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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Introduction: BOSH Framework ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Module 1: Why the need for OSH? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

Module 2: Workplace Risk Assessment

• 1-A – Workplace Safety Hazards ----------------------------------------------------------------- 15

• 1-B – Workplace Health Hazards -----------------------------------------------------------------32

• 2-A – Workplace Environment Measurement ------------------------------------------------41

• 2-B – Medical Surveillance -------------------------------------------------------------------------46

• 2-C – Workplace Risk Assessment ----------------------------------------------------------------64

• 3-A – Control Measures of Health Hazards ----------------------------------------------------72

• 3-B – Control Measures of Safety Hazards ---------- -----------------------------------------104

Module 3: Accident Causation (Risky Workplace and Risky Workers)

• Accident Investigation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119

Module 4: Integrating Activity ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------132

Module 5: Communicating OSH --------------------------------------------------------------------------------133

Module 6: Responses to OSH Issues and Concerns

• 1 – Workplace Emergency Preparedness ---------------------------------------------------- 140

• 2 – Employees’ Compensation Program ------------------------------------------------------ 146

Module 6: Responses to OSH Issues and Concerns | 3 – OSH Legislations ------------------------ 148

Module 6: Responses to OSH Issues and Concerns | 4 – OSH Program Development --------- 159

Covid-19 Prevention and Control -----------------------------------------------------------------------------174

DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Introduction: OSH and the BOSH Framework

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The forty (40)-hour Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training for Safety Officers is a
mandatory training course in pursuance with Republic Act No. 11058 and DOLE Department Order No. 198 series
of. 2018. It is designed to impart knowledge and skills on basic concepts and principles of occupational safety and
health to enable safety officers to implement their respective company’s safety and health program.

This is offered by the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC), and DOLE-accredited Safety Training
Organizations (STOs).

Occupational Safety and Health Center

• Created by E.O. 307 on November 4, 1987
• Government corporation attached to the Department of Labor & Employment
• National focal point on training, research, information and technical services on OSH
• The services of OSHC covers the preventive aspects of OSH both in the public and private workplaces

Course Objectives
Terminal Objective: To provide the participants the basic knowledge and skills on the basic concepts and principles
of occupational safety and health (OSH) that will enable safety officers to develop and implement their company’s
safety and health program.

Specific Objectives:
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• identify existing & potential safety and health hazards and describe their effects to the human body;
• relate the effects of occupational illnesses and accidents to individuals, their families, communities and
• determine the appropriate control measures for specific hazards;
• describe the importance of effective OSH communication (OSH training and meetings);
• explain the roles of safety officers in the overall management of OSH program;
• identify the components of an OSH program; and
• develop a workplace-specific OSH re-entry plan.

• Why the need for OSH?
• Workplace Risk Assessment
• Accident Causation and Investigation
• Integrating Activity
• Communicating OSH
• Responses to OSH Issues and Concerns

This objective will provide you the basic knowledge

and skills on the basic concepts and principles of
occupational safety and health (OSH) that will enable
safety officers to develop and implement their
company’s safety and health program.

What is Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)?

• Occupational safety and health is a discipline
with a broad scope involving three major fields:
Occupational Safety, Occupational Health and
Industrial Hygiene.
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
1. Occupational safety deals with understanding the causes of accidents at work and ways to prevent
unsafe act and unsafe conditions in any workplace. Safety at work discusses concepts on good
housekeeping, proper materials handling and storage, machine safety, electrical safety, fire prevention
and control, safety inspection, and accident investigation.

2. Occupational health is a broad concept which explains how the different hazards and risks at work may
cause an illness and emphasizes that health programs are essential in controlling work-related and/or
occupational diseases.

3. Industrial hygiene discusses the identification, evaluation, and control of physical, chemical, biological
and ergonomic hazards.

• OSH encompasses the social, mental and physical well-being of workers is the “Whole Person”.

“In its broadest sense, OSH aims at:

• the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers
in all occupations;
• the prevention of adverse health effects of the working conditions
• the placing and maintenance of workers in an occupational environment adapted to physical and mental
• the adaptation of work to humans (and NOT the other way around).

In other words, occupational health and safety encompasses the social, mental and physical well-being of workers,
that is, the “whole person”.

Successful occupational health and safety practice requires the collaboration and participation of both employers
and workers in health and safety programs, and involves the consideration of issues relating to occupational
medicine, industrial hygiene, toxicology, education, engineering safety, ergonomics, psychology, etc.
Occupational health issues are often given less attention than occupational safety issues because the former are
generally more difficult to confront. However, when health is addressed, so is safety - a healthy workplace is by
definition also a safe workplace. The reverse, though, may not be true - a so-called safe workplace is not necessarily
also a healthy workplace. The important point is that both health and safety issues must be addressed in every

The terms hazard and risk are often interchanged. Because you will be encountering these throughout the course
it is a must that you understand the difference between them.

Hazard – a source or situation with a potential to cause harm in terms of injury, ill health, damage to property,
damage to the environment or a combination of these.

Risk – a combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event with specified period or in specified
circumstances and the severity of injury or damage to the health of people, property, environment or any
combination of these caused by the event.

The hazards affecting the workplace under each major area should be detected, identified, controlled and, at best,
prevented from occurring by the safety and health officer of the company. Occupational safety and health should
be integrated in every step of the work process, starting from storage and use of raw materials, the manufacture
of products, release of by-products, use of various equipment and ensuring a non-hazardous or risk-free work

DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Our discussions will therefore flow from the three major areas of OSH and then on to the part where you will
prepare a re-entry plan to apply what you have learned in your specific workplace. If you are not working yet, we
can simulate a company, a household or a community that will benefit from your re-entry plan.

MODULE 1: Why the need for OSH?

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:
• Explain the current Philippine OSH situation;
• Describe the OSH situation in their own workplaces;
• Enumerate the roles of safety officers play in OSH implementation.
• Identify the risk assessment steps or processes and
• Define unsafe or unhealthy acts and conditions.

So, Why OSH?

Every workers has the right to a SAFE and HEALTHY workplace!

The occupational health and safety is about providing safety and health measures in different work environments
and sectors. It is an area that is concerned with the health, safety, as well as welfare of people engaged in an
organization. Every kind of work exposes individuals to a number of hazards, for instance, dangerous machinery,
loads that have to be manually handled, electricity, toxic substances, working with display screen tools, risk of fire,
or even psychological hazards like stress. It might seem obvious, but management of health and safety in the
workplace is very important because along with protecting employees, it also increases productivity when
employees are healthy and happy.


According to recent estimates released by the International Labour Organization (ILO), each year 2.78 million
workers die from occupational accidents and work-related diseases (of which 2.4 million are disease-related) and
an additional 374 million workers suffer from non-fatal occupational accidents. It is estimated that lost work days
globally represent almost 4 per cent of the world’s GDP, and in some countries, this rises to 6 per cent or more
(Hämäläinen et al, 2017; Takala et al, 2014).

According to the report, globally 1,000 people are estimated to die every day from occupational accidents and a
further 6,500 from work-related diseases. The aggregate figures indicate an overall increase in the number of
deaths attributed to work: from 2.33 million deaths in 2014 to 2.78 million deaths in 2017.

Estimates suggest that circulatory system diseases (31 per cent), work-related cancers (26 per cent) and respiratory
diseases (17 per cent) contribute to almost three-quarters of the total work-related mortality. Diseases are the
cause of the great majority of work-related deaths (2.4 million deaths or 86.3 per cent), in comparison to fatal
occupational accidents (which make up the remaining 13.7 per cent). Together, these account for 5 to 7 per cent
of deaths globally (Christopher and Murray, 2016; ILO, 2006; Murray and Lopez, 1996.C

DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
In addition, the most recent
estimates from the WHO
show that when accounting
for both deaths and
disability, the fraction of the
global disease burden in the
general population due to
occupation amounts to 2.7
per cent (WHO, 2018).

Most recent figures suggest

that ergonomic factors,
injury risk factors, particulate
matter, gases, fumes and
noise make the largest
contributions to the total
global burden of occupational disease (Driscoll, 2018). There is also some evidence that the relative contributions
of various occupational risk factors are changing. Of 18 exposures measured in the Global Burden of Disease Survey
2016, only occupational exposure to asbestos had fallen between 1990 and 2016 while all other exposures
increased (by almost 7 per cent) (Gakidou et al, 2017).

Recent research indicates that worldwide about 20 per cent of lower back and neck pain and 25 per cent of hearing
loss in adults are attributable to occupational exposures (WHO, 2018). This suggests both that occupational
exposures to traditional and well-known harmful physical, chemical, and biological agents continue to occur on a
large scale, and that there is still some way to go before the trend of increasing levels of occupational exposure to
such risk factors is reversed globally.

According to estimates, the burden of occupational mortality and morbidity is not equally distributed across the
world. About two-thirds (65 per cent) of global work-related mortality is estimated to occur in Asia, followed by
Africa (11.8 per cent), Europe (11.7 per cent), America

DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

(10.9 per cent) and Oceania (0.6 per cent). This reflects the distribution of both the world’s working population and
hazardous work, as well as differing levels of national economic development. The rates of fatal occupational
accidents per 100,000 workers also show stark regional differences (Figure 1), with those in Africa and Asia between
4 and 5 times higher than those in Europe (Hämäläinen et al, 2017).
There are also differences in relative contributions of various causes of work-related mortality by region (Figure 2),
though this is also affected by differences in reporting and recording. Developed countries appear to have a higher
proportion of work-related mortality from cancers (over 50 per cent) and a much smaller proportion from
occupational accidents and infectious conditions (under 5 per cent). Africa has the highest relative share of work-
related communicable diseases (over a third) and occupational accidents (over 20 per cent) and lowest for cancers
(less than 15 per cent) (Takala et al, 2017).
These regional differences in work-related deaths and diseases reflect the multiple and multi-faceted national,
social, political, demographic and occupational differences between countries and regions globally. They also
reflect different capacities to manage health and safety issues in workplaces and different capacities of national
governments to effectively put in place and enforce health and safety rules. While there has been a long-term fall
in occupational accidents, in global terms this has been offset by the increase in occupational injury fatalities as a
result of the growing share of production to rapidly industrially progressing countries, particularly in Asia (Takala
et al, 2014). Occupational accidents and work-related diseases have a substantial global impact. While
underreporting of OSH data often undermines its reliability, the data here suggests that this impact varies according
to where workers live and work, reflecting inequalities in their exposure to risks.
Aiming to strengthen global capacity for evidence synthesis and disease burden modelling in occupational health,
the ILO and the WHO have joined efforts for estimating the global burden of work-related diseases and injury.

DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2


Safety and health at work in the Philippines
Occupational accidents and diseases cause human suffering and loss. Their economic cost is high, with some 2
million workers dying each year from work-related accidents and diseases, and the figure is on the increase in spite
of efforts to make inroads.

The Philippine Government estimates that 2.2 million Filipino workers in medium and large enterprises enjoy
effective occupational safety and health (OSH) protection and services. In other words, 17 of 18 persons in the
nation’s workforce of 38.8 million do not benefit from acceptable working conditions. Studies substantiate that
OSH conditions in micro-firms and the informal sector pose risks and hazards.

The ILO Country Office for the Philippines (CO-Manila) supports programs to promote a culture of safety and health
that bring OSH services to those that need them the most. A range of government and non-government agencies
are partners, with beneficiaries that include agrarian reform farmers, informal workers and trade unions and their
members. The office works with constituents – governments, workers and employers organizations to promote
ratification of the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No.187) .

A national occupational safety and health culture is one in which the right to a safe and healthy working
environment is respected at all levels, where governments, employers and workers actively participate in securing
a safe and healthy working environment through a system of defined rights, responsibilities and duties, and where
the highest priority is accorded to the principle of prevention.

2017/2018 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment(ISLE)

Occupational Injuries and Diseases (OID): 2017

Reference Number: 2019-214

Release Date: Friday, December 13, 2019

• A total of 38,235 occupational accidents occurred in 2017. These work-related accidents were reported by
about 16.3 percent of the total 32,288 establishments employing 20 or more workers in 2017.

• As a result of workplace accidents, about 46,283 cases of occupational injuries were recorded in 2017. Both
cases of occupational accidents and cases of occupational injuries in 2017 were comparatively lower by
14.5 percent and 9.2 percent, respectively from 2015. (Figure 1)

• Among cases of occupational injuries, about

43.9 percent were non-fatal cases with lost
workdays while about 1 percent were fatal
cases. More than half of all occupational
injuries (55.1%) were accounted to cases of
injuries without lost workdays.

• By industry, manufacturing accounted for the

highest share of occupational injuries at 49.7
percent of the total cases. Far second was
wholesale and retail trade; repair of
motorcycles at 11.4 percent, followed by
administrative and support service activities at
7.2 percent share.

DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• The frequency rate in 2017 was registered at 1.75 percent. Approximately, there were 2 cases of
occupational injuries with workdays lost reported per 1,000,000 employee-hours of exposure.

• The incidence rate in 2017 was posted at 4.27 percent which indicates that there were around 4 cases of
occupational injuries with workdays lost per 1,000 workers.

• The severity rate was recorded at 9.68. This means that about 10 workdays were lost in cases of
occupational injuries resulting to temporary incapacity per 1,000,000 employee-hours of exposure.


• Superficial injuries and open wounds were the most common type of occupational injuries with more than
half or 50.8 percent of the total cases reported. This was followed by dislocations, sprains and strains with
12.0 percent and fractures with 10.7 percent.


• Wrist and hand was collectively recorded as the most injured part of body accounting for 35.9 percent.
Lower extremities and arm and shoulder came next with 18.7 percent and 17.6 percent, respectively.

• The leading cause of work-related injury in establishments was stepping on, striking against or struck by
objects, excluding falling objects (36.3%). Other causes of injury include caught in or between objects
(21.0%) and falls of persons (10.5%).

• The top three (3) agents of injuries in 2017 were machines and equipment (26.2%); materials and objects
(24.4%); and hand tools (18.3%).

DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• By major occupation group, 30.2 percent of the total 20,797 cases of occupational injuries with workdays
lost in 2017 affected plant and machine operators and assemblers. Injuries to service and sales workers;
and elementary occupations followed at 19.3 percent and 18.7 percent, respectively.

• Occurrences of occupational diseases in
establishments employing 20 or more workers
accounted to 101,851 cases in 2017. This was a
decrease of 19.1 percent from 125,973 reported
cases in 2015. (Figure 3)

• Topmost work-related diseases suffered by

workers was back pains with 31.3 percent.
Other most prevalent occupational diseases
experienced were essential hypertension
(15.5%) and neck-shoulder pains (11.4%)

• Workers engaged in administrative and support service activities reported the highest share of cases with
occupational diseases with 31.8 percent. Followed by manufacturing industry (28.9%) and wholesale and
retail trade; repair of motorcycles (9.6%).



• Low compliance rate to OSH Standard (OSHS)
• Limited coverage of OSH Standard
• Absence of strict penalties
• Fragmented OSH Administration
• Outdated OSH Standard


• DIRECT COST – Tend to be the ones that we think of first.
• INDIRECT COST – those that are less obvious but they account for more on the overall cost

10 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) in companies is important for legal, economic, and moral reasons.

 Legal. Legal reason for OSH is related to the compensatory, punitive, and preventative effects of laws that
protect the safety and health of workers. OSH legislation requires all organizations to ensure the safety, welfare,
and health of employees and to conduct all work related activities in such a manner that they should not pose any
harm to them.

 Economic. There are powerful economic reasons for decreasing work concerning accidents as well as ill health.
In addition to decreasing costs, efficient safety and health management promotes the productivity of a business.
Ill health and diseases related to work can result in many days absence from work. Accidents can hinder normal
operations and is a possible addition to the operating costs of a company. Additionally, the strain and stress on
other employees can demotivate them, or might lead to more mishaps. The medical expenses incurred by injured
and ill workers in hospitals will be borne by the company.

 Moral. It is morally right to safeguard a worker from any kind of harm. It is the duty of all the companies to
provide the best care to their employees. Friends and families would expect their loved ones who go out to make
their livelihood to come back home safe. The grief, pain, and suffering of people who have their health affected or
are hurt while working for their companies are felt by workers as well as their family members.


Safety Trends
In recent years there is a trend for companies:
• They pay more attention to safety-related matters than ever before.
• It is a fact that more companies are embracing safety perform better and have a higher retention
percentage in their workforce.
• The future of construction is shifting towards augmented reality

DO 198-2018:
• Refers to any employee or officer of the company trained by DOLE or DOLE-Accredited Training
Organization and tasked by the employer to implement an OSH program, and ensure that it is in accordance
with the provisions of OSH standards.

DO 198 - Section 14 – Safety Officer - In the implementation of OSH Program, safety officers shall be employed or
designated with the following duties and responsibilities:
• Oversee the overall management of the OSH Program in coordination with the OSH committee;
• Frequently monitor and inspect any health and safety aspect of the operation being undertaken
• with the participation of supervisors and workers;
• Assist government inspectors in the conduct of safety and health inspection at any time whenever work is
being performed or during the conduct of accident investigation by providing necessary information and
OSH reports as required by the OSH standards;
• Issue Work Stoppage Order (WSO) when necessary based on the requirements and procedures provided
by the OSH standards.

As per Rule 1047 of OSHS:

• Advises employers, supervisors and workers on matters of safety for their guidance
• Investigates accidents as part of the Safety Committee
• Coordinates safety training programs for employees and employers
• Make safety inspections of the plant as part of the Safety Committee
• Maintains or helps maintain an accident record system
11 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Acts as Secretary of the Safety Committee

• Provides assistance to government inspectors in the conduct of safety and health inspection

DO 198-2018: Classification and minimum number of safety officer for all covered workplaces shall be as follows:

The Causes of Accidents (UNSAFE ACTS & CONDITIONS)

Work Accident (common term is usually a result of contact of the body (man) with a source of energy above the
threshold limit of the body)

Work Accident It is an unplanned, unwanted, or unexpected occurrence that may result in personal injury, property
damage, work stoppage or interference or any combination thereof, which arises out of and in the course of

It causes the work system to break down since it intervenes between the worker, equipment, and environment
and the tasks to be performed. It is usually a contact with a source of energy above the threshold limit of the body
or structure.

Common Reasons for Accidents

Oras na niya talaga…
Kasama talaga sa trabaho yan…
Tanga kasi, malas niya!
But these are not real causes, but rather an Excuses!

Freedom from accident. Safety is the control of accidental loss,
In order for safety to be realized and properly implemented, the source/s of accident must be pinpointed.

Immediate Causes of Accidents

* UNSAFE/SUBSTANDARD ACT (behavioral) - violation of a commonly accepted safe procedure, which resulted
in an accident. (ex. improper attitude, lack of knowledge or skill, physical or mental defects, etc.)
• Act of Commission - Committed the action which resulted in an accident
12 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Act of Omission - Omitted the action which resulted in an accident

* UNSAFE/SUBSTANDARD CONDITION (environmental) - the unsafe condition of the agency, which could have
been guarded or corrected. (ex. improper guarding, defective agencies, poor housekeeping, poor ventilation,
improper illumination, etc.)
• CIRCUMSTANCES which could permit the occurrence of an incident or accident
• DEVIATION from standard conditions (equipment, materials, or environment)

Factors Contributing to Unsafe Acts & Conditions

• Improper Attitude
• Physical Limitations
• Lack of Knowledge or Skills
• Lack of Supervision
• Unsafe system of work
• Lack of motivation
• Non-adherence to OSH

More or less, 90% of accidents are caused by unsafe acts

and the remaining 10% are caused by unsafe conditions.
It has also been estimated that about 98% of accidents
could have been prevented and the remaining 2% is
unpreventable because it is caused by nature. This is
according to Herbert William Heinrich’s theory in 1931.

So, for accidents to be prevented effectively, the hazards

must be controlled. But before hazards can be
controlled. They must be properly identified. Monitoring
is an effective means of acquiring hazard information
and monitoring can be defined as a set of observation
and data collection method used to detect and measure
deviations from plans and procedures in current

Monitoring can involve four functions:

1. Hazards identification;
2. Analysis;
3. Inspection and;
4. Accident investigation.


Any source of potential damage, harm, or adverse health effect on people.

A combination of the probability of occurrence of a hazardous event and the severity of injury or damage to the health of
people caused by this event.
Risk Assessment Steps - European Agency of Safety and Health at Work

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Identifying hazards and

• those at risk
• Evaluating, prioritizing risks
• Deciding on preventive action
• Taking action


Hazard Identification – it is the process of finding and

• Hazardous agents (situations, products etc. That
could contribute to provoking an occupational accident
or/ and disease)
• Workers are potentially exposed to these hazards.

Hazards, from where?

• Man - Lack of physical or mental capacity, lack of knowledge or skills, lack of right attitude or behavior.
• Machine - Workplace lay-out, machines, hand tools, software & hardware, tables or chairs
• Material - Dangerous substances, heavy loads and sharp or warm objects
• Method - Tasks, working hours, breaks, training, communication, team work, contact with visitors, social support
or autonomy.
• Environment - Exposures to extreme light, noise, climate, vibrations, air quality or dust

There are two major groups when identifying hazards,

1. Safety Hazards
• The harm results in some kind of injury to the worker
• Working conditions where harm to the workers is of an immediate & violent nature

2. Health Hazards
• Working conditions which result in an illness
• Often, latency between exposure & disease

After the hazards are identified, the Risk of identified hazards must be established.

Risk- Chance of physical or personal loss. Risk is a potential problem that exists when persons or properties are
exposed to hazards.

Risk Assessment - overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether or not the risk is

Upon doing the Risk Assessment, each hazard will now be categorized to Low, Medium and High, which also becomes the
priority rating for controlling the risks involved with these hazards. And to finally, reduce and eliminate the risks posed by
the hazards, control determination should be in place in response to the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Control Methods include:

• Engineering Control
• Administrative Controls
• Personal Protective Equipment.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Now to secure this process is religiously followed by the whole organization, a point person must spearhead the HIRAC
program. A safety officer could take that role and responsibility. Asides leading this program, here are the list of duties
and responsibilities of a Safety Officer:

Clear points
• Accidents and injuries result to losses of lives, limbs, time and property
• Most accidents at work could have been prevented
• Every workplace has different hazards, risk, levels of exposure. Tailor fit your OSH response.
• Conduct workplace risk assessment through hazards IDENTIFICATION, EVALUATION and CONTROL.

Module 2: Workplace Risk Assessment

1 A – Workplace Safety Hazards
This module aims to introduce you to the unsafe working conditions that can cause injury, illness, and death and
to the most common workplace risks.

In a safety hazard assessment, it is important to be as thorough as possible because after all, you can’t protect your
workers against hazards you are unaware of and unprepared for. Avoid blind spots in your workplace safety
procedures by taking into consideration.

Working on this module should help you to:
• Describe hazards from poor housekeeping
• Explain the causes and extent of fire incidents;
• Identify causes and effects of machine related accidents;
• Identify common hazards associated with materials handling;
• Enumerate common electrical hazards
• Develop control measures against hazards in the workplace before accidents and injuries can occur

Hazards are Identified Through:

• Walk through survey or ocular inspection
• Review of processes involved
• Knowing the raw materials used, products and by products
• Gathering of workers’ complaints
• Safety Data Sheet

Occupational Safety Hazards:

• Poor Housekeeping
• Fire
• Use of Machine
• Electricity
• Material Handling

Hazards due to poor Housekeeping

What is Housekeeping?
OSHS RULE 1060: Premises of Establishments
• Good housekeeping is the foundation of a safe, healthy, and pleasant workplace.
• It is essential that all areas be kept clean, orderly, and with all necessary things in the proper places.

15 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Housekeeping is a basic foundation for not only a safe workplace, but also a productive one. When housekeeping
is poor at a worksite employee are more likely to be hurt on the job. The unsafe conditions present due to poor
housekeeping is often a contributing factor or a direct cause for workplace injuries. It is important to realize the
impact housekeeping has on your ability to work safe.

Three Types of Hazards Resulting from Poor Housekeeping

1. Slip, trip, and fall hazards- One of
the most common type of hazards
created by poor housekeeping are slip,
trip, and fall hazards. When objects,
materials, tools, and equipment are
not properly stored workers are bound
to trip over them. Slippery conditions
are created when water, moisture,
oils, grease, etc. are left on the floor in
work areas. Fall hazards are created
when employees have to stand on
make shift surfaces to reach items
stored at higher levels. Falls also occur
when changes in elevation are not properly marked or barricaded in work areas.

2. Strain and sprain hazards - Sprain and strain injuries can result from
slip, trip, and fall incidents. They also can occur when heavy items are
not properly put away. When heavy or awkward objects are placed on
the floor and need to be picked up by a worker it creates a risk for
injury. Too often items have to be moved when there is poor
housekeeping in a work area just for the sake of getting them out of
the way. Because of unnecessary lifting, sprains and strains can occur.

3. Laceration hazards - Whether you are working in a construction or

a manufacturing setting, there are plenty of sharp objects that can cut your hand or body. When items are not
properly stored this creates a huge risk for laceration injuries. Sharp tools, jagged metal, sharp edged material, etc.
can all easily cut through a glove or clothing and injure a worker.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Classification of Material Normally Handled In Industrial Plants

According To Physical Characteristic:
• Bulk – crated large machineries and pats, crated materials, caustic blocks, soap blocks, etc.
• Powder - flours, pAhosphates, sugar, cement
• Granules & Gravel size - copra meal pellets, Silicates, briskets
• Odd size - copra
• Light - solvents, oils, fuels
• Viscous - molasses, asphalt, heavy oil, paints
• Pastes - detergent paste, adhesives

Classification According To Hazards Characteristics:
1. Flammable
2. Explosives
3. Toxic
4. Corrosive
5. Emits hazards fumes or gases
6. Fragile

Poor housekeeping can be a cause of incidents, such as:

• tripping over loose objects on floors, stairs and platforms
• being hit by falling objects
• slipping on greasy, wet or dirty surfaces
• striking against projecting, poorly stacked items or misplaced material
• cutting, puncturing, or tearing the skin of hands or other parts of the body on projecting nails, wire or steel

The 5S System
What is 5S?
• 5S Methodology was developed in Japan and it is system for organizing spaces so work can be performed
efficiently & effectively with safety and it is fundamental tool of lean manufacturing
- Lean Manufacturing it is all about optimizing processes and eliminating waste and we will become
more efficient.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• It is a systematized steps of good housekeeping to organize work areas, keeps rules and standards, and
maintain the discipline needed to perform a good job.

What does the 5S stand for?

• Is stands for five Japanese words Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke
• English Meaning of above Japanese words are:
• 1s Seiri – Sort or Tidiness
• 2s Seiton – Set in order or Orderliness
• 3s Seiso – Shine (Clean) or Cleanliness
• 4s Seiketsu – Standardize or Standardization
• 5s Shitsuke – Sustain or Discipline

The Result of 5S
It is hoped that the implementation of 5S at the workplace will result in:
• Everyone will work together for more a productive work.
• The workplace will be more secure.
• There will be a bigger & cleaner workplace for everyone.
• Easily finding things & equipment needed.
• Better collaboration between employees.
• Reducing mistakes in making duties.
• Improves organization's image.


Fire Hazards
Fire – The active principle of burning characterized by the heat and light of combustion (RA 9514). It is a rapid
oxidation process accompanied with the evolution of light and heat of varying intensities.

Fire safety - It refers to planning and infrastructure design aimed at reducing the risk of fire or impeding the spread
of a fire when one does break out.

Fire is the result of the chemical combination of a combustible material (fuel) with oxygen in the presence of
enough heat. If any one of the three is missing, a fire will not start. The relationship is called fire triangle. It is
important that every worker, not only supervisor, knows the main causes of fire, how fire spreads, how to fight
fire, and how to prevent fire.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Basic Chemistry of Fire
• Fuel. Or combustible materials. This includes many substances such as natural gas (methane), plastics,
wood, natural and artificial fibers, paper, coal and other living matter. Inorganic substances are also
combustible, substances like hydrogen, ammonium nitrate magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and sulfur.

• Oxygen. Fire normally draws its fire through the air, which is a mixture of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen.
16% of oxygen is needed to sustain fire.

• Heat. Sufficient heat to raise the temperature of the fuel surface to a point where chemical union of the
fuel and oxygen occurs. The temperature at which the substance gives off these vapors or gases in sufficient
quantity to be ignited is called the “flash point” of the substance.

Sources of Heat:
Natural Sources Artificial Sources

• Chemical Action
• Mechanical Energy
• Electrical Energy
• Nuclear Energy

• Chemical Reaction. Vapors of gases, which are distilled during burning process of a material, are
carried into the flame


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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Important Point to Remember About Liquid Fuels

• FLASH POINT - The lowest temperature at
which liquid fuel gives off flammable vapors
• FLAMMABLE LIQUID - A liquid having a flash
point below 100 F (37.8 °C)
• COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID - A liquid having a flash
point at or above 100 F (37.8 °C)

The lower the flashpoint, the more dangerous a

substance is.

Common sources of heat that causes fire

• Electrical equipment. Hot surfaces produced by defective electrical equipment are a common
source of ignition.
• Spontaneous Ignition. If some liquids are heated or sprayed to a very hot surface, it may ignite
spontaneously without a present ignition source.
• Spontaneous Combustion. Is a type of combustion which occurs without an external ignition
source. Combustion begins if a sufficiently strong oxidizer, such as oxygen, is present.
• Smoking. In many workplaces, employees smoking, or other persons smoking in a certain area,
can be a source of fire.
• Friction. Sparks can be created by friction, for instance where the moving part of a machine comes
to contact with a fixed part, or two moving surfaces rub each other or slide together during
machine operation.
• Engines, Vehicle Emissions and Hot Surfaces. In vehicle maintenance, and parking areas, diesel-
petrol engine, vehicle emissions and hot surfaces like exhaust systems can be a source of ignition.
• Open Flame Sources. Open flame in the workplaces such as boilers, furnaces, portable heating
appliances, etc. can be also a source of ignition.
• Lighting. In limited cases, lighting can be a source of ignition.

Classes of fire
• CLASS “A” FIRE - wood, paper, cloth, plastic solid combustible materials that are not metal
• CLASS “B” FIRE - flammable liquids: gasoline, oil, grease, acetone any non-metal in a liquid state,
on fire. This classification also includes flammable gases.
• CLASS “C” FIRE - energized electrical equipment, as long as it is “plugged-in” it would be considered
as Class C fire.
• CLASS “D” FIRE - metals: potassium, sodium, aluminum, magnesium (can be experienced in
industrial setting)
• CLASS “K” FIRE – cooking oils and greases: animal fats and vegetable fats

Mode of fire propagation (Heat Transfer)

• Conduction. Is the transfer of thermal energy between neighboring molecules in a substance due
to a temperature gradient. It takes place in solids, such as metals, timber, concrete and glass. Some
solids, such as metals, are better conductor of heat than woods, for example.
• Convection. Is one of the major modes of heat transfer and mass transfer. It takes place in fluids
and gases cause by the convection currents.
• Radiation. Is electromagnetic radiation emitted from a material which is due to the heat of the
material, the characteristics of which depend on its temperature. It is the process of heat
transmission through air and gases. If you are sitting close to a bonfire, he will feel the heat of the
fire, even though the surrounding is cold, this is an example of heat radiation.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Ignition Stage (Incipient Stage) - The point at which the four elements in the fire tetrahedron come
together, materials reach their ignition temperatures and a fire is started.
• Growth Stage - Fire begins to grow, other combustibles heat up, liberate flammable gases, and
ignite, the chain of reaction to other flammables and resulting in an increase in size.
• Flashover - Presence of huge smoke which indicates the rapid change of situation and Increasing
level of smoke with decreased visibility.
• Fully Developed Stage (Free-Burning Stage) - This stage is recognized as the point at which all the
contents within the perimeter of the fire’s boundaries are burning.
• Decay Stage – When the point at which all the fuels has been consumed is reached, the fire will
begin to diminish in size.



Industry runs on electricity. It is efficient, clean, relatively inexpensive, and safe to use when adequate
precautions are taken. When precautions are not taken, however, electricity is a killer.

This write-up explains some of the most common hazards, what you can do to protect yourself against
them and some of the steps this standard will require workers with a safe and healthful workplace.

Electrical wirings in industrial plants and homes are safely concealed behind walls, columns metal boxes,
cabinets and cover plates. The electrical system is strictly regulated by codes and standards to protect
against fire and shock.

OSH Standard Rule 1210: Electrical Safety

Philippine Electrical Code (Rule 1211)

The Philippine Electrical Code is hereby adopted and the standards contained therein shall be considered
safety standards to the extent that they safeguard any person employed in any workplace and control the
practice of electrical engineering.
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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
1212.04 : Inspection:
(1) The safety engineers of the Regional Labor Office or authorized representative having jurisdiction shall
conduct annual safety inspection on all electrical installation and/or special inspections as provided in Rule

All Local Government Units (LGUs) include the application for electrical permits to the procedure for
application of a Building Permit. The processing of building permits falls under the overall control and
supervision of the Office of the Building Official (OBO) of the LGU.

In processing the electrical permits, the Electrical Division of the OBO shall see to it that the applicant
complies with the standards and requirements on electrical safety in the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC),
the Electrical Engineering Law, and the concerned LGU.

The applicant shall first submit certain administrative and technical requirements as specified by the LGU.
The Electrical Division will then assess the completeness and correctness of the submitted documents and
forms. If satisfied, the Electrical Division within the indicative period of time and after payment of the
required fees by the applicant will then issue the Electrical permit. Source:

Electricity - a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or
protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.

How does electricity work?

To handle electricity safely, including working with electrical equipment, you need to understand how
electricity acts, how it can be approached, the hazards it present, and how those hazards can be controlled.

Understanding the basics of electricity by thinking of it’s as water

Volts = Current x Resistance (or V=IR)

The title of this section, Volts= Current x Resistance, is an equation known as Ohm’s Law.

The three most basic components of electricity are voltage, current, and resistance.
• VOLTAGE is like the pressure that pushes water through the hose. It is measured in volts (V).
• CURRENT is like the diameter of the hose. The wider it is, the more water will flow through. It is
measured in amps (I or A).
• RESISTANCE is like sand in the
hose that slows down the water
flow. It is measured in ohms (R or

Voltage, current, and resistance are all

related. If you change one of them in a
circuit, the others will change, too.
Specifically, voltage is equal to current
multiplied by resistance (V = I x R). Thinking
about water, if you add sand into the hose
and keep the pressure the same, it’s like
reducing the diameter of the hose… less water will flow.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2



• Ohm’s Law simply states that one volt will cause a current of one ampere to flow through a
resistance of one ohm.
• The current flowing in a circuit is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to the Voltage And INVERSELY
- ELECTRICAL CONDUCTOR – A material having many free electrons that can move easily.
- ELECTRICAL INSULATOR – A material having few free electrons that cannot move easily.

Electrical Accidents
There are three direct and two indirect types of electrical accidents:
• Direct
- Electrocution or death due to electrical shock
- Electrical shock
- Burns
• Indirect
- Falls
- Fire

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
What are the hazards of electricity?
• Shock
• Burns
• Arc-Blast
• Explosions
• Fires

Electric current travel in closed circuits through some
kind of conducting material. You get a shock when some
part of your body becomes part of an electric circuit. An
electric current enters the body at one point and exists
the body at location. High-voltage shocks can cause
serious injury (especially burns) or death.

• Both wires of an electric circuit

• One wire of an energized circuit and ground
• Part of a machine, which is “hot” because it is contacting an energized wire and the ground.
• Don’t take any chance with electricity. One mistake can cost you your life. The severity of the
shock a person receives, depends on several factors:
• How much electric flow through the body?
• What path the electric current takes through the body?
• How much time elapses while the body is part of the electric circuit?

What happens to the Body?

The effects of an electric shock on the body can range from a tingle in the part touching the circuit to
immediate cardiac arrest. A severe shock can cause more damage to the body than is readily visible.

Relatively small burn marks may be all that are visible on the outside. However, a severely shocked person
can suffer internal bleeding and severe destruction of tissues, muscles, and nerves. Finally, a person
receiving an electric shock may suffer broken bones or other injuries that occur from falling after receiving
a shock.

The Case of Water

Water presents an interesting and potentially dangerous situation. In its pure state, water is a poor
conductor of electricity. However, if even small amount of impurities is present in the water (for example,
salt and acids in perspiration), it becomes a ready electrical conductor. Therefore, if water is present
anywhere in the work environment or on your skin, be extra careful around any source of electricity.
Carelessness with the combination of water and electricity could cost you your life.

Burns can result when a person touches electrical wiring or
equipment that is improperly used or maintained. Typically,
such burn injuries occur on hands.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Arc-blast occur when high-amperage currents jump from
one conductor to another through air, generally during
opening or closing circuits, or when static electricity is
discharged. Fire may occur if the arcing takes places in an
atmosphere that contains an explosive mixture.

Explosion occurs when electricity provides a
source of ignition for an explosive mixture in the
atmosphere. Ignition can be due to overheated
conductor or equipment, or normal arcing
(sparkling) at switch contacts. OSHA standards, the
c73d4f1fe984.jpeg?itok=7L2XhcAH Electricity Code, and related safety standard have
precise requirements for electrical systems and equipment used in hazardous atmospheres.

Electricity is one of the most causes of fire both in our
homes and workplaces. Defective or misused electrical
equipment is a major cause, with high resistance
connections being one of the primary sources of ignition.
High resistance connections occur where wires are
improperly spliced or connected to other components such
as receptacle outlets and switches.

Heat develops in an electrical conductor from the flow of
current. This heat rises the temperature of conductor. As a c73d4f1fe984.jpeg?itok=7L2XhcAH
result, resistance of the conductor increases, further raising the temperature.

Thus, circuit conducting a higher rate of current and regenerating more resistance that it can handle may
create enough heat to cause a fire.

ELECTRICAL FIRE - A failure or malfunction within the electrical components of equipment or machinery
can cause electrical fires. Electrical fires originate in electric wires, cables, circuit breakers, and within
electrical components

Causes of Electrical Accidents

As a power source, electricity can create conditions resulting in bodily harm, property damage, or both. It
is important for you to understand how to avoid electrical hazards when you work with electrical operation.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Accidents and injuries in working with electricity are caused by one combination of the following factors:

• Unsafe equipment and/or installation

• Unsafe work places cause by environmental factors
• Unsafe work practices

As an employee, you can definitely affect the last factor in reporting instances of the first two factors, so
they can be remedied.

Clues That Electrical Hazards Exist

• Tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses
• Warm tools, wires, cords, connections, or junction boxes
• Circuit breaker that shuts off a circuit
• Worn or frayed insulation around wire or connection

Causes of Electrocution Fatalities

• Contact with Overhead Power lines
• Not following Lockout/Tagout procedures
• Contact with Live Circuits
• Poorly Maintained Extension Cords
• Defective Power Tools


• The likelihood of being shock is greatly multiplied in damp locations
• People are excellent conductors
• Never use electrical equipment in damp or wet areas
• Do Not spray water around any electrical source

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2


While machines allow more sufficient, productive work, you must use them with great caution. Safety
should be foremost in your mind. When working with moving machine parts. If it’s possible to wear PPE on
maintenance work, the better, and use safety features and tools correctly. You are in charge of your own
personnel safety on the job.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has put forth several regulations that applies
to the use of electrically powered machinery.

There are also guarding requirements under resistance welding. These requirements touch on lockout/tag
out procedures during welding operations and points of operation guards for press welding machines.
In general, remember that any machine part, function, or process that may cause injury must be guarded.
Where the operation of a machine or accidental contact with it, can injure you or others, these hazards
must be either controlled or eliminated.

Serious Injuries are Possible

Crushed hands and arms, severed fingers, blindness the list of possible machinery-related injuries is as long
as it is horrifying. There seems to be as many hazards created by moving machine parts as there are types
of machines. Guards are essential for protecting workers from needless and preventable injuries.

In addition, most machines and power tools are powered by electricity. Electrical hazards are equally
debilitating. Electricity will give you a shock if you accidentally become a ground. Breathing can stop and
nerve centers may be temporarily paralyzed. Your heartbeat is interrupted so blood stops circulating.
Heat from the current can cause internal bleeding and destruction of nerves or muscles. The severity of
injury depends on where current flows and how long, not the voltage. For example, did you knows that
60/1000 ampere can kill you if it passes through the chest?

You can see that it’s absolutely necessary to pay attention as you use equipment. A machine can be pretty
unforgiving if you slip up-be sure you’re in charge.

Where Mechanical Hazards Occur

These types of dangerous moving parts
need guarding:
• The points of operation, or that point
where work is performed on the
material, such as cutting, shaping,
boring, or forming of stock.
• Power transmission apparatus, or the
components of the mechanical system
which transmit energy to the part of the
machine performing the work. These
components include flywheels, pulleys,
belt, connecting rods, couplings, cams,
spindles, chains, and gears.
• Other moving parts, or parts of the machine which move while the machine is working can include
reciprocating, rotating and transverse moving parts, as well as feed mechanisms and auxiliary parts of
the machines.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Where Mechanical Hazard Occurs
• Exposed Machine Parts
• Workpiece Movement
• Noise
• Projectile Hazards

Hazardous Mechanical Motions and Actions

Different types of hazardous mechanical motions and actions are basic to nearly all machines. Recognizing
them is the first step you can take toward protecting yourself from the dangers they present. We will briefly
examine the following types of hazards in turn.

Rotating motion can be dangerous, even smooth, shaft ends, spindles, and horizontal or vertical shafting
are some examples of common rotating mechanisms which may be hazardous. There is added danger when
bolts, nick, abrasions, and projecting keys or set screw are exposed on rotating parts of machinery.

In running nip points, those locations that can capture body parts in rotating machinery parts, are common,
and dangerous hazards for the machine operator. There are three main types of in-running nips:
• Parts that rotate in opposite directions. These parts may be in contract or in close proximity to each
other. In the latter case, the stock feed between the rolls produces the nip point. This danger is
common on machinery with intermeshing gears, rolling mills, and calendars.
• Another type of nip point is created between rotating and tangentially moving parts. Some
examples would be the point of contact between a power transmission belt and its pulley, a chain
and sprocket, or rack and pinion.
• Nip points can also occur between rotating and fixed parts which create a shearing, crushing or
abrading action, for example, spooked hand wheels or flywheels.

Reciprocating motions may be hazardous because, during the back-and-forth or up-and-down motion, you
might get struck by or caught on a moving and stationary part.

Transverse motion (movement in a straight, continues lines) creates a hazard because a worker may get
struck by or caught in a pinch or shear points by a moving part.

Cutting action involves rotating, reciprocating, or transverse motion. The danger of cutting action exists at
the points of operation where fingers, head and arm injuries can occur and where flying chips or scrap
materials can strike the eyes or face. Such hazards are present at the point of operation in cutting wood,
metal or other materials. Typical machines, turning machines (lathes) or milling machines.

Punching action results when power is applied to a slide (ram) for blanking, or stamping metal or other
materials. The danger of this type of action occurs at the points of operation where stocks are inserted,
held, and withdrawn by hand, typical machinery used for punching operations are power presses and iron

Shearing action involves applying power to a slide or knife in order to trim or shear metal or other
materials. The hazard occurs at the point of operation where stock is actually inserted, held and withdrawn.
Machinery used for shearing operation includes mechanically, hydraulically, or pneumatically powered

Bending action results when power is applied to a slide in order to draw or stamp metal or other materials.
A hazard occurs at the point of operation where stock is inserted, held, and withdrawn. Powered presses,
press brakes, and tubing benders all use bending action.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Causes Of Machine Related Accidents
• An individual making unwanted contact with a moving part of a machine.
• Something flying from the machine.
• A machine malfunction, including mechanical and electrical energy sources failure.
• Workpiece movement during a forming or cutting process

Effects Of Machine Related Accidents

• Can result to severe injuries
• Loss of trained and skilled employee
• Loss in productivity
• Damaged equipment

OSHS RULE 1150: Materials Handling and Storage
• A technique which includes the art of lifting, moving, and storing materials
• It refers to any method used for moving materials:
o By people
o By people using equipment

Material Handling involve diverse operations such as hoisting tons of steel with a crane; driving a truck
loaded with concrete blocks; carrying bags or materials manually; and stacking palletized bricks or other
materials such as drums, barrels, kegs, and lumber.

The efficient handling materials are vital to industry. In addition to raw materials, these operations provide
a continuous flow of parts and assemblies through the workplace and ensure that materials are available
when needed. Unfortunately, the improper handling and storing of materials often result in costly injuries.

What are the potential hazards for workers?

Workers frequently cite the weight and bulkiness of objects that they lift as major contributing factors to
their injuries. In 1999, for example, more than 420,000 workplace accidents resulted in back injuries.
Bending, followed by twisting and turning, were the more commonly cited movements that caused back

Other hazards include falling objects, improperly stacked materials, and various types of equipment. You
should make your employees aware of potential injuries that can occur when manually moving materials.


Manual Handling
Consists of any hand operated handling, transporting
and packaging of products.

Manual handling occurs in almost all working

environments, though workers in construction,
agriculture, hotels and restaurants are most likely to be
exposed to heavy loads.

Manual handling of loads may cause cumulative

disorders due to gradual and cumulative deterioration
of the musculoskeletal system through continuous

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Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
lifting / handling activities, e.g. low back pain. It can also cause acute trauma such as cuts or fractures due
to accidents.

OSHS RULE 1410: Lifting of Weights

For continued lifting, a male worker shall not be made to lift, carry or move any load over fifty kilograms
(50 kgs.) and female workers over twenty-five kilograms (25 kgs.). Weights over these shall either be
handled by more than one worker or by mechanical means.

Example Hand Tools and Accessories

Mechanical Handling
Pertains to more rigid, powered and non-powered mechanics mainly for handling bulky and heavy items.

Mechanized materials-handling equipment is commonly used in many industries for assisting with
materials handling and storage due to higher efficiency and productivity at lower cost.

Although mechanical handling creates a new set of hazards, the net result (without efficiency benefit) is
fewer injuries, lower workers’ compensation expenses, and a more productive workplace.

Example of Mechanical Equipment

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
The following are Hazards Associated with Materials Handling
• Strains and sprains from lifting loads improperly or from carrying loads that are either too large or
too heavy,
• Falling load - Fractures and bruises caused by being struck by materials or by being caught in pinch
points, and
• Collision
• Cuts and bruises caused by falling materials that have been improperly stored or by incorrectly
cutting ties or other securing devices.
• Trapped between Objects

Manual Handling Mistakes That Cause Injuries

Industrial Truck Safety Popular Misconceptions

• “Anyone can drive a lift truck.”
• “They handle just like a car.”
• “They are easier to drive than a car.”
• “You don’t need any training to safely drive a fork lift.”

• A deteriorating housekeeping may be the first evidence of a deteriorating safety and health
• Lifting and moving things at work is something you probably do every day. Unfortunately, it’s also
an everyday cause of disabling injuries and even deaths!
• To produce fire, three things must be present at the time: Fuel, Heat and Oxygen.
• Mechanical hazards occur:
• at the point of operation,
• power transmission components and
• other exposed moving parts of the machine.
• Failure to ensure a safe design, proper work procedures, proper servicing and maintenance of
electrical equipment often result in bodily harm or death, property damage or both.

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Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Module 2: Workplace Risk Assessment

1 B – Workplace Health Hazards

In this module, we will introduce you to the processes involved in identifying and recognizing occupational
health hazards in the work environment and help you do this in a systematic manner.
Working on this module should help you to:
• Explain the principles of Industrial Hygiene; and
• Identify health hazards in their workplace.

is “the science and art devoted to the identification, evaluation and control of environmental factors or
stresses arising in or from the workplace, which may cause sickness, impaired health and well-being, or
significant discomfort and inefficiency among workers or citizens of the community.”
Source: Theory and rationale of industrial hygiene practice: Patty’s industrial hygiene and toxicology, p. 14
Implementing industrial hygiene practices such as exposure assessment and instituting control measures
to minimize occupational accidents and diseases and their costs as well as enhance productivity.
Industrial hygiene is interconnected with the different aspects of work – research and development,
production, medical/health, safety and management.

Concerns of Industrial Hygiene

• DETECTION, MEASUREMENT and EVALUATION of hazards in the workplace.
• PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION of measures to improve environment.
• The CONSERVATION OF HEALTH & PROSPERITY of the workers and his community.

Company Responsibilities:
• A safe working environment.
• A safe system of work.
• Provide adequate facilities for the welfare of their employees.
• Provide information, training and supervision to ensure employees’ safety from injury and health

Employee’s Responsibilities
• Take reasonable care to protect own’s health and safety at work.
• Follow and Comply with the company’s Health and Safety guidelines primarily, the use of safety
devices and PPE.

What are Health Hazards?

According to medical dictionaries:
• Any agent or activity posing a potential hazard to health
• Any organism, chemicals, conditions, or circumstance that may cause illness

3 Basic steps of Industrial Hygiene

• IDENTIFY THE HAZARD (Alamin, Kilalanin)
• EVALUATE THE HAZARD (Suriin, Sukatin)
• CONTROL THE HAZARD (Ituwid, itama, ayusin)

Identification of occupational health hazards

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
A. Classification of occupational health hazards
The various environmental stresses or hazards, otherwise known as occupational health hazards can be
classified as chemical, physical, biological, or ergonomic.

1. Physical Hazards. Problems relating to such things as extremes of temperature, heat stress,
vibration, radiation, abnormal air pressure, illumination, noise, and vibration are physical
stresses. It is important that the employer, supervisor, and those responsible for safety and health
are on guard to these hazards due to the possible immediate or cumulative effects on the health
of the employees.
a. Noise is one of the most common physical hazards present in the occupational setting.
Depending on frequency, amplitude (volume) and duration of exposure, hearing
protection may be required. Inadequate hearing protection or prolonged exposure to
noise can result in either temporary or permanent hearing loss.
• Frequency – measured in (Hertz) cycle per seconds
• Loudness or Intensity/ Amplitude – measured in decibel (Db)
• Duration – (in hours and minutes)

Types of noise
• Continuous noise is a steady noise with negligible level fluctuations during the
period of observation.
• Intermittent noise levels shift significantly during observation.
• Impact noise consists of one or more bursts of sound energy, each lasting less than
one second.

Noise is measured in units of sound pressure levels called decibels, named after Alexander Graham
Bell, using A-weighted sound levels (dBA). The A-weighted sound levels closely match the
perception of loudness by the human ear. Decibels are measured on a logarithmic scale which
means that a small change in the number of decibels results in a huge change in the amount of
noise and the potential damage to a person's hearing.

OSHA sets legal limits on noise exposure in the workplace. These limits are based on a worker's
time weighted average over an 8 hour day. With noise, OSHA's permissible exposure limit (PEL) is
90 dBA for all workers for an 8 hour day. The OSHA standard uses a 5 dBA exchange rate. This
means that when the noise level is increased by 5 dBA, the amount of time a person can be exposed
to a certain noise level to receive the same dose is cut in half. Source:

Noise Levels Prevailing in Different Industries in the Philippines

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Noise Health Effects
Exposure to high levels of noise can cause permanent hearing loss. Neither surgery nor
a hearing aid can help correct this type of hearing loss.
• Short term exposure to loud noise can also cause a temporary change in
hearing (your ears may feel stuffed up) or a ringing in your ears (tinnitus).
These short-term problems may go away within a few minutes or hours after
leaving the noise.
• Repeated exposures to loud noise can lead to permanent tinnitus and/or
hearing loss.
• Loud noise can create physical and psychological stress, reduce productivity,
interfere with communication and concentration, and contribute to workplace
accidents and injuries by making it difficult to hear warning signals. The effects
of noise induced hearing loss can be profound, limiting your ability to hear high
frequency sounds, understand speech, and seriously impairing your ability to

Effects & Control

• “If two (2) people with no hearing impairment have to raise their voices or
shout to be heard in a distance of less than arm’s length from each other,
the sound level is potentially hazardous.”

b. Vibration - It is a physical factor that acts on man by transmission of mechanical energy

from sources of oscillation. It affects workers when the mechanical energy is transmitted
to the body. There are two types of vibration: general or whole body vibration and local
or segmental vibration.
• Segmental Vibration - Chain Saw, Portable Grinder, Jackhammer and Polishers
• Whole Body Vibration - Tower Crane Cars Buses and Train.

Exposure to whole-body vibration can cause discomfort or cause injury. It is also associated
with elevated health risk for low back pain in workers exposed for many years to intense
whole-body vibration. Stomach problems, headache and muscle pains have been reported
among workers with occupational exposure to whole-body vibration.

The harmful effect of vibration on the human body also arises from local or segmental
Prolonged exposure of the hands to vibrating tools may lead to the development of
vibration disease, or “Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome” (HAVS). The risk of HAVS is increased
in the presence of other factors such as cold environmental temperature and long working
duration. HAVS is characterized by attacks of whitening (blanching) of one or more fingers
when exposed to cold; tingling and numbness in the fingers; and pain.

c. Illumination - is the measure of the stream of light falling on a surface. It is measured in

lumens or lux.
Types of Lighting Illumination can also be viewed in terms of:
• GENERAL LIGHTING - Sometimes referred to as ambient light fills in between the
two and is intended for general illumination of an area.
• LOCAL LIGHTING – NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL Type of lighting which illuminates a
relatively small area without illuminating the general surroundings significantly.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Bright - if the workplace illumination is higher than the recommended
• Dark - if the workplace illumination is lower than the recommended

Inadequate illumination may cause visual complaints among workers and cause
productivity problems. The usual complaints after working in poorly lighted areas are visual
fatigue, double vision, headaches, painful irritation, redness of the eyes or conjunctivitis
and frequent tearing or lacrimation.

d. Extreme temperature - Extreme temperatures (extreme heat and extreme cold) affect the
amount of work that people can do and the manner in which they do it. In industry, the
problem is more often high temperatures rather than low temperatures.

The body continuously produces heat through its metabolic processes. Since the body
processes are designed to operate only within a very narrow range of temperature, the
body must dissipate this heat as rapidly as it is produced if it is to function efficiently. A
sensitive and rapidly acting set of temperature-sensing devices in the body must also
control the rates of its temperature-regulating processes.

Factors affecting Heat Exposure

• Thermal Factors – Temperature & Humidity
• Physical Workload - Light, Moderate, Heavy & Very Heavy
• Work-Rest Regimen - Heat & Cold Stress
i. Heat stress may be experienced by workers exposed to excessive heat
arising from work. Workers at risk of heat stress include outdoor workers
and workers in hot environments such as firefighters, bakery workers,
farmers, construction workers, miners, boiler room workers, factory
workers, etc. workers aged 65 and older, those with heart disease,
hypertension or those taking medications are at a greater risk for heat
stress. Heat can be internally generated from internal body sources or
external work factors such as radiation, and hot surfaces of equipment and
tools. Internally generated heat is a product of the processes that occur
within the cells, tissues and organs in the body.

• The factors influencing heat stress include:

o Air Temperature - known as the ambient room
o Air Humidity - the amount of water vapor or moisture
content of the air.
o Air Velocity - the rate at which air moves and is important
in heat exchange between the human body and the
environment. because of its role in convective and
evaporative heat transfer. Air movement cools the body
by convection, the moving air removes the air film or the
saturated air (which is formed very rapidly by evaporation
of sweat) and replaces it with a fresh air layer, capable of
accepting more moisture from the skin.
o Radiant Temperature - the thermal load of solar and
infrared radiation in the human body.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
o Clothing – working clothes style/design/mode and the
type of fabric can affect the body heat temperature.

• Physical Workload - may be categorized as light, moderate, or

heavy depending on the task or job activity carried out by the
o Light - work-sitting or standing to control machines.
o Moderate work - walking about, moderate lifting and
o Heavy work – intense work of the extremities and trunk.

ii. Cold stress. Workers exposed to extreme cold or work in cold

environments such as those in ice plants or refrigerated workplaces may
be at risk of cold stress. Refrigerants such as ammonia, methyl chloride
and halogenated hydrocarbons used in freezing and cold storage bring
risks of poisoning and chemical burns. Ammonia and other refrigerants
such as propane, butane, ethane and ethylene, though less frequently
used are flammable and explosive chemicals. Monitoring and evaluation
of these chemicals is highly recommended when working in cold storage
and refrigerating plants. (Reference: Encyclopedia of Health and Safety)

e. Radiation - Electromagnetic waves are produced by the motion of electrically charged

particles. These waves are also called “electromagnetic radiation” because they radiate
from the electrically charged particles. They travel through empty space as well as through
air and can penetrate some other substances. Radio waves, microwaves, visible light and
X-rays are all examples of electromagnetic waves.

The electromagnetic spectrum can be divided into two at a wavelength of about 10 nm,
which distinguishes
i. IONIZING RADIATION. For the ionizing region of the electromagnetic spectrum,
the energy incident upon a material is large enough to remove an electron from
an atom orbit to produce ionization
ii. NON-IONIZING RADIATION Visible light, infrared and microwaves are types of
non-ionizing radiation. X-rays and Gamma rays are examples of ionizing radiation.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
f. Pressure - It has been recognized as from the beginning of caisson work (work performed
in a watertight structure) that men working under pressures greater than at a normal
atmospheric one, are subject to various illnesses connected with the job. Hyperbaric
(greater than normal pressures) environments are also encountered by divers operating
under water, whether by holding the breath while diving, breathing from a self-contained
underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA), or by breathing gas mixtures supplied by
compression from the surface.

Occupational exposures occur in caisson or tunneling operations, where a compressed gas

environment is used to exclude water or mud and to provide support for structures. Man
can withstand large pressures due to the free access of air to the lungs, sinuses, and middle

2. Chemical Hazards. Is a type of occupational hazard caused by exposure to chemicals in the


Type of Chemical Hazards

Chemical Hazards Routes of Entry

• INHALATION The lungs is a major route of entry of chemicals
• INGESTION The process of taking food, drink, or another substance into the body by
swallowing or absorbing it.
• DERMAL Chemicals may be absorbed through healthy skin into the bloodstream and carried
to different parts of the body where they can have damaging results.
o Skin Contact
o Injection
o Eye Splash
• Potential Dangers of Hazardous Chemicals
o Health Risk
o Fire & Explosion Hazard
o Dangerous to Environment

Occupational health hazards arise from inhaling chemical agents in the form of vapors, gases, dusts,
fumes, and mists, or by skin contact with these materials. The degree of risk of handling a given
substance depends on the magnitude and duration of exposure.
a. Vapour A substance diffused or suspended in the air, especially one normally liquid or
i. Occupational Exposure
• Degreasing of metals
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Printing
• Dry-cleaning
• Painting
• Laboratory Analysis
b. Mist A water in the form of particles floating or falling in the atmosphere at or near the
surface of the earth and approaching the form of rain.
i. Occupational Exposure
• Wastewater treatment
• Acids from electroplating
• Oil mists from cutting & grinding operation
• Mist from Spray painting operation
c. Fume Volatilized solid that condenses when they contact air
i. Occupational Exposure
• Soldering operation
• Welding
• Lead-battery making
• Mining operation
d. Dust Refers to the suspension of solid particles in air.
Dust are classified according to size:
• Total Dust – all dust particles in the area
• Respirable Dust – fraction of total dust which passes through a selector which
can be inhaled and deposited in the lungs
i. Occupational Exposure
• These dust particles are generated by physical processes such
as handling, grinding, drilling, milling and crushing operations
where solid materials are broken down.

e. Gases A basic state of matter, expands to fill the space available (e.g. carbon monoxide).
i. Occupational Exposure
• Using fuel-powered equipment

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
3. Biological Hazards. Biological hazards are any virus, bacteria, fungus, parasite, or living organism
that can cause a disease in human beings. They can be a part of the total environment or associated
with certain occupations such as medical professions, food preparation and handling, livestock
raising, etc. Diseases transmitted from animals to humans are commonly infectious and parasitic
which can also result from exposure to contaminated water, insects, or infected people. Biological
hazards will be discussed further during the occupational health portion of this workshop.
Occupational Exposure
• Poor sanitation and housekeeping
• Hospital works
• Removal of industrial waste and sewage
• Poor personal cleanliness

4. Ergonomic Hazards. “Ergonomics” literally means the customs, habits, and laws of work. According
to the International Labor Organization it is “… The application of human biological science in
conjunction with the engineering sciences to achieve the optimum mutual adjustment of man [sic]
and his [sic] work, the benefits being measured in terms of human efficiency and well-being.”

Types of Ergonomic Hazards:

• Is any hazard that affects the mental well-being or mental health of the worker by
overwhelming individual coping mechanisms and impacting the worker's ability to
work in a healthy and safe manner.
• Stress
• Violence at work
• Drugs and alcohol
Those basically environmental factors that cause stress to the worker.
• Non-recovery of the body
• Repetitive nature of the work
• Uncomfortable working station


Now that we are familiar with the classification of hazards, we can now discuss how to identify the different
hazards through a combination of the following methods:
1. Walk-through/ocular inspection – this is necessary in identifying the potential hazards and determining
the critical conditions in the workplace. It will be good to make a checklist for inspection.

2. Review of the process involved – The identity of the chemical intermediates formed in the course of an
industrial process and the toxicological properties of these intermediates may be difficult to establish.
Undesirable chemical by-products such as carbon monoxide resulting from the incomplete combustion of
organic material may be formed.

3. Knowing the raw materials, by-products and finished products – Knowing about the raw materials used
and the nature of the products manufactured will help you determine the specific contaminants to which
workers are actually exposed. Possible impurities in raw materials such as benzene in some solvents should
be considered.

4. Gathering workers’ complaints – the actual chemicals or substances handled may be determined by
interviewing the workers. More so, their complaints can also be gathered and assessed in the clinic record.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
5. GHS Labels and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a summary of important health, safety and toxicological
information on the chemical or the mixture ingredients. It should contain:
a. Identification of the Chemicals
b. composition/information on ingredients
c. hazard(s) identification
d. first-aid measures
e. fire-fighting measures
f. accidental release measures
g. handling and storage
h. exposure control/personal protection
i. physical and chemical properties
j. stability and reactivity
k. toxicological information
l. ecological information
m. disposal considerations
n. transport information
o. regulatory information
p. Other information including date of preparation of last revision

The SDS should conform to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of classification and labeling of
chemicals (DO 136-14).
The GHS is an international standard for classifying chemicals and communicating its hazards. It is a basis
for establishing a comprehensive national chemical safety program, and a comprehensive approach to
defining and classifying hazards and communicating information on labels and safety data sheets.

The GHS was developed in Agenda 21 of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED) held in Brazil in 1992.

Benefits of GHS – All countries, international organizations, chemical producers, and users of chemicals
will benefit from the GHS as it will:
• Enhance the protection of humans and environment
• Facilitate international trade in chemicals
• Reduce the need for testing and evaluation of chemicals
• Assist countries and international organizations to ensure the sound management of chemicals

Elements of GHS
a. Hazard Classification Criteria has three major hazard groups namely physical, heath, and environmental
hazards. Based on the three classifications of hazards, the following compose the GHS criteria:
* Physical hazards – explosives, flammable gases/aerosols, oxidizing gases, corrosive to metal,
substances and mixtures which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases, and others.
* Health hazards – acute toxicity, skin corrosion/ irritation, serious eye damage/eye irritation,
respiratory or skin sensitization, carcinogenicity, reproductive toxicity, aspiration hazards, and
* Environmental hazards – hazardous to aquatic environment, hazardous to the ozone layer, and

d. Hazard communication composed of Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Labels.

GHS labels must include specific:
* signal words - warning or danger
* hazard statements - flammable liquids, fatal if swallowed
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
* symbols/ pictograms.

(Source: Globally harmonized system. (2011, June 01). Retrieved August 31, 2011, from Canadian Center for Occupational Health and
Safety Web site:

LABELING Symbols to follow

based on DO 136-14
Clear Points
• Industrial Hygiene is the science and art devoted to
the identification, evaluation and control of hazards.
• Safety Officer has the role to classify his
establishment through proper identification of the
different health hazards as part of the risk
assessment process.
• There are various ways or strategies to identify
different health hazards in the workplace.


Module 2: Workplace Risk Assessment

2A – Workplace Environment Measurement
In this module, help you go through the process of evaluating such hazards through the Work Environment
Measurement (WEM) which objectively assesses the level of workplace hazards through the use of
different industrial hygiene equipment’s.

The WEM is one of the technical services carried out by the OSHC to help companies comply with Rule
1070 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS).

• Describe Work Environment Measurement (WEM) and its importance in evaluating the hazards in
the workplace and monitoring exposure of workers
• Comply with industrial hygiene – related OSHS provisions and other issuances, laws and guidelines;
• Explain the Threshold Limit Values (TLV) and its importance in evaluating workers’ exposure.

Workplace Environment Measurement (WEM) is the quantitative evaluation of hazards cited in Rule
1077 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS). Shall mean sampling and analysis carried
out in respect of the atmospheric working environment and other fundamental elements of working
environment for the purpose of determining actual conditions therein.

OSHS Rule 1070: Occupational Health and Environmental Control

Rule1077: Working Environment Measurement
• The employer shall exert efforts to maintain and control the working environment in workplace.
• WEM will be conduct on hazardous workplaces.
• Keep WEM measurement records for validation of enforcing authority.
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• The WEM shall be performed periodically as may be necessary but not longer than annually.
• WEM shall be conducted by trained personnel (internal).
• WEM shall be done only by DOLE or its accredited testing centers.

DO 160-16: Guidelines on the Accreditation of Consulting Organizations to Provide WEM Services

• Establishments shall only seek WEM services from accredited WEM Providers Otherwise, the WEM
shall NOT be regarded as compliant to Rule 1077 (Working Environment Measurement) of the
• NO person or organization shall be allowed, hired or provide WEM services unless the
requirements of this rule are complied with

WEM is conducted for the following purposes:

• determine magnitude of harmful environmental agents.
• physically check the environment through measurement.
• predict harmfulness of new facilities, raw materials, production processes and working methods.
• monitor worker’s exposure to harmful substances.
• evaluate the effectiveness of environmental control measures adopted to improve the workplace.
• maintain favorable environment conditions

Types of Environmental Monitoring:

1. Personal Monitoring – the measurement of a particular employee’s exposure to airborne
contaminants. The measuring device is placed as close as possible to the contaminant’s entry port
to the body. For example, when monitoring a toxic air contaminant, the measuring device is placed
close to the worker’s breathing zone. The data collected closely approximates the concentration
of contaminants to which the worker is exposed to.
2. Area/Environmental Sampling – Environmental sampling is the measurement of contaminant
concentration in the workroom. The measuring device is placed adjacent to the worker’s normal
workstation or at fixed locations in the work area. This kind of monitoring does not provide a good
estimate of worker’s exposure but helps to pinpoint work areas with high or low exposure levels
of contaminants.

Examples of WEM Measuring Equipment

• Lux Meter - illumination
• Psychrometer - humidity
• Anemometer - air movement
• Smoke Tester - air direction
• Globe Thermometer - heat
• Sound Level Meter - noise

It is best that WEM be conducted on a regular basis. Work Environment Monitoring should be done at least
once a year.

Evaluation of Results of WEM

The results of measurement are evaluated to determine whether or not they represent actual health
Results are compared with the accepted standards as follows:
• Is the measurement of a particular worker’s exposure to airborne contaminants The data
collected approximates the concentration of contaminant by which the worker is exposed to.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• The results of measurement are evaluated to determine whether or not they represent
actual health hazards which is being compared to with the accepted standards of maximum
allowable concentrations or levels.

Accepted Standards
• Occupational Safety and Health Standards
• American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ACGIH (Threshold Limit Values
(TLV) (Biological Exposure Indices (BEI))
• Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA)
• American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

Exposure Standards & Guidelines

Legally acceptable exposure limits (Rule 1070 OSHS establishes the TLVs)
Recommended maximum exposure which are voluntary and not legally enforceable.

Environmental Monitoring
Threshold Limit Value (TLV)
These are exposure guidelines that have been established for airborne concentration of many chemical
compounds. Concentrations of hazards that exceed the TLVs can cause adverse effects to humans.

Laboratory analysis results are compared with the Threshold Limit Values (TLVs). These are exposure
guidelines that have been established for airborne concentration of many chemical compounds.
Concentrations of hazards that exceed the TLVs can cause adverse effects to humans. There are three
categories of TLVs:

1. Time-Weighted Average (TLV-TWA) Concentration for an 8-hr workday and a 48-hours work of
exposure per week, (OSHS)
2. Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL) is the maximum concentration to which workers can be exposed
continuously for 15 minutes without suffering from any of the following:
a. Irritation
b. Chronic or irreversible tissue damage
c. Narcosis of sufficient degree to increase the likelihood of accidental injury, impair self-rescue or
materially reduce work efficiency.
3. Ceiling (TLV-C) is the concentration that should not be exceeded during any part of the working
exposure; otherwise, the exposed workers might be vulnerable to serious risks.

The measurement data will be compared with existing standards or guidelines:
• Threshold Limit Values (TLVs)
• Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)
• Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs)
• Recommended Exposure Limits (RELs)
• Maximum Allowable Concentrations (MACs)

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Exposure Limits

Action Level
• The level of a harmful or toxic substance/activity which requires medical surveillance,
increased industrial hygiene monitoring, or biological monitoring. (NIOSH and OSHA)
• Action Levels for TLV for chemical is 50% of its TLV

Action Level for Noise

OSHA requires employers to have a Hearing Conservation Program in place if workers are
exposed to a time weighted average (TWA) noise level of 85 decibels (dBA) or higher over an 8
hour work shift.

TLV of Airborne Contaminants, OSHS

Standards or Guidelines

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Exposure Limits of TOLUENE

OSHS Rule 1074: Permissible Noise Exposure Limits

• Sound level in decibels are measured on a sound level
meter, A weighted network, slow meter response
• No exposure is allowed for continuous, intermittent
noise in excess of 115 dBA .

OSHS Rule 1075: Recommended Illumination Levels

• A minimum of 50 lux passageway, corridor, warehouse
• A minimum of 300 lux medium inspection; office
deskwork with intermittent reading and writing for filing
and mail sorting.
• A minimum of 500 lux fine inspection, fine woodworking,
accounting, drafting,
• A minimum of 1000 lux extra fine assembling; jewelry
and watch mfg; proofreading in printing plants

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Guidelines (ACGIH)

Clear Points
• The degree of hazard from exposure to harmful environmental factors or stresses would depend
on the following:
o Nature of the material involved
o Intensity of exposure
o Duration of exposure
o Individual susceptibility
• The employers shall exert effort to maintain, control and carry out WEM to their workplace
• Provisions of OSHS Rule 1077 including related DOLE issuances must be complied with.
• The conduct of WEM through area or personal monitoring is important to know the levels of
exposure of the workers to the different hazards in the workplace.
• Threshold Limit Value is defined and categorized into three Time Weighted Average, Short term
Exposure Limit and Ceiling
• Other references or guidelines may be used for health hazards that are not specified in the OSHS.
• The levels of exposure should be compared with the TLVs
o Measured values must be within or should not exceed the TLV to ensure health of the
o Measured values in action level or has exceeded the TLVs should be appropriately

Module 2: Workplace Risk Assessment

2B – Medical Surveillance
Working on this module should help you to:
• Discuss medical surveillance and biological monitoring as strategies in examining health conditions
of workers
• Explain the role of these strategies in preventing occupational illnesses.
• Describe the different steps in conducting medical surveillance.
• Discuss COVID-19 Identification and Detection in the workplace

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Based on the type of work being performed, including consideration of factors such as the duration of the
task, the materials being used, and the potential for exposure, medical surveillance is either recommended
or required for the job. The monitoring of the workers who may have been exposed to a pathogen or
noxious thing in the environment is very important part of ensuring the health of the workers.

• Systematic continuous, repetitive health-related activities that should lead to corrective action.

Ambient Biological Medical Surveillance
• Work • Blood • Pre-employment (Entrance)
Environment • Urine • Periodic Examinations
Monitoring • Special Examinations
• Transfer Examinations
• Separation Examinations

Environmental monitoring can be used to determine exposure by looking at the concentration of the
chemicals in the work environment. These tests would include airborne (inhalation exposure) samples
and surface wipe samples. If the overall dose of a chemical enters the body through routes other than
inhalation (i.e., ingestion or dermal) then biological monitoring of other media (like urine, exhaled
breath, or blood) may be a better determinant of overall dose than air sampling alone. Biological
monitoring also produces a pre-clinical measurement of the presence of the chemical, estimating the
amount which has proceeded from the external to the internal environment. Finally, medical
monitoring tests will be used by the physician to measure adverse health effect, or occupational illness,
in a particular individual. By the time medical monitoring produces an indication of the chemical, the
parameter measured is extent of biological effect, i.e., illness.

Purpose of Medical Surveillance

Prevention of illness.
• Aims of Occupational Health (WHO, ILO)

Early detection of work-related health problems and determining its cause.

Monitoring Strategies

• Surveillance in occupational health practice covers periodic, systematic and continuous hazard
assessment and medical examination.
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Surveillance data will provide trends or emerging patterns in workplace hazards and illnesses.
• Surveillance has to be followed by preventive action (appropriate control measures) and
evaluation of the effectiveness of intervention.
• Surveillance is conducted to meet regulatory requirements.

Why do we conduct Medical Surveillance?

• Worker populations are not homogenous
• Certain members will be particularly vulnerable or at greater risk than others. (individual
• Hazard level within safe or acceptable limits do not guarantee that workers will not be affected.

What determines workers health?

• Hazards exposure in the working environment
o Physical
o Chemical
o Biological
o Ergonomic

• Workers Health Practices

o Individual risk-taking behavior
o Physical exercise,
o Sedentary work
o Diet and nutrition
o Unhealthy habits
o Smoking, alcohol

• Personal Social Factors

o Inequities in gender,
o Race,
o Age, residence, etc.
o Family & medical history
o Occupational status
o Employment conditions
o Income

• Access to Health Services

o Preventive occupational health services
o Specialized curative care and rehabilitation
o Health and accident insurance

Why do we conduct Medical Surveillance?

• Monitoring of certain high-risk groups:
o Workers new to a hazardous job
o Workers returning after injury or illness
o Workers with concurrent condition or illness which can be adversely affected by workplace
o Workers exposed to very hazardous substances or work processes
• When diseases in question are associated with particular exposure or industry.
• Mandated by DOLE

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Steps in Surveillance of Occupational Diseases:

Identification of
Hazard and exposure Selection of medical
adverse health
assessment screening tests
outcomes for each

Interpretation of data Communication of Documentation/

and recommendation results recordkeeping

Evaluation of control

Steps in Surveillance of Occupational Diseases:

1. Identification of adverse health outcomes for each
• Types of substances
• Process Involved
• Exposure pathways
• Exposed population
• Estimate intensity, frequency and duration of exposure to toxic agent

2. Identification of adverse health outcomes for each hazard

Mining, construction Inorganic Lungs
dust (pneumoconiosis)
Agriculture Eye and Chemicals Respiratory system
skin irritation (pesticide) (irritant)
malathion Nervous system
vomiting, dizziness,
convulsions, coma,
Printing Toluene Nervous system
Stevedoring Lifting Musculoskeletal
Garments/ sewing Noise Ears

Health Hazards Classification

Hazards in the workplace that can cause ill-health among workers include the following:
• Chemical hazards is a type of occupational hazard caused by exposure to chemicals in the
workplace. These hazards can cause physical and/or health risks.
o such as dusts, gases, vapors, fumes and mists.
• Physical hazards is an agent, factor or circumstance that can cause harm without contact.
o such as noise, vibration, radiation, illumination and extreme temperature.
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Ergonomic hazards are physical factors in the environment that may cause musculoskeletal
o due to repetitive Nature of work, Uncomfortable working stations and Non-Recovery of
the body.
• Biological hazards also known as biohazards, refer to biological substances that pose a threat to
the health of living organisms, primarily that of humans.
o This can include medical waste or samples of a microorganism, virus or toxin that can affect
human health.

Physical Hazards Adverse Health Outcomes



Noise induced hearing ILLUMINATION Cataract, radiation
loss (NIHL) Heat stroke, Heat burns, cancer,
Exhaustion, Heat congenital birth defects
Hand-Arm vibration Visual fatigue, glare, headache

Chemical Hazards Adverse Health Outcomes

Why the need of measure absorbed amount?

The dose of an exposure to noxious agent is a strong predictor of the likelihood and type of disease
• Biological Monitoring
o Assessment to overall systemic exposure to chemicals by measurement of the chemicals
or their metabolites in blood, urine or breath.
• Biological Exposure Indices (BEI)
o Indicates a concentration below which nearly all workers should not experience adverse
health effect.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
(Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry)

Acute vs. Chronic Toxicity

• Occurs almost immediately (hours/days) after an exposure
• Absorption of phenol through the skin creating a chemical burn
• Inhalation of formaldehyde causing irritation to mucus membranes

• Represents cumulative damage to specific organ systems
• Many months or years to have recognizable clinical disease
• Inhalation of lead causing damage to the kidneys
• Inhalation of asbestos causing cancer to the lungs

Local vs. Systemic Toxicity

• Occurs at the site of chemical contact
• Contact with acid creating a chemical burn
• Ozone exposure causing lung irritation
• Aldehyde splash in the eyes

• Distant site from point of contact, may involve many organ systems
• Consumption of lead causing damage to the kidneys
• Exposure to carbon tetrachloride causing liver damage
• Exposure to arsenic causing hemolysis or red blood cells

Chemical Hazards Adverse Health Outcomes

As stated in Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Toxicological Information section:
• Neurologic (brain, nerves)
• Cardiovascular (heart, blood vessels)
• Hematologic (blood)
• Respiratory (airway, lungs)
• Renal (kidneys)
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Urologic (bladder)
• Gastrointestinal (stomach, intestines)
• Dermatologic (skin)
• Teratogenic (birth defects)
• Carcinogenic (cancer)

Chemical Hazards Adverse Health Outcomes

Safety Data Sheet

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Sources of Biological Hazards
• Soil
o Insects, Plants, Birds, Animal and Humans
• Microorganisms
o Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites and Viruses

Questions to ask about Biological Hazards when assessing your workplace

• Are my employees working around other people who may have a contagious disease or

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Do my employees work with or around animals and insects?

• Is the workspace clean and clear of mold and fungi?
• Will my employees be working around potentially hazardous pathogens or biological
materials such as sewage?
• If my employees are around biological hazards, do they have the proper protective
equipment to be safe?
• Are there any “sharp” materials that need to be cleaned regularly and properly and/or
disposed of safely and securely?

What to do once you have identified biological hazards have been identified
• Regular cleaning of the workplace, pest prevention or extermination,
• Requiring that safety equipment be used and worn, and
• Proper disposal of materials and items that may pose a biological risk.

• Changing work processes and activities to make them more safe.
• Allowing proper sick leave to employees
• Providing immunization programs, and
• Limiting exposure to potential biological safety hazards and training staff to work safely around

Number Rate
Diseases of the Heart 118,740 121.1
Diseases of the Vascular System 68,325 69.7
Malignant Neoplasms 53,601 54.7
Pneumonia 53,101 54.2
Accidents 40,071 40.9
Diabetes mellitus 27,064 27.6
Chronic lower respiratory diseases 23,867 24.4
Tuberculosis, all forms 23,216 23.7
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 14,954 15.3

Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 10,436 10.6

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

HIV- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
A virus which causes AIDS

AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

A serious & usually fatal condition in which the body’s immune system is severely weakened & cannot fight
off infection
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Quick facts (DOH-EB-HARP January – March 2020)
From January to March 2020,
there were 2,818 newly
confirmed HIV-positive
individuals reported to the HIV/
AIDS & ART Registry of the
Philippines (HARP) [Figure 1].
Seventeen percent (473) had
clinical manifestations of
advanced HIV infection at the
time of testing [Table 1].
Ninety-four percent (2,658) of
the newly diagnosed were
male. The median age was 28
years old (age range: 1-78 years
old). Almost half of the cases (48%, 1,359) were 25-34 years old and 30% (834) were 15-24 years old at the
time of diagnosis.


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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Body fluids with high viral load

Modes of transmission

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Reported Mode of HIV

From January 1984 to March 2020,
sexual contact among males who
have sex with males [MSM] (85%,
62,286) was the predominant MOT,
followed by male-female sex (11%,
7,691), and sharing of infected
needles (3%, 2,196). More than half of
MSM (52%, 32,548) were 25-34 years
old at the time of testing, and 31%
(19,301) were 15-24 years old. Among
diagnosed females, male-female sex
was the most common MOT (93%,
4,417) followed by sharing of infected
needles (3%, 137) [Table 3].


Hepatitis B
Most common cause of liver cancer and liver Cirrhosis among Filipinos.
Mode of transmission:
• Sexual contact
• Mother to child (during pregnancy or childbirth)
• Infected blood

Exposure to contaminated blood or infected body fluids (semen, vaginal secretions, etc)

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

COVID-19 Identification and Detection

What is COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. 'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus,
and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.'

How does COVID-19 spreads

• Primarily through close contact with someone who is infected, and
• By touching contaminated objects and surfaces.

In time of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Department of Trade

and Industry (DTI) and Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) have issued INTERIM GUIDELINES
COVID-19. The guidelines are issued to assist private
institutions that are allowed to operate during the
Enhanced Community Quarantine and General
Community Quarantine in developing the minimum
health protocols and standards in the workplace.

Most at Risk Workers and Vulnerable Group

• Employers are highly encouraged to allow these
workers to do work from home arrangement.
Work Agreements should be developed to detail
the deliverables from these employees and there
shall be no diminution in wages or benefits.

• Employees at higher risks:

• >60 yrs. old employees
• With pre-existing illness i.e.
hypertension, diabetes, cancer, or with
immunocompromised health status
• Pregnant women

COVID-19 Prevention & Control

• Identification Prior to entrance in building or
• Identification Inside the workplace
• Identification to Minimize contact rate
• Identification In the event that a worker is suspected
as having COVID-19:
• Duties of Employer and Workers:
• COVID-19 Testing Classifying Risk of Worker Exposure to
• Most at Risk Workers and Vulnerable Group
COVID 19 in the Workplace
• Assistance by the DTI and DOLE
• Reporting of Illnesses/Disease/Injuries

“The scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of the interactions among human & other
elements of a system, & the profession that applies theory, principles, data, & methods to design in order
to optimize human well-being & over-all system performance.” - International Ergonomics Association Council,

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

We can optimize HUMAN WELL-BEING by proper implementation of Human Biological Science and
Engineering Science.

Risk Factors:
• Static posture
• Forceful exertion
• Repetitive movement
• Extreme range of motion
• Awkward posture

Health Effects:
• Low back pain
• De Quervain’s disease
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Hand-arm vibration syndrom

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Substance Abuse
• Liver/ Kidney damage
• Cancer
• Heart diseases
• Brain damage

• Altered perceptions
• Personality changes
• Paranoia
• Irritability
• Depression

• Impaired judgment
• Decrease coordination
• Loss of concentration
• Increase accidents

• Impair performance
• Increase absenteeism
• Decrease productivity
• Increase healthcare costs
• Increase replacement costs

Steps in Surveillance of Occupational Diseases:

3. Selection of Medical Screening Tests


Noise Noise-induced Audiometry
hearing loss
Toluene) Nervous system Neuro examination
Liver Liver profile
Biological monitoring
(urinary toluene
Silica Silicosis (lung Chest X-ray
disease) Pulmonary function tests
Asbestos Asbestosis (lung Chest X-ray
disease) Pulmonary function tests
Lead nephropathy Neuro examination
Anemia, Biological monitoring
(Lead in blood)

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Biological Monitoring - Selected Substances (Adopted from ACGIH, 2018):

Benzene urine S- End of
Phenylmercapturic shift
acid/g creatinine
t,t-Muconic acid/g
Hexane urine 2,5-Hexanedione End of
shift at
end of
Lead and blood Lead Not critical
alkyl lead
Mercury, urine Mercury Prior to
elemental shift
Toluene urine o-cresol/g End of
creatinine shift
urine Toluene End of

4. Interpretation of Data and Recommendation

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

5. Communication of Results
Medical surveillance
• Feedback of group results
• Ensure medical confidentiality
• Use codes instead of actual names of the employees.


• Facilitates continuous review of preventive programs
• Provides a mechanism for continuously improving health and safety performance
• Occupational Health Policies and Programs based on the results (e.g. top illnesses of
the company)

6. Recordkeeping
• Test results, interpretation, record of notifications, AMR
• Exposure evaluations
• WEM, Biological monitoring
• Resulting environmental modifications
• Control measures implemented
• Requirements, procedures, and interpretation of findings for health surveillance as
specified by national legislation (e.g.TLVs)


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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Medical History of workers

• Personal illnesses
• Family health problems
• Reproductive history
• Lifestyle (e.g., Smoking, drug use, etc.)

• Occupational History
• Descriptions Of All Jobs Held
• Work Exposures
• Symptoms Or Illnesses At Previous Jobs
• Personal Protective Equipment Used

• Physical Examination
• Complete system review
• Cardiovascular, pulmonary, and musculoskeletal
• Eyes, ears, nasopharynx, abdomen
• Evaluation of susceptibility (obesity, smoking) to exposures and physical problems (heat
stress, noise)

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Evaluation of Control Measures

Clear Points
• The purpose of medical surveillance in occupational health is prevention of illness.
• When illness arises from a particular exposure, medical surveillance is necessary.
• There are various health effects for every health hazards present in my workplace.
• We can refer to Safety Data Sheet on the health effects of chemicals used in my workplace.
• Medical surveillance and biological monitoring are strategies done to check for any abnormalities
in the body at physiological and cellular levels.
• Safety Officer must classify the risk of the health hazards before implementing appropriate control
measures to address them.
• Medical surveillance has to be followed by preventive action and evaluation of the effectiveness
of intervention.
• Identification and Detection of COVID-19 well help Safety Officer in classifying risk of worker
exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace

Module 2: Workplace Risk Assessment

2-C – Workplace Risk Assessment
Working with this module will help you to look at your workplace to Identify hazards and risk factors that
have the potential to cause harm, particularly to people. After identification is made, you analyze and
evaluate how likely and severe the risk is. When this determination is made, you can next, decide what
measures should be in place to effectively eliminate or control the harm from happening.

Working on this module should help you to:
• Understand the importance and goal of risk assessment;
• Determine how to use the risk matrix and risk ratings upon identifying hazards in the workplace;
• Conduct workplace risk assessment;
• Determine classification of risk level of workplace

RISK ASSESSMENT is a term used to describe the overall process or method where you:
• Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard identification).
• Analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis, and risk evaluation).

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk when the hazard cannot
be eliminated (risk control).

A risk assessment is a thorough look at your workplace to identify those things, situations, processes, etc.
that may cause harm, particularly to people. After identification is made, you analyze and evaluate how
likely and severe the risk is. When this determination is made, you can next, decide what measures should
be in place to effectively eliminate or control the harm from happening.

Why is risk assessment important?

Risk assessments are very important as they form an integral part of an occupational health and safety
management plan. They help to:
• Create awareness of hazards and risk.
• Identify who may be at risk (e.g., employees, cleaners, visitors, contractors, the public, etc.).
• Determine whether a control program is required for a particular hazard.
• Determine if existing control measures are adequate or if more should be done.
• Prevent injuries or illnesses, especially when done at the design or planning stage.
• Prioritize hazards and control measures.
• Meet legal requirements where applicable.

What is the goal of risk assessment?

The aim of the risk assessment process is to evaluate hazards, then remove that hazard or minimize the
level of its risk by adding control measures, as necessary. By doing so, you have created a safer and
healthier workplace.

The goal is to try to answer the following questions:

• What can happen and under what circumstances?
• What are the possible consequences?
• How likely are the possible consequences to occur?
• Is the risk controlled effectively, or is further action required?

When should a risk assessment be done?

There may be many reasons a risk assessment is needed, including:
• Before new processes or activities are introduced.
• Before changes are introduced to existing processes or activities, including when products,
machinery, tools, equipment change or new information concerning harm becomes available.
• When hazards are identified.

Source: Canadian Center for Occupational Safety and Health

1. Identifying hazards and those at 1. Identify the hazards

risk 2. Decide who might be harmed and
2. Evaluating, prioritizing risks how
3. Deciding on preventive action 3. Evaluate the risks and decide on
4. Taking action precautions
5. Monitoring and reviewing 4. Record your significant findings
5. Review your assessment and
update if necessary

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
A Hazard is simply a condition or set of circumstance that presents a potential for harm. Hazards are
divided into two broad categories:

Safety Hazards - Something that has potential to cause

Hazards can be introduced over time as workstations and
processes change, equipment or tools become worn,
maintenance is neglected, or housekeeping practices decline.
Setting aside time to regularly inspect the workplace for
hazards can help identify shortcomings so that they can be
addressed before an incident occurs.
How to accomplish it
• Conduct regular inspections of all operations, equipment, work areas and facilities. Have workers
participate on the inspection team and talk to them about hazards that they see or report.
• Be sure to document inspections so you can later verify that hazardous conditions are corrected.
Take photos or video of problem areas to facilitate later discussion and brainstorming about how
to control them, and for use as learning aids.
• Include all areas and activities in these inspections, such as storage and warehousing, facility and
equipment maintenance, purchasing and office functions, and the activities of on-site contractors,
subcontractors, and temporary employees.
• Regularly inspect both plant vehicles (e.g., forklifts, powered industrial trucks) and transportation
vehicles (e.g., cars, trucks).
• Use checklists that highlight things to look for. Typical hazards fall into several major categories,
such as those listed below; each workplace will have its own list:
• General housekeeping
• Slip, trip, and fall hazards
• Electrical hazards
• Equipment operation
• Equipment maintenance
• Fire protection
• Work organization and process flow (including staffing and scheduling)
• Work practices
• Workplace violence
• Ergonomic problems
• Lack of emergency procedures

• Before changing operations, workstations, or workflow; making major organizational changes; or

introducing new equipment, materials, or processes, seek the input of workers and evaluate the
planned changes for potential hazards and related risks

Note: Many hazards can be identified using common knowledge and available tools. For example, you can
easily identify and correct hazards associated with broken stair rails and frayed electrical cords. Workers
can be a very useful internal resource, especially if they are trained in how to identify and assess risks.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Health Hazards - Any agent or activity posing potential hazard
to health Identifying workers' exposure to health hazards is
typically more complex than identifying physical safety
hazards. For example, gases and vapors may be invisible, often
have no odor, and may not have an immediately noticeable
harmful health effect. Health hazards include chemical
hazards (solvents, adhesives, paints, toxic dusts, etc.), physical
hazards (noise, radiation, heat, etc.), biological hazards
(infectious diseases), and ergonomic risk factors (heavy lifting,
repetitive motions, vibration). Reviewing workers' medical
records (appropriately redacted to ensure patient/worker
privacy) can be useful in identifying health hazards associated
with workplace exposures.

How to accomplish it
• Identify chemical hazards –review SDS and product labels to identify chemicals in your workplace
that have low exposure limits, are highly volatile, or are used in large quantities or in unventilated
spaces. Identify activities that may result in skin exposure to chemicals.
• Identify physical hazards –identify any exposures to excessive noise (areas where you must raise
your voice to be heard by others), elevated heat (indoor and outdoor), or sources of radiation
(radioactive materials, X-rays, or radiofrequency radiation).
• Identify biological hazards –determine whether workers may be exposed to sources of infectious
diseases, molds, toxic or poisonous plants, or animal materials (fur or scat) capable of causing
allergic reactions or occupational asthma.
• Identify ergonomic risk factors –examine work activities that require heavy lifting, work above
shoulder height, repetitive motions, or tasks with significant vibration.
• Conduct quantitative exposure assessments –when possible, using air sampling or direct reading
• Review medical records –to identify cases of musculoskeletal injuries, skin irritation or dermatitis,
hearing loss, or lung disease that may be related to workplace exposures.


Categories of Hazards

How are the hazards identified?

• Walk through survey or ocular inspection
• Review of processes involved
• Knowing the raw materials used, products and by products

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Gathering of workers’ complaints
• Safety Data Sheet
• Include non-routine activities such as maintenance, repair, or cleaning.
• Look at accident, incident & near-miss records.
• Include people who work off site either at home, on other job sites, drivers, teleworkers, with
clients, etc.
• Look at the way the work is organized or done (include experience of people doing the work,
systems being used, etc.).
• Look at foreseeable unusual conditions (for example: possible impact on hazard control procedures
that may be unavailable in an emergency situation, power outage, etc.).

How do you know if the hazard will cause harm (poses a risk)?
Each hazard should be studied to determine its' level of risk. To research the hazard, you can look at:
• Product information / manufacturer documentation.
• Past experience (knowledge from workers, etc.).
• Legislated requirements and/or applicable standards.
• Industry codes of practice / best practices.
• Health and safety material about the hazard such as safety data sheets (SDSs), research studies, or
other manufacturer information.
• Information from reputable organizations.
• Results of testing (atmospheric or air sampling of workplace, biological swabs, etc.).
• The expertise of an occupational health and safety professional.
• Information about previous injuries, illnesses, near misses, incident reports, etc.
• Observation of the process or task.

Remember to include factors that contribute to the level of risk such as:
• The work environment (layout, condition, etc.).
• The systems of work being used.
• The range of foreseeable conditions.
• The way the source may cause harm (e.g., inhalation, ingestion, etc.).
• How often and how much a person will be exposed.
• The interaction, capability, skill, experience of workers who do the work.

Ranking or prioritizing hazards is one way to help determine which risk is the most serious and thus which
to control first. Priority is usually established by taking into account the employee exposure and the
potential for incident, injury or illness.
By assigning a priority to the risks, you
are creating a ranking or an action list.

There is no one simple or single way to

determine the level of risk. Nor will a
single technique apply in all situations.
The organization has to determine
which technique will work best for
each situation. Ranking hazards
requires the knowledge of the
workplace activities, urgency of
situations, and most importantly,
objective judgement.

For simple or less complex situations,

an assessment can literally be a
discussion or brainstorming session
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Table 1
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
based on knowledge and experience. In some cases, checklists or a probability matrix can be helpful. For
more complex situations, a team of knowledgeable personnel who are familiar with the work is usually

As an example, consider this simple risk matrix. Table 1 shows the relationship between probability and
Severity ratings in this example represent:
• High: major fracture, poisoning, significant loss of blood, serious head injury, or fatal disease
• Medium: sprain, strain, localized burn, dermatitis, asthma, injury requiring days off work
• Low: an injury that requires first aid only; short-term pain, irritation, or dizziness

Probability ratings in this example represent:

• High: likely to be experienced once or twice a year by an individual
• Medium: may be experienced once every five years by an individual
• Low: may occur once during a working lifetime

The cells in Table 1 correspond to a risk level, as shown in Table 2

Table 2

These risk ratings correspond to recommended actions such as:

High risk
• stop the process and implement controls
• investigate the process and implement controls immediately
Medium risk
• keep the process going; however, a control plan must be developed and should be implemented
as soon as possible
Low risk
• keep the process going, but monitor regularly. A control plan should also be investigated
• keep monitoring the process

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Let's use an example: When painting a room, a step stool must be used to reach higher areas. The individual
will not be standing higher than 1 meter (3 feet) at any time. The assessment team reviewed the situation
and agrees that working from a step stool at 1 m is likely to:
• Cause a short-term injury such as a strain or sprain if the individual falls. A severe sprain may
require days off work. This outcome is similar to a medium severity rating.
• Occur once in a working lifetime as painting is an uncommon activity for this organization. This
criterion is similar to a low probability rating.

When compared to the risk matrix chart (Table 1), these values correspond to a low risk.

The workplace decides to implement risk control measures, including the use of a stool with a large top
that will allow the individual to maintain stability when standing on the stool. They also determined that
while the floor surface is flat, they provided training to the individual on the importance of making sure the
stool's legs always rest on the flat surface. The training also included steps to avoid excess reaching while
Workplace Classification of establishments



Refers to a workplace where there is low level of danger or exposure to
safety and health hazards and not likely or with low probability to result
in accident, harm, injury, or illness.


Refers to a workplace where there is moderate exposure to safety and
health hazards and with probability of an accident, injury or illness, if no
preventive or control measures are in place.

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Refers to a workplace where there is high level of exposure to safety
and health hazards, and probability of a major accident resulting to
disability, death or major illness is likely to occur if no preventive or
control measures are in place.

• When conducting hazard identification, it may help to work as a team and include both people
familiar with the work area, as well as people who are not - this way you have both the experienced
and fresh eye to conduct the inspection.
• There is no one simple or single way to determine the level of risk. Nor will a single technique apply
in all situations. The organization has to determine which technique will work best for each
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• Ranking or prioritizing hazards is one way to help determine which risk is the most serious and thus
which to control first.
• Any violation of the OSH Standards and other laws must be considered as immediately dangerous
or totally unacceptable.

Module 2: Workplace Risk Assessment

3-B – Control Measures of Health Hazards
Effective controls protect workers form workplace hazards; help avoid injuries, illnesses, and incidents;
minimize or eliminate safety and health risks; and help employers provide workers with safe and healthful
working conditions.

Upon completion of the module, participants will be able to:
• Explain the general principle of controlling health hazards in the workplace; and
• Identify the different methods of control and their importance in the control of health hazards.

What does Hazard Control mean?

Hazard control refers to workplace procedures adopted to minimize injury, reduce adverse health effects
and control damage to plant or equipment. Hazard control practices are often standardized and taught to
managers and safety personnel in a given industry.

Principles of Hazard Control

The best way to protect yourself and your employees from workplace hazards is to identify and manage
them and take reasonable steps to prevent their potential to harm.
In order to control workplace hazards and eliminate or reduce the risk, you should take the Key elements
of industrial Hygiene:
• Identification
• Evaluation
• Control

Reason for control of hazardous substances

• Protecting workers health from exposure to substances
• Protecting workers comfort
• Complying with the standards implemented

“The correct Identification and careful evaluation of the hazards are extremely important and will
constitute the basis of appropriate control measure”

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Generalize Diagram of Controlling Hazards
Three 3 zones where control measures can be applied:

Control Measures Applied

Where are controls used?

Controls are usually placed:
• At the source (where the hazard “comes from”)
• Along the path (where the hazard “travels”)
• At the worker

Control at the source and control along the path are sometimes also known as engineering controls

Engineering Control focus on the source of the hazard itself using strategies that include eliminating toxic
chemicals and replacing harmful toxic materials with less hazardous ones or substitution, enclosing work
processes or confining work operations, and installing general and local ventilation systems.

Engineering Control Key Elements: Removal of asbestos from the ceiling

ELIMINATION - Eliminating a hazard by removing a
process or substance completely
• It is the most effective way to control a risk
because the hazard is no longer present.
Elimination is the preferred way to control
a hazard and should be used whenever
• Change of technology or process.

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• Alteration so that hazardous substances are no longer needed

• Examples: unbleached paper, removal of asbestos from acoustic ceiling tiles


source of the hazard by placing the hazardous substance in
a sealed vessel or system to create a barrier between the
hazard and the worker

An enclosure keeps a selected hazard "physically" away from

the worker. Enclosed equipment, for example, is tightly
sealed and it is typically only opened for cleaning or
maintenance. Other examples include "glove boxes" (where
a chemical is in a ventilated and enclosed space and the
employee works with the material by using gloves that are
built in), abrasive blasting cabinets, or remote control
devices. Care must be taken when the enclosure is opened for maintenance as exposure could occur if
adequate precautions are not taken. The enclosure itself must be well maintained to prevent leaks.

Isolation places the hazardous process "geographically" away from the majority of the workers. Common
isolation techniques are to create a contaminant-free or noise-free booth either around the equipment or
around the employee workstations.

Involves changing chemical substances and/or process with less hazardous or harmful one. Factors to
consider: Hazard Assessment, Effectiveness, Compatibility, Exiting Control Measures and Waste Disposal

Substitution occurs when a new chemical or substance is use instead of another chemical. It is sometimes
grouped with elimination because, in effect, you are removing the first substance or hazard from the
workplace. The goal, obviously, is to choose a new chemical that is less hazardous than the original.

The table below provides some examples:

Instead Of: Consider:

carbon tetrachloride (causes liver damage, cancer) 1,1,1-trichloroethane, dichloromethane
benzene (causes cancer) toluene, cyclohexane, ketones
pesticides (causes various effects on body) "natural" pesticides such as pyrethrins
organic solvents (causes various effects on body) water-detergent solutions
leaded glazes, paints, pigments (causes various effects versions that do not contain lead
on body)
sandstone grinding wheels (causes severe respiratory synthetic grinding wheels such as
illness due to silica) aluminium oxide

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Remember, however, that you need to make sure the substitute chemical or substance is not causing any
harmful effects, and to control and monitor exposures to make sure to the replacement chemical or
substance is below occupational exposure

Another type of substitution includes using

the same chemical but to use it in a
different form. For example, a dry, dusty
powder may be a significant inhalation
hazard but if this material can be purchased
and used as pellets or crystals, there may
be less dust in the air and therefore less

Factors to consider:
• Hazard Assessment
• Effectiveness
• Compatibility
• Existing Control Measures
• Waste Disposal

MODIFICATION / REDESIGN / AUTOMATION - To change the physical operating

conditions without changing the chemical or process.

If feasible, design or redesign the facility, equipment, or process to remove the hazard and/or substitute
something that is not hazardous or is less hazardous.

Examples include:
• Redesigning tools, equipment, machinery and materials
• Designing workstations to be more ergonomically correct

VENTILATION - The process of supplying or removing air by natural or mechanical means to and from any
Ventilation is a method of control that strategically "adds" and "removes" air in the work environment.
Ventilation can remove or dilute an air contaminant if designed properly. Local exhaust ventilation is very
adaptable to almost all chemicals and operations. It removes the contaminant at the source so it cannot
disperse into the work space and it generally uses lower exhaust rates than general ventilation (general
ventilation usually exchanges air in the entire room).

Local exhaust ventilation is an effective means of controlling hazardous exposures but should be used when
other methods (such as elimination or substitution) are not possible.

A local exhaust ventilation system consists of these basic parts:

• A hood that captures the contaminants generated in the air (at the source).
• Ductwork (exhaust stack and/or recirculation duct) that carries the contaminated air to the air
cleaning device, if present or to the fan (away from the source).
• A fan which draws the air from the hood into the ducts and removes the air from the workspace.
The fan must overcome all the losses due to friction, hood entry, and fittings in the system while
producing the intended flow rate.

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• Air cleaning devices may also be present that can remove contaminants such as dust (particulates),
gases and vapours from the air stream before it is discharged or exhausted into the environment
(outside air), depending on the material(s) being used in the hood.

The design of a ventilation system is very important and must match the particular process and
chemical or contaminant in use. Expert guidance should be sought. It is a very effective control
measure but only if it is designed, tested, and maintained properly.

Because contaminants are exhausted to the outdoors, you should also check with your local environment
ministry or municipality for any environmental air regulations or bylaws that may apply in your area.

Engineering Control Ventilation

2 Types Ventilation
1. General or Dilution Ventilation
• Natural Ventilation
• Mechanical Ventilation


2. Local Exhaust
• Enclosure
• Capturing
• Receiving

• Enclosure hood - Enclosing hoods, or "fume" hoods, are hoods surrounding the process or point
where the contaminants are generated.
• Capturing hood - These hoods are located next to an emission source without surrounding
(enclosing) it.
• Receiving hood - These hoods are designed to "receive" or catch the emissions from a source
that has some initial velocity or movement.

Purpose of Ventilation
• Ensure condition of thermal comfort
• To renew the air in the workplace, therefore diluting eventual air contaminants to acceptable
• To prevent hazardous air contaminants from generating into the working environment and
reaching the workers breathing zone.

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Personal Protective Equipment and Device

Conditions of workplace depend on the nature of work operations required to produce the goods or
services that will be rendered. These work operations may result to hazards to the employees therein. The
risk of exposure against hazards require necessary protection that include good engineering control,
administrative control, good work practices, and as the last resort, the use of protective equipment and

Requirements in the Use of Personal Protective Equipment and Device

To ensure the greatest possible protection for employees in the workplace, the cooperative efforts of both
employers and employees will help in establishing and maintaining a safe and healthful work environment.

Rule 1080: Personal Protective Equipment

• Every employers as defined in 1002 Shall at his own expense furnish his workers with protective
equipment for the eyes, face hands and feet, protective shields and barriers whenever necessary
by reason of the hazardous nature of the process or environment, chemical or radiological or other
mechanical irritants or hazards capable of causing injury or impairment in the function of any part
of the body through absorption, inhalation or physical contact.

Rule 11058:
• Every employer shall provide their workers, free of charge, protective equipment for their eyes,
face, hands and feet, and lifeline, safety belt or harness, gas or dust respirators or masks, and
protective shields whenever necessary by reason of the hazardous work process or environment,
chemical, radiological, mechanical and other irritants or hazards capable of causing injury or
impairment in the function of any part of the body through absorption, inhalation or physical
• The cost of the PPE shall be part of the safety and health program which is a separate pay item
pursuant to Section 19 of this Act.
• All PPE shall be of the appropriate type as tested and approved by the DOLE based on its standards.
The usage of PPE in all establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is being
undertaken shall be based on the evaluation and recommendation of the safety officer.

Personal Protective Equipment and Device

These are equipment worn to minimize exposure to a variety of hazards.
Examples of PPE include such items as gloves, foot and eye protection,
protective hearing devices (earplugs, muffs) hard hats, respirators and full
body suits.

Categories of Protection and PPE:

• Head Protection
• Eye and Face Protection
• Hearing Protection
• Body Protection
• Hand and Arm Protection
• Safety Belts, Life Lines and Safety Nets/ Fall Protection
• Use of Safety Shoes/ Foot Protection
• Respiratory Protection

Uses of PPEs
• Where temporary control measures are necessary before engineering controls are installed
• To supplement other controls in reducing exposure
• During emergencies
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• It is the last line of defense

Head Protection Rule 1084.01

Hard hats for the protection of workers from impact penetration
from falling and flying objects, blows, and from limited electric
shock and burns shall be provided where there is reasonable
probability of exposure to such hazards.

Protecting employees from potential head injuries is a key

element of any safety program. A head injury can impair an
employee for life or it can be fatal. Wearing a safety helmet or
hard hat is one of the easiest ways to protect an employee’s head
from injury. Hard hats can protect employees from impact and
penetration hazards as well as from electrical shock and burn

Employers must ensure that their employees wear head protection if any of the following apply:
• Objects might fall from above and strike them on the head;
• They might bump their heads against fixed objects, such as
exposed pipes or beams; or
• There is a possibility of accidental head contact with electrical hazards.

Some examples of occupations in which employees should be required to wear head protection include
construction workers, carpenters, electricians, linemen, plumbers and pipefitters, timber and log cutters,
welders, among many others.

Whenever there is a danger of objects falling from above, such as working below others who are using
tools or working under a conveyor belt, head protection must be worn. Hard hats must be worn with the
bill forward to protect employees properly.

In general, protective helmets or hard hats should do the following:

• Resist penetration by objects.
• Absorb the shock of a blow.
• Be water-resistant and slow burning.
• Have clear instructions explaining proper adjustment and replacement of the suspension
and headband.

Hard hats must have a hard-outer shell and a shock-absorbing lining that incorporates a headband and
straps that suspend the shell from 1 to 1 1/4 inches (2.54 cm to 3.18 cm) away from the head. This type of
design provides shock absorption during an impact and ventilation during normal wear.

Protective headgear must meet ANSI Standard Z89.1-1986 (Protective Headgear for Industrial Workers) or
provide an equivalent level of protection. Helmets purchased before July 5, 1994 must comply with the
earlier ANSI Standard (Z89.1-1969) or provide equivalent protection.

Types of Hard Hats

There are many types of hard hats available in the marketplace today. In addition to selecting protective
headgear that meets ANSI standard requirements, employers should ensure that employees wear hard
hats that provide appropriate protection against potential workplace hazards. It is important for employers
to understand all potential hazards when making this selection, including electrical hazards. This can be
done through a comprehensive hazard analysis and an awareness of the different types of protective
headgear available.
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Hard hats are divided into three industrial classes:
• Class A hard hats provide impact and penetration resistance along with limited voltage
protection (up to 2,200 volts).
• Class B hard hats provide the highest level of protection against electrical hazards, with high-
voltage shock and burn protection (up to 20,000 volts). They also provide protection from
impact and penetration hazards by flying/falling objects.
• Class C hard hats provide lightweight comfort and impact protection but offer no protection
from electrical hazards.

Another class of protective headgear on the market is called a “bump hat,” designed for use in areas with
low head clearance. They are recommended for areas where protection is needed from head bumps and
lacerations. These are not designed to protect against falling or flying objects and are not ANSI approved.
It is essential to check the type of hard hat employees are using to ensure that the equipment provides
appropriate protection. Each hat should bear a label inside the shell that lists the manufacturer, the ANSI
designation and the class of the hat.

Size and Care Considerations

Head protection that is either too large or too small is inappropriate for use, even if it meets all other
requirements. Protective headgear must fit appropriately on the body and for the head size of each
individual. Most protective headgear comes in a variety of sizes with adjustable headbands to ensure a
proper fit (many adjust in 1/8-inch increments). A proper fit should allow sufficient clearance between the
shell and the suspension system for ventilation and distribution of an impact. The hat should not bind, slip,
fall off or irritate the skin.

Some protective headgear allows for the use of various accessories to help employees deal with changing
environmental conditions, such as slots for earmuffs, safety glasses, face shields and mounted lights.
Optional brims may provide additional protection from the sun and some hats have channels that guide
rainwater away from the face. Protective headgear accessories must not compromise the safety elements
of the equipment.

Periodic cleaning and inspection will extend the useful life of protective headgear. A daily inspection of the
hard hat shell, suspension system and other accessories for holes, cracks, tears or other damage that might
compromise the protective value of the hat is essential. Paints, paint thinners and some cleaning agents
can weaken the shells of hard hats and may eliminate electrical resistance. Consult the helmet
manufacturer for information on the effects of paint and cleaning materials on their hard hats. Never drill
holes, paint or apply labels to protective headgear as this may reduce the integrity of the protection. Do
not store protective headgear in direct sunlight, such as on the rear window shelf of a car, since sunlight
and extreme heat can damage them.

Hard hats with any of the following defects should be removed from service and replaced:
• Perforation, cracking, or deformity of the brim or shell;
• Indication of exposure of the brim or shell to heat, chemicals or ultraviolet light and other radiation
(in addition to a loss of surface gloss, such signs include chalking or flaking).

Always replace a hard hat if it sustains an impact, even if damage is not noticeable. Suspension systems are
offered as replacement parts and should be replaced when damaged or when excessive wear is noticed. It
is not necessary to replace the entire hard hat when deterioration or tears of the suspension systems are

Hair Protection Rule 1084.02

All persons with long hair employed around machinery shall completely cover their hair with well-fitting
caps or other equivalent protection.
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Eye and Face Protection Rule 1082.01
• Eyes and face protective equipment shall be required where there is reasonable probability of
exposure to such hazards. In such cases, the employer shall furnish a type of protective equipment
suitable for the work to be performed and the employees shall use such equipment. Eye protection
shall be provided where the processes or operations present hazards of flying objects, liquids,
injurious radiation, glare or a combination of these hazards.

Prescription Lenses
Everyday use of prescription corrective lenses will not provide adequate protection against most
occupational eye and face hazards, so employers must make sure that employees with corrective lenses
either wear eye protection that incorporates the prescription into the design or wear additional eye
protection over their prescription lenses. It is important to ensure that the protective eyewear does not
disturb the proper positioning of the prescription lenses so that the employee’s vision will not be inhibited
or limited.

Also, employees who wear contact lenses must wear eye or face PPE when working in hazardous

Eye Protection for Exposed Workers

Eye protection be routinely considered for use by carpenters, electricians, machinists, mechanics,
millwrights, plumbers and pipefitters, sheet metal workers and tinsmiths, assemblers, sanders, grinding
machine operators, sawyers, welders, laborers, chemical process operators and handlers, and timber
cutting and logging workers.

Employers of workers in other job categories should decide whether there is a need for eye and face PPE
through a hazard assessment.

Examples of potential eye or face injuries include:

• Dust, dirt, metal or wood chips entering the eye from activities such as chipping, grinding, sawing,
hammering, the use of power tools or even strong wind forces.
• Chemical splashes from corrosive substances, hot liquids, solvents or other hazardous solutions.
• Objects swinging into the eye or face, such as tree limbs, chains, tools or ropes.
• Radiant energy from welding, harmful rays from the use of lasers or other radiant light (as well as
heat, glare, sparks, splash and flying particles).

Types of Eye Protection

Selecting the most suitable eye and face protection for employees should take into consideration the
following elements:
• Ability to protect against specific workplace hazards.
• Should fit properly and be reasonably comfortable to wear.
• Should provide unrestricted vision and movement.
• Should be durable and cleanable.
• Should allow unrestricted functioning of any other required PPE.

The eye and face protection selected for employee use must clearly identify the manufacturer. Any new
eye and face protective devices must comply with ANSI Z87.1-1989 or be at least as effective as this
standard requires. Any equipment purchased before this requirement took effect on July 5, 1994, must
comply with the earlier ANSI Standard (ANSI Z87.1-1968) or be shown to be equally effective.

An employer may choose to provide one pair of protective eyewear for each position rather than individual
eyewear for each employee. If this is done, the employer must make sure that employees disinfect shared
protective eyewear after each use.
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Protective eyewear with corrective lenses may only be used by the employee for whom the corrective
prescription was issued and may not be shared among employees.

Some of the most common types of eye and face protection include the following:

• Safety spectacles. These protective eyeglasses have

safety frames constructed of metal or plastic and impact-
resistant lenses. Side shields are available on some models.

• Goggles. These are tight-fitting eye protection that

completely cover the eyes, eye sockets and the facial area
immediately surrounding the eyes and provide protection
from impact, dust and splashes. Some goggles will fit over
corrective lenses.

• Welding shields. Constructed of

vulcanized fiber or fiberglass and fitted with a filtered lens, welding shields
protect eyes from burns caused by infrared or intense radiant light; they also
protect both the eyes and face from flying sparks, metal spatter and slag chips
produced during welding, brazing, soldering and cutting operations. Filter lenses
should have a shade number appropriate to protect against the specific hazards
of the work being performed in order to
protect against harmful light radiation.

• Laser safety goggles. These specialty

goggles protect against intense concentrations of
light produced by lasers. The type of laser safety
goggles an employer chooses will depend upon the
equipment and operating conditions in the

• Face shields. These transparent sheets of plastic extend from the

eyebrows to below the chin and across the entire width of the employee’s head.
Some are polarized for glare protection. Face shields protect against nuisance
dusts and potential splashes or sprays of hazardous liquids but will not provide
adequate protection against impact hazards. Face shields used in combination
with goggles or safety spectacles will provide additional protection against
impact hazards.

Each type of protective eyewear is designed to protect against specific hazards. Employers can identify the
specific workplace hazards that threaten employees’ eyes and faces by completing a hazard assessment as
outlined in the earlier section.

Welding Operations
The intense light associated with welding operations can cause serious and sometimes permanent eye
damage if operators do not wear proper eye protection. The intensity of light or radiant energy produced
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by welding, cutting or brazing operations varies according to a number of factors including the task
producing the light, the electrode size and the arc current. The following table shows the minimum
protective shades for a variety of welding, cutting and brazing operations in general industry and in the
shipbuilding industry.

Filter Lenses for Protection Against Radiant Energy
Operations Electrode size Arc current Minimum*
in Protective shade
1/32” (0.8mm)
Shielded metal <3 < 60 7
arc welding 3-5 60 – 160 8
5-8 160 – 250 10
>8 250 - 550 11
Gas metal arc welding < 60 7
and flux cored arc welding 60 - 160 10
160 - 250 10
250 - 500 10
Gas tungsten arc welding < 50 8
50 - 150 8
150 - 500 10
Air carbon (light) < 500 10
Arc cutting (heavy) 500 - 1,000 11
Plasma arc welding < 20 6
20 - 100 8
100 - 400 10
400 - 800 11
Plasma arc cutting (light)** < 300 8
(medium)** 300 – 400 9
(heavy)** 400 - 800 10
Torch brazing 3
Torch soldering 2
Carbon arc welding 14
Gas welding: Light < 1/8 < 3.2 4
Gas welding: Medium 1/8 - 1/2 3.2 - 12.7 5

Gas welding: Heavy > 1/2 > 12.7 6

Oxygen cutting: Light <1 < 25 3

Oxygen cutting: Medium 1-6 25 - 150 4

Oxygen cutting: Heavy >6 > 150 5

Source: 29 CFR 1910.133(a)(5).

* As a rule of thumb, start with a shade that is too dark to see the weld zone. Then go to a lighter shade
which gives sufficient view of the weld zone without going below the minimum. In oxyfuel gas welding
or cutting where the torch produces a high yellow light, it is desirable to use a filter lens that absorbs the
yellow or sodium line in the visible light of the (spectrum) operation.

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
** These values apply where the actual arc is clearly seen. Experience has shown that lighter filters may be
used when the arc is hidden by the workpiece.

Construction Industry Requirements for Filter Lens Shade
Numbers for Protection Against Radiant Energy

Welding Operation Shade Number

Shielded metal-arc welding 1/16-, 3/32-, 1/8-, 5/32-inch diameter 10

Gas-shielded arc welding (nonferrous) 1/16-, 3/32-, 1/8-, 5/32-inch 11
diameter electrodes
Gas-shielded arc welding (ferrous) 1/16-, 3/32-, 1/8-, 5/32-inch 12
diameter electrodes
Shielded metal-arc welding 3/16-, 7/32-, 1/4-inch diameter 12
5/16-, 3/8-inch diameter electrodes 14
Atomic hydrogen welding 10 - 14
Carbon-arc welding 14
Soldering 2
Torch brazing 3 or 4
Light cutting, up to 1 inch 3 or 4
Medium cutting, 1 to 6 inches 4 or 5
Heavy cutting, more than 6 inches 5 or 6
Gas welding (light), up to 1/8-inch 4 or 5
Gas welding (medium), 1/8- to 1/2-inch 5 or 6
Gas welding (heavy), more than 1/2-inch 6 or 8

Source: 29 CFR 1926.102(b)(1).

Laser Operations
Laser light radiation can be extremely dangerous to the unprotected eye and direct or reflected beams can
cause permanent eye damage. Laser retinal burns can be painless, so it is essential that all personnel in or
around laser operations wear appropriate eye protection.

Laser safety goggles should protect for the specific wavelength of the laser and must be of sufficient optical
density for the energy involved. Safety goggles intended for use with laser beams must be labeled with the
laser wavelengths for which they are intended to be used, the optical density of those wavelengths and
the visible light transmission.

The table below lists maximum power or energy densities and appropriate protection levels for optical
densities 5 through 8.

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Selecting Laser Safety Glass

Intensity, CW maximum Attenuation

power density (watts/cm2) Optical density Attenuation
(O.D.) factor
10-2 5 105
10-1 6 106
1.0 7 107
10.0 8 108
Source: 29 CFR 1926.102(b)(2).

Emergency Eyewash Facility

This eyewash facility will be provided in areas where the eyes of any employee may be exposed to corrosive
materials and located where it is easily accessible in an emergency.

Body Protection
Employees who face possible bodily injury of any kind that cannot be
eliminated through engineering, work practice or administrative
controls, must wear appropriate body protection while performing
their jobs.

In addition to cuts and radiation, the following are examples of

workplace hazards that could cause bodily injury:

• Temperature extremes;
• Hot splashes from molten metals and other hot liquids;
• Potential impacts from tools, machinery and materials;
• Hazardous chemicals.

There are many varieties of protective clothing available for specific

hazards. Employers are required to ensure that their employees wear
personal protective equipment only for the parts of the body exposed
to possible injury. Examples of body protection include laboratory
coats, coveralls, vests, jackets, aprons, surgical gowns and full body

If a hazard assessment indicates a need for full body protection against toxic substances or harmful physical
agents, the clothing should be carefully inspected before each use, it must fit each worker properly and it
must function properly and for the purpose for which it is intended.
Protective clothing comes in a variety of materials, each effective against particular hazards, such as:
• Paper-like fiber used for disposable suits provide protection against dust and splashes.
• Treated wool and cotton adapts well to changing temperatures, is comfortable, and fire-resistant
and protects against dust, abrasions and rough and irritating surfaces.
• Duck is a closely woven cotton fabric that protects against cuts and bruises when handling heavy,
sharp or rough materials.
• Leather is often used to protect against dry heat and flames.
• Rubber, rubberized fabrics, neoprene and plastics protect against certain chemicals and physical
hazards. When chemical or physical hazards are present, check with the clothing manufacturer to
ensure that the material selected will provide protection against the specific hazard.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Hand and Arm Protection Rule 1085.01
• When selecting gloves, consideration should be given to the hazards to which the wearer may be
exposed to and the ease and free movement of the fingers.

If a workplace hazard assessment reveals that employees face potential injury to hands and arms that
cannot be eliminated through engineering and work practice controls, employers must ensure that
employees wear appropriate protection. Potential hazards include skin absorption of harmful substances,
chemical or thermal burns, electrical dangers, bruises, abrasions, cuts, punctures, fractures and
amputations. Protective equipment includes gloves, finger guards and arm coverings or elbow-length

Employers should explore all possible engineering and work practice controls to eliminate hazards and use
PPE to provide additional protection against hazards that cannot be completely eliminated through other
means. For example, machine guards may eliminate a hazard. Installing a barrier to prevent workers from
placing their hands at the point of contact between a table saw blade and the item being cut is another

Types of Protective Gloves

There are many types of gloves available today to protect against a wide variety of hazards. The nature of
the hazard and the operation involved will affect the selection of gloves. The variety of potential
occupational hand injuries makes selecting the right pair of gloves challenging. It is essential that
employees use gloves specifically designed for the hazards and tasks found in their workplace because
gloves designed for one function may not protect against a different function even though they may appear
to be an appropriate protective device.

The following are examples of some factors that may influence the selection of protective gloves for a
• Type of chemicals handled.
• Nature of contact (total immersion, splash, etc.).
• Duration of contact.
• Area requiring protection (hand only, forearm, arm).
• Grip requirements (dry, wet, oily).
• Thermal protection.
• Size and comfort.
• Abrasion/resistance requirements.

Gloves made from a wide variety of materials are designed for many types of workplace hazards. In general,
gloves fall into four groups:
• Gloves made of leather, canvas or metal mesh;
• Fabric and coated fabric gloves;
• Chemical- and liquid-resistant gloves;
• Insulating rubber gloves (See 29 CFR 1910.137 and the following section on electrical protective
equipment for detailed requirements on the selection, use and care of insulating rubber gloves).

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Leather, Canvas or Metal Mesh Gloves
Sturdy gloves made from metal mesh, leather or canvas provide
protection against cuts and burns. Leather or canvass gloves also
protect against sustained heat.

• Leather gloves protect against sparks, moderate heat,

blows, chips and rough objects.
• Aluminized gloves provide reflective and insulating
protection against heat and require an insert made of
synthetic materials to protect against heat and cold.
• Aramid fiber gloves protect against heat and cold, are cut-
and abrasive-resistant and wear well.
• Synthetic gloves of various materials offer protection against heat and cold, are cut- and abrasive-
resistant and may withstand some diluted acids. These materials do not stand up against alkalis
and solvents.

Fabric and Coated Fabric Gloves

Fabric and coated fabric gloves are made of cotton or other fabric to provide
varying degrees of protection.

• Fabric gloves protect against dirt, slivers, chafing and abrasions. They do
not provide sufficient protection for use with rough, sharp or heavy materials.
Adding a plastic coating will strengthen some fabric gloves.
• Coated fabric gloves are normally made from cotton flannel with napping
on one side. By coating the unnapped side with plastic, fabric gloves are
transformed into general-purpose hand protection offering slip-resistant qualities. These gloves
are used for tasks ranging from handling bricks and wire to chemical laboratory containers. When
selecting gloves to protect against chemical exposure hazards, always check with the manufacturer
or review the manufacturer’s product literature to determine the gloves’ effectiveness against
specific workplace chemicals and conditions.

Chemical- and Liquid-Resistant Gloves

Chemical-resistant gloves are made with different kinds of rubber: natural,
butyl, neoprene, nitrile and fluorocarbon (viton); or various kinds of plastic:
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyvinyl alcohol and polyethylene. These materials
can be blended or laminated for better performance. As a general rule, the
thicker the glove material, the greater the chemical resistance but thick
gloves may impair grip and dexterity, having a negative impact on safety.

Some examples of chemical-resistant gloves include:

• Butyl gloves are made of a synthetic rubber and protect against a wide variety of chemicals, such
as peroxide, rocket fuels, highly corrosive acids (nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid and red-
fuming nitric acid), strong bases, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters and nitro-compounds. Butyl
gloves also resist oxidation, ozone corrosion and abrasion, and remain flexible at low
temperatures. Butyl rubber does not perform well with aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and
halogenated solvents.

• Natural (latex) rubber gloves are comfortable to wear, which makes them a popular general-
purpose glove. They feature outstanding tensile strength, elasticity and temperature resistance. In
addition to resisting abrasions caused by grinding and polishing, these gloves protect workers’
hands from most water solutions of acids, alkalis, salts and ketones. Latex gloves have caused
allergic reactions in some individuals and may not be appropriate for all employees. Hypoallergenic
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
gloves, glove liners and powderless gloves are possible alternatives for workers who are allergic to
latex gloves.

• Neoprene gloves are made of synthetic rubber and offer good pliability, finger dexterity, high
density and tear resistance. They protect against hydraulic fluids, gasoline, alcohols, organic acids
and alkalis. They generally have chemical and wear resistance properties superior to those made
of natural rubber.

• Nitrile gloves are made of a copolymer and provide protection from chlorinated solvents such as
trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene. Although intended for jobs requiring dexterity and
sensitivity, nitrile gloves stand up to heavy use even after prolonged exposure to substances that
cause other gloves to deteriorate. They offer protection when working with oils, greases, acids,
caustics and alcohols but are generally not recommended for use with strong oxidizing agents,
aromatic solvents, ketones and acetates.

Care of Protective Gloves

Protective gloves should be inspected before each use to ensure that they are not torn, punctured or made
ineffective in any way. A visual inspection will help detect cuts or tears but a more thorough inspection by
filling the gloves with water and tightly rolling the cuff towards the fingers will help reveal any pinhole
leaks. Gloves that are discolored or stiff may also indicate deficiencies caused by excessive use or
degradation from chemical exposure.

Any gloves with impaired protective ability should be discarded and replaced. Reuse of chemical-resistant
gloves should be evaluated carefully, taking into consideration the absorptive qualities of the gloves. A
decision to reuse chemically-exposed gloves should take into consideration the toxicity of the chemicals
involved and factors such as duration of exposure, storage and temperature.

Safety Belts, Life Lines and Safety Nets Rule 1086

The following are the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards:
• Workmen working in unguarded surface above open
pits or tanks, steep slopes, moving machinery and
similar locations, or working from unguarded surfaces
six (6) meters (20 ft.) or more above water or ground,
temporary or permanent floor platform, scaffold
construction or where otherwise exposed to the
possibility of falls hazardous to life or limb, shall be
secured by safety belts and life lines. In situations
where safety belts and life lines in guarded platforms
and scaffolds or temporary floors are not feasible,
safety nets shall be provided and installed.
• Window washers or cleaners working outside
buildings six (6) meters (20 ft.) or more above the
ground or other surfaces unless protected from falling
by other means, shall use safety belts attached to
suitable anchors.
• Workmen entering a sewer, flue, duct, or other similarly confined places shall be provided and
required to wear safety belts with life lines attached and held by another person stationed at the
opening ready to respond to agreed signals.
• Workers who are required to climb and work on top of poles six (6) meters or more shall use safety
belts. On top of structures where there is no place to strap a safety belt, a messenger line shall be
installed for strapping the safety belt or life line.
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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
1. Safety belts shall be made of chromed tanned leather, linen or cotton webbing, or other suitable
materials at least 11.5 cm. (4 1/2 in.) wide and 0.65 cm. (1/4 in.) thick and of sufficient strength to
support a weight of 114 kgs. (250 lbs.) without breaking.
2. Hardware used for safety belts should have a strength of approximately equal to the full strength
of the waist band. Buckles shall hold securely without slippage or other failure. This holding power
should be achieved by only a single insertion of the strap through the buckle in the normal or usual
3. Belt anchors shall be made of metal machined from bar stock, forged or heat treated, capable of
supporting a pull of 2730 kgs. (6,000 lbs.) without fracture applied in the direction which the anchor
must withstand should a man fall. All anchors and fastenings shall be provided with means to
prevent turning, backing off or becoming loose. Anchor fittings with single thread section which is
merely screwed into reinforcing plates shall not be used. Metals recommended for belt anchors
are nickel copper alloy and stainless steel.
4. Life lines shall be made of good quality manila rope of at least 1.9 cm. (3/4 in.) diameter or
equivalent material such as nylon rope of at least 1.27 cm. (1/2 in.) diameter and shall be of
sufficient strength to support a weight of 1140 kgs. (2,500 lbs.) without breaking.
5. Safety nets shall not be less than 0.94 cm. (3/8 in.) diameter mesh ropes and not less than 1.90 cm.
(3/4 in.) diameter border ropes (perimeter) made of manila rope or other materials that can absorb
the impact of a falling body equally as nets fabricated from manila rope of the dimensions specified.
The mesh shall be arranged not to exceed 15.25 cm. (6 in.) on canters positively and securely
attached to avoid wear at each crossing point and at points of contact with the border.
6. Safety nets shall be equipped with adequately padded thimbler sockets or equivalent means of
attachments. Supports and anchorages shall be of sufficient size and strength to catch any falling
worker. The nets shall be attached to sufficient supports outside and beyond the area of possible
fall and supported at sufficient heights to prevent sagging to any solid object beneath when
cushioning the fall of a worker.
7. Safety belts, life lines and safety nets shall be inspected before use and at least once each week
thereafter. Defective belts, lines or nets shall be immediately discarded and replaced or repaired
before reuse.

Storage and Maintenance of Fall Protection Equipment

• Avoid dirt and build-up on equipment;
• Clean with a mild, nonabrasive soap, and hang to dry;
• Never force dry or use strong detergents in cleaning;
• Never store the personal fall arrest equipment in the bottom of a tool box, on the ground, or
outside exposed to the elements (i.e., sun, rain, etc.);
• Never store equipment near excessive heat, chemicals, moisture, or sunlight;
• Never store in an area with exposures to fumes or corrosives elements;
• Hang equipment in a cool dry location in a manner that retains its shape;
• Never use this equipment for any purpose other than personal fall arrest;
• Once exposed to a fall, remove equipment from service immediately; and
• Always follow manufacturer recommendations for inspection.

All employees who might be exposed to fall hazards shall be provided training to ensure that fall potentials
are recognized, and that each employee knows the procedure to be followed to minimize these hazards.

The topics shall include, but not limited to:

• The nature of fall hazards in the work area.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• The correct procedure for erecting, maintaining, disassembling, and inspecting the fall protection
to be used.
• Work safely in hazardous areas by utilizing appropriate fall protection measures.
• The use, operations and limitations of fall arrest systems.

Emergency Management
During emergencies, hazards appear that normally are not found in the workplace. These may be the result
of natural causes (floods, tornadoes, etc.), events caused by humans but beyond control (train or plane
accidents, terrorist activities, etc.), or within a firm’s own systems due to unforeseen circumstances or
You must become aware of possible emergencies and plan the best way to control or prevent the hazards
they present. Some of the steps in emergency planning include:
• Survey of possible emergencies;
• Planning actions to reduce impact on the workplace;
• Employee information and training;
• Emergency drills as needed.

Medical Programs
A company’s medical program is an important part of the safety and health system. It can deliver services
that prevent hazards that can cause illness and injury, recognize and treat illness and injury, and limit the
severity of work-related injury and illness. The size and complexity of a medical program will depend on
many factors, including the:
• Type of processes and materials and the related hazards,
• Type of facilities,
• Number of workers,
• Characteristics of the workforce, and
• Location of each operation and its proximity to a health care facility.
Medical programs consist of everything from a basic first aid and CPR response for sophisticated
approaches for the diagnosis and resolution of ergonomic problems. Depending on the size of the
site, this may be in-house or through arrangements made with a local medical clinic. Whatever the
type of medical program, it is important to use medical specialists with occupational health

Use of Safety Shoes Rule 1087

• Workers shall be provided with approved safety shoes and leg protection whenever necessary as
determined by the nature of work.
• Employees who face possible foot or leg injuries from falling or rolling objects, or from crushing, or
penetrating materials should wear protective footwear. Also, employees whose work involves
exposure to hot substances or corrosive or poisonous materials must have protective gear to cover
exposed body parts, including legs and feet. If an employee’s feet may be exposed to electrical
hazards, non-conductive footwear should be worn. On the other hand, workplace exposure to
static electricity may necessitate the use of conductive footwear.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Examples of situations in which an employee should wear foot and/or leg protection include:
When heavy objects such as barrels or tools might roll
onto or fall on the employee’s feet;
• Working with sharp objects such as nails or
spikes that could pierce the soles or uppers of
ordinary shoes;
• Exposure to molten metal that might splash on
feet or legs;
• Working on or around hot, wet or slippery
surfaces; and
• Working when electrical hazards are present.

Safety footwear must meet ANSI minimum compression

and impact performance standards in ANSI Z41-1991 (American National Standard for Personal Protection-
Protective Footwear) or provide equivalent protection. Footwear purchased before July 5, 1994, must meet
or provide equivalent protection to the earlier ANSI Standard (ANSI Z41.1-1967). All ANSI approved
footwear has a protective toe and offers impact and compression protection. But the type and amount of
protection is not always the same.
Different footwear protects in different ways. Check the product’s labeling or consult the manufacturer to
make sure the footwear will protect the user from the hazards they face.
Foot and leg protection choices include the following:
• Leggings protect the lower legs and feet from heat hazards such as molten metal or welding sparks.
Safety snaps allow leggings to be removed quickly.
• Metatarsal guards protect the instep area from impact and compression. Made of aluminum, steel,
fiber or plastic, these guards may be strapped to the outside of shoes.
• Toe guards fit over the toes of regular shoes to protect the toes from impact and compression
hazards. They may be made of steel, aluminum or plastic.
• Combination foot and shin guards protect the lower legs and feet, and may be used in combination
with toe guards when greater protection is needed.
• Safety shoes have impact-resistant toes and heat-resistant soles that protect the feet against hot
work surfaces common in roofing, paving and hot metal industries. The metal insoles of some
safety shoes protect against puncture wounds. Safety shoes may also be designed to be electrically
conductive to prevent the buildup of static electricity in areas with the potential for explosive
atmospheres or nonconductive to protect workers from workplace electrical hazards.

Special Purpose Shoes

Electrically conductive shoes provide protection against the build-up of static electricity. Employees
working in explosive and hazardous locations such as explosives manufacturing facilities or grain elevators
must wear conductive shoes to reduce the risk of static electricity buildup on the body that could produce
a spark and cause an explosion or fire. Foot powder should not be used in conjunction with protective
conductive footwear because it provides insulation, reducing the conductive ability of the shoes. Silk, wool
and nylon socks can produce static electricity and should not be worn with conductive footwear.
Conductive shoes must be removed when the task requiring their use is completed. Note: Employees
exposed to electrical hazards must never wear conductive shoes.

Electrical hazard, safety-toe shoes are nonconductive and will prevent the wearers’ feet from completing
an electrical circuit to the ground. These shoes can protect against open circuits of up to 600 volts in dry
conditions and should be used in conjunction with other insulating equipment and additional precautions
to reduce the risk of a worker becoming a path for hazardous electrical energy. The insulating protection
of electrical hazard, safety-toe shoes may be compromised if the shoes become wet, the soles are worn
through, metal particles become embedded in the sole or heel, or workers touch conductive, grounded
items. Note: Nonconductive footwear must not be used in explosive or hazardous locations.
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Foundry Shoes
In addition to insulating the feet from the extreme heat of molten metal, foundry shoes keep hot metal
from lodging in shoe eyelets, tongues or other shoe parts. These snug-fitting leather or leather-substitute
shoes have leather or rubber soles and rubber heels. All foundry shoes must have built-in safety toes.

Care of Protective Footwear

As with all protective equipment, safety footwear should be inspected prior to each use. Shoes and leggings
should be checked for wear and tear at reasonable intervals. This includes looking for cracks or holes,
separation of materials, broken buckles or laces.

The soles of shoes should be checked for pieces of metal or other embedded items that could present
electrical or tripping hazards. Employees should follow the manufacturers’ recommendations for cleaning
and maintenance of protective footwear.
It is the final item on the list for a very good reason. Personal protective equipment should never be the
only method used to reduce exposure except under very specific circumstances because PPE may "fail"
(stop protecting the worker) with little or no warning. For example: "breakthrough" can occur with gloves,
clothing, and respirator cartridges.

Respiratory Protection Rule 1083.01

The primary corrective measure in the control of occupational diseases caused by harmful, dusts, fogs,
fumes, mists, gases, smokes, sprays or vapors shall be to prevent atmospheric contamination. This shall be
accomplished through the use or application of accepted engineering control measures, like enclosure or
confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation and substitution of less toxic materials or a
combination of these. When effective engineering control measures are not feasible or while they are in
process of being instituted, appropriate respirators shall be used.

Respiratory protective equipment

A respirator is a protective device that covers the nose and mouth or the entire face or head to guard the
wearer against hazardous atmospheres.

Respirators may be:

• Tight-fitting—that is, half masks, which cover the mouth and nose and full facepieces that cover
the face from the hairline to below the chin; or
• Loose-fitting, such as hoods or helmets that cover the head completely.

In addition, there are two major classes of respirators:

• Air-purifying, which remove contaminants from the air; and
• Atmosphere-supplying, which provide clean, breathable air from an uncontaminated source. As a
general rule, atmosphere-supplying respirators are used for more hazardous exposures.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Air Purifying
Filtering air impurities which are present in the atmosphere before they are inhaled by the worker.

Filter- type Cartridge- type

• Filters restricted to use in those atmosphere free of oil aerosols
• filters at least 95% of airborne particles but is not resistant to oil

Filters intended for removal of any particle including oil based liquid aerosol. Used only for single shift (8
hours of continuous or intermittent use)

Filters intended for removal of any particle including oil based liquid aerosols. Should be used and re-used
for no more than 40 hours or 30 days whichever comes first.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Air Supplying
Provides continuous supply of uncontaminated air. (Self-Contained Breathing
Apparatus (SCBA))
• Used in:
• Confined spaces or oxygen deficient areas
• Concentration of contaminant is high
• Fire-fighting

Criteria for Selection of Respirators

• Identification of contaminants
• Maximum possible concentration of contaminants in the work area
• Acceptability in terms of comfort
• Compatibility with the nature of job
• Proper fit to the face of user to prevent leakage

Why do employees need respirators?

When employees must work in environments with insufficient oxygen or where harmful dusts, fogs,
smokes, mists, fumes, gases, vapors, or sprays are present, they need respirators. These health hazards
may cause cancer, lung impairment, other diseases, or death.

Where toxic substances are present in the workplace and engineering controls are inadequate to reduce
or eliminate them, respirators are necessary. Some atmosphere supplying respirators can also be used to
protect against oxygen-deficient atmospheres. Increased breathing rates, accelerated heartbeat, and
impaired thinking or coordination occur more quickly in an oxygen-deficient or other hazardous
atmosphere. Even a momentary loss of coordination can be devastating if it occurs while a worker is
performing a potentially dangerous activity such as climbing a ladder.

When do employees need to wear respirators?

Employees need to wear respirators whenever engineering and work practice control measures are not
adequate to prevent atmospheric contamination at the worksite. Strategies for preventing atmospheric
contamination may include enclosing or confining the contaminant-producing operation, exhausting the
contaminant, or substituting with less toxic materials.

Respirators have their limitations and are not a substitute for effective engineering and work practice
controls. When it is not possible to use these controls to reduce airborne contaminants below their
occupational exposure levels, such as during certain maintenance and repair operations, emergencies, or
when engineering controls are being installed, respirator use may be the best or only way to reduce worker
exposure. In other cases, where work practices and engineering controls alone cannot reduce exposure
levels to below the occupational exposure level, respirator use is essential.

Where respirators are required to protect worker health, specific procedures are necessary to ensure the
equipment’s effectiveness.
How can you ensure proper protection?
Employers must establish and maintain an effective respiratory protection program when employees must
wear respirators to protect against workplace hazards. Different hazards require different respirators, and
employees are responsible for wearing the appropriate respirator and complying with the respiratory
protection program.

This should contain requirements for program administration, worksite-specific procedures, respirator
selection, employee training, fit testing, medical evaluation, and respirator use, cleaning, maintenance, and
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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
repair. Employees must use respirators while effective engineering controls, if they are feasible, are being
installed. If engineering controls are not feasible, employers must provide respirators and employees must
wear them when necessary to protect their health. The employee’s equipment must be properly selected,
used, and maintained for a particular work environment and contaminant. In addition, employers must
train employees in all aspects of the respiratory protection program.

Procedures to Ensure Proper Protection

The primary objective of the respiratory protection program is to prevent exposure to air contaminated
with harmful dusts, fogs, fumes, mists, gases, smokes, vapors, or sprays, and thus to prevent occupational

A program administrator must be responsible for the program. This person must know enough about
respirators to supervise the program properly. Larger plants or companies with industrial hygiene, in-house
medical department, safety engineering, or fire prevention departments should administer the program in
liaison with the program administrator. In smaller plants without specialists, an upper-level
superintendent, foreman, or qualified person must serve as program administrator.

Any respirator program should stress thorough training of all respirator users. Employees must be aware
that a respirator does not eliminate the hazard. If the respirator fails, the user will be overexposed to
dangerous substances. To reduce the possibility of failure, the respirator must fit properly and be
maintained in a clean and serviceable condition.

Employers and employees must understand the respirator’s purpose and limitations. Users must not alter
or remove the respirator even for a short time, even if it is uncomfortable.

An effective respirator program must cover the following factors:

• Written worksite specific procedures;
• Program evaluation;
• Selection of an appropriate respirator
• Training;
• Fit testing;
• Inspection, cleaning, maintenance, and storage;
• Medical evaluations;
• Work area surveillance; and
• Air quality standards.

Whenever employers require respirator use, there must be a complete respiratory protection program.
Employers must have written operating procedures to ensure that employees use the respirators safely
and properly. Users must be familiar with these procedures and with the respirators available and their

In workplaces with no hazardous exposures, but where workers choose to use respirators voluntarily,
certain written program elements may be necessary to prevent potential hazards associated with
respirator use. Employers must evaluate whether respirator use itself may actually harm employees. If so,
employers must medically evaluate employees and, if necessary, restrict respirator use, as well as comply
with program elements. Employers must inform employees voluntarily using respirators of its basic

Employers must evaluate the effectiveness of a company’s respirator program regularly and modify the
written operating procedure as necessary to reflect the evaluation results. A labor-management team may
be effective in conducting these periodic evaluations.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Considerations in Choosing the Right Equipment:
• Determining what the hazard is and its extent,
• Considering user factors that affect respirator performance and reliability, and
• Selecting an appropriate NIOSH-certified respirator. Equipment must be used in line with
specifications accompanying the NIOSH certification.

When selecting respirators, employers must consider the chemical and physical properties of the
contaminant, as well as the toxicity and concentration of the hazardous material and the amount of oxygen
present. Other selection factors are nature and extent of the hazard, work rate, area to be covered,
mobility, work requirements and conditions, as well as the limitations and characteristics of the available

Air-purifying respirators use filters or sorbents to remove harmful substances from the air. They range
from simple disposable masks to sophisticated devices. They do not supply oxygen and must not be used
in oxygen-deficient atmospheres or in other atmospheres that are immediately dangerous to life or health

Atmosphere-supplying respirators are designed to provide breathable air from a clean air source other
than the surrounding contaminated work atmosphere. They include supplied-air respirators (SARs) and
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) units.

The time needed to perform a given task, including the time necessary to enter and leave a contaminated
area, is an important factor in determining the type of respiratory protection needed. For example, SCBAs,
gas masks, or air-purifying chemical-cartridge respirators provide respiratory protection for relatively short
periods. On the other hand, an atmosphere-supplying respirator that supplies breathable air from an air
compressor through an airline can provide protection for extended periods.

Specific Respirator Uses

The following list presents a simplified version of characteristics and factors used for respirator selection.
It does not specify the contaminant concentrations or particle size.

Hazards Respirator

Immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH)*

Oxygen deficiency Full-facepiece, pressure demand SCBA certified for a
Gas, vapor contaminants minimum service life of 30 minutes. A combination full-
and other highly toxic facepiece, pressure-demand SAR with an auxiliary self-
air contaminants contained air supply.
Contaminated atmospheres Positive-pressure SCBA. Gas mask. Combination positive-
—for escape pressure SAR with escape SCBA.
Not immediately dangerous to life or health
Gas and vapor contaminants Positive-pressure SAR. Gas mask. Chemical-cartridge or
canister respirator.
Particulate contaminants Positive-pressure SAR including abrasive blasting
Powered air-purifying respirator equipped with high-
efficiency filters. Any air-purifying respirator with a
specific particulate filter.
Gaseous and particulate Positive-pressure supplied respirator. Gas mask.
Chemical-cartridge respirator with mechanical filters.

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Smoke and other fire-related Positive-pressure SCBA.

*/ “Immediately dangerous to life or health” (IDLH) means an atmosphere that poses

an immediate threat to life, would cause irreversible adverse health effects, or would impair an
individual’s ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere.

Training is essential for correct respirator use. Employers must teach supervisors and workers how to
properly select, use, and maintain respirators. All employees required to use respiratory protective
equipment must receive instruction in the proper use of the equipment and its limitations. Employers
should develop training programs based on the employee’s education level and language background.

Training must be comprehensive enough for the employee to demonstrate a knowledge of the limitations
and capabilities of the respirator, why the respirator is necessary, and how improper fit, usage, or
maintenance can compromise the respirator.

Training must include an explanation of the following:

• Why respirator use is necessary;
• Nature of the respiratory hazard and consequences of not fitting, using, and maintaining the
respirator properly;
• Reason(s) for selecting a particular type of respirator;
• Capabilities and limitations of the selected respirator;
• How to inspect, put on and remove, and check the seals of the respirator;
• Respirator maintenance and storage requirements;
• How to use the respirator effectively in emergency situations, including when the respirator
malfunctions; and
• How to recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent the effective use of the

Users should know that improper respirator use or maintenance may cause overexposure. They also should
understand that continued use of poorly fitted and maintained respirators can cause chronic disease or
death from overexposure to air contaminants.

Proper Fitting of Respirators

Different types of respirators and even different brands of the same type of respirator have different fit
characteristics. No one respirator will fit everyone. Some employees may be unable to get an adequate fit
with certain respirator models of a particular type of respirator. This is why employers must provide a
sufficient number of respirator models and sizes to ensure that every employee can select an acceptable
respirator that fits properly.

Corrective eyeglasses worn by employees also present a problem when fitting respirators. Special
mountings are available to hold corrective lenses inside full facepieces.

A qualified individual must fit the facepiece and lenses to provide good vision, comfort, and proper sealing.
Tight-fitting respirators cannot provide proper protection without a tight seal between the facepiece and
the wearer’s face. Consequently, beards and other facial hair, the absence of normally worn dentures,
facial deformities, or jewelry or head gear that projects under the facepiece seal can also seriously affect
the fit of a facepiece. To ensure proper respiratory protection, check the facepiece each time you wear the
respirator. You can do this by performing either a positive-pressure or negative-pressure user seal check.

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Fit testing is required for tight-fitting facepiece respirators. You can test the effectiveness of the fit of the
facepiece two ways: qualitatively and quantitatively.
• Qualitative fit testing involves the introduction of a harmless odoriferous or irritating substance into
the breathing zone around the respirator being worn. If no odor or irritation is detected by the
wearer, this indicates a proper fit.
• Quantitative fit testing offers more accurate, detailed information on respirator fit. While the
wearer performs exercises that could induce facepiece leakage, a fit testing instrument numerically
measures the amount of leakage into the respirator. This testing can be done either by generating
a test aerosol as a test atmosphere, using ambient aerosol as a test agent, or using controlled
negative pressure to measure any leakage.

Inspection and Maintenance of Respirators

It is important to inspect all respirators for wear and tear before and after each use, giving special attention
to rubber or plastic parts that can deteriorate or lose pliability. The facepiece, headband, valves, connecting
tube, fittings, and cartridges, canisters or filters must be in good condition. A respirator inspection must
include checking the tightness of the connections.

Users must inspect SCBAs at least monthly and ensure that air and oxygen cylinders are fully charged
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The inspection should include a check of regulator and
warning devices to ensure their proper function. Employers must keep records of inspection dates and

Users should replace chemical cartridges and gas mask canisters as necessary to provide complete
protection, following the manufacturer’s recommendations. In addition, they should replace mechanical
filters as necessary to avoid high resistance to breathing.

Only an experienced person is permitted to make repairs, using parts specifically designed for the
respirator. This person must consult the manufacturer’s instructions for any repair and no attempt should
be made to repair or replace components or make adjustments or repairs beyond the manufacturer’s
recommendations. The employer must ensure that respirators are cleaned and disinfected as often as
necessary to keep them sanitary. In addition, the employer must ensure that emergency-use respirators
are cleaned and disinfected immediately after each use.

Respirators should be washed in a detergent solution and then disinfected by immersing them in a
sanitizing solution. Cleaner-sanitizers that effectively clean the respirator and contain a bactericidal agent
are available commercially. The bactericidal agent frequently used is a quaternary ammonium compound.
Strong cleaning and sanitizing agents and many solvents can damage rubber or plastic respirator parts. Use
these materials with caution or after consultation with the respirator manufacturer.

Users must store respirators in a way that protects them against dust, sunlight, heat, extreme cold,
excessive moisture, and damaging chemicals. When packed or stored, each respirator should be positioned
to retain its natural configuration. Facepieces and exhalation valves should rest in a normal position to
prevent the rubber or plastic from

Medical Evaluations for Users of Respirator

Workers assigned to tasks that require respirator use must be physically able to perform the work while
using the respirator. The local physician will determine what health and physical conditions are pertinent.

The medical evaluation can be performed by a physician using a medical questionnaire or by a medical
examination. This evaluation must be done before the employee is fit tested and uses the respirator in the
workplace. The employer must obtain a written recommendation from the physician for each employee’s
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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
ability to wear a respirator. Additional medical evaluations must be provided whenever health-care
professionals deem them appropriate.

Monitoring Work Areas

Employers must maintain surveillance of the work area conditions and the degree of worker exposure or
stress—a combination of work rate, environmental conditions, and physiological burdens of wearing a
respirator. Changes in operating procedures, temperature, air movement, humidity, and work practices
may influence the concentration of a substance in the work area atmosphere. Employers must periodically
monitor these factors as they affect air contaminant concentrations. In instances where work is of such
short duration that it takes longer to do the test than the job, reasonable estimates of exposure are

In situations where the environment is or may be immediately dangerous to life or health, employers must
ensure that one or more employees are located outside the dangerous environment. These employees
must maintain visual, voice, or signal line communication with employees in the IDLH atmosphere.

In interior structural fire-fighting situations, employers must ensure that at least two employees enter the
structure and remain in visual or voice contact with one another at all times. Also, at least two employees
must be located outside the fire area to provide effective emergency rescue. All workers engaged in interior
structural fire-fighting must use SCBA.

Standards for Equipment and Air Quality

Respiratory protective devices must be approved by NIOSH for the contaminant or situation to which the
employee is exposed.

Compressed air, compressed oxygen, liquid air, and liquid oxygen used for respiration must be of high
purity. Oxygen must meet the requirements (in case of the U.S) of the United States Pharmacopoeia for
medical or breathable oxygen. Breathing air must meet at least the requirement for Grade D breathing air
described in Compressed Gas Association (CGA) Commodity Specification G-7.1-1989. Compressed oxygen
must not be used in open circuit SCBAs or SARs that have previously used compressed air. Oxygen
concentrations greater than 23.5 percent must not be used with airline respirators unless the equipment
is designed for oxygen service.

Employers must supply breathing air to respirators from cylinders or air compressors. For testing cylinders,
see “Shipping Container Specifications of the Department of Transportation,” 49 CFR Part 178.

Employers must mark containers of breathing gas clearly and in accordance with NIOSH requirements, as
described in 42 CFR Part 84. Further details on the sources of compressed air and its safe use can be found
in the CGA pamphlet G-7.1-1989.

The compressor for supplying air must have the necessary safety devices and alarms. Compressors must
be constructed and situated to prevent contaminated air from entering the air supply system and be
equipped with suitable in-line, air-purifying sorbent beds and filters installed to ensure breathing air
quality. If using an oil-lubricated compressor, ensure that it has a high-temperature or carbon monoxide
alarm or both. If using only the high-temperature alarm, the employer must test the air from the
compressor frequently for carbon monoxide.

Air-line couplings must be incompatible with outlets for other gas systems to prevent accidental servicing
of air-line respirators with non-breathable gases or oxygen.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Noise Reduction rating for Hearing Protectors
Hearing protectors placed inside the ear to block out noise. To work effectively, they should fit snugly into
the ear canal.

A device composed of a headband with two cushioned ear cups that form a seal around the outer ear,
covering it completely and blocking out the noise.

Employee exposure to excessive noise depends upon a number of factors, including:

• The loudness of the noise as measured in decibels (dB).
• The duration of each employee’s exposure to the noise.
• Whether employees move between work areas with different noise levels.
• Whether noise is generated from one or multiple sources.

Generally, the louder the noise, the shorter the exposure time before hearing protection is required. For
instance, employees may be exposed to a noise level of 90 dB for 8 hours per day (unless they experience
a Standard Threshold Shift) before hearing protection is required. On the other hand, if the noise level
reaches 115 dB hearing protection is required if the anticipated exposure exceeds 15 minutes.

The next Table shows the permissible noise exposures that require hearing protection for employees
exposed to occupational noise at specific decibel levels for specific time periods. Noises are considered
continuous if the interval between occurrences of the maximum noise level is one second or less. Noises
not meeting this definition are considered impact or impulse noises (loud momentary explosions of sound)
and exposures to this type of noise must not exceed 140 dB. Examples of situations or tools that may result
in impact or impulse noises are powder-actuated nail guns, a punch press or drop hammers.

Permissible Noise Exposure (PNE) Level

Duration/Day (hours) Sound Level (dbA)
8 90
6 92
4 95
3 97
2 100
1-1/2 102
1 105
½ 110
¼ 115
*When measured on the A scale of a standard sound level meter at
slow response. Source: 29 CFR 1910.95, Table G-16.

If engineering and work practice controls do not lower employee exposure to workplace noise to
acceptable levels, employees must wear appropriate hearing protection. It is important to understand that
hearing protectors reduce only the amount of noise that gets through to the ears. The amount of this
reduction is referred to as attenuation, which differs according to the type of hearing protection used and
how well it fits. Hearing protectors worn by employees must reduce an employee’s noise exposure to
within the acceptable limits noted in Table 8b.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Manufacturers of hearing protection devices must display the device’s NRR on the product packaging. If
employees are exposed to occupational noise at or above 85 dB averaged over an eight hour period, the
employer is required to institute a hearing conservation program that includes regular testing of
employees’ hearing by qualified professionals

Some types of hearing protection include:

• Single-use earplugs are made of waxed cotton, foam, silicone
rubber or fiberglass wool. They are self-forming and, when properly
inserted, they work as well as most molded earplugs.

• Pre-formed or molded earplugs must be individually fitted by a

professional and can be disposable or reusable. Reusable plugs should be
cleaned after each use.

• Earmuffs require a perfect seal around the

ear. Glasses, facial hair, long hair or facial movements such as chewing
may reduce the protective value of earmuffs.

NRR (Noise Reduction Rating)

Is a rating system used to determine the effectiveness of hearing protection devices to decrease
sound exposure within a given working environment.

• Earplugs
Approximate Noise Protective Level = Noise Level – [ (NRR – 7) x 0.5 ]
• Earmuffs
Approximate Noise Protective Level = Noise Level – [ (NRR – 7) x 0.75 ]

Example of Using the NRR : For Earplugs:

Approximate Noise Protective Level = Noise Level – [ (NRR – 7) x 0.5

1. Noise level: 95 dB(A)
2. NRR of hearing protectors: 33 dB
3. Subtract 7 dB from the NRR: 33 dB - 7 dB = 26 dB
4. Multiply by 3/4: 26 X 3/4 = 19.5 dB
5. Subtract 13 dB from the Approximate Noise Protective Level: 95 dBA - 13 dB = 74.5 dB

Reference: Safety and Health Management Systems : Office of Training and Education, Industrial Hygiene : Personal Protective Equipment, 2003 : Respiratory Protection, 2002

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

You as Safety Officer, needs to recommend Controls to mitigate

all Hazards in the workplace

Identification and Recommendation

Department Order 136 – 14: GHS

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2


• Engineering control is considered to be the most expensive to implement, however, it is also

considered the most cost effective control measure.
• Administrative control use management prerogative to alter work flow or work schedule. It
also improves workers awareness through continuous training and education.
• The use of personal protective equipment such as respirators may be considered as the last
resort or it may supplement and complement the existing engineering or administrative
control measures.

Control Measures Mitigating Hazards at the Source

• Eliminate the source
• Substitution using a less harmful or less hazardous chemical or
• Isolation – enclose sources or the employee, or the source and
some employees together rather than all employees
• Modification of the source or process
• Automation

• Automation – use robotic, remote or computer aided products

• Separation – place the source in a different location to the
• Local Exhaust Ventilation – using ventilation to capture
contaminant at the source to prevent it from dispensing

Control Measures Mitigating Hazards at the Path

• Housekeeping (immediate cleanup)

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• General exhaust ventilation(roof fans)

• Dilution ventilation (supplied air)
• Increase distance between source and receiver receiver(semi -automatic or remote
• Use of screen and partial barriers
• Continuous area monitoring (pre pre-set alarms)
• Adequate maintenance program

Control Measures Mitigating Hazards at the Worker

• Training and education (most important)
• Rotation of workers (split up dose)
• Enclosure of worker (air conditioned crane cabs)
• Personal monitoring devices (dosimeters)
• Personal protective devices (respirators)
• Adequate maintenance program

Control Measures Using Combination of Controls

Safe and Healthy Worker

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Clear Points
• All hazards can be controlled
• There are usually many alternative methods of control
• Some methods of control are better than the others
• Some situations will require more than one control method to obtain optimum results
• Controls should be introduced as a means to protect the health or comfort of workers along with
other objectives, including employee safety, reduction in environmental pollution and reduction
in economic loss.
• The Safety Officer shall ensure that effective controls are being implemented regularly monitored
and maintained.

Module 2: Workplace Risk Assessment

3-B – Control Measures of Safety Hazards
Effective housekeeping can help control or eliminate workplace hazards. Poor housekeeping practices
frequently contribute to incidents. If the sight of paper, debris, clutter and spills is accepted as normal, then
other more serious hazards may be taken for granted.

Housekeeping is not just cleanliness. It includes keeping work areas neat and orderly, maintaining halls and
floors free of slip and trip hazards, and removing of waste materials (e.g., paper, cardboard) and other fire
hazards from work areas. It also requires paying attention to important details such as the layout of the
whole workplace, aisle marking, the adequacy of storage facilities, and maintenance. Good housekeeping
is also a basic part of incident and fire prevention.

Effective housekeeping is an ongoing operation: it is not a one-time or hit-and-miss cleanup done

occasionally. Periodic "panic" cleanups are costly and ineffective in reducing incidents.

Working on this module should help you:
• Explain the value of practicing good workplace housekeeping;
• Explain the principles of fire prevention, suppression and control;
• Enumerate ways of machine safeguarding;
• Demonstrate safe method of manual lifting and handling of materials;
• Identify the appropriate and approved types of PPE needed in a workplace; and
• Enumerate the steps in conducting job hazard analysis

Workplace Good Housekeeping

Rule 1060: Premises of establishments
Good housekeeping shall be maintained at all times through cleanliness of building, yards, machines,
equipment, regular waste disposal, and orderly arrangement of processes, operations, storage and filing
of materials

Benefits of Good housekeeping

• Eliminates accident and fire hazards
• Maintains safe and healthy work conditions
• Saves time, money, materials, space, and effort
• Improves productivity and quality of work
• Boosts morale
• Reflects a well-run organization

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Planning a Good Housekeeping Program (5s)
A good housekeeping program plans and manages the orderly storage and movement of materials from
point of entry to exit. It includes a material flow plan to ensure minimal handling. The plan also makes
sure that work areas are not used as storage areas by having workers move materials to and from work
areas as needed. Part of the plan could include investing in extra bins and more frequent disposal.

A tool that represents the basic principles of housekeeping and workplace organization is called 5S. It is
more than cleaning and painting. It is a disciplined approach to keep the workplace efficient and
• Eliminates accident and fire hazards
• Maintains safe and healthy work conditions
• Saves time, money, materials, space, and effort
• Improves productivity and quality of work
• Boosts morale
• Reflects a well-run organization

5S Implementation;
Now we will see the implementation of 5S step by step

1S – Seiri or Sort:
• The first step is Sort in
this Methodology.
• Sorting means to sort
everything in each work
area that we need and
what we do not need?
• Sort means removing
unnecessary items or
materials from a
• Keep only what is
actually required every
day from the
• Materials, equipment, instruments, or any things that are not frequently used should be moved
to a separate, common storage area called Red Tag Zone.
• Items that are not used should be removed or recycled.
• Please do not keep anything in your workplace just because it might be used in the future.
• The whole team should spend a few hours going through the entire (inside cabinets, under and
behind machines… Everywhere !!!)
• All obvious scrap should be put in the scrap area/ Bin
• All unidentified things should be put in the Red tag/ quarantine area.
• Only items that are required should remain.

Steps for sorting:

• Cleaning
• Classifying
• Assign Responsibility
• Red tagging of unnecessary things
• Recycling or Reassignment of things arrived in Red Tag Zone

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
2s – Seiton or Set in order:
• Set in order is for
organizing the items or
materials at the
• Define Place for
everything and put
everything in its place
• We can use an
organized workplace
more efficiently and
• To arrange all necessary
items for the economy
of movement.
• Put things as per the frequency of use
• Provide safe storage – heavy items at a low level, light at a height.
• If any item is missing then we can easily find out it

Basic Principles of Set in Order:

• The items that are used very frequently should be kept nearer to where they are used.
• Items that are used very few times should be kept far compare to frequently used things.
• After completion of work keep things in its defined place.
• If several things are used together, then store them together.
• For example, a welding rod is used with a welding machine then both should be kept together.
• Store things in place where people can easily find it.
• Identify all items (including fixtures, gauges, tools, jigs, molds, etc.) and mark identification
symbols on them so we can easily identify and return them to their identified storage location.
• For better understanding refer the below picture of the sort in order.

3s – Seiso or Shine (cleaning):

• After Sort and Set in
Order, the workplace
requires regular
• Shine is use for
regular cleaning of
the workplace, tools,
and equipment
• Cleanliness makes
defects easier to
• Better customer
• Aids efficiency and
reduces accidents
• Creates a better working environment
• It is not just the job of a housekeeper, it is everyone’s responsibility
• Every workplace should have a person, or group assigned to clean that area.
• The best approach is that those who work in a workplace are also responsible for cleaning that
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Cleaning is an ongoing process;
• Define and document:
• Decide Who, What, When, Where, How, etc…
• Who is responsible for cleaning?
• What needs to be cleared and where
• When it will be done
• How is it to be done and which tools require
• For better clarity refer to the below picture in which we can easily see the comparison of the
workplace before and after cleaning

4s – Seiketsu or
• After completion
of shine or clean,
standardize will
• Standardize means
documenting all
processes or
• In standardize we
can turn Good
Practices into
Good Habits.
• By developing standards for process, all person knows what to do, how to do, and where to do,
• Give awareness about standardizing to all persons
• It will help them to remember the new standards and it encourages them to do the same.
• We can use labels, symbols, posters, and banners for standardization

How do we Standardize?
• Document standard ways of working (Standard Operating Procedure - SOPs),
• Standardize labeling, signage, and Flow
• Audits
Standard Work:
• Document the current agreed way of doing a process
• Provides a baseline for improvement
• Reduces variation between people/ shifts

Standardized flow and Signage:

• Common methods to show where the work enters and leaves the cell
• Standard methods for identifying components and tools locations

5s Audit:
• Independent audit of an area
• Capture current state – Use color photographs
• Create simple audit sheets – with a score
• Conduct audits

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
5s – Shitsuke or Sustain:
• Sustain needs to maintain 5s withing factory or work pace.
• Keep a record of progress with evaluations,
communication, and training related activity.
• Assign continuing responsibility.
• Sustain keeps watch on on-going training activity and
maintaining the established system.
• Maintaining Audits
• Maintaining Cleaning
• Making it “A way of life”


Fire safety has developed from the traditional respond to fire incidents through regulations, legislations and
other restrictions. This can be exemplified by the establishment of the first building regulations and the
development of fire insurance and other measures to prevent and control fire.

Importance of fire safety.

• LIFE SAFETY - The primary goal of fire safety efforts is to protect building occupants from injury
and to prevent loss of life.
• PROPERTY PROTECTION - The secondary goal of fire safety is to prevent property damage.
• PROTECTION OF OPERATIONS - By preventing fires and limiting damage we can assure that work
operations will continue.

Fire prevention
• Refers primarily to measures directed towards avoiding the occurrence of fire. Effective fire
prevention work will mean better security, less fire losses and less tragedies.

Principle of Fire Prevention and Control

• Prevent the Outbreak of Fire
• Provide for Early Detection
• Prevent the Spread of Fire
• Provide for Prompt Extinguishment
• Provide for Prompt and Orderly Evacuation

Prevent the Outbreak of fire

• Provision of Hot Work Permit System
• Practice safe storage of chemicals
• Never overload a power outlet
• Smoke only in designated smoking areas
• Correct all defective wiring systems

Provide for Early Detection

• A complete protective signaling and control system including fire detection, alarm and
• Fire Alarms, Detectors and Annunciators

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Prevent the Spread of Fire
• Compartmentation
• Fixed Fire Protection System
o Sprinklers
o Hydrants
o Fire Hose/ Fire Hose Cabinet

Provide for Prompt Extinguishment

• Removal of Fuel
• Excluding or Limiting Oxygen
• Cooling
• By Interrupting the Chain Reaction

Fire Extinguishing Theory

Fire is a chemical reaction that occurs when a fuel rapidly unites with oxygen in the presence of a heat
source, and a flame is produced. Four elements are necessary to produce and support a fire:
• Fuel source (solid - liquid - gas)
• Heat source (a type of energy)
• Oxygen source (gas for ignition and flame support)
• Chemical chain reaction (occurs when fuel, heat & oxygen are united in the proper proportions to
create a fire).

If any one of these four elements is eliminated, the fire will go out. There are four ways that a fire can
be extinguished:
• Isolate, contain, separate, cover, or remove the fuel source.
• Remove the heat source by applying a cooling agent which absorbs the heat. Water is the most
common cooling agent used to remove the heat from the reaction.
• Separate the oxygen from other essentials that make a fire by smothering the fire with a wet
blanket, throwing soil or sand on it, or covering it with a chemical foam or water fog.
• Stop the chemical reaction by applying certain chemical substances that break up this chain
reaction, such as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or potassium bicarbonate ("purple AK") or
sodium monophosphate (ABC dry chemical). Application of these chemicals will result in a
reduction of the combustion rate and the fire can be extinguished.

How to operate Portable Fire Extinguish

Using a fire extinguisher can be intimidating, especially if you do not know the proper
way to use it. Most fire extinguisher operate using the following P.A.S.S. technique:

P-Pull the safety pin from the handle

A-Aim the extinguisher nozzle or hose low.
S-Squeeze the handle or lever slowly to discharge the agent
S-Sweep side to side over the fire until expended

Using portable fire extinguisher

• Start approximately 6-8 feet from the fire then squeeze the trigger slowly while moving towards
the fire.
• 10-lb fire extinguishers lasts only 10-20 seconds. It should be used correctly.

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• When the fire is extinguish, stop pulling the trigger. In the event of a re-ignition, at least there
would still be contents inside the unit.
• Ensure that you have an escape path in case the fire is not extinguished

Requirements for Fire Extinguisher

• Be kept fully charge and in their designated places
• Be located along normal paths of travel
• Not be obstructed or obscured from view
• Not be mounted higher than 5ft. or 1.5 m. to the top of the extinguisher if they weigh 40 lbs. or
80kg or less.
• Be inspected by management or a designated employee at least monthly to make sure that they
are in their designated places, they have not tampered with or actuated and they do not have
corrosion or other impairments.
• Be examined at least yearly and/or re-charged or repaired to ensure operability and safety. A tag
must be attached to show the maintenance or re-charged date and signature or initials of the
person performing the service.
• Tank should be hydrostatically 5 years

After Use:
• Have your extinguisher re-charge or replace immediately even if only partially discharged.
• A momentary discharged could cost total lost pressure.
• Bring your extinguisher to a qualified fire extinguisher service agency for re-charging, repair or test.
• Non-refillable extinguishers should be identified and a replacement should be obtained
immediately for continued fire protection.
• Do not dispose used fire extinguisher by throwing on fire
• Do not refill your extinguisher with any material other than that specified on the nameplate. This
may cause damage to the extinguisher causing to rapture, resulting to bodily injuries.

Classes of Fires and Extinguishment Methods:

1. Class A Fires - fires involving ordinary combustible materials, such as wood, cloth, paper, rubber,
and many plastics
• Water is used in cooling or quenching effect to reduce the temperature of the burning material
below its ignition temperature.
• Pressurized water extinguishers
• Dry chemical extinguishers, with ammonium phosphate rated for Class A, Class B and Class C fires
2. Class B Fires - fires involving flammable liquids, and gases
• The smothering or blanketing effect or oxygen exclusion is most effective.
• Removal of fuel and temperature reduction
• Carbon Dioxide extinguishers rated for Class B and Class C fires
• Dry chemical extinguishers, with ammonium phosphate rated for Class A, Class B and Class C fires
• Dry chemical extinguishers, with sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate, urea-based
potassium rated for Class B and Class C fires
3. Class C Fires - fires involving energized electrical equipment including appliances, wiring, circuit
breakers and fuse boxes
• This fire can sometimes be controlled by a non-conducting extinguishing agent. The safest
procedure is always to attempt to de-energize high voltage circuits and treat as a Class A or
Class B fire depending upon the fuel involved.
• Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers
• Dry chemical extinguishers, ammonium phosphate rated for Class A, Class B and Class C fires

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Dry chemical extinguishers, sodium bicarbonate rated for Class b and Class C fires is found in the
commercial kitchen for fighting grease fires
4. Class D Fires - fires involving combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium and
• There is no agent available that will effectively control fires in all combustible metals. Special
extinguishing agent must match the type of metal involved, hence extinguishers must have a
label which list the type of metal it can be used on.

5. Class K Fires – fires involving combustible cooking media such as animal and vegetable fats.
• The fuels are similar to Class B fuels but involve high temperature cooking oils and therefore have
special characteristics. Class K agents re usually wet chemicals, water-based solutions of
potassium carbonate-based chemical, potassium acetate-based chemical, or potassium citrate
based chemical or a combination.

Provide for Prompt and Orderly Evacuation

• Fire emergency evacuation route maps/evacuation plans
• Working/active fire brigade team/ emergency response team

Fire Brigade Organization

Fire Safety Program

• Fire Detection and Alarm System
• First Aid Fire Protection System
• Fixed Fire Protection System
• Fire Exit Doors, Fire Exit Signs, directional arrows
• Fire emergency evacuation route maps or evacuation plans
• Inspection and maintenance system of fire detection, alarm, control and suppression systems.
• Hot work permit system
• Fire Safety Training
• Conduct of drills
• Working or active:
• Fire Brigade Team
• Emergency Response Team
• Working & updated Emergency Response Plans

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Compliance to standards (OSHS, Fire Code)

Machine Safety
Safeguarding any machine part that may cause injury. It is the prevention of accidents when working with

Why machine guarding is importance?

To prevent:
• Loss of life
• Severe accidents or serious injury
• Loss of production
• Equipment damage and repairs
• Possible litigation
• Having time spent on accident investigation and other statutory requirements.

Machine Guards
• Guards are barriers that prevent entry of an individual’s hands or other body parts into a hazard
• Installed to minimize the risk of injury to machine operators or other persons from hazardous
machine parts, materials being processed, or scrap.

OSHS Rule 1200: Machine Guarding

All moving parts of prime movers, transmission equipment and all dangerous parts of driven machinery
shall be effectively guarded, unless so constructed or located to prevent any person or object from coming
or brought into contact with them.

OSHC Rule 1202.02 - Removal of Guards

1. No person shall remove or make ineffective any safeguard, safety appliance, or safety device
guarding a dangerous machine or machine part unless such is authorized and the machine is
stopped for the purpose of immediately repairing and adjusting such machinery, guard, appliance
or device.
2. Warning signs with standard color shall be installed near the machine being repaired or its guards
3. Upon completion of the repairs or adjustment, such guards, appliances or devices shall
immediately be reinstalled before the machine is used.

OSHC Rule 1203 - Standard Machinery Guards

1. Standard guards or enclosures shall be made of materials suitable for the purpose for which they
are designed and constructed.
2. All machinery guards shall be securely fastened to the machine or to the floor, wall or ceiling and
shall be kept in place whenever the machine is in operation.

Guards shall be designed, constructed and used that they will:

• Provide positive protection;
• Prevent all access to the danger zone during operations;
• Not interfere unnecessarily or inconvenience operation or production;
• Operate automatically or with minimum effort;
• Be suitable for the job and the machine;
• Not obstruct or interfere with machine oiling, inspection, adjustment and repair;
• Withstand long use with minimum maintenance;
• Resist normal wear and stock;
• Be durable, fire and erosion resistant;
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Not constitute a hazard by themselves; and
• Give protection against operational contingencies and not merely against normally expected

• Prevent employee contact with hazardous moving parts
• Secured and durable
• Prevent falling materials into moving parts
• Create no new hazards
• Must not interfere with worker productivity
• Should allow for proper and safe maintenance and lubrication

Choice of Machine Guards

The manner in which this is achieved will depend on the nature of the machine and the hazard. In basic
terms this means preventing any access to the relevant parts while they are in a dangerous condition. The
best choice of protective measure is a device or system that provides the maximum protection with the
minimum hindrance to normal machine operation. It is important that all aspects of machine use are
considered, as experience shows that a system which is difficult to use is more liable to be removed or by-

Category of Machine Guards

• Preventing access during dangerous motion or
• Preventing dangerous motion during access.

Preventing Access:
1. Fixed enclosing guards - If the hazard is on a part of the machinery which does not require
access it should be permanently guarded with fixed enclosing guards.

2. Movable Guards with interlocking switches – If access is required there needs to be a movable
(openable) guard which is inter-locked with the power source of the hazard in a manner which
ensures that whenever the guard door is not closed the hazard power will be switched off. This
approach involves the use of an interlocking switch fitted to the guard door. The control of the
power source of the hazard is routed through the switch section of the unit. The power source
is usually electrical but it could also be pneumatic or hydraulic. When guard door movement
(opening) is detected the interlocking switch will isolate the hazard power supply either
directly or via a power contactor (or valve).

Some interlocking switches also incorporate a locking device which locks the guard door closed
and will not release it until the machine is in a safe condition. For many applications the
combination of a movable guard and an interlock switch with or without guard locking is a
reliable and cost effective solution.

3. Two hand controls – There are other ways of preventing access while the machine is in a dangerous
condition. The use of two hand controls (also referred to as bi-manual controls) is common on
certain types of machinery. Two start buttons have to be operated at the same time to run the
machine. This ensures that both hands of the operator are occupied in a safe position (i.e. at the
controls) and therefore cannot be in the hazard area.

Note: This type of measure only protects the operator and does not give protection to other
personnel. A two-hand control system depends heavily on the integrity of its control and
monitoring system to detect any faults, so it is important that this aspect is designed to the correct
specification. The physical design should prevent improper operation (e. g. by hand and elbow).

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
The machine should not go from one cycle to another without the releasing and pressing of both
buttons. This prevents the possibility of both buttons being blocked, leaving the machine running
continuously. Releasing of either button must cause the machine to stop. The use of two hand
control should be considered with caution as it usually leaves some form of risk exposed.

It is very useful however on applications such as teach mode pendants and inching controls
because it can give enhanced levels of protection when used in conjunction with other protective

4. Adjustable Guards
a. Adjustable Guards - There are many different ways to safeguard employees from machine
related accidents one way is with adjustable guards. An adjustable guard can be a
permanent part of the machine, and may be dependent on moving parts to function. Some
advantages that adjustable guards provide that fixed and interlocked guards don’t, is that it
provides a barrier that may be adjusted to facilitate a variety of production
operations. The guard can be created for many specific functions and can be adjusted
based upon the size of the stock. There are some limitations to it however, hands can enter
the danger area and workers may not be protected at all times, it may need frequent
maintenance, the operator could make the guard ineffective and it may interfere with the
workers visibility.

b. Self-Adjusted Guards - The openings of self-adjusted guards are determined by the

movement of the stock. As the operator moves the stock into the danger area, the guard
is pushed away, allowing an opening that is large enough to admit the stock. When the
stock is removed, the guard returns to the rest position. The self-adjusting guard protects
the worker by placing a barrier between the danger area and the operator. The guards may
be constructed of metal, plastic, or other substantial material. Many off the shelf guards
can be purchased commercially. There are some drawbacks to self-adjusted guards, it can
interfere with vision, may require frequent maintenance and may not always provide
maximum protection.

Preventing Dangerous Motion:

When frequent access is required physical guarding at the hazard is sometimes too restrictive for part
loading or adjustment. In this situation a device is required which prevents dangerous motion while
allowing unrestricted access by sensing the presence of the operator and sending a stop signal.
• Photoelectric light curtains/Presence sensing device
• Pullback devices
• Restraint device

Machine Safety Program

An effective Machine Safety Program must have the following:
• Implementation of LOTO system.
• Having a machine operation and safety procedures.
• Machine alarm and warning signal system.
• Equipment/machine safety signages.
• Equipment/Machine inspection and maintenance program.
• Installation of safety devices (guards, relief valves, provision for LOTO, interlocks, limit switches,
• Compliance to regulatory requirements and standards.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Material Handling and Storage
Handling and storing materials involve diverse operations such as hoisting tons of steel with a crane;
driving a truck loaded with concrete blocks; carrying bags or materials manually; and stacking palletized
bricks or other materials such as drums, barrels, kegs, and lumber.

The efficient handling and storing of materials are vital to industry. In addition to raw materials, these
operations provide a continuous flow of parts and assemblies through the workplace and ensure that
materials are available when needed. Unfortunately, the improper handling and storing of materials
often result in costly injuries.

Proper Procedure of Manual Lifting

• Inspect materials for sharp edges, burrs, rough or slippery surfaces.
• Get a firm grip on the object.
• Keep fingers away from pinch points, especially when setting down materials.
• Wipe off greasy, wet, slippery, or dirty objects before trying to handle them.
• Never attempt to lift that are either too heavy or bulky to handle safely.

b. What to Do:
• Stand close to the load and face the way you intend to move
• Keep feet apart
• Be sure you have a good grip on the load
• Look forward to keep back straight
• Keep arms straight
• Tighten abdominal muscles

c. What to wear:
• Lightweight, flexible, tear and puncture-resistant clothing,
• Safety boots with toe slip-resistant soles, and
• Protective gloves, appropriate for the materials being handled.

Mechanical Handling General Requirements

• Operators must be under skills training and must be authorized.
• Equipment must be regularly inspected and maintained.

Materials Storage Room General Requirements

Stacking materials can be dangerous if workers do not follow safety guidelines. Falling materials and
collapsing loads can crush or pin workers, causing injuries or death. To help prevent injuries when
stacking materials, workers must do the following requirements:
• Stored materials must not create a hazard.
• Should be properly illuminated and ventilated.
• Materials are properly identified and labeled (including hazard labels).
• Should have proper danger or warning signs.
• Must have a smooth flow of materials, material handling equipment and people.
• Storage areas must be kept free from accumulated materials that may cause tripping, fires, or
explosions, or that may contribute to the harboring of rats and other pests.
• When stacking and piling materials, it is important to be aware of such factors as the materials'
height and weight, how accessible the stored materials are to the user, and the condition of the
containers where the materials are being stored.
• Materials material handling equipment should not obstruct emergency equipment such as fire
alarm buttons, evacuation map, first aid kits, fire extinguishers (portable or fixed) etc.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
ELECTRICAL SAFETY (OSH Standard Rule 1210)
• The employer must train employees in safe work practices in working with electrical equipment.
• The training rules distinguish between workers & Authorized Personnel.

Electrical Safety Rules:

• Don't guess every line should assume energized & Inspect regularly
• Avoid using temporary electrical lines & Observe PEC Requirement
• Only qualified Electrician should be allowed to work in electrical jobs & Never Work Alone on
electrical lines
• Always have a high respect for electricity
• Practice LOTOTO System & Use Appropriate PPE & insulated tools

Protection Against Hazards of Electricity

• Maintain adequate grounding of circuit and equipment
Intentionally creating a low-resistance path that connects to the earth
• Properly install guarding
Enclosing Electric Equipment to Make Sure People Don't Accidentally Come into Contact with Its
Live Parts
• Use of Ground fault circuit Interrupters (GFCI)
Protects operator from electric shock
o Detects difference in current going into the equipment and returning from it
o If ground fault detected, GFCI shuts off electricity in 1/40th of a second

Use of adequate and approved type of personal protective equipment

• Proper foot protection (not tennis shoes)
• Rubber insulating gloves, hoods, sleeves, matting, and blankets
• Hard hat (insulated - nonconductive)
• Use of Lockout/Tagout in maintaining electrical equipment


The standard for the control of hazardous energy sources which covers maintenance of machines in
which the unexpected startup of machines or release of stored energy could cause injury to employees.

Who Uses Lockout/Tag out?

1. Employees authorized to make repairs, service and maintenance operations
2. Affected employees who work with the equipment to be locked out/tag out

Procedure How to Lockout/Tag out:

1. Prepare for machinery shutdown. Notify all affected employees that a lock-out/tag out procedure is
2. Machinery or equipment shutdown. Turn OFF the equipment and disconnect energy source.
3. Machinery or Equipment isolation. Lockout energy sources and not just pulling a fuse or flipping a circuit
breaker. Use a lock to prevent the flow of energy from being restored. Snap the lock on the control
lever or on the multiple-lock adapter.
4. Lock-out/Tag Out application. Place a Tag at the disconnect point even if a lock is placed since the Tag
provides vital information for extra protection.
5. Release residual energy. Zero mechanical state means a machine has been put in a state in which
the possibility of an unexpected mechanical movement has been placed to a minimum.
6. Verification of isolation. Check if equipment power is turned OFF using a voltmeter to ensure
absence of equipment power.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
7. Restore energy safely. When work is finished, check all tools are removed, all lines reconnected
or unblock, all guards have been replaced and other workers are safely out of harm’s way before
removing the lock and tag and turning the machine ON.

When is Lock-out/Tag out Used:

1. When servicing electrical equipment that does not require power to be ON to perform the service;
2. When removing or by-passing a machine guard or other safety device;
3. When the possibility exists of being injured or caught in moving machinery;
4. When cleaning jammed equipment; and
5. When the danger exists of being if equipment is turned ON.

Contents of Lockout/Tag out Program:

1. Written procedures on all aspect of the program
2. Initial training for authorized, and other employees on recognitions of hazardous energy sources
and training on lockout/tagout procedures
3. Identification of hazardous energy sources
4. Issuing padlocks and tag s for authorized workers to be used in lockout/tag out operations
5. Conduct of periodic and annual inspections of lockout/tag out procedures, equipment and
machines to verify the effectiveness of the Lockout/Tag out Program

Pointers in Restoring the Energy:

1. Keep all employees at a safe distance from the machine or equipment.
2. Remove tools and other equipment from the work area
3. Reinstall machine safeguards
4. Remove lockout/tag out devices
5. Restore energy
6. Test for safe operations
7. Notify affected employees that the equipment or machinery is in service and safe to operate.


An effective method of reviewing the individual steps in performing a job and identifying workplace
hazards in order to develop solutions to eliminate or control the hazard.

Why Job Hazard Analysis?

• Identify previously undetected hazards
• Increase the job knowledge
• Raise safety and health awareness
• Improve communication between workers and supervisors
• Establish safe work procedures
• Tool for accident investigation.

The Road to a Successful Job Hazard Analysis?

1. Select the job to be analyzed
a. Jobs with most accidents
b. Jobs where severe accidents can happen
c. New jobs that are being created
d. Jobs being changed
e. Jobs that are already analyzed but are still causing accident.

2. Identify basic steps of the job

a. Discuss with the employee the sequence of job steps
b. Observe the job if the steps are accurate
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
c. List each step in the order of occurrence
d. Not too general ( miss steps and hazards)
e. Not too detailed (many steps)
f. Jobs can be described in less than ten steps
g. Discuss with the employee any discrepancy during observation
h. Iron out differences to come-up with the final sequence of job steps.

3. Determine associated hazards

Identify all of the existing or potential actions or conditions that could lead to an injury or illness,
or harm to the environment.
a. MAN

4. Make your Recommendation

a. Decide measures to be taken
b. Must be specific
c. Implement them according to priority
d. Cost efficient


Are variety of devices and garments designed to serve as a barrier between workers and
Workplace hazards.

DO 198-2018: The Right to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Every employer, contractor or
subcontractor, if any, shall provide his or her workers, free of charge, PPE for any part of the
body that may be exposed to hazards, and lifeline, PFAS, gas or dust respirators or masks, and
protective shields whenever necessary by reason of the hazardous work process or environment

Guidelines in Selecting PPE

When the use of PPE is necessary, employers should select PPE that provides protection greater
than the minimum required. Where an assessment identifies exposures to multiple hazards, PPE
that protects workers from those hazards, with emphasis on the most severe hazard, should be
provided (such as when selecting welding gloves)
• Be familiar with all potential hazards and the types of PPE available;
• Evaluate the hazards associated with the work environment and the capabilities of the
available PPE;
• Choose the PPE that ensures an adequate level of protection without presenting other
risks for workers and
• Fit workers with the appropriate device(s) and provide training for its use and care.
Workers should be made aware of all warning labels and limitations of their PPE.


Types of PPE Protection

• Head Protection
• Hearing Protection

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Hand and Arm Protection

• Torso Protection
• Eye and Face Protection
• Respiratory Protection
• Foot Protection
• Fall Protection

PPE Program
• Written Policy
• Proper Selection of PPE
• Proper Training
• Maintenance Program
• Incentive System
• Enforcement

Clear Points
• The primary goal of fire safety efforts is to protect building occupants from injury and to prevent
loss of life.
• Guards are barriers that prevent entry of an individual’s hands or other body parts into a hazard
• Operators must have proper skills training and are authorized to use machineries.
• Electrical equipment must be safe to use, properly maintained and free from recognized hazards.
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are variety of devices and garments designed to serve as a
barrier between workers and workplace hazards.

Module 3: Accident Causation (Risky Workplace and Risky Workers)

| Accident Investigation
Working on this module should help you to:
• Understand the importance of accident investigation.
• Enumerate the types of accidents to be reported.
• Explain the basic procedure in the conduct of accident investigation.
• Know how to document an accident investigation.
• Accomplish the Work Accident/Illness Report (WAIR) and Annual Accident/ Illness Exposure Data
Reports (AEDR) based on cases give
• Compute sample Severity Rate (SR) and Frequency Rate (FR)

What is an Accident?
Is an unexpected, unforeseen, unplanned and unwanted occurrence or event that causes damage or loss
of materials or properties, injury or death.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Accident Causation
• Refers to the factors that are the primary
reasons behind an accident.
• For occupational health and safety
professionals, determining causation factors
in any workplace injury or accident is the key.

• Workforce
• Management of the workforce
• Policies
• Behavior

• Used or Worked or made

• Policies
• Programs
• Work Methods

• Tools
• Machinery

• Physical surroundings
• Natural environment
• Community, social & legal influences

“You can buy a person’s time, presence at workplace, and measured number of physical activities. But
you cannot buy perseverance, loyalty, enthusiasm, and heartfelt commitment. You must earn them. “
George L. Germaine

According to Mr. Hienrich’s Survery

Heinrich found out that 98% of workplace Accidents are Preventable 2% Non-Preventable are non-
preventable. Of the 98% preventable accidents,
• 88% is due to unsafe/unhealthy acts or “man failure”
• 10% is due to unsafe/ unhealthy conditions.
• 2% Acts of Nature

This study explains the rationale for focusing interventions on changing the behaviors and attitudes of
workers and management towards safety and health.

Heinrich’s Law
“In a workplace, for every accident that causes a major injury,
there are 29 accidents that cause minor injuries and 300
accidents that cause no injuries.”

This is commonly depicted as a pyramid (in this case with the

number of minor incidents shown as 30 for simplicity):

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Heinrich's law is based on probability and assumes that the number of accidents is inversely proportional
to the severity of those accidents. It leads to the conclusion that minimizing the number of minor
incidents will lead to a reduction in major accidents, which is not necessarily the case.

The Domino Theory

Heinrich's Domino Theory states that accidents result from a chain of sequential events, metaphorically
like a line of dominoes falling over. When one of the dominoes falls, it triggers the next one, and the next...
- but removing a key factor (such as an unsafe condition or an unsafe act) prevents the start of the chain

What are Unsafe Conditions and Acts?

According to Heinrich, all incidents directly relate to unsafe conditions and acts, which he defines as “unsafe
performance of persons, such as standing under suspended loads ... horseplay, and removal of safeguards”;
and “mechanical or physical hazards such as unguarded gears ... and insufficient light.”

The Dominoes
Heinrich posits five metaphorical dominoes labelled with accident causes.
They are;
• Social Environment and Ancestry,
• Fault of Person,
• Unsafe Act or Mechanical or Physical Hazard (unsafe condition),
• Accident, and
• Injury.

Heinrich defines each of these "dominoes" explicitly, and gives advice on minimizing or eliminating their
presence in the sequence.
Heinrich's Domino Model of Accident Causation

1. Social Environment and Ancestry:

This first domino in the sequence deals with worker personality. Heinrich explains that
undesirable personality traits, such as stubbornness, greed, and recklessness can be "passed
along through inheritance" or develop from a person's social environment, and that both
inheritance and environment (what we usually refer to now as "nature" and "nurture")
contribute to Faults of Person.

2. Fault of Person:
The second domino also deals with worker personality traits. Heinrich explains that inborn or
obtained character flaws such as bad temper, inconsiderateness, ignorance, and recklessness

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
contribute at one remove to accident causation. According to Heinrich, natural or environmental
flaws in the worker's family or life cause these secondary personal defects, which are themselves
contributors to Unsafe Acts, or and the existence of Unsafe Conditions.

3. Unsafe Act and/or Unsafe Condition:

The third domino deals with Heinrich's direct cause of incidents. As mentioned above, Heinrich
defines these factors as things like "starting machinery without warning ... and absence of rail
guards. " Heinrich felt that unsafe acts and unsafe conditions were the central factor in
preventing incidents, and the easiest causation factor to remedy, a process which he likened to
lifting one of the dominoes out of the line. These combining factors (1, 2, and 3) cause accidents.

Heinrich defines four reasons why people commit unsafe acts "improper attitude, lack of
knowledge or skill, physical unsuitability, [and] improper mechanical or physical environment."
He later goes on to subdivide these categories into "direct" and "underlying" causes. For
example, he says, a worker who commits an unsafe act may do so because he or she is not
convinced that the appropriate preventative measure is necessary, and because of inadequate
supervision. The former he classifies as a direct cause, the latter as an underlying cause. This
combination of multiple causes, he says, create a systematic chain of events leading to an

4. Accident:
Heinrich says, "The occurrence of a preventable injury is the natural culmination of a series of
events or circumstances which invariably occur in a fixed and logical order." He defines accidents
as, "events such as falls of persons, striking of persons by flying objects are typical accidents that
cause injury.

5. Injury:
Injury results from accidents, and some types of injuries Heinrich specifies in his "Explanation of
Factors" are cuts and broken bones.

To be fair to Heinrich, he does insist that "the responsibility lies first of all with the employer." Heinrich specifies
that a truly safety-conscious manager will make sure his "foremen" and "workers" do as they told, and "exercise
his prerogative and obtain compliance ... follow through and see the unsafe conditions are eliminated." Heinrich's
remedy for such non-compliance is strict supervision, remedial training, and discipline.

Primary Causes of Accidents

The physical or chemical property of a material, machine or the environment that may result in injury to a
person, damage or destruction to property and other losses; these could have been guarded or prevented.
o Unnoticed
o Uncorrected

o A human action that departs from a standard or written job procedure or common practice, safety
rules, regulations, or instructions.
o A violation of a commonly-accepted safe procedures and or processes.
▪ Unaware
▪ Unable
▪ Unmotivated

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Cost of Accidents
Total costs of workplace accidents
Many employers only prepare for
the direct costs of an accident
which are usually covered by
insurance; however, this only
constitutes a very small portion of
the entire cost of an accident. The
truth is that the indirect costs of
workplace accidents, which are
often not covered by insurance,
are much higher than the direct
costs. According to the 2017
Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety
Index, the total cost for the most
disabling workplace injuries in
2014 was $49.9 billion. This
equates to 83.4% of the total cost
of all workplace injuries reported.

To have a better understanding of

this, we’ll use the analogy of an
iceberg. When you look at the iceberg, the visible part is what we see. This is only about 10% of the entire iceberg.
The rest is under water, and out of our view. In the same way, direct costs of an accident are just the tip of the

The two main types of costs are explained below along with common examples.

Direct Costs
The direct costs of workplace accidents are
usually covered by insurance. They include the
hospital bills of the affected employee, costs
of prescription medicines and therapy,
compensation payment made to the injured
employee, etc. In other words, they are costs
directly accumulated from the accident. They
can be easily calculated.

Indirect Costs
On the other hand, indirect costs of workplace
accidents are the costs which are not a direct
result of the accident. Therefore, they are not
usually insurable and all payments have to be
made from the pocket of the employer, or
from profit made through sale of the
company’s products and services. These costs
are usually much greater than direct costs,
with some studies even claiming that there is
$3 - $10 of indirect costs for every $1 of direct
costs. As indirect costs tend to vary, they are more difficult to calculate than direct costs.

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Some of the damages that indirect costs encompass include:
• Downtime of the injured employee or employees
• Cost of damage done to the machine, equipment or materials which were involved in the accident.
• Cost of overtime as a result of the accident like additional light and heat, additional supervision, lost
production, late deliveries, etc.
• Cost of selecting, employing, training, educating new employees or reshuffling existing employees to
minimize disruption of production as much as possible.
• Cost of those in managerial positions, as well as clerical positions, to investigate and process claim
forms and other paperwork, interviews, telephone calls, etc.
• Costs associated with any fines that may be applied due to injury and breaking any safety guidelines.
• Costs brought about by loss in productivity of all other employees and managers as a result of
disruption in production and delivery. In fact, loss in productivity cost companies $60 billion every
year according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
• Costs brought about by decrease in productivity when the injured employee comes back to work.
This could be a result of physical injuries which have not completely healed yet, or psychological
trauma caused by the accident.
• Any medical bills which may not be covered by insurance which could include certain supplies and
equipment, personnel for therapy, treatment facilities, etc.


Accident Investigation
• A methodical effort to collect and interpret the facts of accident.
• An inquiry as to how and why the accident occurred in order to explore actions that should be taken
to prevent or minimize recurrence of the accident.

Accident investigation is the process of determining the root causes of accidents, on-the-job injuries, property
damage, and close calls in order to prevent them from occurring again.

Important Feature of an Accident Investigation

• Formal Policy requiring the proper and consistent reporting of all accidents is one of the most
important principles of any accident investigation program


• To establish all facts
• To draw conclusion
• To make recommendations
• To prevent recurrence

Earlier, it has been mentioned that a policy is needed in order that all incidents be reported so the appropriate
investigation can be performed. A thorough policy would require reporting the following types of accidents;
• Fatal accidents
• Accident causing injury or illness
• Diseases
• Dangerous occurrences
• Near Miss

Fatal - The Occupational Safety and Health Standards being implemented by DOLE require that accidents
resulting in death should be reported to DOLE Regional Office within twenty four (24) hours after occurrence

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
using the fastest available means of communication, and within forty eight (48) hours upon receipt of the initial
report, be investigated.

Injury - Any injury that causes minor or first-aid treatment to serious, to permanently/totally incapacitate
workers should be reported.

Disease - All work-related diseases/illnesses due to exposure to unsafe working environment should also be

Dangerous occurrences - Any dangerous occurrences which may or may not cause serious bodily harm to
workers, or seriously damage the premises of employment should be investigated and reported by the
employer to DOLE Regional Office. These include fire, explosion of boiler and pressure vessels, collapse of
equipment or structures, etc.

Near miss - Near miss in an incident where no injury or property damage has occurred but where a slight
difference in position or timing could mean the occurrence of damage or injury.

Who should conduct?

Accident Investigations is considered a Supervisor’s Responsibility

Why Supervisors the best investigators?

• They benefit from investigating.
• They know the people and conditions
• They know best how and where to get the information.
• They will start or take the actions
• They have a personal interest

What to investigate?
• Incidents and Accidents
• Medical Cases
• Damage to property
• Injury
• Theft

Steps in Conducting an Investigation

1. Gather information
2. Analyze the Facts
3. Make Recommendations

Managing the Accident Scene

Accident Scene Priorities:
1. Care & Treatment of Injured - Supervisors can increase their ability to respond to Medical Emergencies
• Training in First Aid
• Drills under normal and abnormal conditions
• Liaison with hospitals

2. Elimination or Controlling Remaining Hazards - If a hazardous environment or toxic materials exist:

a. Site isolation to protect people from further injury - In many cases, the accident scene is a
dangerous place. The accident may have damaged electrical equipment, weakened structural
supports or may have released radioactive or toxic materials. Isolating or barricading the accident
scene must be particularly implemented to prevent the entry of workers.
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
b. To preserve evidence and valuable clues - Immediate action should be made for the protection of
evidence. Physical evidences are so important for the success of every accident investigation. Each
investigation should be conducted as soon as possible after the accident. A delay of only a few
hours may permit these important evidences to be destroyed or removed intentionally or
unintentionally. Preservation techniques include photographs, sketches, maps, notes and witness
statements. Depending upon the nature of the accident, preservation of evidence may also require
additional action to ensure its security.

Supervisor’s Initial Actions on Accidents

1. Take control at the scene
2. Ensure first aid and call for emergency services
3. Take control at the scene
4. Preserve the scene from alteration
5. Identify sources of evidence at the scene
6. Investigate to determine the loss potential
7. Notify the Company and Submit your report

All information gathered during the course of the investigation should be properly reported and formally
recorded in an Accident Investigation Report. Although there are no established industry-standard formats
for recording the accident investigation into a report form, there are several aspects of the processes which
are common to most reports. Each company will generally develop its own format for the investigation
report, one that is acceptable to management. The report should answer the 5W and 1H in reporting of
• WHO was injured?
• WHAT happened?
• WHERE did accident occur?
• WHEN did the accident occur?
• WHY did the accident occur?
• HOW can similar accident be prevented?

Accident Investigation equipment:

• Report Form
• Notebook or pad of paper
• Tape Recorder
• Camera (Instant or Digital)
• Measuring Equipment

The Occupational Safety and Health Standard provides for an accident investigation report using the prescribed
form (DOLE/ BWC/ OHSD/ IP-6a) which can be used by the companies on devising their company’s accident
investigation report from.

What or who are your sources of information

• Time and location. This is the time of the day and place where the accident happened. More or
less you can get an idea of possible causes of the incident if you know whether it happened in the
morning, afternoon or evening. Likewise, you can also identify causes if you have the idea of where
the accident happened.

• Environment. The evaluation of the environment will provide information regarding the causes of
accident. Identify the environmental factors that might influence the accident such as weather
conditions, illumination, temperature, noise, ventilation, etc.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Physical Evidence. As the investigator, you should exercise extreme care in handling, collecting,
retrieving or otherwise identifying physical evidence. Investigators not familiar with the fragility of
these evidences might destroy it during the investigation process. Examples of the physical
evidence are equipment, tools and materials involved in the accident.

• Witnesses. A witness can be defined simply as any person who has information relating to the
accident. This includes anyone from those persons principally involved in the accident to those
who have seen or heard about the accident, or observed the work environment at the time the
accident occurred. A witness may also be someone who has knowledge of the events occurring
during any of the three (3) stages of the accident namely the pre-contact, contact and post-

• Existing Records. These could be employee, equipment, job or task, and previous accident
investigation records.
o Employee record Information regarding the victim’s age and gender, the department and
occupation in which he or she worked, work status (whether a full-time, part-time, or
seasonal employee), experience (how long has the victim been with the company, how
long in current occupation, how often had the employee repeated the activity engaged in
when the accident occurred), and employee’s training - should be reflected in the
employee’s record.
o Equipment record. The characteristics of the equipment associated with the accident
include the type, brand, size, and any distinguishing features of the equipment, its
condition, and the specific hazardous parts that may cause accident.
o Job or task record. The characteristics of task being performed by the employee include
his or her general task, the tools or equipment/ machine he or she is using/ operating. The
description should include the posture or location of the employee in doing the task and
whether the employee is working alone or with others.
o Record of previous accident investigation reports An accident investigation report form
is used to help investigators gather, at a minimum, the basic information that should be
recorded about each accident. The minimum data recorded for every accident identifies
the who, what, when, where, why and how (5W + 1H) of the accident.

What is the method of interviewing of witnesses?

Since the value of a witness’ statements is highest when derived from testimony gathered immediately after the
accident occurs, it is essential that interview of witnesses begins as soon as possible. Interviewing your witnesses
can be a difficult assignment if not properly handled. The individual being interviewed after all may be fearful and
reluctant to provide the interviewer with accurate facts about the accident. A witness may not want to provide
information that might implicate friends, fellow workers, or the supervisors. To obtain the necessary facts during
an interview, the interviewer must first eliminate or reduce an employee’s fear and anxiety by establishing good
rapport with the individual. It is important that the interview of a witness occur in a comfortable area or
atmosphere conducive to ensuring an accurate account of accident. An interview at the accident scene has several
advantages and should be attempted. When selecting a suitable place to conduct interviews, you must ensure that
the location is non-threatening to the witness. You must create a feeling of trust and establish open communication
before beginning the actual interview. Once good rapport has been developed, the interviewer can follow this
• Reassure the witness
• Let the witness tell the story
• Begin with open-ended questions
• Don’t ask leading questions
• Summarize
• Ask for recommendations
• Get written statements
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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Close on a positive note

What to look for?

Employee actions
• (Behavior, Physical, mental & emotional)
Environmental conditions
• (Lighting, heat/cold, moisture/humidity, dust, vapors, etc.)
Equipment condition
• (maintenance program in place)
• (available or not, appropriate or not)
• (operation & maintenance)

ANALYZING THE FACTS - Find root causes:

• Determined the direct and contributing factors, dig deeper!
• If employee error, what caused that behavior?
• If defective machine, why wasn’t it fixed?
• If poor lighting, why not corrected?
• If no training, why not?
• Finding the cause

In accident investigation, it is commonly understood that a combination of factors or causes must usually come
together under just the right circumstances to bring about accident. Information on accident causes have led
management to conclude that accidents are caused, they don’t just happen and causes can be determined and

The four (5) elements that interact together for successful business operations are the following;
However, when something unplanned or undesired occurs within any of these elements, usually some adverse
effects might happen.
• MAN Obviously, the people of any successful organization are its greatest resources. But unfortunately,
statistics show that a high percentage of accidents have been attributed to human element. Influencing
factors that can affect human behavior and performance must be examined and evaluated for cause.

• MACHINE Equipment includes the tools and machines employees must work with in order to accomplish
their assigned works. In more recent years, the improper design of controls and displays on complex power
machines and equipment has been cited frequently as the primary source or cause of accident. The
improper use of hand tools, calibrating instruments, gauges or even a ladder to accomplish a given task
can also adversely affect the outcome of the job, to the point of accident. People can and often interact
with equipment or vice versa to have an accident.

• MATERIAL. The materials people use, work with or make provide another major source of accident cause.
Materials can be sharp, heavy, hot, cold, toxic or defective. In all cases, materials can be a major source of
energy contact that results in accident. Since people must interface regularly with materials in order to
perform their tasks, an examination of the relationship between potential accident sources becomes
extremely important in the accident investigation process. When one considers that people often use
equipment to process materials in daily operation, the complexity of accident source relationship becomes
even more evident.

• ENVIRONMENT. Environment is the physical surrounding in which work must be performed. This includes
the buildings that house the people and the air they breathe. It is also associated with lighting, noise level,

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
and atmospheric conditions (temperature, air quality, humidity, etc.). The work environment represents
the source of causes of an ever-increasing number of diseases and health-related conditions.

• Method. To be more specific, the methodology, methods or techniques will affect the action's result.
Other factors concerned are workflow, choice of technical parameters, technical guidance and the
preciseness and execution of a workflow.

Review Records:
• Check training records
o Was appropriate training provided?
o When was training provided?
• Check equipment maintenance records
o Is regular PM or service provided?
o Is there a recurring type of failure?
• Check accident records
o Has there been similar incidents or injuries involving other employees?


After all probable causes of accident have been established, your next step is to make recommendations and
corrective actions for changes that will prevent a similar accident in the future.
Prepare investigation report:
• Background Information
• Where and when the accident occurred
• Who and what were involved
• Operating personnel and other witnesses
• Account of the Accident (What happened?)
• Sequence of events
• Extent of damage
• Accident type
• Agency or source (of energy or hazardous Material)
• Discussion (Analysis of the Accident - HOW; WHY)
• Direct causes (unsafe acts, energy sources; hazardous materials)
• Contributing causes (personal or environmental causes)
• Root causes (management policies; system procedures; inadequate trainings)
• Recommendations (to prevent recurrence)

Mandatory Reports
OSHS Rule 1050
Notification and Keeping of Records of Accident and/ or Occupational Illness

OSHC 1053.01 Notification

All work accidents or occupational illnesses resulting in disabling conditions or dangerous occurrence shall be
reported by the employer to the Regional Labor Office

DO 198-2018 Notification and Keeping of Records of Accident and/ or Occupational Illness

• Employers Work Accident/Illness Report (WAIR-B)
o 2 copies to concerned Regional Office & copy furnished BWC
o Shall be submitted by the employer on or before the 30th day of the month following the date of
the occurrence of the accident.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Annual Work Accident/Illness Exposure Data Report (AEDR) (DOLE/BWC/IP-6)
o 2 copies to concerned Regional Office & copy furnished BWC
o Submitted on or before January 30 of the following year with or without accident

This report shall be accomplished whether or not there were accident/illness occurrences during the period
covered and submitted to the Regional Labor Office or local government having jurisdiction not later than 30th
day of the month following the end of each calendar year.


Exposure Rates calculated on 500 employees or 1,000,000 man-hours as follows:

1 Full Time Employee = 40 hours/week:

40 hours/week
x 50 weeks/year
2,000 Man-hours
x 500 Employees
1,000,000 Man-hours

• Standardized way to measure a company’s performance

• It shows you how many employees per 500 employees have been injured or suffered an illness that had to
be recorded under OSH STANDARD rules within the specified time period.
• Why 1,000,000? The OSHS wanted to develop a standardized way to measure rates, so that companies of
different sizes could be compared fairly. They chose 1,000,000, because it represents the number of hours
that 500 employees working 40 hours a week for 50 weeks would accumulate.

• Exposure - total number of hours worked by all employees in each establishment
• Disabling injuries - work injuries, which result in death, permanent total disability, permanent partial
disability or temporary total disability;
• Non-disabling injuries (Medical Treatment) - injuries which do not result into disabling injuries but required
first aid or medical attention of any kind;

AEDR Computations:
• FREQUENCY RATE: is the total number of disabling injuries per million-employee hours of exposure
o Frequency Rate - the total number of lost time injuries that will be experienced by the company
by the time they reached 1,000,000 employee hour exposure;
o Disabling injuries - work injuries, which result in death, permanent total disability, permanent
partial disability or temporary total disability;
o Non-disabling injuries (Medical Treatment) - injuries which do not result into disabling injuries but
required first aid or medical attention of any kind; and

• No. of Disabling Injuries = 10
• Total Emp-Hr-Exp = 500,000

Frequency Rate (FR) = No. of disabling injury X 1,000,000
Total Employee-Hour Exposure

Frequency Rate (FR) = 10 X 1,000,000

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Frequency Rate (FR) = 50

SEVERITY RATE - is the total number of days lost or charged per million-employee hours of exposure.
• Total days lost (Lost of Sight of One Eye) = 1,800 Days
• Total Emp-Hr. Exp = 500,000

Severity Rate (FR) = Total days lost X 1,000,000
Total Employee-Hour Exposure

Frequency Rate (FR) = 1,800 X 1,000,000

Frequency Rate (FR) = 3,600

Other Requirements;
The following are examples of grounds of work stoppage due to condition or stage of being in imminent danger

Clear Points
• Accidents disrupts normal function of the organization due to injuries/ fatality of workers or damage to
• Accident can be prevented from recurring through an efficient root cause investigation.
• Primary causes of accidents are unsafe/unhealthy acts & conditions
• Basic procedures in the conduct of accident investigation must be followed
• Results of accident investigation must be documented properly and thoroughly.
• Make recommendations based on the investigation.
• Dangerous occurrences in the workplace must be addressed.

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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Module 4: Integrating Activity

Upon completion of the module, participants will be able to:
1. Discuss the high-value of giving attention to occupational safety, health and environment issues and
2. Identify safety and health hazards in an actual workplace situation; and
3. Determine prevention or control measures appropriate to the hazards identified.

1. Provide a different workplace scenario / case (VIDEO)

2. Conduct a complete HIRAC using DOLE prescribed template

3. Participants shall present findings
4. Facilitators / Resource persons shall comment and give feedback

Clear Points
• The simulated conduct of an OSH Inspection reinforces learning on the process of workplace
hazards identification.
• Identification of hazards is an initial step necessary to determine appropriate control measures
and risk assessment
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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Module 5: Communicating OSH

Communication is the key to a healthy, safe and productive workplace. It is needed to ensure roles and directions
are understood; to warn against dangers; to avoid unsafe practices; to promote critical emergency response and
particularly to learn about (and from!) the concerns and hazards that workers encounter.

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:
• Explain the roles of safety officers in the conduct of OSH trainings;
• Enumerate and discuss the stages of the training cycle;
• Describe basic presentation and facilitating skills;
• Prepare a training plan for their company.

How will efficient OSH communication help in achieving a safe and health workplace?

Employers respond to:

• Compliance requirements
• Status of compliance
• Costs
• Productivity indicators
• ” Need to know” and what can be done
• Efficient, effective way to implement OSH

How do you communicate OSH to Employers?

• Equip a place of employment for workers free from hazardous conditions that are causing or likely to cause
death, illness or physical harm to the workers
• Provide complete job instructions and proper orientation to all workers including, but no limited to, those
relating to familiarization with their work environment
• Safety Officers as OSH Trainers

Workers respond to:

• How to keep themselves safe and healthy
• Linking OSH to their productivity
• Contributing to the achievement of the company

What to communicate with Workers:

• Company policies, OSH programs
• Administrative controls, OSH-related issuances
• New SOPs, operations, production processes

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Rights of workers
• Roles in OSH committee, OSH program
• Risk assessment, OSH audits
• WEM results, accident investigation reports
• Biological monitoring, medical surveillance
• Actions taken (ex. results of AMR..)

How do you communicate OSH to Employees?

• Workers’ OSH seminar
• OSH committee meetings
• Toolbox meetings
• OSH bulletin boards, posters, IEC materials
• Email brigades, reports
• Specific OSH learning sessions, re-orientation

Safety Officers as OSH Trainers

DO 198-2018 Sec. 3: Definition of Terms Workers’ OSH Seminar
The Mandatory 8-hour Module conducted by the safety officer of the workplace as prescribed by the OSH
• Include management (discuss company policies)
• All workers including new hires (focus: rights of workers)
• No cost to employees considered as compensable working time
• For high risk establishments: quarterly re-orientation

Basic Components of Company OSH Program and Policy

• Company Commitment to Comply with OSH Requirements
• General Safety and Health Programs
• Safety and health Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control (HIRAC)
• Medical Surveillance for early detection and management of occupational and work related
• diseases
• First aid and emergency medical services
• Promotion of Drug Free workplace, Mental health Services in the Workplace, Healthy lifestyle
• Prevention and Control of HIV AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B
• Composition and Duties of Health and Safety Committee
• OSH Personnel and Facilities
• Safety and Health Promotion, Training and Education
• Orientation of all workers on OSH
• Conduct of Risk Assessment, evaluation and Control
• Continuing training on OSH for OSH Personnel
• Work permit System
• Toolbox/Safety Meetings, job safety analysis

Safety and Health Promotion, training and education provided to workers

• Orientation of all workers on OSH
• Conduct of Risk Assessment, evaluation and Control
• Continuing training on OSH for OSH Personnel
• Work Permit System (Applicable for medium to high risk establishments)

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Company Safety and Health Training Plan

Safety and Health Promotion, training and education provided to workers

Number of Employees in
Training Title Date

Mandatory 8-Hour OSH Training for Workers

Skill Development Trainings

Risk Assessment


Safety Training for Executive, Managers &


Conduct of Safety Meetings Date

Toolbox Meeting

OSH Committee Meeting

Department OSH Meeting

Toolbox and Safety Briefings

Safety Briefings
• Daily safety briefings by supervisors to all workers that help foster good safety and health culture.
• Useful way to keep health and safety forefront in the minds of workers and make them aware of the
current risk and hazards.
Toolbox Meetings or Talks
• Allow safety officers and workers to explore the risks of specific health and safety issues in the workplace
and think of ways to deal with them.
• Toolbox talks should focus on a single topic and be held regularly for greatest impact.
Tips for Effective Toolbox Talks
• Talk directly to your audience.
• Keep it brief.
• Stay positive!

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Demonstrate your point.

• Tell a story, not a statistic.

• Is a learning intervention;
• Improves match between job requirements and individual’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes;
• After training, the individual is able to apply learning immediately
• Examples: BOSH, COSH, PCO Training etc.

The Goal of Training: Learning – Aims for favorable change in perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in a positive
direction of an individual group or organization.
• Learning
• Improved Performance

The training Cycle:

Anytime you participate in a training program, whether it is in a virtual or a traditional classroom, whether it was
off-the-shelf or developed from scratch, whether it was taught by someone inside your organization or an external
vendor, whether it was a program teaching management development skills or word processing skills, chances are
that the program was designed by following a specific process, or a representative Instructional System Design

The Training Cycle begins long before the training program is conducted and continues after the program has been
completed. The figure is an illustration of the five stages of The Training Cycle.

Assess and analyze needs

This stage of The Training Cycle is called analysis in the ADDIE acronym. Generally, you need to conduct an
assessment and analyze the data, to identify specific needs. There are two main reasons for completing an
assessment and analysis.

First, you want to make sure there is a reason to conduct training. You may discover that after conducting the
analysis the relevant issue can be addressed by something other than training. For example, you may be able to do
on-the-job coaching, online content may exist that could be delivered either asynchronously or synchronously, or
you may feel that an article in the company newsletter alerts employees to the information needed.

Second, if you do determine that training is necessary, the analysis should tell you exactly what (content) should
be taught and how (by what methodology) it should be taught in the training session. It will also help determine
your training objectives.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
There are many ways to conduct assessments. You can use a formal instrument that measures a person’s skill or
knowledge, or one that simply measures a person’s preference. You can use written questionnaires or you can use
personal interviews with employees or supervisors. If you use interviews, you can meet with individuals one-on-
one, or you can conduct small focus groups. Another way to assess a need is to observe an employee working or
to take a work sample. You can also use records or reports that already exist, such as performance assessments

Your goal in collecting this data is to determine the gap between a job requirement and an individual’s actual skill
or knowledge. Bottom line is to determine what is preventing the desired performance. You use this information
in the next stage of The Training Cycle.

Develop objectives
How will efficient OSH communication help in achieving a safe and h Develop objectives
After you have determined that there is a legitimate training need, your next step is to state exactly what you want
the training to accomplish. You do this by writing objectives. There are two kinds of objectives from two
perspectives used in training:

The learning/performance objective: This is a statement of the performance (knowledge or skill) that is desired
after the training has been conducted. Whether you call them learning or performance objectives doesn’t matter,
as long as you realize that the purpose is to demonstrate what your participants have learned and can perform.
What behavior changes did they make?

The training objective: This is a statement of what the instructor hopes to accomplish during the training session.
This may be an outcome, or it may be a description of what the instructor plans to do in order to accomplish the
learning objectives. For example, “This session will create a positive learning climate that encourages participants
to get involved and to ask questions.”

Some trainers include both learning and training objectives in their design. Learning objectives are a required step
in every good training design. Training objectives help the trainer to focus on designing and delivering a first-class
training program by setting targets for the trainer to achieve.

Learners are told what the learning objectives are at the beginning of a training session. And preferably at the same
time they are told about the training.

Design and develop the program

After you determine the objectives, you can begin the program design. You decide exactly what you’re going to do
to accomplish the objectives you set. There are many things to consider in designing a training program.

If you haven’t already, you will decide the type of delivery that will be the focus to achieve the best results: onsite
classroom, virtual classroom, self-paced e-learning, performance support tools, self-study, or a combination of
these and others in a blended learning solution. What questions will help determine the location of the training?
• How many participants need new knowledge and/or skills?
• What level of trainer expertise will be required?

You may also decide whether to design the content at all. Given thousands of products available, you may decide
instead to purchase pre-designed off-the-shelf content and customize it. You also build in methods to ensure that
the learning is applied back on the job, and a process to evaluate the program’s effectiveness.
If you design it, a big task ahead of you is developing the materials. What participant materials do the learners
need? What audiovisual materials and equipment will you use? If it is an online course, what technical support will
you require? Will your learners require job aids — either paper or online? While this stage can be exciting, it can
also be exhausting.

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Implement the design
This is The Training Cycle stage where you actually conduct the program. A trainer completes a huge amount of
preparation before the program. Even after an excellent job of preparing, there is no guarantee that the program
will go off without a hitch. That’s why some trainers pilot a program with a group of pseudo-learners who provide
feedback before the session is ready for prime time.

You use both presentation and facilitation skills in both a traditional and virtual classroom. As a trainer, you’re a
presenter and a facilitator:

Presenters provide more information. If much of the information is new or technical, you may need to present. The
preferred role, however, is as a facilitator.

Facilitators play more of a catalyst role and ensure learners’ participation. A good trainer is often synonymous with
the term “facilitator.”

Excellent delivery skills are required whether you are facilitating a virtual or traditional classroom. While you’re
conducting the training, you want to constantly read your learners to see whether you’re meeting their needs. If
you see that an approach isn’t working, stop and try another. Don’t be afraid to stray from the agenda if that seems
to be the audience’s need. This is the stage where platform experience and good facilitation skills are required.

Evaluate performance
When it’s over, it’s not over. The evaluation stage is an important part of The Training Cycle for three reasons.
• First, the evaluation tells you whether or not the objectives were accomplished.
• Second, information from the evaluation stage should be fed into the assess-and-analyze stage. It is used
to improve the training program should it be conducted again. This is why this model is circular.
• Finally, evaluation information serves as the basis for determining needs for future programs or other
changes an organization may need to make.


• Think of your audience in advance;
• Anticipate questions;
• Take a breath, pause!
• Speak slowly especially when you have participants who are non-native speakers
• Make eye contact; use appropriate hand gestures
• Sweep the room as you enter and deliver your opening spiel
• Stand confidently, dress neatly and appropriately
• Smile and the world will smile with you

Body Language
• Eye contact
• Posture
• Hand gestures
• Arms
• Legs

Visual Aids
• Any device used to help or aid in communicating ideas

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Non-Projected Visuals
• Writing Board
• Flip Chart
• Flash Card

Projected Visuals
• Video Projector
• Slides
• Films

Qualities of a Good Visual

• Simple (K.I.S.S.)
• Visible – for slides, smallest font size: 24
• Clear - gives the message directly and immediately

Guidelines for a Good Visual

• Put one idea per slide
• As a general rule, use only a maximum of
• 8 words per line
• 6-8 lines per slide
• graphics per slide
• Leave margins around the visual

Guidelines for a Good Visual

• Put a heading on each visual using
o A maximum of 5 words
o Larger font than the body size
o Font size not smaller than 28 points
• Label charts and pictures boldly and clearly
• Use appropriate (readable) fonts
• No weird fonts or layout
• Use phrases and key words, not sentences, check data, grammar, punctuation and spelling
• Emphasize points by
• Using color and art, animation and sounds, Pictures

• Think of your audience in advance;
• Anticipate questions;
• Take a breath, pause!
• Speak slowly especially when you have participants who are non-native speakers
• Make eye contact; use appropriate hand gestures

• Practice, practice, practice!
• Verbalize…hear your presentation out loud
• Clarity – make your points and move on
• Ownership – take responsibility for your presentations

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Module 6: Responses to OSH Issues and Concerns

1 – Workplace Emergency Preparedness
Emergencies can create a variety of hazards for workers in the impacted area. Preparing before an emergency
incident plays a vital role in ensuring that employers and workers have the necessary equipment, know where to
go, and know how to keep themselves safe when an emergency occurs.

Upon completion of the module, participants will be able to:
1. Define what is emergency (natural / man-made) and disaster
2. Identify the elements of an effective Emergency Preparedness Program
3. Enumerate basic preparations for common emergencies; and
4. Describe the concept on Fire Brigade Organization.

Definition of Terms:
A serious situation or occurrence that demands immediate action.

It is the result of a calamitous event causing massive death, injury or damage.

When an emergency occurs in the workplace, seconds can often be the difference between some extra paperwork
and risk to life and limb. The very nature of emergencies means you never know when you may be required to act,
so understanding the types of emergencies that may occur, and the steps that should be taken to handle them is

What Constitutes a Workplace Emergency?

Workplace emergencies come in a variety of forms. Some potential emergencies will be specific to certain
industries and work environments, whereas others are more global, presenting a risk to all workplaces.
Understanding the types of emergencies your workplace may experience is the first step in being able to plan and
train for their occurrence.

A workplace emergency is an event that occurs and endangers your employees, clients, or the public; or risks
disrupting your workplace operations; or causes damage. Emergencies can take many forms, but will largely full
into two categories — natural and Man-Made Emergencies

Types of Emergencies
• Natural Emergencies: Events that are caused by the forces of nature
Natural emergencies are the hardest to plan for and predict due to their very nature. A natural emergency
could occur as a result of flooding, severe weather such as hurricanes or tornadoes, or forest fires. When
planning for natural emergencies you should consider that they will likely not be limited only your
workplace, which could affect logistical responses.

Example of natural emergencies

• Floods
• Earthquake
• Typhoon
• Drought
• Tsunamis

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Volcanic Eruption

• Man-Made Emergencies: Man-made emergencies can be a result of human error or a willful intent.
Man-made Emergencies have an element of human intent, negligence or error involving a failure of a
man-made system, as opposed to natural disasters resulting from natural hazards.

Such man-made Emergencies are:

• Industrial Fires
• Chemical Leaks/Spills
• Chemical Threats
• Bomb Threats or Explosions
• Structure Collapse
• Construction Cave-ins
• Biological Threats

Emergency services providing assistance in dealing with any emergency:

The agency who deal with security of person and property, which can cover all the categories of emergency.
They also to some extent deal with punishment of those who cause an emergency through their deliberate

Who deal with potentially harmful fires, but also often rescue operations such as dealing with road traffic
collisions. Their actions help to prevent loss of life, damage to health and damage to or loss of property.

• Emergency Medical Service

These services attempt to reduce loss of life or damage to health. This service is likely to be decisive in
attempts to prevent loss of life and damage to health. In some areas "Emergency Medical Service" is
abbreviated to simply EMS.

What is the best way to minimize this potential loss?

• Advance Planning for Emergencies

Emergency Preparedness
The objectives of this are to ensure that the company has developed and communicated plans that will allow for
the effective management of emergencies.

Why Emergency Preparedness Program?

• Quick and effective action is required during the onset of an emergency
• Effective action often depends on having plans in place before the disaster strikes
• If response is delayed, people’s lives maybe needlessly lost

Rule 1043.01: Health and Safety Committee

Develops and maintain a disaster contingency plan and organizes such emergency service units as may be necessary
to handle disaster situations pursuant to the emergency preparedness manual for establishments of the Office of
the Civil Defense (National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council)

Rule 1940: Fire Protection and Control

• Design and construction (National Building Code)

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Fire protection equipment (Fire Code of the Philippines)

• Design and installation of fire protection system,

Elements of an Emergency Preparedness Program

There are elements of an Emergency
Preparedness Program that should be
considered, namely:
1. Review the hazards – identify
the hazards and risks that can
happen in the organization or
• Existing Hazards
• Types of potential
• Number of People or
things exposed to the hazard and its adverse consequences.

2. Evaluate Resources – assess the available resources you have including the presence of trained
manpower to respond to emergencies
• Emergency Equipment
• Transportation
• Emergency Supplies
• Employees Training & Capabilities
• External Help Capabilities

3. Develop emergency plan and procedure- develop plans and procedures that should be observed
before, during and after the emergency
• Command, Control, and Communications
• External Communication
• Records Preservation
• Life Safety
• Property Protection
• Recovery and Restoration
• Community Outreach

4. Conduct training – train the right people who will respond to emergencies
• Information on Different Types of Emergencies
• Safety & Health Hazard Risk Assessment
• Incident & Accident Reporting
• Hazardous Communication Program

5. Conduct drills and exercises - simulation of possible emergency scenarios through drills and exercise will
prepare the employees in the event disasters and calamities will happen.

6. Educate public – conduct awareness programs for the general public so that they too will be prepared and
will be a source of your support system
• Co-existing Emergency Program
• Safety & Health Procedures & Protocols
• Duties of Other Person
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
7. Integrate in community plan – it is important that the company keeps close coordination with the
locality/community in order to have a synchronized response Community officials should be involved in
the company’s emergency planning process and that the company be involved in local planning.
• Philippine National Police
• Bureau of Fire
• National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

Special Responses
Basic preparation for common emergencies

Evacuation Procedures: During an earthquake people at most workplaces are at greatest risk from:
• Collapsing ceilings,
• Window
• Light fixtures and
• Other falling objects.

What to do:
• Stay indoors
• Never attempt to walk or drive through flood waters.
• Look for NEWS updates
• Await instructions from emergency management officials.

Evacuation Procedures
• During an earthquake people at most workplaces are at greatest risk from:
• Collapsing ceilings and other falling objects.
• Light fixtures and Windows

What to do:
• If indoors, stay there. Take cover under sturdy furniture or against an inside wall.
• Stay away from window, skylights and other objects that could fall.
• Use stairways to leave the workplace if ordered to evacuate & Do not use the elevator.
• Be ready to rescue victims & move victims to a triage area if possible.

Any workplace that handles, stores or processes flammable gasses, liquids and solids is vulnerable to explosion.
Explosions offer no warning, causing disorganization and panic.
What to do:
• Try to establish communication with emergency scene coordinators.
• Assess damage to the workplace and estimate human casualties.
• Administer first aid if it is safe to do so.
• Do not use elevators.
• Evacuate following an established procedure

Medical Cases
The most likely workplace emergency is a medical emergency. A serious medical emergency such as cardiac arrest
requires immediate attention – Response Time Is Critical.
What to do:
• Inform the Nurses & First Aiders.
• Evacuate the area surrounding the release.
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Call the local emergency number, tell location and the nature of the emergency.

Spill Response
Any workplace that handles, stores or processes flammable gasses, liquids and solids is vulnerable to explosion.
Explosions offer no warning, causing disorganization and panic.
What to do:
• Call the local emergency hotline. Tell the dispatcher the workplace location and the nature of the
emergency. Do not move the victim.
• Notify an emergency scene coordinator for CPR or other first aid tasks.
• Inform the Incident Commander.
• Assist Professional Medical Responders when they arrive.
• Inform the victim's Supervisor.

Threats of Violence
Threats of violence maybe delivered in any form:
• Face-to-face
• By Fax or Telephone
• Email
• Threats can be directed toward the workplace or toward a specific person)

What to do:
• Activate a silent alarm if your workplace has one.
• Isolate the threatening person if it is possible to do so safely.
• Inform the Incident Commander.

Bomb Threats
• Take threats seriously.
• Don't use firearms or phones in the building- they generate radio waves that could trigger a bomb.

What to do:
• If someone find a package that may contain, or that may be a bomb, he or she should note its size, shape
and whether it emits a sound, then notify the Incident Commander.
• Call your local police station from outside the building to report the emergency and determine if an
evacuation is necessary.
• Use a communication method that does not generate radio waves to order the evacuation.

Although terrorist acts pose minimal risks to most workplaces, the devastating of recent acts have changed the
perception of a "SECURE WORKPLACE" and added a new dimension to emergency planning. What distinguishes
terrorist acts is the use of threats and violence to intimidate or force.

What to do:
• Activate appropriate alarms.
• Stay calm and do not panic. Alert others in your area.
• Evacuate as directed by your supervisor to your designated evacuation area. Walk, do not run. Remain in
the evacuation area until the supervisor has accounted for everyone and you have been instructed
• Never use an elevator during a fire. Always use the stairwell.
• If there is smoke in the room, stay low (the air is cooler and cleaner closer to the floor); hold a wet clothe
over your mouth and nose; and only break windows as a last resort.
• If a door is hot, do not open it. Use an alternate door if one is available and safe to use. If an alternate door
is not available, contact someone (if possible) and give them your exact location.
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Close all doors as you leave. Do not lock them.
• If trained to use a fire extinguisher, and the fire is in the incipient stage, you may attempt to extinguish
the fire. Remember that your own safety is of primary concern.
• Never attempt to put out a fire alone.

Office Emergency Kit Essentials

Suggestions include:
• Personal items
• Water and food, needed medications, clothing …
• Financial and legal documents
• Water proof container that cannot be easily replaced
• Name and phone numbers of contacts out of area
• Personal Preparedness Plan
• Food
• Extra Clothing
• Sleep Bags
• Personal Protective Equipment


DECREE NO. 1185 AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. This Act shall be known as the “Fire Code of the


• Business establishments employing at least fifty (50) persons.
• Requirements for the grant of Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC)

• The head of the company, through its duly designated safety officer shall evaluate the potential magnitude
of a fire emergency within the company, and the availability of firefighting assistance from the BFP to
determine the nature of the organization to be established.

OSHS Rule 1948.02 (Item 1)

• Every place of employment depending on the magnitude of potential fires and the availability of assistance
from the public fire department shall organize a fire brigade to deal with fires and other related


• To enable the building head to conduct an effective fire safety program;
• To provide the organization by how the occupants can combat fires, evacuate the building and prevent
damage to lives and properties;
• To provide the building with the means by which a safety consciousness among the building occupants and
the community of certain buildings;
• To establish the necessary support and cooperation in the fire prevention and suppression.

• Familiarize, train and rehearse the occupants with evacuation procedures so that order and control is
maintained in actual emergency.
• To determine if emergency escape facilities are sufficient for orderly evacuation of all occupants

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• When you hear an alarm, stop work activities and prepare to evacuate as directed by your supervisor.
• Proceed promptly to the nearest emergency exit. Walk quickly, but do not run.
• Do not Use elevators, instead use stairways to the designated safe assembly area. Safe assembly areas
should generally be away from the building, upwind and out of the way of incoming emergency personnel.
• Remain in the safe assembly area location so that the supervisory personnel may conduct a survey to
account for all building personnel. Do not disperse or move to other assembly locations.
• Do not re-enter the building until the emergency response team leader has deemed it safe and supervisory
personnel have given permission to go back into the facility.

Note: During an earthquake, remain in the building until directed to do otherwise.

Evacuation Map

Module 6: Responses to OSH Issues and Concerns

2 – Employees’ Compensation Program

Upon completion of the module, participants will be able to:
• Describe the employee’s compensation programs, entitlement and benefits. (ECP)

• Presidential Decree No. 626, as amended
• Employees’ Compensation and State Insurance Fund

• Private sector workers who are compulsory members of the Social Security System (SSS) and sea-based
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).
• Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Members
• Members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, elective government officials who are receiving regular
salary and all casual, emergency, temporary and substitute or contractual employees.
• Self-employed professionals (Posted on April 17, 2019 at ECC website)

When shall coverage of the employees under the Employees’ Compensation Program start?
• Employees shall be covered starting on the first day of their employment.
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
When is sickness or injury compensable under the Employees’ Compensation Program?
• For the sickness and the resulting disability or death to be compensable, the sickness must be the result of
an occupational disease listed under Annex “A” of the Amended Rules on Employees’ Compensation with
the conditions set therein satisfied, otherwise, proof must be shown that the risk of contracting the disease
is increased by the working conditions.
• For the injury and the resulting disability or death to be compensable, the injury must be the result of
accident arising out of and in the course of the employment.

What are the benefits under the Employees’ Compensation Program?

• Loss-of-income benefits;
• Medical services, appliances and supplies;
• Carers’ allowance;
• Rehabilitation services;
• Death benefits;
• Funeral benefits
• In case an employee dies, who shall receive the income benefits to which he is entitled to?
o Primary Beneficiaries
▪ The legitimate spouse
▪ Legitimate, legitimated, legally adopted or acknowledged natural children, who are
unmarried, not gainfully employed, not over 21 years of age.
o Secondary Beneficiaries
▪ The legitimate parents wholly dependent upon the employee for regular support

When shall EC claims be filed?

• EC claims must be filed within a period of three years from:
o In case of sickness, from the time the employee was unable to report for work;
o In case of injury, from the time of the incident;
o In case of death, from the date of death.

What is the ECC-QRP?

The Employees’ Compensation Commission Quick Response Team Program is an immediate assistance extended
to help workers who suffer from work-connected contingencies or their families who have to deal with work
accidents or sudden onset of occupational disease or death, in the form of psycho-social counselling and assistance
in the filing of EC claim with the GSIS or the SSS.
Benefits and services provided by the ECC-QRP
• Psycho-social counselling and stress-debriefing to victims and their families to help them cope with the
• Information on the Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP) and the ECC-Quick Response Team Program.
• Assistance in the processing of EC requirements.
• Facilitation on the prompt release/Payment of the EC benefits to worker/beneficiary.

What is the ECC’s KaGabay Program?

It is a special economic assistance program for occupationally-disabled workers (ODWs) who lost employment by
reason of work-related sickness or injury.

Benefits and Services of the KaGabay program

• Physical restoration which refers to the provision of physical or occupational therapy services to ODWs
including medical appliances.
• Skills Training for re-employment so that the ODW can acquire new skills but subject to the ODWs
potentials and residual functional capacity.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• Entrepreneurial Training to accredited training institutions to enable the ODW to set up home-based

Module 6: Responses to OSH Issues and Concerns

3 – OSH Legislations
This module thus aims to familiarize you about the various government regulations regarding OSH and other
responses to existing and potential OSH hazards.

OSH legislation and enforcement are key components of the government program to protect workers from work
accidents and illnesses; and

Here’s something else: Legislation and enforcement are not the only approaches used in improving OSH in the
Philippines. We have developmental strategies like the Zero Accident Program (ZAP), information drives and the
like in order to put a positive note in OSH administration. In cases of work disabilities, there is also the Employees
Compensation Program (ECP).

Working on this module should help you to

1. Explain the government OSH regulations and other responses to existing and potential OSH
2. Discuss the various strategies for OSH Administration in the Philippines; and
3. Identify the different OSH reportorial requirements and areas for compliance to the OSH


The Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) are mandatory rules
on occupational Safety and health promulgated pursuant to Article 162,
book IV of the Labor Code of the Philippines. It is a codified compilation of
updated safety and health rules aimed at protecting Man against the
dangers of injury and health thru safe working conditions.

The Standards provide the legal framework for all safety and health
programs of the Department of Labor and Employment imposing a
responsibility on the employer and a corresponding duty on all workers to observe safety and health measures at
the enterprise level.

The Standards are administered and enforced by the Department of Labor and Employment. Its enforcement is
carried out by the fourteen (14) Regional Labor Offices and their district offices nationwide. However, local
governments may be authorized by the Secretary of Labor to enforce the Standards within their respective
jurisdictions where they have adequate facilities and personnel for the purpose, as determined by and subject to
national standards prescribed by the DOLE.

What does safety and health in the workplace mean?

Safety refers to the physical or environmental conditions of work which comply with prescribed Occupational
Safety and Health (OSH) Standards and which allow the workers to perform the job without or within acceptable
exposure limit to hazards. Occupational safety also refers to practices related to production and work process.
Health means a sound state of the body and mind of the workers that enables the worker or employee to perform
the job normally.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
What is the purpose of OSH Standards?
OSH Standards aim to provide at least the minimum acceptable degree of protection that must be afforded to every
worker in relation to the working conditions and dangers of injury, sickness or death that may arise by reason of
the worker's occupation. The provision of OSH Standards by the State is an exercise of police power, with the
intention of promoting the welfare and well-being of the workers.


“An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards
and Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof”


Implementing Rules and Regulation of RA 11058


This Rules shall apply to all establishments, projects and sites, and all other places
where work is being undertaken in all branches of economic activity, including:
• Establishments located inside special economic zones and other investment promotion agencies (e.g.,
Philippine Economic Zone Authority [PEZA], Clark Development Corporation [CDC]);
• Utilities engaged in air, sea, and land transportation; and
• Industries such as mining, fishing, construction, agriculture, and maritime.
• Public Sector (Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1 – 2020)

DO 198-2018: Section 3 - DEFINITION OF TERMS

Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) - Establishments employing less than 10 employees and the establishments
employing less than 100 employees, respectively, regardless of capitalization.

Imminent Danger - A situation caused by a condition or practice in any place of employment that could reasonably
be expected to lead to death or serious physical harm.

Employer - Any person, natural or juridical, including the contractor, subcontractor, and principal employer who
directly or indirectly benefit from the services of the employee.

Qualified First-Aider - Refers to industry determined specification of proficiency required for effective work

Worker - refers to any member of the labor force, regardless of employment status.
Low Risk Establishment - refers to a workplace where there is low level of danger or exposure to safety and health
hazards and not likely or with low probability to result in accident, harm or injury, or illness.

Medium Risk Establishment - refers to a workplace where there is moderate exposure to safety and health hazards
and with probability of an accident, injury or illness, if no preventive or control measures are in place.

High Risk Establishment - Refers to a workplace wherein the presence of hazard or potential hazard within the
company may affect the safety and/or health of workers & the public.

DO 198-2018: Section 4A – DUTIES OF EMPLOYER

• Capacity building of all workers including mandatory trainings;
• Provision of information on OSH;
• Use of devices/equipment with approved industry standards;
• Compliance with all the requirements of the OSH Standards;
• Provide appropriate DOLE tested and approved PPEs FREE of charge to the workers.
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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
DO 198-2018: Section 4B – DUTIES OF WORKER
• PARTICIPATE IN CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES on safety and health and other OSH related topics and
• COMPLY WITH INSTRUCTIONS to prevent accidents or imminent danger situations in the workplace
• OBSERVE PRESCRIBED STEPS to be taken in cases of emergency
• PROPER USE OF ALL SAFEGUARDS AND SAFETY DEVICES furnished for workers’ protection and that of
• REPORT TO THEIR IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR any work hazard that may be discovered in the workplace.

DO 198-2018: Section 4C – DUTIES OF OTHER PERSON

• Any other person, including the builder or contactor who visits, builds, renovates or installs devices or
conducts business in any establishments or workplace, shall comply with the provisions of this Rules and
all other regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
• Whenever 2 or more undertakings are engaged in activities simultaneously in one 1 workplace, it shall be
the duty of all concerned to collaborate and cooperate to ensure compliance with OSH standards and

DO 198-2018: Section 5 to 8 – WORKERS’ RIGHT

o The different types of hazards in the workplace;
o Be provided with training, education and orientation;


o To report accidents and dangerous occurrences to DOLE-ROs and other government agencies in
the most convenient way; Workers shall be free from retaliation for reporting any accidents.


o To be provided barriers whenever necessary by reason of the hazardous nature of the process or
environment and FREE OF CHARGE. (Rule 1080 - Personal Protective Equipment and Devices


o To refuse unsafe work without threat or reprisal from the employer in cases of imminent danger.
Affected workers may be temporarily assigned to other work areas;

DO 198-2018 Section 12: Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Programs

• Covered workplaces through the Health and Safety Commit-tee (HSC), shall develop and implement a
suitable OSH Pro-gram following the DOLE-prescribed format.
• OSH Program shall be submitted and considered approved upon stamped-received by concerned DOLE-
Regional Office or Field Office. The HSC shall review and evaluate the OSH Program at least once a year or
as necessary. A revised copy of the program shall be submitted to DOLE.
• A suitable Construction Safety and Health Program (CHSP) specific for each construction project shall be
submitted to concerned DOLE-Regional Office or Field Office for its approval prior to start of the project.
• The total cost of implementing OSH Programs shall be an integral part of the company’s operations cost.


The employer, project owner, contractor, or subcontractor, if any, and any person who manages, controls or
supervises the work being undertaken shall be jointly and solidarily liable for compliance with occupational safety
and health standards including the penalties imposed for violation thereof as provided for in this Rules.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
DO 198-2018: Section 14 - SAFETY OFFICER
SAFETY OFFICER - refers to any employee or officer of the company trained by DOLE or DOLE-Accredited Training
Organization and tasked by the employer to implement an OSH program, and ensure that it is in accordance with
the provisions of OSH standards.

In the implementation of OSH Program, safety officers shall be employed or designated with the following duties
and responsibilities:
• Oversee the overall management of the OSH Program in coordination with the OSH committee;
• Frequently monitor and inspect any health and safety aspect of the operation being undertaken with the
participation of supervisors and workers;
• Assist government inspectors in the conduct of safety and health inspection at any time whenever work is
being performed or during the conduct of accident investigation by providing necessary information and
OSH reports as required by the OSH standards;
• Issue Work Stoppage Order (WSO) when necessary based on the requirements and procedures provided
by the OSH standards.

Minimum classification and number of safety officer for all covered workplaces shall be as follows:

The engagement of the services of a

certified OSH consultant (SO4) shall be
allowed for a period not longer than 1
year for establishments whose
designated safety officer has to be trained
or is in the process of completing the
prescribed training courses and relevant


Covered workplaces shall have qualified
occupational health personnel such as
certified first-aiders, nurses, dentists,
and physicians duly complemented with
the required medical supplies,
equipment and facilities. The number of
health personnel, which may be
classified as full time (FT) or part-time
(PT), equipment and facilities, and the
amount of supplies shall be
proportionate to the total number of
workers and the risk or hazard involved
in the workplace, the ideal ratio of
which shall be as follows:

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
DO 198-2018: Section 16 - SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING
• All OSH personnel shall undergo the prescribed
mandatory trainings from DOLE-accredited Safety
Training Organizations or its recognized training
• Workers’ OSH seminars and
trainings/orientations required by the employer or by
other regulations in the performance of their task shall
be undertaken at no cost to the worker and considered
as compensable working time.


All establishments, projects, sites and all other places where work is being undertaken shall have the following free
welfare facilities in order to ensure humane working conditions:
• Adequate supply of safe drinking water;
• Adequate sanitary and washing facilities;
• Suitable living accommodation for workers, as may be applicable such as in construction, shipping, fishing
and night workers;
• Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping facilities for all gender, as may be applicable;
• Lactation station except those establishments as provided for under DOLE Department Order No. 143-15;
• Ramps, railings and the like; and
• Other workers’ welfare facilities as may be prescribed by the OSH standards and other issuances.


• To enforce the mandatory OSH standards in all establishments and conduct an annual spot audit on its
compliance for the same. Must be attended by a Safety Officer and representative of the management and
workers of the establishment.
• May order stoppage of work or suspension of operations of any unit or department of an establishment
when non-compliance to this Rules, OSH standards and other applicable laws poses grave and imminent
danger to the safety and health of workers in the workplace.
• Any kind of self-assessment shall not take the place of labor inspection conducted by DOLE.
• No person or entity shall obstruct, impede, delay or otherwise render ineffective the orders of the Secretary
of Labor and Employment or the Secretary’s duly authorized representatives issued pursuant to the
authority granted under Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, and no lower court or entity shall
issue temporary or permanent injunction or restraining order or otherwise assume jurisdiction over any
case involving the enforcement orders.


• A worker may file claims for compensation benefit arising out of work-related disability or death.
• Such claims shall be processed independently of the finding of fault, gross negligence or bad faith of the
employer in a proceeding instituted for the purpose.
• The employer shall provide the necessary assistance to employees applying for claims.

DO 198-2018 SECTION 29: Prohibited Acts and its Corresponding Penalties

WILLFUL FAILURE or refusal to comply with OSH Standards or compliance orders shall be penalized with not more
than P100,000 daily until full compliance; reckoned from the date of issuance of Notice of Results or Compliance

• Repeated violation of the same prohibited act shall be penalized of the corresponding fine plus 50% for
every in-stance of repeat violation

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

• When the violation exposes the worker to death,

serious injury or serious illness, the imposable penalty
shall be P100,000
• Additional P100,000 fine for:
o Refusal to access the workplace
o Refusal to provide or allow access to records,
o Obstruct con-duct of investigation,
o Misrepresentation and making retaliatory
measures such as termination, refusal to pay,
reducing wages and benefits or discriminates any
worker who has given information relative to

DO 198-2018: Section 34: EFFECTIVITY

• Enforcement is through the DOLE-Regional
Offices having jurisdiction over the workplace
• D.O. 183-17 shall govern the procedure in the
implementation of DOLE D.O. 198-18
• OSH Law IRR, DOLE D.O. 198-18 effectivity:25
January 2019
DO 13-1998

• To ensure the protection and welfare of workers employed in the construction industry
• To ensure protection and welfare of the general public within and around the immediate vicinity of any
construction worksite as well as the promotion of harmonious employer-employee relationships
• To take into consideration industry practices and applicable gov’t. requirements

DO 13-1998 Section 4: Coverage

The guidelines shall apply to all Construction Activities, including Demolition, whether owned by the private or the
government sector

DO 13-1998 Section 5: Construction Safety and Health Program

• Before the start of the actual construction, The CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGER shall prepare and
submit to DOLE Regional Office a comprehensive Construction Safety and Health Program. (CSHP). Cost
shall be integrated into the project cost, provided it shall be a separate pay item.
• The contractor's proposed CSHP shall be in accordance with DOLE D.O. No. 13, series of 1998 and its
Procedural Guidelines
• CSHP must be intended for a specific construction project.
• Application found with incomplete requirements will be given 15 calendar days to comply or deemed

DO 13-1998 Section 9: Construction Safety Signages

Mandatory provision of safety and warning signs are reiterated not only for the protection of workers, but also the
public in general. Signs should conform with the standard requirements of the OSHS.

DO 13-1998 Section 14: Construction Safety and Health Reports

• The monthly submission of summary reports to DOLE is required as follows:
o Safety committee meeting agreements,
o Accident investigation reports, and

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
o Hazard assessments with corresponding remedial action or measures required. (HIRAC)

DO 13-1998 Section 17: Cost of Construction Safety and Health Program

The total cost of the Construction Safety and Health Program Shall be a mandatory integral part of the construction
project. It shall be treated as a separate pay item and reflected in the project’s bid tender documents.

DO 13-1998 Section 19: Violations and Penalties

• Violations committed by Contractors as determined by DOLE after due process shall be considered as prima
facie case of a construction mal-performance of grave consequence under RA 4566 as amended and
pertinent Implementing Rules & Regulations.
• In cases of imminent danger situations, the procedures/requirements of the OSHS and DOLE regulations
shall be applied.

DO 13-1998 Section 19: Violations and Penalties

• The Guidelines shall be immediately effective, that is, 15 days after publication in newspapers of general
circulation, as provided in Article 5 of the Labor Code.
• D.O. No. 13, s.1998 was signed on July 23, 1998 and published on August 1, 1998 in the Philippine Daily
Inquirer and on August 3, 1998 in People’s Tonight


• Competencies:
o Professionals licensed by the PRC and of academic discipline relevant to the classification of
intended assignment.
o With a minimum of 3 years’ experience of construction implementation and knowledge of
Philippine construction building codes and ordinances, labor safety codes and other laws applicable
to construction operation.
o COSH Training


Participants will be able to identify the prescribed administrative requirements and penalties for violations.

DO 198-2018 SECTION 17: OSH Reports

Employers, contractors or subcontractors, if any, shall submit to DOLE all safety and health reports, and
notifications such as but not limited to:

• Summary of Administrative Rules

o Notification and Keeping of Records of Accidents and/or Occupational Illnesses – Rule 1050
o Occupational Health Services – Rule 1960
o Registration of business – Rule 1020
o Training and Accreditation of Personnel in OSH – Rule 1030
o Health & Safety Committee – Rule 1040

• Summary of Report Requirements

o Work Accident/Illness Report (WAIR) – Rule 1050
o Annual Exposure Data Report (AEDR) – Rule 1050
o Report on Safety Organization (RSO) – Rule 1040
o Minutes of the Meetings in Health and Safety Committee (MoM) – Rule 1040
o Annual Medical Report (AMR) – Rule 1960
o Covid-19 Work Accident/Illness Report (WAIR) - RA 11469

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Work Accident/Illness Report (WAIR) – Rule 1050
o 2 copies to concerned Regional Office & copy furnished BWC
o On or before the 20th day of the month following the date of occurrence of accident.
• Annual Exposure Data Report (AEDR) – Rule 1050
o 2 copies to concerned Regional Office & copy furnished BWC
o On or before the January 30 of the following year
• Report on Safety Organization (RSO) – Rule 1040
o 2 copies to concerned Regional Office & copy furnished BWC
o Within One Month after the organization
o At least on quarterly basis
• Minutes of the Meetings in Health and Safety Committee (MoM) – Rule 1040
o 2 copies to concerned Regional Office & copy furnished BWC
o On or before the 20th day of the month
• Annual Medical Report (AMR) – Rule 1960
o 2 copies to concerned Regional Office & copy furnished BWC
o On or before the last day of March of the year following the covered period.

DO 198-2018 SECTION 29: Prohibited Acts and its Corresponding Penalties

• Failure to comply with the submission of reportorial requirements as prescribed by OSH standards shall be
penalized of P30,000.00
Repeated violation of the same prohibited act shall be penalized of the corresponding fine plus
50% for every instance of repeat violation

Development of an Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Program

This outlines the basic elements necessary for developing and implementing a successful safety program applicable
to almost all types of organization.

• Is a systematic plan to IDENTIFY, EVALUATE and CONTROL hazards and respond to EMERGENCIES.
• It lays out responsibilities, resources, and procedures for keeping the workplace safety and healthy.

Key Elements of OSH Programs

• Key elements of the Safety Program
o Accident Prevention
o Safety Promotion
• Key element of the Health Program
o Health Protection and Maintenance
o Health Awareness and Promotion


Obtain top management’s support before developing the safety program. Without their support and involvement,
the program cannot be successful. Sell management on the need for a program based on:
• Contribution of safety and health on the competitiveness of the company in terms of the following elements:
productivity, cost, quality, response time, service and image.
• Cost of accident/catastrophe
• Legal requirement
• Moral obligation

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
This commitment should be translated into a written safety policy which should briefly and succinctly expresses
the company’s commitment to safety. It also indicates clearly that employees are expected to perform their duties
with safety foremost in their minds. Safety policy need not be long. In fact, a short and simple policy is better.

A safety committee is a formal structure through which employees and management can funnel concerns and
suggestions about safety and health issues. This is a requirement of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards
(OSHS) Rule 1040.

The composition can be a major factor for the success or failure of the committee. It should be composed of a
broad cross-section of workers representing management, middle managers and the rank and file employees. This
offers the following advantages:
• It gives a constituent group where they are responsible
• It gives all employees a representative voice on the committee

One of the "root causes" of workplace injuries, illnesses, and incidents is the failure to identify or recognize hazards
that are present, or that could have been anticipated. A critical element of any effective safety and health program
is a proactive, ongoing process to identify and assess such hazards.

To identify and assess hazards, employers and workers:

• Collect and review information about the hazards present or likely to be present in the workplace.
• Conduct initial and periodic workplace inspections of the workplace to identify new or recurring hazards.
• Investigate injuries, illnesses, incidents, and close calls/near misses to determine the underlying hazards,
their causes, and safety and health program shortcomings.
• Group similar incidents and identify trends in injuries, illnesses, and hazards reported.
• Consider hazards associated with emergency or nonroutine situations.
• Determine the severity and likelihood of incidents that could result for each hazard identified, and use this
information to prioritize corrective actions.

Systematic continuous, repetitive health related activities that should lead to corrective action
• Medical surveillance
o Pre employment (Entrance)
o Periodic examinations
o Special examinations
o Transfer examinations
o Separation examinations


• Good Housekeeping - “A place for everything and everything in its place”
o 5S System
o Storage of materials
o Removal of nails from lumber

• Preventive Maintenance (Total Productive Maintenance) - consists of maintenance activities performed

before equipment breaks down, with the intent of keeping it operating acceptably and reducing the
likelihood of breakdown.

• Engineering Control - Physical changes in processes or machinery designed to eliminate or control hazards.
o Machine guarding
o Substitution
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
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CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
o Isolation
o Ventilation
o General ventilation
o Local exhaust ventilation

• Administrative Control - Changes in work practices and organization to eliminate or control hazards.

• Personal Protective Equipment - Clothing or devices worn by employees to protect themselves against
hazards and contaminants.


Generally, unsafe condition accounts for approximately 10% of accidents and human errors account for 90%.
However, most safety efforts are aimed at the 10% of the problem – unsafe condition.
• Education
o Safety Orientation - When new employees come to work, they immediately begin to learn things
and to form attitudes about the company, their jobs, bosses and fellow employees. Whether we
train them or not, they will learn new things. For them to learn things they need to know and
develop good work practices, we should develop good training program.
o Job Instruction - is designed to develop basic stability and consistency of your processes (also
known as standard work). This program teaches the method to instruct a worker how to perform
a job correctly, safely and conscientiously.
• Short Meetings - This is an informal meeting to discuss the Safety situations.
o Tool Box Meetings
o Safety Briefings

• Visual Awareness is an effective way of getting the message across through signs, slogans and posters.
o Posters
o Signs
o Bulletin Boards

• Motivation - Is defined as the driving force behind all the actions of an individual. It involves moving people
to action that supports or achieves desired goals.
o Positive Reinforcement
▪ Awards Recognition - This can be an effective tool in maintaining employees’ interest in
the safety program.
o Negative Reinforcement
▪ Discipline - The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using
punishment to correct disobedience.

To effectively maintain safe conditions, employee work practices as well as every portion of your physical plant,
equipment, and machinery, regular inspection must be conducted. These inspections should be both formal and
informal and include both employees and supervisors.
• Safety Inspection
• Accident Investigation
• Recording System


An emergency is a potentially life-threatening situation, usually occurring suddenly and unexpectedly. Emergencies
may be the result of natural and/or human causes. When an emergency occurs, immediate reaction is essential.
Speed in responding can mean the difference between life and death or between minimal damage and major

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
damage. A quick and proper response can only be possible through proper preparation, which involves a
combination of planning, practicing, evaluating, and adjusting to specific circumstances.


A program evaluation is intended to justify the program and/or determine whether a new approach is necessary.
The evaluation should be summarized and reviewed by the senior managers who originally approved the effort. In
addition, all documentation of training, expenses, equipment, and success (and failures) should be compiled and
retained for later review and/or use. The report must present failures along with successes since management
always looks for good and bad point to obtain a balanced picture of the activity.

Essential Elements to an Effective Safety Program

Effective Safety Program can be achieved basically through control of people’s actions.
• Establish a clear view on the Management, Leadership and Employee Involvement
• Develop a Safety and Health Policy
• Setting a Goal and Developing Objectives and Committees
• Getting Top Management to Provide Visible Leadership
• Encourage Employees Involvement
• Assigning of Responsibilities & Accountability
• Provide Adequate Authority
• Worksite Analysis
• Hazard Prevention and Control
• Training and Education
• Review and Adjust

1. As a Safety Officer, you are required to conduct the
Mandatory Worker’s OSH Seminar to all the workers
in your company. When do you propose to conduct
the said OSH seminar?

2. Aside from the conduct of Worker’s OSH Seminar, how do you intend to share the learnings of this training
to your co-workers? Check all that apply.

3. Indicate timeline or person/s, department, STO who

can help you in sharing your learnings in this course

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Module 6: Responses to OSH Issues and Concerns

4 – OSH Program Development
Upon completion of the module, participants will be able to:
• Identify the elements of the DOLE prescribed OSH program;
• Explain the roles, commitment and participation of various levels of the organization in
implementing the OSH program; and
• Review how to fill out the DOLE reportorial requirements correctly.

A safety program is a plan or outline of activities conducted to promote consciousness among management and
workers in workplaces in order to eliminate or minimize accidents and/or illness to the lowest reducible level.

Safety program organization is the method employed by management to assign responsibility for accident
prevention and to ensure performances under that responsibilities.

Role of Management in Safety Programming.

An effective safety program permits a company to have a working environment in which operations are conducted
economically, efficiently and safely.

This can be achieved basically through control of the working environment and control of people’s actions. Only
top management has the authority to implement such controls.

How to Start a Safety Program

Management initiative and Leadership

Top management assumes responsibility for health and safety and takes the lead in starting a health and safety

Setting Up the Staff

Top management writes the company health and safety policy and declares it through a metting among the
supervisory staff or through letters, bulletins, and announcements. A health and safety policy should be brief but
should clearly define management attitude and desires.

Answers to the following must be clearly explained:

• What does management want?
• Does the policy pertain to on-the-job health and safety, off-the-job health and safety, property damage,
fire, and/or product safety?
• Who is to be responsible for what?
• Where and how is it fixed?
• How does it fit into the organization?
• What will the committee do?
• Who has the right to correct and determine courses of action?
• What rules will the company live by?

Outlining Policy and General Methods of Procedure

A health and safety program is a definite plan of action designed to manage hazards and prevent cases of
occupational diseases. Some form of program is required to enable management to measure performance against
objectives, and to provide the framework for employee participation; orderly arrangements to deal with safety
issues; a mechanism to identify the need for change and to manage the change process. By having a proper,
identifiable program, both the employer and employee are better placed to meet their respective legal obligations.
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Because organizations differ, a program developed for one cannot be expected to perfectly suit the needs of

Policy Statement
An organization’s health and safety policy should be a clear statement of principles, which serves as a
guide to action. Senior management must be totally committed to ensuring that the policy is carried out
with no exceptions. Health and safety policy must be and be seen to be, on a par with all other
organizational policies.

As with health and safety programs, no one policy is suitable for all organizations. The policy statement
can be brief, but should mention:
• the objectives of the program
• the organization’s basic health and safety philosophy
• the general responsibilities of all employees
• the ways employees can participate in health and safety activities.
• Stated in clear and concise terms.
• Signed by the incumbent Chief Executive Officer
• Kept up to date
• Communicated to each employee
• Adhered to in all work activities.

Studying of Plant’s Accident History and Operation

A study of the plant’s operation and accident history is conducted as the basis for the preparation of a
safety program.

Preparation of a Safety and Health Program

Prepare the safety program built around the basic elements and continuous improvement model
outlining the details such as targets, monitoring systems, awards, appraisal factors, etc. and implement

Detailed Study of Accident Statistics

- Evaluate the effects on the internal and external set up of the plant or factory
- Was there an increase in production at lesser cost?
- How did the Frequency Rate (FR) and Severity Rate (SR) compare with _______________?
- (periodic comparisons – last year, two years ago, etc.)
- Were the employee’s morale boosted?
- Did you have better public relations?

Involvement of the different departments ( in case of large establishments)

Medical Department
• conducts pre-employment physical examination for proper physical check-up and proper
placement of worker
• periodic physical examination of workers exposed to harmful or toxic substances
• arrange surveys of new operations or processes to know what exposures are detrimental to
health that maybe present.
• Establish a system assigning injured workers on the kind of job they can handle in spite of their

Personnel Department
Keeps records of lost time, accidents and sickness arising from work;

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BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Collaborates with medical, employment and safety department relative to the placement of employees on the job;
arranges for cooperation and assistance in rehabilitation of injured employees; and establishes cross – file controls
to prevent unfit employees to work on job not approved for them.

Engineering Department
Expedites safety work request, particularly referring to correction of critical hazards;

Consults with the safety department before any new operation is started or new installations or changes to existing
buildings, processes, operations of equipment are put up.

Purchasing Department
Coordinates with the safety department on all purchases of equipment, tools, materials, and PPE’s.

Requisitions for hazardous substances and materials should be referred to safety department for proper
investigation and clearance.


Occupational Health Program – The branch of preventive medicine that aims to:
• Promote and maintain the highest degree of physical, mental, and social being of workers in
all occupation.
• Prevents among workers all departures from health caused by the working conditions.
• Protect workers in their employment from risk resulting from factors adverse to health.
• Place and maintain workers in an occupational environment adopted to his physiological and
psychological capacity.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Basic Principles of the Occupational Health Program:
A. Health Protection

1. Health risk management at work:

• Health hazard identification
• Health risk assessment
• Control measures
• Health surveillance
• Keeping of records

2. Information instruction and training

• Educate
• Give specific instructions and training on health hazards.
• Provide training on safe work and use of PPE.
• In indicate potential hazardous areas

3. First Aid
• Provide First Aid treatment and facilities
• Train and instruct workers in emergency medical procedures.

4. Medical treatment
• Provide necessary treatment to common medical illnesses.

5. Sickness and absenteeism monitoring

• Monitor sickness / absenteeism
• Identify occupational related diseases
• Provide effective rehabilitation program.

B. Health Promotion
6. Assessment of health risk associated with the living environment
• Assess and prevent health risk with the living environment
• Assess lifestyle associated with health risk
• Provide employee information and assistance programs.
• Provide a system of record keeping to monitor the progress of controlling the health risk

7. Employee assistance program

• Develop physical fitness program
• Provide health counseling
• Provide treatment of illness

Developing an Occupational Health Program:

1. Priority Setting – essence of planning is in setting priorities. This view reflects the resource
2. Developing objectives, targets – use SMART approach: Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Realistic, Time-bounded.
3. Designing evaluation and monitoring tools for the program.

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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Elements of Occupational Health:
The Worker:
• His generic composition
• His psychological characteristics His disease susceptibility

The Tool:
• Bio-mechanical design and specifications

The Task or Job:

• Application
• Training
• Job satisfaction
• Rest breaks
• Shift work
• Management support system

Working Environment:
• Physical conditions
• Bio-mechanical conditions

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Program of (Company Name)

I. Complete Company Profile/ Project details

• Company Name: __________________________________________________

• Date Established: __________________________________________________
• Complete Address:
• Phone and fax numbers
• Website URL/Email address
• Name of Company Owner/Manager/President______________________________________________
• Total Number of Employees; _________ Male ________ Female _______
• Description of the business Pls specify
o Kindly check:
o Manufacturing: ______________________________
o Service: ______________________________
o Agri/fishing: ______________________________
o Wholesale/retail ______________________________
o Utilities ______________________________
o Banks and financial institution _______________________
o Security Agency
o Maintenance
o Construction
o Others (Please specify)
• Product descriptions: (ex. Garments, shoes, electronics )______________________
• Description of services: _________________________________________________
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DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Basic Components of Company OSH Program and Policy
(DO 198-18, Chapter IV, Section 12)

1.0 Company Commitment to Comply with OSH Requirements

2.0 General Safety and Health Programs
-Safety and health Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control (HIRAC)
-Medical Surveillance for early detection and management of occupational and work related diseases
-First-aid and emergency medical services
3.0 Promotion of Drug Free workplace, Mental health Services in the Workplace, Healthy lifestyle
4.0 Prevention and Control of HIV-AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B
5.0 Composition and Duties of health and safety Committee
6.0 OSH Personnel and Facilities
7.0 Safety and Health Promotion, Training and Education
-Orientation of all workers on OSH
-Conduct of Risk Assessment, evaluation and Control
-*Continuing training on OSH for OSH Personnel
-*Work permit System
8.0 Toolbox/Safety Meetings, job safety analysis
9.0 Accident/Incident/illness Investigation, Recording and Reporting
10.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
11.0 Safety signages
12.0 *Dust control and management and regulation on activities such as building of temporary structures and
lifting and operation of electrical, mechanical, communications system and other requirements
13.0 Welfare Facilities
14.0 Emergency and disaster preparedness and response plan to include the organization and creation of
disaster control groups, business continuity plan, and updating the hazard, risk and vulnerability
assessment (as required)
15.0 Solid waste management system
16.0 Compliance with Reportorial Government Requirement (refer to Item 9.0)
17.0 Control and Management of Hazards (refer to Item 2-HIRAC)
18.0 *Prohibited Acts and Penalties for Violations
19.0 *Cost of Implementing Company OSH program
*(Applicable for medium to high risk establishments with 10 to 50 workers and low to high risk establishments with
51 workers and above)
1.0 Company Commitment to Comply with OSH Policy

________________________________________________ do hereby commit

Name of the Company)

to comply with the requirements of RA 11058 and DOLE Department Order 198-18 (its Implementing Rules and
Regulations) and the applicable provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS).

We acknowledge the company’s obligation and responsibilities to provide appropriate funds for implementing this
OSH program including orientation and training of its employees on OSH, provision and dissemination of IEC
materials on safety and health, provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when necessary and other OSH
related requirements and activities, to ensure the protection for our workers and employees against injuries,
illnesses and death through safe and healthy working conditions and environment.
We commit to conduct risk assessment as required to prevent workplace accidents as well as comply with other
provisions of this OSH program. That we are also fully aware of the penalties and sanctions for OSH violations as
provided for in RA 11058 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
164 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
[Signature] ______________________________
[Name] _________________________________
[President] / [Chief Executive Officer] / [Owner]
[Date] ;__________________________________

2.0 General Safety and Health Programs

21. Conduct of Risk Assessment

Kindly accomplish. Pls use additional pages if needed. You may also wish to attach your Company’s Risk Assessment
Matrix as substitute

Risk Assessment Matrix

Priority: likelihood of injury and

illness to occur Control
Task Hazard Identified Risk Description
(low, medium, high) Measures

Example of Simple Risk Assessment

Task Hazard Risk Priority Control

May be unable to call
Drivers work alone high Need for helper
for help if needed
Drivers have to occasionally Fatigue, short rest time Policy on work
work long hours between shifts break

Increased chance of Road safety

Delivering product Drivers are often in very low
collision program
to customers congested traffic
Longer working hours medium Work breaks

Injury to back from Given proper

Drivers have to lift boxes when
lifting, reaching, high orientation on
delivering product
carrying, etc. lifting

2.2 Medical Surveillance

The company will require all employees to undergo a baseline or initial medical health examination
prior to assigning to a potentially hazardous activity. The examination will include but not limited to
the following:

165 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
a. Routine : ( ) CBC ( ) Chest X-ray ( ) Urinalysis ( ) stool exam
b. Special: ( ) Blood Chemistry ( ) ECG ( ) others, please specify
c. Schedule of Annual medical examination: ( ) Q1 ( )Q2 ( )Q3 ( )Q4
d. Is random drug testing conducted? Yes_____ when_______) No ______

2.3 First-Aid, Health Care Medicines and Equipment Facilities

• How may treatment rooms/first aid rooms are existing in your company? ______
• How many Clinics in the workplace? _______
• What hospital (s) are you affiliated with? _______

3.0 And 4.0 - Health Programs for the promotion, prevention and control
This refers to : Drug-free Workplace in compliance to RA 9165, Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in
compliance to (RA 8504) RA 11166, Tuberculosis in compliance to EO 187-03, Hepatitis B in compliance to DOLE
Advisory No. 05 Series of 2010, Mental Health in compliance to RA 11036.

Kindly accomplish the policy template in Annex A.

(*you may attach individual policy statements)

5.0 Composition and Duties of Safety and Health Committee

The SHC of the company is responsible to plan, develop and implement OSH policies and programs , monitor
and evaluate OSH programs and investigate all aspect of the work pertaining to the safety and health of all the
workers. SHC shall be composed of the following in compliance with the law:

(a) For establishments with less than ten workers and low risk establishments with ten (10) to fifty (50)
workers. – A SO1 shall establish an OSH committee composed of the following:

Chairperson : __________________________________________________
Name of Company owner or manager
Secretary : _________________________________________________
Safety officer of the workplace
Member : Name of at least one (1) worker, preferably a
union member, if organized

(b) For medium to high risk establishments with ten (10) to fifty (50) workers and low to high risk
establishments with fifty-one (51) workers and above. – The OSH committee of the covered workplace shall be
composed of the following:

Ex-officio : _______________________________________________
chairperson Name of Employer or his/her representative

Secretary : ________________________________________________
Name of Safety officer of the workplace
Ex-officio :
members ________________________________________________
Name of Certified first-aider/s
166 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
Name of OH nurse
Name of OH dentist, and OH physician, as applicable

Members : Name of Safety officers representing the contractor or
subcontractor, as the case may be,

Name of workers’ representatives who shall come from the
union, if the workers are organized, or elected workers through
a simple vote of majority, if they can unorganized.

(c) Joint Coordinating Committee: For two (2) or more establishments housed under one building or
complex including malls.

Chairperson : ________________________________________________
Name of Building owner or his/her representative such as the
building administrator

Secretary : _________________________________________________
Name of Safety officer appointed by the Chairperson

Members : __________________________________________________

Name of 2 safety officers from the building selected to the Joint OSH

Name of two (2) workers’ representatives one from which must be
from a union if organized from any establishments under the building
(All members of the HSC shall perform their duties and responsibilities by the OSH law and its implementing

Safety and Health Committee Minutes/Reports submitted to DOLE (pls attach latest OSH committee
Yes ____ No ______

167 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
6.0 OSH Personnel and Facilities
6.1 Safety Officer
Safety Officer(s): (attach certificate of training/s prescribed by DOLE)(please use additional sheets as

Name of Safety Officer(s): Training(s) (kindly include number of hours)

6.2 Emergency Occupational Health Personnel and Facilities

List of competent emergency health personnel within the worksite duly complemented by adequate medical
supplies, equipment and facilities based on the total number of workers. (Use additional sheet if necessary and
attach all required training certificates in this section.)

Emergency Health Personnel and Facilities

Total number of Health Personnel & Facilities

Shift/Area/unit/ workers/area
Department Health Personnel (First- Facilities (Treatment
aider, Nurse, Physician, Room/ Clinic/
Dentist) Hospital)

7.0 Safety and Health Promotion, training and education provided to workers
--Orientation of all workers on OSH
-Conduct of Risk Assessment, evaluation and Control
-*Continuing training on OSH for OSH Personnel
-*Work permit System
*(Applicable for medium to high risk establishments with 10 to 50 workers and low to high
risk establishments with 51 workers and above)

(please attach additional sheets as necessary)

168 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Name of OSH Training/Orientation Number of Employees in Date


Conduct of Risk Assessment (may include WEM) Date

8.0 Conduct of Tool Box Meetings/ Safety Meetings if applicable

Conduct of Safety Meetings/Tool Box Meetings Date

9.0 Accident/Incident/Injury investigation recording and reporting

Any dangerous occurrence, major accident resulting to death or permanent total disability, shall be reported by
the company to the DOLE Regional Office within twenty four (24) hours from occurrence using the prescribed form
(Work Accident / Incident Notification).

After the conduct of investigation, the company shall prepare and submit work accident report using the prescribed
form (WAIR). Moreover, other work accidents resulting to disabling injuries such as Permanent Partial Disability
and Temporary Total Disability shall be reported to the DOLE Regional Office within 30 days after the date of
occurrence of accident using the DOLE prescribed form (WAIR).

All near misses shall be recorded and reported. A system for notification and reporting of work accidents including
near misses within the company shall be developed and reviewed by the OSH Committee as necessary.

(Kindly submit reports on the following: Work Accident /Injury Report (WAIR), Annual Exposure Data Report
(AEDR), Annual Medical Report (AMR)

169 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

Report Submitted Date

10.0 Provision and use of PPE

Issuance of PPE shall be supplemented by training on the application, use, handling, cleaning and maintenance.
PPE provided Number of Workers given

11.0 Safety Signage

The safety signages include warning to workers and employees and the public about the hazards within the

Type of Safety Signage : Kindly attach picture.

12.0*Dust control and management and regulation on activities such as building of temporary structures and
lifting and operation of electrical, mechanical, communications system and other requirements *(Applicable for
medium to high risk establishments with 10 to 50 workers and low to high risk establishments with 51 workers and

Kindly attach dust control procedures, plans on temporary structures, permits applicable for the operation of
electrical, mechanical, communications systems and other requirements

13.0 Workers Facilities Provided:



170 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

a. Adequate supply of drinking water

b. Adequate sanitary and washing facilities

c. Suitable living accommodation (if

d. Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping
facilities (if applicable)
e. Lactation station (in consonance with DOLE
D.O. 143-15)
f. Ramps, railings, and the like

g. Other workers’ welfare facilities as

prescribed by OSHS and other related

14.0 Emergency and Disaster Preparedness:

14.1 Written Emergency and Disaster Program Yes____ No_____

14.2 Types and number of Drills conducted

Type of Drills (fire, earthquake) Date Responsible person/position

15.0 Solid Waste Management System

Written Pollution Control Program: Yes:____ No: _____

Name of Pollution Control Officer:__________________________

16.0 Compliance with Reportorial Government Requirements (refer to item 9.0)

17.0 Control and management of hazards.

Refer to accomplished HIRAC

18.0 *Prohibited Acts and Penalties/sanctions for violations on OSH

*(Applicable for medium to high risk establishments with 10 to 50 workers and low to high risk establishments with
51 workers and above)

(Pls attach existing company sanctions for violations on OSH)

171 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
(Example of Company violation policies)

Safety Violation 1st offense 2nd offense 3rd offense

1. Not using issued PPE warning 3 day suspension 5 day


2. littering and loitering warning 3 day suspension 5 day


3. smoking at prohibited area warning 3 day suspension 5 day


4. illegal dismantling of safety warning 3 day suspension 5 day

signages and paraphernalia suspension

5. Not following safety rules 3 day 5 day suspension Dismissal


19.0 * Cost of implementing company OSH program

*(Applicable for medium to high risk establishments with 10 to 50 workers and low to high risk establishments with
51 workers and above)

Php _______ ; Annual estimated amount for OSH program implementation to include but not limited to the
following: orientation/training of workers, safety officer, OH personnel, purchase and maintenance of PPE, first
aid medicine and other medical supplies, safety signages and devices, fire safety equipment/tools, safety of
equipment ( i.e machine guards,) etc.

OSH Item Estimated Cost/year

OSH trainings
Safety Signages
Machine Guards and related
Medical examinations
Medical supplies/medicines
Others: Specify



_____________________________________ company is committed to promote and ensure a healthy and

safe working environment through its various health programs for its employees. We shall conform to the all
issuances and laws that guarantee workers health and safety at all times.

The company shall ensure that worker’s health is maintained through the following company programs
and activities:

172 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
a) Orientation and education of employees
b) Access to reliable information on illness and hazards at work
c) Referral to medical experts for diagnosis and management of illness or health-related concerns
d) Provide health-related programs such proper nutrition and exercise activities are made available to the

The above-mentioned programs shall comply with the Government’s issuances on promoting healthy
lifestyle, addressing mental health in the workplace and preventing and controlling substance abuse.

In addition, company policies to protect workers’ rights arising from illness shall be guaranteed. The company shall
promote the following workers’ rights:

a) Confidentiality of information
b) Non-discrimination including non-termination
c) Work accommodation following a course of illness
d) Assistance to compensation

This policy is formulated for everybody’s information. The company is committed to ensuring workers’
health and providing a healthy and safe workplace.

______________________ ___________________________

Owner /Manager Employees’ Representative

DATE: ______________

173 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2

COVID-19 Prevention and Control

What is COVID-19?
• SARS-CoV-2 is a new virus.
• As this virus is new, we are learning more all the time, and what we know now may change.

Travelers have brought the virus into other countries

• Many countries have now detected the virus in travellers.
• Almost every location has recorded cases of COVID-19.
• Although there is a lot, we don’t know yet about this new virus, we can still prevent the disease.

How is COVID-19 spread?

COVID-19 spreads primarily through close contact with someone who is infected, but it can also spread if you touch
contaminated objects and surfaces. You can protect yourself: clean your hands and your surroundings frequently!

Common symptoms are:

• Fever
• Chills including rigors (chills with shaking)
• Fatigue
• Cough
• Sore throat
• Shortness of breath and breathing difficulty

Symptoms start about one day after exposure, but can be as long as 14 days.
Some people have no symptoms, most have a mild illness. It can be severe and sometimes fatal.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Because symptoms are similar to many other illnesses, tests are needed to make the diagnosis (nose or throat
swab, blood test). There is no specific treatment.
• Mild symptoms can be treated with medicine to lower the fever, or relieve pain.
• If symptoms are more severe, treatment in hospital is required.

What to do if you get sick

• Stay home.
• Monitor your condition
• Cover your coughs and sneezes
• Seek medical attention
• Wear a mask in case you need to visit a doctor.
• Use private transport as much as possible.

174 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
How to prevent COVID-19?
o Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
o Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not readily available.
o Cover your coughs and sneezes. Use a tissue or your upper sleeve. Immediately throw the tissue in
a bin and wash your hands.
o Wear a mask/face covering/ fabric mask in public places, especially when it is difficult to maintain
1-2 meters (3-6 feet) distance from others. Follow local guidelines.
o Avoid touching shared objects (light switches, handrails, door handles etc) as much as possible. If
you must touch such objects, wash your hands or use sanitizer promptly afterwards. Ensure you
do not touch your face.
o Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces each day, more often if you think they’ve been
contaminated. Use normal cleaning supplies.
o Do not share food, drinks and personal items including mobile phones.

• Avoid Exposure
o Maintain social distancing within 1-2 meters
o Avoid activities which expose you to large groups of people.
o Maintain social distance while greeting visitors.
o Work from home, where possible.
o Avoid non-essential travel.
o Keep away from people who are sick
o Avoid visiting hospitals and other medical facilities unless you need medical care.

• More on use of Masks

o When in face-to-face contact with others.
o When social distancing cannot be achieved.
o If you are in the high-risk groups.
o When coughing or sneezing.
o When caring for a sick person.
o Within a healthcare facility or other public spaces.

Classifying Risk of Worker Exposure to COVID 19 in the Workplace

Jobs that do not require contact with people known to be, or suspected of being, infected with COVID 19. Workers
in this category have minimal occupational contact with the public and other coworkers. Examples include:
• Remote workers (i.e., those working from home during the pandemic).
• Office workers who do not have frequent close contact with coworkers, customers, or the public.
• Manufacturing and industrial facility workers who do not have frequent close contact with coworkers,
customers, or the public.
• Healthcare workers providing only telemedicine services.

Medium Exposure Risk

Jobs that require frequent/close contact with people who may be infected, but who are not known to have or
suspected of having COVID-19. Workers in this category include:
• Those who may have frequent contact with travelers who return from international locations with
widespread COVID-19 transmission.
• Those who may have contact with the general public (e.g., in schools, high population density work
environments, and some high-volume retail settings).

High Exposure Risk

Jobs with a high potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of COVID 19. Workers in this category
175 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Healthcare delivery and support staff (hospital staff who must enter patients’ rooms) exposed to known or
suspected COVID-19 patients.
• Medical transport workers (ambulance vehicle operators) moving known or suspected COVID-19 patients
in enclosed vehicles.
• Mortuary workers involved in preparing bodies for burial or cremation of people known to have, or
suspected of having, COVID-19 at the time of death.

Very High Exposure Risk

Jobs with a very high potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of COVID - 19 during specific medical,
postmortem, or laboratory procedures. Workers in this category include:
• Healthcare workers (e.g., doctors, nurses, dentists, paramedics, emergency medical technicians)
performing aerosol-generating procedures (e.g., intubation, cough induction procedures, bronchoscopies,
some dental procedures and exams, or invasive specimen collection) on known or suspected COVID-19
• Healthcare or laboratory personnel collecting or handling specimens from known or suspected COVID-19
patients (e.g., manipulating cultures from known or suspected COVID-19 patients).
• Morgue workers performing autopsies, which generally involve aerosol-generating procedures, on the
bodies of people who are known to have, or are suspected of having, COVID-19 at the time of their death.

These guidelines shall apply to all workplaces, employers, and workers in the private sector.

COVID-19 Prevention & Control

Workplace Safety and Health
The following safety and health standards shall be implemented in all workplaces aligned with the objectives of
the minimum health standards of the Department of Health:
• Stay healthy
• Enjoin companies to provide free medicines and vitamins; and
• Referral for mental health concerns or counselling

Prior to entrance in building or workplace

A. All employers and workers shall:
• Wear face masks at all times (should cloth mask be used; washable type should put additional
filter such as tissue paper)
• Temperature scanning and recording via QR code
• Clinic staff assigned to assess the workers held in the isolation area should be provided the
appropriate medical grade PPEs by the establishment which shall include but not limited to
face masks, goggles/face shields and/or gloves; and
• Spray alcohol/sanitizers to both hands; body misting; and disinfectant foot baths at the
• Accomplish daily monitoring form

B. Equipment or vehicle entering the company premises must go to a disinfection process;

C. If there will be a long queue outside the office, safety officers should instill physical distancing of 1 meter.

Inside the workplace

• Regular disinfection of work areas and frequently handled objects such as door knobs for at least once
every two (2) hours;
• All washrooms and toilet shall have sufficient clean water and soap, workers are encouraged to wash
their hands frequently and avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth;

176 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Alcohol/sanitizers shall be made available in the corridors, conference areas, elevators, stairways and
areas where workers pass;
• Workers, whether in office workstations or in operations area, shall always practice physical distancing
meaning at the minimum one (1) meter radius space (side, back, and front) between workers;
• Eating in communal areas is discouraged. It is best to eat in individual work area and all waste
shall be disposed properly.
• Canteens and kitchens should be cleaned and disinfected regularly.

Minimize contact rate

• Alternative work arrangements, such as working-hour shifts, work from home (WFH), where feasible
and on rotation basis;
• Prolonged face-to-face interaction between workers and with clients are discouraged and masks shall
be worn at all times and not removed. Meetings needing physical presence shall be kept to a minimum
number of participants and with short duration. Videoconferencing shall be utilized for lengthy
discussion among workers.
• Office tables should be arranged in order to maintain proper physical distancing. Barriers may be
provided between tables;
• Workstation layout should be designed to allow unidirectional movement in aisles, corridors or
• To maintain physical distancing, number of people inside an enclosed space such as a room, store or
hall shall be limited.
• Online system shall be highly encouraged to be utilized for clients needing from offices including the
use of videoconferencing; and
• Safety officer shall always ensure physical distancing and observance of minimum health protocols.

In the event that a worker is suspected as having COVID-19

• The worker shall immediately proceed to the isolation area designated in the workplace and never
remove his/her mask;
• Clinic personnel attending to the workers should wear appropriate PPEs and if needed should require
the transport of the affected worker to the nearest hospital. Company protocols for transport for
suspect COVID-19 cases and for PCR testing, should be in place including providing for ambulance
conduction. Hospitals will report to the DOH for COVID-19 suspect;

Decontamination of workplace
• Workplace shall be decontaminated with appropriate disinfectant (e.g. chlorine bleaching solution and
1:100 phenol-based disinfectant)
• After decontamination of the work area, work can resume after 24 hours; and
• Workers present in the work area with the suspect COVID-19 worker shall go on 14 days home
quarantine with specific instruction from the clinic staff on monitoring of symptoms and possible next
steps. If suspect COVID-19 worker has negative result, co-workers may be allowed to report back to

In the event that a worker is sick or has fever but is not suspected to have COVID-19
• Take adequate rest and take plenty of fluids;
• Practice personal hygiene to prevent spread of disease; and
• Seek appropriate medical care if there is persistent fever, when difficulty of breathing has started, or
when he/she becomes weak.

Duties of Employer and Workers

• Provide the necessary company policies for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in consultation
with workers. Advocacy and IEC programs should be taken from DOH, WHO and reliable sources of
information on COVID-19;
177 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:
CONSAFE: Basic Occupational Safety and Health BOSH for SO2
• Provide resources and materials needed to keep the workers healthy and the workplace safe, e.g.
masks, soap, sanitizer, disinfectant, PPEs, including COVID-19 testing kits, etc.;
• Designate the safety officer to monitor COVID-19 prevention control and measures such as physical
distancing, wearing of face masks, regular disinfection, compliance to thermal scanning and
accomplishing health symptoms questionnaire;
• Enhance health insurance provision for workers;
• Where feasible, provide shuttle service and/or decent accommodation on near-site location to lessen
travel and people movement;
• Put up a COVID-19 Hotline and Call Center for employees to report if symptomatic, and daily
monitoring scheme of our “suspect” employee condition.
• Comply with all workplace measures in place for the prevention and control of COVID-19, such as,
frequent handwashing, wearing of masks, observe physical distancing always, etc.
• Observe proper respiratory etiquette;
• Coughing and sneezing into tissue or into shirt sleeve if tissue is not available.
• Disposing used tissues properly; and
• Disinfecting hands immediately through proper handwashing with soap and water or alcohol-based
sanitizer immediately after a cough or sneeze

COVID-19 Testing
• Employers may test workers for COVID-19. Testing kits used and procured shall be the responsibility of
the employer.
• Workers with a negative test shall continue to work. They should be given appropriate advise and
instructions once they develop any health complaints or symptoms.

Most at Risk Workers and Vulnerable Group

• Employers are highly encouraged to allow these workers to do work from home arrangement. Work
Agreements should be developed to detail the deliverables from these employees and there shall be
no diminution in wages or benefits.
• Employees at higher risks:
• >60 yrs. old employees
• With pre-existing illness i.e. hypertension, diabetes, cancer, or with immunocompromised
health status
• Pregnant women

Assistance by the DTI and DOLE

• DTI and DOLE shall extend assistance and technical support to all workplaces, employers and workers
in complying with the guidelines.

Reporting of Illnesses/Disease/Injuries
• The employer shall provide the DOLE through its Regional Office copy furnished DOH, monthly
reporting of illness, diseases and injuries utilizing the DOLE Work Accident/Illness Report Form (WAIR-

178 | P a g e
DOLE STO Accreditation No. 1030-121619-0075
BLOCK 22, LOT 7, Hyacinth ST., Antipolo Hills, Brgy. San Luis, Antipolo City
Email Address: [email protected] Web page:

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