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Experiment 3

Ohm's Law & Resistors in Series and Parallel Combination


Variable Power Supply

1 m long Wire
Connecting Leads
Low Current Sensor Meter
Potential Difference Sensor Meter
Interface Unit

Reading Assignment

Read related topics from your Physics Textbook.


When a potential difference V is applied across a conductor, an electric field E will be

established and as a result a current density J will be created in the direction of the electric
field. The current density J and electric field E are related by the equation:

J = E (1)

where  is called the conductivity of the material.

Some materials possess the property such that the current density J is proportional to the
applied electric field E (is constant). These materials are said to be ohmic, since they obey
this law, known as the “microscopic version” of the Ohm’s Law. If J versus E is not linear,
the material is called nonohmic.

Ohm’s law can also be expressed in terms of the current I passing through the material and the
voltage V applied across it by the following equation:

IV (2)

R= (3)

Where R is the proportionality constant and is called the resistance of the material. If the
relation between the current versus the voltage is linear for a material then it is called ohmic.
Because that material obeys this macroscopic version of Ohm’s law. If the current versus the
voltage is not linear, the material is said to be nonohmic. In both the cases (ohmic or
nonohmic), the resistance is defined by the equation R = . For ohmic material the
resistance is constant and does not depend on the applied voltage.
The resistance R depends on the composition of the material and also on its shape and
dimensions. The dependence of the resistance on the material is represented by the
conductivity  (or the resistivity , where:  ).

For a long thin wire, the resistivity  is given by:

R (4)

Where R is the resistance of the wire, A is its cross sectional area and L is its length. In SI
units,  has the unit ohm . meter.

It can be easily shown that when two or more resistors are connected in series, the equivalent
resistance is given by:

Req = R1 + R2 + ……… (5)

When two or more resistors are connected in parallel, the equivalent resistance is given by:

1 1 1
= + +… (6)
R eq R1 R2

The circuit shown in Figure 1 can be used to study the current dependence on voltage for a

Figure 1.

In this experiment, the current dependence on applied voltage for a resistor made of a one-
meter long metal wire will be studied and its resistivity will be determined. Series and parallel
combinations of two resistors will also be studied.

Part I: Resistance of a metal wire
1. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 1. The resistor R is a one-meter long metal wire
mounted on a wooden board.

2. Switch the power supply on. Always make sure that the current and voltage knobs are
turned to zero before turning the power supply on.

3. Take five sets of readings of the voltage V and the current I. The current should not
exceed 200 mA. Record your data in Table 1.

4. Calculate the resistance from the voltage V and the current I.

5. From the value of resistance calculated above, determine if the relation between I and V is
linear or not linear. Consequently determine if the material is ohmic or nonohmic.

6. Determine average R.

7. Using the value of the resistance in step (6), the cross sectional area and the length of the
wire, calculate the resistivity of the material of the wire using equation (4) and compare to
the given value.

Part II: Resistors in series and parallel, Using Interface

1. Determine the resistance of the two carbon resistors provided. Use the color-coding on the
resistors to do so.

Series Combination

2. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

3. Double click on “PASCO Capstone” . From Tools click on “Hardware Setup”

4. Click on channel A and from the list click on “Voltage Sensor”.

5. Click on channel B and from the list click on “Current Sensor”. Connections will be
automatically updated and the screen will show the voltage sensor connected to A and the
current sensor connected to B. Click on Hardware Setup Icon to hide the controls.

6. Click on “Signal Generator” under the tab “Tools”. A window titled “Signal generator”
will pop out.

7. Select “Positive Up Ramp Wave” from the waveform. Fix frequency to 0.10 Hz and
amplitude to 5V. Click on button “On” to turn on the signal generator. Click on the signal
generator Icon to hide the controls.

8. Click on “Graph” and drag to the main window, under the tab “Displays”. Click
on the x-axis title <select measurement> and choose Voltage, Ch A (V). Click on the y-
axis title <select measurement> and choose Current, Ch B (A).
9. Fix the sample rate to 2 Hz.

10. Click on “Record” (look at the bottom right) and observe the data.

11. Click “Stop” after around 10 seconds.

12. Click from the tool bar on “Curve fit Editor” and select “linear: mx + b”.

13. Record the value of the slope and the y-intercept from the graph.

14. From the value of the slope get the equivalent resistance for the series combination and
compare it with Req = R1 + R2.

15. Click on “A” and enter your name and details of the graph. Print the graph.

Parallel Combination

16. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 3. Connect two carbon resistors in parallel. A is the
current sensor. V is the voltage sensor.

17. Repeat steps (3 to 11) for the parallel combination.

18. From the value of the slope get the equivalent resistance for the parallel combination and
compare it with 1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2.

19. Click on “A” and enter your name and details of the graph. Print the graph.

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