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Imbalance nutrition: An imbalance in the NOC: Nutritional Status NIC: Nutritional Management GOAL PARTIALLY
OBJECTIVE: more than body nutritional needs of a MET
- (+) Hyperglycemia requirement related person occurs when
- height is 1.70m, the individual’s GOAL: Goal: After 2 days of
to unhealthy lifestyle
Weight is 84kg metabolic and nursing intervention, the client The patient will have
and dietary intake. nutritional demands will have maintained weight in maintained weight in the
and his BMI of
are not sufficiently the desired goal range, which is desired goal range,
29.0 (overweight). supplied. from 84kg to 74 kg, to obtain a which is from 84kg to 74
BMI of 24.4 (normal). kg, to obtain a BMI of
(NursesLabs) 24.4 (normal).
The nurse will:

After 5 hours of nursing After 5 hours of nursing

intervention, the client will: intervention, the client
was able to:

1. Recognize factors that are 1.1. Establish rapport with the patient. 1. Recognized factors
contributing to being overweight. (This is to build relationships and gain that are contributed to
the trust of the patient.) being overweight.

1.2 Assess reason for imbalanced

nutrition (i.e. other medical or
environmental conditions).
Possible reasons for imbalanced
nutrition can be extensive. Identifying the
potential cause can further assist with
overcoming that challenge and treating
the appropriate underlying condition.
1.3. Educate the patient on factors that
contribute to gaining weight, such as
eating unhealthy food (e.g., junk foods,
alcohol consumption, sugary drinks,
sweets, fast foods, etc.).
This is to promote health and decreases
the risk of nutrition-related diseases.

2. Verbalize his willingness to 2.1 Assess for the patient’s willingness 2. Verbalized his
lose weight and appropriate to lose weight. willingness to lose his
management of nutrition to self. The patient has to agree to the treatment weight and do
plan to be successful. Results will be appropriate management
more consistent and long-lasting if the for his nutrition at the
patient wants to change his or her hospital and when
lifestyle. discharge.

3. Demonstrate and follow the 3. Verbalized to follow

necessary measures and lifestyle 3.1 Provide the patient with resources the necessary measures
modifications to lose weight upon regarding nutrition. and lifestyle
discharge. The patient will be able to take these modifications to lose
resources home upon discharge and will weight upon discharge
further help in the patient being such as the the diet plan
independent in their care. given to him.

3.2 Create diet plan for the patient such

as low fat and low salt diet, like
following the plan of:
 Upon waking up do 30 mins
 Breakfast: 1 boiled, 2 slice of
bread and tea
 Lunch: Vegetable salad with
chicken and 2 glass of water
 Dinner: Fish and Glass of water
with apple
This is to serve as a guide for the patient
in his lifestyle modification.

3.2 Instruct Patient to do exercises such

as Ambulation (while recovering from
the wound), moderate exercises (when
because using calories through physical
activity, combined with reducing the
calories you eat, creates a calorie deficit
that results in weight loss.

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