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Multiple Choice Questions: HKCEE Past Paper (Assertion Reason Questions) P.

For the following, part of the questions have been modified to suite the present syllabus.
Furthermore, you may not know the answers for questions with *.

Directions: Each question below consists of two separate statements. Decide whether each of
the two statements is true or false; if both are true, then decide whether or not the
second statement is a correct explanation of the first statement. Then select one
option from A to D according to the following table:

A. Both statements are true and the 2nd statement is a correct explanation of the 1st statement.
B. Both statements are true but the 2nd statement is NOT a correct explanation of the 1st statement.
C. The 1st statement is false and the 2nd statement is true.
D. Both statements are false.

1st statement 2nd statement

32. A coloured crystal must be an ionic All coloured crystals contain metal ions.

33. Both pure hydrogen chloride and pure They are both electrolytes.
lead(II) bromide can conduct electricity.

34*. Dipping aluminium foil into nitric acid for An oxide layer is formed on the surface of
a brief period can protect the metal from the aluminium foil when it is dipped into
corrosion. nitric acid.

35. Sulphur dioxide can be used as a food It is a mild bleaching agent.


32. Nitrogen reacts readily with other The outermost electron shell of the
elements or compounds. nitrogen atom is incompletely filled.

33. In ammonia, the mass of nitrogen is three For every nitrogen atom present in the
times that of hydrogen. ammonia molecule there are three
hydrogen atoms.

34. The bleaching action of sulphur dioxide is Sulphur dioxide bleaches by reduction.

36. Cracking is not an important process in the Cracking cannot separate the light
petroleum industry. fractions of crude oil from the heavy

37. Alkanols can turn red litmus blue. Alkanols contain the -OH group.

32. Potassium iodide solution turns brown on The iodide ions are reduced by chlorine to
adding chlorine water. give iodine.

33. Concentrated sulphuric acid can char a Concentrated sulphuric acid is highly
piece of cloth. corrosive.

34.* Hydrolysis of an ester is usually carried The reaction is reversible in an acidic

out in an acidic medium. medium.

28. Graphite is a rather soft substance. All the bonds between the carbon atoms in
graphite are weak.

29. During electrolysis, reduction occurs at Cations gain electrons at the cathode.
the cathode.
Multiple Choice Questions: HKCEE Past Paper (Assertion Reason Questions) P.2

30. Magnesium is a stronger oxidizing agent Mg2+(aq) accepts electrons more readily
than sodium. than Na+(aq).

31.* Bromine water can be readily decolorized Each ethane molecule contains a higher
by shaking with ethene, but not with percentage by mass of hydrogen than each
ethane. ethene molecule.

32. When nylon is heated, ammonia is given In the nylon molecule, nitrogen and
off. hydrogen atoms are in a ratio of 1:3.

45. Magnesium chloride solution gives a white Magnesium is higher than lead in the metal
precipitate with lead(II) nitrate solution. reactivity series.

46. A solution of dry hydrogen chloride in Gaseous hydrogen chloride contains

methylbenzene turns blue litmus paper red. hydrogen ions.

47. The bleaching action of sulphur dioxide is Sulphur dioxide reacts with water to form
not permanent. a weak acid.

49. Sea water can corrode ships more quickly Sodium chloride in sea water speeds up
than fresh water. the corrosion of iron.

47. Distilled water is a poor conductor of Distilled water contains an equal number
electricity. of H+(aq) ions and OH-(aq) ions.

48. Hydrogen chloride can be prepared by the Concentrated nitric acid is a non-volatile
action of concentrated nitric acid on solid acid.
sodium chloride.

49. In the preparation of soap, sodium Sodium chloride can increase the solubility
chloride is added after the reaction of soap.
between oil and sodium hydroxide has
been completed.

50. Magnesium oxide dissolves faster in 1 M Hydrochloric acid is a stronger acid than
hydrochloric than in 1 M ethanoic acid. ethanoic acid.

45. Both zinc and molten sodium chloride Both zinc and molten sodium chloride
conduct electricity. contain mobile ions.

46. Sulphur dioxide is an oxidizing agent. Sulphur dioxide can decolorize bromine

47. Polyester is a thermoplastic. Polyester is formed by condensation


49. A solution of hydrogen chloride in Hydrogen chloride dissolves in

methylbenzene can turn blue litmus paper methylbenzene to form hydrogen ions.

50. When concentrated sulphuric acid is Concentrated sulphuric acid is a strong

poured onto a piece of cotton cloth, the oxidizing agent.
piece of cloth becomes charred.
45.* Concentrated sulphuric acid can be used to Sulphuric acid is more volatile than
prepare hydrochloric acid. hydrochloric acid.

47. A flash of lightning causes nitrogen Lightning provides sufficient energy for
Multiple Choice Questions: HKCEE Past Paper (Assertion Reason Questions) P.3

monoxide to be formed in the air. nitrogen to react with oxygen in the air.

48. When car exhaust gases are bubbled into Nitrogen dioxide is present in car exhaust
citrated blood, the coloured of the blood gases.
gradually becomes cherry red.

46. Hydrogen chloride has a lower melting In each molecule of hydrogen chloride, a
point than sodium chloride. hydrogen atom and a chlorine atom are
joined together by a covalent bond.

47. At room temperature and pressure, the The relative atomic mass of oxygen is
molar volume of oxygen gas is greater greater than that of hydrogen.
than that of hydrogen gas.

49. Iron reacts with chlorine to form iron(II) Iron is a reducing agent in this reaction.

8632 D 8832 C 9045 B 9245 C 9446 B
8633 C 8833 B 9046 D 9246 B 9447 C
8634 A 8834 D 9047 B 9247 B 9449 C
8635 B 8928 C 9049 A 9249 D
8732 C 8929 A 9147 B 9250 B
8733 C 8930 C 9148 D 9345 C
8734 C 8931 B 9149 C 9347 A
8736 C 8932 D 9150 A 9348 B
8737 C

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