl growing up in Stockholm,
rushing in headfirst without much regard for
she had her share of troubles in life. She
his well-being.
often withdrew into her love of baking and
Armed with incredible speed, aerokinesis,
helped her father, Sven, create beautiful
and his empowered martial arts, Hurricane
pastries for the family store. She developed
Vanguard vows to fight for those who cannot
a strong sense of right and wrong, and would
fight for themselves as a champion of justice.
go toe-to-toe with bullies and others who
His brother’s last wishes drive him forward,
would punch downward.
but also weigh heavily on him. He hopes he
In her early teens, something spoke to
truly is worthy enough to be an inheritor of
Rosa. She had been chosen to take up
the name Hurricane Vanguard.
the mantle of a guardian, and she readily
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
accepted. She uses her newfound powers
Strength d8, Vigor d6
to do battle with all manner of monsters
Skills: Athletics d6,
that threaten her home, and
Pink Semior has become
Knowledge d6,
something of a folk hero.
Fighting d8,
Clad in a donut themed
suit of enchanted
(Meteorology) d8,
armor, no villain can
Magic d8,
escape Pink Semior’s
Stealth d4,
Persuasion d8
Attributes: Agility d8,
Pace: 6; Parry: 6;
Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Toughness: 5/7 (2)
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Hindrances: Driven
Skills: Athletics d6,
(Major, Be Worthy),
Common Knowledge
Heroic, Vow (Major,
d4, Fighting d8, Hobby
Avenge Makoto)
Edges: Arcane Background Research d4, Notice
(Transform), Arcane Background Stealth d6, Persuasion
(Magic), Martial Artist Pace: 7; Parry: 7;
Special Abilities: Toughness: 6/8 (2)
• Armored Suit: Hindrances: Anemic, Bad
Blue and white Luck, Loyal
suit with a long Edges: Arcane
scarf. +2 Armor, Background
Leaping. (Transform), Attractive,
Martial Artist

Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
• Armored Suit: Pink, cream, and yellow • Armor +3: Iron Exo-form, Pace +1,
suit with sprinkles. +2 Armor, Parry +1. Sturdy.
• Croissant Cutter: Str+d6+3, 5/10/20, • Slagsword: Str+d10, 2 hands, Heavy
returns when thrown. Focused x3. Weapon, Knockback 2”, Parry -1.
• Antithesis: Attack and damage rolls • Boregun: 1-3d6, Ranged 5/10/20, 2
against Chosen made by monsters are hands, 3 shots.
made at +1. • Of Two Minds: Daro rolls an additional
• Leaping: Pink Semior can jump 2” d6 when rolling to end the Shaken
vertically and 4” horizontally. condition
• Rise Again: Pink Semior has a +1 bonus • Leaping: Daro can jump 2” vertically and
on Soak rolls. 4” horizontally.
• Transform (Chosen): Transforming from • Transform (Joined): Transforming from
Mundane to Hero Tier takes no action Mundane to Hero Tier takes no action
for Pink Semior. She does not have for Daro. He does not have access to his
access to her Croissant Cutter, Leaping, Slagsword, Boregun, Leaping, and Armor
and Armor Special Abilities while Special Abilities while untransformed.
untransformed. • Tier: Daro is either Mundane or Hero Tier.
• Tier: Pink Semior is either Mundane or
Hero Tier. Noble Dragoon Orange
Iron Champion Daro (Seasoned)
The Chroma Dragoon transformers are a
(Seasoned) series of devices that were handed down
Iron Champion Daro is the heroic alter ego for generations. Tracing their lineage all the
of a young man named James Cornell. After way back to Noble Dragoon Black and Noble
stumbling across a Dig Deep Dominion Dragoon White, each successive generation
prospecting group while trying to find a of Chroma Dragoon transformers broke
faint voice he heard call out for help, James down into new colors. This tradition carried
narrowly escaped but took a tumble into a on for many years, and the Chroma Dragoon
mineshaft at the local iron mine. It was in this transformers were, for a time, regarded as
mine that he discovered Ferro, the iron spirit amongst the most important transformers
that fused with James and allowed him to to exist. Noble Dragoon Red and Noble
transform into Iron Champion Daro. Dragoon Yellow adopted a child that
This Joined hero took it upon himself they wished to raise as a normal
to listen to Ferro’s wish and fight back boy until he would receive
against the Dig Deep Dominion. When the Orange Dragoon
not transformed, James is a hard-nosed transformer.
but good hearted young man who, despite Unfortunately,
constant setbacks, does all he can to help things did not go
those around him with a smile. He’s fairly as planned.
fashionable in a grungy way and keeps his
long, straight black hair tied back in a bun.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge
d4, Fighting d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d4,
Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d10,
Taunt d8
Pace: 7; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7/10 (3)
Hindrances: Bad Luck, Phobia (Water, Minor),
Spendthrift, Stubborn
Edges: Arcane Background (Transform),
Block, Charismatic, Counterattack,
Danger Sense, Martial Artist

John Paul “JP” Light did grow up as a • Transform (Bestowed): Transforming from
normal boy but only spent a few years Mundane to Hero Tier takes no action for
outside of the system before he was Noble Dragoon Orange. He does not have
pulled back in. One night his fathers simply access to his Noblesse Halberd, Dragoon
disappeared without a trace. With no other Blaster, Leaping, and Armor Special
relatives, John Paul returned to the system Abilities while untransformed.
and moved between temporary homes • Tier: Noble Dragoon Orange is either
until his 18th birthday when he set out on Mundane or Hero Tier.
his own. Through a combination of luck,
support structures, and gumption, JP made Arashi (Veteran)
a comfortable life for himself. This comfort The Stormbringer chose Arashi, who did not
lasted only until he found himself in the only have a choice in the matter. This ancient
building from his childhood that he ever force of sapient lightning called upon a
called home. A powerful but fleeting thought normal man to act as its herald on Earth, and
had called him there and during his trip down the two quickly became an urban legend
memory lane, he discovered something in amongst transforming heroes on Earth. A
his parent’s study: the Orange Dragoon skilled hand-to-hand combatant, Arashi is
transformer. a vagrant hero who does not claim any one
Even now, JP isn’t sure he believes what organization as his enemy. Rather, he is a
is happening. Monsters? Heroes? A legacy threat to all villains. Having teamed up with
left to him by parents who mysteriously Iron Champion Daro, a fellow Joined, and
vanished? It’s too much and too similar to the Pink Semior on several occasions, Arashi is
comic books he reads. However, despite his among the most wanted enemies of the Dig
disbelief, Noble Dragoon Orange does what Deep Dominion and the Sugarpop Thieves.
is right when confronted with what is wrong. Contemplative and withdrawn, Arashi
It’s not a hallucination, but he doesn’t believe does not easily open up to others. Some
he is an inheritor to a legacy. Noble Dragoon say that he had a partner in the past who
Orange does not have an organization he he lost. Others believe that it takes all of
opposes. Rather, if John Paul should come his attention to prevent the sheer power
into contact with a monster while on a of the Stormbringer from destroying him.
business trip or vacation he won’t hesitate to No one has ever seen Arashi outside of his
jump into the fray. transformed state, and many believe he is
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, unable to return to his previous life at all.
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d6, Common
Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Hobby (Comics) d8,
Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Repair d4, Shooting
d4, Stealth d6
Pace: 7; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8/10 (2)
Hindrances: Curious, Doubting Thomas, Quirk
(Minor, Easily Impressed)
Edges: Arcane Background (Transform),
Common Bond, Jack-Of-All-Trades, Martial
Artist, Strong Willed, Sweep
Special Abilities:
• Armor +2: Orange armored finery,
Leaping x2.
• Noblesse Halberd: Str+d8, AP 2, two
hands, Reach 1. Range 3/6/12. Blast,
Piercing, Throwing.
• Dragoon Blaster: 2d6, Range 10/20/40, 5
• Item Dependency: If Noble Dragoon
Orange loses his Shifter then he cannot
• Leaping: Noble Dragoon Orange can jump
4” vertically and 8” horizontally.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Special Abilities:
Strength d8, Vigor d6 • Armor +2: Alien armor, Pace +2, Nimble.
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Common • Unarmed: Str+d10.
Knowledge d6, Hobby d10 (Foreign Cinema), • Homeworld Cannon: 2d8, Ranged
Intimidation d10, Magic d8, Notice d8, 15/30/60, 2 hands, RoF 2, AP 6, 4 shots.
Stealth d4, Survival d8 • Leaping: Balm can jump 2” vertically and
Pace: 7; Parry: 8; Toughness: 5/7 (2) 4” horizontally.
Hindrances: Anemic, Cautious, One Eye, • Transform (Genetic): Transforming from
Outsider (Major) Mundane to Hero Tier takes no action
Edges: Acrobat, Arcane Background (Magic), for Balm. She does not have access
Arcane Background (Transform), Brave, to her Homeworld Cannon, Leaping,
Extraction, Feint, Martial Warrior and Armor Special Abilities while
Special Abilities: untransformed.
• Armor +2: Storm gi. Absorbing • Tier: Balm is either Mundane or Hero
(Electricity), Teflon, Quick. Tier.
• Storm Claw: Str+d6, +2 on Fighting, +2
Parry, AP 2, Tripping. (Defending x2, G.R.E.E.L.L. (Heroic)
Piercing, Tripping) G.R.E.E.L.L. is not from our Earth. Born,
• Of Two Minds: Arashi rolls an additional raised, and modified on an alternate Earth,
d6 when rolling to end the Shaken G.R.E.E.L.L. was an experimental assassin
condition. that almost immediately rebelled against
• Powers: protection, wall walker, warrior’s gift his unethical creators. Designed to be an
Power Points: 10 undetectable killing machine, G.R.E.E.L.L.
• Transform (Joined): Transforming from instead applied his powers to answering the
Mundane to Hero Tier takes no action calls of the oppressed. Politicians, capitalist,
for Arashi. He does not have access and even the lowly slumlord or abuser were
to his Storm Claw, Leaping, Powers, all valid targets for G.R.E.E.L.L.
and Armor Special Abilities while
• Tier: Arashi is either Mundane or Hero

Space Friend Balm (Veteran)

Balm is a human-passing alien who arrived
on Earth after her home planet was
destroyed by the Chipchap Pirates. Currently
living in hiding, Balm spends her days
working at a local farm where she keeps her
nose clean but gets her hands dirty. When
the Chipchap Pirates rear their ugly heads,
she’s quick to jump into action and fight back
to protect her adopted home.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d10, Common
Knowledge d4, Hobby d10 (Agriculture),
Notice d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival
d10, Taunt d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8/10 (2)
Hindrances: Anemic, Cautious, One Eye,
Outsider (Major)
Edges: Arcane Background (Transform),
Brave, Bruiser, Common Bond, Elan,
Fast Healer, Improved Frenzy,
Martial Warrior, Mighty Blow
However, while hunting a morally home. They’ve spent the better part of two
compromised inventor, G.R.E.E.L.L. years hopping from solar system to solar
discovered that his target was actually system while battling against the Empire with
a monster from another reality named their trusty starship.
Thanatar. During this confrontation, a Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
portal was opened that pulled G.R.E.E.L.L. Strength d8, Vigor d10
and the shapeshifting fiend into our world. Skills: Fighting d12, Notice d8, Persuasion
G.R.E.E.L.L. lost his quarry but has not given d6, Piloting d10+2, Repair d8, Shooting d10,
up. There are a great many monsters in Stealth d4, Survival d8
this new world that have actual monstrous Pace: 9; Parry: 13; Toughness: 7/9 (2)
abilities and that means they are all potential Hindrances: All Thumbs, Heroic, Loyal
targets. Many heroes have experienced near Edges: Ace, Acrobat, Arcane Background
defeats in battle when, suddenly and without (Transform), Brave, Fleet-Footed, Killer
warning, their opponent will suddenly fall Instinct, Luck, Martial Warrior, Scavenger,
over dead with a large smoking hole through Victory Undeniable
their vitals. Special Abilities:
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, • Armor +2: Star transformation, Parry +5.
Strength d6, Vigor d6 • Northern Cross: Str+d8+1, 2 hands, Reach
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d4, Intimidation 1, AP 4, +1 on Fighting, Deflecting 1.
d8, Notice d10, Persuasion d4, Shooting d12, • Starblaster: 2d6, Ranged 10/20/40,
Stealth d10 5 shots.
Pace: 8; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5/7 (2) • Leaping: Cygnus can jump 2” vertically
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Obligation (Major, and 4” horizontally.
Kill • Transform (Altered): Transforming from
Edges: Acrobat, Arcane Background Mundane to Hero Tier is an action for
(Transform), Assassin, Calculating, Dead Cygnus. They do not have access to their
Shot, Double Tap, Improved Level Headed, Northern Cross, Starblaster, Leaping,
Marksman, Martial Artist, Soldier, Steady and Armor Special Abilities while
Hands untransformed.
Special Abilities: • Tier: Cygnus is either Mundane or Hero
• Armor +2: Flowing armor, Climbing, Tier.
• Quick x2, Teflon.
• Focus Rifle: 2d8+3, Range 15/30/60, AP 4, Tempest Runner Knight
2 hands, Shots 4. Might x3, Piercing x2.
• Leaping: G.R.E.E.L.L. can jump 2” vertically (Legendary)
and 4” horizontally. The most recent in a long line of Chosen
• Transform (Genetic): Transforming from heroes known as Tempest Runners, Knight is
Mundane to Hero Tier is an action for one of the most powerful forces on the planet.
G.R.E.E.L.L. He does not have access to Blessed by the Forces of Nature, the Tempest
his Focus Rifle, Leaping, and Armor Special Runners are heroes that combat anything that
Abilities while untransformed. threatens the stability of the planet Earth while
• Tier: G.R.E.E.L.L. is either Mundane or wielding the power of wind and martial arts.
Hero Tier. Some who follow the trends of transforming
heroes believe that Hurricane Vanguard might
Star Sentry Cygnus (Heroic) be somehow related to the Tempest Runners.
Star Sentry Cygnus is a celestial hero that The current Tempest Runner, Knight, is a
stands in staunch opposition to the Nebulon no-nonsense woman who is dogged in her
pursuit of Earth’s safety. She’s survived the
Empire, which is a group of intergalactic
machinations of at least three different groups
warmongers looking to extract the
determined to harm the planet in one way or
Constellation Energy that grants Cygnus
another. In her untransformed life, Knight is a
their power. Cygnus knows that if these simple office worker who keeps her short curly
villains get their hands on this energy, they hair cut in a bob. She has a reputation for being
could turn it into a powerful, world-ending a tad cold towards her coworkers but
weapon. After a string of attacks, Cygnus has, as Knight, risked her own life
made up their mind and fled Earth in order to save them on more than one
to draw the Nebulon Empire away from their occasion.
Attributes: Agility d12+1, Smarts d6, Spirit and super weapons. They are built using the
d10, Strength d10, Vigor d8 rules in the Character Creation section for kaiju
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d12, Shooting (pg 8). Game Masters should feel free to modify
d12+2, Stealth d12 those rules as appropriate.
Pace: 7; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8/12 (4)
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Heroic Bolide Tempest
Edges: Arcane Background (Transform), Bolide Tempest, The Eternal Storm, came
Block, Brawler, Bruiser, Counterattack, into existence when a meteor from space
Danger Sense, Improved Dodge, Improved fell to Earth. It entered our atmosphere in
Tough as Nails, Improved Trademark Weapon a massive out-of-season storm that was
(Zephyr Bow), Martial Warrior, Quick, Quick causing chaos in the Indian Ocean. However,
Draw, Steady Hands this asteroid was alien in the very literal
Special Abilities: sense. Living within the rock was a psionic
• Armor +4: Gale armor, Pace +1, Leaping bacterial lifeform that merged with the
2, Deflecting 1. storm and formed the body that became
• Zephyr Bow: 2d6+3, Ranged 12/24/48, Bolide Tempest. Now this sapient whirlwind
Heavy Weapon, Tripping, RoF 2, 10 shots. seeks to colonize Earth in preparation for
• Leaping: Knight can jump 4” vertically the arrival of the rest of its species. Bolide
and 8” horizontally. Tempest is strongest during storm season
• Transform (Chosen): Transforming from and has wrought untold destruction to island
Mundane to Hero Tier takes no action nations and coastal cities.
for Knight. She does not have access
to her Zephyr Bow, Leaping, and Armor
Special Abilities while untransformed.
• Hero: Knight is either Mundane or Hero

In the overwhelming majority of instances,
the only mechanical difference between a
Boss Monster and a Kaiju is that the Boss
Monster who grows large is that one is
simply of Giant Tier. That’s the easiest
and fastest way to create a giant monster
for a team of transforming heroes to fight.
However, some monsters are naturally
large and fit into completely different
genres. These beasts typically exist in
different genres than transforming heroes,
and their stats have been built to reflect
this. They are terrifying creatures that
are lumbering, all destroying nightmares.
Kaiju stories are rarely, if ever, power
fantasies. They are cautionary tales
about emerging fears in our modern
world. Nuclear power, the war
machine, climate change, and more are
all common choices for these parallels.
Building a kaiju is a straight forward
affair. They, unlike monsters that use
Tiers, follow the basic rules
for Savage Worlds and are
designed to battle vehicles
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d8,
Strength d12+5, Vigor d12 Strength d12+9, Vigor d12+4
Skills: Athletics d12, Intimidation d12+6, Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d10+4,
Notice d12+2 Notice d8, Shooting d12+2
Pace: 40 (2d12 running); Parry: 2; Pace: 15; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (18)
Toughness: 48 (15) Special Abilities:
Special Abilities: • Armor +18: Leathery hide.
• Armor +15: Churning winds. • Slam: Str+2d6+13, Small Burst Template.
• Debris Toss: As an Action, Bolide • Cryobeam: 3d10 damage, Ranged
Tempest can suck in a piece of debris 20/40/80, AP 15.
and launch it at high speeds at a target • Fear -4: Everyone points and screams at
within 20/40/80. This thrown attack things like this. Cryosaur adds its Fear
deals Str+2d10+20+the object’s Size modifier as a bonus to all Intimidation
damage in a Cone Template that begins rolls
in the target space. • Flight: Cryosaur has a Flying Pace of 40”
• Fear -6: Evacuations are common for and Climb 0.
hurricanes. Bolide Tempest adds its Fear • Kaiju: Cryosaur has Heavy Armor and its
modifier as a bonus to all Intimidation attacks are Heavy Weapons. It adds its
rolls. Size Bonus to melee damage and attacks.
• Kaiju: Bolide Tempest has Heavy Armor • Hardy: Cryosaur does not take a wound
and its attacks are Heavy Weapons. It from being Shaken twice.
adds its Size Bonus to melee damage and • Indomitable: Cryosaur can only suffer a
attacks. maximum of one Wound from a single
• Size +20 (Gargantuan): You ever see a attack, regardless of the attack’s damage.
hurricane? • Wing Buffet: As an action, Cryosaur
• Tough: Bolide Tempest has +5 can violently flap its frost coated wings
Toughness. to create a chilling gale in a Large Burst
• Weakness (Meteor Core): Called Shots Template centered beneath it. Creatures
can be made against Bolide Tempest’s in the zone must make a Vigor roll at -4
meteor core. Such attacks suffer a -6 or suffer a level of Fatigue.
penalty but ignore Bolide Tempest’s • Size +13 (Gargantuan): Cryosaur is only
Armor and add +5 damage to the marginally smaller than a glacier.
attacker’s total. This is the only way to • Tough: Cryosaur has +7 Toughness
Wound Bolide Tempest, but it can be
Shaken by normal attacks. Drive Eater GAIA
• Whirlwind: Ranged attacks made against Drive Eater GAIA was once a humble
Bolide Tempest suffer a -4 penalty. octopus with a hunger for mundane prey,
• Wounds: Bolide Tempest is Incapacitated like fish and crustaceans. However, its home
after it takes three Wounds, despite became filled with trash: wrecked cars, oil
being Gargantuan. spills, and hundreds of tires and plastic bags.
Soon food became scarce as the ocean
Cryosaur was wrecked by human foolishness and
With the melting of the ice caps, the world this octopus made a decision. It began to
will change in ways humanity could never consume the toxic rubbers, plastics, and oils.
have predicted. The most notable change is Other sea creatures that attempted such a
the story of Cryosaur. This leather-winged feat perished, but not this little cephalopod.
terror that returned to life when the chunk of Its diet caused a strange change in its form,
ice containing it fell into the ocean. While it and it began to grow larger and larger. The
rested in the water the ice slowly thawed until already intelligent species grew even more so
Cryosaur, the scaled creature that brought and began to use the discarded technology it
about Earth’s five Ice Ages, returned to the found, such as cell phones, to modify its ever
world to return it to a frozen state. growing body.
Some believe Cryosaur is a balancing agent that
preserves the planet through frigid destruction
while others simply deny the existence of this
climate changing creature.
First contact with Drive Eater GAIA was a
chaotic affair that was quickly covered up.
Its hunger drove it toward an offshore oil
platform which it promptly destroyed. The
ensuing environmental disaster was blamed
on an “unfortunate accident,” but GAIA’s next
attack on a slow-boat shipment of computer
parts was captured on video by a nearby
fishing ship. Drive Eater GAIA’s hunger drives
it ever forward as it knows that if it stops
eating it will begin to shrink. Global logistics
have been thrown into utter chaos as major
shipping lanes have become the hunting
grounds of the elusive kaiju. Many fear for
the day that the cybernetic octopus develops
an augmentation capable of firing upon
• Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d12+6,
Spirit d10, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+4
• Skills: Athletics d12+2, Fighting d10,
Intimidation d10+4, Notice d12+2
• Pace: 10; Parry: 15; Toughness: 43 (15)
• Special Abilities:
• Armor +15: Cybernetic enhancements.
• Aquatic: Pace 30.
• Tentacle: Str+2d8+13, AP 15, Parry +8
• Consume: Drive Eater GAIA can
devour a large amount of machines,
such as a column of destroyed
tanks, as an action. Its Size increases
by one upon eating such things.
• Fear -4: Emerging from the depths, this
kaiju instills fear into sailors. Drive Eater
GAIA adds its Fear modifier as a bonus to
all Intimidation rolls.
• Kaiju: Drive Eater GAIA has Heavy Emperor Guil
Armor and its attacks are Heavy The humble crayfish is humble no more.
Weapons. It adds its Size Bonus to melee Emperor Guil has been lurking beneath the
damage and attacks. surface of the Mississippi River for untold
• Laser: 4d10, Range 100/200/400, AP centuries, only to be awoken by the repeated
30, RoF 1. hammering storms and flooding that have
• Size +13 (Gargantuan): Too big for disturbed its slumber. Standing at almost 125
normal takoyaki. feet and weighing tons upon tons, Emperor
• Tough: Drive Eater GAIA has +5 Guil rises from the depths in an enraged
Toughness. frenzy and punishes the corruption that
• Weakness (Hunger): If Drive Eater caused it to wake. With massive claws and
GAIA does not eat toxic materials once thick powerful armor, Guil is on the weaker
every three days, its Size and Smarts are end of the kaiju spectrum but is still more
reduced by one. Thankfully, the ocean is than powerful enough to level the smog
full of mismanaged corporate waste. spewing factories that stand in its way.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d8, • Kaiju: Gerabato has Heavy Armor and its
Strength d12+6, Vigor d12+1 attacks are Heavy Weapons. It adds its
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d12+1, Size Bonus to melee damage and attacks.
Intimidation d10+2, Notice d6, Shooting d10 • Hardy: Gerabato does not take a Wound
Pace: 25 (2d6 running); Parry: 10; from being Shaken twice.
Toughness: 43 (19) • Indomitable: Gerabato can only suffer a
Special Abilities: maximum of one Wound from a single
• Armor +19: Chitin plating. attack, regardless of the attack’s damage.
• Pincer: Str+2d8+9, AP 40, Parry +2, • Overrun: Gerabato can charge up to its
Small Burst Template. Pace. Objects and creatures in the path
• Bubble Blast: 2d12+9, Cone template, it charges must make an Athletics or
AP 15. handling (Boating, Driving, or Piloting)
• Fear -2: Everyone points and screams check opposed by Gerabato’s Fighting
at things like this. Guil adds its Fear roll. On a failed roll, the creature takes
modifier as a bonus to all Intimidation damage equal to Gerabato’s Slam
rolls. (without the Medium Burst Template).
• Kaiju: Guil has Heavy Armor and its • Size +9 (Huge): Bigger than a whale,
attacks are Heavy Weapons. It adds its smaller than another kaiju.
Size Bonus to melee damage and attacks. • Tough: Gerabato has +4 Toughness.
• Hardy: Emperor Guil does not suffer a
wound from being Shaken twice. Oakkuro
• Indomitable: Guil can only suffer a It took decades for the Three Mile Island
maximum of one Wound from a single Accident’s most dangerous threat to emerge.
attack, regardless of the attack’s damage. A simple oak tree was planted not long
• Size +11 (Huge): Emperor Guil is over before the release of radiation into the area
60’ tall. surrounding the nuclear reactor. As the
• Tough: Emperor Guil has +5 Toughness. sapling matured and grew, it absorbed the
radiation. Its bark hardened and grew black
Gerabato as it rapidly expanded at an unprecedented
Hailing from the Russian wilderness, rate. However, no one in the area paid mind
Gerabato was awoken by the roar of artillery to nature or how, over the course of 20
and the shaking of the earth. It burst out years, there was now a tree where there
of the Caspian sea and cut a swath of once was not.
destruction through southern Russia before As the oak tree grew, it soon gained a
retreating into Siberia where it has remained primeval awareness of the world around
hidden ever since. This furred, knuckle- it. By the early 21st century, the mighty
dragging creature vaguely resembles a bear creature now known as Oakkuro became
crossed with an ape. A maw of fangs juts ambulatory and developed a deep, powerful
from a snubbed snout beneath two eyes hunger for its animating essence: nuclear
smoldering with fury. energy.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d8,
Strength d12+4, Vigor d12+2 Strength d12+9, Vigor d12+4
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d12,
Intimidation d12+4, Notice d10 Intimidation d10+2, Notice d6
Pace: 30 (3d6 running); Parry: 7; Toughness: Pace: 30 (2d6 running); Parry: 8; Toughness:
37 (15) 52 (23)
Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
• Armor +15: Dense skin and fur. • Armor +23: Blackened bark.
• Slam: Str+2d10+9, AP 25, Medium Burst • Root or Branch: Str+2d10+14, AP 45,
Template. Medium Burst Template.
• Fear -4: More terrifying than a bear • Fear -2: It’s a giant, violent tree but…
charging toward you is a giant bear it’s still technically a tree. Oakkuro adds
monster charging toward you. Gerabato its Fear modifier as a bonus to all
adds its Fear modifier as a bonus to all Intimidation rolls.
Intimidation rolls • Kaiju: Oakkuro has Heavy
Armor and its attacks are Heavy • Size +16 (Gargantuan): The prince can
Weapons. It adds its Size Bonus to melee easily pick up an aircraft carrier in a
damage and attacks. single claw.
• Hardy: Oakkuro does not take a wound • Tough: Prince Lazilo has +10 Toughness
from being Shaken twice.
• Indomitable: Oakkuro can only suffer a Rafflesia
maximum of one Wound from a single In a corner of the world “passed through”
attack, regardless of the attack’s damage. and promptly “forgotten about” by the
• Size +14 (Gargantuan): Oakkuro is taller “civilized world,” a mass grave that “never
than the mightiest oak tree. existed” fertilized the earth which soon gave
• Tough: Oakkuro has +5 Toughness. birth to a new type of flower. With the scent
of rotting corpses oozing from its petals,
Prince Lazilo Rafflesia is a threat that is smelled before it
The prince of kaiju, Lazilo is from a time is seen. With multiple wailing buds, Rafflesia
and place unknown to the civilizations of is a strange kaiju that many hypothesize has
the world. It emerged from the depths of a human-like intelligence. Its targets are very
the ocean one day and began to wreak specific. It only targets military installations
havoc on the Australian coast. It returned and heavily favors those of the United States.
to the depths not long after only to emerge Many first person records have recorded
mere weeks later on the shores of South Rafflesia simply walking past a heavily
Korea. This scaled, part fish, and part lizard populated city, looking at the city, and then
monstrosity is widely regarded as the most losing interest. Its only recorded attacks have
dangerous of their ilk. been on military bases.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6(A), Spirit Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
d12, Strength d12+12, Vigor d12+6 Strength d12+2, Vigor d12+5
Skills: Athletics d12, Fighting d12+3, Skills: Athletics d12+1, Fighting d10,
Intimidation d12+5, Notice d8, Shooting d12 Intimidation d10, Notice d4
Pace: 35 (3d6 running); Parry: 9; Toughness: Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 40 (10)
64 (27) Special Abilities:
Special Abilities: • Armor +10: Plant flesh.
• Armor +27: Scaley hide • Bite: Str+2d8+10, AP 30
• Claw or Tail: Str+2d12+16, AP 35, • Corpse Scent: Living creatures within
Medium Burst Template. 40” of Rafflesia must make a Vigor check
• Fear -5: Everyone points and screams at at -4 or become Distracted for the next
things like this. Prince Lazilo adds its Fear 24 hours. Living creatures gain a level of
modifier as a bonus to all Intimidation Fatigue every 30 minutes they are inside
rolls the aura.
• Kaiju: Prince Lazilo has Heavy Armor • Entangle: Rafflesia can cast the entangle
and its attacks are Heavy Weapons. It Power with the strong modifier in a Large
adds its Size Bonus to melee damage and Burst Template as an action.
attacks. • Fear -1: The sight isn’t as scary as the
• Hardy: Prince Lazilo does not take a smell. Rafflesia adds its Fear modifier as
wound from being Shaken twice. a bonus to all Intimidation rolls.
• Indomitable: Lazilo can only suffer a • Kaiju: Rafflesia has Heavy Armor and its
maximum of one Wound from a single attacks are Heavy Weapons. It adds its
attack, regardless of the attack’s damage. Size Bonus to melee damage and attacks.
• Laser Breath: As an action, Prince Lazilo • Immunity: Rafflesia’s dampness renders
can emit a beam of energy 30” long and it immune to fire-based attacks.
5” wide. Creatures in the path of this • Indomitable: Rafflesia can only suffer a
beam must make a Vigor check opposed maximum of one Wound from a single
by Lazilo’s Shooting roll. On a failed attack, regardless of the attack’s damage.
check, the creature takes 4d8 damage • Size +10 (Huge): Even perpetually wilted,
with AP 5. If Lazilo gets a raise this Rafflesia is massive.
attack deals 5d8 damage with • Tough: Rafflesia has +10 Toughness.
AP 10. • Tremorsense: Rafflesia is blind to
creatures that are not touching the • Size +12 (Gargantuan): Shoria is an
ground. It gains a +4 bonus to Notice absolutely massive sabertooth-like
checks made to detect creatures that are creature.
touching the ground. • Tough: Shoria has +5 Toughness.
• Wail: As an action, Rafflesia can make an
Intimidation check against all creatures
within 10” of it. Creatures that fail must
Random Kaiju Generator
Presented on the next page is a series of
roll on the Fear Table. tables that can be used to create completely
random kaiju. All kaiju begin with +10 Armor
Shoria and Toughness, Pace 20 (2d6 running), and
The massive cat-like Shoria arose when a a natural attack that deals Str+2d8 damage
hiker traveling along Skeleton Gorge on Cape with AP 15. Draw for each column on the
Town’s legendary Table Mountain tossed a Base Kaiju Table. After that, roll 1d6 (which
rock into a chasm. The rock, unfortunately, does not Ace) on the Kaiju Abilities Table.
caused a chain reaction of dislodged You can redraw redundant cards, such as
sediment that ultimately cascaded downward redrawing Slow Regeneration when you
and landed directly on Shoria’s slumbering already have Fast Regeneration.
head. This hulking quadrupedal beast has
appeared numerous times throughout
history and has left a trail of destruction
in its wake each time. Its claws can rend
through reinforced steel and its sabretooth
fangs have a biting pressure unseen before in
Earth’s history.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8(A), Spirit
d10, Strength d12+7, Vigor d12+2
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation
d12+4, Notice d12+2
Pace: 35 (3d10 running); Parry: 7;
Toughness: 42 (16)
Special Abilities:
• Armor +16: Thick hide.
• Bite or Claw: Str+2d12+12, AP 25,
Small Burst Template.
• Fear -4: Everyone points and
screams at things like this.
Shoria adds its Fear
modifier as a bonus to
all Intimidation rolls.
• Kaiju: Shoria has
Heavy Armor and
its attacks are
Heavy Weapons. It
adds its Size Bonus
to melee damage and
• Hardy: Shoria does not suffer a wound
from being Shaken twice.
• Low Light Vision: Shoria ignores all
penalties from Dim and Dark lighting.
• Roar: As an action, Shoria can unleash a
bellowing roar. Creatures within 10” of
Shoria must make a Vigor check. On
a failed check, the creature takes 3d8
damage. This roar shatters windows, pops
tires, and can potentially crumble buildings.
Kaiju Base Generator
Kaiju have +10 Armor and Toughness, Pace 20 (2d6 running), and a natural attack that deals
Str+2d8 damage with AP 15.
Card Strength Smarts Vigor Other Skills Size Fear
Fighting d6,
2-3 d10 d4(A) d10 d4 Intimidation d8, +10 -1
Notice d4
Fighting d8,
4-6 d12 d4 d12 d6 Intimidation d4, +11 -2
Notice d6
Athletics d10,
Fighting d6,
7-8 d12+2 d6(A) d12+1 d6 +13 -2
Intimidation d6,
Notice d6
Athletics d6,
Fighting d10,
9-10 d12+6 d6 d12+2 d8 +15 -3
Intimidation d8,
Notice d6
Athletics d4,
Fighting d4,
Jack-Queen d12+8 d8 d12+4 d10 +17 -3
Intimidation d12,
Notice d12+1
Fighting d10,
Intimidation d10,
King d12+11 d10(A) d12+6 d12 +18 -4
Notice d10,
Stealth d8
Athletics d12+2,
Fighting d10,
Ace d12+12 d10 d12+8 d12+1 +19 -5
Intimidation d10,
Notice d8
Athletics d10,
Fighting d12+2,
Joker d12+15 d12 d12+10 d12+2 +21 -6
Intimidation d10,
Notice d10

Tanks and Kaiju

Some of these kaiju can be easily defeated by existing tanks and cannons
in the Savage Worlds Explorer’s Edition core book. It’s for this reason
that we highly recommend that tanks are counted as troops rather than
individual units during sessions revolving around kaiju. This does not
alter the base statistics of the tanks that make up the group, but they
only make one attack as a group using identical weapons.

For example, a cavalry troop of nine M2 Bradley tanks has a Toughness

equal to the listing for the M2 Bradley in the core rulebook. When this
division would take an amount of damage that would destroy a single tank,
the entire group is destroyed due to the sheer scale of the kaiju they
are engaging. When they attack, they roll the damage for a single attack
instead of rolling for nine different attacks.

Kaiju Abilities Table
Roll 1d6. The kaiju draws that many cards. Redraw weaker cards that are redundant (such as
drawing Slow Regeneration and Fast Regeneration).

Card Black Result Red Result

2 +20 Armor Infravision Special Ability
3 +10 Pace Low Light Vision Special Ability
Empowered Attack: The kaiju’s
4 natural attack does Str+2d10 Increase Fear modifier by -2
damage and has AP 35
5 Slow Regeneration Special Ability +10 Armor
Ranged Attack: The kaiju’s natural
attack becomes an attack with a
6 range of 100/200/400. Its Fighting +15 Armor Piercing on all attacks
die becomes its Athletics or Shooting
7 Hardy Special Ability Aquatic Special Ability
+5 Pace and increase running
8 Poison (-4) Special Ability
die size once
9 Burrowing Special Ability Undead Special Ability
Hover: The kaiju’s Pace is halved and
10 Fast Regeneration Special Ability
becomes a flying Pace with hover
Super Screech: As an action, all
creatures in a Large Burst Template
Extra Limbs: Roll a d4 and add the
centered on the kaiju must make a
appropriate limbs:
Jack Vigor check at -6. On a fail they are
1: 1d6 arms; 2: 1d8 legs;
Shaken and take one Wound. After
3: Tail or Tendril; 4: Head
using this action, the kaiju cannot
use it again for three turns.
Queen Flight speed equal to Pace +7 Toughness
Large Weapons: The kaiju’s natural
King Construct Special Ability weapon increases the die size of its
damage once.
Ace Indomitable Special Ability Immunity to 1d4 Trappings
Spawn: The kaiju has smaller
Return: When the kaiju would be versions of itself or creatures it has
killed or incapciated it appears a symbiotic relationship with. These
thoroughly defeated. However, at an creatures are far smaller than the
inconvenient time for the “victors” it kaiju but aid it by attacking nearby
heals two Wounds and resumes its humans. Create seperately. Draw
rampage. once on this chart for their Special

a recurring Fire Team grunt who becomes a
Example Villain Group sort of rival to the heroes, the grunt obtains
Fire Team Omega, the villains of the Plot the power if Sumika rejects it.
Point Campaign included at the end of this Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
book, are presented here in their entirety Strength d10, Vigor d10
for ease of reference and to assist you in Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Hobby
understanding how to design an entire (Rescue Operations) d10, Notice d8,
organization of villains for a campaign. Shooting d8
With Boss Monsters ranging from Novice Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 10 (2)
to Seasoned, a leader of Legendary Rank, and Edges: Block, Command, Command Presence,
several Novice minions, Fire Team Omega Counterattack, Hold the Line!, Sweep
is a healthy baseline for a low powered Special Abilities:
campaign. It’s important to ensure that • Armor +2: Armored firefighter’s jacket.
there is enough variety amongst your Boss • Tidal Cutlass: Str+d6, Parry +2
Monsters to keep each fight fresh. Many • Immunity (Fire): The Armiger’s watery
groups won’t have multiple types of minions blessings render them immune to fire.
at each Rank like Fire Team Omega, but • Leaping: The Armiger can jump 2”
minions should receive minor improvements vertically and 4” horizontally.
when heroes ascend from Rank to Rank. • Transform (Genetic): Transforming from
Mundane to Hero Tier takes no action for
Aqual Armiger (Veteran Hero) the Armiger. They do not have access to
The power of the Aqual Armiger is beyond their Tidal Cutlass, Leaping, and Armor
compare. Contained within a device of Special Abilities while untransformed.
unrusting metal with a self-suspended orb • Tier: The Armiger is either Mundane or
of constantly swirling water known as the Hero Tier.
Aqueous Ring, the Aqual Armiger controls
the very forces of water against threats to Battalion Chief Flambay
the universe. Fire Chief Champat created the
Aqueous Ring in a time of great need. She (Seasoned Boss Monster)
bestowed it to her most trusted lieutenant, Battalion Chief Flambay might seem out of
who unfortunately perished during the place in a fire fighting brigade at first glance.
conflict. Many members of Fire Team Omega With his flaming head, Flambay seems more
have tried to link themselves to the Aqueous arsonist than firefighter. His initial encounter
Ring, but none have succeeded. It takes with Fire Chief Champat was a violent one
powerful determination and a hardy body to that ended with her sparing his life. Flambay
wield such power. was once a ruthless pyromanic that burned
Unlike the other entries in this section, the entire worlds to cinder. Now he works to
Aqual Armiger is not one specific person. fight that which he is as the proud second-in-
Within the confines of any given campaign, command of Fire Team Omega.
these abilities can fall into the hands of Beloved by his minions and held in high
anyone. The nature of this twist is contained esteem by Fire Chief Champat, he leads his
within Fire Team on the Scene, the Plot Point grunts with endless vigor and pride in his
Campaign in this book. For those who do not work. Due to his competence and spirit,
wish to learn this secret, skip to the Aqual Fire Chief Champat bestowed him with
Armiger’s stat block. the Hydro-Axe, which is a powerful axe
The two individuals who might obtain the made of semi-solid water that requires the
power most often are, surprisingly, Sumika utmost concentration of his peerless combat
Ishimori and a recurring Fire Team grunt rival. capabilities. A mistake with the Hydro-Axe
If her teammates do not pay attention to could be the last he would ever make.
Sumika struggling to come to terms with the Flambay is an absolutely massive alien
fact that her mother did not create a Shifter with a burning head that he can ignite and
for her or were particularly insensitive to her, extinguish at will. He wears his emblazoned
she becomes the Armiger. If, during the jacket with pride. Two massive, rounded
course of the campaign, the Game pauldrons with the Fire Team’s crest rest on
Master decides to include his shoulders and drape his barrel-shaped

62 chest.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Burgle Bookie
Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, (Seasoned Boss Monster)
Hobby (Rescue Operations) d10, Notice d8, The official treasurer for Fire Team Omega,
Shooting d8 Burgle Bookie is a golden skinned alien with
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (1) long, sinewy arms and legs and massive eyes
Edges: Block, Command, Command with dollar sign irises. He wears a suit made
Presence, Counterattack, Hold the Line!, of the same materials as the fireproof jackets
Sweep that the rest of the squad wears. Others
Special Abilities: would describe Burgle Bookie’s personality
• Armor +1: Armored firefighter’s jacket. as sketchy and his voice as slimy. While many
• Hydro-Axe (Melee): Str+d6, Knockback in Fire Team Omega don’t like him, they can’t
1”. deny that he keeps the books clean and the
• Hydro-Axe (Ranged): 2d6, Ranged trucks running.
5/10/20, Knockback 3”, Tripping. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12+1, Spirit
• Immunity (Fire): Flambay’s nature and d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6
armor render him immune to fire. Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8,
• Size +2: Flambay is significantly larger Investigation d10, Hobby (Accounting) d12,
than a normal human. Notice d8, Taunt d8, Thievery d10
• Tier: Flambay is Hero Tier. Cha: 2; Pace: 7; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (3)
Edges: Block, Charismatic, Elan, Team Player
Special Abilities:
• Ledger: Str+d8, Heavy
• Coin Toss: 1-3d6, Ranged
• Hardy: Burgle Bookie does
not take a Wound from being
Shaken twice.
• Mesmerizing Bribe: As an
action, Burgle Bookie can
attempt to mesmerize a creature within
5” of him with a rare coin. This functions
as the puppet Power and Burgle Bookie uses
Taunt as his arcane skill. Burgle Bookie can
only have one creature bribed at a time.
• Size +2: Burgle Bookie is lean but tall
and gangly.
• Tier: Burgle Bookie is Hero Tier.

Fire Chief Champat

(Legendary Boss Monster)
The leader of Fire Team Omega, Fire Chief
Champat has taken up the noblest ideal a
firefighter can pursue and protects solar
systems from the largest, most dangerous
fires within reach: their suns. She arrived on
Earth in order to use it as a staging ground
for her “rescue operation” and sends out
members of Fire Team Omega on “requisition
missions” to gather the necessary materials
and support required to complete
their mission.

Fire Chief Champat is easily frustrated Fire Team Axeman
when the creatures of Earth cannot
understand the danger the sun poses to (Novice Minion)
them. At any moment, it could send a Axemen chop down anything that gets in
solar flare in the direction of the planet or the way of the Fire Team’s work. Their large
go supernova. Some missions are “public fire axes are made of an extraplanar metal
persuasion” missions to win over the and honed to a fine edge. They’re the first to
populace (who promptly run screaming from arrive on the scene and protect their much
the bellowing, soapboxing monsters), others frailer counterparts, the hosiers, from harm.
are material requisition (such as stealing Much like hosiers, an axeman’s uniform
entire lakes of water), while even more are consists of neon yellow armor strips, thick
“training drills” where they set a building on khaki-colored trousers, soft helmets, and
fire and then attempt to put it out (without bright white eyes.
evacuating it). Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d12, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Strength d10, Vigor d12+2 Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Hobby (Rescue
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d8, Fighting Operations) d6, Notice d8
d12+1, Hobby (Rescue Operations) Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (1)
d12+2, Magic d12, Notice d10, Occult d8, Edges: Dodge
Persuasion d8, Shooting d10 Special Abilities:
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 13 (3) Armor +1: Fireman’s jacket.
Edges: Block, Brawny, Combat Reflexes, Fire Axe: Str+d4, Parry -1.
Improved Dodge, Improved Nerves of Steel, Tier: Fire Team minions are Mundane Tier.
Quick, Trademark Weapon, Tough as Nails
Special Abilities:
• Armor +3: Chief’s uniform.
Fire Team Elite
• Empower: Champat can use her powers (Veteran Minion)
to grow her allies. A Hero Tier creature These black uniformed grunts serve as
she empowers grows in size and the personal staff of Fire Chief Champat.
becomes Giant Tier. She occasionally reassigns them to aid her
• Flight: Champat has a flying Pace of command staff on
8” and Climb 2 thanks to the torrent particularly difficult or
of water she can generate at her important missions. Early
waist. in the Fire Team on the
• Hydrant Staff: Str+d10, Scene campaign, these
Knockback 5”. minions are exceedingly
• Hardy: Champat does not suffer rare, but the frequency in
a wound from being Shaken which they appear increases as
twice. Champat begins to judge the
• Immunity (Fire): team as a greater threat.
Champat’s nature and Their equipment is highly
armor render her advanced and allows them
immune to fire. greater flexibility in the field.
• Powers: Barrier, Their equipment might vary
bolt, havoc, pummel. as they are allowed greater
Power Points: 15 flexibility in their armaments
• Size +1: Champat is a tall alien. and tools than the common
• Tier: Champat is Hero Tier. Fire Team Grunt. They are easily
identified by their cyclopean,
reinforced helmets. Particularly
noteworthy Fire Team Elites might
even become recurring Hero Tier
antagonists or Wild Cards!

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Hobby
(Rescue Operations) d6, Notice d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 (2)
Edges: Block, Combat Acrobat, Improved
Dodge, Two-Fisted
Special Abilities:
• Armor +2: Elite jackets.
• Hand Axes: Str+d6. Two axes.
• Boomerang Axes: Str+d6, Range
5/10/20. Thrown hand axes return to
the Elite’s hands after the attack.
• Tier: Fire Team minions are Hero Tier.

Fire Team Hosier

(Novice Minion)
Hosiers make up the fire-quenching
grunts of the Fire Team. Their blasters
are hose nozzles that fire high pressure
blasts of water. Hosiers are incredibly weak
in melee and rely on axemen to keep heroes
away from them. Much like axemen, a
hosier’s uniform consists of red armor, thick
khaki-colored trousers, soft helmets, and
bright yellow reflection trim.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d4, Vigor d4
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d4,
Hobby (Rescue Operations) d6, Notice d8,
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Shooting d8
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Hobby
Edges: Dodge, Firing Synergy
(Holidays) d8, Notice d4, Survival d10
Special Abilities:
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (1)
• Punch: Str+1.
Edges: Frenzy, Nerves of Steel
• Blaster: 2d6, Range 10/20/40,
Special Abilities:
Knockback 1”
• Armor +1: Wooden body.
• Tier: Fire Team minions are Mundane • Slam: Str+d4. Creatures struck by this
Tier. attack must make an Agility check or
they catch on fire and suffer a -1 to all
Fool Log rolls and Parry until the end of their next
(Novice Boss Monster) • Hardy: Fool Log does not suffer a wound
Fool Log is a stack of highly flammable but from being Shaken twice.
slow burning wood brought to life to wreak • Immunity (Fire): Fool Log is literally on
havoc. Not particularly intelligent, the Fool fire.
Log is prone to pratfalls, awful puns, and off- • Size +2: Fool Log is larger than a person
key caroling. Its massive form smolders and but smaller than an actual log cabin.
smokes constantly and resembles a log cabin • Weakness (Water): Fool Log is literally
with wooden arms and legs. on fire. What puts out fire? If Fool Log is
doused with an appropriate amount of
water, he gains a level of Fatigue.
• Tier: Fool Log is Hero Tier.
Pump Chump Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d12,
Strength d8, Vigor d4
(Novice Boss Monster) Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Hobby (Pet
Pump Chump is the code name of two Grooming) d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d8,
entities with nearly identical forms. The Shooting d10
two Pump Chumps are a pair of masculine, Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 12 (6)
life-mated aliens that have been greatly Edges: Level Headed, Strong Willed
augmented in order to use a highly advanced Special Abilities:
power suit that can quickly drain water from • Armor +6: Hard suit.
sources they target. They are compassionate • Slam: Str+d6.
leaders who treat their grunts like their own • Breathless: Rebreather does not need to
children. breathe.
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, • Size +2: Rebreather’s suit is quite bulky.
• Suction Vacuum: As an action, Rebreather
Strength d10, Vigor d8
can uncork its vacuum filter and attempt
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Hobby
to suck in a target within 10” of it. If the
(Plumbing) d12, Notice d6, Shooting d10
target is animate, it must make a Strength
Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 10 (3) check opposed by Rebreather’s Shooting
Edges: No Mercy check. On a failed check, the target takes
Special Abilities: 3d6 damage and is pulled 3” closer to
• Armor +3: Power suit. Rebreather. If the target cannot move any
• Power Fist: Str+d6, Knockback 2” closer to Rebreather, it takes an additional
• Drainage: As an action with a Shooting d6 of damage equal to each remaining
roll, Pump Chump can fire a bullet of inch that it would have been pulled before
water from its central nozzle at a target reaching Rebreather.
within 5/10/20. This bullet deals 2d4 • Tier: Rebreather is Hero Tier.
damage. If Pump Chump is Engorged,
this attack instead deals 2d6+2 damage Ruff Rider
with Knockback 3”, and after it is
resolved, it is no longer Engorged. (Novice Boss Monster)
• Engorge: When adjacent to a large body Ruff Rider is Fire Team Omega’s firehouse
of water, Pump Chump can use its action dog. A monstrous dalmation-like creature,
to drain up to 200 gallons of water from Ruff Rider can smell smoke long before a fire
the source and Engorge itself. It can use even catches. Some believe that Ruff Rider
its action to empty its water reserve in a is the one starting these fires while others
harmless manner. might say that’s just paranoia. Most of Fire
• Size +1: Pump Chump is slightly larger Team Omega tries to think that Ruff Rider is
than a human. just being a real ‘go-getter.’
• Tier: Pump Chump is Hero Tier. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d10
Rebreather Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Knowledge
(Grooming) d8, Notice d4, Persuasion d8
(Seasoned Boss Monster) Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9
Rebreather is an alien that had to adapt Edges: First Strike, Improved Extraction
to the harsh climate of Earth by sealing Special Abilities:
itself completely within a hard suit. • Bite: Str+d6, AP 1.
Looking something like an astronaut and a • Animal Ken: Ruff Rider can communicate
firefighter merged together, this creature is with normal dogs.
Fire Team Omega’s low oxygen specialist. • Size +2: Way too big to be a real dog.
Its voice is muffled due to the fact that • Super Bark: As an action, Ruff Rider
its communicator was destroyed during can unleash a powerful bark in a Cone
a previous mission, and they haven’t yet Template. Creatures in the template
replaced it. must make a Vigor roll at -1 or take one
Wound. Once used, Ruff Rider cannot
use Super Bark on its next turn.
• Tier: Ruff Rider is Hero Tier.
Fire Team on the Scene
Fire Team on the Scene is a Plot Point they make does not reflect a single test,
Campaign that takes a group of characters but rather their entire performance for that
from character creation to the beginning quarter. Make changes as you see fit to
of Veteran Tier. A group of intergalactic “adult-ify” Fire Team on the Scene.
firefighting aliens lands on Earth and declares
that it is now their “staging ground” as they
attempt to protect Earth from the most
Key Characters
Presented below are quick descriptions
dangerous fire of all: the sun. of the most important characters that the
The team gathers together, gains their party will encounter during the course of
powers, and fights back against the the campaign. This list does not include
misguided Fire Team Omega as they protect unique characters that are important to
the sun from being extinguished and their specific player characters. Game Masters are
city from being overrun with militant aliens. encouraged to create these close personal
ties alongside their players.
The city of Bright Lake is a quiet hamlet Dr. Ishimori and Dr. Brandt
of modernity nestled against a forested Sumika and Ken’s mothers, respectively, were
backdrop. The characters of this adventure two genius scientists that were researching
are all local high school students who find a way to protect emergency responders
themselves swept up by the whims of fate to during natural disasters. Their highly
fight against an intergalactic threat. advanced technology led to the creation of
The characters have a chance encounter the Shifters. They manufactured a wide array
with the outmatched Sumika and Ken, who of specialized prototypes, but, before they
are two fellow students who have the tools could complete their work, the two perished
needed to stop the monsters but not the in a drunk driving accident. Though these
ability. After obtaining their transformation two genius doctors do not appear in the
Shifters from the two, they push back Fire adventure itself, their legacy lives on through
Team Omega’s first brigade and become their children and the recordings of their
the heroes the planet needs to survive. research they left behind.
Contending not just with an alien enemy,
the group must balance their social lives, the
rigors of academia, and keeping their identity
Fire Team Omega
Unlike a lot of tokusatsu villains (and villains
as heroes a secret from the world at large. in general), Fire Team Omega is not hand-
You know, normal teen stuff. wringingly evil. They genuinely believe they
are doing the right thing by fighting the fire
Variant: An Adult Team that is the sun. They don’t desire conflict but
If your players don’t want to play high schoolers also don’t fully understand human norms
that’s perfectly acceptable. Not everyone is like the value of individual life. They believe
capable of it. The campaign requires only minor in saving the whole of Earth, and if that
alterations to update it for adult characters. means the extinction of Bright Lake then
Perhaps they all work at the same company or
so be it. They do, however, stress that the
they just happen to be in the right place at the
“artificial sun” they will replace the real sun
right time to meet adult versions of Sumika
with is entirely harmless and that Earth will
and Ken. The headquarters might be a secret
lair in the heart of downtown or the fringes of only notice the difference between the two
the forest. “sometimes.”
Tests can easily become “Quarterly All members of Fire Team Omega share
Reviews” where the company evaluates the a similar uniform consisting of bright reds,
performance of the character over the past khaki, and fluorescent yellow. The key figures
three months. The characters still need to of Fire Team Omega are described at
select a specialized Knowledge skill to show greater length in their individual
competence in their job, and the single roll entries in the Building Enemies
section of this book (pg 38).
The highest ranked member is Fire Chief Hindrances: Driven (Major, Complete His
Champat followed closely by Battalion Mother’s Work), Mean, Small
Chief Flambay, her right-hand man. All Edges: Bolster, Brute, Brawler, Brawny
members of Fire Team Omega idolize these Gear: Clothes, advanced repair tools
two intergalactic “heroes” and would gladly Special Abilities:
explode in the line of duty for them. • Punch: Str+d4
• Tier: Ken is Mundane Tier.
Ken Brandt
Ken is a straight laced and incredibly serious Ms. Leticia Sutherwood
young man. Naturally untrusting, Ken’s only The homeroom teacher for the heroes’ class,
companion is Sumika and that’s the way he Ms. Sutherwood is a tight laced woman who
prefers it. Content to spend the vast majority takes her duty to educate her students as
of his time in his mother’s abandoned lab, her top priority. She has high expectations of
completely isolated from the outside world, her students and can be harsh when those
Ken is a stilted outsider with a deep lack expectations are not met. However, she isn’t
of social grace to the point of being rude aggressive or unfair. She truly believes that
and abrasive. He’s deliberate in his choices her students are capable of greatness and
and prefers to think quickly before acting, a slightly alters her methods from student to
dangerous compliment to Sumika’s similar student.
“rush in” instincts. Physically, Leticia is in her early 30’s
A third generation American, Ken grew and stays physically fit thanks to a careful
up in a single parent household and was regimen of spin classes, green shake
quite a ‘momma’s boy.’ When his mother concoctions, and meditation. She has an
began working with Dr. Ishimori, Ken met on again off again relationship with Amara
Sumika who helped him to dull some of his Narayan, who is a female barista at the Black
edges, though he is still plenty prickly. He Bean coffee shop, and the day after another
grew up immersed in his mother’s work and one of their break-ups is usually just as rough
continues to try and make heads or tails of for Leticia as it is for her students.
what she left behind. Unlike Sumika, Ken is
rather relieved that he cannot transform. He
hides his fear of battle well and, despite his
Mayor Rubens
Cynthia Rubens is the duly elected mayor of
hesitations, will rush into battle alongside his
Bright Lake. A shining example of a career
friend if need be.
politician, Mayor Rubens is all about pleasing
Ken is quite short for a boy of his age,
the populace and her constituents above
though this doesn’t seem to bother him.
all else. Completely unequipped to handle
He keeps his auburn hair in a very tight
the sudden invasion of interdimensional
side-part which, in a combined effort with
firefighters that have made her town their
makeup, covers the large scar on the side of
home base, Mayor Rubens is more or less a
his forehead. He typically wears comfortable,
husk of anxiety and hidden panic with a smile
non-restricting clothing over his muscular
plastered on.
frame such as shorts and hoodies while
Mayor Rubens is usually scornful of the
working in the lab and at school. Though he
characters when they’re not transformed
is quite rude and brusque towards others,
(as they’re not of voting age) but incredibly
he is never short towards Sumika and on the
sycophantic toward them while shifted
rare occasion that he slips up he is quick to
into their hero forms. She knows the police
cannot hope to contain the threat that Fire
Team Omega poses and will do anything to
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
ensure the party feels appreciated. Statues
Strength d8, Vigor d10
will be erected, city-wide holidays will be
Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d10,
formed, and sandwiches will be named
Electronics d8, Fighting d6, Hacking d8,
after them in her attempts to keep the party
Hobby (Birdwatching) d12, Intimidation d10,
Persuasion d4, Notice d6, Repair d8,
Stealth d6, Taunt d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
Principal Lindsay Strength d8, Vigor d8
A true authoritarian, Principal Lindsay Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d10,
frequently serves as a mundane roadblock Electronics d8, Fighting d8, Hacking d6,
for secretly heroic teenagers trying to save Hobby (Model Boats) d8, Persuasion d8,
the world. Muscular to the extreme, Principal Notice d6, Repair d8, Stealth d6
Lindsay appears to always be moments away Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
from exploding from his form fitting suits. Hindrances: Driven (Major, Complete Her
Gruff but fair, he believes his disciplined Mother’s Work), Heroic, Impulsive
approach is what’s best for the children Edges: Charismatic, Martial Artist, Reliable,
under his care. Strong Willed
A secondary antagonist and sometimes Gear: Clothes, advanced repair tools
surprising ally, Principal Lindsay is a wild cardSpecial Abilities:
(but not a Wild Card) who can fulfill a variety • Punch: Str+d4
of roles in different scenarios. He’s quick to • Tier: Sumika is Mundane Tier.
punish students but the first to shield them
from a monster. He’s stern but not unyielding
under the right circumstances. If at any point
stats are required for Principal Lindsay, use
Setting Rules
the Civilian stat block but with a d8 Strength Nearly all new rules and optional rules
and Vigor. mentioned in this book are in effect. Damage
Scale, Fanatics, Heroes Never Die, Hobby,
Sumika Ishimori Knockback, Simultaneous Mech Command,
Sumika is a tough and plucky high school Teamwork, and Transformation Recovery are
girl who doesn’t take guff from anyone. all in play in addition to:
Willing to listen to conflicting viewpoints,
she still tends to trust her gut to lead her. Academics
She believes that her parents raised her Class, family, and friends are all vital to
right and that she can make good choices Student Hero games. The inclusion of East
just by trusting her instinct. This leads her to Texas University’s Exams and Extracurricular
entrust her mother’s technology to complete Activities Setting Rules reflect these
strangers. responsibilities, but individuals without
An immigrant from Japan, Sumika’s family that book can opt to include the occasional
moved to America for her mother’s work test roll with the Academics or Common
when she was a child. It is thanks to this that Knowledge skills while roleplaying scenes
she met Ken, her closest confidant and best that occur within school. The addition of the
friend. In private, Sumika is incredibly hard Hobbies rule covers extracurricular activities,
on herself for being unable to maintain the both officially recognized by the school and
transformation granted by the devices. She those that are purely self-led, and should
doesn’t want to be someone else’s support. feature in some of the adventures the heroes
She wants to be the hero and it eats away go on. Familial drama and conflict within
at her that not a single one of the suits were friend groups are also important and can
compatible with her. She does her best flesh out scenes that do not directly involve
to keep this a secret from everyone, Ken superhuman threats.
Physically, Sumika has the body of a Villains Never Die
natural athlete. Her shoulder length hair Even if an enemy explodes, that doesn’t
often rests in a single side braid. Sumika mean they are dead. Later encounters
is tall, standing over a head above Ken, incorporate several previous members of Fire
and playfully teases him about their size Team Omega in grand melees. When a Boss
difference. Her fashion sense is simple: jeans Monster is defeated, they might fall several
and blouses or simple dresses. Regardless of dozen feet to the ground as their gigantic
clothing, she usually wears the same pair of form is destroyed only to be caught
beat up sneakers. in a jumping sheet held by several
minions who cart the defeated
monster away.
Gazetteer Bright Broadcasting
Bright Lake, the city Fire Team on the
Scene takes place in, is a varied and idyllic Network
community. A picturesque metropolis The BBN headquarters is located in the heart
surrounded by a sea of emerald green trees. of downtown. This neo-futuristic skyscraper
With a bustling nightlife and a rich artistic houses the major news network of the
community, Bright Lake is an ideal place same name. The majority of the building is
to settle down and raise a family. Whether off-limits, but there is an observation deck,
you live in the suburbs or in the heart of restaurant, and bar on the top level that is
the city itself, you won’t find a more perfect open to the public. The remaining floors are
community than Bright Lake. used for the day-to-day operations of this
massive media entity.
Black Bean Carmen's Place
A local coffee shop, Black Bean is a true
success story that proves the American Dream An all-hours diner that is a citywide
is alive and well in Bright Lake. Owned by Ryan favorite, Carmen’s Place is owned by the
Blum, an Australian immigrant, Black Bean has titular Carmen Otero and produces classic
a reputation for serving up the best cup of American fanfare with a Venezuelan edge.
coffee in all of Bright Lake. It’s a clean, vibrant The atmosphere is classic retro-American
establishment that showcases local musicians highlighted by neon lights and loads of vinyl.
and artists on a weekly basis. It’s a popular With large, affordable portions, Carmen’s
hangout for high schoolers and is also a Place is always bustling at any hour of
great place to get a part-time job. the day.

Cranston Park Nakajima Mall
A large park in the suburbs of town, Cranston An absolutely massive structure, the
Park has almost every piece of sports Nakajima Mall is the premier shopping
equipment a field could need. Two baseball destination in Bright Lake. Its sprawling area
fields, a double basketball court, and a soccer contains shops carrying anything a person
field that doubles as a pee-wee football could possibly desire. It’s become a popular
field are spread throughout the park. A large hangout for teens looking to loiter indoors
playground sits in the heart of a sparse and enjoy all the fine cuisine a food court has
forest with several paths leading to different to offer. The mall has an attached theater,
sections of the park. paintball arena, gym, and miniature golf course.

Drawn and Quarters Seigo Private Academy

Drawn and Quarters is a recent addition Seigo Private Academy is the premier private
to the landscape of Bright Lake. Owned by high school in all of Bright Lake. The school
Antoine Gedein, it is a popular arcade in the takes in scores of scholarship students from
heart of the city and has a well-lit backroom around the city on a yearly basis and has an
for tabletop and card games. They offer a exceptionally high graduation and college
variety of retro and modern arcade cabinets, acceptance rate. The campus is a large,
modern video game consoles, and a wide sprawling plot with several open courtyards,
variety of tabletop roleplaying game products fields for each of the many sport teams, a
for all genres and systems. A friendly and cavernous theater for the drama club, and a
safe establishment with a reputation for state of the art computer lab.
permanently banning rude or otherwise The school has small individual classrooms
problematic patrons, Drawn and Quarters is despite the large amount of students in
a game lover’s ideal play space. each grade. These years contains over 200
students, but each class contains no more
Ferngrove Forest than 40 students. The staff is highly trained,
which allows the school to offer a wide array
Surrounding Bright Lake is the sprawling
of classes that cover a variety of topics.
woodland of the Ferngrove Forest. It
Additionally, the school adopts parts of charter
expands for miles and miles in all directions
and Sudbury models that allow the students a
around the city except for the southern end.
large degree of freedom.
The forest has several parks and nature trails
that serve as popular destinations for those
looking to escape the hustle and bustle of
St. John Youth Center
The youth center houses a full, free facility
the city. Large lakes and wide rivers dot the for the adolescent and younger community
landscape and serve as popular swimming members of Bright Lake to have a safe
holes, kayaking, and fishing spots for all- environment to hang out in after school and
comers. The forest has a ranger station that on weekends. With a juice bar, gymnasium,
serves to find people that go missing, deal weight room, dojo, and an Olympic-size
with the occasional rare forest fire, shore swimming pool, the St. John Youth Center is,
up locations in preparation for flooding, and for all intents and purposes, a money sink. It
other common activities. could not exist without its philanthropic but
Komaki Reservoir reclusive patron, Jason St. John.
Nestled within Ferngrove Forest is the Komaki
Reservoir, which is the body of water that Tanaka Gallery
supplies all of Bright Lake and the surrounding A mid-sized museum on the northern side
area. While swimming and fishing is not of Bright Lake, the Tanaka Gallery includes a
permitted in the reservoir, a large asphalt track long-standing exhibition that features native
surrounds the sparkling waters and serves as art, a section devoted to the local history of
a popular attraction for joggers looking for
the county, and a section of cycling modern
beautiful natural vistas without having to worry
art borrowed from other museums. It
about tripping over a rogue root. On site is a
rests on a large, grassy hill between
large water treatment plant that processes and
the city and the Ferngrove Forest.
purifies the water that goes into the city.
Like all Plot Point Campaigns (and, really, any
well written campaign in general), Fire Team
Already a Hero
on the Scene lets you, the Game Master, tell a If some players in the campaign
large and sprawling story while still allowing wish to have already obtained
their powers from another source,
you to aid and explore the backstory of
then you should allow them to do
each individual party member. The benefits
so. They might be a new transfer
of running a Plot Point Campaign are
student or might have fought a
plentiful. You have built in hooks to bring one-time threat in secret. Use
the characters together to form a team of your best judgement to modify
heroes, all the heavy lifting is already done certain plot points to work
for you, and it’s flexible enough to tailor it to with, rather than against, such
each individual character in your game. No characters.
two versions of Fire Team on the Scene will be
Unlike a lot of other published Plot
Point Campaigns, Fire Team on the Scene is
intentionally trim. It focuses on the tropes Suddenly, a masked hero jumps in to fight
associated with tokusatsu, such as most back but is swiftly thrown aside and revealed
problems being wrapped up within the to be Sumika Ishimori, a schoolmate of the
boundaries of a single episode or session. characters. The suitcase carrying Ken Brandt
That’s not to say that certain plot points joins her before being summarily cast aside
can’t be two-parters, but for the most part by a blow that breaks the suitcase open,
a single session is usually enough to put an sending out an amount of Shifter devices
end to whatever the plan of the week is. This equal to the number of players. With any
does mean that Game Masters will need to luck, the characters grab the Shifters,
put in more work to fully flesh out these transform, and fight off Fire Team Omega
adventures by adding school life drama, after with their new found powers before being
school special styled morality plays, and brought into the fold by Ken and Sumika.
other aspects of student life as a teenager.
There is no specific time to play each Plot
Point. Some campaigns might play through Plot Point Two:
nothing but those key tales, while others
incorporate a large amount of Savage Tales. Reservoir Requisition
There are no “when” sections to describe the The plan to extinguish the sun plugs along as
triggers for each Plot Point since there are no Fire Team Omega launches their next plan.
new locales to arrive at or travel to be had. The Komaki Reservoir supplies Bright Lake
As the Game Master, determine the length of with almost 70% of its fresh water thanks to
time you’d like to play. its massive store of naturally filtered spring
water. Such a large quantity of water is just
Plot Point One: the first drop in the bucket that will quench
the Sun, but every plan needs to start
Becoming Heroes somewhere.
Bright Lake is an unassuming, albeit small, When the two Pump Chumps responsible
city nestled within forested hills and rivers. for the attempted drainage of the reservoir
During a field trip to a local museum, Fire are defeated, Fire Chief Champat reveals
Team Omega, an intergalactic band of herself to the heroes and, using the
firefighters, lands in the area and attempts to hydromancy channeled through her Hydrant
set up their base of operations. Their massive Staff, combines and enlarges the Pump
craft touches down and unloads waves of Chumps, forcing the heroes to unlock a new
minions, as well as Battalion Chief Flambay, power: mechs.
that violently chase off anyone who
does not vacate the area.

she’s faced while aboard the Fire Station. Ken
Plot Point Three: devotes himself entirely to studying the two
Shifters he found in the secret lab, one of which
Midterms was unfortunately destroyed in the conflict.
The Midterms Plot Point occupies a unique When the group makes their move on
space within the campaign. It does not have the Fire Station they explore the ‘dungeon’
a specific event tied to it outside of the that comprises it before finding Sumika and
midterms themselves. Combine it with one confronting the overwhelming might of Fire
of the optional Savage Tales and a Hindrance Chief Champat who continues to tempt Sumika
Story to create a fully fleshed out session of with untold power. The campaign can shift
conflicts. dramatically at this moment. If the heroes were
attentive and empathetic to Sumika’s struggles,
Plot Point Four: she rebukes Champat. If the heroes made no
effort to check up on Sumika’s struggles or
were callous towards her, she accepts the offer
Training Exercise and becomes the Aqual Armiger, a transforming
Complacency is the killer of humanity… and hero in the service of Fire Team Omega.
aliens. Fire Chief Champat has ordered one If Sumika declines the offer, Champat brings
of her most trusted lieutenants, Torchbearer, down the full force of her power on the heroes,
to plan and execute a high stakes training pushing them into a literal and figurative
exercise without alerting Fire Team Omega corner. Ken throws the new Shifter to Sumika
before it begins. who promptly transforms and aids the heroes
The firebug creature takes it upon herself in escaping.
to create a truly dangerous situation to If Sumika accepts the offer, she demands
that Champat first bring her friends to safety.
test the limits of Fire Team Omega and, by
Champat obliges and escorts the group off of
extension, the heroes. Torchbearer sets a
the ship. If they resist, then Champat and the
skyscraper ablaze in the heart of downtown
other commanders of Fire Team Omega engage
toward the end of the work day. With classes them in a constantly worsening battle of
having ended for the day, it’s up to the attrition where wave after wave of firefighters
team to combat the towering inferno, stop charge forward. If defeated, their unconscious
Torchbearer, and choose to work alongside bodies are simply and safely ejected out of the
or against Fire Team Omega, who are on site Fire Station.
combating the fire.

Plot Point Five: Plot Point Six:

Traitor Finals and Finales
Class finals are back dropped by Fire Team
Fire Team Omega leads a raid on the lab, finally Omega finally taking the offensive and plotting
fed up with the team’s incessant interference. to wipe out the team so they can do their
The session starts mid-assault with the heroes freaking job. Rather than engaging them in a
battling against Battalion Chief Flambay. Ken is direct confrontation, they’ve decided to use a
unconcious and Fire Chief Champat has Sumika prototype weapon to eliminate all life in Bright
cornered. Lake. The weapon takes the shape of a massive,
As Fire Team Omega retreats as suddenly airtight dome connected to the Fire Station.
as they arrived, the group learns that Sumika With a powerful vacuum that sucks all of the
has been taken to the Fire Station. Unknown air out of the encased area, it is capable of
to the party, Sumika went of her own volition smothering any fires that might have grown out
after being offered a chance to obtain power of control.
not unlike the Shifters her mother created. The heroes, cut off from their mechs, must
Her frustration with her own weakness and contend with depleting oxygen levels as they
concealed jealousy of the party reached its fight toward the Fire Station junction that
tipping point when Champat offered her this connects to the vacuum, confront Champat,
power. and destroy the pump before everyone in
As the heroes plot how exactly they’re going Bright Lake perishes. The heroes must
to save their friend, Ken uncovered a previously contend with all of this while trying to
unknown room that was revealed during the make sure they study enough to pass
conflict, and Sumika agonizes over the decision
their finals.
come face to face with Fire Team Omega
Fire Team on the Scene The story begins at the end of summer. The
An example plot point campaign, Fire Team on school year has just begun at Seigo Private
the Scene is a colorful, high energy, and light- Academy and the heroes-to-be have all been
hearted short campaign that captures the placed into the same homeroom. It’s been a
sillier side of tokusatsu. It contains six plot hot, dry summer and forest fire alerts are at
points and several, optional Savage Tales. an all time high. Their homeroom teacher,
If the group is ever completely defeated in Ms. Sutherwood, takes attendance for the
a combat before the final plot point, Finals first day of classes. Use this time to introduce
and Finales, instead of being killed, the team the characters. Allow your players to
might be captured and begin the Grand describe their physical appearance and how
Escape Savage Tale or simply be forced to they carry themselves. Some groups might
retreat and lick their wounds. Fire Team find it useful to expand on their reputation
Omega is only interested in actually killing around the school, their social circles, and
the heroes after Plot Point Five: Traitor. After how the student body at large probably
the events of that adventure the heroes are views them. Pay close attention to these
finally deemed a true threat to Fire Team descriptions as they can prove to be valuable
Omega’s operation and will be treated with seeds for future session’s Hindrance Stories.
lethal force. Before homeroom ends, Ms. Sutherwood
If the group should ever live but fail to informs the class that they will be going on
prevent one of Fire Team Omega’s plans, their first field trip of the year at the end
then find a way to work that change into of the week. They’ll be going to the local
the campaign’s overall story. If they cannot museum, the Tanaka Gallery, to see the new
stop the Pump Chumps from emptying “History of Forest Fires in the Ferngrove
the reservoir in Reservoir Requisition, then Forest” exhibit. They’ll have to give a report
perhaps all of Bright Lake is put into an on the exhibit that is due the following week
immediate water rationing drought. Take which explores the environmental reasons
great care to ensure that such defeats behind forest fires and how they affected
and major alterations to the story the region and the population of old
do not radically darken the Bright Lake.
tone of the campaign. Of Let the heroes have a bit of time to
course, if you’re looking play off of one another and establish the
to tell a darker version starting points for their relationships
of this story, then feel with one another and Ken
free to do so. and Sumika. Explore their
extracurricular activities, if any,
Plot Point and what they do after school.
Do they have friends?
One: Enemies? This is the best
time to establish or, at
Becoming the very least, introduce
any NPCs generated by
Hindrances or Edges that
Heroes are important to a hero’s
When: The first session of backstory.
your campaign. When the day of the
This tale is designed to field trip finally comes,
bring the group together the heroes gather with
as a team, bestow their their class and arrive in
powers onto them, and the sprawling complex
introduce the overall theme that is the Tanaka
of the campaign. It allows Gallery. The sky is bright
them to become the and there isn’t a cloud in
masters of their sight. Upon arriving,
own destiny as they Ms. Sutherwood
allows the students to split off into groups • Fire Team Axeman (1 + 1 per hero)
and explore at their leisure. There are more • Fire Team Hosier (2)
exhibits than the “History of Forest Fires.”
Don’t be afraid to include displays that relate When defeated, Fire Team members
to the personal interests of a character if a explode in a splurt of water which, as if
player asks about the other exhibits. possessing a mind of its own, retreats up
the fire poles and into the Fire Station. If
"Cloud" Cover a character is Incapacitated, they are not
Before long, the sunshine beaming through knocked unconscious outright. They are
the massive skylight that acts as the ceiling knocked back and can attempt to recover
of the museum disappears as if there was an from the blows they suffered. Anyone who
eclipse. Characters who were hanging out followed Ken and Sumika is witness to an
with Ken or Sumika can’t help but notice that extraordinary sight. The two quickly discuss
they rush off at the first sign of this trouble. how they didn’t expect for “it to be so soon”
Allow the heroes a moment to react before as Sumika attaches a strange, bracelet-like
moving on with the following: device to her wrist before smashing a button
on the center of it.
The light in the museum begins to dim. Has Crackling lighting suddenly wreathes
a cloud moved in front of the sun? No. It was Sumika. When it subsides, she appears to be
clear and blue when you were outside moments wearing a fully armored body suit. The suit
ago. The other visitors to the museum and your she wears can be an original design of your
classmates look up. Some head outside in an own or might be a version of one of your
attempt to see what’s causing this faux eclipse. player’s suits they have described to you
That’s when it happens. during character creation. She rushes out to
A torrent of water shatters the glass skylight battle as Ken shouts after her that the “Synch
above, carrying the shards down to the ground rate is no good.”
floor of the building. Everyone standing beneath
it is swept away with the current and pushed to First Shift
the perimeter of the main hall. Looking through Heroes that are still fighting are joined by
the broken skylight, you spot what can only the transformed Sumika, though they do not
be described as a massive spaceship modeled know it is her. As she does battle, colored
similarly to a fire truck. lightning continues to crackle from her limbs
A loud clunking sound begins to tick away from as she moves them. The loud clunking finally
above. The sound of metal sliding across metal stops as a large metal ladder hangs in the air.
quickly overwhelms the clunking as three metal A massive half-robotic alien figure leaps from
poles descend to the ground and puncture the rungs and lands on the ground, leaving a
the tile floor. Several humanoid figures clad in small crater. Ken rushes out at this point and
what appears to be highly advanced firefighter joins the fray as Sumika charges the massive
jackets slide down from the pole. Some carry figure, who identifies himself as Battalion
massive axes while others seem to have Chief Flambay. He easily swats away the
rigged a hose nozzle to a backpack of water. electrically charged Sumika who smashes
They spread out and begin shouting at the into a pillar near one of the heroes and drops
museum’s visitors. her transformation and Shifter where she
What do you do? falls.
Ken charges Flambay and is easily
The figures begin shouting that visitors to backhanded away. He crashes into a wall
the museum must evacuate as it is now the and his briefcase bursts open, launching
new “Fire Station” of Fire Team Omega. Let the Shifters within across the room. They
the heroes do what they can in the chaos. conveniently land in front of each of the
They might fight, hide, try to help others, heroes who witnessed Sumika de-shifting
or attempt to flee. Those that fight draw from her empowered form. With what breath
the attention of the Fire Team grunts and they can draw, they hazily shout at any hero
encounter: near them to put the Shifter on, press
the button, and save the city.

Any hero that does is fully healed as they Dr. Ishimori or Dr. Brandt. The second is if a
shift into their Hero Tier form and gain character pokes around in Ken’s briefcase.
their Iconic Weapon and Iconic Armor. Give Anyone who does finds a very tight fitting
the players a chance to describe how their glove with nodes on the knuckles and
transformation, armor, and weapon looks. fingers. By putting on the glove and then
Battalion Chief Flambay seems shocked but pressing the scanner, a voice identifies
not impressed as he offers witty one-liners. and greets them as Dr. Brandt before the
Heroes that ask why he’s here and what he’s bulkhead opens with a loud hiss.
after learn the following monologue. In the lab are two beds that seem like highly
“Fire Chief Champat, in her infinite kindness, advanced operating tables. Large mechanical
has led us here to save you humans from the arms adorned with all manner of high
greatest, flaming threat near your tiny planet. tech devices jut from the side. While the
Why do you fight us? We, Fire Team Omega, are wounds Ken and Sumika suffered are not life
here to protect you from the deadly solar might threatening, putting them on the tables and
of the star you call the Sun.” activating them in the same way that the
Battalion Chief Flambay joins the fray lab’s door was opened will begin a 30 minute
and attempts to lead his squadron in battle process that will heal them completely.
against the heroes. Otherwise, a successful Healing check at -2
or simply waiting long enough is all it takes
• Battalion Chief Flambay Only has 2 Edges to get them back on their feet.
• Fire Team Axeman (2 per hero) Once Sumika and Ken are conscious,
• Fire Team Hosier (1 per hero) they do their best to answer any questions
the team might have as honestly as
Fire Team Omega uses standard tactics possible. They’re reluctant to discuss
to overwhelm their enemies. Thanks to the their parents or their deaths but beyond
Teamwork Special Ability possessed by the that are upfront about their intentions,
axemen, hosiers can fire into creatures they the origins of the Shifters, and why they
have Ganged Up on with impunity. Flambay don’t work on themselves but work on the
maximizes the effectiveness of his various heroes. They offer to run tests to check the
Leadership Edges while engaging the heroes synchronization rates each character has
in melee as often as possible. with the Shifter they selected. The group
If Flambay is defeated, he retreats back has an average synchronization rate of
up the ladder and onto Fire Team Omega’s 85% compared to Ken and Sumika’s 15%.
ship. If the heroes fail to repel the Fire Team, As it turns out, having a low synch rate can
then they are forced to retreat with Ken severely harm an individual using one of
and Sumika as Fire Team Omega lands their the Shifters, which caused the wild power
ship and turns the museum into their base fluctuations when Sumika fought earlier.
of operations and staging point for their
campaign to extinguish the sun. A Helping Hand
With the immediate danger resolved, Sumika
Finding the Lab is not shy about asking the team to help
Ken and Sumika insist on being taken to their them fight back against Fire Team Omega.
home instead of the hospital. When there, Ken, on the other hand, is outright hostile
they lead the party to a secret basement to the idea of these “complete strangers”
entrance in their home before collapsing using the technology their parents created.
from their wounds. The door has a simple He will eventually yield, either through the
hand scanner lock. Attempts to use Ken and combined efforts of a solid Persuasion check
Sumika’s hands are met with rejection from made at -4, an appeal from Sumika, or other
the automated female voice that emits from creative measures. He won’t instantly warm
a small speaker near the scanner. up to everyone and will be exceptionally
There are two ways into the lab. Any hero critical, but he at least won’t get in the way
that is still transformed can simply touch intentionally.
the pad with their covered hand. It
rings out in acknowledgement and
identifies the individual as either
Plot Point Two:
Reservoir Requisition
When: Any time after Plot Point One
Sieging the Fire Station The resources required to extinguish the sun
Some groups might want to reclaim are enormous. It will take a lot of water and
the museum if they failed to Fire Team Omega plans to begin collecting at
repel Fire Team Omega’s initial the Komaki Reservoir, which is the primary
attack. If they did succeed on source of fresh water for all of Bright Lake.
establishing the Fire Station on Fire Chief Champat has dispatched a married
terrafirma, this exceptionally couple, the Pump Chumps, to drain the
dangerous idea could become a spring and siphon the water to the ship’s
very real possibility and that’s reserves.
perfectly fine.

The layout of the Fire Station’s First Period

layout is left intentionally Like most plot points, the group begins at
vague. Groups that wish to run it school. It’s important to balance the day-
as a true dungeon could create a to-day grind of studying, clubs, and other
complex spaceship map with all activities. Use these times to let the group
manner of threats and chambers. interact with one another as well as with Ken,
Other groups might simply want to Sumika, and other NPCs that they wish to.
keep the ship vague to more easily When these moments have reached a
integrate Dramatic Tasks and satisfying or logical conclusion, ask the group
modular combats.
to make an Academics roll to see how well
The group might decide to stake they’ve been doing. Characters that have
it out and wait until high ranking been noticeably poor students might suffer
members have left to perform one a penalty ranging from -1 to -3 depending
of any number of drills, missions, on the extent of their resistance to learning.
or operations. However, the Characters who spend their time studying,
Station is always occupied by Fire engaging teachers, or learning from a tutor
Chief Champat and encountering gain a +1 bonus to the roll. These rolls mark
her could very easily lead to the the first of many Academics rolls that will be
defeat of the team. If she or any made over the course of the campaign. Tell
of her subordinates should defeat each player to keep track of their results.
the group during such a siege, At the end of the Finals and Finales plot
they imprison the team. This could point, these totals will be counted up to find
very easily lead to an exciting out how well the characters did in school.
escape attempt.
Consistent failures also come into play
However, if the party rolls well over the course of the campaign as parents
and executes a well thought out and teachers get involved in the lives of
plan, there’s a good chance that struggling students. The worse a student
the hindrances they create could does on their Academics rolls the more likely
cause Champat to reconsider the parents and teachers are to get involved in
location of the Station and take complicated ways.
to the air. Don’t be afraid to
improvise and work with dangerous
ideas like this.
Siren Wail
After school, and perhaps while the group
is split while pursuing their hobbies, the
sound of a loud claxon fills the town. It’s
coming from the Fire Station as flashing
lights whirl and spin to match the
screeching sound. Fire Team
Omega has begun an operation
and Ken calls all members of the team over
the communicator function installed on their
Shifters. Whatever Fire Team Omega is up Extras and "Off Screen"
to, Ken and Sumika urge the group to put an
A lot of Game Masters have an
end to it.
idea stuck in their head that if
The team might approach the situation
a character is present during
from any number of directions. They might a fight, and they are combat
do some reconnaissance on the Station, capable, that they should be
attempt to track down the members that involved in the fight, get a
left, or simply wait for the chaos to begin. full turn, and be in just as
Attempts to spy on the station or find the much danger as everyone else.
tracks of the Fire Team squad that are not That’s fine for some tables, but
handled discreetly with successful Stealth consider using this quick and
checks draw the attention of a squad of easy alternative instead. These
grunts. additional allies are fighting,
but they’re fighting other enemies
• Fire Team Axeman (1 per hero) “off screen.” Using “off screen”
• Fire Team Hosiers (2) works in any system and with any
type of ally. Only if there is a
If the party wishes to avoid confrontations, story related reason or a need
or you find yourself tight on time this to escalate the stakes, such as
session, Ken and Sumika volunteer to hang protecting a vulnerable ally,
back and fight off the grunts. They are able should the ally appear “on screen”
and be an active participant in
to do this in any combat they are in, provided
the fight. Our tables frequently
the Pump Chumps have already fled or are
use this rule as we have a great
not present. many NPC allies. During the
playtests for this campaign,
Forest Frenzy we did it with Ken and Sumika
After finding the trail (or heading towards in almost every fight. Another
the chaos), the team is set upon by Fire Team alternative is to allow a single
Omega while moving through the Ferngrove combat capable ally to participate
Forest. The Fire Team, unlike previous in the battle as normal, but
encounters, uses hit-and-run tactics. They resign the other allies to “off
are led by a machine creature that the screen” combat.
grunts refer to as “Pump Chump.” The Pump
Chumps ambush the team with waves of
enemies in an attempt to slow their progress
through the forest. A common wave consists
of: Members of the team that break off to
give chase or are otherwise isolated might
• Two Pump Chumps learn the truth. However, they’ll then have
• Fire Team Hosiers (2 per hero) to contend with a Boss Monster all on their
• Fire Team Axeman (1 per hero) own. Such fights should be set up in such a
way that a retreat or rescue is not completely
The Pump Chump’s ambushes are fast impossible.
and seemingly impossible. At one moment, As the team draws closer to the Komaki
it is on the lip of a high slope and then, after Reservoir, the Pump Chumps leave the final
disappearing into the brush, it appears again ambush up to their subordinates.
on the opposite side of the battlefield behind
a tree. In reality, the two Pump Chumps are • Fire Team Elite (1)
simply coordinating their appearances to • Fire Team Axeman (2 per hero)
create the illusion of a single, incredibly fast
and dangerous Pump Chump that is
difficult to attack, much less hit.

After defeating the final roadblock, the
team arrives at the Komaki Reservoir to learn
a startling truth. It’s been half emptied by
not one, but two Pump Chumps. They’ve
connected tubes to their chest-based pumps When Do We Build the Mech?
and have been channeling the water into a This is a difficult decision to
hovering drone with a massive water tank. make. If you want to let the group
When the team reveals themselves, the build the mech before the session,
Pump Chumps separate themselves from you might tip them off to a grand
their apparatus and engage in combat. The finale that’s coming that session.
area is partially paved thanks to a foot path Allowing the group to build the
around the reservoir but has a large stretch mech right now, when the Pump
Chumps have combined, could grind
of grass before the tree line. The reservoir
the momentum of the game to a
has railings to protect people from falling
halt despite being a quick, easy
in, but a large section has been ripped up
by Fire Team Omega for their pumping
operation. We’d like to recommend being
upfront with your group. Perhaps
• Pump Chumps (2) you could build the mech during
• Fire Team Axeman (1 per hero) the very first session. Tell the
• Fire Team Hosier (1 per every two heroes) group that there will, eventually,
be giant robot and kaiju battles
Damage the Pump Chumps suffered from and let them work together and
their previous altercations with the heroes build the combined form of their
remains. If a Pump Chump was defeated mecha at the same time as they
during a previous fight, it has been healed to build their characters and suits.
Just don’t lose the sheet for it
-2. They work together and use their Engorge
before the first fight.
and Drainage abilities in an alternating order
to try and push the heroes back. Their grunts
support them by doing their best to hinder
the advancement of the heroes by whatever
means necessary.
If the heroes are successful and defeat the learning that either attempt is ultimately
Pump Chumps, Fire Chief Champat makes futile, Ken and Sumika either arrive or shout
a personal appearance. She flies in from the out from their hiding spot that they need to
sky on a stream of water emerging from her regroup and have something that might fix
Hydrant Staff, engages the team in a bit of this problem. Upon regrouping, Ken pulls out
light banter, and then channels a massive a number of interwoven attachments that
amount of water into the Pump Chumps. seem to be the same size and shape as their
Read the following aloud: Shifters.
Ken attempts to rush the team into putting
The defeated Pump Chumps begin to churn and the wire frame over their Shifters. Sumika
writhe as the water flows not just into them, stops him and informs the team that these
but over them. As they grow in size their forms “Limit Breakers” are incredibly dangerous but
begin to fuse into one, massive entity. Taller also incredibly powerful. By putting them
than a skyscraper and twice as wide, the newly on and activating them, their Shifters will be
combined Pump Chump looms over you. able to generate large, powerful machines
that can combat the Pump Chump. However,
Water Weight Championship the machines draw far more power and
The team has been thrust into its first energy from the Shifter and the team than
battle against a giant monster. Linger on the their normal suits. The machines will only
imminent danger of a kaiju looming above last for about ten minutes before they will
them, stomping the earth, and punching the forcibly terminate, and activating
ground to try and smash them. The group them again before 24 hours have
might attempt to fight or flee, but after passed could potentially kill them.
If the group accepts, they can activate the
upgrade to quickly enter Giant Tier and enter Plot Point Four:
their individual mechs. Depending on how
you want to pace your Giant Tier battles, Training Exercise
the team might be able to defeat the Pump When: A month after midterms.
Chump and down the tanker drone through a
mostly narrative combat with minimal rolling. Fire Team Omega is silent for some time.
If you want to use the Giant Mech rules, then They have retreated into the Fire Station
use them normally and let the dice fall where to perform practice drills that cover the
they will. fundamentals. The young heroes have a
Upon defeating the Pump Chump, they large amount of downtime to explore their
separate and explode into a cascade of water relationships, hobbies, or academic pursuits.
that rains down and refills the reservoir. When the Game Master feels an appropriate
Champat and the other members of Fire amount of time has passed, a mysterious
Team Omega flee and return to the Fire note appears on the front door of Ken and
Station, leaving the team to celebrate their Sumika’s home. Fire Team Omega has asked
victory. for the assistance of the heroes in a training
exercise. The note reads as follows:
Plot Point Three: “Dear [Team Name],
I, Fire Chief Champat, humbly request your
Midterms cooperation in a forthcoming training drill that
When: After three in-game months have seeks to test the competency of Fire Team
passed. Omega. At an unknown date and an unknown
time, a criminal convicted of arson in three solar
The Midterms Plot Point occupies a unique systems will ignite an unknown high-rise.
space within the campaign. It does not At that time, we request your cooperation in
have a specific event tied to it outside of a sporting competition. The rules are simple:
the midterms themselves. However, by save more endangered civilians than the other
combining it with one of the optional Savage team and subdue the arsonist. A more specific
Tales and a Hindrance Story, you can create breakdown of the scoring system is listed at the
a fully fleshed out and memorable session of bottom of this primitive paper.
conflicts. In the interest of fairness, I have also kindly
The only event of importance during this included the criminal record of Torchbearer,
Plot Point is the midterm, which marks the arsonist that will be assisting us in this
the halfway point through the year. The endeavor. You will easily recognize her massive
heroes make an Academics roll to see how mechanically augmented frame and her hands
well they’ve done this semester. This roll made of pure flame. She defeated the militaries
might have bonuses or penalties based of several planets that she then burned and
on Hindrances, Edges, or the character’s favors direct, melee confrontations. The bounty
extracurricular activities. Depending on how posted on her before she was apprehended by
greatly they succeed or fail, their parents, the Fire Team Omega was the equivalent of ten
school, and their extracurricular activities trillion Earth dollars (I did you the courtesy of
might be impacted in different ways. averaging a standard currency for you planet.
Apart from the smaller interparty stories You truly should speak to the leaders of your
that will make up the bulk of this plot point, world about unification. It won’t help the
the Savage Tale should be bombastic. strength of your planet’s dismal currency and
Crossover Chaos is energetic, unrelated to credit rating, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt).
the main plot of the campaign, and can fill Scoring:
this need nicely. Rescuing a Civilian: 1 Point per civilian safely
escorted off the premises.
Defeating an Enemy Subordinate: 1 Point
Defeating an Enemy Commander: 10 Points.
Containing a Section of the Fire: 2 Points per

80 Subduing Torchbearer: 20 Points.

The team with the highest points wins. Please Worse yet, Ken and Sumika went to
remember, you will be competing against Fire the observation deck to enjoy a day to
Team Omega as a whole. For this reason, all themselves, and now they are trapped. They
of you will be counted as “Commanders.” Our attempt to call the heroes and inform them
forces will be led by Battalion Chief Flambay, that an alien made of flame, most likely
who is eager to see who is victorious. In Torchbearer, is on the top floor with them.
exchange for your cooperation, if you win, Waiting outside the entrance of the
we will abide by a single request of yours. building is the mighty Fire Chief Champat.
However, we will not leave your planet without She willingly explains the nuances of the
our guardianship, so we will have to deny any scoring system to those who ask, and even
requests to depart your atmosphere while you those who don’t. Torchbearer has begun
are all still in danger. her work and is aided by several aspects
I eagerly await the fated confrontation! of herself known as Firebugs. Defeating a
Remember, without true stakes, how will my Firebug counts as containing a fire.
dear subordinates gain valuable life experience? The building is nearly 20 stories tall with
Yours, victims trapped on each floor. For the
Champat” purposes of the game, the building has been
broken up into three sections, not including
the final floor containing Torchbearer. When
the heroes head into a section for the first
Ready? Go! time, draw two cards and replace duplicates.
Compare these cards to the results for the
Enough time passes to cause the heroes
section they make up. The results determine
to either stress uncontrollably or to forget
who is in the area and what is happening.
about the challenge altogether. Without
Make sure to give the trapped civilians
warning, the BBN Headquarters skyscraper
characteristics and a chance to interact with
becomes a towering inferno with many,
the heroes. They might be important in Plot
many innocent people trapped inside.
Point Six.

First Section Table

Card Event Result
The area has been completely cleared out and contained by Fire Team
The area is uncontested but contains a stalled elevator carrying 5 civilians.
The elevator can be opened with Repair or Athletics.
One Fire Team Hosier per hero battles against six Firebugs. 15 civilians
cower behind them in fear of the burning monsters. The room is half dry
9-Jack and half soaking wet. Characters in the soaking wet half must make an
Athletics check if they move more than 3” on their turn. On a failed check,
they fall prone.
One Firebug per hero patrols the area. The section is covered in fire and
15 civilians are trapped by the burning beasts.
Two Fire Team Elites accompanied by one Fire Team Hosier, and one Fire
Team Axeman per hero, are in the process of escorting 10 civilians to
Joker safety. The area is safe and the civilians are in no immediate danger. The
Fire Team minions are not hostile unless first provoked. Once all civilians
have been evacuated, they attack the heroes if they are still present.

Second Section Table
Card Event Result
The area is completely engulfed in flames. Attempts to locate civilians reveal
2-4 that the area is empty. Crossing through the fire requires a Vigor check made
at -2. Failure results in the character gaining one Fatigue.
Two Firebugs per hero are in the process of spreading the fire. The room has
5-8 exposed wires that crackle with electricity. If a character comes within 1” of a
wire, they take 2d8 damage.
This area has massive sections of broken floor and ceiling. Through the open
ceiling, a successful Notice check at -2 spots three Fire Team Elites laying
9-Jack in ambush. They spring their ambush when the heroes are near holes and
attempt to push them down to the floor below during this three
dimensional fight.
The room is full of a thick fire retardant foam. Lurking in the foam are two Fire
Queen-Ace Team Axemen who have a d6 in Stealth and a +2 bonus on Stealth checks.
Moving through the foam counts as difficult ground for the heroes.
The heroes encounter a Fire Team Omega Wild Card, such as a Pump
Joker Chump. The Wild Card counts as a commander for the purposes of points and
is actively hostile towards the heroes.

Final Section Table

Card Event Result
A lone civilian swings outside the window on a window cleaner’s platform.
2-4 The updraft from the flames burning in the building is causing the platform to
swing erratically.
The entire floor has been flooded from the tip to the toes. A quick
investigation reveals that Fire Team Omega has deployed an experimental
firefighting device that can hold water without a container. The water can be
traversed with a successful Athletics check at -1.
From outside the massive plate glass windows, the heroes notice giant
bubbles floating upward. Floating in and crouching on the bubbles are several
Fire Team Omega members who are quickly ascending the building. The next
encounter contains an additional 1 Fire Team Hosier or Axeman per hero.
Additionally, the heroes can break the glass and make an Athletics check to
jump onto and balance on the bubbles to quickly ascend the building.
The fire on this floor has grown out of control and Fire Team Hosiers are
desperately attempting to fight back the flames in order to protect 25
civilians. It is obvious that the Hosiers are fighting a losing battle. If the heroes
cooperate with the grunts, they can potentially save the civilians and contain
the fire. If the fire is contained, the Hosiers do not attack the heroes and
instead thank them before they begin to evacuate the civilians. A successful
Persuasion check can convince the Hosiers to count 12 of the civilians as
rescues for the heroes. If the heroes succeed with a raise, the hosiers are the
ones present during the final confrontation with Torchbearer but will refuse to
attack the heroes.
The stairwell contains a massive group of 21 civilians cowering in fear.
They can be quickly and safely evacuated.

the heroes, since they are worth points, while
Heat Rises Flambay and the remainder of his forces
The heroes enter the top floor of the
battle Torchbearer and her Firebugs. Things
observation deck in the midst of an ongoing
can resolve with any number of conclusions.
battle between Flambay and Torchbearer’s
Use your best judgement to challenge the
forces. The pictures provided by Champat
players but, if they ignore Torchbearer or
in Torchbearer’s rap sheet do not do her
Flambay, don’t be afraid to have the situation
massive form justice. A hulking, metal-
resolve naturally. Ignoring those threats
wrought figure of molten steel and raging
might cause the enemy to capitalize on that
fire, Torchbearer’s claws of pointed rebar drip
decision and steal the game from the heroes.
with liquid metal. Her form burns so brightly
that even Battalion Chief Flambay’s head
looks like a candle in the wind. Read the
Torchbearer (Seasoned)
The galaxy renowned arsonist Torchbearer
following aloud:
is a surprisingly large figure but her ability to
char creatures and objects is unparalleled.
The area is a large circular room with massive
Her strange bowl-shaped hands flicker
plate glass windows, some of which have been
with massive burning flames and her limbs
broken. Several potted plants dot the area,
are spindly knobby appendages that hide a
some of which are on fire. Tables, chairs, and
surprising strength.
couches near the windows are lightly singed,
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
totally soaked, and/or upturned. In the center
Strength d8, Vigor d8
of the room is a circular coffee shop and bistro
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
with large counters and a central island that
Fighting d8, Hobby (Arson) d12+2, Notice
contains a variety of devices used to make
d8, Persuasion d8
drinks. Flambay and the burning creature
Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10
that you assume is Torchbearer circle one
Hindrances: Driven (Major, Burn It All Down),
another. You think you can make out Ken’s
Ruthless (Major)
head poking out from behind the coffee bar’s
Edges: Block, Quick
counter. Flambay does not take his eyes off of
Special Abilities:
Torchbearer when he regards you.
• Cup Runneth Over: As an action,
“Give up, [TEAM NAME], this will be our
Torchbearer can tip her hands to spill
victory!” He bellows before charging at
out a massive amount of fire in a Cone
Template. Creatures in the template
And with that, the combat begins. must make an Agility check or catch
fire, taking 3d6 damage at the start of
• Fire Team Hosier (1 per hero) each turn they are on fire. Additionally,
• Fire Team Axeman (1 + 1 per hero) Torchbearer creates a Firebug in the
• Fire Team Elite (2) template. Torchbearer can only perform
• Battalion Chief Flambay this action once per round.
• Firebug (2 per hero) • Punch: Str+2d4, Heavy Weapon, chance
• Torchbearer to catch target on fire.
• Size +4: Torchbearer is a hulk of metal
Ken and Sumika have rounded up 9 other and flame.
civilians who are taking cover behind the • Tier: Torchbearer is Hero Tier.
central coffee shop’s counters. If asked to,
they will attempt Support and Test actions Firebugs (Seasoned)
in combat to help the heroes. The three The flickering flame monsters spawned by
way battle that the heroes find themselves Torchbearer are quick and dangerous threats
involved in is a dangerous dance. Torchbearer to even the most prepared heroes. With
and her Firebugs will attack whatever forces bodies like large flaming wasps, the sting of
are nearest to them on their turn, though a Firebug causes a sudden burning rash but
Torchbearer is smart enough to attack ranged their ability to shoot burning projectiles is
threats that consistantly target her. the true danger they present.
Flambay and the forces of Fire Team
Omega fight in a two-pronged battle. Half of
the Axemen and one Elite split off to battle
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit If Fire Team Omega wins, they are quick to
d6, Strength d6, Vigor d4 laugh at the heroes in front of the assembled
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d8, crowd. This victory cements their belief that
Shooting d10 the heroes are not strong enough to protect
Pace: 2; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (3) Earth from the dangers of the Sun. Champat
Edges: Extraction is incredibly condescending but does still
Special Abilities: offer to let the heroes join Fire Team Omega.
• Armor +3: Burning carapace. If the heroes win, Champat still offers
• Burning Sting: Str+d4, AP 4, creatures them a place in Fire Team Omega but in a
struck are Distracted. gentler way. Additionally, true to her word,
• Fire Bolt: 2d8, Range 10/20/40. Champat asks the heroes what they’d like
• Flight: Firebugs have a Flying Pace of 10”. as the reward for their victory. They will
• Size -2: Firebugs are very, very small. do whatever they can, except leave the
• Tier: Firebugs are Mundane Tier. planet. This includes, but is not limited to:
a temporary cease fire, a tour of the Fire
Tally the Points Station, a special training regimen to grant
With the training exercise complete, the the heroes a unique Edge or Trait increase,
heroes and Fire Team Omega file down to a piece of technology that acts as a modifier
the street. If Flambay defeated Torchbearer, for their Iconic Weapons or Armor, or
then he is exceedingly confident and anything else the players might think up.
talks some smack. However, if the heroes With the training exercise resolved, the
defeated Torchbearer, he is more reserved. heroes are free to bask in glory or wallow
If the heroes beat both Flambay and in defeat.
Torchbearer, he is incredibly embarrassed
and will shirk away from any trash talk
thrown in his direction.
When they reach the ground floor, the
evacuated civilians are all receiving care from
Fire Team Omega and Bright Lake’s mundane
firefighters and first responders. Fire Chief
Champat saunters over to the heroes,
parting the crowd while clapping in an over-
exaggerated fashion. She is more than willing
to verbally spar with heroes who have sharp
tongues, but she’s very excited to get to the
Burgle Bookie, the bookkeeper of Fire
Team Omega, is in the midst of the tallying
process. It’s time to consult the running
numbers that you or the players have been
tracking during the ascent up the BBN’s
building. Fire Team Omega always has 1050
points. This number is only increased if a
hero was defeated or Flambay defeated
Torchbearer. For the interest of fairness, it
is implied that the heroes were saving other
people between the drawn card encounters.
They begin with a base number of 1000
points from their various heroics. Count
how many minions the heroes defeated,
the number of civilians they saved, and any
rooms they overcame. Additionally, if they
defeated Flambay, a random Wild
Card, or Torchbearer, they gain
those points as well.
“think about it.” If Champat takes a single
Plot Point Five: Traitor Wound, she immediately floods the lab and
When: After a previous adventure has been escapes, along with Sumika and the others,
completed and resolved. on her next turn.
Only through exceptional cunning and
This Plot Point starts in media res, a fancy great rolls will the heroes be able to prevent
word for “in the middle of the action.” Fire Champat from taking Sumika. In instances
Team Omega has discovered the laboratory where this occurs, it is up to you, the GM, to
base that Sumika and Ken work out of find other ways to advance this Plot Point.
and are currently assaulting it. The heroes Perhaps Sumika spends the night with the
are split up from one another in different heroes but seems distant. She can sneak
sections of the lab. All player characters away later that night to meet up with Fire
are quite far from Sumika, who Fire Chief Chief Champat. If the heroes have been
Champat has cornered on the opposite side distant towards Sumika she flees alone or
of the lab. misleads the group. If the heroes have been
The lab is broken up into five distinct downright cruel towards Sumika, she opens
sections. The entrance contains the stairs up to Ken about the offer and they both
and a large open area. The locker room agree to abandon the so-called heroes. They
contains two rows of lockers with a long might not be ready to sacrifice the Sun for
bench running between them. The medical their own selfish needs, however. Perhaps
room contains two large cabinets, two they’re planning to perform an action to
automated surgery beds, and a cloth sabotage the Fire Station. It may be possible,
partition on wheels. The device shop however, that maybe they have decided to
contains several tables, shelves, cabinets, hear out Fire Team Omega and join their ranks.
and a large mechanical arm that assists in
the fine tuning of Shifters. The office is in
the absolute back of the lab and contains
a massive desk, two bookshelves, and two
Missing Friend
armchairs. Additionally, the office has a With Sumika gone, Ken is devastated. He
massive hole blasted in the wall and ceiling lashes out in frustration and blames the
that Fire Team Omega used to enter the heroes for their inability to protect the lab.
lab. Sumika is battling Fire Chief Champat Attempts to console him or curb his rage
alone in the office. Ken is been knocked are made with a -4 penalty as his anger boils
unconscious in the office as well. over in full force in a way the heroes have
Each hero faces the following: not seen before. He can’t quite articulate
his emotions. It’s a combination of fear,
• Fire Team Hosier (1) frustration, anxiety, and fury. He demands
• Fire Team Axeman (1) that the heroes leave the lab. If the heroes
• A Wild Card from Fire Team Omega refuse, he storms into the device shop and
slams the door behind him. He begins to
The forces of Fire Team Omega fight salvage what he can from the ruins, while
irregularly. They are not attempting to looking for a shifter he can use to stand a
defeat the heroes, but rather to hinder chance against Fire Team Omega.
their advance towards Sumika and Fire The heroes remaining in the lab should
Chief Champat. Pushing and grappling roll a Notice check to sift through the
are all common, but they will seize the rubble. Rather than checking to uncover a
advantage and Incapacitate heroes that make vital clue, the hero who rolls the highest
themselves vulnerable. spots something in a broken wall that rests
At the end of the fourth round of combat, between the medical bay and the office.
Champat floods the laboratory with water Jutting out of the fractured wall is a sleek
summoned from the Hydrant Staff. The metal briefcase that has been crumpled on
water then violently exits the lab through one side. Whatever it is, it was built into
the hole in the wall, taking the members of the foundation of the wall. It is fairly easy
Fire Team Omega, as well as Sumika, with to extract. Doing so reveals that the
it. If a hero arrives before this timeframe other half of the advanced briefcase
is still perfectly intact.
is over, they hear Champat ask Sumika to
Attempts to open the briefcase are
thwarted by a destroyed fingerprint scanner.
Siege the Station
The manual unlock for the briefcase is two Ken’s plan is simple: infiltrate the Fire
separate number dial locks that are three Station, find Sumika, give her the Shifter,
digits long each. The lock can be brute and crush Fire Team Omega. The final step is
forced with Thievery made at a -2 penalty, probably too much to ask for at this time, but
the thumbprint scanner can be repaired Ken is determined to try. Heroes who have
with an Electronics check made at -2, or been paying attention might have questioned
the electronic lock can be overcome with how defeated villains have returned at full
a Hacking check made at -2. In the event strength. Wise heroes might realize that
that all attempts to open the briefcase fail, it probably has something to do with how
Ken takes notice and attempts to snatch the they explode into water that rushes towards
briefcase. He has a good guess as to the six the Fire Station. Ken, or a hero who has
digit number: 121999. If asked how he knew been asking these questions, hypothesizes
this, he coldly and sadly states that it was the that there is something in the Fire Station
date that his mother and Sumika’s mother that must be responsible for this. Ken’s top
met. Read the following aloud: priority is to destroy whatever that device is.
Depending on the location of the Fire
The briefcase opens with a crunching grinding. Station, the heroes will have to think up
The interior is padded with some manner of different ways to get inside. If the Fire
advanced cushioning material. Sitting on the Station was repelled in the beginning of
crumpled half of the briefcase is a shattered the campaign, it remains aloft in the air. If
purple and gold Shifter. On the other side is the heroes have mechs that are capable of
a perfectly preserved Shifter with silver and flight, they can attempt a daring landing.
orange trim. Its shape is proud and edged in If they don’t, a single mech might be able
four corners, though the front two are larger to throw the other heroes through the air,
than the two in the rear. Ken’s shoulders slump the heroes might attempt to commandeer
immediately. He knows what this is. He runs his a helicopter or plane, or they may devise
hands over the fragments of purple and gold some other method. If the Fire Station was
before exhaling a harsh, defeated breath of air. not repelled, it rests on the ground near the
“A Hercules Beetle. Her favorite from when we Tanaka Gallery and is much more accessible.
were kids…” Yesterday’s failures can be today’s benefits.
Approaching a grounded Fire Station is still
He has never seen the contents of the dangerous but more feasible than flying
briefcase before, but he knows who these through the air.
Shifters are for. At least, who they were When the heroes enter the Fire Station,
intended for. His Shifter is destroyed, but read the following aloud:
Sumika’s remains. This revelation that their
Alien architecture and engineering run in clean
parents did leave Shifters behind for them
and concise lines on the ship, making up its
devastates Ken, who immediately begins to
many corridors and workspaces. Each door you
cry. His best friend is missing, his mother is
pass seems to be a thick bulkhead. Breaking
dead, and the final gift she left behind for
through such a thing would surely require great
him, the one thing he could safely use to help
effort. You can hear the sound of movement all
rescue Sumika, is in pieces. Ken is not easy
around you as the ship’s inhabitants prepare for
to like, but he is not a cruel person. He needs
something. In corners at set intervals, you can
help pulling himself back together and his
spot small cannons that appear to be defense
partner-in-crime is gone. If the heroes take
turrets to protect the ship from invaders
the time to help Ken, they find that his rough
like you.
edges crumble away for the remainder of the
campaign. He apologizes for his dismissive
Moving through the Station is a difficult
nature and asks for the heroes to help him
challenge. Stealthy entrances lend
get this Shifter to Sumika.
themselves to stealthy approaches, but even
teams that make their arrival known have a
chance to slip into the shadows and attempt

86 Stealth checks, though at a -2 penalty due to

the crew being on high alert. Groups that fail
these Stealth checks or simply favor a direct
Who Do You Think I Am?
Upon arriving at the Hydrocore, the heroes
approach encounter heavy resistance. The
see Sumika and Champat have already
Fire Station is a labyrinth of wide hallways,
arrived. Sitting in the center of the room is
large open areas, and rooms full of alien
the eye-catching Hydrocore. This massive
technology, so where the heroes do battle is
churning sphere of rotating water looks
important to figure out.
not unlike a drawing of an atom. Rivers run
in-between spinning bands of metal as a
• Fire Team Hosier (2 + 1 per two heroes)
massive central ball of dark water roils like a
• Fire Station Cannon
stormy sea. With this sight out of the way,
• Fire Team Elite (2)
the heroes are quick to notice that Champat
is holding out a smaller version of the
Battling in the Fire Station is a dangerous
Hydrocore toward Sumika.
affair, and its internal defenses whir to life
This object is the Aqueous Ring, a different
to fire pressurized water jets against anyone
way for a mortal to obtain the powers of
who dares to enter.
a transforming hero. Crafted by Fire Chief
Champat in the early days of Fire Team
Omega, it is a potent magic artifact that
Fire Station Cannon grants those who meld with it the ability
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d4,
to transform into the Aqual Armiger, a
Strength d6, Vigor d6
transforming hero working for Fire Team
Skills: Notice d6, Shooting d10
Omega. The first and only Aqual Armiger
Pace: 0; Parry: 2; Toughness: 9 (6)
died in the line of duty years ago and no
Special Abilities:
other creature has been able to successfully
• Armor +6: Power suit.
integrate with the Aqueous Ring since
• Construct: +2 to recover from being
this event.
Shaken; ignores 1 point of Wound
Champat seems confident, condescendingly
penalties; does not breathe or suffer
so, that Sumika has already made up her
from disease or poison.
mind. She is sure nothing the heroes can
• Jet: 2d8, Cone Template, Heavy Weapon,
say or do will stop Sumika from making the
Knockback 2”
choice to become the transforming hero
• Size -2: These compact cannons pack a
Aqual Armiger, and be employed by Fire
Team Omega. The heroes can attempt rolls or
• Tier: A cannon is Mundane Tier.
make impassioned speeches, but they do not
impact Sumika’s decision. The culmination
There is a chance that the heroes will be
of the party’s actions towards Sumika come
forced into several battles, whether they do
to a head here and now. Groups that did
so of their own volition or through a series
not engage Sumika, support her during her
of failed rolls. Game Masters are encouraged
struggles, and show empathy towards her
to replace the combatants listed above with
have caused enough harm over the course of
alternate foes, including Wild Card members
the campaign to cause her to join Fire Team
of Fire Team Omega. At any point after these
Omega. Sumika becomes the Aqual Armiger
battles, the heroes might be able to speak
in such instances, even if the group reveals
with members of Fire Team Omega to gain
that she has a Shifter all her own. She’s heard
information about where exactly Sumika is. A
out Fire Team Omega’s plan and has decided
Dramatic Task or a single Persuasion, Taunt,
to align herself with them. How bad can an
or Intimidation roll might be enough to get a
artificial sun be?
defeated enemy to spill the beans.
Groups that were kind to Sumika and
The heroes learn that Champat has taken
supported her through her struggles are
Sumika to the Hydrocore, which is the magic
greeted with a coy smirk and a wink when
device that powers the ship and also grants
Champat is not looking at her. She “accepts”
Fire Team Omega their ability to explode into
the Aqueous Ring but does not merge
water and respawn unharmed.
it with herself. Instead she throws it
into the Hydrocore which begins
a destructive chain reaction, and
immediately turns tail to run. She laughs and Dynaster Sumika (Seasoned)
informs the heroes that this was her plan
all along as they rush towards an escape. In Sumika Ishimori was a normal, genius
the event of Sumika leaving the heroes, the teenager before her mother’s sudden and
Hydrocore can be destroyed if it takes more tragic accident. After her death, Sumika and
than two Wounds and it has Toughness 13 (7). her friend, Ken, discovered their parents’
Fire Chief Champat is livid and surges out work. The Shifters they found were not
of the Hydrocore chamber on a roaring wave compatible with themselves and Sumika
of water. This begins a Chase that the heroes lamented this fact. However, after she and
must overcome to escape. Unlike normal Ken discovered a secret Shifter, she obtained
Chases, the heroes oppose a fluctuating the ability to become Dynaster, a herculean
number of enemy groups due to the nature beetle that had the power to save innocents.
of the Fire Station. Enemy groups might Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
appear ahead of the heroes after arriving Strength d8, Vigor d8
from a different part of the ship, automated Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8,
sentry turrets might spring to life and fire Electronics d10, Fighting d8, Investigation
upon the heroes to impart a penalty, holes d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Shooting d6,
can be broken through the interior walls of Stealth d6
the ship, and much more is all possible. The Pace: 7; Parry: 8; Toughness: 7/10 (3)
easiest and safest place to escape from the Hindrances: Heroic, Overconfident
ship is the cargo bay that the heroes entered Edges: Ambidextrous, Arcane Background
from. The hatch can be forced open, and the (Transform), Brawler, Charismatic, Combat
heroes can safely drop to earth, activate their Reflexes, Martial Artist, Improved Team Player
mechs, and escape.
Alternatively, heroes that decide that now
is the time to battle Fire Chief Champat are
free to do so but should be made aware
of how badly that idea can end. They are
unprepared and the entirety of Fire Team
Omega is on the ship. However, they do have
Dynaster Sumika on their side.

• Fire Chief Champat

• Battalion Chief Flambay
• Fire Team Elite (2 per hero)
• Fire Station Cannon (2)
• Fire Team Hosier (2 + 1 per hero)
• Fire Team Axeman (2 + 1 per hero)

At the end of each round, one Fire Team

Hosier and one Fire Team Axeman arrive. At
the end of every other round, a Fire Team
Omega Wild Card arrives. There is a very
real chance that a series of lucky rolls could
end the campaign here and that’s okay. Just
remember that the heroes cannot summon
their mechs in spaces where the mech could
not fully fit and that Champat has the luxury
of the Fanatics Setting Rule.

Special Abilities:
• Armor +3: Armored suit, Pace +1, Plot Point Six: Finals
Parry +1.
• Dynaster Axe: Str+d8, AP 2, Heavy and Finales
Weapon, Parry +1. When: At least a month after Plot Point Five
• Blaster: 2d6, Ranged 10/20/40, 5 shots. The heroes have returned to a tenuous
• Item Dependency: If Dynaster loses her student life as the world continues to spin.
Shifter then she cannot Transform. Finals are upon them and that means study
• Leaping: Dynaster can jump 2” vertically sessions and test prep. Are the heroes
and 4” horizontally. studying together or separately? What
• Transform (Bestowed): Transforming heroes are struggling with their academics?
from Mundane to Hero Tier takes no Spend downtime with the heroes and allow
action for Dynaster. She does not have them to panic and prepare for the end of the
access to her Dynaster Axe, Blaster, school year while still engaging with their
Leaping, and Armor Special Abilities extracurricular activities and home lives.
while untransformed. Reminding them of exactly what they’re
• Tier: Dynaster is either Mundane or going to be fighting for in this Plot Point can
Hero Tier. help to raise the dramatic stakes.
Unfortunately for the heroes, Fire Team
Let Me Explain Omega makes their move before they can
take their final exams. The Fire Station begins
The heroes narrowly escape from the Fire
to make its way toward the air above central
Station and rush to find safety somewhere
Bright Lake. It moves with rapidity and
within the city. Thankfully, Fire Team Omega
quickly deploys a massive transparent dome
knew the location of the lab since Plot Point
of an unknown but highly resistant material.
Four so returning there and rebuilding is
The Fire Station rests in the center of the
probably safe, though paranoid heroes might
dome and on both sides of it, seemingly
still avoid it. Once everyone is safe, Sumika
bisected. From the bottom of the ship, a large
immediately and tearfully apologizes for
valve emerges. The Fire Stations speakers
her deception. She wanted to help even if
usher Fire Chief Champat’s voice. Read the
she couldn’t transform, and that’s exactly
following aloud:
what she set out to do. Ken is furious as his
complicated emotions all surge out at once.
“Dear citizens of Bright Lake, it is with a
He’s quick to hug Sumika and tell her exactly
heavy heart that we make this decision. Due
how worried and scared he was, even if the
to the constant interference of your planet’s
heroes are present.
so-called protectors, we have been forced to
However, with the Dynaster Shifter in
take a drastic action to save the rest of your
hand, Sumika can now succeed at what she
underdeveloped planet. The dome around you
has been attempting to do for the entire
is airtight. We will soon begin to suck the air
campaign. She can stand toe to toe with
out of the city. This weapon’s test will not only
the heroes and fight back against Fire Team
rid your planet of the constant threat that is
Omega with her own strength. She’s deeply
the [TEAM NAME], but it will further our study
emotional over the discovery that her mother
into the most efficient way to extinguish a sun
left behind but is also keenly aware of the
with limited resources. We thank you for your
pain Ken is experiencing and she does her
understanding and wish you farewell.”
best to comfort him. She is very familiar with
it, after all.
As soon as Champat is done talking, the
Heroes that have been abandoned by
giant vacuum engages with a resounding
Sumika, and potentially Ken, face a much
howl. The city is thrown into chaos as fear
direr situation as they are left to their own
takes hold. Heroes that attempt to transform
devices to survive. In cases such as this, it
or summon their mechs discover that the
might be best to begin Plot Point Six sooner
nature of the dome is somehow interfering
rather than later.
with the Shifter’s powers. They cannot
do either. With the world around
them plunged into a dire situation
and their powers seemingly cut off, it’s up to Whichever method they use, the heroes
the heroes to find a way to stop Fire Team draw the attention of Fire Team Omega who
Omega one last time. dispatch a team to squash their resistance.
There are several ways that the heroes
can interfere with Fire Team Omega’s plan. • Fire Team Elite (1 + 1 per every two
If the players have difficulty thinking of an heroes)
idea, Ken or Sumika might have an idea • Fire Team Hosier (2)
that nudges them in the right direction. In
addition to the following two ideas, if the Once one of the heroes escapes the dome,
heroes come up with something out of the they become able to transform and activate
box that would be possible and dramatic, their mech. The dome itself is massive in
allow them to follow that plan instead. It is size, which means that even landlocked
also prudent to allow the heroes to attempt mechs are capable of running up the exterior
multiple plans simultaneously in the event towards the Fire Station. Due to the curved
that the other plans fail. approach, Fire Team Omega cannot fire their
At the top of every hour, the heroes must main cannons at the mechs until they are
make a Vigor check due to suffocation. already on top of the half of the ship that is
On a failed roll, the hero takes one level of bisected by the dome. However, a protracted
Fatigue. Transformed heroes do not need to battle is impossible due to the overwhelming
make this roll as their suits provide oxygen. firepower of the space ship.
Any Fatigue accumulated in this way is
immediately removed when the characters Idea Two: Hack the System
transform or escape the dome. Between Ken and Sumika’s genius intellects,
they might be able to build something to cut
Idea One: Dig Out through the interference. However, such a
Digging under the dome is a straightforward device would be time consuming to design.
idea that requires a decent amount of Worse yet, it would require a tremendous
coordination to pull off. Thankfully, Bright amount of power to activate, and the lab
Lake has a large number of abandoned is still in a mostly ruined state. The two do
quarries with industrial equipment that present one of two options. They can use all
are perfect for digging under the dome. of the Shifters to potentially give a single one
Unfortunately, it’s not likely that high enough juice to transform and activate their
schoolers will have the necessary knowledge mech. However, that will drain the other
to use such devices, though they might Shifters for some time. They are unsure if
know someone who does. First, consider the the Shifters will recover after the mechanism
immediate families of the heroes. Do any of preventing their transformations is disabled.
them work construction? If none do, then The other option is much more overt. If
perhaps the heroes have assisted individuals the heroes, accompanied by Sumika and
with the appropriate knowledge in a previous Ken, head to one of the city’s electrical
adventure. If none of the above holds true, transformer stations, they might be able to
then the heroes can simply scramble to find siphon off enough energy to charge a single
someone with the appropriate knowledge. Shifter without depleting the others. Through
There is also another option. If the a combination of Electronics and Repair,
campaign featured the Crossover Episode they might be able to rig a device that can
Savage Tale, then the heroes encountered supercharge the Shifter at the expense of
Mandrilla of the Dig Deep Dominion and Iron knocking out all the power in a large section
Champion Daro. Perhaps there is already a of Bright Lake. The assistance of characters
tunnel that they can discover that already who have ranks in either skill is necessary in
leads outside the city limits that Mandrilla order for this plan to succeed.
used to enter the city in the first place. By Infiltrating the city’s power grid draws the
utilizing this existing tunnel, they only need ire of Fire Team Omega who dispatch a team
to gather the citizens of the city to evacuate to put a stop to the threat. They rush into
while protecting them. the fenced in electrical station and attempt
to disable Ken and Sumika. Creating the
device requires five successful Electronics or
Repair checks made as an action. At the end Getting off the ground is only the first step,
of each round, Ken and Sumika automatically however. Reaching the Fire Station with the
contribute one success provided they are not helicopter requires a Dramatic Task to get it
Shaken or otherwise distracted by Fire Team there without being shot out of the sky by
Omega. Once the device is completed, the the ship’s defense systems. This functions
hero can immediately attempt to transform similarly to the Dramatic Tasks in Idea Two
and effortlessly wipe up the minions. but instead uses Battle and Notice to call out
and predict incoming attacks that the pilot
• Fire Team Elite (1) must avoid. If for some reason a hero has
• Fire Team Axeman (1 + 1 per hero) ranks in Piloting, they can instead attempt to
fly the helicopter as a part of the Dramatic
In both instances, the individual who is Task while passengers still make Battle and
receiving the charge will be in considerable Notice checks.
danger. When attempting to activate the Failure results in the helicopter being shot
Shifter, they must make a Vigor roll at -2. On out of the air and it needing Repair checks
a failed roll, the hero successfully transforms to get it running again, though such actions
but suffers one Fatigue. On a successful roll, would take at least three hours. Success gets
the hero is unharmed. the heroes close enough to board the Fire
With the Shifter reactivated, the time Station where they can attempt to disable
comes to head up to the Fire Station and the dome or the interference device that is
disable the dome and the interference preventing their transformations.
device. Attempting to siege the Station with
a mech is a Dramatic Task that uses the
Athletics, Notice, and potentially the Piloting
It Ends Now
The infiltration of the Fire Station requires
skills. Heroes that can fly without a mech can two different devices to be disabled. The first
use Stealth instead of Piloting. A hero would is the interference antenna that is preventing
need to accumulate at least one success with the heroes from transforming. Thankfully, the
each applicable skill to successfully avoid antenna is a fragile unit that has one satellite
the barrage of pressurized water blasts firing dish-like device on both sides of the Fire
from the Fire Station’s batteries. However, Station. A few stiff blows are all it takes to
a protracted battle is impossible due to the disable one of the antennas and shut down
overwhelming firepower of the space ship. the entire system.
The dome’s controls can be found within
Idea Three: Take Flight the ship. Heroes that board the station must
Though their mechs are out of commission sneak or fight their way towards the control
for the moment, that doesn’t mean that the room where they can regroup and put an end
mundane vehicles in the city are. The heroes to this. Isolated heroes that are spotted face
saved employees of BBN and, as it turns out, nominal resistance. They can simply choose
at least one of the survivors is a trained pilot to escape with Athletics or fight their way
for the network’s news helicopter through a small group of minions.
However, this individual isn’t going to trust At the bridge of the ship, the device,
some kids that run up to them and insist Champat, and another figure await. The
they’re the heroes of Bright Lake. Heroes heroes have never seen this individual
attempting to commandeer one of BBN’s before, but they reveal themselves to be the
news choppers must risk exposing their new Aqual Armiger. After Sumika’s refusal,
secret to a reporter who might leak their true a recurring minion ascended to the rank by
identity to the public. Even worse, they’ll undergoing the dangerous process of fusing
need to somehow prove that they’re who with the Aqueous Ring. If the group did not
they say they are with a Persuasion check stop Sumika, the Aqual Armiger is instead
made with a -2 penalty. If the heroes had an revealed to be her new form.
interaction with the pilot during Plot Point
Four and the hero making the roll repeats
something they said in costume to the pilot,
they ignore this penalty and instead make
the check with a +4 bonus.
The battle is swift and violent. Champat For groups looking to maintain this thrilling
has had enough of the heroes’ interference. surprise, allow the group to quickly build
Rank appropriate mechs for their new
• Fire Chief Champat combined forms. For groups that don’t want
• Aqual Armiger to lose the flow of this climactic finale, work
• Fire Team Elite (2) to create these mechs in advance. For the
ambitious Game Master who wants to have
it all, consider “theorizing” some potential
Not Just a Spaceship combinations with your players in the weeks
leading up to the finale where the players
Upon defeating her, Fire Chief Champat
build their new mechs without realizing that
raises the Hydrant Staff high above her head
this is what they are for.
with a roar of pain and frustration. She coldly
When the heroes form their mechs, they
speaks into her lapel communicator:
are invigorated by the new combination
“Flambay, you are free to burn bright.” and immediately recover any Wounds and
Fatigue they were suffering from. This is a
With a sudden surge of water, Champat one-time effect.
flushes the heroes and the Aqual Armiger The city of Bright Lake itself is the
from the Fire Station. She then sends the battlefield. Unlike previous combats, the
order to the remaining staff to prepare to battle occurs surrounded by skyscrapers in
transform and for all non-essential staff to wide city streets. Wise heroes will minimize
evacuate. Read the following aloud: the damage to the city whenever possible,
but some destruction is inevitable.
The heavy whirring of the Fire Station’s hull
• Aqual Armiger (Giant) Can only suffer
resonates in the air. Large chunks of the airtight
two Wounds before being Incapacitated
spaceship begin to bend and split. That’s
• Battalion Chief Flambay (Giant) Pace 8,
when it begins to make sense. The Fire Station
Parry 10, Toughness 9, all Edges become
is more than just a space ship… it’s a mech.
Improved, Fighting d10, can only suffer
Four powerful legs thrust out in an X-shaped
two Wounds before being Incapacitated
pattern and two powerful arms with towering
• Flame Killer Mech
cylindrical pauldrons emerge from a densely
armored torso. The bridge of the ship locks into
place as the defiant head of the Fire Station’s Flame Killer Mech
true form. The Fire Station in its true form is a threat
Elsewhere on the ground, a torrent of water and unlike any other. It towers above the
a pillar of flame shoot skyward. As the massive combined mechs of the hero and even its
form of the Aqual Armiger and Battalion Chief allies.
Flambay emerge from the water and fire Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
respectively, you all realize the meaning behind Strength d10, Vigor d10
her words. Whatever non-burning bondage the Skills: Athletics d12, Fighting d12, Shooting
Battalion Chief was constrained by has been d8
lifted. Pace: 5; Parry: 8; Toughness: 14 (4)
The three giants tower above you. The final Special Abilities:
battle is here. • Armor +4: Thick armor plating
• Jet Punch: Str+d8, the Flame Killer Mech
The heroes face their greatest challenge moves 4” forward in a straight line after
ever. They must contend with all three making this attack.
• Main Cannons: 2d10, 3/6/12, AP 2, RoF 1
threats at the same time. However, there
is still some luck left on their side. Sumika • Size +3: This mech makes others look
and Ken have previously mentioned the puny.
modular design of the Shifters and the mechs • Tier: The Flame Killer Mech is Giant Tier.
• Water Aura: As an action, the Flame Killer
which means that the heroes can create two
Mech floods a Large Burst Template sized
combined mechs by splitting up and
area centered on it with water. Other
joining with Sumika’s Olympian creatures within the LBT must make a
92 Strength check or be knocked prone.
There, sitting on a throne of burning star stuff
Heroes of Bright Lake sits a figure clad in armor made of brilliant
The Flame Killer Mech erupts in burning
bronze colored metal with an alien head.
light. From the bridge, a surge of water
He looks at the assembled masses, his loyal
attempts to contain it but it’s too late,
servants, and stands up, clutching his fist.
and the ship is shutting down. Champat
“It is finally time.” His voice crackles, “The Dark
does what any great leader would do and
Star Conclave will conquer the galaxy!”
prioritizes evacuating the staff remaining on
The cheers of his subordinates fill the chamber.
the ship. With one more flush of water, the
Fire Team Omega was right. The Sun really is a
crew is evacuated, including Champat. Once
threat to the Earth.
on the ground she, through exacerbated
breaths, orders Fire Team Omega to
surrender. They have lost. Savage Tales
What comes next is up to the heroes. Do In between the major episodes of the
they accept their surrender? What will they campaign, the day to day banalities of life still
do with them? These are all questions for come and go. Sometimes Fire Team Omega
later. For now, the heroes need to deal with is responsible for an unusual event, but other
the cheering horde of citizens that were times it’s a conflict with a teacher, trouble
watching the battle from a safe distance. with friends, or a school festival that drive
Sharp eyed heroes can also spot a lone the events of these sessions.
cameraperson on the roof of the newly The below seeds are just a few, brief
repaired BBN building. They have recorded examples of adventures you can run in
and broadcast the battle to the world. the Fire Team on the Scene Plot Point
On the shoulders of their mechs, it’s time Campaign. To fully flesh out a session it is
for you, the Game Master, to determine highly recommended to also incorporate a
one important thing. Their battles today Hindrance story that could add a personal
were vicious and brutal. In the course of flair to the episode. If there simply isn’t an
the conflict, were their masks damaged or appropriate Hindrance then feel free to give
destroyed? Will the heroes get to continue the story a fairly standard moral or exclude
living private lives, or will the world know the idea altogether.
their names and faces? Inform the heroes
if their faces are revealed or if their masks The Arcade's Fire
remain. An electrical fire at Drawn and Quarters, an
They are free to do whatever they want arcade in the city, has regrettably turned the
with Fire Team Omega. Fire Chief Champat is entire building into a raging inferno that has
quiet in her anger. The only thing she seems quickly grown out of control and threatens to
to be interested in saying to the heroes is: consume the entire block. Fire Team Omega
will stop at nothing, even leveling the entire
“You have no idea what you’ve done.” street, to put out this dangerous electrical fire.
They’ve saved the solar system. That’s The Arcade’s Fire is a simple action
what they’ve done. oriented Savage Tale that is best suited for a
quick session if your game time is particularly
After Credits Stinger limited. It can easily be expanded by adding
Or have they? Read the following out loud: lead time to the fire igniting and by dealing
with the emotional fallout of several of the
If there was a camera, it would quickly zoom team’s friends (or even themselves) losing
out. The scene zips away from the triumphant their favorite hangout.
heroes, Bright Lake, and the planet Earth,
before arriving at the heart of the solar system.
The camera hangs on the Sun. It has been
Best Friends For Never
In the aftermath of a “Panic Simulation”
saved. But then, the camera zooms in closer
conducted by Fire Team Omega, in which
and closer. A dot appears on the burning
they drugged the populace with a mist that
celestial body, and, as the camera gets closer,
induced a state of frenzied alarm to
we begin to see its shape. Is it a castle? A large
simulate the mental state of victims
structure with ramparts and walls comes into
of disaster, Ken and Sumika have
focus. The camera pushes in further, entering a
officially broken up as friends.
massive chamber.
Unfortunately, it seems Ken and Sumika
were both allergic to the “Panic Chemical”
Boy Band Bonanza
used during the test and are now constantly The world famous pop band Super T.E.E.N.Z.
fighting with one another. The creature has a scheduled concert this week. Ken
conducting this exercise, Hazmat, is still bought tickets for Sumika the moment they
at large and might possess a cure for the became available and, after befriending the
chemical. However, this means tracking party, Sumika bought all the heroes tickets as
down Hazmat and entering the Fire Station a gift. However, Sumika is unaware of Ken’s
to steal the cure. Discretion might be the surprise which has caused the musclebound
better part of valor as the heroes attempt to genius no amount of frustration. He can’t
save their friends and the other, still addled, simply come out with it as it would ruin the
victims of the simulation. surprise, and the idea of going to the concert
This Savage Tale is best started ‘in media with everyone else also annoys him.
res,’ or, in the middle of the action. The This Savage Tale is smaller in scope than
group should be facing down Hazmat during many of the others presented in this section.
the initial Panic Simulation in what would It’s a small character story that can shed
normally be the climax of a standard session. light into Ken as a character without forcing
However, when Hazmat is defeated and combat. Feel free to endanger the Super
the Fire Team grunts catch him and flee the T.E.E.N.Z. or combine this with another
scene, that is when the true session begins. Savage Tale or Plot Point. Weapons Test,
Clue the players in to the adventure as it Crossover Chaos, and Fresh Air are all well
evolves organically. They gain the backstory suited for combining with this Savage Tale.
and then come to understand the objective
as it evolves. Butt Out!
Local hooligans have been smoking cigarettes
at the park. Fire Team Omega takes a hands-
Booster Club Boosting on approach to ensure that these kids don’t
The local booster club has been hard at work
start a trashcan fire and learn the dangers of
raising funds for the local youth center. The
smoking. Their method varies from outright
bake sale is the final event in their month
aggression to suggesting that the hooligans
long campaign. Fire Team Omega learned
should start vaping instead. In either case,
a lesson after several of their tone-deaf
their tactics are endangering these
failures. However, it wasn’t necessarily the
teens and Fire Team Omega has to be
right lesson.
Rather than stealing raw materials
for their endeavors they plan to
purchase them legally… with Crossover
illegally acquired funds. It just so
happens that the booster club Chaos
has a large sum of money Iron Champion Daro,
at the youth center that a hero from another
would be perfect for series, arrives in Bright
buying some legally Lake hot on the
acquired water. trail of a runaway
It’s up to the party to monster from his own
track down the thief campaign. Mandrilla,
before they return to the robotic primate
the Fire Station. This villain, is wreaking
means hot pursuit through general havoc all across
the city, running combat, and Bright Lake for reasons
clever ambushes orchestrated unknown.
by both sides. Burgle Bookie is After confronting
a cunning and quick opponent Mandrilla for the first
who won’t give up the time, the heroes realize that he, unlike
money without a fight. everything else they’ve encountered,
is not wearing anything that even

remotely resembles a Fire Team Omega Forest. People of all ages looking to escape
uniform. Additionally, reports of an armored the heat have flocked in droves for a chance
hero abound. Searching for the source to take a dip in one of these cool lakes.
of these rumors reveals Daro, a fellow However, a cookout goes sideways when
transforming hero, has pursued Mandrilla a rogue spark catches a stack of kindling
to Bright Lake. Daro is a lone warrior who ablaze. The fire surges through the incredibly
has been facing off against the Dig Deep dry forest and quickly grows out of control.
Dominion, which is an evil organization that With dozens upon dozens of people stuck
lives beneath the Earth’s surface and wants in the inferno, the heroes try their best to
nothing more than to hollow out the planet evacuate civilians while doing what they can
and expand their domain. to fight back against the forest fire. When
Daro has been having a hard time battling Fire Team Omega arrives on the scene, they
Mandrilla and requests the aid of the party reveal their intention to assist the heroes in
in his next battle with the simian excavator. battling the fire. With the equipment they
The battle is sure to be fraught with peril, have at their disposal, the heroes can choose
and, without help, Daro will surely fail and to work with Fire Team Omega to save the
Mandrilla will succeed in his plot to create a forest and all the people trapped within.
sinkhole large enough to destroy all of This adventure gives a good opportunity
Bright Lake. for roleplaying with unlikely allies while
showcasing just how powerful the members
Dog's Gone of Fire Team Omega actually are. Seeing Fire
Furry friends, specifically dogs, all throughout Chief Champat in action can be equal parts
Bright Lake have been leaving their homes awe-inspiring and terrifying as it’s almost
and not coming back. Missing posters certain that eventually the heroes will have
completely cover most walls and phone poles to fight her. Use this adventure as a chance
as dog owners fruitlessly search for their to showcase the powers of some of the
lost puppers. Monster of the Week enemies still to come.
In truth, the Ferngrove Forest has a new
occupant. Ruff Rider, the dalmation-like alien Fresh Air
firehouse dog of Fire Team Omega, has used Fire Team Omega is at it again with a new
a machine to send a message to all the dogs plan. One of the most deadly factors during
in Bright Lake without their human owners a fire is smoke inhalation. That’s why they’ve
being able to hear it. The dogs disappear in taken it upon themselves to pass out their
staggered groups and none have returned. new air filters to the populace of Bright Lake
Attempting to follow a fleeing dog in plain during the beta test period. Unfortunately,
sight leads to it heading to the perimeter of the masks are a permanent accessory that
the town nearest to Ferngrove Forest before cannot be taken off while their creator,
stopping, turning around, and staring at their Rebreather, is still around.
pursuers until they are out of sight. The face masks prevent transformation.
In a large clearing in Ferngrove Forest, If Sumika has already obtained her Shifter,
Ruff Rider has set up a meeting place with then she cannot aid the party in this Savage
canine refreshments where he is attempting Tale. The heroes technically can ignore this
to woo the other dogs with promises of good Savage Tale, provided they’re cool with
treatment, many belly rubs, ancient alien themselves and everyone they’ve ever
bones, a comprehensive health insurance known permanently wearing these hideous,
plan, and a sense of fulfillment. Many dogs alien masks.
will be swayed into joining Fire Team Omega
without interference from the party. Health Inspection
Carmen’s Place is a clean and well
Forest Fire Frenzy maintained establishment that almost
Bright Lake is currently in the midst of the everyone in Bright Lake loves eating at. In a
worst drought the city has faced in the past moment of negligence, Carmen leaves a
three decades. It’s hot and dry, which has led pie in the oven for a bit too long and
to a surge in the popularity of the various triggers the fire alarms in the small
lakes and streams dotting the Ferngrove diner.
Normally this wouldn’t be such a big
deal. However, having an alien firefighter
Public Relations Nightmare
organization stationed in your home city Fire Chief Champat comes to the conclusion
isn’t exactly normal. Fire Team Omega takes that the planet’s insistence that Fire Team
it upon themselves to educate Carmen by Omega are “the bad guys” and that they
attempting to capture her for “fire safety “need the Sun to live” is all the result
re-education.” They leave a small cadre of of bad publicity and the public simply
grunts in the restaurant to ensure that no misunderstanding their core message. If this
fire will begin while they run away with her. Savage Tale takes place after Traitor, the fifth
It’s up to the heroes to liberate Carmen and Plot Point, and Sumika did not become the
her namesake establishment from Fire Team Aqual Armiger then Champat also believes
Omega before a beloved staple of Bright that her decision is also a part of their
Lake disappears forever. bad PR.
The answer to their ignorance is simple:
Fire Team Omega must launch an aggressive
Holiday Special marketing campaign to win over the Earth’s
It’s the holiday season and, without paying population, starting with Bright Lake. A
special attention to any one religion’s collection of previous Boss Monsters hit the
traditions, the spirit of the season has swept streets with groups of grunts to pass out
through Bright Lake. Everything seems quiet fliers. The bosses scream and shout about
as even the aliens seem to have a tradition how great Fire Team Omega is and how the
that coincides with this time of year. At least heat death of the solar system is upon them.
that’s how it seems until Fire Team Omega’s Obviously this sends the entire population
yearly ritual spills out into the city at large. of Bright Lake spiraling into a maddened,
It appears as though they have a tradition riotous frenzy. The party must contend with
not unlike the yule log, except for the minor the collateral damage caused by Fire Team
detail that their flaming piece of wood is alive Omega’s soap boxing all across the city as
and has a love for destruction. They’ve spent they come toe to toe in one-on-one fights
the past week crafting a golem of wood and against past villains.
kindling. It’s Fire Team Omega tradition to set
it on fire and send it out into the city so that Renovations
they can then catch it. The situation itself will The buildings of Bright Lake do not pass
eventually be contained, but the damage the intergalactic healthy and safety regulations
golem can do to the city will be great. and Fire Team Omega has taken it upon
themselves to get the city up to code.
My Mixtape The Aqual Armiger, or another Wild Card
Aliens might speak the same language as if the campaign has not yet completed Plot
the citizens of Bright Lake, but that doesn’t Point Five, leads a large mob of minions in
mean they understand its nuances. When a one of the city’s residential districts. They
local musician, Lil Bruh, insists that he “spits have begun to knock the outer walls of
fire” and that his mixtape is “literally fire,” houses down, rip out the current insulation,
Fire Team Omega takes it upon themselves and replace it with advanced alien materials.
to destroy every copy of his admittedly good This would be well and good except for the
mixtape and hunt down the pyrokinetic fact that Fire Team Omega is not good at
musician. repairing their work.
Obviously Lil Bruh cannot spit fire, but Worse yet, the insulation appears to
the aliens simply believe he’s concealing his whisper strange things into the minds of
true power. The party must help Lil Bruh sleeping humans. Those that hear its voice
and everyone who purchased his mixtape speak about “returning to the Ocean Mother.”
evade capture while attempting to clear up
this miscommunication one way or another.
Just stopping the attackers won’t be enough.
The heroes will need to, one way or
another, explain that Lil Bruh is not a
pyromancer and cannot generate

96 actual flame.
Spring Spectacular
The annual Bright Lake Fireworks
Spectacular is quickly approaching.
Depending on when this Savage Tale is
played, the fireworks display might be an
autumn or spring event that’s used to mark
the changing of the seasons or an important
event in Bright Lake’s history.
Needless to say, Fire Team Omega is
none too thrilled to hear about airborne
incindiaries raining down on their base of
operations. Fire Chief Champat rallies a
group of minions to protect her as she casts
a potent ritual that will cause a great flood to
wash away the fireworks.
The heroes must put a stop to this ritual
before the flood ruins the fireworks show
and causes millions of dollars of property
damage to the city.

Swimming With Sharks

The Komaki Reservoir is safe from Fire
Team Omega but a new threat prowls its
waters. Spooky Shark, who is an aquatic
monster spirit, has taken up residence in the
waters of the reservoir. Night joggers have
reported eerie glowing from the water and
monsterous roaring sounds. It won’t be long Truants
before Spooky Shark gets hungry... Many of the students at Seigo High
who have been involved in the incidents
Transfer Student from surrounding the heroes and Fire Team
Omega have stopped coming to school
Another World altogether. In some instances, their parents
A human-ish alien that serves as a Fire Team have overreacted and placed them on house
Omega grunt has infiltrated Seigo High by arrest, and in others the students leave for
posing as a transfer student. Viewed by most school each morning and simply ditch class.
as a person who really just loves his hat and Without the proper motivation, the
hood, the truth is that the cap conceals his students might never return. Principal
fin shaped ears. Lindsay personally requests the help of
He approaches his fellow teens and spouts the group, who he notes were usually near
Fire Team Omega supportive propaganda in the epicenter of the events that swept the
order to covertly sway public opinion of the students up, to speak with some of the
aliens in the “youth bloc” to better cement truants and urge them to return. He’s tried
Fire Team Omega’s future. This means to do it himself, but they refuse to listen. He
spreading lies about what teachers of the believes that the party, an eclectic group of
school are presenting as facts about the Sun. people from different social groups who still
When discovered and confronted, Johnny managed to form a tight-knit community,
Norman calls an extraction team to get him stand the best chance of swaying these
out of the school. youngsters.

School Events
Use the following table to create randomized events that occur within Seigo Private Academy.

Card Result
Pay Attention: A teacher has it out for one of the player characters, or so it seems.
They call on the student to answer a question they weren’t paying enough attention
2 to hear. If the student is diligent something distracted them. If the card is Black,
failure to answer the question correctly results in detention.
Left it at Home: All player characters make a Smarts roll. Whoever rolled the lowest
3 has accidentally left most of their textbooks and notebooks at home.
Bumping in to Each Other: One of the player characters and a student controlled by
the Game Master bump into each other in the hallways. Their papers and books go
4 flying and get mixed up. In the confusion, one of the involved parties accidentally
obtains something of extreme importance to the other. It might be last night’s
homework, a love letter to another student, etc.
Pop Quiz: The students are surprised with a pop quiz. If the card was Black, the quiz
5 is exceptionally hard and any roll made during the quiz suffers a -2 penalty.
Locker Room Heist: Someone has stolen things from student’s lockers when they
6 were in gym class. The things stolen might have been valuable, such as cash or
electronics, or bizaree, such as notebooks or shoes.
Fight, Fight, Fight: A fight breaks out between classes or during lunch. If the card
7 was Black, the fight is a one-sided beating between a bully and a victim. If the card
was Red, the fight is between two comparable opponents.
Gossip: A student controlled by the Game Master has a very vocal problem with one
8 of the player characters. They have been talking a large amount of trash and show
no signs of stopping.
Brown Outs: The weather keeps knocking the power out in school. It might be
due to high heat, intense winds, heavy snow, or any other natural phenomenon
9 that would disrupt the power. The intermittent power surges give all students a -2
penalty to Academics checks for the day.
Group Work: One of the player character’s classes assigns a group project that
needs to be done. If the card was Black, the members of the group push off all of
10 the work on the player character. If the card was Red, the player character has a
friend in the class who joins their group and is happy to help.
“Funny” Teacher: A teacher takes it upon themselves to try their new standup
routine by sprinkling a few jokes throughout class. If the card is Black, the jokes
Jack are unfunny but letting the teacher know damages the teacher’s opinion of the
student. If the card is Red the jokes are funny-ish and the teacher doesn’t take it too
Conference Time: Parent Teacher Conference Night is quickly approaching.
Students who have been rolling poorly on their Academics rolls or causing trouble
Queen in school could very easily get in trouble with their parents or guardians if they don’t
find a way to stack the deck in their favor or keep them from attending.
Science Fair: The school science fair is fast approaching. The player characters have
to put together an assignment to wow the judges. If the card was Black, the topic of
King their assignment is something none of them are interested in. If it was Red, the topic
of the assignment is something that some of the students are passionate about.
Social Fallout: A popular clique in school has a major, public falling out and things
Ace get messy. The school is abuzz with gossip for the entire week. If a player character
has the Clique Hindrance, it was their clique.
Picture Day: It’s class picture day. If the Joker was Black, none of the player
Joker characters remembered and they did not dress for the occasion.


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