Katica Markulin

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The News-Herald
Election Questionnaire

Date questionnaire completed: 09/21/2011 Office sought: Judge, Willoughby Municipal Court Political party: Non-Partisan / Independent _______________ Gender: Male / Female (circle one)

Home address: 10662 Angela Drive, Kirtland, Ohio 44094 Length of residence in that community: Occupation: Attorney Marital status: Divorced 8 years Campaign Web site: Employer: Name of spouse: Andrew (19), Emily (17), and Elizabeth (14) markulinforjudge.com

Law Offices of Katica Markulin, LLC

Name and age of any children: Public office experience:

Political office held


Years served

Elected or appointed?





Non-elected experience (committees, boards, etc.): Private practice of law, Law Offices of Katica Markulin, LLC 1994- present PUBLIC SERVICE: Ohio Court of Appeals, Eleventh Appellate District - Staff Attorney, Judicial Clerkship -Judge Joseph E. Mahoney, 1989-1994; Lakeland Community College, Adjunct faculty, 1992-1993 City of Parma Law Department, Law clerk, 1987, United States Information Agency (USIA) Washington D.C., Staff Assistant, Soviet Disinformation 1985-86. Dept. of Justice Pro Bono Program; Legal Aid Society Pro Bono Clinic; Legal Aid Society Vounteer Attorney Program-Citizenship Day; Cuyahoga County Bar Association, certified grievance committee MEMBERSHIPS: Lake County Bar Association, Ohio State Bar Association, American Immigration Lawyers Association, Croatian American Bar Association

School/city/state Years Degree-Subject or Certificate

High School College Graduate Other

McDonald High School, McDonald, Ohio Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio Case Western Reserve University School of Law

1982 1985 1989

Diploma A.B. Political Science/Russian Summa Cum Laude Juris Doctor, Cum Laude

(Note: Only list schools from which you've graduated and/or earned degrees. Please indicate if currently attending.) (Note: If you've completed a certificate program, please list in "Other" row and indicate certificate obtained.) Should you be elected, what are three specific areas you'd like to change, address, improve or further research, and how specifically would you go about it? 1. In the interest of the community: Establish and expand the cooperative efforts between the three Lake County Municipal Courts

in setting up pre-plea intervention programs for offenses involving drugs, alcohol, mental health, and intellectual disabilities. This would also include the establishment of a Veterans Court for special offense related problems of our service men and women. Specialty tracks can be set up with each municipal court responsible for operating one or two of these specialty tracks; patterned after the existing specialty dockets in Mentor Municipal Court. Through alternative intervention and alternative sentencing programs the issue of decreasing jail space and cost of incarceration is greatly alleviated. This allows for the most efficient use of available funding with the greatest benefit to the community. 2. In the interest of judicial economy: Implement Mediation Program to encourage resolution of civil matters saving time and money for all involved. 3. In the interest of upholding Constitutional rights: Change the current requirement of having to pay $975 upfront in order to have a jury trial in a civil case. This upfront fee has a chilling effect and discourages people from exercising their constitutional right to a trial by jury. Instead, any costs associated with a jury trial should be assessed as costs at the conclusion of a case. Whether for past accomplishments or future goals, why should voters elect you? Because Justice must be independent.As the independent, non-partisan candidate, I will maintain the integrity, impartiality, and independence of the Willoughby Municipal Court keeping it free from party politics and special interests. My oath and loyalty is to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. The municipal court is the first place that the people exercise their constitutional rights. It is truly the peoples court. Everyone coming before the court deserves to be treated equally, fairly and respectfully. With more than 22 years experience in the practice of law, I have had the privilege to pursue justice at every court level in the State of Ohio and at various federal court levels. I have worked with judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, victims, the accused, witnesses, court personnel, investigators, and police. My experience practicing before the municipal court is extensive. I have practiced before all the municipal courts in Lake County and in more than 13 others in northeast Ohio. With my broad experience, I have gained special perspective in how the court system works and know where improvements should be made. As the peoples candidate, I am qualified and ready to serve as the peoples judge with integrity, impartiality and independence. JUSTICE STARTS HERE.

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