English 3lp16 3trim1

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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

2023 ‫ماي‬ ‫امتحان بكالوريا التعليم الثانوي‬

‫اآلداب وفلسفة‬: ‫الشعبة‬ ‫ثانوية احمد حمداني بئر توتة‬
‫المذة ساعتان‬ ‫اختبار في مادة اللغت اإلنجليزية‬
‫على المترشح أن يختار احذ الموضوعيه التالييه الموضوع األول‬

Part One :Reading: ( 15 points)

A-Comprehension: ( 7points )
Read the text carefully then do the activities .
Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, as in the
global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural decay. The phrase cultural diversity
can also refer to having different cultures respect each other's differences.The culturally destructive action of
globalization is often said to have a negative effect on the world's cultural diversity.
By analogy with biodiversity, which is thought to be essential to the long-term survival of life on
earth, it can be argued that cultural diversity may be vital for the long-term survival of humanity; and that
the conservation of indigenous cultures may be as important to humankind as the conservation of species
and ecosystems is to life in general. The General Conference of UNESCO took this position in 2001.
This position is rejected by some people, on several grounds. Firstly, like most evolutionary accounts
of human nature, the importance of cultural diversity for survival may be a non-testable hypothesis, which
can neither be proved nor disproved. Secondly, it can be argued that it is unethical deliberately to conserve
"less developed" societies, because this will deny people within those societies the benefits of technological
and medical advances enjoyed by those in the "developed" world.

1-Circle the letter tha corresponds to the right answer.

 -The text is: a-Narrative b-Prescriptive c-Argumentative

2-Say whether the statements are "True 'or "False "according to the text .
a-Cultural diversity is synonymous to monoculture.
b-Globalization has not encouraged cultural diversity.
c- All people agree that it is unethical to conserve less developed societies.

3-In which paragraph is it mentioned that cultural diversity is necessary for mankind ?

4-Answer the questions below according to the text :

a) What is meant by cultural diversity?
b) Do all people agree about the importance of cultural diversity for
c) Why do some people reject the conservation of indigenous cultures?

5-What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text:

a-which (§2) b-those (§3)
B-Text exploration: (8 points )
1-Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to:

a-similar(§ 1) b-accepted (§2)

2- Give the opposites of the words below ,keeping the same root.
morality –unethical – human - developed

3-Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a) :

1-a-Critics argued : ''The promotion of poverty in underdeveloped nations as “Cultural Diversity “ is
b-Critics argued……………………………………………………..
2-a- The growth of mass media has largely impacted individuals and societies across the world.
b- Individuals and societies………………………… across the world
3-a-Sustainable civilizational triumph will occur if all components of cultural domains flourish.

4-Classify the words according to the pronunciation of the final -s.

societies - advances – benefits – traditions

/s/ /z / / iz /

5-Fill in the gaps with words from the list .

because - in - cultural - unethical
The promotion of poverty …1…underdeveloped nations as "cultural diversity" is…2… it is similarly
unethical to promote all types of practices simply …3…they are seen to contribute to …4…diversity.

PART TWO:Written Expression: ( 5points )

Choose ONE of the following topics

Topic ONE::Globalization has affected individual lifestyles and identity. Using the notes below ,write a
composition of about 120 words in which you explain what Algerians should do to protect their cultural
-Respect their customs –be proud of root /ancestors
-Organize exhibitions-show good traditions
-Write books
-Organize regular festivals in the various arts
-Remind children of the glorious past of their ancestors

Topic TWO: :Islamic civilization has contributed great additions to human civilization.Write a
composition of about 120 words in which you state some of these contributions.
‫الموضوع الثاوي‬
PART ONE: Reading (15points) A-
Comprehension: (7 points )
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
The televised advertisement where a genuine father exposing the undeserving result his son got in exam
to the school distinctly stipulates what roles parents should hold in the fight against today’s cheating that
would more likely to be tomorrow’s corruption.
Inspite of its look of a bit exaggeration and funny ,the short advertisement carries a huge message to
everyone of us without the restriction of stakeholders in guarding our children (students) to detest cheating
in exam.
All of us have to feel the pain of having a citizen that kills its people instead of giving life if he or she
is not sooner than later prevented from any of the possibilities of exam cheating;Yes,if parents,teachers and
other concerted effort fail to tackle the ever increasing and dynamically progressing evil act of cheating
during exam,we can imagine what kind of generation the nation is producing.
As times pass by with technologies growing parallel,the techniques applied to exam cheating at all levels
of educational institutions:universities ,high schools and primary schools are very dynamic and different for
examiners and supervisors to arrest.As the technology advances,we can imagine how the techniques of
cheating get ahead too.
A number of new and more sophisticated cheating mechanisms are being introduced ;and the influx of
mobile phone also played its own role of being one of the channels for exchanging exam answers between
and among cheaters.
Cheating in exams has added its own headache to the education sector while the sector is already
suffering to tackle challenges related to ensuring quality and the like.

(Solomon Gebre –Medhin The Ethiopian Herald 28 May 2015)

1-Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer :

-The text is ….. a-an interview b-a

magazine article c-a letter

2-Are the statements “True” or “False according to the text.

a-Parents play an important role in the fight against cheating. b-

Sophisticated technologies have helped in the development of cheating. c-
Cheating is the only problem that faces the education sector today.

3-In which paragraph is it…….mentioned? a-

Cheating endangers future generations?
b-Everyone is concerned with the fight of cheating?

4-Answer the questions according to the text.

a-What will happen if we do not prevent cheating? b-How do
technologies help in cheating? c-Is cheating the only problem that
challenges educators today? Justify

5-What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text a-his (§1) b-that (§3)

c-its (§ 6)
4 ‫ مه‬3 ‫صفحت‬

B-Text Exploration: ( 8 points )

1-Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following.
a- protecting (§2) b-progress (§4)

2-Complete the table below as shown in the example.

Verb Noun Adjective
Example to prevent Prevention prevented
………………………… Restriction ………………
to examine ……………… ………………
………………….. ……………. educational

3-Combine the pairs of sentences using the connectors between brackets ,make any necessary
a-Most people believe that cheating is unethical .Many parents encourage their children to use any way
to pass exams .(Despite the fact ) b-The nations’ economy sustainability will fall in question .It is not
supported by professional contributions of university graduates hating cheating. (unless)
c-Cheating has become an easy way to pass exams .Today ,many students use smart technologies to
cheat.(such….that )

4-Classify the words below according to the pronunciation of the –ed.

televised – concerted – applied – liked
/t/ /d/ / id /

5-Reorder the sentences below in a coherent paragraph.

a-Their behavior depends mainly on their parents’.

b-We have to keep reminding ourselves c-are their
d-that the people most responsible for children

PART TWO:Written Expression (5points) Choose ONE of the

following topics

Topic ONE :Cheating in exams is a bad practice that has become widespread among students today,using
the notes below,write a composition of about 100 to 120 words in which you explain the causes and effects
of this phenomenon.
-lack of information –difficulty of citing
- a lot of information to revise –short time -weakness in language skills
- student’s ignorance and lack of morality Effects:
- undermine the value of hard-work –hinder innovation
- damage student’s career – cheater contribute nothing to the nation’s production
- a dishonest generation -lacks morality

Topic TWO :Islamic civilization has contributed great additions to human civilization.Write a composition
of about 120 words in which you state some of these contributions.
4 ‫ مه‬4 ‫صفحت‬
Typical Correction:Topic One I-Reading
( 15points ) A-Comprehension: (7 points)

1 - c- Argumentative ( 0,5 pts )

2-a-F b-T c-F (1,5 pts )

3-paragraph 2 (0,5 pts )

4- 3 pts
a- Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, as
in the global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural decay /The phrase
cultural diversity can also refer to having different cultures respect each other's differences.
b- No,they do not c- Because it will deny people within those societies the benefits of
technological and medical advances enjoyed by those in the "developed" world.

5- a-biodiversity b-people
(1,5 pts)

B-Text exploration: (8 points )

1- a-diverse /different b-rejected (1,5 pts)

2- immorality –ethical – inhuman - underdeveloped ( 2 pts )

3- 1,5 pts
1- b-Critics argued that the promotion of poverty in underdeveloped nations as “Cultural Diversity “ was
2- b- Individuals and societies have largely been impacted across the world
3- b-bSustainable civilizational triumph will not occur unless all components of cultural domains flourish.

/s/ /z / / iz /
Benefits societies –traditions Advances

5- in – unethical – because - cultural ( 2 pts )

PART TWO:Written Expression: ( 5points )

Topic ONE::- Form (2,5pts ) -Content ( 2,5 pts )
Topic TWO: Form (2,5 pts ) -Content (2,5pts)
‫الموضوع الثاوي‬
PART ONE: Reading (15points) A-
Comprehension: (7 points )

1- b-a magazine article (0,5 pts )

2- a-T b-T c- F ( 1,5 pts )

3- a-§ 3 b-§2 ( 0,5pts )

4- 3 pts
a-If we do not prevent cheating,we will have a citizen that kills its people instead of giving life b-
The influx of mobile phone also played its own role of being one of the channels for exchanging exam
answers between and among cheaters.

c-No,it has added its own headache to the education sector while the sector is already suffering to tackle
challenges related to ensuring quality and the like.

5- a-father b-a citizen c-cheating in exams( (1,5 pts ) B-Text Exploration:

( 8 points ) 1-
a- guarding b-get ahead ( 2pts )

2-1,5 pts = 0,25 ×6

Verb Noun Adjective
Example to prevent Prevention prevented
to restrict restricted / restrictive
exam / examination/examiner examined
to educate education /education /educate educational

3-1,5 pts a- Despite the fact most people believe that cheating is unethical ,many parents encourage
their children to use any way to pass exams .
b-The nations’ economy sustainability will not fall in question unless it is supported by professional
contributions of university graduates hating cheating. c-Cheating has become such an easy way to
pass exams that today ,many students use smart technologies to cheat.

/t/ /d/ / id /
Liked televised - applied concerted

5- b- d –c a ( 2pts )

PART TWO:Written Expression (5points)

Topic ONE::- Form (2,5pts ) -Content ( 2,5 pts )
Topic TWO: Form (2,5 pts ) -Content (2,5pts)

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