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Computing Skills

Academic Year: 2022-2023

Spring 2023


y No
1 Module 1 : Computer Fundamentals 3 1

2 Module 2: Basic Computer Operations 4 2

and File Management

3 Module 3: Internet, WWW and Email 5 2

4 Module 5 : Word (Basic Applications) 6 2

5 Module 5 : Word (Advanced Applications) 8 2

6 Module 5 : Excel (Basic Applications) 10 2

7 Module 5 : Excel (Intermediate Applications) 12 2

8 Module 5 : Excel (Advanced Applications) 13 2


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Module 1 Hardware and Software Marks: [1]

Outcomes Covered: Module 1: Learning Outcomes No. 1, 2 , 3 and 4

Activity Aims/Objectives:
∙ Understanding the computer specification compatible for the user need.
∙ Categorizing the hardware component based on their functions.
∙ Understanding the concept of Bytes, RAM and ROM.

1. Fill in the table below with the computer specification that you own / might buy, which will be
compatible for your specialization.
Windows Edition

Processor Specification

Capacity of Memory (RAM)

System type (32-bit / 64-bit)

Additional specifications

2. Categorize the following hardware components into 3 categories (Input, output, storage).
(Flash memory, printer, mouse, external hard disk, LCD projector, scanner, monitor, joystick,
microphone, speaker, Plotter, fingerprint scanner, barcode reader, blur-ray disc, SSD disk, 3D
printer, webcam, QR code, Optical Character Reader)
Input devices Output devices Storage devices

3. Convert the following storage capacities into bytes:

3.2 GB, 0.9 KB, 5.5 MB, 0.4 TB

4. Compare between RAM and ROM using the following comparison table.

What does it store?

Volatility? Yes or No ?

How much its Capacity ?

5. Search the internet for all available editions of Windows 10?

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Module 2 Basic Computer Operations and File Management Marks: [2]

Outcomes Covered: Module 2: Learning Outcomes No. 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

Activity Aims/Objectives:
∙ Understanding how to work with the setting tools of the computer.
∙ Exploring some features in Windows 10.
∙ Understanding the hierarchical structure of folders\files.
∙ Applying different operations on file managements.
∙ Demonstrating the steps to compress and decompress a folder\file.

Part A:
1. Open Setting, change the timing for the sleep mode?
2. Create a shortcut for Microsoft PowerPoint application on the desktop?
3. Change the Date/Time manually on the computer?
4. Open Setting, add a login password to your computer?
5. Change the picture of the desktop background?
a. Pin/Unpin Microsoft Word application on the Taskbar.
6. Hide/show the Volume icon from the notification area (right side of the taskbar)? 7.
Access the Task View feature in windows 10 from Taskbar and using keyboard shortcut. 8.
Check the installed printers on your computer.

Part B:
9. On the desktop (or your network folder) create a new folder, name it “UTAS”.
10. Open UTAS folder and create the following subfolders as the hierarchy below:


English Math Computer

Labs Lectures

11. Using the folder named “CS” (provided by your instructor), do the
following: a. Open the folder named “CS”, search for a file named “Oman”.
b. Change the view of the files to “Details”.
c. Sort the files by size on descending order.
d. Check the size of the largest and smallest files.
e. Check when a file named “assignment” has been created.
f. Rename a file “Lab2” to “your name and ID number”.
g. Delete a folder named “Network”.
h. Click on View Tab, using “Hidden Items” check box, show the hidden files.
i. Open a folder named “images1”. Change the view to large icons.
j. Open a folder named “images2”. Copy an image named “screen” to a folder “image1”
k. Compress a file named “Introduction”.
l. Decompress (Extract) a folder named “Software”

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Module 3 Internet, WWW and Email Marks: [2]

Outcomes Covered: Learning Outcomes No. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

Activity Aims/Objectives:
1. Identify the purpose of a browser in accessing information on the World Wide Web (WWW) and navigate
the Web.
2. Demonstrate the use of web browser tools such as: bookmarks, display and hide built-in toolbars, deleting
browsing history and print web pages.
3. Use search engines.
4. Describe how electronic mail works including the components of electronic mail message, electronic mail
address, and electronic mail options.
5. Use electronic mail.

WWW and Web Browser:

1. Open a web browser (preferably Google Chrome).
2. Go to Print this page

3. Go to Bookmark this page.

4. Open Bookmarks and check the UTAS website is added in the Bookmarks list.
5. Go back by clicking the back button

6. Then, go to
7. Then, go to

8. Finally, open History and check the History list. Delete the browsing history of the 4 pages
Search Engines:
9. Go to Google search engine (

10. Search for “history of internet”

11. Open a new Tab, go to Bing search engine ( Search for “history of

12. Check, if any, differences in the links that both search engines showed.
There are differences
13. Search for images about computer networks using Google and Bing. Select an image and saveIt.
14. In Google, use Tools option to filter images using size, color, time and usage rights.

login to your university email, then do the following:
16. Compose a new email message. Write a prober message with a prober subject.
17. Attach the image you saved it in question 13 to your email. For example, a
18. Send the email to your instructor with a CC to yourself.

19. On the left menu, click on Sent. Open the email you sent to your instructor, forward it to your
20. Using Setting, Add a proper signature to your email.

21. Click on the application icon . Open Contacts App. Create 2 contacts of your friends’
22. Create a new label, name it “Friends” , and add the 3 contacts to the label.
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Module 5 Microsoft Word (Basic Skills) Marks: [2]

Outcomes Covered: Learning Outcomes No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15

Activity Aims/Objectives:
1. Recognize, open, modify, navigate, save and close a document, spreadsheet and presentation
file. 2. Describe various page set-up options, page orientation, page sizes and setting up of margins.
3. Identify and use different design layouts and view modes.
4. Display/hide toolbars.
5. Describe different types of menus
6. Use search/replace to find/replace a specific word/phrase
7. Describe the use of borders and shading.
8. Describe some basic short cut keys.
9. Describe various options for previewing documents.
10. Demonstrate formatting at the character, paragraph and document levels.
11. Demonstrate use of the copy/cut/paste functions.
12. Use page elements such as Page Numbers, Header/Footer, Symbols, and Special Characters etc.

1. Open Microsoft Word 2016, and create a blank document.

2. Practice the Ribbon Display Options: Auto hide Ribbon, Show Tabs and command.
3. Show the Ruler if it is not already shown.
4. Zoom the document to120%.
5. Change the measurement unit to centimeters.
6. Change the Document view to Web Layout, Read Mode and then return it to Print Layout.
7. Change the curser direction: left-to-right.
8. Type the following two paragraphs:

Computer skills are abilities and knowledge which allow you to use computers and related technology.
They let you use word processing software, access the Internet, manage files, or create presentations.
Advanced computer skills would let you access databases, use spreadsheets, and even code.
Today, nearly every job requires a basic understanding of computers, and many jobs require employees
have an intermediate to advanced computer skill set

9. Type “Computing Skills” as a title above the two paragraphs you typed.
10. Format the whole text as: Font size: 12, Font Name: Times New Roman.
11. Format the title as: Font size: 14, Bold, underlined, Alignment: center.
12. Search for the word let and replace it with enable.
13. At the end the document, type the following:

At work, computers can help you with:

1) Researching
2) Keeping records
3) Producing documents
∙ Reports
∙ Presentations

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14. Format the above list with numbers and bullets as shown.
15. Format paragraph 1 as following:
a) Line spacing: 1.5
b) Alignment: Justify.
c) Indentation: special (First line), By (1 cm)
d) Highlight the word Internet with Yellow color.
16. Format paragraph 2 as following:
a) Change Case: Capitalize each word.
b) Shading: Light Blue.
c) Paragraph Borders: Outside border.
d) Indentation: special (Hanging), By (1.5 cm)
17. Apply the following page margins: Top: 2 cm, Bottom: 2 cm, Left:2.6 cm, Right:2.6
cm 18. Set the page size to A4.
19. Apply a page border as following:
∙ Setting: Shadow
∙ Style: Double Line
∙ Color: Blue Accent 5
∙ Width: 1 ½ pt
20. Insert a 3 column header with the following text:
∙ Left: Computing Skills
∙ Center: Microsoft Word
∙ Right: Lab 4
21. Insert a page number on the bottom left of the page. Choose Page X of Y style.
22. Type the following equation at the end of the document:

X2 + 3y = 2Ɵ
23. Save the document.
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Module 5 Microsoft Word (Advanced Skills) Marks: [2]

Outcomes Covered: Learning Outcomes No. 9, 12, 13, and 16

Activity Aims/Objectives:
1. Demonstrate use of automatic spell/grammar checking & correction
2. Demonstrate formatting at the character, paragraph and document levels.
3. Insert text and/or characters and/or pictures/drawings from various sources.
4. Explain the terms associated with a table, e.g., column, row, cell, and demonstrate table creation,
manipulation of cells, data insertion and formatting.

Download a file Lab5 from Blackboard / Moodle, and do the following:

1. Format the whole text as: Font size: 13, Font Name: Century, Alignment: Justify. 2. Format the
main title General Foundation Program as: Font size: 16, Bold, Alignment: center. 3. Change the
page orientation to Portrait.
4. Set the Page Margin to Moderate.
5. Select paragraph 1 and divide it into two equal columns, with a line between them.
6. Apply a spelling check to whole document.
7. Click at the end of the document, and insert a Page Break.
8. Insert a Table in the new page, with Number of columns = 4, and Number of Rows = 4, and type
in the following data (Font: Times New Roman, Size: 13):
Student ID Name Gender Major

153S230 Sultan Male IT

153S232 Mubarak Male Engineering

153S233 Fatima Female Business

9. Align all table text to the center.

10. Insert a row after row 2 with the following data:
153S231 Sara Female Design

11. Insert a column between column 3 and column 4 with the following data:

12. Set the width of all columns to 3 cm and the height to 0.6 cm.
13. Insert a row above the table, merge all cells of the new row into one cell, then split it into 2
columns, and type the following text:
UTAS Foundation Students

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14. Apply shading for row 2 as following:
∙ Fill: Green, Accent 6
∙ Pattern (Style: 25%, Color: White), (Hint: Go to Borders and Shading to apply pattern)
15. Select the entire table, using the table’s handle, and apply the following borders options to the
∙ Setting: All
∙ Style: Dashed line ----------------
∙ Color: Blue
∙ Width: 1pt
16. Delete row 5.
17. In Page 1, insert a picture named “UTAS Logo “
18. Crop the picture from all sides to eliminate the white areas.
19. Apply Wrap Text: Square to the picture, then move it to the top right of paragraph 1.
20. Format the picture as following:
∙ Picture Height: 3 cm
∙ Picture Border: (Color: red, Weight: 3 pts)
21. Apply the following picture effects:
∙ Shadow: Offset Right
∙ Reflection: Tight Reflection, Touching
∙ Glow: Orange
22. Below the table, insert a shape named “Trapezoid”.
23. Set the height and width of the shape as 3.5 cm and 7 cm respectively.
24. Type “Well Done” inside the shape with Light Green color.
25. Apply the following formatting to the shape:
∙ Shape Fill: Gold, Accent 4, Darker 50%
∙ Shape Outline: No Outline
∙ Shape Effects:
i. Bevel: Angle.
ii. 3-D Rotation: Off Axis 2 left
26. Below the Shape, insert a SmartArt Organizational Chart from the Hierarchy category.
27. Apply Text Wrap formatting as Top and Bottom.
28. Delete one shape from the SmartArt looks to look as following:


English Math Computing

29. Insert the following text in the SmartArt:
∙ Top: GFP
∙ Bottom: English, Math, Computing Skills
30. Change the colors of the SmartArt to a range of your choice.
31. Change the SmartArt Style to Subtle Effect.
32. Save the document.

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Module 5 Microsoft Excel (Basic Skills) Marks: [2]

Outcomes Covered: Learning Outcomes No. 1, 8, 17, 18, and 19

Activity Aims/Objectives:
1. Recognize, open, modify, navigate, save and close a spreadsheet file.
2. Describe the use of borders and shading.
3. Demonstrate the formatting of data, cells, rows and columns in a worksheet.
4. Demonstrate how to handle (Insert, rename, delete, duplicate, move etc.) worksheets
5. Use built-in functions and create formulas in a worksheet to solve problems.

1. Create a Microsoft Excel Worksheet file and name it as “Your FirstName_ID Number_Ex1”
2. Type the below text in exact cell addresses.

3. Rename Sheet 1 as Workers, and change tab color to red.

4. Set Row 1 Height: 30
5. Set Column A Width: 15
6. Insert one column before ‘Worker Name’, then type ‘Worker No’ in cell A4.
7. Using Auto-fill, place Numbers (from 1551 to n Numbers) from the first worker name (Waleed)
to the last worker name (Abdullah).
8. Wrap text the cells A4: H4
9. Type Total in the cell A11.
10. Insert a blank row between Abdullah row (Row 10) and Total row (Row 11).
11. Merge and center the cells A1:H1.
12. Merge and center the cells A2:H2.
13. Format the cell ranges A1:H1 and A2:H2 with the following:
∙ Fill color: Orange
∙ Font size: 16,
∙ Outside Border: Double line, purple color
∙ Font type: Tohama,

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14. Format the column headers (Cells A4:F4) with the following:
∙ Alignment: Horizontal=Center, Vertical=Center
∙ Text color =Red ∙ Fill Color: Yellow color
15. Format all data of column "Hours Worked" as Number having 2 decimal places. 16. Enter the
today’s date in the cell E3 next to the Date: in the format mm/dd/yyyy, and change the date format
as long date (for example: Tuesday, November 15, 2022)
17. Sort the cell ranges A4:F10 by Worker Name from A to Z order.
18. Using Conditional Formatting, highlight cells of ‘Hours Worked’ column with greater than or
equal to 35 with Green Fill with Dark Green Text.
19. Using an appropriate function, calculate the Total for “Pay per Hour” in C12 and “Hours
Worked” in D12.
20. Type Average in cell A13, then find Average of ‘Pay per Hour’ column in cell B13. 21. Type
Maximum in cell A14, then calculate the Maximum of ‘Hours Worked’ in cell B14 22. Type
Minimum in cell A15, then calculate the Minimum of ‘Hours Worked’ in cell B15 23. Type Count
in cell A16, then count the number of items of column “Hours Worked” in cell B16. 24. Apply All
Borders to cell ranges A4: H16.
25. Apply a center horizontal alignment to all data in cells A5:H16 to the center.
26. Save your file.
Note: You will continue working in the same file in lab 7.

Module 5 Microsoft Excel (Intermediate Skills) Marks: [2]

Outcomes Covered: Learning Outcomes No. 1, 8, 17, 18, and 19

Activity Aims/Objectives:
1. Recognize, open, modify, navigate, save and close a spreadsheet file.
2. Describe the use of borders and shading.
3. Demonstrate the formatting of data, cells, rows and columns in a worksheet.
4. Demonstrate how to handle (Insert, rename, delete, duplicate, move etc.) worksheets
5. Use built-in functions and create formulas in a worksheet to solve problems.

Open the file you saved it in lab 6 and continue working on it as following.
1. Using formula, calculate ‘Total Pay’ for each worker by multiplying ‘Pay per Hour’ by ‘Hours
Worked’ as follows: Total Pay = Pay Per Hour * Hours Worked
2. Using formula, calculate ‘Total Deduction’ for each worker by multiply ‘Total pay’ and ‘Tax’
and apply percentage as follows (Use Absolute reference for the Tax Cell): Total Deduction =
(Total Pay * Tax)
3. Using formula, calculate ‘Take Home Pay’ for each worker by subtracting ‘Total Deduction’ from
‘Total Pay’ as: Take Home Pay = Total Pay – Total Deduction +((Total Pay /2) * 0.2) 4. Format
all data of the columns “Pay Per Hours”, “Total Pay” and “Take Home Pay” columns as Currency
having 3 decimal places and OMR symbol. (Example: OMR 5.000) 5. Using IF function, in the
‘Comment’ column display a comment "GOOD SALARY" if the ‘Total Pay’ is greater or equal to
180.000. Otherwise display "LOW SALARY" for each worker. 6. Using Conditional Formatting:
a. Apply Green-Yellow-Red Color Scale on the data of the ‘Total Pay’ column.
b. Apply Red Data Bar on the data of the ‘Pay per Hour’ column
7. Insert a customized Header, Left: Excel, Center: Lab 7, Right: Your Name
8. Insert a customized Footer, Left: current date, Center: Page Number, Right: Sheet Name
9. Repeat Row1 and Row2 at the top of each page.
10. Create a copy of sheet Workers, move it to the end and rename it as Report.
11. Hide ‘Hours Worked’ column and ‘Total Deduction’ column in sheet Report.
12. In sheet Report, freeze rows 1 till 4.
13. Set the view of sheet Report to page break preview.
14. Save your file.

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Module 5 Microsoft Excel (Advanced Skills) Marks: [2]

Outcomes Covered: Learning Outcomes No. 1, 8, 17, 18,19 and 20

Activity Aims/Objectives:
1. Recognize, open, modify, navigate, save and close a spreadsheet file.
2. Describe the use of borders and shading.
3. Demonstrate the formatting of data, cells, rows and columns in a worksheet.
4. Demonstrate how to handle (Insert, rename, delete, duplicate, move etc.) worksheets
5. Use built-in functions and create formulas in a worksheet to solve problems.
6. Create and manipulate different types of charts/graphs on the worksheet data.

Download a file Lab8 from Blackboard / Moodle, and do the following:

1. Merge cells B1:F3 in row 1. Then do the same for rows 4 and 5
2. Set the row height = 25 for Row 7and set the column width = 20 for column A.
3. Find out the Gross for all Systems using following formula:
Gross = price – (Cost + Software Installation + Tech/Support)
4. Find out the Net (using absolute cell addressing) by the following formula:
Net = Gross – Programmer Charges
5. In Income column, display “Good” If Net is Greater than 1000. Otherwise, display “OK”. 6. Using
an appropriate function, find the total of required columns (Price, Soft/Installation …. Net). 7. In cell
B20, find the Maximum Gross by using an appropriate function.
8. In cell B21, find the Average of Cost by using an appropriate function.
9. In cell B22, find the No. of Price by using an appropriate function.
10. In cell B23, find the Minimum of Net by using an appropriate function.
11. Apply All Borders to cell ranges A7: H15.
12. Apply a yellow fill color to cells A7:H7.
13. Format the Net Column as Currency AUD with 4 decimal digits.
14. Format the complete table (A7:H13) text alignment as: Horizontal = Center and Vertical = Center
15. Sort the table (A7:H13) by SYSTEM in Z to A order.
16. Using Conditional Formatting, if the Price is greater than 2000 set the Formatting of
Price column as follows: Font Color = Blue Font Style = Bold
17. Delete row 1 and row 2
18. Create a chart using the following specifications:
a. Data source = SYSTEM and PRICE
b. Chart type = BAR chart
c. Category = 3D CLUSTER BAR

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d. Chart title = PRICE LIST
e. Horizontal axis title = SYSTEM
f. Format Plot Area with yellow color.
g. Format Chart Area with orange color.

19. Create a chart using the following specifications:

a. Data source = SYSTEM and COST
b. Chart type = PIE chart
c. Chart title = SYSTEM COST
d. Legend = LEFT
e. Data Labels: Inside End
f. Format Chart Area with light green color.
g. Move the chart to a new sheet and rename it as “Cost Chart”.

20. Save your file.

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