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Towards partial fulfilment of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
(BBD University, Lucknow)

Guided By: Submitted by:

Dr. Afeefa Fatima Rudra Rai
(Assistant Professor) Roll No. 1210671390
SOM, BBD University BBA 3rd Semester

Session 2022-2023

School of Management

Babu Banarasi Das University

Sector I, Dr. Akhilesh Das Nagar, Faizabad Road, Lucknow (U.P.) India


I hereby declare that the field work entitled of “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION

TOWARDS HALDIRAM” submitted to the Babu Banarasi Das University,

Lucknow is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance of Dr.

Afeefa Fatima (Assistant Professor) (SOM BBDU, Lucknow) and this field study

report is submitted in the partial fulfillment of Bachelor in Business Administration.

Rudra Rai

Roll No. 1210671390

BBA 3rd Semester


In order to accomplish a task, facts, situations and persons integrate together to form a

background. “Greatness lies in being grateful and not in being great.” This Field

Report is a result of contribution of distinct personalities whose guidance here made

my effort a producing one, as “no task is a single man’s effort”.

The experience which is gained by me during this project is essential for me at this turning

point of my career. I am thankful to my faculty guides Dr. Afeefa Fatima

(Assistant Professor) for kind support and supervision under whose kind &

constant guidance I had the opportunity to expand my horizons and view the various

problems from different prospective. I am also thanking her for sparing her valuable

time to listen my problems and difficulties faced by me during the completion of this

project report.

Rudra Rai

Roll No. 1210671390

BBA 3rd Semester


Field Report is an important part of the Management studies. It bears immense

important in the field of Business Management. It offers the student to explore the

valuable treasure of experience and an exposure to real work culture followed by the

industries and thereby helping the students to bridge gap between the theories

explained in the book and their practical implementations.

Field Study plays an important role in future building of an individual so that we can

understand the real world in which he has to work in future. The theories greatly

enhance our knowledge and provide opportunities to blend theoretical with the

practical knowledge where researcher gets familiar with certain aspect of field study. I

feel proud to get myself to do research at topic “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION


S. No Particular Page No.

1. Introduction 1

2. Company Profile 4

3. Objective of the Study 7

4. Research Methodology 8

5. Limitations of The Study 12

6. Data Analysis and Interpretation 13

7. Findings 35

8. Suggestions and Recommendations 38

9. Conclusion 39

10. Bibliography 40

11. Annexure 42
Chapter – I


What is loyalty marketing?

Loyalty marketing is a strategy that encourages your customers to do repeat business

with your company again and again. Most often, these strategies involve incentivizing

purchases and building up customer loyalty—but more of those specifics in a minute.

Why loyalty marketing?

Loyalty marketing focuses bringing back and retaining existing and past customers

with initiatives and incentives—which is better for your business. Here’s why.

Customer acquisition is expensive

How expensive? According to Forrester Research, about five times as much as it is to

retain existing customers!

According to data from Forrest Research, it costs five times as much to acquire new

customers than it does to keep current ones (how to lower your customer acquisition

costs here!).

Think about all the steps you need to take before a potential customer decides to buy

from you. You have to make them aware that your brand exists, tell them what you

do, and explain why you do it better than other brands. Then you have to convince

them to take the first step in checking out your website. Once they’re on, you have to

impress them enough and provide a seamless user design flow to help make

purchasing easier.

Now, imagine you were trying to convince an existing customer to buy from you


You could easily skip most of the steps where you educate them about your brand.

Since they already know you and have first-hand experience with your products, you

can just jump straight to giving them a good deal.

When comparing the customer acquisition cost, or CAC, of a new customer to an

existing one, it’s clear that focusing on existing customers makes better financial

sense—which is why customer engagement and loyalty are essential to any growth

marketing strategy.

Of course, a business cannot survive on just its existing customers. But that being

said, if you don’t already have a solid customer loyalty strategy in place, we suggest

you spend more effort thinking about it.

It’s easier to sell new products to existing customers

Engaging existing customers is not only cheaper, but also easier. Existing customers

already have prior knowledge and experience with your brand, so it seems easier to

convince them to buy from you.

And this has been backed up by data.

According to the book Marketing Metrics, the probability of companies selling to an

existing customer is 60-70%. On the other hand, the probability of selling to a new

customer is 5-20%.

Global research and advisory firm Gartner Group also released a statistic on customer

loyalty that stated 80%of your company’s future revenue will come from just 20%

of your existing customers.

These statistics show that customer retention strategies are essential to the long-term

profitability of your company and is something you should focus on right away.

How to use customer loyalty to grow your brand

Customer loyalty is tricky because customers are not bound by anything to stick with

you. A loyal customer can jump to another brand for a ton of different reasons.

Another brand may be more accessible, or they may just want to change and try out a

new brand. Or perhaps there is a better promotion around the corner.

But there are customer loyalty marketing strategies you can use to make sure your

customers are sticking around for as long as possible.

It’s normal in business for customers to come and go. But as marketers and business

owners, our duty is to minimize the detraction rate as much as possible.

Before you try to retain your customers, you need to understand why they are leaving.

And it’s important to ask the flipside of that question, too: Why are your current

customers staying?

There are few different strategies to get your customers to give you this feedback.

Provide channels for feedback using social media

When customers use your products, they will have an opinion about it. The best way

to know how they feel about it is to provide channels which they can use to inform

you. These opinions can be helpful in different ways.

Some opinions can be potential reasons for them leaving in the future, or they could

be feedback from experienced users on how to improve the product.

Nike is one great example. The company handles customer support and feedback on

Twitter using a separate handle, reacting quickly to queries in real time.

Use customer satisfaction surveys

Social media channels like Twitter serve as an option that customers can go to when

they need help. To gain better insight into how your customers feel, you have to be

proactive in asking for it.

Chapter – 2

Company Profile


Haldiram is an Indian company of food. The company headquarter is in Nagpur,

India. It is India’s one of the most popular brand for snacks and Sweets. Haldiram

offers a wide range of Sweets, Namkeens, Cookies, frozen food, Wraps and many

more Indian snacks.

Points Information

Company Name Haldiram

Date of Establishment 1941

Establishment Place India

Founder Shri Shivkisan Agrawal

Net Worth (as on 2019) ₹7,130 crore (US$1.0 billion)

Telephone No. 0120-2400286

Registered Address B 1 /H 3, Mohan Co Operative Industrial Estate

Main Mathura Road

New Delhi – 110044

Email [email protected]

Company Status Active



 Snacks

 Mathis

 Namkeens

 Papad

 Pickles

 Diet Snacks

 Baked Snacks

 Sweets

 Beverages

 Frozen Foods

 Potato Chips

 Dry Fruits


Haldiram established in 1941 by Ganga Bishan Agarwal. It manufactures

various products like snacks, Sweets, Beverages, frozen food and many more. In

1937, established in the form of a small retail Sweet & Namkeen shop in Bikaner,

Rajasthan, a small but significant town in the Thar Desert. Shri Shivkisan

Agrawal, the founder of Haldiram’s always cherished the dream of building an

empire, manufacture traditional sweets/namkeens, leave a mark on every occasion

and get close to the heart of the common man.


 Achieve continuous and sustainable growth in the business, within India

and abroad, organically and inorganically.

 Strengthen leadership in traditional snack items, Indian sweets and attain

leadership in western snack items.

 Keep innovating new quality products and delight consumers by offering

wide range of quality food products at competitive rates.


 Make available authentic, tasty and quality vegetarian food products made

as per global standards at reasonable cost, in India or abroad.

 Remain ahead of competitors through product-innovation, adopting new

technologies and achieve optimum cost of production

 Always abide by law and care environment

 Provide a friendly working environment that attracts best talent and offers

opportunity to employees to excel and build career.

 Provide growth opportunity to all stakeholders including Stockists,

distributors, retailers, suppliers, etc.

 Be a debt free company, as far as possible

 Enhance shareholders net worth

 Contribute for social causes.

Chapter – 3

Objectives of the Study


 To study the level of customer satisfaction towards Haldiram Product in

Lucknow City.

 To study about consumer and retailers perception regarding Haldiram’s

namkeens and chips

 To carry out a competitive analysis of Haldiram’s Snacks vis-à-vis competitor

brands in the same segment available in Lucknow based on parameters such as

pricing, product range, packaging, profit margins to retailers, discounts and

credit policies provided to retailers.

 To study the consumer behaviour towards the quality, availability, price and

other aspects of various snacks brands.

 To know the market share of various snacks brands.

 To know the consumer preference towards various snacks brands.

Chapter – 4

Research Methodology

A proper and systematic research methodology is followed in the study the consumer

preference about various snacks brands. Research methodology of the present study

includes the brief description about; sources of data, sampling design along with tools

and techniques used for analysis and interpretation of the data. Firstly, sources of data

used for the present study is elaborated in which process of drafting the questionnaire,

pretesting and finalization along with other sources to collect the data is discussed.

The process of selecting sample for the present study is highlighted in sample design.

Under the head ' statistical tools used for analysis ', different tools and techniques used

for analysing and interpretation of the data collected are discussed which highlights

the procedure of analysing and interpretation in the present study. Research

Methodology for the present study is as follows:-

Type of study:-Descriptive study

Sources of data collection: - Primary and secondary sources

Sampling Design:-Sample size - 100

Sampling technique - Simple Random Sampling

Statistical Methods used for analysis and interpretation:-

1. Simple Percentage Method

Sources of Data Collection

The present study is mainly based on primary data, but both primary and secondary

sources of data are used for the purpose of the study. Primary data are those which are

collected for the first time and are original in character. Among the various methods

for primary data collection; questionnaire, personal interview, scheduling and

observation methods have been applied.

Secondary data means data that are already available or collected and analysed. To

understand the consumer behaviour and to gather the related information related to the

research various reliable secondary sources such as books, magazines, reports, and

publications of various associations as well as other published statistics, information

is gathered with due precautions to make it suitable and adequate.

The following steps have been taken for the collection of primary data:-

A. Development of questionnaire: - For the present study, the questionnaire is

developed keeping in view the objectives of the study. A list of questions is

prepared to construct the questionnaire. The questionnaire comprises the basic

demographic profile of the respondents and different questions related to the

research study.

B. Pre - Testing of questionnaire: - For the purposes of the questionnaire pre - testing,

five questionnaires are given to different individuals and problems that they have

faced related to the questionnaire, are asked to them. On the bases of their views,

the essential editing and modification is made before the finalization.

C. Finalization of the Questionnaire: - On the bases of pre - testing the final

questionnaire is framed. Complex sentences have been changed into simple form;

some questions which are deemed to be unnecessary, have been removed; and the

questions which arising conflict have been changed accordingly; these were some

changes which are made while finalizing the questionnaire.

Direct personal interview and observations: - For collecting the data, direct personal

interview method has been applied. For this purpose, face to face contacts with

various respondents have made from who the data is to be obtained. Any doubt or

query of the respondents related to the questionnaire is solved at the same time. Any

irrelevant information from the respondent's responses is made relevant through

observation method. Thus, the information obtained in the present study is the first

handed and original in character.

Sampling Design

Sampling is a mean of selecting a subset of units from a target population for the

purpose of collecting information. This information is used to draw inferences about

the population as a whole. The subset of units that are selected is called a sample.

Sample Size:-In the present research study the data is collected from 100


Sampling Technique: - In the present research study, the data was collected by using

simple random sampling techniques. The simple random sampling refers to any

sampling method where every unit of population have a equal chance to be selected

Statistical Tools for Analysis

After collecting the data from primary sources, the data has been classified in the

desired manner for analysis and interpretation consisted with the objective of the

study. The analysis and interpretation of such data has been done with the help of

different mathematical and statistical tools. For the present study various tools and

techniques used are as follows:-

Mathematical Tools:-In present study, mathematical tools are used to represent the

data recorded in tabulation form, under which simple percentage method is used for

the purpose.

 Simple Percentage Method: - Simple percentage method is used to express the

amount of responses given by respondents for different variables used. Percentage

is calculated as :

Percentage = (Number of Responses ÷ Total Frequency) × 100

Chapter – 5

Limitations of the Study


In order to know the reliability of the study, it become necessary t know about the
limitations and difficulties faced during the study is conducted, which limits the
outcomes of the study. The following are some limitations of the present study:-

1. The study is conducted in Lucknow district of UP only. The other districts were
not included in the study.

2. The study is based on the primary data which has been collected from the
respondents; therefore the results might have been affected by sampling error.

3. To study consumer preference and consumer behaviour requires a depth study, but
in the present study keeping in the view the time constraint, it has been decide to
restrict the study the preference only.

4. Sometime respondents were not willing to fill up questionnaires with full heart due
to lack of time, awareness of the research area and many other reasons.

5. Inadequate, irrelevant

Chapter – 6

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Table 3.1 :- Demographic Profile of respondents ( N = 100 )

Items Particulars Frequency Percentage

1. Gender Male 70 70

Female 30 30

2. Age ( years ) 10 – 20 12 12

21 – 35 60 60

36 – 50 22 22

51 and Above 06 06

3. Educational Level Illiterate 08 08

Under – Metric 12 12

Matriculate 08 08

Higher Secondary 08 08

Graduation 48 48

Post-Graduation 08 08

Any Other 08 08

4. Profession Unemployed 57 57

Govt. Employee 19 19

Pvt. Employee 09 09

Self – Employed 09 09

Other 06 06

5. Income Level (Lakh) 1.1 - 3 Lakh 72 72

3.1 - 6 Lakh 16 16

6.1 - 10 Lakh 12 12

10.1 and Above 0 0

The demographical characteristics of the respondents were collected keeping in view

the five variables such as gender, age, educational qualification, occupation, and
income level. The sample units were selected on the basis of convenience and
judgement sampling methods.

Table 3.1 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, male were 70% and female were
30 % in the age group of 10 - 20 (12%), 21 - 35 (60%), 36 - 50 (22%), and 51 year
and above (6%) respondents were.

Out of 100 respondents, illiterate (8%), under - metric (12%), matriculate (8%),
higher secondary (8%), graduate (48%), post graduate (8%) and any other (8%) were.
And occupational status of these respondents were, that out of 100 respondents,
unemployed (57%), govt. employee (19%), private employee (9%), self - employed
(9%), and other (6%) were.

Table is also showing the data about the income level of these tourists that, out of 100
respondents, between the income level of1.1 - 3 lakh (72%), 3.1 - 6 lakh (16%), 6.1 -
10 lakh (12%), 10.1lakh and above (0%) respondents were.

Q :-Which brand of Snacks prefers most ?

Table 3.2:- Brand of snacks preferred most

(N = 100)

Particulars Frequency Percentage
Pepsico 25 25
Haldirams 45 45
Lehar 05 05
DevJi 25 25
Total 100 100

Graph 3.1:- Brand of snacks preferred most

Brand of snacks preferred most


Table 3.2 and Graph 3.1 make clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 25% prefers pepsico. 45% respondents prefer Haldiram snacks,
05% prefers Lehar, and 25% prefers devji.

Q :-Have you tasted Haldiram’s snacks?

Table 3.3 :- Consumer’s taste about Haldiram snacks

(N = 100)
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Yes 100 100
No 00 00
Total 100 100

Graph 3.2 :- Consumer’s taste about Haldiram snacks

Consumer’s taste about Haldiram snacks


Table 3.2 and Graph 3.1 makes clear that out of 100 respondentsalltasted the
haldirams snacks.

Q :-How frequently you purchase the Haldiram’s snacks in a month?

Table 3.4 :- Frequency of Purchasing

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Daily 40 40
Fortnightly 18 18
Weekly 36 36
Can't say Exactly 06 06
Total 100 100

Graph 3.3 :- Frequency of Purchasing

Fequency of Purchase

Can't say Exactly

Table 3.3 and Graph 3.2 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 40% purchase haldiramssnacks Daily.36 % respondents purchases
weekly ,18% purchases Haldirams snacks fortnightly and 06% have said that they
don’t know about their frequency of purchase.

Q :-Have you found any difference in Haldiram’s snacks as compare to other
snacks brands?

Table 3.5 :- Difference between Haldiram snacks and other brands of snacks
( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Yes 81 81
No 19 19
Total 100 100

Graph 3.4 :-Difference between Haldiram snacks and other brands of snacks

Difference between your brand of biscuit and other



Table 3.4 and Graph 3.3 makes clear thatout of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 81% has said that they have found difference in Haldirams snacks
as compare to other brands of snacks, while rest of the 19% has said that they didn’t
find any difference between Haldirams snacks and other snacks brands.

Q :-Haldiram’s snacks are :-

Table 3.6 :- Taste of Haldiram snacks

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Very Tasty 31 31
Tasty 47 47
Can't say anything 22 22
Distaste 00 00
Very Distaste 00 00
Total 100 100

Graph 3.5 :-Taste of Haldiram snacks

Taste of Haldiram snacks

Very Tasty
Can't say anything
Very Distaste

Table 3.5 and Graph 3.4 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 47% has said that Haldirams snacks are tasty, 31% has said that
Haldirams snacks are very tasty and rest of the 22% respondents said that they can’t
say anything about the taste of Haldirams snacks.

Q :-Which type of Haldiram’s snacks do you like most?

Table 3.7 :-Type of Haldiram Snacks mostly liked by the customers

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Taka – Tak 23 23
SnackLite 23 23
Whoopies 08 08
Chips 23 23
Chees – Balls 16 16
Any Other 07 07
Total 100 100

Graph 3..6 :-Type of Haldiram Snacks mostly liked by the customers

Type of Haldiram Snacks mostly liked by the customers

Taka – Tak
Chees – Balls
Any Other

Table 3.6 and Graph 3.5 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is that 23% like taka-tak, same like snacklite, and the same like the
chips of Haldiram. 16% respondents like chees-balls, 8% likes whoopies, and rest of
the 7% likes any other products of haldirams.

Q :-You like the Haldiram’s snacks due to their

Table 3.8:-Factor due to them customers likes the Haldiram Snacks

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Taste 31 31
Affordable Price 08 08
Brand Name 53 53
Any Other reason 08 08
Total 100 100

Table 3.7 :-Factor due to them customers likes the Haldiram Snacks

Factor due to them customers likes the Haldiram Snacks

Affordable Price
Brand Name
Any Other reason

Table 3.7 and Graph 3.6 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 53% respondents has said that they like haldirams snacks due to
their brand name, 31% of respondents likes due to taste, 8% likes due to affordable
price, and rest of the 85 likes Haldirams products due to any other reason.

Q :-The price of Haldiram’s snacks is

Table 3.9 :-Views about the price of the Haldiram Snacks

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Very High 45 45
High 08 08
Neither High nor Low 47 47
Low 00 00
Very Low 00 00
Total 100 100

Table 3.8 :-Views about the price of the Haldiram Snacks

Views about the price of the Haldiram Snacks

Very High
Neither High nor Low
Very Low

Table 3.8 and Graph 3.7 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 47% has said that the price of the Haldiram snacks is neither high
nor low, 45% has said that the price is very high and rest of the 8% has said that the
price of Haldirams snacks is high.

Q :-The quality of Haldiram’s snacks is

Table 3.10 :-The quality of Haldiram snacks

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Very Good 45 45
Good 15 15
Neither Good nor Bad 40 40
Bad 00 00
Very Bad 00 00
Total 100 100

Graph 3.9 :-The quality of Haldiram snacks

The quality of Haldiram snacks

Very Good
Neither Good nor Bad
Very Bad

Table 3.9 and Graph 3.8 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 45% has said that the quality of Haldirams snacks is very good,
40% has said that the quality of the Haldirams snacks is neither good nor bad and rest
of the 15% has said that the Haldirams snacks are good.

Q :-. Which pack of Haldiram’s snacks you buys most?

Table 3.11 :-Most preferable pack of Haldiram Snacks

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
24 g Rs. 05 35 35
60 g Rs. 10 45 45
100 g Rs. 20 20 20
Any Other 00 00
Total 100 100

Table 3.10 :-Most preferable pack of Haldiram Snacks

Most preferable pack of Haldiram Snacks

24 g Rs. 05
60 g Rs. 10
100 g Rs. 20
Any Other

Table 3.10 and Graph 3.9 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 45% of the respondents likes to buy 60g pack of Rs. 10 of
Haldirams snacks, 35% respondents likes to buy 24g pack of Rs. 5, and rest of the
20% has said that they like to buy the 100g pack of Rs. 20 of Haldirams snacks.

Q :-Haldiram’s charges the right price for their products.

Table 3.12 Right price for the right product

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 10 10
Agree 30 30
Neither agree nor disagree 40 40
Disagree 20 20
Strongly Disagree 00 00
Total 100 100

Table 3.11 :-Right price for the right product

Right price for the right product

Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree

Table 3.11 and Graph 3.10 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 40% of respondents are neither agree nor disagree with the
statement that Haldiram charges right price for the right product to its customers, 30%
respondents are agree with the statement, 10% respondents are strongly agree with the
statement and rest of the 20% respondents are disagree with the statement that
Haldirams charges the right price for its product.

Q :-Do you want more verities in Haldiram’s snacks?

Table 3.13 :- Views aboutmore varieties in Haldiram Snacks

(N = 100)
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Yes 95 95
No 05 05
Total 100 100

Table 3.12 :-Views aboutmore verities in Haldiram Snacks

Views about more varities in Haldiram Snacks


Table 3.12 and Graph 3.11 makes clear that out of 100 respondents that is 95%
respondents wants more verities in Haldirams snacks while rest of the 5%
respondents are satisfied with present verities .

Q :-Are you satisfied with the packaging of Haldiram’s products?

Table 3.14 :- Packaging of Haldirm snacks

(N = 100)
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Yes 90 90
No 10 10
Total 100 100

Graph 3.13 :-Packaging of Haldirm snacks

Packaging of Haldirm snacks


Table 3.13 and Graph 3.12 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 90% of the respondents are satisfied with the packaging of
Haldirams products, while rest of the 10% respondents are not satisfied with the
present packaging of Haldiram’s products.

Q :-Do you want any change in the packaging of haldiram’s snacks?

Table 3.15 :- Views about Packaging

(N = 100)
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Yes 20 20
No 80 80
Total 100 100

Graph 3.14 :-Views about Packaging

Views about Packaging


Table 3.13 and Graph 3.12 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 80% of respondents don’t want any type of change in the present
packaging of Haldiram products, while 20% of respondents wants that the present
packaging of the p[products should be change.

Q :- If yes then which type of change do you want?

Table 3.16 :-Type of change in the packaging

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Size 45 45
Colour Theme 25 25
Pack Rapper 20 20
Any other 10 10
Total 100 100

Graph 3.15 :- Type of change in the packaging

Type of change in the packaging

Colour Theme
Pack Rapper
Any other

Table 3.14 and Graph 3.13 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 45% of respondents want that the size of packaging should be
change, 25% wants that the color theme should be changed, 20% respondents want
that the rapper of pack should be changed and rest of 10% want any other type of
change regarding the Haldirams snacks.

Q :- The quantity of snacks packs is satisfactory in the various packs of
Haldirams Snacks
Table 3.17 :-Quantity of snacks in various packs
(N = 100)
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 18 18
Agree 18 18
Neither agree nor disagree 27 27
Disagree 00 00
Strongly Disagree 37 37
Total 100 100

Graph 3.16 :-Quantity of snacks in various packs

Quantity of snacks in various packs

Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree

Table 3.15 and Graph 3.14 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 37% are strongly dis agree with the statement that the quantity of
the snacks is satisfactory in the various packs of Haldirams snacks, 25% are Neither
agree nor disagree with the statement, 18% are agree, the same is strongly agree with

Q :-Does the Packing of Haldirams Snacks is comfortable to open ?

Table 3.18 :- Comfort ability of packaging to open

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Yes 82 82
No 18 18
Total 100 100

Graph 3.17 :- Comfort ability of packaging to open

Comfort ability of packaging to open


Table 3.16 and Graph 3.15 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 825 of the respondents has said that the packaging of Haldiram
snacks is comfortable to open while rest of 18% has said that the packaging of
Haldiram snacks is not comfortable to open.

Q :-Does the Haldiram’s Snacks caused any negative effects on your health?

Table 3.19 :- Negative effect of Haldirams Snacks on health

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Yes 00 00
No 100 100
Total 100 100

Graph 3.18 :-Negative effect of Haldirams Snacks on health

Negative effect of Haldirams Snacks on health


Table 3.17 and Graph3.16 makes clear that all 100% respondents have said that
Haldirams snacks has not caused any negative effect on their health.

Q :-How would you rate the taste Haldiram’s snacks on the scale of 5 points?

Table 3.20 :- Taste of Haldirams Snacks

(N = 100)
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Very Good 46 46
Good 36 36
Neither Good nor Poor 18 18
Bad 00 00
Very Bad 00 00
Total 100 100

Graph 3.19 :-Taste of Haldirams Snacks

Taste of Haldirams Snacks

Very Good
Neither Good nor Poor
Very Bad

Table 3.18 and Graph 3.17 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 46% has rated the taste of Haldiram products is very good, 36%
has given it the good rating and the rest of 18% has said that the taste of haldirams
snacks is neither good nor bad.

Q :-How would you rate the Haldiram’s products in all aspects?

Table 3.21 :- Overall rating

( N = 100 )
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Very Good 64 64
Good 18 18
Neither Good nor Poor 18 18
Bad 00 00
Very Bad 00 00
Total 100 100

Graph 3.20 :- Overall rating

Overall rating

Very Good
Neither Good nor Bad
Very Bad

Table 3.19 and Graph 3.18 makes clear that out of 100 respondents, majority of
respondents that is 64% has rated the taste of Haldiram products is very good in
overall rating , 18% has given it the good rating, and the rest of 18% has said that the
overall rating of haldiram's snacks is neither good nor bad.

Chapter – 7



Out of 100 respondents, majority of respondents that is 45% respondents prefer

Haldiram, 25% prefers pepsico. snacks, 05% prefers Lehar, 25% prefers devji .

Majority of respondents that is 40% purchase haldirams snacks Daily.36 %

respondents purchases weekly, 18% purchases Haldirams snacks fortnightly and 06%

have said that they don’t know about their frequency of purchase.

Majority of respondents that is 81% has said that they have found difference in

Haldirams snacks as compare to other brands of snacks, while rest of the 19% has said

that they didn’t find any difference between Haldirams snacks and other snacks

brands. Majority of respondents that is 47% has said that Haldirams snacks are tasty,

31% has said that Haldirams snacks are very tasty and rest of the 22% respondents

said that they can’t say anything about the taste of Haldirams snacks. Out of 100

respondents, majority of respondents that is that 23% like taka-tak, same like

snacklite, and the same like the chips of Haldiram. 16% respondents like chees-balls,

8% likes whoopies, and rest of the 7% likes any other products of haldirams. Majority

of respondents that is 53% respondents has said that they like haldirams snacks due to

their brand name, 31% of respondents likes due to taste, 8% likes due to affordable

price, and rest of the 85 likes Haldirams products due to any other reason.

Out of 100 respondents, majority of respondents that is 47% has said that the price of

the Haldiram snacks is neither high nor low, 45% has said that the price is very high

and rest of the 8% has said that the price of Haldirams snacks is high. Majority of

respondents that is 45% has said that the quality of Haldirams snacks is very good,

40% has said that the quality of the Haldirams snacks is neither good nor bad and rest

of the 15% has said that the Haldirams snacks are good. Majority of respondents that

is 45% of the respondents likes to buy 60g pack of Rs. 10 of Haldirams snacks, 35%

respondents likes to buy 24g pack of Rs. 5, and rest of the 20% has said that they like

to buy the 100g pack of Rs. 20 of Haldirams snacks.

Out of 100 respondents, majority of respondents that is 40% of respondents are

neither agree nor disagree with the statement that Haldiram charges right price for the

right product to its customers, 30% respondents are agree with the statement, 10%

respondents are strongly agree with the statement and rest of the 20% respondents are

disagree with the statement that Haldirams charges the right price for its product. Out

of 100 respondents that is 95% respondents wants more verities in Haldirams snacks

while rest of the 5% respondents are satisfied with present verities.

Majority of respondents that is 90% of the respondents are satisfied with the

packaging of Haldirams products, while rest of the 10% respondents are not satisfied

with the present packaging of Haldirams products. Majority of respondents that is

80% of respondents don’t want any type of change in the present packaging of

Haldiram products, while 20% of respondents wants that the present packaging of the

p[products should be change. Out of 100 respondents, majority of respondents that is

45% of respondents want that the size of packaging should be change, 25% wants that

the colour theme should be changed, 20% respondents want that the rapper of pack

should be changed and rest of 10% want any other type of change regarding the

Haldirams snacks.

Majority of respondents that is 37% are strongly dis agree with the statement that the

quantity of the snacks is satisfactory in the various packs of Haldirams snacks, 25%

are Neither agree nor disagree with the statement, 18% are agree, the same is strongly

agree with statement. Majority of respondents that is 825 of the respondents has said

that the packaging of Haldiram snacks is comfortable to open while rest of 18% has

said that the packaging of Haldiram snacks is not comfortable to open.

All 100% respondents has said that Haldirams snacks has not caused any negative

effect on their health. Majority of respondents that is 46% has rated the taste of

Haldiram products is very good, 36% has given it the good rating and the rest of 18%

has said that the taste of haldirams snacks is neither good nor bad. Majority of

respondents that is 64% has rated the taste of Haldiram products is very good in

overall rating , 18% has given it the good rating, and the rest of 18% has said that the

overall rating of Haldirams snacks is neither good nor bad.


Suggestions and Recommendations


The research study has revealed a lot of facts various brands of Haldiram’s. On the
basis of these findings the researcher is suggesting the following suggestions to the
various snacks makers.

 The quality of the product should be good.

 The price of the product should be affordable.
 The Packaging of the product should be comfortable to open and attractive to
the customers.
 The colour theme used on the rapper of the Haldiram’s should be attractive.
 The product should be available at the retail stores at all the times.



In the end, the researcher has reached to the conclusion that the market of Lucknow

district of UP, the Haldiram’s has the largest market share as compared to other

Snacks brands. It is due to the taste of the Haldiram’s and affordable price of the

brand. In order to increases the sale in this particular district the various companies of

Haldiram’s have to think upon the taste, price and packaging of their products. The

quality the product matters more in case of eatable products, so the various snacks

makers should focus on the quality part of the product. If we talk about the packaging,

then the packaging of the products should be attractive to the customers.



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1. Name (optional) :-
.Age :-a) 10-20 yr. b) 21-35 yr.
c) 36-50 yr. d) 51 yr. or above
Gender: -a) Male b) Female
Educational Level : - a) Illiterate b) Under matric c) Matriculate
d) Higher Secondary e) Graduate f) Post Graduate
g) Other.
Income:-a) 0-1 lakh b) 1.1-3 lakh c) 3.1-6 lakh
d) 6.1-10 lakh e) 10.1 lakh above
Profession: -a) Unemployed b) Govt. Job c) Private Job
d) Self-Employed e) Other.

Q2. Which snacks brand you prefer most?

a) Pepsico
b) Haldirams
c) Lehar
d) DevJi

Q3. Have you tasted Haldiram’s snacks?

a) Yes b) No
Q4. How frequently you purchase the Haldiram’s snacks in a month?
a) Daily
b) Fortnightly
c) Weekly
d) Can’t say exactly

Q5. Have you found any difference in Haldiram’s snacks as compare to other snacks

b) Yes b) No

Q6. Haldiram’s snacks are :-

a) Very tasty
b) Tasty
c) Can’t say anything
d) distaste
e) Very Distaste

Q7. Which type of Haldiram’s snacks do you like most?

a) Taka-tak
b) Snacklite
c) Whoopies
d) Chips
e) Chees-balls
f) Any other

Q8. You like the Haldiram’s snacks due to their

a) Taste
b) Affordable Price
c) Brand Name
d) Any other reason

Q9. The price of Haldiram’s snacks is

a) Very High
b) High
c) Neither High nor Low
d) Low
e) Very Low

Q10. The quality of Haldiram’s snacks is
a) Very Good
b) Good
c) Neither good or bad
d) Bad
e) Very Bad

Q11. Which pack of Haldiram’s snacks you buy most?

a) 24 g Rs. 5
b) 60 g Rs. 10
c) 100 g Rs. 20
d) Any other

Q12. Haldiram’s charges the right price for their products.

a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Neither agree not disagree
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree

Q13. Do you want more verities in Haldiram’s snacks?

a) Yes b) No

Q14. Are you satisfied with the packaging of Haldiram’s products?

a) Yes b) No

Q15. Do you want any change in the packaging of haldiram’s snacks?

a) Yes b) No

If yes then which type of change do you want?

a) Size b) Colour theme c) Pack Rapper d) Any other

Q16. The quantity of snacks packs satisfactory in the various packs of Haldiram’s
a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Can’t say anything
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree

Q17. Does the packing of Haldiram’s snacks is comfortable to open?

a) Yes b) No

Q18. Does the Haldiram’s Snacks cause any negative effects on your health?

a) Yes b) No

Q19. How would you rate the taste Haldiram’s snacks on the scale of 5 points?

Very Good : : Very Bad

Q20. How would you rate the Haldiram’s products in all aspects?

Very Good : : Very Bad


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