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Period 1


A descriptive paragraph is a focused and
detail-rich account of a specific topic.

It has to be written in 100-120 words and

for 5 marks.
Types of Descriptive Paragraph

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person thing Event Place
We have, as per new syllabus, description
of a person only.

The description of the person in a

paragraph should be really vivid. This
means that after reading the paragraph,
the reader should be left feeling like they
actually know the person.

Use striking phrases and vivid adjectives

to help the reader visualize everything.
Five Golden Points for an Effective Paragraph
1.Start your paragraph with a general topic
sentence that introduces the person –
A brief introductory sentence at the start of your paragraph will help
catch the attention of the readers and shift their focus to the person
you’re about to describe. Keep this first sentence clear and concise,
focusing on one aspect of their appearance so that you don’t
overwhelm your reader with too much description right away.

2.Focus on the most striking part of their

appearance first –
To hook your readers in even more, go straight from your general
introduction to the most interesting or unusual part of the person’s
appearance. Think of this as the thing that you notice first, or that
which makes the biggest impression on you when you first see it.
3.Focus on physical details that hint at the
person’s personality –
By carefully choosing your descriptive words, your paragraph can
paint a vivid picture of the person while giving the reader a sense of
who the person really is.
4. Fill in any last details to give a good general
Make sure that your reader has a good sense for the most important
parts of this person’s appearance. You should include at least the key
aspects of their body and clothing, as well as their face, since these
are the parts of the person that the reader will be most interested in.
5. End the paragraph with a resonant
description or conclusion
The end of your paragraph is the part that will stick in your reader’s
mind. Try to make your last sentence the most interesting one, either
with an unexpected final description or by summarizing the material
in a unique, surprising way.

Height - tall, short, medium height

Built - thin, underweight, plump, strong, sturdy, fat,


Hair - long, short, curly, black, brown, grey

Eyes - dark, brown, big, small

Complexion - dark, fair, wheatish, pale

Other features - beard, moustache, bushy eyebrows,
broken teeth, broad chin, thick lips, long face

Appearance - good looking, charming, ugly, smart,

handsome, beautiful

Qualities - sincere, intelligent, diligent, warm, patient,

soft spoken, selfish, kind, honest, innovative,
confident, punctual

Any other relevant details- profession, status in

society, role played by him/her in society, abilities
• Title AT
The title should be in center, in CAPITAL
• Body
The first sentence should be introducing your
Next give details about the topic using the given
• Do not add your personal opinion.
• Add details if you are sure about them.
• Be brief and use concise sentences.
• Use the given clues adding suitable adjectives.
Write a descriptive paragraph on the famous
Indian Singer A R Rahman in 100-120 words on
the basis of following inputs.
▪ Indian Composer, musician, song writer, singer
and philanthropist.
▪ Born in Chennai- 6 January, 1967
▪ Graduate – Trinity College, Oxford University
▪ Famous for- integrating Indian classical music
with electronic music, traditional orchestral
▪ Nick name: Mozart of Madras
▪ Recipient of- Padmashri, Padma Vibhushan,
two Oscars, and a Golden Globe.
▪ Donates and raises money for number of
causes and charities.
A R Rahman – The Legend of Indian Music

A R Rahman (Allah Rakha Rahman) is a medium heighted,

wheatish complexioned Indian composer. Born in Chennai
on 6th January 1967, Rahman is a singer, song writer, music
producer and musician. Rahman was earlier known as A.S.
Dileep Kumar before he converted from Hinduism to Islam.
He graduated from Trinity college, Oxford University. His
extensive body of work for film and stage earned him the
nick name of the ‘Mozart of Madras’. He first debuted with
the movie ‘Roja’.He is famous in integrating Indian classical
music, world music and traditional orchestral arrangements.
He is the recipient of the Padmashri and the Padma
vibhushan awards. He has won two Oscars and a Golden
Globe too. He is a notable humanitarian and philanthropist.
He does a lot of charity work too; he donates and raises
money for a number of causes and charities. Men like him

On the basis of the clues given below, write a

paragraph in not more that 100 – 120 words on
Narendra Damodardas Modi. You can collect more
information from books, internet and other

Name - Narendra Damodardas Modi

Qualities of a true leader - honest, hardworking,
Different from other leaders - no desire of name,
Mission - service to the nation
Expectation from him - to take the country to

Narendra Damodardas Modi is my favourite leader.

He is the Prime Minister of India. He has all the
wonderful qualities of a true leader. He is honest
and hardworking. He is very humble. His simplicity
connotes him. There is no trace of any pride in him.
He is very different from other political leaders. He
has no desire for any name, fame or riches. He is a
faultless and blotless personality. Service to the
nation is the only mission of his life. All the Indians
hold him in high esteem and expect that he will
Home work
Write a descriptive paragraph on Mother Teresa
in 100-120 words on the basis of following inputs.
Name: Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu
Known as Mother Teresa
Birth: 26 August , 1910 in Macedonia
Arrival in India: At the age of 18 with ‘the Sisters of Loreto’ – an Irish
community, taught at St. Mary’s High School in Calcutta from
1931 to 1948, in 1948 left teaching and started helping the poorest o
the poor
Missionary Work: Started school for slum children, in 1950 started ‘ The
Missionaries of Charity’
Goal of life: To help the unwanted, the unloved, the uncared for, to help the
patients suffering from HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis

Declared as saint: On 4 September, 2016 in a ceremony held in St. Peter’s

Square in Vatican city by Pope Francis
Awards: Padma Shri in 1962, Roman Magsaysay Peace Prize in 1962,
Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, the Bharat Ratna in 1980
Death: 5 September, 1997

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