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Huey Long
o Who are you, who do you present?
o What where his biggest politic challenges
o What legacy did he left behind
o How did he died

TR : Thank you ladies ! In fact, Huey Long was not Roosevelt’s only opponent. Indeed,
during the Great Depression program was not unanimous

And it is the same GD that has impacted territories such as the Dust Bowl

2. Dust Bowl.
o What is the Dust Bowl
o What are the causes of the DB
o What are the consequences on the Americain countryside
o What are the solutions de you propose ?

TR : Another example of à territory that suffered damage of the GD is the Tennessee Valley
were solution has been found to revive the economy well let this gentleman tell us more
about it

3. New Deal Tenesse.

o What is the TVA, why was it created
o Before the TVA and the new deal, how was the area before the new deal
o Where is the TVA
o What were the main measures taken by the TVA to meet with the
expectations of the New Deal

TR : Conséquences of the GD let us change subject to speak about the huge monument
built in this décade

4. Golden Gâte Bridge

o Why was the GGB built ?
o Why was the construction of the bridge complicated
o Why the bridge is important today and what are its assets

TR : thank you for these very interesting information. Indeed, the bridge is a symbol of
the innovation of this decade just like the new deal, which we are going to talk about
right away.

5. New Deal Civilian

o Present your program
o What is the range of age to join the civilian conservation corps programm
o How much do they earn ?
o Do you have other programm for other category of people
o Was you programmmeant to be non military, is it still the case
6. Suprem court limitation
7. Henry ford
TR : Une conclusion un weekend say that Henry Ford was an important personality of
this décade just like the four gréât Artist that we are going to présent to you right
now : Charlie Chaplin, Jesse Owens, dorothea Lange and John steinbeck

8. Charlie Chaplin: TR : on va vous introduire 4 grands artistes célèbres de cette

o What is your goal behind the film and what legacy did you want to leave
o Why did you want to play this character and how did you feel
o What do you foresee as the futur of the industry, and you ?
o To conclude, what is the measure impact, the Great Depression and the
begginojg of WW2 on your lives

TR : Thank you for all this précisions now Let’s leave the World of cinéma for the World
of sports and talk about Jesse Owens

9. Jesse owens
o Can you explain usbwhy are you famous
o How does it feel to win 4 Golds medals as the first African American
▪ We heard that you are the coach of JO, since he is little, what can you
tell us about his beginnings
o We heard that after the Olympics games you JO, won against horses in a race,
is it true ?

TR : Thank you for giving your time the third Artist we are going to talk about today is à
photographer that we all know the Dorothea Lange

10. Dorothea Lange

o Dorothea, what was your biggest challenge in life
o Miss Brigman, according to you what are the major challenges in the industry
o Who has had the most influence on your life? Maybe well known
photographer Louis Hine ?

Anne, can you confirm her answer ?

o Can you (D) talk about your photo “migrant mother” and the story behind it ?
o What legacy DL would like to leave behind her
o To conclude, a question for both of you : what do you foresee as the futur of
the industry ?

TR :Thank you it was a Hunger to have you with US today for the Lost Artist of this décade
Let’s join the World of cinéma once again and now listen to John Steinbeck and Mr Ford

11. John Steinbeck

o When did you first meet, did you already plan to make a film
o And how was it to see you characters are bodybon screen
o Mr Ford : wasn’t it stressful to adapt a so famous book
o Md Steinbeck: did you go on set to see if every thing was going well
o Could you tell us some fun fact that happened on set

TR : Thank you gentlemen now Let’s leave the wonderful Magic and artistic World and
Let’s get interested in à current évent the Hooverville

12. Visit Hooverville :

o Jean, before visiting St Louis Hooverville, what were your prejudices about
o So now that you have visited, could you defined a Hooverville
o Finally, Janett how do you survive in a Hooverville

TR : After having signe de conséquences of rêves policy Let’s now look at Roosevelt
élection campaign for his 3rd Term

13. Roosevelt 3rd term

o Roosevelt, you have been a suffering from poliomyetics for 7 years now, we
would like to know what are your magic tricks to look as good as ever dispite
the hard life your endure
o What about you Eleanor, how did you feel about your husband being
diagnosed TIAGNOSD with a paralectyc deeses
o How would you feel if you were re-elected a 3rd time, this is unheard of in
American political history
o This an ambitious project so how could you help your husband with his
running for 3rd term project , and do you agree with his choice
o Now let’s talk about your couple that inspires many American, how did you
o What is your biggest challenge in that time of work turnoil

TR : to finish this recap of the decade, let us introduce you to a famous inventor, who
developed the most used formulas in science Albert Einstein

14. Einstein
o Why did you immigrate in USA in 1933
o What were the negative impacts of the crisis ins Germany, were they the
same of the USA’s one

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