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B RIARDIRGE T HICKET isolated valley within the thicket.

They have tried to battle the beast

Deep within the forest a dense and its servants with soporific
thicket of brambles chokes all within spores. Their efforts have made the
it’s thorny walls. This is the lair of wyrm languid and slowed its
the blight wyrm, a beast of advance for now but they have
corruption. From within it forges failed to strike a fatal blow. It is only
creatures from the vines to serve in a matter of time before they are
spreading its blight. The mass of overwhelmed and the inexorable
branches form impenetrable walls march of blight across the forest
and strangle the canopy above. resumes.
They are so dense that even on the
brightest day it is pitch black within
the thicket.

The last survivors of a colony of

mushroomfolk hold out in an
R ANDOM E NCOUNTERS 1. Entrance. A relatively open
space. The trees, the rocks, even
Role for an encounter every 3 the mossy ground is festooned in
rounds of crawling. thorny vines. Starved of sunlight
and overrun by tendrils of bramble
d6 Details almost all other vegetation is dead.
The Wyrm strikes, attacks
1 for one round and The sounds of battle from area 3
withdraws to its lair can be heard here. Upon entering
Bramble vines thrash, DC the battle will be resolved within 6
12 DEX or 1d6 damage rounds if there is no intervention.
and unable to move for 1
round. 2. Around the Bend. A bramble
1d4 Bramble Walkers brute is in this area. It attacks
(hostile) anyone it sees. If this area is
4 Bramble Brute (hostile) entered with sufficient caution, with
Soporific puffball bursts, no other threat present it moves to
all within near of area 3 and joins the battle.
5 randomly selected
character DC 12 Con or
sleep 3. The battlefield. A
Mushroom Folk and 1d4 mushroomfolk and 2 infest thralls
6 fight 3 bramble walkers and the
Infest Thralls
Choked by vines. Vines of bramble bramble brute from area 2 if it has
are present in almost every area of joined the fray.
the thicket strangling all other life.
Within the thicket is dark. The mushroomfolk is carrying a
clutch of sprouts of their young in a
Foul Ambusher. The blight wyrm desperate attempt to escape the
may move freely through and within thicket and establish a colony else
the bramble walls. It can use this to where. If it sees anyone they will
ambush the characters. However desperately telepathically ask for
the effect of the soporific spores on help.
the wyrm force it spend much of its
time resting. Unless cornered If there is no intervention 6 rounds
outside its lair the wyrm will return after entering the thicket and
to its horde. hearing the sounds of battle, 1
bramble walker and both infested
thralls will be slain. Reduced to half will join the fray if the guards here
HP the mushroomfolk will attempt to are attacked.
flea to area 7 via area 5. If the
bramble brute joined the fight the An emerald worth 300 gp is hidden
mushroomfolk will be slain. in the roots of the oak. Some one
versed in local lore might know this
Surviving bramble creatures will offering is here.
move via area 4 to patrolling areas
1 and 2. 7. The mushroomfolk’s
sanctuary. For now this area is
4. The crossroads. The ceiling safe, do not roll random encounters.
here is lower. This area provides a 4 mushroomfolk and 6 infested
through way to surrounding areas thralls are in this valley. They are
but no creatures routinely guard it. the last remanent of a once thriving
colony. They are wary of outsiders
5. Tunnel of dreams. A tunnel dips but their situation is desperate.
down under dead tree roots
emerging in the Stoney valley. It is If negotiated with they will aid
flooded with soporific spores which anyone aiming to kill the wyrm.
have a sickly sweet smell. Any They will be especially amenable to
creature in this area: DC 12 CON or anyone who aided their kin in area
sleep, experiencing surreal but not 3. They will grant them safe
unpleasant dreams. Bramble passage through area 8.
creatures automatically fail.
If particularly swayed they offer to
6. The ancient oak. A grand coordinate and attack and prevent
ancient oak, barely clinging to life any reinforcements entering the lair
dominates this area. 4 bramble via area 9.
walkers are clustered on the ledge
in the south of the area. From here If not convinced they will not permit
they have a good view of all characters to enter their sanctuary
entrances to the area and will attack and fight to the death defending it.
any intruders at range from their They are guarding a final clutch of
perch. Their main purpose is to sprouts which can’t be moved.
keep the mushroom folk contained These young are their only hope of
in area 7. The inhabitants of area 9 rebuilding their colony.

Several treasures are concealed intruders plunder its treasures. 2
among the fungus that lines the bramble walkers guard the ledge
walls. The mushroomfolk will offer to the west. When the wyrm dies
these as a reward for killing the any remaining bramble creatures
wyrm. become inanimate and the
brambles chocking the vegetation
200 gp in various uncut gems falls slack.

a rosewood wand of acid The hoard contains:

arrow that makes the wielder
immune to sleep 400 gp

8. The passageway. 4 Infested jewellery worth 300 gp

thralls are concealed under the turf,
2 at each entrance to this area. As a +1 dagger of blight, 1/day
are numerous soporific puffballs. throw a 1d6 orb of blight with
Moving through this area will cause DEX, if hit DC 12 CON or be
the puffballs to explode. All blinded for 1d4 rounds
creatures DC 12 CON or sleep.
After the puffballs explode the
thralls attack.

If safe passage has been granted

by the mushroomfolk the puffballs
do not explode and thralls do not

9. The Antechamber. A bramble

brute and 2 bramble walkers
guard this area. They join any
combat in area 6 or 9 if they are

10. The blight wyrm’s lair. the

blight wyrm rests here on its hoard
when it is not drawn else where. It
fights to the death rather than let
M ONSTERS AC 14, HP 22, ATK 2 slam +5 (1d6)
or gather boulders MV near, S +4, D
-1, C +3, I -2, W -2, Ch -2, AL C, LV
Infested Thrall
This creature resembles the other
humanoids made of vines but Gather Boulders. slam becomes:
mushrooms and fungus of various +2 (2d6). After slam hits DC 15 Con
shapes burst through its carapace. or become dazed for 1 round,
Its movements are far more unable to take action.
Blight Wyrm
Use zombie statistics but alignment
is neutral. A large dark lumbering serpent, its
scales have an oozy black shimmer.
Bramble Walker
AC 13, HP 34, ATK 2 rend +5 (1d8)
A tall humanoid shaped plant and 1 grasping thorns or 1 spew
creature. Its body is formed of vines corruption and 1 grasping thorns
covered in jagged thorns tense like MV near, S +4, D +0, C +4,I +1, W
muscle and a bark like carapace. +2, Ch +1, AL C, LV 7

AC 11, HP 14, ATK 2 needle Grasping Thorns. All enemies

(close/near) +3 (1d6) MV double within near DC 10 DEX or 1d4
near, S +2, D +2, C +3, I -2, W +0, damage and unable to move for 1
Ch -2, AL C, LV 3 round.

Venom Spur. 1/day, on hit with Spew Corruption. All within close
needle, DC 12 CON or paralyzed DC 15 CON or 1d8 damage and
for 1d4 rounds. blinded for 1 round. Can not use
again for 1d4 rounds.
Bramble Brute
A hulking figure formed of muscle
like vines. Where its hands should
be a mass of stones bound together
by tendrils of root fibers.

Writing and Map. Richard Gog.

Cover. "Alcasto in an enchanted

forest, facing a castle defended by
dragons and demons. Etching by
P. Sandby and E. Rooker after J.
Collins, ca. 1750." is licensed
under CC BY 4.0.

Fonts. Old English Text MT by
Monotype Type Drawing Office
used under license, Montserrat
designed by Julieta Ulanovsky, Sol
Matas, Juan Pablo del Peral,
Jacques Le Bailly, used under
Open Font License.

Shadowdark License. This

product is an independent product
published under the Shadowdark
RPG Third-Party License and is
not affiliated with The Arcane
Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG ©
The Arcane Library, LLC.

Layout Template. By Taylor


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