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Art of Leadership 5th Edition Manning Test Bank

Art of Leadership 5th Edition Manning Test Bank

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Part 5 Leadership Principles Chapters 10 and 11

Multiple Choice Questions

1. _________ said, "Criticism should not be querulous and wasting, all knife and root puller; but
guiding, instructive and inspiring—a south wind, not an east wind."

A. Washington
B. Longfellow
C. Mark Twain
D. Benjamin Franklin
E. Ralph Waldo Emerson

2. _________ said, "The buck stops here," and, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the

A. Theodore Roosevelt
B. Emeril Lagasse
C. Abraham Lincoln
D. Harry Truman
E. None of these

3. Harry Truman said, "I want people around me who will tell me _________ as they see it. You
can't operate if you have people around you who put you on a pedestal and tell you everything
you do is _________. Because that can't be possible."

A. The answers; fraud

B. Jokes; funny
C. Stories; great
D. Lies; wrong
E. The truth; right

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4. _________ said, "Very few men are wise by their own counsel; or learned by their own
teaching. For him that was only taught by himself has a fool to be his teacher."

A. Ben Johnson
B. Voltaire
C. John Stuart Mill
D. Tecumseh
E. Henry David Thoreau

5. _________ states, "Good leaders know how to tell; great leaders know how to ask."

A. Robert E. Lee
B. Henry Ford
C. Peter Drucker
D. Paul Bear Bryant
E. Aristotle

6. _________ said, "You can't just lead by numbers. We've always believed that business should
be enjoyable as well."

A. Robert McNamara
B. Herb Kelleher
C. Andrew Carnegie
D. Thomas Watson
E. John D. Rockefeller

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7. Douglas McGregor married the ideas of _________ and _________ to identify leadership
strategies for creating enlightened workplaces.

A. Socrates; Aristotle
B. Kant; Hegel
C. Smith; Marx
D. Deming; Covey
E. Lewin; Maslow

8. Douglas McGregor believed that human _________ is innate, but that it can be thwarted by a
_________ environment, and that one's full potential can best be achieved in a _________
climate characterized by ________, ________, ______.

A. Behavior; hostile; warm; discussion; strife; and poor relationships

B. Distrust; favorable; negative; trust; respect; and mutual aid
C. Potential; supportive; variable; preparedness; persistence; and patience
D. Goodness; dysfunctional; healthy; trust; respect; and authentic relationships
E. None of these

9. _________ said, "One thing I believe to the fullest is that if you think and achieve as a team,
the individual accolades will take care of themselves. Talent wins games, but teamwork and
intelligence win championships."

A. Y. A. Tittle
B. Michael Jordan
C. Stan Musial
D. Willie Mayes
E. Gordy Howe

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10. If more than ________% of your job is painful, there is a morale problem.

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20

11. If less than ________% of your job is enjoyable, there is a morale problem.

A. 10
B. 20
C. 40
D. 80

12. _________ is the author of The Human Side of Enterprise.

A. Abraham Maslow
B. Douglas McGregor
C. Kurt Lewin
D. Ken Blanchard

13. _________ was a Russian writer who said, "All families resemble one another, and every
unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

A. V.I. Lenin
B. Isaac Asimov
C. Leo Tolstoy
D. Boris Yeltsin

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14. The experience of _________ as described by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is caused by _________.

A. Happiness; money and power

B. Security; work benefits and job seniority
C. Flow; the confluence of challenge and skill
D. Success; social status and material wealth
E. Depression; loss of purpose in life

15. Stage ________, in the life of a group, is characterized by conflict and resistance to the group's
task and structure.

A. I (forming)
B. II (storming)
C. III (norming)
D. IV (performing)

16. In ________, member behavior is characterized by a shift from detachment to involvement.

A. Forming (stage I)
B. Storming (stage II)
C. Norming (stage III)
D. Performing (stage IV)

17. _________ wrote, "Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee," the meaning
being ______.

A. William James; duty calls

B. Elizabeth Browning; man is mortal
C. John Donne; no man is an island
D. Pope John; go to church
E. None of these

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18. Without _________ and ________, human relationships break down.

A. Intimidation; compliance
B. Give; take
C. Trust; respect
D. Affection; approval

19. The quality of human relations in any workplace reflects the _________ and particularly the
_________ views on __________.

A. Customers'; suppliers'; value of goodwill

B. Owners'; employees'; value of money
C. Leaders'; senior leaders'; value of technology
D. Members'; leaders'; value of humanity
E. None of these

20. The _________ style of problem solving involves observing, recording facts, and identifying

A. Darwin
B. Einstein
C. Socrates
D. Ford

21. The _________ style of problem solving focuses on deeds and actions more than
contemplation and theory.

A. Darwin
B. Einstein
C. Socrates
D. Ford

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22. _________ is required when people with different styles of problem solving live or work

A. Understanding
B. Appreciation
C. Tolerance
D. All of these

23. Leadership tips for a high morale workplace include:

A. Be enthusiastic
B. Set the example
C. Keep promises
D. Always be fair
E. All of these

24. How to keep morale high in the leadership ranks includes:

A. Create a one-team attitude

B. Cut red-tape and reduce paper-work
C. Recognize jobs well done
D. Pay sufficient wages based on merit
E. All of these

25. Warren Bennis identifies four principles of effective leadership. These include all but one of
the following:

A. Be yourself
B. Hire good people
C. Treat people the way you want to be treated
D. Focus on critical objectives
E. Only spend time on people who can help you

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26. Recognition techniques that build morale include all but one of the following:

A. Personal thanks
B. Year-end celebration
C. Traveling trophy
D. Money
E. Health insurance

27. Employee training does six important things, including:

A. Builds skills, raises morale

B. Cuts avoidable turnover and absenteeism
C. Raises loyalty, reduces mistakes
D. Increases productivity
E. All of these

28. Fully functioning groups are characterized by:

A. Clear mission, informal atmosphere, lots of discussion

B. Active listening, trust/openness, disagreement is okay
C. Criticism is issue-oriented, never personal
D. Effective leadership, shared values
E. All of these

29. Positive group member roles include:

A. Encourager, clarifier, harmonizer

B. Idea generator, ignition key, standard setter
C. Detail specialist
D. All of these
E. None of these

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30. Group member roles that reduce group success are:

A. Ego tripper, negative artist

B. Above it all, aggressor
C. Jokester, avoider
D. All of these
E. None of these

31. Time tested practices for developing successful teams are:

A. Show enthusiasm, make timely decisions, practice innovation

B. Admit mistakes, be flexible, have persistence
C. Give credit to others, keep people informed, keep promises
D. Put others first and self last
E. All of these

32. Characteristics of a high performance team include:

A. A clear, elevating goal

B. Competent team members
C. A collaborative climate
D. Principled leadership
E. All of these

33. Organizations must effectively manage five team processes for the team concept to work:

A. Buy in, accountability, learning, infrastructure, partnering

B. Assembly, identification, organization, implementation, disbursement
C. Conflict, collaboration, motivation, understanding, achievement
D. Fact-finding, theorizing, executing, consolidating, learning
E. All of these

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34. A leader can create a high performance team by:

A. Showing enthusiasm for the work of the group

B. Making timely decisions based on group goals
C. Keeping people informed about progress
D. Putting others first and self last
E. All of these

35. Rewarding employees for team effort and results is a demonstration of:

A. A true boss
B. A leader as team builder
C. A model employee
D. Corporate tax break

36. Effective leaders understand that gaining the respect and loyalty of people depends on

A. Mistakes and uncertainties

B. Strict authority
C. Job knowledge and technical skill
D. Favoritism

37. Which of the following is not a positive role someone would play in building a community?

A. Detail specialist
B. Above it all
C. Encourager
D. Harmonizer

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38. The leader as team builder does all of the following except:

A. Shows enthusiasm
B. Admits mistakes and uncertainties
C. Puts others first
D. Takes credit for work done by others

39. All of the following are important questions to ask during team building exercises except:

A. Who are we to blame?

B. What should be our goals?
C. What is our purpose?
D. How should we work together to fulfill our potential?

40. Research shows that success is enhanced if an organization understands and effectively
manages which of the following team processes?

A. Buy in
B. Accountability
C. Learning
D. Infrastructure
E. All of these

41. Which of the following best describes the leadership characteristics of legendary coaches
Alonzo Stagg, Knute Rockne, Joe Paterno, Eddie Robinson, and Paul Bear Bryant?

A. Each coach achieved success by intimidation tactics and by threatening players with poor
B. Each coach had different styles but followed universal principles of leadership that brought
out the best performance in their players.
C. Each coach was only passively involved in his team's performance and each achieved
success by delegating authority to his assistants.
D. None of these.

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42. Proven policies and techniques that have positive effects on employee morale include all of
the following except:

A. Introduce a group bonus plan

B. Increase the amount and types of group interaction
C. Assign whole tasks, including preparatory and finishing work
D. Eliminate rewards based on job classification
E. Reduce the number of hierarchical levels
F. Allow workers to determine their own work methods

43. Dimensions of flow include all of the following except:

A. A clear and present purpose distinctly known

B. Immediate feedback on how well one is doing
C. Supreme concentration on the task at hand
D. A sense of growth and being part of some greater endeavor
E. Honor and recognition for work performed

44. Intrinsic factors that are necessary for a satisfying job include all but one of the following:

A. Variety and challenge

B. Opportunity for decision-making
C. Feedback and learning
D. Wholeness and meaning
E. Job security

45. Extrinsic factors that are important for work satisfaction include all but one of the following:

A. Fair and adequate pay

B. Opportunity and decision-making
C. Job security
D. Benefits
E. Due process

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46. The term groupthink was coined by:

A. Carl Jung
B. Harry Levinson
C. Fran Tarkenton
D. William H. Whyte

47. The engineers that approved the launching of the Challenger fell victim to which symptom of

A. Illusion of invulnerability
B. Rationalization
C. Mindguards
D. All of these

48. Factors that can lead to groupthink include:

A. Pressure to conform to the majority view

B. Group cohesiveness
C. Isolation
D. Stress
E. All of these

49. Techniques that can be employed to reduce groupthink include:

A. Assign the role of critical evaluator to each group member

B. Leader should adopt an impartial, non-directive stance
C. Include review by uninvolved but knowledgeable outside evaluators
D. After decision is reached, conduct a second-chance discussion to express residual doubts
and rethink issues before making final decision
E. All of these

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50. The Hawthorne studies:

A. Promoted massive industrialization

B. Exploited workers of the 1920s
C. Included reading The Scarlet Letter
D. Analyzed working conditions and work relationships

51. When people come together to accomplish something, certain questions are on their minds.
These include:

A. What is expected of us?

B. How will we work together?
C. What constitutes great performance?
D. How will we be rewarded?
E. All of these

52. Tom Peters writes that all business decisions hinge ultimately on _________; and all business
dealings are ________ dealings in the end.

A. money; financial
B. facts; rational
C. power; political
D. relationships; personal

53. The best human relations policy is for men and women to treat one another with ______, and
the conduct of the ________ is critical in this process.

A. suspicion; man
B. distrust; woman
C. respect; leader
D. None of these

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54. All but one of the following are principles of effective listening that apply in all human

A. capitalize on thought speed

B. listen for ideas
C. reduce emotional deaf spots
D. find an area of interest
E. judge content, not delivery
F. hold your fire
G. work at listening
H. resist distractions
I. hear what is said
J. think before you speak
K. challenge yourself

55. In the face of virtuality of work relationships brought on by advances in information

technology, the effective leader will follow two principles.

A. refuse to participate in e-mail communication; continue to use traditional means of spoken

and written communication.
B. phase out traditional communication methods - fact-to-face, telephone, letters, meetings;
phase in electronic communication whenever and wherever possible.
C. maintain high standards of written and spoken communication; take advantage of the
speed, convenience and cost of electronic communication while maintaining as much face
time as possible.
D. None of these

56. Peter Drucker believed all of the following statements except one:

A. Effective leadership can be learned

B. Trust is the glue that binds leaders and followers
C. Leadership is not rank, it is responsibility
D. Leadership style is important

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57. Meta analysis shows a ______ relationship between employee morale and ______.

A. Positive; profit, turnover, diversity, growth

B. Negative; retention, performance, communication, teamwork
C. Negative; size, market share, efficiency, innovation
D. Positive; organizational commitment, job performance, organizational citizenship, and

58. ______ percent of what is communicated is with words; ______ by sound (or tone); ______ is by
body language.

A. 33; 33; 33
B. 7; 38; 55
C. 40; 40; 20
D. None of these

59. Two potential problems that can reduce work team effectiveness are ______ and ______.

A. Social loafing; groupthink

B. Time; seniority
C. Inexperience; positive reinforcement
D. Risk; rewards

60. ______ said: "Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."

A. Henry Ford
B. Kurt Lewin
C. Irving Janis
D. Andrew Carnegie

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61. James Collins states teams on the rise address the truth, use evidence-based problem solving,
emphasize two-way communication, have a one-team attitude, show mutual respect, are
cause-focused, and are:

A. talented
B. experienced
C. learning-centered
D. None of these

62. Peter Drucker identifies responsibilities of leaders to be all but one of the following:

A. Focus on opportunities rather than problems

B. Listen first, speak last
C. Take responsibility for decisions
D. Think and say "we" rather than "I"
E. Know the rules of the game

63. According to Brad Bird, director of Ratatouille:

A. "Morale and performance are correlated negatively."

B. "Morale is the responsibility of the individual worker."
C. "If you have low morale, for every dollar you spend, you get 25 cents of value. If you have
high morale, for every dollar you spend, you get 3 dollars of value, not to mention a
beautiful product."
D. "Morale is the responsibility of management."
E. None of these

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64. Wendy Leebov identifies twelve principles for obtaining good human relations, including all
but one of the following:

A. Respect differences
B. Listen to understand
C. Admit mistakes
D. Think positive
E. Use absolute statements

65. In How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie prescribed all but one of the
following principles:

A. Show interest in others

B. Don't be a complainer
C. Study psychology
D. Remember peoples' names
E. Help people feel important

66. Psychologist Kurt Lewin developed _______ as a tool to better understand organizational

A. Force Field Analysis

B. Brainstorming
C. Blue Sky Thinking
D. Appreciative inquiry
E. Program review technique

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67. In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, _______ identifies five dysfunctions that are lethal for
team success, including all but one of the following:

A. Avoidance of accountability
B. Inattention to results
C. Lack of commitment
D. Absence of trust
E. Failure to accommodate

68. Abraham Lincoln used _______ to stay in touch with the people.

A. Newspaper editorials
B. The telegraph
C. Hearsay and rumor
D. Theater and plays
E. Public opinion baths

69. Research shows _______ of all employees feel management isn't listening to them.

A. One-forth
B. Two-thirds
C. Ninety percent
D. One-third
E. Fifty percent

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70. The following business leader said, "There's a temptation in our net worked age to think ideas
can be developed by e-mail and ichat. That's crazy. Creativity comes from spontaneous
meetings, from random discussions. You run into someone, you ask what they're doing, you
say 'wow', and soon you are cooking up all sorts of ideas."

A. Alan Mulally
B. Ann Fudge
C. Indra Nooyi
D. Steve Jobs
E. Herb Kelleher

71. _______ is a good term used to describe positive and helpful employee behavior; and ________
is a term used to describe negative and harmful employee behavior.

A. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB); counter productive work behavior (CWB)

B. Low maintenance behavior (LMB); high yield behavior (HYB)
C. Never a problem behavior (NPB); always a problem behavior (APB)
D. Call on me behavior (CMB); not my job behavior (NJB)
E. None of these

72. The ________ rule for team size means ________.

A. Critical mass; size is important

B. Less is more; power comes from a few
C. Democratic; the leader chooses the participants
D. 3 meetings; any problem can be solved with 3 meetings
E. Two pizzas; if a team can't be fed by 2 pizzas, it is too big

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73. A team should be:

A. Large enough to provide competencies and perspectives, and small enough to maintain
involvement and coordination
B. Used in all problem solving and decision making
C. The method of last resort for making important decisions
D. Formed when a speedy decision is needed
E. None of these

74. Effective group rules or norms of behavior include all but one of the following:

A. Start and stop meetings on time

B. One person talks at a time
C. Every idea is given a hearing
D. Honesty is the best policy
E. Vote early, vote often

True / False Questions

75. In "The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs," Walter Isaacson identified: 1) the package is
important; 2) use good wood, even if it doesn't show; and 3) stay hungry, stay foolish.

True False

76. For most employees, high morale is a predictor of creativity, problem solving, task persistence,
co-worker support, and organizational commitment.

True False

77. Nothing demonstrates respect more than a pay raise and new title.

True False

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78. The four key areas that impact work morale are: the job itself, the work group, management
practices, and economic rewards.

True False

79. Executive coach Marshall Goldsmith identifies the importance of listening as a sign of respect
and as a leadership skill.

True False

80. The need for cross-cultural and virtual teams has been caused by globalization and the
changing nature of work.

True False

81. Leaders of teams should evaluate performance case by case, versus requiring a distribution of
ranking regardless of the quality of performance of each group member.

True False

82. Harry Levinson has identified origins of negative behavior including feelings of insecurity,
need for attention, vulnerable self-image, and eagerness for perfection.

True False

83. The Marine Corps principle of three states most people can efficiently handle 3 key

True False

84. Treating people as ends rather than means is an anti-humanistic view.

True False

85. Customer service and employee satisfaction are positively correlated.

True False

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86. Peter Drucker states: The best leaders focus on deficiencies in personal and employee

True False

87. Research shows managers with Theory X assumptions are better than those with Theory Y
assumptions at accomplishing organizational objectives and tapping the potential of

True False

88. An emphasis on high performance teams is cited as a success factory by both Google and

True False

89. Appreciative Inquiry is a marketing technique used to increase sales.

True False

Matching Questions

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90. Match the items below with their descriptions:

1. encourager, clarifier, harmonizer, analysis of working

idea generator, ignition key, conditions and work
standard setter, detail specialist relationships ____
Douglas McGregor's
2. respect contribution ____
3. forming, storming, norming, morale building
performing leadership actions ____
4. variety and challenge,
opportunity for decision-making,
feedback and learning, mutual
support and respect, wholeness Einstein, Darwin,
and meaning, room to grow Socrates, Ford ____
role model for raising
morale and achieving
5. trust business success ____
positive group member
6. Hawthorne Studies roles ____
how organizations can
7. The Human Side of Enterprise raise morale ____
a key element of a good
8. Herb Kelleher relationship ____
9. introduce a group bonus, allow
job autonomy, provide training,
assign whole tasks, gain direct
feedback from users, increase stages in the life of a
group interaction group ____
Warren Bennis' advice to
10. tolerance of differences leaders ____
11. be yourself, hire good people,
treat people fairly, focus on key
objectives, listen well, call the play, satisfying psychological
cheer them on state ____
a key element of a good
12. problem solving styles relationship ____
13. "flow" characteristics of a rich ____

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14. be enthusiastic, set the
example, show support, keep pitfalls in group decision-
promises making ____
15. illusion of invulnerability, important when people
stereotypes of outgroups, self- with different styles of
censorship, direct pressure, illusion problem solving live or work
of unanimity together ____

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Part 5 Leadership Principles Chapters 10 and 11 Answer Key

Multiple Choice Questions

1. _________ said, "Criticism should not be querulous and wasting, all knife and root puller;
but guiding, instructive and inspiring—a south wind, not an east wind."

A. Washington
B. Longfellow
C. Mark Twain
D. Benjamin Franklin
E. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Level: 2 Medium

2. _________ said, "The buck stops here," and, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the

A. Theodore Roosevelt
B. Emeril Lagasse
C. Abraham Lincoln
D. Harry Truman
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
3. Harry Truman said, "I want people around me who will tell me _________ as they see it. You
can't operate if you have people around you who put you on a pedestal and tell you
everything you do is _________. Because that can't be possible."

A. The answers; fraud

B. Jokes; funny
C. Stories; great
D. Lies; wrong
E. The truth; right

Level: 2 Medium

4. _________ said, "Very few men are wise by their own counsel; or learned by their own
teaching. For him that was only taught by himself has a fool to be his teacher."

A. Ben Johnson
B. Voltaire
C. John Stuart Mill
D. Tecumseh
E. Henry David Thoreau

Level: 2 Medium

5. _________ states, "Good leaders know how to tell; great leaders know how to ask."

A. Robert E. Lee
B. Henry Ford
C. Peter Drucker
D. Paul Bear Bryant
E. Aristotle

Level: 2 Medium

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6. _________ said, "You can't just lead by numbers. We've always believed that business
should be enjoyable as well."

A. Robert McNamara
B. Herb Kelleher
C. Andrew Carnegie
D. Thomas Watson
E. John D. Rockefeller

Level: 2 Medium

7. Douglas McGregor married the ideas of _________ and _________ to identify leadership
strategies for creating enlightened workplaces.

A. Socrates; Aristotle
B. Kant; Hegel
C. Smith; Marx
D. Deming; Covey
E. Lewin; Maslow

Level: 2 Medium

8. Douglas McGregor believed that human _________ is innate, but that it can be thwarted by
a _________ environment, and that one's full potential can best be achieved in a _________
climate characterized by ________, ________, ______.

A. Behavior; hostile; warm; discussion; strife; and poor relationships

B. Distrust; favorable; negative; trust; respect; and mutual aid
C. Potential; supportive; variable; preparedness; persistence; and patience
D. Goodness; dysfunctional; healthy; trust; respect; and authentic relationships
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
9. _________ said, "One thing I believe to the fullest is that if you think and achieve as a team,
the individual accolades will take care of themselves. Talent wins games, but teamwork
and intelligence win championships."

A. Y. A. Tittle
B. Michael Jordan
C. Stan Musial
D. Willie Mayes
E. Gordy Howe

Level: 2 Medium

10. If more than ________% of your job is painful, there is a morale problem.

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20

Level: 2 Medium

11. If less than ________% of your job is enjoyable, there is a morale problem.

A. 10
B. 20
C. 40
D. 80

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
12. _________ is the author of The Human Side of Enterprise.

A. Abraham Maslow
B. Douglas McGregor
C. Kurt Lewin
D. Ken Blanchard

Level: 2 Medium

13. _________ was a Russian writer who said, "All families resemble one another, and every
unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

A. V.I. Lenin
B. Isaac Asimov
C. Leo Tolstoy
D. Boris Yeltsin

Level: 2 Medium

14. The experience of _________ as described by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is caused by


A. Happiness; money and power

B. Security; work benefits and job seniority
C. Flow; the confluence of challenge and skill
D. Success; social status and material wealth
E. Depression; loss of purpose in life

Level: 2 Medium

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15. Stage ________, in the life of a group, is characterized by conflict and resistance to the
group's task and structure.

A. I (forming)
B. II (storming)
C. III (norming)
D. IV (performing)

Level: 2 Medium

16. In ________, member behavior is characterized by a shift from detachment to involvement.

A. Forming (stage I)
B. Storming (stage II)
C. Norming (stage III)
D. Performing (stage IV)

Level: 2 Medium

17. _________ wrote, "Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee," the meaning
being ______.

A. William James; duty calls

B. Elizabeth Browning; man is mortal
C. John Donne; no man is an island
D. Pope John; go to church
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

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18. Without _________ and ________, human relationships break down.

A. Intimidation; compliance
B. Give; take
C. Trust; respect
D. Affection; approval

Level: 2 Medium

19. The quality of human relations in any workplace reflects the _________ and particularly the
_________ views on __________.

A. Customers'; suppliers'; value of goodwill

B. Owners'; employees'; value of money
C. Leaders'; senior leaders'; value of technology
D. Members'; leaders'; value of humanity
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

20. The _________ style of problem solving involves observing, recording facts, and identifying

A. Darwin
B. Einstein
C. Socrates
D. Ford

Level: 2 Medium

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21. The _________ style of problem solving focuses on deeds and actions more than
contemplation and theory.

A. Darwin
B. Einstein
C. Socrates
D. Ford

Level: 2 Medium

22. _________ is required when people with different styles of problem solving live or work

A. Understanding
B. Appreciation
C. Tolerance
D. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

23. Leadership tips for a high morale workplace include:

A. Be enthusiastic
B. Set the example
C. Keep promises
D. Always be fair
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

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24. How to keep morale high in the leadership ranks includes:

A. Create a one-team attitude

B. Cut red-tape and reduce paper-work
C. Recognize jobs well done
D. Pay sufficient wages based on merit
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

25. Warren Bennis identifies four principles of effective leadership. These include all but one of
the following:

A. Be yourself
B. Hire good people
C. Treat people the way you want to be treated
D. Focus on critical objectives
E. Only spend time on people who can help you

Level: 2 Medium

26. Recognition techniques that build morale include all but one of the following:

A. Personal thanks
B. Year-end celebration
C. Traveling trophy
D. Money
E. Health insurance

Level: 2 Medium

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27. Employee training does six important things, including:

A. Builds skills, raises morale

B. Cuts avoidable turnover and absenteeism
C. Raises loyalty, reduces mistakes
D. Increases productivity
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

28. Fully functioning groups are characterized by:

A. Clear mission, informal atmosphere, lots of discussion

B. Active listening, trust/openness, disagreement is okay
C. Criticism is issue-oriented, never personal
D. Effective leadership, shared values
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

29. Positive group member roles include:

A. Encourager, clarifier, harmonizer

B. Idea generator, ignition key, standard setter
C. Detail specialist
D. All of these
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

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30. Group member roles that reduce group success are:

A. Ego tripper, negative artist

B. Above it all, aggressor
C. Jokester, avoider
D. All of these
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

31. Time tested practices for developing successful teams are:

A. Show enthusiasm, make timely decisions, practice innovation

B. Admit mistakes, be flexible, have persistence
C. Give credit to others, keep people informed, keep promises
D. Put others first and self last
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

32. Characteristics of a high performance team include:

A. A clear, elevating goal

B. Competent team members
C. A collaborative climate
D. Principled leadership
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

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33. Organizations must effectively manage five team processes for the team concept to work:

A. Buy in, accountability, learning, infrastructure, partnering

B. Assembly, identification, organization, implementation, disbursement
C. Conflict, collaboration, motivation, understanding, achievement
D. Fact-finding, theorizing, executing, consolidating, learning
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

34. A leader can create a high performance team by:

A. Showing enthusiasm for the work of the group

B. Making timely decisions based on group goals
C. Keeping people informed about progress
D. Putting others first and self last
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

35. Rewarding employees for team effort and results is a demonstration of:

A. A true boss
B. A leader as team builder
C. A model employee
D. Corporate tax break

Level: 2 Medium

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36. Effective leaders understand that gaining the respect and loyalty of people depends on

A. Mistakes and uncertainties

B. Strict authority
C. Job knowledge and technical skill
D. Favoritism

Level: 2 Medium

37. Which of the following is not a positive role someone would play in building a community?

A. Detail specialist
B. Above it all
C. Encourager
D. Harmonizer

Level: 2 Medium

38. The leader as team builder does all of the following except:

A. Shows enthusiasm
B. Admits mistakes and uncertainties
C. Puts others first
D. Takes credit for work done by others

Level: 2 Medium

39. All of the following are important questions to ask during team building exercises except:

A. Who are we to blame?

B. What should be our goals?
C. What is our purpose?
D. How should we work together to fulfill our potential?

Level: 2 Medium

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40. Research shows that success is enhanced if an organization understands and effectively
manages which of the following team processes?

A. Buy in
B. Accountability
C. Learning
D. Infrastructure
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

41. Which of the following best describes the leadership characteristics of legendary coaches
Alonzo Stagg, Knute Rockne, Joe Paterno, Eddie Robinson, and Paul Bear Bryant?

A. Each coach achieved success by intimidation tactics and by threatening players with
poor performance.
B. Each coach had different styles but followed universal principles of leadership that
brought out the best performance in their players.
C. Each coach was only passively involved in his team's performance and each achieved
success by delegating authority to his assistants.
D. None of these.

Level: 2 Medium

42. Proven policies and techniques that have positive effects on employee morale include all of
the following except:

A. Introduce a group bonus plan

B. Increase the amount and types of group interaction
C. Assign whole tasks, including preparatory and finishing work
D. Eliminate rewards based on job classification
E. Reduce the number of hierarchical levels
F. Allow workers to determine their own work methods

Level: 2 Medium

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43. Dimensions of flow include all of the following except:

A. A clear and present purpose distinctly known

B. Immediate feedback on how well one is doing
C. Supreme concentration on the task at hand
D. A sense of growth and being part of some greater endeavor
E. Honor and recognition for work performed

Level: 2 Medium

44. Intrinsic factors that are necessary for a satisfying job include all but one of the following:

A. Variety and challenge

B. Opportunity for decision-making
C. Feedback and learning
D. Wholeness and meaning
E. Job security

Level: 2 Medium

45. Extrinsic factors that are important for work satisfaction include all but one of the

A. Fair and adequate pay

B. Opportunity and decision-making
C. Job security
D. Benefits
E. Due process

Level: 2 Medium

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46. The term groupthink was coined by:

A. Carl Jung
B. Harry Levinson
C. Fran Tarkenton
D. William H. Whyte

Level: 2 Medium

47. The engineers that approved the launching of the Challenger fell victim to which symptom
of groupthink?

A. Illusion of invulnerability
B. Rationalization
C. Mindguards
D. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

48. Factors that can lead to groupthink include:

A. Pressure to conform to the majority view

B. Group cohesiveness
C. Isolation
D. Stress
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

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49. Techniques that can be employed to reduce groupthink include:

A. Assign the role of critical evaluator to each group member

B. Leader should adopt an impartial, non-directive stance
C. Include review by uninvolved but knowledgeable outside evaluators
D. After decision is reached, conduct a second-chance discussion to express residual
doubts and rethink issues before making final decision
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

50. The Hawthorne studies:

A. Promoted massive industrialization

B. Exploited workers of the 1920s
C. Included reading The Scarlet Letter
D. Analyzed working conditions and work relationships

Level: 2 Medium

51. When people come together to accomplish something, certain questions are on their
minds. These include:

A. What is expected of us?

B. How will we work together?
C. What constitutes great performance?
D. How will we be rewarded?
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
52. Tom Peters writes that all business decisions hinge ultimately on _________; and all
business dealings are ________ dealings in the end.

A. money; financial
B. facts; rational
C. power; political
D. relationships; personal

Level: 2 Medium

53. The best human relations policy is for men and women to treat one another with ______,
and the conduct of the ________ is critical in this process.

A. suspicion; man
B. distrust; woman
C. respect; leader
D. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

54. All but one of the following are principles of effective listening that apply in all human

A. capitalize on thought speed

B. listen for ideas
C. reduce emotional deaf spots
D. find an area of interest
E. judge content, not delivery
F. hold your fire
G. work at listening
H. resist distractions
I. hear what is said
J. think before you speak
K. challenge yourself

Level: 2 Medium

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55. In the face of virtuality of work relationships brought on by advances in information
technology, the effective leader will follow two principles.

A. refuse to participate in e-mail communication; continue to use traditional means of

spoken and written communication.
B. phase out traditional communication methods - fact-to-face, telephone, letters,
meetings; phase in electronic communication whenever and wherever possible.
C. maintain high standards of written and spoken communication; take advantage of the
speed, convenience and cost of electronic communication while maintaining as much
face time as possible.
D. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

56. Peter Drucker believed all of the following statements except one:

A. Effective leadership can be learned

B. Trust is the glue that binds leaders and followers
C. Leadership is not rank, it is responsibility
D. Leadership style is important

Level: 2 Medium

57. Meta analysis shows a ______ relationship between employee morale and ______.

A. Positive; profit, turnover, diversity, growth

B. Negative; retention, performance, communication, teamwork
C. Negative; size, market share, efficiency, innovation
D. Positive; organizational commitment, job performance, organizational citizenship, and

Level: 2 Medium

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58. ______ percent of what is communicated is with words; ______ by sound (or tone); ______ is
by body language.

A. 33; 33; 33
B. 7; 38; 55
C. 40; 40; 20
D. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

59. Two potential problems that can reduce work team effectiveness are ______ and ______.

A. Social loafing; groupthink

B. Time; seniority
C. Inexperience; positive reinforcement
D. Risk; rewards

Level: 1 Easy

60. ______ said: "Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon

A. Henry Ford
B. Kurt Lewin
C. Irving Janis
D. Andrew Carnegie

Level: 1 Easy

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61. James Collins states teams on the rise address the truth, use evidence-based problem
solving, emphasize two-way communication, have a one-team attitude, show mutual
respect, are cause-focused, and are:

A. talented
B. experienced
C. learning-centered
D. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

62. Peter Drucker identifies responsibilities of leaders to be all but one of the following:

A. Focus on opportunities rather than problems

B. Listen first, speak last
C. Take responsibility for decisions
D. Think and say "we" rather than "I"
E. Know the rules of the game

Level: 2 Medium

63. According to Brad Bird, director of Ratatouille:

A. "Morale and performance are correlated negatively."

B. "Morale is the responsibility of the individual worker."
C. "If you have low morale, for every dollar you spend, you get 25 cents of value. If you
have high morale, for every dollar you spend, you get 3 dollars of value, not to mention a
beautiful product."
D. "Morale is the responsibility of management."
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
64. Wendy Leebov identifies twelve principles for obtaining good human relations, including all
but one of the following:

A. Respect differences
B. Listen to understand
C. Admit mistakes
D. Think positive
E. Use absolute statements

Level: 2 Medium

65. In How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie prescribed all but one of the
following principles:

A. Show interest in others

B. Don't be a complainer
C. Study psychology
D. Remember peoples' names
E. Help people feel important

Level: 2 Medium

66. Psychologist Kurt Lewin developed _______ as a tool to better understand organizational

A. Force Field Analysis

B. Brainstorming
C. Blue Sky Thinking
D. Appreciative inquiry
E. Program review technique

Level: 2 Medium

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67. In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, _______ identifies five dysfunctions that are lethal for
team success, including all but one of the following:

A. Avoidance of accountability
B. Inattention to results
C. Lack of commitment
D. Absence of trust
E. Failure to accommodate

Level: 2 Medium

68. Abraham Lincoln used _______ to stay in touch with the people.

A. Newspaper editorials
B. The telegraph
C. Hearsay and rumor
D. Theater and plays
E. Public opinion baths

Level: 2 Medium

69. Research shows _______ of all employees feel management isn't listening to them.

A. One-forth
B. Two-thirds
C. Ninety percent
D. One-third
E. Fifty percent

Level: 1 Easy

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70. The following business leader said, "There's a temptation in our net worked age to think
ideas can be developed by e-mail and ichat. That's crazy. Creativity comes from
spontaneous meetings, from random discussions. You run into someone, you ask what
they're doing, you say 'wow', and soon you are cooking up all sorts of ideas."

A. Alan Mulally
B. Ann Fudge
C. Indra Nooyi
D. Steve Jobs
E. Herb Kelleher

Level: 2 Medium

71. _______ is a good term used to describe positive and helpful employee behavior; and
________ is a term used to describe negative and harmful employee behavior.

A. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB); counter productive work behavior (CWB)

B. Low maintenance behavior (LMB); high yield behavior (HYB)
C. Never a problem behavior (NPB); always a problem behavior (APB)
D. Call on me behavior (CMB); not my job behavior (NJB)
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

72. The ________ rule for team size means ________.

A. Critical mass; size is important

B. Less is more; power comes from a few
C. Democratic; the leader chooses the participants
D. 3 meetings; any problem can be solved with 3 meetings
E. Two pizzas; if a team can't be fed by 2 pizzas, it is too big

Level: 2 Medium

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73. A team should be:

A. Large enough to provide competencies and perspectives, and small enough to maintain
involvement and coordination
B. Used in all problem solving and decision making
C. The method of last resort for making important decisions
D. Formed when a speedy decision is needed
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

74. Effective group rules or norms of behavior include all but one of the following:

A. Start and stop meetings on time

B. One person talks at a time
C. Every idea is given a hearing
D. Honesty is the best policy
E. Vote early, vote often

Level: 2 Medium

True / False Questions

75. In "The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs," Walter Isaacson identified: 1) the package
is important; 2) use good wood, even if it doesn't show; and 3) stay hungry, stay foolish.


Level: 1 Easy

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76. For most employees, high morale is a predictor of creativity, problem solving, task
persistence, co-worker support, and organizational commitment.


Level: 1 Easy

77. Nothing demonstrates respect more than a pay raise and new title.


Level: 1 Easy

78. The four key areas that impact work morale are: the job itself, the work group,
management practices, and economic rewards.


Level: 1 Easy

79. Executive coach Marshall Goldsmith identifies the importance of listening as a sign of
respect and as a leadership skill.


Level: 1 Easy

80. The need for cross-cultural and virtual teams has been caused by globalization and the
changing nature of work.


Level: 1 Easy

81. Leaders of teams should evaluate performance case by case, versus requiring a
distribution of ranking regardless of the quality of performance of each group member.


Level: 1 Easy

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McGraw-Hill Education.
82. Harry Levinson has identified origins of negative behavior including feelings of insecurity,
need for attention, vulnerable self-image, and eagerness for perfection.


Level: 1 Easy

83. The Marine Corps principle of three states most people can efficiently handle 3 key


Level: 1 Easy

84. Treating people as ends rather than means is an anti-humanistic view.


Level: 1 Easy

85. Customer service and employee satisfaction are positively correlated.


Level: 1 Easy

86. Peter Drucker states: The best leaders focus on deficiencies in personal and employee


Level: 1 Easy

87. Research shows managers with Theory X assumptions are better than those with Theory Y
assumptions at accomplishing organizational objectives and tapping the potential of


Level: 1 Easy

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88. An emphasis on high performance teams is cited as a success factory by both Google and


Level: 1 Easy

89. Appreciative Inquiry is a marketing technique used to increase sales.


Level: 1 Easy

Matching Questions

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90. Match the items below with their descriptions:

1. encourager, clarifier,
harmonizer, idea generator, analysis of working
ignition key, standard setter, detail conditions and work
specialist relationships 6
Douglas McGregor's
2. respect contribution 7
3. forming, storming, norming, morale building
performing leadership actions 14
4. variety and challenge,
opportunity for decision-making,
feedback and learning, mutual
support and respect, wholeness Einstein, Darwin,
and meaning, room to grow Socrates, Ford 12
role model for raising
morale and achieving
5. trust business success 8
positive group member
6. Hawthorne Studies roles 1
how organizations can
7. The Human Side of Enterprise raise morale 9
a key element of a good
8. Herb Kelleher relationship 2
9. introduce a group bonus, allow
job autonomy, provide training,
assign whole tasks, gain direct
feedback from users, increase stages in the life of a
group interaction group 3
Warren Bennis' advice to
10. tolerance of differences leaders 11
11. be yourself, hire good people,
treat people fairly, focus on key
objectives, listen well, call the satisfying psychological
play, cheer them on state 13
a key element of a good
12. problem solving styles relationship 5

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Art of Leadership 5th Edition Manning Test Bank

characteristics of a rich
13. "flow" job 4
14. be enthusiastic, set the
example, show support, keep pitfalls in group
promises decision-making 15
15. illusion of invulnerability, important when people
stereotypes of outgroups, self- with different styles of
censorship, direct pressure, problem solving live or work
illusion of unanimity together 10

Level: 3 Difficult

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