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For Next Loop

A For Next loop is used to repeatedly execute a sequence of code or a block of code until a
given condition is satisfied. A For loop is useful in such a case when we know how many times
a block of code has to be executed. In VB.NET, the For loop is also known as For Next Loop.


1. For variable_name As [ DataType] = start To end [ Step step]

2. [ Statements to be executed]
3. Next

Let's understand the For Next loop in detail.

o For: It is the keyword that is present at the beginning of the definition.

o variable_name: It is a variable name, which is required in the For loop Statement. The
value of the variable determines when to exit from the For-Next loop, and the value
should only be a numeric.
o [Data Type]: It represents the Data Type of the variable_name.
o start To end: The start and end are the two important parameters representing the
initial and final values of the variable_name. These parameters are helpful while the
execution begins, the initial value of the variable is set by the start. Before the
completion of each repetition, the variable's current value is compared with the end
value. And if the value of the variable is less than the end value, the execution
continues until the variable's current value is greater than the end value. And if the
value is exceeded, the loop is terminated.
o Step: A step parameter is used to determine by which the counter value of a variable
is increased or decreased after each iteration in a program. If the counter value is not
specified; It uses 1 as the default value.
o Statements: A statement can be a single statement or group of statements that
execute during the completion of each iteration in a loop.
o Next: In VB.NET a Next is a keyword that represents the end of the For loop's

Flowchart of For Next loop

The following flowchart represents the functioning of the For Next loop in the VB.NET
programming language.
In the above flow chart, the first step is to initialize the variable name with the start value.
And then, the value of the variable will be compared to the end expression or value. If the
condition is true, the control enters the loop body and executes the statements. After that,
the value of a variable will be automatically incremented by the compiler.
Upon completion of each iteration, the current value of a variable will be again compared to
the end expression. If the condition is not true, the controlled exit from the loop.
Example 1. Write a simple program to print the number from 1 to 10 using the For Next loop.

Program Name : Number.vb

1. Imports System
2. Module Number
3. Sub Main()
4. ' It is a simple print statement, and 'vbCrLf' is used to jump in the next line.
5. Console.Write(" The number starts from 1 to 10 " & vbCrLf)
6. ' declare and initialize variable i
7. For i As Integer = 1 To 10 Step 1
8. ' if the condition is true, the following statement will be executed
9. Console.WriteLine(" Number is {0} ", i)
10. ' after completion of each iteration, next will update the variable counter
11. Next
12. Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit... ")
13. Console.ReadKey()
14. End Sub
15. End Module


In the above example, we have initialized an integer variable i with an initial value 1. The For
loop will continuously execute its body until the value of i is smaller or equal to 10. After each
iteration, the value of i is automatically increased with 'Step 1'. If the value of i reached 10,
the loop would be terminated and control transfer to the Main() function.

Further, we can change the Step in For Next loop. Write the following program to skip the
number is 2.

1. Imports System
2. Module Number
3. Sub Main()
4. ' declaration of variable i
5. Dim i As Integer
6. Console.Write(" Skip one number at the completion of each iteration in between 1 to 1
0 " & vbCrLf)
7. ' initialize i to 1 and declare Step to 2 for skipping a number
8. For i = 1 To 10 Step 2
9. ' if condition is true, it skips one number
10. Console.WriteLine(" Number is {0} ", i)
11. ' after completion of each iteration, next will update the variable counter to step 2
12. Next
13. Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit... ")
14. Console.ReadKey()
15. End Sub
16. End Module


As we can see in the above output, the value of the variable i is initialized with 1, and the
value of i is skipped by 'Step 2' in the loop for each iteration to print the skipped number
from 1 to 10.
Example 2: Write a simple program to print a table in the VB.NET.


1. Imports System
2. Module Table
3. Sub Main()
4. 'declaration of i and num variable
5. Dim i, num As Integer
6. Console.WriteLine(" Enter any number to print the table")
7. num = Console.ReadLine() ' accept a number from the user
8. Console.WriteLine(" Table of " & num)
9. 'define for loop condition, it automatically initialize step to 1
10. For i = 1 To 10
11. Console.WriteLine(num & " * " & i & " = " & i * num)
12. Next
13. Console.ReadKey()
14. End Sub
15. End Module

VB.NET While End Loop

The While End loop is used to execute blocks of code or statements in a program, as long as
the given condition is true. It is useful when the number of executions of a block is not known.
It is also known as an entry-controlled loop statement, which means it initially checks all loop
conditions. If the condition is true, the body of the while loop is executed. This process of
repeated execution of the body continues until the condition is not false. And if the condition
is false, control is transferred out of the loop.


1. While [condition]
2. [ Statement to be executed ]
3. End While

Here, condition represents any Boolean condition, and if the logical condition is true,
the single or block of statements define inside the body of the while loop is executed.

Flow Diagram of the While End Loop in VB.NET

As we know, the While End loop is an entry-controlled loop used to determine if the
condition is true, the statements defined in the body of the loop are executed, and the
execution process continues till the condition is satisfied. Furthermore, after each iteration,
the value of the counter variable is incremented. It again checks whether the defined
condition is true; And if the condition is again true, the body of the While loop is executed.
And when the condition is not true, the control transferred to the end of the loop.

Example: Write a simple program to print the number from 1 to 10 using while End loop
in VB.NET.


1. Imports System
2. Module while_number
3. Sub Main()
4. 'declare x as an integer variable
5. Dim x As Integer
6. x=1
7. ' Use While End condition
8. While x <= 10
9. 'If the condition is true, the statement will be executed.
10. Console.WriteLine(" Number {0}", x)
11. x = x + 1 ' Statement that change the value of the condition
12. End While
13. Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit...")
14. Console.ReadKey()
15. End Sub
16. End Module


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In the above example, while loop executes its body or statement up to the defined state (i <=
10). And when the value of the variable i is 11, the defined condition will be false; the loop
will be terminated.

Example 2: Write a program to print the sum of digits of any number using while End loop in


1. Public Class Total_Sum ' Create a Class Total_sum

2. Shared Sub Main()
3. 'Declare an Integer variable
4. Dim n, remainder, sum As Integer
5. sum = 0
7. Console.WriteLine(" Enter the number :")
8. n = Console.ReadLine() ' Accept a number from the user
10. ' Use While loop and write given below condition
11. While (n > 0)
12. remainder = n Mod 10
13. sum += remainder
14. n = n / 10
15. End While
16. Console.WriteLine(" Sum of digit is :{0}", sum)
17. Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit...")
18. Console.ReadKey()
19. End Sub
20. End Class

Do While Loop

In VB.NET, Do While loop is used to execute blocks of statements in the program, as long as
the condition remains true. It is similar to the While End Loop, but there is slight difference
between them. The while loop initially checks the defined condition, if the condition
becomes true, the while loop's statement is executed. Whereas in the Do loop, is opposite of
the while loop, it means that it executes the Do statements, and then it checks the condition.


1. Do
2. [ Statements to be executed]
3. Loop While Boolean_expression
4. // or
5. Do
6. [Statement to be executed]
7. Loop Until Boolean_expression

In the above syntax, the Do keyword followed a block of statements, and While keyword
checks Boolean_expression after the execution of the first Do statement.

Flowchart of Do loop
The above flow chart represents the flow of Do While loop. It is used to control the flow of
statements, such that it executes the statement at least once before checking the While or
Until condition. If the condition is true, the next iteration will be executed till the condition
become false.
Example 1. Write a simple program to print a number from 1 to 10 using the Do While loop
in VB.NET.


1. Imports System
2. Module Do_loop
3. Sub Main()
4. ' Initializatio and Declaration of variable i
5. Dim i As Integer = 1
6. Do
7. ' Executes the following Statement
8. Console.WriteLine(" Value of variable I is : {0}", i)
9. i = i + 1 'Increment the variable i by 1
10. Loop While i <= 10 ' Define the While Condition
12. Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit...")
13. Console.ReadKey()
14. End Sub
15. End Module

Now compile and execute the above program by clicking on the Start button, it shows the
following output:

In the above program, the Do While loop executes the body until the given condition
becomes false. When the condition becomes false the loop will be terminated.

Use of Until in Do Until Loop statement

In the VB.NET loop, there is a Do Until loop statement, which is similar to the Do While
loop. The Do Statement executes as long as Until condition becomes true.
Example: Write a program to understand the uses of Do Until Loop in VB.NET.

1. Imports System
2. Module Do_loop
3. Sub Main()
4. ' Initialization and Declaration of variable i
5. Dim i As Integer = 1
6. Do
7. ' Executes the following Statement
8. Console.WriteLine(" Value of variable i is : {0}", i)
9. i = i + 1 'Increment variable i by 1
10. Loop Until i = 10 ' Define the Until Condition
12. Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit...")
13. Console.ReadKey()
14. End Sub
15. End Module


In the above program, a Do Until loop is executed their statement until the given
condition Until (i =10) is not meet. When the counter value of the variable i becomes 10, the
defined statement will be false, and the loop will be terminated.
Nested Do While Loop Statement

In VB.NET, when we use one Do While loop inside the body of another Do While loop, it is
called Nested Do While loop.


1. Do
2. // Statement of the outer loop
3. Do
4. // Statement of outer loop
5. While (condition -2)
6. // Statement of outer loop
7. While (condition -1)

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