Acfs File System

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Check available disk in ASM select path, name, header_status, os_mb from v$asm_disk; SQL> select path, name, header_status, os_mb from v$asm_disk; PATH -----------------ORCL:ASMDOCSVOL1 ORCL:CRSVOL1 ORCL:DATAVOL1 ORCL:FRAVOL1 NAME HEADER_STATUS OS_MB --------------- ------------- ---------PROVISIONED 98,303 CRSVOL1 MEMBER 2,205 DATAVOL1 MEMBER 33,887 FRAVOL1 MEMBER 33,887

2. Create Disk Group [grid@racnode1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysasm SQL> CREATE DISKGROUP docsdg1 EXTERNAL REDUNDANCY DISK 'ORCL:ASMDOCSVOL1' SIZE 98303 M; Diskgroup created. SQL> @asm_diskgroups Disk Group Sector Block Allocation Name Size Size Unit Size State Used Size (MB) Pct. Used ---------- ------- ------ ----------- --------------------- --------CRS 512 4,096 1,048,576 MOUNTED 396 17.96 DOCSDG1 512 4,096 1,048,576 MOUNTED 50 .05 FRA 512 4,096 1,048,576 MOUNTED 9,085 26.81 RACDB_DATA 512 4,096 1,048,576 MOUNTED 3,264 9.63 -------------Grand Total: 12,795 3. Mount Disk Group and check status [grid@racnode2 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysasm SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP docsdg1 MOUNT; Diskgroup altered. SQL> @asm_diskgroups Disk Group Sector Block Name Size Size Used Size (MB) Pct. Used Allocation Unit Size State Type Total Size (MB) Type Total Size (MB)

------ --------------EXTERN EXTERN EXTERN EXTERN 2,205 98,303 33,887 33,887 --------------168,282

---------- ------- ------ ----------- --------------------- --------CRS 512 4,096 1,048,576 MOUNTED 396 17.96 DOCSDG1 512 4,096 1,048,576 MOUNTED 50 .05 FRA 512 4,096 1,048,576 MOUNTED 9,085 26.81 RACDB_DATA 512 4,096 1,048,576 MOUNTED 3,264 9.63 -------------Grand Total: 12,795

------ --------------EXTERN EXTERN EXTERN EXTERN 2,205 98,303 33,887 33,887 --------------168,282

4. Verify Oracle ASM Volume Driver and to manually start the Oracle ASM volume driver /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/acfsload start -s 5. We can verify the ADVM/ACFS installation by running the following from all Oracle RAC nodes [root@racnode1 ~]# cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin [root@racnode1 bin]# ./acfsdriverstate -orahome /u01/app/11.2.0/grid version ACFS-9205: OS/ADVM,ACFS installed version = 2.6.188.el5(x86_64)/090715.1 [root@racnode2 ~]# cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin [root@racnode2 bin]# ./acfsdriverstate -orahome /u01/app/11.2.0/grid version ACFS-9205: OS/ADVM,ACFS installed version = 2.6.188.el5(x86_64)/090715.1 6. To manually start the Oracle ASM volume driver /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/acfsload start s 7. The next step is to record dependencies for the new kernel modules: [root@racnode1 ~]# depmod [root@racnode2 ~]# depmod 8. Now, running acfsload start -s will complete without any further messages:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/acfsload start -s [root@racnode2 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/acfsload start -s

Check that the modules were successfully loaded on all Oracle RAC nodes: [root@racnode1 ~]# lsmod | grep oracle

oracleacfs oracleadvm oracleoks oracleasm

877320 221760 276880 84136

4 8 2 oracleacfs,oracleadvm 1

[root@racnode2 ~]# lsmod | grep oracle oracleacfs 877320 4 oracleadvm 221760 8 oracleoks 276880 2 oracleacfs,oracleadvm oracleasm 84136 1

Configure the Oracle ASM volume driver to load automatically on system startup on all Oracle RAC nodes. You will need to create an initialization script (/etc/init.d/acfsload) that contains the runlevel configuration and the acfsload command. Change the permissions on the/etc/init.d/acfsload script to allow it to be executed by root and then create links in the rc2.d, rc3.d, rc4.d, and rc5.d runlevel directories using 'chkconfig --add': [root@racnode1 ~]# chkconfig --list | grep acfsload [root@racnode2 ~]# chkconfig --list | grep acfsload ======================================================= [root@racnode1 ~]# cat > /etc/init.d/acfsload <<EOF #!/bin/sh # chkconfig: 2345 30 21 # description: Load Oracle ASM volume driver on system startup ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid export ORACLE_HOME \$ORACLE_HOME/bin/acfsload start -s EOF [root@racnode2 ~]# cat > /etc/init.d/acfsload <<EOF #!/bin/sh # chkconfig: 2345 30 21 # description: Load Oracle ASM volume driver on system startup ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid export ORACLE_HOME \$ORACLE_HOME/bin/acfsload start -s EOF ======================================================= [root@racnode1 ~]# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/acfsload [root@racnode2 ~]# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/acfsload

======================================================= [root@racnode1 ~]# chkconfig --add acfsload [root@racnode2 ~]# chkconfig --add acfsload ======================================================= [root@racnode1 ~]# chkconfig --list | grep acfsload acfsload 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on [root@racnode2 ~]# chkconfig --list | grep acfsload acfsload 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 5:on 6:off 6:off

If the Oracle grid infrastructure 'ora.registry.acfs' resource does not exist, create it. This only needs to be performed from one of the Oracle RAC nodes: [root@racnode1 ~]# su - grid -c crs_stat | grep acfs [root@racnode2 ~]# su - grid -c crs_stat | grep acfs ======================================================= [root@racnode1 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl add type ora.registry.acfs.type \ -basetype ora.local_resource.type \ -file /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/template/registry.acfs.type [root@racnode1 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl add resource ora.registry.acfs \ -attr ACL=\'owner:root:rwx,pgrp:oinstall:rx,other::r--\' \ -type ora.registry.acfs.type -f ======================================================= [root@racnode1 ~]# su - grid -c crs_stat | grep acfs NAME=ora.registry.acfs TYPE=ora.registry.acfs.type [root@racnode2 ~]# su - grid -c crs_stat | grep acfs NAME=ora.registry.acfs TYPE=ora.registry.acfs.type Next, copy the Oracle ACFS executables to /sbin and set the appropriate permissions. The Oracle ACFS executables are located in theGRID_HOME/install/usm/EL5/<ARCHITECTURE>/<KERNEL_VERSION>/<FULL_KERNE L_VERSION>/bin directory (12 files) and include any file without the *.ko extension: [root@racnode1 ~]# cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/install/usm/EL5/x86_64/2.6.18-8/2.6.18-8.el5x86_64/bin

[root@racnode1 [root@racnode1 [root@racnode1 [root@racnode1 [root@racnode1

bin]# bin]# bin]# bin]# bin]#

cp cp cp cp cp

acfs* /sbin; chmod 755 /sbin/acfs* advmutil* /sbin; chmod 755 /sbin/advmutil* fsck.acfs* /sbin; chmod 755 /sbin/fsck.acfs* mkfs.acfs* /sbin; chmod 755 /sbin/mkfs.acfs* mount.acfs* /sbin; chmod 755 /sbin/mount.acfs*

[root@racnode2 ~]# cd /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/install/usm/EL5/x86_64/2.6.18-8/2.6.18-8.el5x86_64/bin [root@racnode2 bin]# cp acfs* /sbin; chmod 755 /sbin/acfs* [root@racnode2 bin]# cp advmutil* /sbin; chmod 755 /sbin/advmutil* [root@racnode2 bin]# cp fsck.acfs* /sbin; chmod 755 /sbin/fsck.acfs* [root@racnode2 bin]# cp mkfs.acfs* /sbin; chmod 755 /sbin/mkfs.acfs* [root@racnode2 bin]# cp mount.acfs* /sbin; chmod 755 /sbin/mount.acfs*

As a final step, modify any of the Oracle ACFS shell scripts copied to the /sbin directory (above) to include the ORACLE_HOME for grid infrastructure. The successful execution of these scripts requires access to certain Oracle shared libraries that are found in the grid infrastructure Oracle home. Since many of the Oracle ACFS shell scripts will be executed as the root user account, the ORACLE_HOME environment variable will typically not be set in the shell and will result in the executable to fail. An easy workaround to get past this error is to set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable for the Oracle grid infrastructure home in the Oracle ACFS shell scripts on all Oracle RAC nodes. The ORACLE_HOME should be set at the beginning of the file after the header comments as shown in the following example: #!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid ORA_CRS_HOME=%ORA_CRS_HOME% if [ ! -d $ORA_CRS_HOME ]; then ORA_CRS_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME fi ...

Add the ORACLE_HOME environment variable for the Oracle grid infrastructure home as noted above to the following Oracle ACFS shell scripts on all Oracle RAC nodes: /sbin/acfsdbg /sbin/acfsutil /sbin/advmutil /sbin/fsck.acfs /sbin/mkfs.acfs /sbin/mount.acfs

Verify ASM Disk Group Compatibility Level The compatibility level for the Oracle ASM disk group must be at least 11.2 in order to create an Oracle ASM volume. From the Oracle ASM instance, perform the following checks: SQL> SELECT compatibility, database_compatibility 2 FROM v$asm_diskgroup 3 WHERE name = 'DOCSDG1'; COMPATIBILITY DATABASE_COMPATIBILITY ---------------- ---------------------- If the results show something other than 11.2 or higher (as the above example shows), we need to set the compatibility to at least 11.2 by issuing the following series of SQL statements from the Oracle ASM instance: [grid@racnode1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysasm SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP docsdg1 SET ATTRIBUTE 'compatible.asm' = '11.2'; Diskgroup altered. SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP docsdg1 SET ATTRIBUTE 'compatible.rdbms' = '11.2'; Diskgroup altered. SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP docsdg1 SET ATTRIBUTE 'compatible.advm' = '11.2'; Diskgroup altered. If you receive an error while attempting to set the 'compatible.advm' attribute, verify that theOracle ASM volume driver is running: Verify the changes to the compatibility level: SQL> SELECT compatibility, database_compatibility 2 FROM v$asm_diskgroup 3 WHERE name = 'DOCSDG1'; COMPATIBILITY DATABASE_COMPATIBILITY ---------------- ----------------------

ASM Configuration Assistant (ASMCA)

This section includes step-by-step instructions on how to create an Oracle ASM cluster file system using the Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant (ASMCA). Note that at the time of this writing, ASMCA only supports the creation of volumes and file systems. Deleting an Oracle ASM volume or file system requires the command-line.

Create Mount Point From each Oracle RAC node, create a directory that will be used to mount the new Oracle ACFS:

[root@racnode1 ~]# mkdir /documents1 [root@racnode2 ~]# mkdir /documents1

Create ASM Cluster File System As the Oracle grid infrastructure owner, run the ASM Configuration Assistant (asmca) from only one node in the cluster (racnode1 for example): [grid@racnode1 ~]$ asmca

Mount the New Cluster File System Now that the new Oracle ASM cluster file system has been created and registered in the Oracle ACFS mount registry, log in to all Oracle RAC nodes as root and run the following mount command:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /bin/mount -t acfs /dev/asm/docsvol1-300 /documents1 /sbin/mount.acfs.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [root@racnode2 ~]# /bin/mount -t acfs /dev/asm/docsvol1-300 /documents1 /sbin/mount.acfs.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

If you don't have the ORACLE_HOME environment variable set to the Oracle grid infrastructure home as explained in the prerequisites section to this guide, the mount command will fail as shown above. In order to mount the new cluster file system, the Oracle ASM ACFS binaries need access to certain shared libraries in the ORACLE_HOME for grid infrastructure. An easy workaround to get past this error is to set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable for grid infrastructure in the file /sbin/mount.acfs on all Oracle RAC nodes. The ORACLE_HOME should be set at the beginning of the file after the header comments as follows: #!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid ORA_CRS_HOME=%ORA_CRS_HOME% if [ ! -d $ORA_CRS_HOME ]; then

ORA_CRS_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME fi ... You should now be able to successfully mount the volume: [root@racnode1 ~]# /bin/mount -t acfs /dev/asm/docsvol1-300 /documents1 [root@racnode2 ~]# /bin/mount -t acfs /dev/asm/docsvol1-300 /documents1

Verify Mounted Cluster File System To verify that the new cluster file system mounted properly, run the following mount command from all Oracle RAC nodes:

[root@racnode1 ~]# mount /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 on / type ext3 (rw) proc on /proc type proc (rw) sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620) /dev/sdb1 on /local type ext3 (rw) /dev/sda1 on /boot type ext3 (rw) tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw) sunrpc on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw) domo:PUBLIC on /domo type nfs (rw,addr= oracleasmfs on /dev/oracleasm type oracleasmfs (rw) /dev/asm/docsvol1-300 on /documents1 type acfs (rw) [root@racnode2 ~]# mount /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 on / type ext3 (rw) proc on /proc type proc (rw) sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620) /dev/sdb1 on /local type ext3 (rw) /dev/sda1 on /boot type ext3 (rw) tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw) none on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw) sunrpc on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw) domo:Public on /domo type nfs (rw,addr= oracleasmfs on /dev/oracleasm type oracleasmfs (rw) /dev/asm/docsvol1-300 on /documents1 type acfs (rw)

Set Permissions With the new cluster file system now mounted on all Oracle RAC nodes, change the permissions to allow user access. For the purpose of this example, I want to grant the oracle user account and dba group read/write permissions. Run the following as root from only one node in the Oracle RAC:

[root@racnode1 ~]# chown oracle.dba /documents1 [root@racnode1 ~]# chmod 775 /documents1

ACFS Snapshots
Oracle ASM Cluster File System includes a feature called snapshots. An Oracle ACFS snapshot is an online, read-only, point in time copy of an Oracle ACFS file system. The snapshot process uses Copy-On-Write functionality which makes efficient use of disk space. Note that snapshots work at the block level instead of the file level. Before an Oracle ACFS file extent is modified or deleted, its current value is copied to the snapshot to maintain the point-in-time view of the file system.

When a file is modified, only the changed blocks are copied to the snapshot location which helps conserve disk space. Once an Oracle ACFS snapshot is created, all snapshot files are immediately available for use. Snapshots are always available as long as the file system is mounted. This provides support for online recovery of files inadvertently modified or deleted from a file system. You can have up to 63 snapshot views supported for each file system. This provides for a flexible online file recovery solution which can span multiple views. You can also use an Oracle ACFS snapshot as the source of a file system backup, as it can be created on demand to deliver a current, consistent, online view of an active file system. Once the Oracle ACFS snapshot is created, simply backup the snapshot to another disk or tape location to create a consistent backup set of the files. Oracle ACFS snapshots can be created and deleted on demand without the need to take the file system offline. ACFS snapshots provide a point-in-time consistent view of the entire file system which can be used to restore deleted or modified files and to perform backups. All storage for Oracle ACFS snapshots are maintained within the file system which eliminates the need for separate storage pools for file systems and snapshots. As shown in the next section, Oracle ACFS file systems can be dynamically re-sized to accommodate addition file and snapshot storage requirements. Oracle ACFS snapshots are administered with the acfsutil snap command. This section will provide an overview on how to create and retrieve Oracle ACFS snapshots. Oracle ACFS Snapshot Location Whenever you create an Oracle ACFS file system, a hidden directory is created as a subdirectory to the Oracle ACFS file system named .ACFS. (Note that hidden files and directories in Linux start with leading period.)

[oracle@racnode1 ~]$ ls -lFA /documents3 total 2851148 drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Nov 26 17:57 .ACFS/ -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 1239269270 Nov 27 16:02 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 1111416131 Nov 27 16:03

-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall drwx------ 2 root root

555366950 Nov 27 16:03 65536 Nov 26 17:57 lost+found/

Found in the .ACFS are two directories named repl and snaps. All Oracle ACFS snapshots are stored in the snaps directory. [oracle@racnode1 ~]$ ls -lFA /documents3/.ACFS total 12 drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Nov 26 17:57 .fileid/ drwx------ 6 root root 4096 Nov 26 17:57 repl/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 27 15:53 snaps/

Since no Oracle ACFS snapshots exist, the snaps directory is empty.

[oracle@racnode1 ~]$ ls -lFA /documents3/.ACFS/snaps total 0

Create Oracle ACFS Snapshot Let's start by creating an Oracle ACFS snapshot named snap1 for the Oracle ACFS mounted on /documents3. This operation should be performed as root or the Oracle grid infrastructure owner: root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/acfsutil snap create snap1 /documents3 acfsutil snap create: Snapshot operation is complete.

The data for the new snap1 snapshot will be stored in /documents3/.ACFS/snaps/snap1. Once the snapshot is created, any existing files and/or directories in the file system are automatically accessible from the snapshot directory. For example, when I created the snap1 snapshot, the three Oracle ZIP files were made available from the snapshot /documents3/.ACFS/snaps/snap1:

[oracle@racnode1 ~]$ ls -lFA /documents3/.ACFS/snaps/snap1 total 2851084 drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Nov 26 17:57 .ACFS/ -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 1239269270 Nov 27 16:02 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 1111416131 Nov 27 16:03 -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 555366950 Nov 27 16:03 ?--------- ? ? ? ? ? lost+found It is important to note that when the snapshot gets created, nothing is actually stored in the snapshot directory, so there is no additional space consumption. The snapshot directory will only contain modified file blocks when a file is updated or deleted. Restore Files From an Oracle ACFS Snapshot

When a file is deleted (or modified), this triggers an automatic backup of all modified file blocks to the snapshot. For example, if I delete the file/documents3/, the previous images of the file blocks are copied to the snap1 snapshot where it can be restored from at a later time if necessary:

[oracle@racnode1 ~]$ rm /documents3/ If you were looking for functionality in Oracle ACFS to perform a rollback of the current file system to a snapshot, then I have bad news; one doesn't exist. Hopefully this will be a feature introduced in future versions! In the case where you accidentally deleted a file from the current file system, it can be restored by copying it from the snapshot, back to the the current file system:

[oracle@racnode1 ~]$ cp /documents3/.ACFS/snaps/snap1/ /documents3

Display Oracle ACFS Snapshot Information The '/sbin/acfsutil info fs' command can provide file system information as well as limited information on any Oracle ACFS snapshots:

[oracle@racnode1 ~]$ /sbin/acfsutil info fs /documents3 /documents3 ACFS Version: flags: MountPoint,Available mount time: Sat Nov 27 03:07:50 2010 volumes: 1 total size: 26843545600 total free: 23191826432 primary volume: /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 label: DOCSVOL3 flags: Primary,Available on-disk version: 39.0 allocation unit: 4096 major, minor: 252, 153603 size: 26843545600 free: 23191826432 number of snapshots: 1 snapshot space usage: 560463872

From the example above, you can see that I have only one active snapshot that is consuming approximately 560MB of disk space. This coincides with the size of the file I removed earlier (/documents3/ which triggered a back up of all modified file image blocks. To query all snapshots, simply list the directories under '<ACFS_MOUNT_POINT>/.ACFS/snaps'. Each directory under the snaps directory is an Oracle ACFS snapshot.

Another useful technique used to obtain information about Oracle ACFS snapshots is to query the view V$ASM_ACFSSNAPSHOTS from the Oracle ASM instance:

column column column column

snap_name fs_name vol_device create_time

format format format format

a15 a15 a25 a20

heading heading heading heading

"Snapshot Name" "File System" "Volume Device" "Create Time"

====================================================================== SQL> 2 3 4 select snap_name, fs_name, vol_device, to_char(create_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as create_time from v$asm_acfssnapshots order by snap_name;

Snapshot Name File System Volume Device Create Time --------------- --------------- -------------------------------------------snap1 /documents3 /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 27-NOV-2010 16:11:29

Delete Oracle ACFS Snapshot Use the 'acfsutil snap delete' command to delete an existing Oracle ACFS snapshot:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/acfsutil snap delete snap1 /documents3 acfsutil snap delete: Snapshot operation is complete.

Managing ACFS
Oracle ACFS and Dismount or Shutdown Operations If you take anything away from this article, know and understand the importance of dismounting any active file system configured with an Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (ADVM) volume device, BEFORE shutting down an Oracle ASM instance or dismounting a disk group! Failure to do so will result in I/O failures and very angry users! After the file system(s) have been dismounted, all open references to Oracle ASM files are removed and associated disk groups can then be dismounted or the Oracle ASM instance shut down. If the Oracle ASM instance or disk group is forcibly shut down or fails while an associated Oracle ACFS is active, the file system is placed into an offline error state. When the file system is placed in an offline error state, applications will start to encounter I/O failures and any Oracle ACFS user data and metadata being written at the time of the termination may not be flushed to ASM storage before it is fenced. If a SHUTDOWN ABORT operation on the Oracle ASM instance is required and you are not able to dismount the file system, issue two sync command to flush any cached file system data and metadata to persistent storage:

[root@racnode1 ~]# sync [root@racnode1 ~]# sync Using a two-node Oracle RAC, I forced an Oracle ASM instance shutdown on node 1 to simulate a failure: Resize File System With Oracle ACFS, as long as there exists free space within the ASM disk group, any of the ASM volumes can be dynamically expanded which means the file system gets expanded as a result. Note that if you are using another file system other than Oracle ACFS, as long as that file system can support online resizing, they too can be dynamically re-sized. The one exception to 3rd party file systems is online shrinking. Ext3, for example, supports online resizing but does not support online shrinking. Use the following syntax to add space to an Oracle ACFS on the fly without the need to take any type of outage. First, verify there is enough space in the current Oracle ASM disk group to extend the volume:

SQL> select name, total_mb, free_mb, round((free_mb/total_mb)*100,2) pct_free 2 from v$asm_diskgroup 3 where total_mb != 0 4 order by name; Disk Group Total (MB) Free (MB) % Free --------------- ------------ ------------ ------CRS 2,205 1,809 82.04 DOCSDG1 98,303 12,187 12.40 FRA 33,887 22,795 67.27 RACDB_DATA 33,887 30,584 90.25 The same task can be accomplished using the ASMCMD command-line utility: [grid@racnode1 ~]$ asmcmd lsdg

From the 12GB of free space in the DOCSDG1 ASM disk group, let's extend the file system (volume) by another 5GB. Note that this can be performed while the file system is online and accessible by clients no outage is required:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/acfsutil size +5G /documents3 acfsutil size: new file system size: 26843545600 (25600MB)

Verify the new size of the file system from all Oracle RAC nodes:

[root@racnode1 ~]# df -k Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 145344992 21952712 115890048 16% / /dev/sdb1 151351424 192072 143346948 1% /local /dev/sda1 101086 12632 83235 14% /boot tmpfs 2019256 1135852 883404 57% /dev/shm domo:PUBLIC 4799457152 1901103872 2898353280 40% /domo /dev/asm/docsvol1-300 33554432 197668 33356764 1% /documents1 /dev/asm/docsvol2-300 33554432 197668 33356764 1% /documents2 /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 26214400 183108 26031292 1% /documents3 [root@racnode2 ~]# df -k Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 145344992 13803084 124039676 11% / /dev/sdb1 151351424 192072 143346948 1% /local /dev/sda1 101086 12632 83235 14% /boot tmpfs 2019256 1135852 883404 57% /dev/shm domo:Public 4799457152 1901103872 2898353280 40% /domo /dev/asm/docsvol1-300 33554432 197668 33356764 1% /documents1 /dev/asm/docsvol2-300 33554432 197668 33356764 1% /documents2 /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 26214400 183108 26031292 1% /documents3 Useful ACFS Commands Useful ACFS Commands This section contains several useful commands that can be used to administer Oracle ACFS. Note that many of the commands described in this section have already been discussed throughout this guide.
ASM Volume Driver

Load the Oracle ASM volume driver:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/acfsload start -s Unload the Oracle ASM volume driver:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/acfsload stop

Check if Oracle ASM volume driver is loaded:

[root@racnode1 ~]# lsmod | grep oracle oracleacfs 877320 4 oracleadvm 221760 8 oracleoks 276880 2 oracleacfs,oracleadvm oracleasm 84136 1
ASM Volume Management

Create new Oracle ASM volume using ASMCMD:

[grid@racnode1 ~]$ asmcmd volcreate -G docsdg1 -s 20G --redundancy unprotected docsvol3 Resize Oracle ACFS file system (add 5GB):

[root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/acfsutil size +5G /documents3 acfsutil size: new file system size: 26843545600 (25600MB) Delete Oracle ASM volume using ASMCMD:

[grid@racnode1 ~]$ asmcmd voldelete -G docsdg1 docsvol3

Disk Group / File System / Volume Information

Get detailed Oracle ASM disk group information:

[grid@racnode1 ~]$ asmcmd lsdg Format an Oracle ASM cluster file system:

[grid@racnode1 ~]$ /sbin/mkfs -t acfs -b 4k /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 -n "DOCSVOL3" mkfs.acfs: version = mkfs.acfs: on-disk version = 39.0 mkfs.acfs: volume = /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 mkfs.acfs: volume size = 21474836480 mkfs.acfs: Format complete. Get detailed file system information:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/acfsutil info fs /documents1 ACFS Version: flags: MountPoint,Available mount time: Fri Nov 26 18:38:48 2010 volumes: 1 total size: 34359738368 total free: 34157326336 primary volume: /dev/asm/docsvol1-300 label: flags: Primary,Available,ADVM on-disk version: 39.0 allocation unit: 4096 major, minor: 252, 153601 size: 34359738368 free: 34157326336 ADVM diskgroup DOCSDG1 ADVM resize increment: 268435456 ADVM redundancy: unprotected ADVM stripe columns: 4 ADVM stripe width: 131072 number of snapshots: 0 snapshot space usage: 0 /documents2 ACFS Version: flags: MountPoint,Available mount time: Fri Nov 26 18:38:48 2010 volumes: 1 total size: 34359738368 total free: 34157326336 primary volume: /dev/asm/docsvol2-300 label: flags: Primary,Available,ADVM on-disk version: 39.0 allocation unit: 4096 major, minor: 252, 153602 size: 34359738368 free: 34157326336 ADVM diskgroup DOCSDG1 ADVM resize increment: 268435456 ADVM redundancy: unprotected ADVM stripe columns: 4 ADVM stripe width: 131072 number of snapshots: 0 snapshot space usage: 0 /documents3 ACFS Version: flags: MountPoint,Available mount time: Fri Nov 26 18:38:48 2010 volumes: 1 total size: 26843545600 total free: 26656043008 primary volume: /dev/asm/docsvol3-300

label: flags: on-disk version: allocation unit: major, minor: size: free: ADVM diskgroup ADVM resize increment: ADVM redundancy: ADVM stripe columns: ADVM stripe width: number of snapshots: 0 snapshot space usage: 0 Get ASM volume information:

DOCSVOL3 Primary,Available,ADVM 39.0 4096 252, 153603 26843545600 26656043008 DOCSDG1 268435456 unprotected 4 131072

[grid@racnode1 ~]$ asmcmd volinfo -a Diskgroup Name: DOCSDG1 Volume Name: DOCSVOL1 Volume Device: /dev/asm/docsvol1-300 State: ENABLED Size (MB): 32768 Resize Unit (MB): 256 Redundancy: UNPROT Stripe Columns: 4 Stripe Width (K): 128 Usage: ACFS Mountpath: /documents1 Volume Name: DOCSVOL2 Volume Device: /dev/asm/docsvol2-300 State: ENABLED Size (MB): 32768 Resize Unit (MB): 256 Redundancy: UNPROT Stripe Columns: 4 Stripe Width (K): 128 Usage: ACFS Mountpath: /documents2 Volume Name: DOCSVOL3 Volume Device: /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 State: ENABLED Size (MB): 25600 Resize Unit (MB): 256 Redundancy: UNPROT Stripe Columns: 4 Stripe Width (K): 128 Usage: ACFS Mountpath: /documents3

Get volume status using ASMCMD command:

[grid@racnode1 ~]$ asmcmd volstat DISKGROUP NUMBER / NAME: 2 / DOCSDG1 --------------------------------------VOLUME_NAME READS BYTES_READ READ_TIME READ_ERRS WRITES BYTES_WRITTEN WRITE_TIME WRITE_ERRS ------------------------------------------------------------DOCSVOL1 517 408576 1618 0 17007 69280768 63456 0 DOCSVOL2 512 406016 2547 0 17007 69280768 66147 0 DOCSVOL3 13961 54525952 172007 0 10956 54410240 41749 0 Enable a volume using the ASMCMD command:

[grid@racnode1 ~]$ asmcmd volenable -G docsdg1 docsvol3 Disable a volume using the ASMCMD command:

[root@racnode1 ~]# umount /documents3 [root@racnode2 ~]# umount /documents3 [grid@racnode1 ~]$ asmcmd voldisable -G docsdg1 docsvol3
Mount Commands

Mount single Oracle ACFS volume on the local node:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /bin/mount -t acfs /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 /documents3 Unmount single Oracle ACFS volume on the local node:

[root@racnode1 ~]# umount /documents3 Mount all Oracle ACFS volumes on the local node using the metadata found in the Oracle ACFS mount registry:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/mount.acfs -o all Unmount all Oracle ACFS volumes on the local node using the metadata found in the Oracle ACFS mount registry:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /bin/umount -t acfs -a

Oracle ACFS Mount Registry

Register new mount point in the Oracle ACFS mount registry:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/acfsutil registry -f -a /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 /documents3 acfsutil registry: mount point /documents3 successfully added to Oracle Registry Query the Oracle ACFS mount registry:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/acfsutil registry Mount Object: Device: /dev/asm/docsvol1-300 Mount Point: /documents1 Disk Group: DOCSDG1 Volume: DOCSVOL1 Options: none Nodes: all Mount Object: Device: /dev/asm/docsvol2-300 Mount Point: /documents2 Disk Group: DOCSDG1 Volume: DOCSVOL2 Options: none Nodes: all Mount Object: Device: /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 Mount Point: /documents3 Disk Group: DOCSDG1 Volume: DOCSVOL3 Options: none Nodes: all Unregister volume and mount point from the Oracle ACFS mount registry:

[root@racnode1 ~]# acfsutil registry -d /documents3 acfsutil registry: successfully removed ACFS mount point /documents3 from Oracle Registr

Oracle ACFS Snapshots

Use the 'acfsutil snap create' command to create an Oracle ACFS snapshot named snap1 for an Oracle ACFS mounted on /documents3:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/acfsutil snap create snap1 /documents3 acfsutil snap create: Snapshot operation is complete. Use the 'acfsutil snap delete' command to delete an existing Oracle ACFS snapshot:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/acfsutil snap delete snap1 /documents3 acfsutil snap delete: Snapshot operation is complete.
Oracle ASM / ACFS Dynamic Views

This section contains information about using dynamic views to display Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM), Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS), and Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (Oracle ADVM) information. These views are accessible from the Oracle ASM instance. Use fsck to Check and Repair the Cluster File System Use the regular Linux fsck command to check and repair the Oracle ACFS. This only needs to be performed from one of the Oracle RAC nodes:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/fsck -t acfs /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 fsck 1.39 (29-May-2006) fsck.acfs: version = fsck.acfs: ACFS-00511: /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 is mounted on at least one node of the clus fsck.acfs: ACFS-07656: Unable to continue The fsck operating cannot be performed while the file system is online. Unmount the cluster file system from all Oracle RAC nodes:

[root@racnode1 ~]# umount /documents3 [root@racnode2 ~]# umount /documents3 Now check the cluster file system with the file system unmounted:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /sbin/fsck -t acfs /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 fsck 1.39 (29-May-2006) fsck.acfs: version =

Oracle ASM Cluster File System (ACFS) On-Disk Structure Version: 39.0 ***************************** ********** Pass 1: ********** ***************************** The ACFS volume was created at Fri Nov 26 17:20:27 2010 Checking primary file system... Files checked in primary file system: 100%

Checking if any files are orphaned... 0 orphans found fsck.acfs: Checker completed with no errors. Remount the cluster file system on all Oracle RAC nodes:

[root@racnode1 ~]# /bin/mount -t acfs /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 /documents3 [root@racnode2 ~]# /bin/mount -t acfs /dev/asm/docsvol3-300 /documents3 Drop ACFS / ASM Volume Unmount the cluster file system from all Oracle RAC nodes:

[root@racnode1 ~]# umount /documents3 [root@racnode2 ~]# umount /documents3 Log in to the ASM instance and drop the ASM dynamic volume from one of the Oracle RAC nodes:

[grid@racnode1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysasm SQL> ALTER DISKGROUP docsdg1 DROP VOLUME docsvol3; Diskgroup altered. The same task can be accomplished using the ASMCMD command-line utility: [grid@racnode1 ~]$ asmcmd voldelete -G docsdg1 docsvol3 Unregister the volume and mount point from the Oracle ACFS mount registry from one of the Oracle RAC nodes:

[root@racnode1 ~]# acfsutil registry -d /documents3 acfsutil registry: successfully removed ACFS mount point /documents3 from Oracle Registr Finally, remove the mount point directory from all Oracle RAC nodes (if necessary):

[root@racnode1 ~]# rmdir /documents3 [root@racnode2 ~]# rmdir /documents3

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