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Insurance Services Terms And Conditions

1. General

Your subscription and enrolment for any insurance policy provided by a third-party insurance
company (“Insurer”) via the Platform (as defined below) (“Insurance Policy”) shall be
governed bythe terms and conditions appearing herein (“T&C’s”). By completing the purchase,
opt-in, or such other activity(ies) applicable for the subscription and enrolment of the Insurance
Policy (“Participation”), you concurrently agree to accept and act according to this T&C’s.

2. Your Participation in the Insurance Policy via the online platform is made available by Boost
Credit (either directly or indirectly via collaboration with Boost Credit’s partners) (“Platform”).

2.1. We, Axiata Digital Capital Sdn. Bhd. (Company No.:201601006143 (1177069-D) (Corporate
Agencylicence number: 8001305 for Life Insurance; MAMKL0037 for General Insurance and
9000001 for Family Takaful) (also known as “Boost Credit”, “we”, “us”, “our”) offer a service
that allows you to subscribe and enrol for the Insurance Policy pursuant to your Participation
of the available productsand services provided by the Insurer on the Platform (“Service”). Our
service is provided free of charge.

2.2. Any reference to “you” or “your” shall mean the individual and/or entity that participate,
subscribe, register, purchase, opt-in, sign up, uses, performs, or avails of any products or
services that are available on the Platform from time to time.

2.3. We additionally allow you to get assistance (such as over the telephone) on questions relating
to theinsurance services, including making a claim, cancellation, etc., related to your insurance.
As in clause 2.1 above, we do not charge any fee for this assistance. You understand that as
solely determined by us, we will obtain the Insurers' direction in relation to any of the assistance
that we may provide to you.

2.4. Please bear in mind that it is solely your responsibility to check the suitability of the Insurance
Policy for you and that it is your voluntary decision to participate or refrain from Participation in
the Insurance Policy. You understand that your Participation is subject to your full compliance
to the eligibility as described under the respective terms and conditions of the Insurance Policy,
this T&C’s, and any other terms that may be informed to you.

2.5 Please note that nothing in this T&C’s or elsewhere shall represent, or shall be deemed to
represent, a proposal by us to you in your choice of Participation in any insurance product or
service or to enter into any contract with you in respect of any insurance product or service.

2.6 We act as an intermediary, not as an Insurer, to ensure the smooth enrolment and subsequent
enjoyment of the Insurance Policy. By giving us your details, you are expressing your interest
and making a proposal of your Participation via the Platform for the Insurance Policy from the
relevant Insurer based on its terms and conditions. Note that your Participation in the Insurance
Policy on thePlatform does not indicate a contract between you as the insured and Boost Credit
as the insurer. Rather, the contract for the Insurance Policy is solely between you and the
relevant Insurer. This T&C’s apply to the Service and do not change or alter any other contract
or agreement between youand the Insurer.

2.7 You are advised to directly contact the Insurer to name your nominee(s) immediately
after your successful Participation in the Insurance Policy on the Platform. You may
also contact the Insurer directly with matters concerning claims, cancellations, etc.

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Insurance Services Terms And Conditions

3. Insurance Policy - Product Description

By your Participation, you agree to have read and confirm your acceptance to the Insurance
Policy which includes:

1) Master Group Policy (“Master Policy”);

2) Product Disclosure Sheet (“PDS”);
3) Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQ”); and
4) Related documents, if any.

You understand that the insurance product and service relevant to the Insurance Policy is
regularlyreviewed and revised as determined by the Insurer. Where applicable, your Insurance
Policy documents will be delivered to the e-mail address that you have provided to us.

4. Permitted Use

(a) Your access to, Participation in, and use of this Service and the Platform for any
commercialpurpose or otherwise (either directly or indirectly) for profit or gain is strictly

(b) In addition to the prohibitions set out in our Terms of Use, you shall not use the Service:

(i) in any unlawful, or fraudulent manner;

(ii) to produce, check, confirm, update, modify or amend your own or another person’s
databases, records or directories;

(iii) to alter or reverse engineer any part of your Participation, this Service or the Platform;

(iv) in a way that interferes with, disrupts, or imposes an unreasonable or

disproportionately large burden on our communications and technical systems as
determined by us; and

(v) using any automatic computer code, process, program, robot, net crawler, spider,
data processing, trawling, or alternative ‘screen scraping’ computer code, process,
program, orsystem.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

The copyright of the data, content, material, or information displayed including trademarks,
service marks, trade names, and logos, and UI/UX elements are proprietary and belong
exclusively to BoostCredit or are used by Boost Credit with the permission of its third party
providers. You can print, copy, transfer or store extracts of content, material, or information
displayed on the Platform for yourpersonal records provided that you abide by the following

(a) it cannot be used for any business or commercial functions, promotional or otherwise,
without our written permission;

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(b) images displayed are protected by copyright and will not be reproduced or taken in any
way without the written permission of the various owner(s) and licensors. Any image or text
permittedshould retain any copyright or alternative property notices contained within the
original; and

(c) no modification to the paper or digital copies of such data, content, material, or information.
It shall not be excerpted, reproduced, published, used, reformatted, and/or displayed
without our written permission.

6. Exclusions of liability

(a) We make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information, material, and knowledge
displayed on the Platform is correct and to rectify any errors or omissions as soon as
practicable when being notified of them. It is intended for general informational purposes
only. However, we are not accountable if the information, material, and knowledge from a
third party (including the Insurer) are inaccurate or if there are any errors or omissions
within the data, material, and information.
(b) You expressly understand and agree that the insurance products and services, the Service,
andthe Platform are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We expressly exclude
and disclaim any representations, warranties, or endorsements express or implied, written
or oral, including but not limited to any warranty of quality, merchantability, or fitness for a
particular purpose in respect of such insurance products and services, the Service and the

(c) We hold no responsibility for losses or damages arising from an inability to access the
Service and/or the Platform that is beyond our control.

(d) We are an intermediary that makes your engagement with the Insurer more efficient. We
are notaccountable or to blame for any indirect losses or damages suffered or incurred by
you or thosewhich were not predictable when you access or use the enrolment services.
This includes any loss of savings you expect to make, loss of business or business
opportunity, loss of profit or revenue, or for any loss or damage you may suffer or incur in
connection with your use of our enrolment services which was not foreseeable by us when
you used our enrolment services.

(e) The data and descriptions of the Insurance Policy provided might not represent the entire
descriptions of all the information and terms and conditions of the Insurance Policy. You
should carefully read all the terms and conditions of the Insurance Policy contained in the
Master Policy,PDS, FAQ, and related documents, if any, in respect of the Insurance Policy.

(f) Pursuant to your Participation in the Insurance Policy, you will be in an engagement with
the Insurer on its terms and conditions. It is solely your responsibility to make sure that you
agree tothose terms and conditions before entering into such an Insurance Policy. We are
not accountable or to be liable for any loss or harm you will suffer or incur as a result of
the terms and conditions applying to any contract entered into by you with the Insurer in
respect of the Insurance Policy or for any acts, omissions, errors or defaults of any third
party in reference to those terms and conditions.

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(g) We do not in any circumstances act as an insurer nor guarantee or warrant the solvency
of any Insurer.

(h) We reserve the absolute right to decline or to accept your Participation for an Insurance
Policy without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Any refunds (if applicable) subsequent
is subject tothe terms and conditions of the Insurance Policy and its related documents.

7. Your responsibilities

(a) You have taken all necessary precautions to make sure that any data, content, material,
or information you offer are true, complete, accurate, not misleading, free from viruses,
spyware, malicious software, and anything which can have a contaminating, harmful or
damaging impacton any part of your Participation, this enrolment services, the Platform,
the Services or the Insurance Policy. Should there be any changes in this information, you
will immediately providethe updated information to the Insurer or Boost Credit in writing.

(b) The personal information, including username and password, provided by you during your
Participation should be kept confidential by you and not be disclosed to or shared with
anyone. If you choose to share these details with anyone, you are entirely liable for all
activities undertaken using your username and password.

(c) You shall at all times comply with any and all applicable laws, rules, directives, regulations,
policies, procedures, code of conduct, declaration, guidelines, and/or requirements,
including allamendments and variations thereof, whether expressly provided by us, the
Insurer or by an authority.

(d) You shall always comply and shall ensure that you, your directors, employees,
representatives, agents, and sub-contractors comply with the applicable laws and
regulations concerning bribery, corruption, fraud, anti-money laundering, and any other
prohibited business practices in any jurisdiction including but not limited to the Malaysian
Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practice Act of 1977 and
the United Kingdom Bribery Act of 2010 as well as all other applicable laws, rules,
regulations, ordinances, and codes and any anti-bribery and anti-corruption terms or
policies that apply to you or Boost Credit from time to time. You must keep accurate and
complete records and supporting documentation to demonstrate that you arein compliance
with this provision and you agree to allow Boost Credit or the relevant authoritiesor both to
access and inspect your books and records to audit and verify your compliance. You shall
promptly notify Boost Credit if you become aware of a breach and you agree that any non-
compliance shall be deemed as a material breach of this provision. Upon any breach of
this provision, Boost Credit may immediately reject, disqualify, invalidate, terminate your
Participation without any ensuing obligations or liabilities.

(e) You hereby agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold Boost Credit, our officers, directors,
employees, agents, and servants harmless against all damages, losses, expenses, and
costs (including legal costs and disbursements) which we may have suffered or incurred,
whether directly or indirectly, in connection with or as a result of your breach of any of the
provisions under this T&C’s.

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(f) Throughout your use of the Platform and the Service, we may collect and use information
aboutyou in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You undertake and confirm that you have
read, understood, and agree that this T&C’s and the Privacy Policy are legally binding and
come intoforce and be effective immediately upon your use of the Platform and Service.

(g) You shall at all times exercise all reasonable skill, care, and diligence in the discharge of
your obligations.

(h) You have duly obtained and shall ensure that you shall obtain all necessary consents,
licences,intellectual property rights, and authorisations to participate, propose, offer, and
undertake yourrole and responsibilities.

(i) At all times, it is your responsibility to ensure that the sum insured values and policy limits
are adequate and reflect your current, continuing, and future requirements.

(j) You agree that it is your responsibility at all times to follow any updates on the Insurance
Policyand this T&C’s.

8. Miscellaneous

(a) Any claim or notice under this T&C’s from Boost Credit to you may be provided in writing
throughletters, emails, or short messaging service, in-app, or other such notifications and
where applicable, is to be signed by any authorized officer or law firms acting on behalf of
Boost Credit.Any claim or notice if delivered via post is to be considered received by you
five (5) days after postage and delivery by a person is to be considered received on delivery
time, even if the claimor notice is returned due to non-delivery or unclaimed.

(b) Notices that need to be given to Boost Credit under this T&C’s are to be in writing, signed
by you, and emailed to Boost Credit at [email protected].

(c) Boost Credit is not required to perform its obligations if it is prohibited from doing so as a
direct or indirect result of any natural disasters, pandemic, riots, public unrests, terrorist
acts, labor strikes, lockout, fires, floods, accidents, machine or computer failures/computer
system or anything out of the reasonable control of Boost Credit.

(d) This T&C’s are subject to and are to be interpreted according to the laws of Malaysia and
the parties hereby agree to be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Malaysia
to hearand determine any dispute or differences out of and/or in connection to this T&C’s.

(e) This T&C’s are binding upon the successors, representatives, and replacement (where
requiredor applicable) of the parties herein.

(f) Boost Credit may exercise any of its rights, powers, and/or remedies available as Boost
Credit considers appropriate, in addition to any other rights and remedies provided to
Boost Credit by law. In the event Boost Credit does not take any action when it has the
right to do so, it will not mean that Boost Credit has:

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Insurance Services Terms And Conditions

• agreed to your breaches;

• forfeited its rights in law or equity; or

• is prohibited/estopped from taking any actions thereafter.

(g) Where Boost Credit has expressly waived a breach in writing, it will not affect the
enforcement of Boost Credit’s rights, powers, and remedies for any other breaches
committed by you, whether it happens before or after the waiver.

(h) Boost Credit has the right at any time, without giving notice, to add, change, sever, modify,
replace or amend all or any parts of this T&C’s. You are bound by any such revisions. Your
access and use will be subject to the most current version of the T&C’s. Your continued use
aftersuch revised T&C’s are made available will signify your acceptance of such revised
T&C’s and your agreement to be bound by them.

(i) Boost Credit shall be entitled at any time or from time to time to assign or transfer or effect
a sub-participation of all or any of its rights and/or obligations hereunder or any part hereof
for any purpose or reason whatsoever to such person or persons in such manner and on
such terms asit may in its absolute discretion think fit. You are prohibited from assigning
or transferring your rights and interests or obligations under this T&C’s or any part thereof
to any person without Boost Credit’s consent being first had and obtained.

(j) If any term in this T&C’s is or becomes invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect under
the applicable laws, the validity, legality, and enforceability of other terms shall not be
affected or impaired in any way.

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